Mikiel Hollingsworth - Mathematics SBA
Mikiel Hollingsworth - Mathematics SBA
Mikiel Hollingsworth - Mathematics SBA
Title of Project: Preferred Shoe Brand of S.M.C Students
Name of Teacher: Mr. W.Berkley
Discussion 7
Conclusion 7
Most Popular Shoe Brand Among SMC Students
Shoes are more than just footwear; they are a reflection of our personal style, interests,
and even socioeconomic status. For students, shoes are a vital part of their everyday
lives, worn to school, for sports, and for leisure. With so many different brands and styles
available, it is no wonder that students have strong preferences when it comes to their
This CSEC math SBA project will investigate the preferred shoe brands among students
at St. Mary’s College, Castries, Saint Lucia. We will use a survey to collect data on
student preferences, and then analyze this data using statistical methods to identify
trends and patterns.
We will collect data through a survey administered to a random sample of students at St.
Mary’s College. The survey will include questions about students' preferred shoe brands,
the factors that influence their choices, and their spending habits on shoes. We will also
collect data on students' gender, grade level, and socioeconomic background.
Once the data is collected, we will use statistical methods to analyze it. We will calculate
frequencies and percentages to determine the most popular shoe brands. We will also
use chi-square tests to see if there are any statistically significant differences in shoe
preferences between different groups of students. Finally, we will use regression analysis
to determine the factors that have the most influence on students' choice of shoe brand.
Below are the results of my questionnaire.
Analysis of Data
From analyzing the graph presented above, it shows that Nike was the most popular brand of
shoes, with 32 students (44.44%) preferring it. This popularity may be the cause of the large
influence that Nike has on not only Saint Mary’s College, but St. Lucia as well.
The least popular brand of shoes being “Other,” with only 6 students (8.33%) preferring them.
This may be due to the fact that most St. Lucians tend to purchase items that are valued by
others, or items that fit into a named and known brand.
In the middle there are the shoe brands Jordan and Adidas, with 20 and 14 students (27.78% and
19.44%) preferring them respectively. This may be due to the fact that even though Jordan and
Adidas are well known brands, they do not have as much of a hold on Saint Mary’s College as
72 max
I realized that most of the students who chose the other category preferred Puma. When I asked
why they liked Puma, 4 of them said it was because of the hype provided by NBA player Lamelo
Ball and his deal with Puma. The remainder said they like it because it's a comfortable shoe.
When I asked why they liked Jordan most of them said it was because of the style and hype
around the shoe due to its major role in current pop culture. Some said it's because of the high
quality of the shoes. And the rest said they just like the way there's something for almost
The group who chose Adidas were split basically into two categories: they were between comfort
and affordability.
I was not surprised by the amount of people who chose Nike as it is one of the biggest brands
around the world. Most of them liked the shoes because of the hype surrounding them provided
by NBA players, rappers and celebrities. The others liked the style and variety of shoes they
provide for almost every occasion from sports to casual wear.
The findings of this CSEC Math SBA on student shoe brand preferences in Saint Mary's
College, Castries, Saint Lucia, reveal some interesting insights. As expected, Nike
dominates the popularity landscape, claiming the top spot with over 44% of students
favoring it. The low representation of "Other" brands (8.33%) suggests a trend towards
brand consciousness among St. Lucian students. The moderate popularity of Jordan and
Adidas (27.78% and 19.44%, respectively) further emphasizes the strong influence of
brand recognition. While these brands are globally recognized, their appeal in Saint
Mary's College appears to be somewhat subdued compared to Nike.
I started this SBA assuming that Nike would be the most chosen and I was not wrong, but it also
surprised me when I found out that the other column would be dominated by Puma.