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1) In real time operating system the key parameter is ------

a) Security
b) Efficiency
c) Reliability
d) Time

2) PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) uses operating system

a) Embded
b) personal
c) real-Time
d) smart card

3) Real time operating system ----

a) VxWorks
b) windows xp
c) Mac
d) Solaris

4) Embedded Operating Systems----

a) Windows 10
b) Windows CE
c) Unix
d) ubuntu

5) Personal Operating Systems----

a) Mac
b) Windows CE
c) Unix
d) PalmOS

6) Smart Card Operating Systems mainly concerns about ---

a) protection
b) communication
c) connectivity
d) multiprocessor

7) An operating system for high-end Web servers should be operating system

a) mainframe
b) server
c) personal
d) multiproces
8) Mainframe operating system .............
9) OS/390
10) UNIX
11) Windows 2000
12) Linux
13) Server Operating system
a) OS/390
c) OS/360
d) Android

14) Personal Computer Operating Systems mainly concerns ---

a) Security
b) Efficiency
c) Reliability
d) Conveniently

15) The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the
a) CPU registers
b) program counter
c) process stack
d) pipe

16) A Process Control Block(PCB) does not contain which of the following :
a) Process State
b) Stack
c) Heap
d) boot strap

17) The number of processes completed per unit time is known as.
a) Output
b) Throughput
c) Efficiency
d) Capacity

18) The state of a process is defined by :

a) the final activity of the process
b) the activity just executed by the process
c) the activity to next be executed by the process
d) the current activity of the process

19) Which of the following is not the state of a process ?

a) New
b) Old
c) Waiting
d) Running

20) The Process Control Block is

a) Process type variable
b) Data Structure
c) a secondary storage section
d) a Block in memory
21) Which of the following do not belong to queues for processes ?
a) Job Queue
b) PCB queue
c) Device Queue
d) Ready Queue

22) When a process terminates

a) It is removed from all queues
b) It is removed from all, but the job queue
c) Its process control block is allocated
d) Its process control block is never de-allocated

23) When a process terminates : (Choose Two)

a) It is moved to the ready queue
b) It is removed from all, but the job queue
c) Its process control block is de-allocated
d) Its process control block is never de-allocated

24) When a thread needs to wait for an event it will

a) Block
b) Execute
c) Terminate
d) Update

25) In a pure Kernel Level Thread facility all of work of thread management is done by the
a) Application
b) Program
c) Kernel
d) Threads

26) Microkernel design imposes a uniform

a) Process
b) Processor
c) Interface
d) System

27) Microkernel architecture facilitates

a) Functionality
b) Extensibility
c) Reliability
d) Portability

28) Asynchronous elements in program can be implemented through

a) Bugs
b) Threads
c) Programs
d) Security Policy
29) Unit of dispatching is usually referred as
a) Multiprogramming
b) Security Policy
c) Problem
d) Thread

30) A single machine instruction can controls simultaneous execution of a number processing
elements on
a) Lockstep Basis
b) Open Step Basis
c) Early Basis
d) None

31) Owner of an address space can grant a number of its

a) Modules
b) Pages
c) Devices
d) Computers

32) In Many-to-One multithreading model many user level threads are attached to
a) One register
b) operating system
c) One kernel thread
d) Other threads

33) Programs involve a variety of activities is easier to design and implement using
a) Programs
b) Information
c) Data
d) Threads

34) Multiple threads within same process may be allocated to separate

a) Applications
b) Programs
c) Processors
d) Processes

35) refers to a situation in which a process is ready to execute but is continuously denied access to a
processor in deference to other processes.
a) Synchronization
b) Mutual Exclusion
c) Dead lock
d) Starvation

36) Which of the following is not the approach to dealing with deadlock?
a) Prevention
b) Avoidance
c) Detection
d) Deletion
37) Which of the following are the states of a five state process model?

i)Running ii) Ready iii) New iv) Exit v) Destroy

a) i, ii, iii and v only
b) i, ii, iv and v only
c) i, ii, iii, and iv only
d) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

38) State which statement is true for Suspended process?

i)The process is not immediately available for execution.

ii)The process may be removed from suspended state automatically without removal

a) i only
b) ii only
c) i and ii only
d) None

39) The different types of tables maintained by the operating system are
a) memory, logical , I/O file
b) memory, I/O, file, physical
c) memory, I/O, file, process
d) memory, logical, I/O, physical

40) The simplest way of deadlock is to ...

a) preempt a resource
b) rollback
c) kill one of the processes
d) lock one of the processes

41) Throughput of a system is

a) Number of programs processed by it per unit time
b) Number of times the program is invoked by the system
c) Number of requests made to a program by the system
d) None of the above

42) Round robin scheduling is essentially the preemptive version of ...........

a) first in first out
b) shortest job first
c) shortest remaining
d) longest time first

43) Which of the following describes the ability of an OS to support multiple, concurrent paths of
execution within a single process?
a) Multithreading
b) Multiprocessing
c) Multitasking
d) Multiprogramming

44) A thread is a precess.

a) heavy weight
b) multiprocess
c) inter thread
d) light weight

45) Timer is used to prevent a single

a) Job
b) Time
c) Computer
d) Information

46) Interrupts make an operating system more

a) Rigid
b) Expensive
c) Control
d) Flexible
47) Main function of shared memory is:
a) to use primary memory efficently
b) to do intra process communication
c) to do inter process communication
d) none of above

48) Disk scheduling includes deciding

a) which should be accessed next
b) order in which disk access requests must be serviced
c) the physical location of the file
d) the logical location of the file

49) Which scheduling policy is best suited for time-sharing operating systems

a) Shortest job first

b) Round robin
c) First come first serve
d) Elevator

50) In operating system, each process has its own

a) address space and global variables

b) open files
c) pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
d) all of the mentioned
51) A process can be terminated due to
a) normal exit
b) fatal error
c) killed by another process
d) all of the mentioned

52) What is the ready state of a process?

a) when process is scheduled to run after some execution

b) when process is unable to run until some task has been completed
c) when process is using the CPU
d) none of the mentioned
53) What is interprocess communication?
a) communication within the process
b) communication between two process
c) communication between two threads of same process
d) none of the mentioned

54) A set of processes is deadlock if

a) each process is blocked and will remain so forever
b) each process is terminated
c) all processes are trying to kill each other
d) none of the mentioned

55) A Process Control Block(PCB) does not contain which of the following :
a) Code
b) Stack
c) Bootstrap program
d) Data

56) The number of processes completed per unit time is known as

a) Output
b) Throughput
c) Efficiency
d) Capacity

57) The state of a process is defined by:

a) the final activity of the process
b) the activity just executed by the process
c) the activity to next be executed by the process
d) the current activity of the process
58) Which of the following is not the state of a process?
a) New
b) Old
c) Waiting
d) Running
59) The Process Control Block is:
a) Process type variable
b) Data Structure
c) A secondary storage section
d) A Block in memory

60) A single thread of control allows the process to perform:

a) only one task at a time
b) multiple tasks at a time
c) only two tasks at a time
d) all of the mentioned

61) The objective of multi-programming is to :

a) Have some process running at all times
b) Have multiple programs waiting in a queue ready to run
c) To minimize CPU utilization
d) None of the mentioned

62) When the process issues an I/O request :

a) It is placed in an I/O queue
b) It is placed in a waiting queue
c) It is placed in the ready queue
d) It is placed in the Job queue

63) When a process terminates :

a) It is removed from all queues
b) It is removed from all, but the job queue
c) Its process control block is de-allocated
d) Its process control block is never de-allocated
64) In a time-sharing operating system, when the time slot given to a process is completed, the process
goes from the running state to the :
a) Blocked state
b) Ready state
c) Suspended state
d) erminated state

65) When several processes access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the execution
depends on the particular order in which the access takes place, is called

a) dynamic condition
b) race condition
c) essential condition
d) critical condition

66) If a process is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can be executing in their
critical section. This condition is called
a) mutual exclusion
b) critical exclusion
c) synchronous exclusion
d) asynchronous exclusion

67) Which one of the following is a synchronization tool?

a) thread
b) pipe
c) semaphore
d) socket

68) A semaphore is a shared integer variable

a) that can not drop below zero
b) that can not be more than zero
c) that can not drop below one
d) that can not be more than one

69) Mutual exclusion can be provided by the

a) mutex locks
b) binary semaphores
c) both mutex locks and binary semaphores
d) none of the mentioned

70) Process synchronization can be done on

a) hardware level
b) software level
c) both hardware and software level
d) none of the mentioned

71) A monitor is a module that encapsulates

a) shared data structures
b) procedures that operate on shared data structure
c) synchronization between concurrent procedure invocation
d) all of the mentioned

72) Inter process communication :

a) allows processes to communicate and synchronize their actions when using the same address
b) allows processes to communicate and synchronize their actions without using the same
address space
c) allows the processes to only synchronize their actions without communication
d) none of the mentioned

73) Scheduling of threads are done by

a) input
b) output
c) operating system
d) memory
74) Process synchronization of programs is done by
a) input
b) output
c) operating system
d) memory
75) A process needs
a) through put to execute
b) timer to execute
c) resources to execute
d) both a and b

76) An executed program of computer system is called

a) trap
b) process
c) program
d) interrupt

77) A single threaded process of operating system programs has

a) One program counter
b) Two program counters
c) Three program counters
d) Four program counters

78) Because of virtual memory, the memory can be shared among

a) processes
b) threads
c) instructions
d) none of the mentioned

79) is the concept in which a process is copied into main memory from the secondary memory
according to the requirement.

a) Paging
b) Demand paging
c) Segmentation
d) Swapping

80) Swap space exists in

a) primary memory
b) secondary memory
c) CPU
d) none of the mentioned

81) When a program tries to access a page that is mapped in address space but not loaded in physical
memory, then

a) segmentation fault occurs

b) fatal error occurs
c) page fault occurs
d) no error occurs

82) In FIFO page replacement algorithm, when a page must be replaced

a) oldest page is chosen
b) newest page is chosen
c) random page is chosen
d) none of the mentioned

83) Which algorithm chooses the page that has not been used for the longest period of time whenever
the page required to be replaced?
a) first in first out algorithm
b) additional reference bit algorithm
c) least recently used algorithm
d) counting based page replacement algorithm

84) Virtual memory allows :

a) execution of a process that may not be completely in memory
b) a program to be larger than the physical memory
c) a program to be larger than the secondary storage
d) execution of a process without being in physical memory

85) The instruction being executed, must be in :

a) physical memory
b) logical memory
c) None of these
d) both of them

86) In virtual memory. the programmer of overlays.

a) has to take care
b) does not have to take care
c) None of these
d) both of them

87) Virtual memory is normally implemented by .

i) demand paging
ii) buses
iii) virtualization
iv) All of these

88) A page fault occurs when :

a) a page gives inconsistent data
b) a page cannot be accesses due to its absence from memory
c) a page is invisible
d) All of these

89) When a page fault occurs, the state of the interrupted process is :
a) disrupted
b) invalid
c) saved
d) None of these

90) When a process begins execution with no pages in memory :

a) process execution becomes impossible
b) a page fault occurs for every page brought into memory
c) process causes system crash
d) None of these

91) Program always deals with

a) logical address
b) absolute address
c) physical address
d) relative address

92) The page table contains

a) base address of each page in physical memory
b) page offset
c) page size
d) none of the mentioned

93) Operating System maintains the page table for

a) each process
b) each thread
c) each instruction
d) each address
94) What is compaction?
a) a technique for overcoming internal fragmentation
b) a paging technique
c) a technique for overcoming external fragmentation
d) a technique for overcoming fatal error

95) In segmentation, each address is specified by :

a) a segment number
b) an offset
c) a value
d) a key
96) Each entry in a segment table has a :
a) segment base
b) segment peak
c) segment limit
d) segment value

97) The segment base contains the :

a) starting logical address of the process
b) starting physical address of the segment in memory
c) segment length
d) None of these

98) The segment limit contains the :

a) starting logical address of the process
b) starting physical address of the segment in memory
c) segment length
d) None of these

99) External fragmentation exists when :

a) enough total memory exists to satisfy a request but it is not contiguous
b) the total memory is insufficient to satisfy a request
c) a request cannot be satisfied even when the total memory is free
d) None of these

100) When the memory allocated to a process is slightly larger than the process, then :
a) internal fragmentation occurs
b) external fragmentation occurs
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b

101) A solution to the problem of external fragmentation is :

a) compaction
b) larger memory space
c) smaller memory space
d) None of these

102) In contiguous memory allocation :

a) each process is contained in a single contiguous section of memory
b) all processes are contained in a single contiguous section of memory
c) the memory space is contiguous
d) None of these

103) The relocation register helps in :

a) providing more address space to processes
b) a different address space to processes
c) to protect the address spaces of processes
d) None of these

104) With relocation and limit registers, each logical address must be the limit register.
a) less than
b) equal to
c) greater than
d) None of these

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