Summary of The Course (Arnau P, Ainhoa M, Arnau L, Unaï H)
Summary of The Course (Arnau P, Ainhoa M, Arnau L, Unaï H)
Summary of The Course (Arnau P, Ainhoa M, Arnau L, Unaï H)
Verb tenses: Past simple, Present simple, Conditionals, Present perfect, Present
continuous, Future tenses, Past continuous
Present simple :
Key words:
Sometimes (a vegades)
twice a week (dues vegades a la setmana)
usually (normalment)
everyday (cada dia)
Modal verbs
+ (must) = (written obligation) You must play football everyday
- (mustn’t) = (written prohibition) You mustn’t play football everyday
+ (should) = (recommendation) You should play football everyday
- (shouldn’t) = (advise, not recommendation) You shouldn’t play football every
+ (have/has to) = (oral obligation) You have to play football everyday
- (don’t/doesn’t have/has to) = (oral prohibition) You don’t have to play
football every day
Present continuous:
Key words:
Now (ara)
Currently (correntment)
At the moment (en aquest moment)
Conditionals (Zero):
If + Present simple, + Present simple
Ex: + If you heat water, it bails
Conditionals (First):
+ If + Present simple, + Will + Infinitive
-If + don’t + Present simple, + Won’t + Infinitive
Second Conditional:
Present perfect:
Key words:
Just (“just” finished recent action +)
Already (“ja” finished action +)
Yet (“encara”not finished -, ?)
Ever (“alguna vegada” ask if you have done something in your life ?)
Never (“mai”something you haven’t done in you life)
Since (“des de” to talk about when you started to do something)
For (“durant” talking about how many time you have been doing something)
Used to talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present
Past simple:
Used to talk about actions in the past that finished in the past and we know
when they finished.
Past continuous
Key words:
when & while (interrupted action and two parallel actions)
Future Tenses
Key words:
I guess (suposo)
I think (penso)
It’s used to talk about improvised future plans.
Going to
+ + Am/Is/Are + going to + Verb infinitive + Ext
Used to talk about plans that are not improvised intentions in the future.
Questions tags U1
Positive statement (+), Negative tag (-).
Negative statement (-), Positive tag (+)
The tag and the statement have to be in the same verb tense.
You are coming, aren’t you?
He is a bad guy, isn’t he?
She likes Alex, doesn’t she?
We must arrive at 8:00pm, don’t we?
You will go to the party, won’t you?
Use: It’s used to verify a statement. You say a statement and you want to verify
if it’s true. The question tag is used to verify that.
With = Companyia
For = Per qui
To = A qui
At = On
About = Sobre què
From = Des de on
Who are you going with?
What are you studying for?
What are you talking about?
Who am I talking to?
Where are you from?
Where are you looking at?
(Defining): It’s used to give us information about the subject or the object of
the main clause.
(Non-defining): It uses to give us extra information about the main clause.
You can’t use that when the sentence is a non-defining
Who/that people
Which/that things
whose possessions
where places
when times
I myself (singular)
it itself (singular)
we ourselves (plural)
Each other
Uses with Reflexive pronouns: The reflexive pronouns are normally used when
the subject and the object are the same person.
Uses with each other: We use each other or one another when person A does
something to person B, and person B does something to person A.
(- "Each other" doesn't change, it is always in the same form.)
The use is: The present perfect continuous is used to refer to an unspecified
time between 'before now' and 'now'. Emphasize too much to the duration of
the time
In past:
+ + modal verb + have been + extra info
With must be: You must be tired after the long journey.
With might be: He’s more than 2 meters tall. He might be a basketball player.
With can’t be: We’ve been walking for hours. It can’t be far from here.
Ex (in past):
With must be: I can’t find my wallet! I must have dropped it in the taxi.
Past perfect
Use: We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and then we
want to talk about something that happened earlier in the past.
Key words: for the past perfect include already, just, once, never, not yet, until
that moment
Use: We use the future continuous for situations or actions that will be in
progress at a certain time in the future.
Key words: We often use the future continuous with time expressions such as:
this time (this time tomorrow, this time next week) when, at + time (at 7
tomorrow, at midday next Monday), in (in 2 weeks, in 3 months, in 5 year), in
time (in 2 weeks’ time, in 3 months’ time, in 5 years time).
Future Perfect
Use: We use the future perfect for actions that will be finished before certain
time in the future.
Key words: By (by tomorrow, by next week, by the end of the year), By this
time (by this time tomorrow, by this time next week), In (in 2 weeks, in 5
years), When/Before.
By + time expression means ‘not later than’, ‘at’ or ‘before’ certain time.
Present Future
The passive
Use: 1. To keep discourse topics in the subject position of sentences. 2. To avoid
mentioning the agent of an action.
Structure: The passive voice is formed by using a form of the auxiliary verb
“be” (be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been) followed by the past participle of
the main verb
Conditionals 0,1,2,3
0 Conditional
1st conditional
2nd conditional
Structure: The second conditional uses the past simple after if, then 'would'
and the infinitive. This structure can also be inverted using first would and
after that past simple, in this case we don’t put a comma. We can also use were
instead of would for a more informal way of talking.
● If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.(I probably won't win the
● If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.
● She would travel all over the world if she were rich.
● She would pass the exam if she ever studied.(She never studies, so this
won't happen)
Uses: This conditional is used to talk about hypothetical situations that are
unlikely to happen but have a small chance of happening. This conditionals it’s
used to talk about a reaction if something unexpected happened.
3rd conditional
If you had come to class more often, you would have passed the test.
I wish/ if only
Structure in Present of Future wishes