wch11 01 Rms 2023JUNE
wch11 01 Rms 2023JUNE
wch11 01 Rms 2023JUNE
June 2023
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Examiners should look for qualities to reward rather than faults to penalise. This does
NOT mean giving credit for incorrect or inadequate answers, but it does mean
allowing candidates to be rewarded for answers showing correct application of
principles and knowledge. Examiners should therefore read carefully and consider
every response: even if it is not what is expected it may be worthy of credit.
/ means that the responses are alternatives and either answer should receive full
( ) means that a phrase/word is not essential for the award of the mark, but helps the
examiner to get the sense of the expected answer.
Phrases/words in bold indicate that the meaning of the phrase or the actual word is
essential to the answer.
ecf/TE/cq (error carried forward) means that a wrong answer given in an earlier part
of a question is used correctly in answer to a later part of the same question.
Candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark. Make
sure that the answer makes sense. Do not give credit for correct words/phrases which
are put together in a meaningless manner. Answers must be in the correct context.
Questions which involve the writing of continuous prose will expect candidates to:
• write legibly, with accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation in order to
make the meaning clear
• select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to complex
subject matter
• organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when
Full marks will be awarded if the candidate has demonstrated the above abilities.
Questions where QWC is likely to be particularly important are indicated (QWC) in the
mark scheme, but this does not preclude others.
Section A
Answer Mark
1 The only correct answer is A (MgBr2) (1)
B is incorrect because the fluoride ion is less polarisable than the bromide ion
C is incorrect because the sodium ion is less polarising than the magnesium ion
D is incorrect because the sodium ion is less polarising than the magnesium ion and the fluoride ion is not as
polarisable as the bromide ion
Answer Mark
2 The only correct answer is B (Mg2+) (1)
A is incorrect because the fluoride anion has fewer protons than magnesium
C is incorrect because the sodium cation has fewer protons than magnesium
D is incorrect because the oxide ion has fewer protons than magnesium
Answer Mark
3 The only correct answer is C (Group 5) (1)
A is incorrect because the jump between 3rd and 4th IE is not as great as between IE 5 and 6
B is incorrect because the jump between 4rd and 5th IE is not as great as between IE 5 and 6
D is incorrect because the jump between 5th and 6th IE is much greater than between IE 6 and 7
Answer Mark
4 The only correct answer is D (1)
1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz 3s
A is incorrect because both occupied 2p orbitals are paired and there is one unoccupied 2p orbital
B is incorrect because the occupied 2p orbital has two electrons with the same spin
C is incorrect because one electron has been promoted into the 3s orbital so the atom is not in its ground state
Answer Mark
5 The only correct answer is A (atomic radius) (1)
D is incorrect because the melting temperatures increase then decrease across Period 3
Answer Mark
6 The only correct answer is C (the repulsion between the outer electrons of sulfur is greater than that of (1)
A is incorrect because the atomic radius of sulfur is less than that of phosphorus
B is incorrect because electronegativity is a measure of the attraction of an atom for the bonding electrons in a
covalent bond
D is incorrect because the screening of the outer electrons of sulfur and phosphorus is the same
Answer Mark
7(a) The only correct answer is B (64) (1)
A is incorrect because the mass of bromide has been converted into moles
C is incorrect because the mass of bromide in mg has been divided by the Ar of bromine before conversion to ppm
D is incorrect because the mass of bromide ions has been taken as 64 g rather than 64 mg
Answer Mark
7(b) The only correct answer is A (2.4 × 1020) (1)
C is incorrect because the mass of the ions has not been divided by the Ar of bromine
D is incorrect because the mass of the ions has not been divided by the Ar of bromine and the mass of solution has
not been divided by 2
Answer Mark
8 The only correct answer is B (0.09 mol aluminium) (1)
A is incorrect because that is the number of moles of aluminium that has reacted
C is incorrect because the reacting ratio of aluminium to acid has been taken as 1:1
D is incorrect because the limiting reagent has not been recognised and the reacting ratio has been reversed
Answer Mark
9 The only correct answer is B (CH2Cl) (1)
A is incorrect because atomic numbers have been used to calculate the empirical formula
D is incorrect because the atomic numbers have been used to calculate the empirical formula and the ratios have not
been simplified
Answer Mark
10 The only correct answer is D (250 cm3 of 0.09 mol dm−3 (NH4)2SO4(aq)) (1)
Answer Mark
11 The only correct answer is D (yellow blue) (1)
A is incorrect because both the ions are moving in the wrong direction
B is incorrect because only the copper(II) ions have been attracted to an electrode
C is incorrect because only the chromate(VI) ions have been attracted to an electrode
Answer Mark
12 The only correct answer is A (beryllium ions are smaller than barium ions) (1)
B is incorrect because the number of electrons does not affect the melting temperature
C is incorrect because the beryllium ion has a larger charge density than the barium ion
B is incorrect because there are four bonding pairs of electrons which repel equally
C is incorrect because there are two bonding pairs of electrons which repel less strongly than the two lone pairs
D is incorrect because there are three bonding pairs of electrons which repel less strongly than the lone pair
Answer Mark
14 The only correct answer is C (SO2) (1)
A is incorrect because although the bonds are polar, the dipoles cancel because the molecule is linear
B is incorrect because although the bonds are polar, the dipoles cancel because the molecule is octahedral
D is incorrect because although the bonds are polar, the dipoles cancel because the molecule is tetrahedral
Answer Mark
15 The only correct answer is C (CH3• + H• → CH4) (1)
B is incorrect because the chlorine free radical and the methyl free radical are present
A is incorrect because the name is not based on the longest carbon chain
B is incorrect because the name is not based on the longest carbon chain
Answer Mark
17 The only correct answer is A (E-1-bromo-2-methylbut-1-ene) (1)
B is incorrect because the highest priority groups are on opposite sides of the double bond
D is incorrect because the longest carbon chain has four atoms and the highest priority groups are on opposite sides
of the double bond
Answer Mark
18(a) The only correct answer is D (14) (1)
A is incorrect because only the C−C single bonds in the ring have been counted
B is incorrect because only the C−C sigma bonds in the ring have been counted
C is incorrect because the eight C−H sigma bonds have been counted but only four C−C single bonds have been
Answer Mark
18(b) The only correct answer is C (0.960) (1)
D is incorrect because hydrogen atoms have been used in the calculation rather than hydrogen molecules
6 4 6 4
Section B
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(a)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following point: (1)
• (vaporised atoms are ionised by) bombarding / striking/ Allow molecules for atoms
hitting/firing with (high speed / high energy) electron(s) Allow electron gun / electron beam /
Allow X + e− → X+ + 2e−
Ignore electron current, voltage
Ignore incorrect ionisation equation
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(a)(ii) An answer that makes reference to the following point: (1)
• (ions are accelerated by) an electric field / voltage/ Ignore references to link between mass of ion and
potential difference / (series of negatively) charged acceleration/speed
plates Do not award references to (electro)magnetic field
Do not award positively charged plates
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(a)(iii) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: (2)
• (atoms/isotopes) have the same/identical electronic (1) Allow the same number of (outer) electrons
configurations / isoelectronic
• (isotopes/atom/ions) have different masses/ different (1) Accept heavier isotopes are deflected less / lighter
m/z (with same charge) isotopes are deflected more
Ignore reference to just neutrons
Ignore reference to protons
Ignore comments linking deflection to charge
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(b)(i) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: (2)
• (weighted) mean / average mass of atom(s) (of an (1) (weighted) mean mass of an atom
element) 1
12 of the (mass) of a carbon 12 atom
• divided by/compared to 1/12 (mass) of a 12C (atom) (1) for both marks
/carbon 12 (atom)
Do not award molecules for atoms
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(b)(ii) Example of calculation (2)
• 101 31 35
P Cl35Cl+ / 31P35Cl2 + All three correct scores 2
Two correct scores 1
• 103 31 35
P Cl37Cl+ / 31P37Cl35Cl+
Allow omission of 31 on P
• 105 31 37 37 +
P Cl Cl / P Cl231 37 + Allow atoms in any order
Allow isotope mass after symbol e.g. Cl35
Ignore any bonds shown between atoms
Penalise omission of / incorrect charge once only
Penalise omission of P once only
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(c)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: (2)
All three correct scores 2
• so the ratios for the three ions are Two correct scores 1
(101) ¾ ¾ = 9/16 (= 0.5625) Allow (101) 3 3 =9
(103) ¼ ¾ 2 = 6/16 (= 0.375) (103) 1 3 2 = 6
(105) ¼ ¼ = 1/16 (= 0.0625) (105) 1 1 =1
Allow use of original isotopic percentages i.e.
75.53% for 35Cl etc
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(d)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following points: Example of diagram (2)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
19(d)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: (3)
• drawn or stated (trigonal) pyramidal shape (1) Ignore reference to bond angle even if incorrect
• minimum repulsion between electron pairs (1) Allow maximum separation between electron pairs
• lone pairs repel more than bonded pairs / lp-bp (1) Do not award lp-lp repulsion is greater than bp-lp/bp-
repulsion is greater than bp-bp repulsion bp repulsion
TE on incorrect dot-and-cross diagram from (d)(i)
for M1 and M2 only
• BaCO3 + 2H+ → Ba2+ + CO2 + H2O Ignore state symbols even if incorrect
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
20(a)(ii) Example of calculation (2)
• calculation of Mr of barium chloride and total Mr of 137.3 + 71 (= 208.3) and
reactants / products (1) 208.3 + 44 +18 (= 270.3)
• barium ion is smaller than the caesium ion (1) Ignore references to atomic radius
• the (electrostatic) attraction/force(s) between the ions is Allow ionic bonding is stronger in barium chloride
greater in barium chloride (1) Allow just bonding if ions are mentioned previously.
Allow barium ions form stronger bonds with chlorine
Ignore references to attraction of nucleus and
Ignore references to electronegativity
Ignore number of bonds
Do not award references to intermolecular forces
• so more energy is required to break the (ionic) bonding
/ higher (negative) lattice energy (1) M4 dependent on M3
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
20(a)(iv) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: Allow reverse argument throughout (2)
• the difference in electronegativity between barium and Ignore barium is less polarising than beryllium
chlorine is greater than that between beryllium and
chlorine/ (electronegativity difference) in BaCl2 is 2.1
and in BeCl2 is 1.5 (1)
• the Ba−Cl bond will have more ionic / less covalent Allow barium chloride is more ionic/less covalent /more
character than the Be−Cl bond (1) polar than beryllium chloride
Allow the Ba-Cl bond is more polar than the Be-Cl bond
Allow Be-Cl bonds are polar covalent
Ignore just “barium chloride is ionic, beryllium chloride
is covalent”
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
20(b) Example of calculation (4)
• graphite has a giant covalent structure / many (strong) Ignore references to intermolecular forces, shape
covalent bonds within the layers/ each carbon atom is (1)
covalently bonded to 3 other carbon atoms
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
21(b)(i) Example of calculation (4)
• the electrolysis of aluminium oxide is reduced / less new aluminium (1) Accept reduces need for electrolysis/
produced extraction
Accept less fossil fuels burned to produce
energy for electrolysis
• recycling involves melting the metal which uses less energy (than (1) Ignore less need to produce cans
electrolysis) Ignore space is saved /landfill
Ignore references to reduction in carbon
dioxide produced
Ignore references to incineration
Do not award no heat/energy is needed
(for recycling)
(Total for Question 21 = 10 marks)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(a)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following points: (2)
• a compound containing hydrogen and carbon only (1) Allow general formula containing C and H only
• which only has single bond(s) / has no multiple bonds (1) Does not contain C=C/no double bonds/all carbon
atoms have the maximum number of hydrogens
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(a)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: (2)
• the vapour condenses at different levels / temperatures (1) Allow different boiling temperatures/ points
Ignore evaporate
Do not award melting temperatures
• the higher the boiling temperature the lower the level at (1) Allow reference to the temperature gradient (high
which it condenses temperature at the bottom of the column, low
temperature at the top)
Allow the higher the volatility, the higher the level at
which it condenses
Ignore references to size, density, viscosity
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(b) Example of calculation (5)
• correct rearrangement of the ideal gas equation and (1) V = nRT = 0.026724 × 8.31 × 298 = 6.6179 × 10−4 (m3)
substitution of values P 1 × 105
• volume / dose in cm3 to 2/3 SF (1) 661.79 ÷ 120 = 5.5149 = 5.51 (cm3)
Answer to 2/3 SF
Penalise incorrect units in final answer only
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(c)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following points: (2)
• fossil fuels are non-renewable/ will run out/ are finite / Do not award biodegradable
biofuels are renewable (1)
• fossil fuels contribute to global warming / biofuels Allow fossil fuels contribute to climate change
release the carbon dioxide absorbed while growing (1) Allow biofuels (don’t release net carbon dioxide
so) are carbon neutral/ net zero
Allow biofuels have a lower carbon footprint
Ignore references to acid rain / NOx /
Do not award references to hydrogen
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(c)(iii) An answer that makes reference to the following point: (1)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(c)(iv) An answer that makes reference to the following point: Allow structural methyl groups shown on branches (1)
and ignore vertical connectivity
• Ignore bond angles
Ignore molecular / structural / displayed formulae
Ignore state symbols even if incorrect
Ignore references to reaction conditions/ catalysts
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(d)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following point: (1)
• to prevent combustion/ oxidation / explosion (of the Allow hydrocarbons are flammable/ can catch fire
mixture) Allow to prevent formation of CO2/ CO /C/
or alcohols/diols/aldehydes
oxygen reacts with hydrocarbons/ ethene /hydrogen Ignore references to side reactions/
(unwanted) products/ incorrect / toxic products
Do not award (oxygen) reacts with steam
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
22(d)(ii) An answer that makes reference to one of the following points: (1)
• dipole on HBr
• curly arrow from C=C bond to H (δ+) Do not award partial charge on C=C
• correct intermediate
• curly arrow from lone pair (if shown) on Br- to C+ If lp shown and M5 scored, arrow must come from lp
Penalise half arrows once only