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Practice with our DRAGNET GMAT sample questions and Answers PDF copy with over 1,000 sample questions from
past DRAGNET GMAT exams to stay on top of your game.

This DRAGNET GMAT sample questions and Answers PDF copy includes;

Critical Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Numerical Reasoning
Abstract Reasoning

Questions were carefully crafted from past DRAGNET GMAT questions and answers for examinations across Nigeria,
this e-book will equip you to face DRAGNET GMAT job aptitude test and give you an edge over the completion.

You don't need to wait around until job opportunities call before preparing for the recruitment process and part of the
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Nigeria’s Trusted e-libery DRAGNET PAST QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (GMAT)

Dragnet GMAT Questions and answers - Critical Reasoning 5) People should be held accountable for their own actions. However, no person should be
held accountable for actions over which they have no control.
These questions are designed to test your ability to take a series of facts expressed in words and to
understand and manipulate the information to solve a specific problem. They are not so much concerned Which of the following is the most logical conclusion of the argument above?
with measuring your facility with English.
A. People should not be held accountable for the actions of other people.
1) An insurance policy covering fire damage to stock pays 70% of the costs for the first $1,000 B. People have control over their own actions.
and all of the cost thereafter up to a total of $7,000. Following a claim, the claimant had to pay an additional C. People cannot control the actions of other people.
$2,000 to replace damaged stock. How much was the stock worth? D. Actions that cannot be controlled should not be punished.
E. People have no control over the actions of others
A. $9,300
B. $9,700 Explanation:
C. $9,500
D .$8,700 The most logical conclusion of the argument is that ‘Actions that cannot be controlled should not be
.E $8,300 punished’. as this says exactly the same thing as the two individual statements.

Explanation: Option D is the correct answer.

If the claimant had to pay an additional $2,000, then the insurance company musthave paid out 70% of 6) Kurt is a student of Spanish. All students study either Latin or English, but some
$1,000 plus $7,000. students of English do not study Latin because they do not think it is a useful thing to know. Students
This means the insurance company paid out $7,700. of Spanish never study English. Therefore, Kurt must think Latin is a useful thing to know.
The claimant paid an additional $2,000 making the stock worth a total of $9,700.
Option B is the correct answer. Which of the following must be true for the conclusion above to be logically correct?

2) What is the next term in a sequence of numbers? A. Spanish is more useful than English.
B. All students who think Latin is useful study it.
Statement 1 - The third term is 36. C. All students of Latin think it is a useful thing to know.
Statement 2 - The second term is three times the first and the third term is three times the second. D. Latin is more useful than Spanish.
E. All students who find Spanish difficult study English.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. The information given can be summarized as follows:
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. All students study either Latin or English.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. Students of Spanish never study English.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient. Kurt is a student of Spanish and must therefore study Latin.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient.
The statements are as follows:
Explanation: A. Spanish is more useful than English.
B. All students who think Latin is useful study it.
To get the exact value of any term in a sequence of numbers, we need to know the exact value of any term C. All students of Latin think it is a useful thing to know.
and the relation between that term and the others. D. Latin is more useful than Spanish.
The first statement alone gives only the exact value of the third term. the relationship between different E. All students who find Spanish difficult study English.
terms is not known.
The second statement alone gives the relation between different terms but the exact value of any term is not Considering each in turn:
known. A. Is not relevant
Combining the two statements, we have all the required information. B. Initially this looks relevant but ‘All students who think Latin is useful study
Hence both the statements together are required to answer the question, and option C is the correct answer. it’ is not the same as saying all students who study Latin think it is useful.
Kurt might study Latin but not think it is useful. Therefore option B does not
support the conclusion.
3) ‘X’ is a positive integer. Is 'X' odd or even? C. The statement ‘All students of Latin think it is a useful thing to know’
supports the conclusion ‘Kurt must think Latin is a useful thing to know’.
Statement 1 - 2X is even. D. Is not relevant
Statement 2 - The square of X is odd. E. Is not relevant
Option C is the correct answer.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
7) Sabine earns more than Pedro. Sabine earns the same as Maria.
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. Antonio earns less than Maria. Valeria earns less than Sabine.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. Pedro earns less than Valeria.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient. Who earns the least money?
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient.
A. Sabine.
Explanation : B. Valeria.
The first statement alone is not sufficient, since 2X is even for every integer whether it is odd or even. C. Antonio.
D. Pedro.
For example: E. Maria.
2x4=8 Explanation:
The second statement alone tells us that the square of X is odd.
The square of an even integer is always even and square of an odd integer is always odd. So if square of X Working through the statements gives the sequence.
is odd, then X must be odd. Maria = Sabine > Antonio > Valeria > Pedro
Since the second statement alone is sufficient to answer the question and the first statement alone cannot Where > means ‘earns more than’.
answer the question, B is the correct answer. Therefore Pedro earns the least money.
Option D is the correct answer.
4) James was paid $5 more for each day of work than he was paid for the preceding dayof work.
He was hired to work for five days. What was the total amount he waspaid? 8) Richard paid more for his house than did Robert.
Robert paid less for his house than did John.
Statement 1 - He was paid twice as much for the last day as he was for the first. Derek paid more for his house than did Sarah.
Statement 2 - He had made half of the total by the end of the third day. Sarah paid the same amount for her house as did John.

Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question. If the above information is true, which of the following must also be true?

A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. A .Richard paid more for his house than did Derek.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. B .Derek paid more for his house than did Robert.
C Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. C Richard paid more for his house than did John.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient. D. Sarah paid less for her house than did Richard. .
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. E. Sarah paid less for her house than did Robert

Explanation: Explanation:

Firstly we need to work out the simple formula which will enable us to calculate how much James was paid. Working through the statements gives the sequences:
If x is the amount that James was paid on the first day, then he was paid, (x + 5), (x+ 10), (x + 15) and (x + Richard > Robert
20) for the remaining four days of work. Derek > Sarah = John > Robert
Where > means ‘paid more for house than’
The total amount he was paid is (5x + 50).
So if we determine x, we can find the total amount he was paid. Considering the options:
The first statement alone is sufficient since after 3 days his total pay was 3x + 15. A. Richard paid more for his house than did Derek.
We are told that this is equal to half of 5x + 50. B. Derek paid more for his house than did Robert.
C. Richard paid more for his house than did John.
This means that we can get the valueof x by equating the two quantities. D. Sarah paid less for her house than did Richard.
The second statement alone is sufficient since James was paid x + 20 on the last day and so x + 20 = 2x E. Sarah paid less for her house than did Robert.
which can also be equated to give x.
Since each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question, Option D is the A. May not be true.
correct answer. B. Must be true.
C. May not be true.
Note that you do not need to actually calculate the result – only to deduce that youneed both pieces of D. May not be true.
information to do so. E. Must be false.
Option B is the correct answer.

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9) An insurance policy covering flood damage to stock pays 80% of the costs for the first $1,000 Explanation:
and all of the cost thereafter up to a total of $5,000. Following a claim, the claimant had to pay an additional The estimate assumes that: The ratio of copies to readers is the same for ‘Hello’ as for ‘OK’
$1,000 to replace damaged stock. How much was the stock worth? magazine.
The ratio of copies to readers for ‘OK’ magazine is one copy to every three or four readers. In order
A. $5,800 for ‘Hello’ magazine, with a circulation of 500,000 copies, to be read by 1.5 to 2 million readers each
B. $6,400 copy would need to be read by three or four people.
C. $6,200
D .$6,800 Option B is correct.
E. $6,000
14) A crate of wine costs the retailer $225.
Explanation: How much profit does the retailer make on each bottle?

If the claimant had to pay an additional $1,000, then the insurance company must have paid out 80% of Statement 1 - The bottles are sold for $25 each.
$1,000 plus $5,000. Statement 2 - There are 12 bottles in a crate.
This means the insurance company paid out $5,800.
The claimant paid an additional $1,000 making the stock worth a total of $6,800. Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
Option D is the correct answer.
A .Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
10) What percentage of all the marbles in the bag were black? B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Statement 1 - The ratio of black to white marbles in the bag was 20 : 1. D. Each statement alone is sufficient.
Statement 2 - There were 5 white marbles in the bag. E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient.

Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question. Explanation :

A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. We need to know the number of bottles in a crate and the selling price of a bottle to know the
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. relationship between the cost and the selling prices of a bottle.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. The first statement alone is not sufficient to answer the question as it gives the selling price of a
D. Each statement alone is sufficient. bottle, but the number of bottles per crate is not known.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. The second statement alone is not sufficient. The cost of a bottle can be obtained, but the selling
price of each bottle is not known.
Explanation: Combining the two statements, the selling price of a bottle can be obtained from the first statement
Statement 1 gives the ratio of black and white marbles, but does not tell us the total number of marbles in and the cost per bottle is known from the main question and the second statement. Therefore both
the bag. So this statement alone is not sufficient to answer the question. the statements together are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 gives the number of white marbles in the bag. So this statement alone is not sufficient to Option C is the correct answer.
answer the question.
At first sight it may appear that the total number of marbles can be calculated using both statements 15) In the national university baseball league, the record of the teams is as follows:
together like this: White Marbles = 5. Black Marbles = 5 x 20 = 100. Therefore total number of marbles = Harvard have won the fewest games followed in ascending order by Yale, Duke and Princeton.
105. Cornell are one game ahead of Duke. Princeton and Stanford are two games ahead of Cornell. Duke
and Princeton have won an equal number of games. Duke wins the next match.
However there one critical piece of information missing. It is impossible to say whether there are only black
and white marbles in the bag. There may in fact be other colors. Which team is now at the same level as Cornell?

Hence the two statements together are also not sufficient to answer the question. A. Yale.
Since none of the two statements are sufficient to answer the question on their own, and an answer cannot B. Princeton.
be obtained by combining the two statements as well. C. Duke.
D. Stanford.
Option E is the correct answer. E. Harvard.
This question is more of a ‘trick’ question than most of those you will find in critical reasoning tests. However
it has been included to illustrate the importance of not making assumptions when answering these types of Explanation:
question. On the basis of the given information, you can construct the following:
Princeton > Duke > Yale > Harvard
11) Alberto buys a car from Juan and sells it to Antonio.How much did Juan pay for the car? Cornell > Duke > Yale > Harvard
Princeton = Stanford > Cornell > Duke > Yale > Harvard
Statement 1 - Juan sold it to Alberto at 20% profit and Antonio bought it for$10,000. Stanford > Princeton > Cornell > Duke > Yale > Harvard
Statement 2 - Alberto sold it to Antonio for 10% profit. Therefore Duke is now in fourth place.
Option C is the correct answer.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
16) Fiona visits either her mother or her sister every day. Sometimes she has use of the car
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. and sometimes her son takes it. If it is a Monday & she has the car then Fiona visits her mother. If it is
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. a public holiday and she does not have the car then Fiona visits her sister. Sometimes it can be a
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. Monday and a public holiday.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. Which of the following statements must be true?

Explanation: A. If it is not a public holiday and it is a Monday then Fiona visits her mother.
To calculate how much Juan initially paid for the car we need to know the final price and the margins made B. If she has the car and not a public holiday then Fiona visits her mother.
by both Juan and Alberto. C. If she has the car and it is a public holiday then Fiona visits her mother.
Statement 1 gives us both the final sale price and the margin made by Juan. Therefore Statement 1 by itself D. If she has the car and Fiona does not visit her mother then it is not a Monday.
is not sufficient. E. If it is a Monday and a public holiday then Fiona visits her mother.
Statement 2 gives us only the margin made by Alberto. Therefore Statement 2 by itself is not sufficient.
Both statements together do give us all of the information we need. Explanation:
The question statement can be summarized as follows:
Option C is the correct answer. Monday + Car = Visits Mother
Public Holiday + No Car = Visits Sister
12) What percentage is Jane's salary of Sally's salary? A. May not be true because there is no mention of car.
B. May not be true because it may not be a Monday.
Statement 1 - Jane's salary is 80% of Mandy's salary. C. May not be true because it may not be a Monday.
Statement 2 - Sally's salary is 120% of Mandy's salary. D. Must be true because Monday + Car = Mother.
E. May not be true because there is no mention of car.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
Option D is the correct answer.
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. 17) Of the teams competing in the world archery championships, forty percent are from
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. Europe. Three quarters as many are from the United States and one tenth are from Africa.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. What fraction of teams are from neither Europe, the US or Africa.

Explanation: A. 2/5
To answer the question we need to know the percentage of Jane’s salary with respect to Mandy’s salary. B. 3/10
The first statement alone is not sufficient as it only gives the percentage of Jane’s salary with respect to C. 1/5
Mandy’s salary. D. 2/3
The second statement alone is not sufficient as it only gives the percentage of Sally’s salary with respect to E. 3/5
Mandy’s salary.
The first statement tells us that, if Mandy earns $100 then Jane will earn $80 Explanation:
The second statement tells us that, if Mandy earns $100 then Sally will earn $120 The fractions are calculated as follows:
Using both statements together, we can say that Jane earns 80/120 or 66% of Europe = 40% United States = 30% Africa = 10%
Mandy’s salary. 40% + 30% + 10% = 80% of teams are from Europe, the US or Africa.
Therefore 20% must be from other countries. 20% equates to 1/5.
Option C is the correct answer. Option C is correct.
Note that you do not need to actually calculate the result – only to deduce that you need both pieces of
information to do so.
18) The price of both the Sony VM1 and the LG VX2 video monitors were reduced in the
13) between three and four people actually read each copy of ‘OK’. On this basis, weestimate that annual sale. Which item was reduced by the larger amount?
the 500,000 copies of ‘Hello’ that are sold each month are actually readby 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 people. Statement 1 - The price of the Sony VM1 was reduced by 20%.
Statement 2 - The price of the LG VX2 was reduced by 50%.
The estimate above assumes that:
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
A. Most of the readers of ‘Hello’ subscribe to ‘OK’ magazine.
B. The ratio of copies to readers is the same for ‘Hello’ as for ‘OK’ magazine. A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
C. The number of readers of ‘OK’ magazine is similar to the number of readers of ‘Hello’. B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient.
D. Individual magazine readers enjoy more than one type of magazine. C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
E. Readers of ‘Hello’ enjoy sharing their copy with friends and family. D. Each statement alone is sufficient.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient.

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View answer Discuss in forum B. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims.
Explanation: C. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims but suggests that more students
may have contracted the disease than those who have already reported symptoms.
Statement 1 is not sufficient as it says nothing about the reduction of the LG VX2. D. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims. Just because students who are
Statement 2 is not sufficient as it says nothing about the reduction of the Sony VM1. infected may not show symptoms does not alter the fact that they are infected.
Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient because they give only the percentage E. This statement best supports the health inspectors claims as it suggests that many of the students
reduction and the initial prices are not known. It is therefore not possible to say who have reported symptoms would test positive if the test was carried out four days or more after
which monitor was reduced by the larger amount. the onset of symptoms.
Option E is the correct answer.
Option E is correct.
19) There are two standing stones in a field. The first casts a shadow 4 metres long and the
second casts a shadow 5 metres long. How tall is the second standing stone? 23) The founder members of the European Union have comprehensive welfare systems to
Statement 1 - The first standing stone is 3 meters tall. ensure that their citizens are cared for if they are unable to work. There is no reason why the
Statement 2 - The stones are 20 metres apart. countries which have recently joined the European Union should not provide similar welfare systems
for their own citizens.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
Which of the following, if true, would weaken the above argument?
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. A. The European Union does not specify how a member state should run its own welfare system.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. B. Some of the newer members of the European Union have large populations.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient. C. Welfare systems encourage people to avoid getting a job.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. D. Some of the newer members of the European Union were previously communist countries.
E. Some of the newer members of the European Union do not have such developed economies as
Explanation : the founder members.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient. Since we now have both, the height of the first stone and the length of its
shadow, the height of second stone can be found using the same ratio. Explanation:
Second 2 alone is insufficient. The distance between the stones does not provide any information about
their heights. Remember, in these types of question you are looking for the best answer.
Therefore Statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question and statement 2 alone cannot answer the A. This statement is true but does not weaken the argument.
question. B. This statement assumes that countries with larger populations find it more difficult to provide
welfare systems. There is no evidence for this.
Option A is the correct answer. C. This statement is contentious and does not weaken the argument.
Note that you do not need to actually calculate the result – only to deduce that you need both pieces of D. This statement is true but says nothing about the ability of these countries to provide welfare.
information to do so. E. This statement best weakens the argument since countries with less developed economies are
less likely to be able to afford comprehensive welfare systems.
20) The principality of Angora has a population of 100,000. Exactly 60% of the population are
citizens of the principality and 50% are over 21 years of age. How many people are eligible to vote? Option E is correct.
Statement 1 - Exactly 80% of citizens complete their national service.
Statement 2 - Only citizens over 21 years of age who have completed their national service are permitted to 24) Ian paid more for his car than did Simon.
vote. Simon paid less for his car than did Hubert.
Peter paid more for his car than did Sarah.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question. Sarah paid the same amount for her car as did Hubert.

A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. If the above information is true, which of the following must also be true?
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. A. Ian paid more for his car than did Peter.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient. B. Sarah paid less for her car than did Simon.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient C. Simon paid less for his car than did Peter.
D. Ian paid more for his car than did Hubert.
Explanation : E. Sarah paid less for her car than did Ian.

The first statement alone is insufficient because the question statement does not specify the relevance of Explanation:
national service.
The second statement alone is insufficient because the question statement does not specify the proportion On the basis of the given information, you can construct the following:
of citizens who have completed their national service. Peter > Sarah = Hubert > Simon
Taking the first and second statements together it is still not possible to answer the question of eligibility. The position of Ian in the sequence cannot be determined other than to say that he paid more than
This is because even though we know the percentage of citizens and the percentage of people over 21 Simon.
years of age, it is not stated what percentage of the population are citizens of the principality and are also A. Need not be true because the position of Ian in relation to Peter is unknown.
over 21 years of age. B. Is obviously untrue.
Therefore Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. C. Is the correct answer.
Option E is correct. D. Need not be true because the position of Ian in relation to Hubert is unknown.
E. Need not be true because the position of Sarah in relation to Ian is unknown.
21) Geraldine earns more than Maria. But since Sophie earns more than Anne, it follows that
Geraldine earns more than Anne. Option C is correct.
Which of the following statements does not support the conclusion above?
There is one other feature of this question that needs to be pointed out. Note that the form of the
A. Maria earns more than Anne. question statements is the same as the form of the answer options. When you are under pressure it
B. Maria earns more than Sophie. is very easy to confuse the two lists, which means that you would be using one of the answer options
C. Sophie earns more than Geraldine. to construct the sequence. If you see a question of this type, then cover the answer options until you
D. Maria and Sophie earn the same. have constructed the formula. Then compare the answer options to the formula one-by one.
E. Geraldine and Sophie earn the same.
25) Of the teams competing in the world archery championships, twenty percent are from
Explanation: Europe. Half as many are from the United States and one twentieth are from Africa.
The first two statements give the following:
Geraldine > Maria What fraction of teams are from neither Europe, the US or Africa.
Sophie > Anne
Where > means ‘earns more than’. A. 13/20
Working through the answer statements gives the following: B. 15/20
A. Geraldine > Maria > Anne C. 13/15
B. Geraldine > Maria > Sophie > Anne D. 17/20
C. Sophie > Geraldine > Maria E. 13/17
D. Geraldine > Maria = Sophie > Anne
E. Geraldine = Sophie > Anne Explanation:
A. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne. The fractions are calculated as follows:
B. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne. Europe 20% = 4/20
C. Does not support the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne. United States 10% = 2/20
D. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne. Africa 1/20
E. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne. 4/20 + 2/20 + 1/20 = 7/20 teams are from Europe, the US or Africa.
Therefore 13/20 must be from other countries.
Option C is the correct answer. Option A is correct.

26) Oil filters are packed in individual boxes which are then packed into a larger cubic
22) During the past four days over one hundred students at the university have reported transport boxes. How many transport boxes of oil filters will fit into the cargo area of a lorry?
symptoms of amoebic food poisoning, but only five students have tested positive for the condition. A public Statement 1 - Each transport box measures 50cm x 50cm x 50cm.
health inspector claims that this apparent outbreak can be attributed to a consignment of pork used by the Statement 2 - The length and the breadth of the cargo area is 10m and 3m.
refectory as an ingredient in a variety of meals served four days ago.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question.
Which of the following statements best supports the health inspectors claims?
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
A. Food poisoning symptoms last only a few days. B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient.
B. The university refectory provides meals to over one thousand students a day. C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
C. People with amoebic food poisoning often do not exhibit symptoms for five days after contracting it. D. Each statement alone is sufficient.
D. A person can test positive for amoebic food poisoning without exhibiting any symptoms. E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient.
E. People with amoebic food poisoning do not usually test positive until at least four days after the onset of
symptoms. Explanation: To answer this question it is necessary to calculate:
1) The volume of a transport box
Explanation: 2) The volume of the load area.
The first statement alone means that the volume of a transport box can be calculated.
A. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims. The second statement alone does not allow the volume of the cargo area to be
calculated because there is no information about the height.

Therefore Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient and option E is correct.

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27) There are two valves at the bottom of a water tank which allow the tank to be drained. If both
valves are opened, how long will it take before the tank is empty? 31) If Judy comes to the party then Sally leaves the party. If Sally leaves then either
Statement 1 - If only valve 1 is opened, the tank will be empty in 10 minutes. Christine or Clara ask Philip to dance. If Philip is asked to dance by either Christine or Clara and Sally
Statement 2 - If only valve 2 is opened, the tank will be empty in 20 minutes. leaves the party, Philip accepts. If Philip is asked to dance by either Christine or Clara and Sally does
not leave the party, Philip does not accept. If Sally does not leave the party, which of the following
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question. statements can be logically deduced from the information above?

A .Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. A. Christine asks Philip to dance.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. B. Clara asks Philip to dance.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. C. Judy does not come to the party.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient. D. Philip dances with either Christine or Clara.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. E. Philip leaves the party.

Explanation: The first statement alone means that: Explanation:

One tenth of the tank will be emptied per minute when valve 1 is opened. The first sentence states: ‘If Judy comes to the party then Sally leaves the party.’ It follows that if Sally
But since we have no information about the rate of emptying for valve 2, the first statement alone is does not leave the party then Judy does not come to the party. Therefore the information beyond the
insufficient. first sentence is irrelevant.
Option C is the correct answer.
The second statement alone means that:
One twentieth of the tank will be emptied per minute when valve 2 is opened. 32) Pedro goes either hunting or fishing every day. If it is snowing & windy then Pedro goes
But since we have no information about the rate of emptying for valve 1, the second statement alone is hunting. If it is sunny and not windy then Pedro goes fishing. Sometimes it can be snowing and
insufficient. sunny.
However, using both statements we know that one tenth plus one twentieth of the tank is being drained per Which of the following statements must be true:
minute when both valves are open. By adding these two fractions and calculating the reciprocal we can
obtain the time in minutes that it takes to drain the tank with both valves open. A . If it is not sunny and it is snowing then Pedro goes hunting.
Since both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient to answer the B. If it is windy and Pedro does not go hunting then it is not snowing.
question, option D is the correct answer. C. If it is windy and not sunny then Pedro goes hunting.
Note that you do not need to actually calculate the result – only to deduce that you need both pieces of D.If it is windy and sunny then Pedro goes hunting.
information to do so. E. If it is snowing and sunny then Pedro goes hunting.

Explanation: The information given can be reduced to:

28) same time take 30 minutes to fill the bottles. How long should it take Molly working by herself Snowing + Windy = Hunting
to fill the bottles? Sunny + Not Windy = Fishing
Statement 1 - Molly fills half as many bottles as Jim.
Statement 2 - Jim would take 45 minutes by himself. Therefore:
A – Need not be true because it is not stated that it is windy.
Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question. B – Must be true because when it is snowing and windy Pedro goes hunting.
C – Need not be true because it is not stated that it is snowing.
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. D - Need not be true because it is not stated that it is snowing.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient. E - Need not be true because it is not stated that it is windy.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient. Option B is the correct answer.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient.
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient. Dragnet GMAT Questions and answers - Verbal Reasoning

Explanation: Verbal ability tests are very widely used in the selection process since most jobs require you to
understand and make decisions based on verbal or written information.
The first statement alone is sufficient because it means that:
Molly fills 300 bottles and Jim fills 600 bottles in 30 minutes. Verbal ability tests evaluate your ability to spell words accurately, use correct grammar, understand
word meanings, understand word relationships and analyze detailed written information.
Therefore, it would take Molly 90 minutes to fill 900 bottles.
The second statement alone is sufficient because it means that: In law, trespass can be: the criminal act of going into somebody else's land or property without
Jim would fill 900 bottles in 45 minutes. permission of the owner or lessee; it is also a civil law tort that may be a valid cause of action to seek
judicial relief and possibly damages through a lawsuit. In some jurisdictions trespassing is an offence
This means that Jim’s work rate is 20 bottles per minute. or misdemeanour covered by a criminal code. In other jurisdictions, it is not considered a crime or
So, in the 30 minutes working together Jim will fill 600 of the bottles. penal in nature, property is protected from trespass under civil law and privacy acts. In England and
Therefore Molly will fill 300 bottles in 30 minutes or 900 bottles in 90 minutes. Wales, despite the prevalence of notices asserting that "trespassers will be prosecuted", unless the
Since each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question, Option D is the correct answer. trespass is aggravated in some way, it will only be a civil wrong. Although criminal and civil trespass
Note that you do not need to actually calculate the result – only to deduce that you need both pieces of laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, most have the following facets in common: Property owners
information to do so. and their agents (for example, security guards) may
only use reasonable force to protect their property. For example, setting booby traps on a property to
29) In 1695 about 11,400 doctors who had treated plague sufferers died and about 23,670 doctors hurt trespassers or shooting at trespassers are usually strictly forbidden except in extreme
who had not treated plague sufferers died. On the basis of these figures, it can be concluded that it was circumstances. Not all persons seeking access to property are trespassers. The law recognizes the
more dangerous for doctors not to participate in the treatment of plague sufferers than it was for them to rights of persons given express permission to be on the property ("licensees") and persons who have
participate in it. a legal right to be on the property ("invitees") not to be treated as trespassers. For example, a meter
Which of the following statements would cast most doubt on the conclusion above? reader on the property to read the meter is an invitee, as would be a travelling salesperson, or a
police officer seeking to execute a warrant.
A. Expressing the difference between the numbers of deaths among doctors who had treated plague
sufferers and doctors who had not treated plague suffers as a percentage of the total number of deaths.
B. Examining the death rates for doctors in the years before and after 1695. 1) It is very difficult to successfully prosecute someone for trespass.
C. Separating deaths due to natural causes during the treatment of plague suffers from deaths caused by
other causes. A. True
D. Comparing death rates per thousand members of each group rather than comparing total numbers of B. False
deaths. C. Can't say
E. The figures quoted may vary by plus or minus ten percent from the actual figures.
Answer : C
Explanation: 2) Property is only ever protected from trespass under civil law and privacy acts.
There essential information missing from the question statement is the total number of doctors who treated
plague sufferers and the total number of doctors who did not. In order to cast doubt on the conclusion it is A. True
essential to know the mortality rate of doctors in each group rather that the total number. This mortality rate B. False
could be specified as percentage or deaths per thousand or some other measure. The important point is C. Can't say
that it specifies the ratio of doctors who survived compared to doctors who died in each group.
Answer :B

Option D is the correct answer as the other options take no account of the relative sizes of the two groups.
3) In Texas it is legal to use deadly force against trespassers after dark.
30) The cost of manufacturing tractors in Korea is twenty percent less than the cost of
manufacturing tractors in Germany. Even after transportation fees and import taxes are added, it is still A. True
cheaper to import tractors from Korea to Germany than to produce tractors in Germany. B. False
C. Can't say
Which of the following assertions is best supported by this information?
Answer : C
A. Labor costs in Korea are twenty percent below those in Germany. 4) Invitees are people who have been specifically invited onto the property by
B. Importing tractors into Germany will eliminate twenty percent of the manufacturing jobs in Germany. the owner.
C. The costs of transporting a tractor from Korea to Germany is more than twenty percent of the cost of
manufacturing the tractor in Korea. A. True
D. The import taxes on a tractor imported from Korea to Germany is less than twenty percent of the cost of B. False
manufacturing the tractor in Germany. C. Can't say
E. It takes twenty percent less time to make a tractor in Korea than it does in Germany.
Answer : B
Explanation: The question asks ‘Which of the following assertions is best supported by this
information?’ 5) Aggravated trespass is a civil wrong and offenders cannot be prosecuted
A. This assertion is not supported because the twenty percent difference may be
due to costs other than labour costs. A. True
B. This assertion is not supported by the information given. B. False
C. This assertion is not supported by the information given. C. Can't say
D. The import taxes must be less than twenty percent because ‘even after
transport costs and import taxes it is still cheaper to manufacture tractors in Answer : B
E. This assertion is not supported by the information given.
Option D is the correct answer.

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Prions (short for proteinaceous infectious particle) are infectious protein structures that replicate through 16) The Po valley is in Italy.
conversion of normal host proteins of the same type. Though the exact mechanisms of their actions and
reproduction are unknown, it is now commonly accepted that prions are responsible for a number of A. True
previously known but little-understood diseases generally classified under transmissible spongiform B. False
encephalopathy diseases (TSEs), including scrapie (a disease of sheep), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) C. Can't say
and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease). These diseases affect the structure of
brain tissue and all are fatal and untreatable. Answer : C
Not all prions are dangerous; in fact, prion-like proteins are found naturally in many (perhaps all) plants and
animals. Because of this, scientists reasoned that such proteins could give some sort of evolutionary 17) The Etruscan civilization became part of the Roman Republic.
advantage to their host.
A. True
B. False
6) TSE, BSE and scrapie are all forms of CJD. C. Can't say

A. True Answer : A
B. False
C. Can't say
18) The Etruscan civilization dates from the foundation of Rome.
Answer : B
A. True
7) Scrapie is untreatable. B. False
C. Can't say
A. True
B. False Answer : B
C. Can't say
19) Early Rome was founded and dominated by Etruscans.
Answer : A
A. True
B. False
8) Prion diseases are not all dangerous and could give some evolutionary C. Can't say
advantage to their host.
Answer : A
A. True
B. False 20) The Etruscans called the Greeks the ‘Tyrrhenoi’.
C. Can't say
A. True
Answer : B B. False
C. Can't say
9) Prions replicate using proteins from the host animal.
Answer : B
A. True
B. False Under law, negligence is usually defined in the context of jury instructions wherein a judge instructs
C. Can't say the jury that a party is to be considered negligent if they failed to exercise the standard of care that a
reasonable person would have exercised under the same circumstances. In most jurisdictions, it is
Answer : A necessary to show first that a person had a duty to exercise care in a given situation, and that they
10) Prions are thought to be responsible for mad cow disease. breached that duty.
In brief: Negligence, a tort, is a civil wrong consisting of five criteria: Duty or reasonable standard of
A. True care (as decided by judge as a matter of law), Breach (or "negligence" in laymen's terms, decided as
B. False a matter of fact), Injury (the fact that the plaintiff suffered an injury, and is determined at a matter of
C. Can't say fact), Cause in Fact or conduct of defendant that causes plaintiff's injury(s)(decided as a matter of
fact), Legal Cause (now perceived as the foreseeability of the type of injury caused but not the
Answer : A specific injury or extent of injury, determined as a matter of fact). Matters of law are decided by a
judge, matters of fact are decided by a jury.
Nuclear fission (in nuclear physics, simply fission) is a process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into In order to prove negligence, it is not necessary to prove harm, but in order for a cause of action to
two or more smaller nuclei (fission products) and usually some by-product particles. rest in tort, harm must be proven. Hence, it would be meaningless to sue someone for negligence if
Hence, fission is a form of elemental transmutation. The by-products include free neutrons, photons (usually no harm resulted. Conversely, it is not enough that a harm was done. In order for the harm to be
gamma rays), and other nuclear fragments such as beta particles and alpha particles. Fission of heavy compensable in a negligence lawsuit, the defendant must be shown to have been negligent, and it
elements can release substantial amounts of useful energy both as gamma rays and as kinetic energy of must be demonstrated that his negligence was the proximate cause of the harm sustained by the
the fragments. plaintiff.
Nuclear fission is used to produce energy for nuclear power and to drive explosion of nuclear weapons.
Fission is useful as a power source because some materials, called nuclear fuels, both generate neutrons
as part of the fission process and also undergo triggered fission when impacted by a free neutron. Nuclear 21) Proximate cause is an important concept in cases of negligence.
fuels can be part of a self-sustaining chain reaction that releases energy at a controlled rate (in a nuclear
reactor) or a very rapid uncontrolled rate (in a nuclear weapon). A. True
B. False
C. Can't say
11) Nuclear fusion is thought to be safer than fission.
Answer : A
A. True
B. False 22) In some cases negligence can be proven but harm cannot be proven.
C. Can't say
A. True
Answer : C B. False
C. Can't say
12) Alpha particles can be by-products of nuclear fission.
Answer : C
A. True
B. False
C. Can't say 23) Legal cause is one of the criteria which is determined by a judge.

Answer : A A. True
B. False
C. Can't say
13) Fission is dangerous because it causes a chain reaction.
Answer : B
A. True
B. False 24) The defendant must be shown to have been negligent before compensation
C. Can't say can be awarded.
View answer Discuss in forum
Answer : C A. True
14) Fission converts one element into another. B. False
C. Can't say
A. True
B. False Answer : A
C. Can't say
25) Matters of fact and matters of law are decided by a judge and jury respectively.
Answer : A
A. True
15) Fission takes place in both nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. B. False
C. Can't say
A. True
B. False Answer : B
C. Can't say
Metallurgy is concerned with the production of metallic components for use in consumer or
Answer : A engineering products. This involves the production of alloys, the shaping, the heat treatment and the
surface treatment of the product. Common engineering metals are aluminium, chromium, copper,
The Etruscan civilization is the name given today to the culture and way of life of a people of ancient Italy iron, magnesium, nickel, titanium and zinc. These are most often used as alloys. Much effort has
whom ancient Romans called Etrusci, ancient Greeks called Tyrrhenoi and who called themselves Rasenna, been placed on understanding one very important alloy system, that of purified iron, which has
syncopated to Rasna. As distinguished by its own language, the civilization endured from an unknown carbon dissolved in it, better known as steel. Normal steel is used in low cost, high strength
prehistoric time prior to the foundation of Rome until its complete assimilation to Italic Rome in the Roman applications where weight and corrosion are not a problem.
Republic. At its maximum extent during the foundation period of Rome and the Roman kingdom, it flourished
in three confederacies: of Etruria, the Po valley and Latium and Campania. Rome was placed in its territory.
There is considerable evidence that early Rome was founded and dominated by Etruscans.

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26) Using stainless steel avoids problems due to corrosion. 38) Shares can only be taxed when they are sold.

A. True A. True
B. False B. False
C. Can't say C. Can't say

Answer : C Answer : B

27) Metallurgy involves producing alloys for use in engineering products 39) Gambling wins may be defined as personal earnings.

A. True A. True
B. False B. False
C. Can't say C. Can't say

Answer : A Answer : A
40) Some types of income may not be subject to tax.

28) Steel is relatively cheap but can suffer from corrosion. A. True
B. False
A. True C. Can't say
B. False
C. Can't say Answer : A

Answer : A In finance, due diligence may refer to the process of research and analysis that takes place in
29) Aluminium is lighter than iron but not as strong. advance of an investment, takeover, or business partnership. The potential investor generally uses in-
house resources or hires a consulting firm, that specializes in due diligence and corporate
A. True investigations, to investigate the background of the company and principals of the target company.
B. False A due diligence assignment generally includes reviewing press and SEC filings, checking for
C. Can't say regulatory and licensing problems, identifying liens and judgments, and uncovering civil and criminal
litigation matters. Sophisticated investigators will also search for conflicts of interest, insider trading
Answer : C and press and public records that identify problems that may have occurred under the principal's
30) Iron is purified steel which has carbon dissolved in it. The investigative results may be prepared in a "due diligence report" that the investor uses to
understand risks involved in the investment. For example, if negative information is uncovered on a
A. True principal of the target company, the investor may put pressure on the target firm to replace that
B. False individual. In addition to identifying risks and implications of an investment, due diligence may include
C. Can't say data on a company's solvency and assets.

Answer : B
41) Some consulting firms specialize in due diligence investigations.
Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of actress Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe and
actor David Poe, Jr. His father abandoned the family in 1810, and his mother died of tuberculosis when he A. True
was only two, so Poe was taken into the home of John Allan, a successful tobacco merchant in Richmond, B. False
Virginia. Although his middle name is often misspelled as "Allen," it is actually "Allan" after this family. After C. Can't say
attending the Misses Duborg boarding school in London and Manor School in Stoke Newington, London, View answer Discuss in forum
England, Poe moved back to Richmond, Virginia, with the Allans in 1820. Poe registered at the University of Answer : A
Virginia in 1826, but only stayed there for one year.
42) Due diligence concentrates on the target company's solvency and assets.

31) Poe never gained a university degree. A. True

B. False
A. True C. Can't say
B. False View answer Discuss in forum
C. Can't say Answer : B

Answer : C
43) Due diligence procedures are usually undertaken by financial and legal professionals.
32) Poe was born in Richmond Virginia.
A. True
A. True B. False
B. False C. Can't say
C. Can't say View answer Discuss in forum
Answer : C
Answer : B 44) Investigation into civil litigation does not form part of due diligence procedure.

A. True
33) Poe’s mother died before his father. B. False
C. Can't say
A. True View answer Discuss in forum
B. False Answer : B
C. Can't say
45) The management of a target company may be investigated as part of due
Answer : C A. True
B. False
34) Poe spent part of his life in England. C. Can't say
View answer Discuss in forum
A. True Answer : A
B. False
C. Can't say Leo Fender and George Fullerton introduced first the Esquire and then the Broadcaster, the first
standard electric guitars produced by the Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company. Due to
Answer : A a trademark conflict with another musical instrument company (the Gretsch Broadkaster line of
35) Edgar Allan Poe was a famous American author and Poet. drums), the Broadcaster's name was quickly changed to Telecaster and perhaps the most enduring
electric guitar ever was born.
A. True In 1951 Fender introduced the Precision Bass, which changed the shape of music forever. By
B. False replacing the unamplified "stand-up" contrabass, the "P-Bass" radically changed both the practice
C. Can't say and the sound of pop music and jazz. This was followed quickly by the introduction in 1954 of the
Stratocaster, whose modernistic styling and musical versatility made it a true cultural icon, easily the
Answer : C most recognizable and popular electric guitar ever made.

Generally, tax will be charged on personal earnings (wages, welfare), capital gains, and business income.
The rates for different types of income may vary and some may not be taxed at all. Capital gains may be 46) The Broadcaster pre-dated the Stratocaster by three years.
taxed when realised (e.g. when shares are sold) or when incurred (e.g. when shares appreciate in value).
Business income may only be taxed if it is ‘significant’ or based on the manner in which it is paid. Some A. True
types of income, such as interest on bank savings, may be considered as personal earnings (similar to B. False
wages) or as a realised property gain (similar to selling shares). In some tax systems ‘personal earnings’ C. Can't say
may be strictly defined to require that labour, skill, or investment was required (e.g. wages); in others they
may be defined broadly to include windfalls (e.g. gambling wins). Answer : C

47) The Telecaster and Stratocaster designs are still both popular
36) Tax is not charged on welfare payments.
A. True
A. True B. False
B. False C. Can't say
C. Can't say
Answer : A
Answer : B

37) Personal earnings are always strictly defined as earnings where labour, skill, 48) The Precision Bass changed the sound of popular music in the early 1950’s
or investment was required.
A. True
A. True B. False
B. False C. Can't say
C. Can't say
Answer : A
Answer : B

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49) The Esquire and the Broadcaster were the first electric guitars ever made. A power of attorney or letter of attorney in common law systems or mandate in civil law systems is an
authorization to act on someone else's behalf in a legal or business matter. The person authorizing
A. True the other to act is the "principal" or "grantor", and the one authorized to act is the "agent" or "attorney-
B. False in-fact". The attorney-in-fact acts "in the principal's name," signing the principal's name to documents
C. Can't say and filing suit with the principal's name as plaintiff, for example.

Answer : C As one kind of agent, an attorney-in-fact is a fiduciary for the principal, so the law requires an
attorney-in-fact to be completely honest with and loyal to the principal in their dealings with each
50) Leo Fender owned the Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company. other. If the attorney-in-fact is being paid to act for the principal, the contract is a separate matter from
the power of attorney itself, so if that contract is in writing, it is a separate document, kept private
A. True between them, whereas the power of attorney is intended to be shown to various other people.
B. False
C. Can't say The power of attorney may be oral, such as asking someone else to sign your name on a cheque
because your arm is broken, or may be in writing. Many institutions, such as hospitals, banks, and the
Answer : C I.R.S., require a power of attorney to be in writing before they will honor it, and they usually want to
keep an original for their records.
The Battle of Agincourt was fought on 25 October 1415, (Saint Crispin's Day), in northern France as part of
the Hundred Years' War. The combatants were the English army of King Henry V, and that of Charles VI of
France. The latter was not commanded by the incapacitated king himself, but by the Constable Charles 61) In civil law systems the power of attorney is referred to as a mandate.
d'Albret and various notable French noblemen of the Armagnac party. The battle is notable for the use of the
English longbow, which helped the English compensate for their inferior numbers. The battle was also A. True
immortalised by William Shakespeare as the centrepiece of his play Henry V. B. False
C. Can't say

51) The English longbow was pivotal to the outcome of the battle. Answer : A

A. True 62) Only a legal professional can be granted the power of attorney.
B. False
C. Can't say A. True
B. False
Answer : A C. Can't say

52) William Shakespeare saw the battle and reported on it in his play ‘Henry V’. Answer: C

A. True
B. False 63) The power of attorney may be granted verbally.
C. Can't say
A. True
Answer : C B. False
C. Can't say

53) The army of Charles VI outnumbered that of King Henry V. Answer : A

A. True 64) All contracts between the principal and the agent must be made public.
B. False
C. Can't say A. True
B. False
Answer : A C. Can't say

54) Constable Charles d'Albret was a member of the Armagnac Answer : B

A. True
B. False 65) The agent grants the principal the power to act on behalf of the grantor.
C. Can't say
A. True
Answer : C B. False
C. Can't say
55) The Battle of Agincourt marked the end of the Hundred Years' War.
Answer : B
A. True
B. False The refectory opens at 6:30 a.m. to serve breakfast which must be ordered by 9:30 a.m. Lunch is
C. Can't say served between 11:45 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Dinner is served between 6:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Guests
can be accommodated at lunchtimes and dinnertimes provided that 24 hours notice has been given.
Answer : C Vegetarian options are always available but vegans should notify the catering coordinator at the
beginning of each term as should anyone with special dietary requirements. This includes nut, gluten
Two families of venomous snakes are native to the United States. The vast majority are pit vipers, of the and soybean allergies etc.
family Crotalidae, which include rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths. Virtually all of the venomous
bites in this country are from pit vipers. Some, Mojave rattlesnakes or canebrake rattlesnakes, for example,
carry a neurotoxic venom that can affect the brain or spinal cord. Copperheads, on the other hand, have a 66) Dinner can be ordered before 6:00 p.m.
milder and less dangerous venom that sometimes may not require antivenin treatment.
The other family is Elapidae, which includes two species of coral snakes found chiefly in the Southern A. True
states. Related to the much more dangerous Asian cobras and kraits, coral snakes have small mouths and B. False
short teeth, which give them a less efficient venom delivery than pit vipers. People bitten by coral snakes C. Can't say
lack the characteristic fang marks of pit vipers, sometimes making the bite hard to detect.
Answer : C

56) Coral snakes are less dangerous than Asian cobras. 67) Someone allergic to eggs should notify the catering coordinator.

A. True A. True
B. False B. False
C. Can't say C. Can't say

Answer: A Answer : A

57) Bite marks from pit vipers can be hard to detect.

68) Vegetarians should notify the catering coordinator.
A. True
B. False A. True
C. Can't say B. False
C. Can't say
Answer : B
Answer: B
58) Coral snakes are found in Florida and Alabama.
69) Guests cannot be accommodated at breakfast time.
A. True
B. False A. True
C. Can't say B. False
C. Can't say
Answer : C
Answer : C
59) Cottonmouths are also known as Water Moccasins.
70) You can order lunch at 9:45 a.m. if you wish.
A. True
B. False A. True
C. Can't say B. False
C. Can't say
Answer: C
Answer : C
60) Crotalidae and Elapidae are native to the United States.

A. True
B. False
C. Can't say

Answer : A

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Glaciers begin to form where snow remains year-round and enough of it accumulates to transform into ice. 82) oats, wheat, barley
New layers of snow compress the previous layers and this compression forces the icy snow to re-crystallize,
forming grains similar in size and shape to cane sugar. Gradually the grains grow larger and the air pockets A. porridge
between the grains get smaller, meaning that the snow slowly becomes more dense. After about two B. straw
winters, the snow turns into firn, an intermediate state between snow and ice. Over time the larger ice C. rye
crystals become more compressed and even denser, this is known as glacial ice. Glacial ice, because of its D. hay
density and ice crystals, often takes a bluish or even green hue.
Answer : C

71) The increase in density is caused by the grains becoming smaller. Explanation : These are all cereal crops.

A. True 83) thames, don, tiber

B. False
C. Can't say A. orinoco
B. seine
Answer : B C. mississippi
D. indus
72) Snow falls every year in areas where glaciers form.
Answer : B
A. True Explanation: These are all European rivers.
B. False
C. Can't say 84) cheese, milk, butter

Answer : C A. lard
B. margarine
C. hide
73) Glacial ice is always greenish or bluish in color. D. yoghurt

A. True Answer : D
B. False Explanation : These are all dairy products.
C. Can't say
85) meerkat, honeybee, wolf
Answer : B
A. bear
74) Firn is less dense than snow but more dense than ice. B. ant
C. eagle
A. True D. tiger
B. False
C. Can't say Answer : B

Answer : B Explanation: These are all social animals.

75) Glaciers cannot form where snow does not remain all year round. Instruction: Identify the relationship between the word group in the question.
Select the answer which fits best with the group.
A. True
B. False
C. Can't say 86) arrow, spear, javelin

Answer : A A. pilum
B. shield
There are seven species of deer living wild in Britain. The Red Deer and the Roe Deer are native species. C. sword
Fallow Deer were introduced by the Romans and, since the seventeenth century, have been joined by three C. armour
other non-native species: Sika, Muntjac and Chinese Water Deer the ancestors of which have escaped from
parks. In addition, a herd of Reindeer was established in Scotland in 1952. Most of the Red Deer in Britain Answer : A
are found in Scotland, but there are significant wild populations in south-west and north-west England, East
Anglia and the north Midlands. Red deer can interbreed with the introduced Japanese Sika deer and in Explanation : These are all ranged weapons.
some areas, hybrids are common.
87) tomato, apple, pear

76) All of the Muntjac in England have escaped from parks. A. potato
B. asparagus
A. True C. lemon
B. False D. broccoli
C. Can't say
Answer : C
Answer : B
Explanation: These are all fruits.
77) There are no Reindeer in England

A. True 88) prague, paris, berlin

B. False
C. Can't say A. munich
B. lisbon
Answer : C C. naples
D. barcelona

78) The Fallow Deer is not native to Britain. Answer : B

A. True Explanationv : These are all European cities.

B. False
C. Can't say 89) fly, spider, moth

Answer : A A. kangaroo
B. bird
79) Red Deer can interbreed with Fallow Deer. C. mouse
D. ant
A. True
B. False Answer : D
C. Can't say Explanation : These are all arthropods.

Answer : C 90) copper, tin, zinc

80) All of the Red Deer in Britain are found in Scotland A. oxygen
B. brass
A. True C. salt
B. False D. bronze
C. Can't say
Answer : A
Answer: B Explanation : These are all elements.

Instruction: Identify the relationship between the word group in the question. Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question.
Select the answer which fits best with the group. Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship.

81) seal, whale, manatee 91) government : democracy

A. dolphin A. church : pope

B. squid B. pharaoh : dynasty
C. panda C. king : senate
D. bear D. vote : equality
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Answer : A Answer : B
Explanation : A government rules in a democracy. A pharaoh rules in a dynasty.
Explanation: These are all aquatic mammals.

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92) courtroom : lawyer 102) chapter is to book as color is to -------

A. arena : gladiator A. hue

B. contest : team B. artist
C. teacher : class C. palette
D. commuter : train D. spectrum
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Answer : A Answer : D

Explanation : A lawyer performs in a courtroom. A gladiator performs in an arena. Explanation : A book is divided into chapters. A spectrum is divided into colors.

93) indifferent : stoic

103) liability is to asset as expenditure is to -------
A. idol : pagan
B. statue : temple A. income
C. care : sophist B. payments
D. ardent : zealot C. benefit
Answer : D
Answer : A
Explanation : Indifferent behaviour marks a stoic. Ardent behaviour marks a zealot.
Explanation : Liability and asset are opposites. Expenditure and income are opposites.
94) star : astronomy
104) sculptor is to marble as painter is to -------
A. religion : deity
B. event : history A. easel
C. ice : geology B. artist
D. vase : pottery C. canvas
D. brush
Answer : B
Answer : C
Explanation : Stars are studied as part of astronomy. Events are studied as part of history.
Explanation : A sculptor works with marble. A painter works with canvas.
95) hothead : forethought
105) hold is to hatch as room is to -------
A. blatant : scandal
B. despair : anger A. ship
C. coward : courage B. window
D. goal : ambition C. space
D. door
Answer : C
Answer : D
Explanation : A hothead lacks forethought. A coward lacks courage Explanation : A hatch is the entrance to a hold. A door is the entrance to a room.

Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question. 106) storm is to calm as clear is to -------
Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship.
A. quiet
B. cloudy
96) deplete : decrease C. lucid
D. cool
A. shun : avoid
B. overlook : find Answer : B
C. danger : evade
D. like : detest Explanation : Storm and calm are opposites. Clear and cloudy are opposites.

Answer : A 107) freeze is to cool as soak is to -------

Explanation : Deplete and decrease are synonyms. Shun and avoid are synonyms. A. liquid
B. saturate
97) anaesthetic : numb C. moisten
D. water
A. vaccine : virus
B. disease : drug Answer : C
C. sedative : drowsy Explanation : Freeze is an extreme of cool. Soak is an extreme of moisten.
D. action : lunacy

Answer: C 108) volume is to litre as time is to -------

Explanation : An anaesthetic makes something numb. A sedative makes something drowsy. A. minute
B. period
C. instant
98) corrode : acid D.point

A. shoal : bird Answer : A

B. ocean : wave Explanation: Litre is a unit of volume. Minute is a unit of time.
C. pack : cat
D. pod : dolphin 109) wine is to grape as leather is to -------

Answer : D A. animal
B. fur
Explanation: Heard is the collective noun for cows. Pod is the collective noun for dolphins. C. cure
D. hide
99) evaporate : vapour
Answer : D
A. centrifuge : gas Explanation : Wine is made from grapes. Leather is made from hide.
B. petrify : stone
C. saturate : fluid 110) degree is to temperature as current is to -------
D. corrode : acid
A. ohm
Answer : B B. amp
C. wire
Explanation : Vapour may be the result of evaporation. Stone may be the result of petrifaction. D. volt

100) welt : blow Answer : B

A. fall : height Explanation : Temperature is measured in degrees. Current is measured in amps.

B. strike : pain
C. stain : spill Instruction: Identify the relationship between the word group in the question.
D. throw : fly Select the answer which fits best with the group.

Answer : C
Explanation : A welt is the result of a blow. A stain is the result of a spill. 111) Christianity, Islam, Judaism

101) paltry is to substantial as acute is to ------- A. Hinduism

B. Mormonism
A. angle C. Buddhism
B. redundant D. Atheism
C. obtuse
D. sharp Answer : B

Answer: C Explanation : These are all monotheistic religions

Explanation : Paltry and substantial are opposites. Acute and obtuse are opposites.

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112) wheel, turn, swing 122) buoy : channel

A. component A. event : marker

B. gear B. street : sign
C. veer C. flare : accident
D. cog D. road : map
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Answer : C Answer : C

Explanation : These are all verbs describing changes of direction. Explanation : A buoy marks a channel. A flare marks an accident.

113) gate, hatch, door

123) worship : sacrifice
A. trap
B. floor A. pyre : funeral
C. wall B. prediction : omen
D. fence C. invade : frontier
D. entomb : grave
Answer : A
Answer : B
Explanation : These are all hinged means of access.
Explanation: Worship may involve a sacrifice. A prediction may involve an omen.
114) Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune
124) reprimand : admonish
A. moon
B. sun A. recast : clarify
C. planet B. dote : like
D. earth C. annoy : gratify
D. delay : drift
Answer : D
Answer : B
Explanations: These are all planets of the solar system.
Explanation: Reprimand and admonish are synonyms. Dote and like are synonyms.
115) magazine, armoury, barracks
125) cataclysmic : disastrous
A. garrison
B. military A. stygian : dark
C. arsenal B. abysmal : base
D. soldier C. fortuitous : luck
D. sound : divisive
Answer : C
Answer : A
Explanation: These are all military buildings.
Explanation: Cataclysmic and disastrous are synonyms. Stygian and dark are synonyms.
Instruction: Identify the relationship between the word group in the question.
Select the answer which fits best with the group. Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question.
Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship.

116) michigan, erie, ontario

126) travel : wanderlust
A. ohio
B. superior A. bravery : battle
C. washington B. know : curiosity
D. toronto C. quest : passion
D. facts : power
Answer : B
Answer : B
Explanation : These are all Great Lakes.
Explanation : Someone with wanderlust wants to travel. Someone with curiosity wants to know.
117) frock, jacket, coat
127) arrogant : confident
A. sheet
B. shirt A. sage : hostile
C. shoe B. courage : brave
D. cover C. miserly : frugal
D. quiet : coy
Asnwer : B
Answer : C
Explanation: These are all items of clothing covering the body.
Explanation : Arrogant is an extreme of confident. Miserly is an extreme of frugal.

118) hen, duck, goose

128) volume : encyclopaedia
A. falcon
B. sparrow A. book : chapter
C. turkey B. measure : quart
D. bird C. film : scene
D. stanza : poem
Answer : C
Answer : D
Explanation : These are all domestic fowl.
Explanation : A volume is part of an encyclopaedia. A stanza is part of a poem.
119) iceland, sri lanka, australia
129) plane : timber
A. spain
B. england A. file : steel
C. portugal B. hammer : anvil
D. ireland C. square : set
D. saw : cut
Answer : D
Answer : A
Explanation : These are all islands.
Explanation : A plane is a tool used to shape timber. A file is a tool used to shape steel.
120) hammer, saw, screwdriver
130) Aesop : fable
A. spanner
B. pliers A. odyssey : iliad
C. vice B. homer : epic
D. shears C. saga : viking
D. temple : parable
Answer : A
Answer : B
Explanation : These are all tools with no moving parts.
Explanation: Aesop is famous for writing fables. Homer is famous for writing epics.
Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question.
Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship. 131) ransom is to captive as tip is to -------

A. gratuity
121) hanker : yearn B. advice
C. bonus
A. ponder : think D. service
B. assess : guess
C. believe : faith Answer : D
D. find : search
Explanation: A ransom is given for a captive. A tip is given for service.
Answer : A

Explanation : Hanker and yearn are synonyms. Ponder and think are synonyms. Download more @ nairabookstore.com

132) glade is to forest as castle is to ------- 142) micron, mile, yard

A. drawbridge A. second
B. moat B. kilometre
C. turret C. pound
D. keep D. litre

Answer : B Answer: B

Explanation: A glade is surrounded by a forest. A castle is surrounded by a moat. Explanation: These are all measurements of distance.

133) sock is to foot as shoe is to ------- 143) piano, violin, spinet

A. sole A. clarinet
B. foot B. saxophone
C. leg C. flute
D. lace D. guitar

Answer : B Answer : D

Explanation: A sock is worn on the foot. A shoe is worn on the foot. Explanatrion: These are all stringed instruments.

134) scale is to trout as feather is to ------- 144) turnip, onion, swede

A. falcon A. rhubarb
B. quill B. beetroot
C. plume C. strawberry
D. bird D. asparagus

Answer : A Answer : B

Explanation: A trout (type of fish) is covered in scales. A falcon (type of bird) is covered in feathers. Explanation: These are all root vegetables

135) letter is to read as number is 145) rain, sleet, snow

A. formula
B. add A. hail
C. count B. frost
D. figure C. rime
D. ice
Answer: C
Answer: A
Explanation: A letter is the smallest unit in reading. A number is the smallest unit in counting.
Explanation : These are all forms of precipitation.
136) rehearse is to actor as study is to -------
Instruction: Identify the relationship between the word group in the question.
A. learn Select the answer which fits best with the group.
B. teacher
C. performer
D. student 146) nile, amazon, rhine

Answer : D A. baltic
Explanation: An actor rehearses between performances. A student studies between exams. B. michigan
C. danube
137) pig is to pork as calf is to ------- D. victoria

A. veal Answer: C
B. venison Explanation: These are all rivers.
C. cow
D. beef 147) snake, lizard, tortoise

Answer : A A. frog
B. crocodile
Explanation: Pork is the meat of a pig. Veal is the meat of a calf. C. newt
D. toad

138) child is to nanny as horse is to ------- Answer : B

A. stable Explanation: These are all reptiles.

B. mare
C. foal
D. groom 148) capricorn, aries, aquarius

Answer: D A. gemini
B. zodiac
Explanation: A child is looked after by a nanny. A horse is looked after by a groom. C. andromeda
D. astrology
139) building is to annexe as book is to -------
Answer : B
A. chapter
B. appendix Explanation: These are all signs of the zodiac.
C. introduction
D. page 149) ash, beech, elm

Answer: B A. pine
B. cactus
Explanation: An annexe is auxiliary to a building. An appendix is auxiliary to a book. C. ivy
D. oak
140) speech is to lectern as sermon is to -------
Answer : D
A. religion
B. priest Explanation: These are all deciduous trees.
C. pulpit
D. font 150) diamond, ruby, sapphire

Answer : C A. gold
B. emerald
Explanation: A speech is delivered from a lectern. A sermon is delivered from a pulpit. C. platinum
D. pearl
141) mussel, cockle, whelk
Answer : B
A. shark
B. squid Explanation: These are all gemstones.
C. oyster
D. eel Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question.
Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship.
Answer : C

Explanation : These are all shellfish

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151) submerge : dip

161) nursery is to plant as stable is to -------
A. avoid : evade
B. dismiss : ban A. horse
C. plead : ask B. stallion
D. crave : covet C. steady
D. mare
Answer : C
Answer : A
Explanation: To submerge is the extreme of to dip. To plead is the extreme of to ask
Explanation: Plants may be found in a nursery. Horses may be found in a stable.
152) bulky : streamlined
162) broke is to break as said is to -------
A. cluttered : neat
B. sleek : fast A. speak
C. bloated : sink B. say
D. light : massive C. spoke
D. talk
Answer : A
Answer : B
Explanation: If something is bulky, it cannot be streamlined. If it is cluttered it cannot be neat.
Explanation: Broke is the past tense of break. Said is the past tense of say.

153) rook : chess

163) butter is to milk as iron is to -------
A. cricket : ball
B. chip : poker A. ore
C. football : goal B. steel
D. swing : golf C. extract
D. rock
Answer : B
Explanation: A rook is used in a game of chess. A chip is used in a game of poker. Answer : A

Explanation: Butter is made from milk. Iron is made from ore.

154) satchel : bag
164) dictionary is to definitions as atlas is to -------
A. foot : shoe
B. cup : mug A. globe
C. hand : glove B. countries
D. top : hat C. maps
D. earth
Answer : D
Answer : C
Explanation : A satchel is a type of bag. A top hat is a type of hat.
Explanation: A dictionary is comprised of definitions. An atlas is comprised of maps.
155) cohesion : unity
165) stag is to hind as buck is to -------
A. belief : denial
B. dearth : scarcity A. deer
C. fear : unknown B. foal
D. death : famine C. doe
D. fawn
Answer : B
Answer : C
Explanation: Cohesion leads to unity. Dearth leads to scarcity.
Explanation : Stag and hind refer to male and female of some species of deer. Buck and doe refer to
Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question. the
Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship. male and female of other species of deer.

156) moisten : soak 166) squad is to player as card is to -------

A. cool : freeze A. suite

B. oven : heat B. deck
C. grow : shrink C. game
D. water : ice D. deal

Answer : A Answer : B

Explanation: To soak is the extreme of to moisten. To freeze is the extreme of to cool. Explanation: A squad is the most inclusive group to which a player can belong. A deck is the most

157) turncoat : traitor 167) paint is to brush as shape is to -------

A. cushion : bed A. file

B. blush : discomfit B. square
C. scamp : rogue C.form
D. difficult : avoid D. shade

Answer : C Answer : A

Explanation: Turncoat and traitor are synonyms. Scamp and rogue are synonyms. Explanation: A brush is a tool used to paint. A file is a tool used to shape.

158) syllabus : course 168) clay is to kiln as steel is to -------

A. term : college A. anvil

B. semester : term B. heat
C. recipe : feast C. harden
D. menu : meal D. forge

Answer : D Answer : D

Explanation: A syllabus describes the contents of a course. A menu describes the contents of a meal. Explanation : Clay treated by heat in a kiln. Steel is treated by heat in a forge.

159) potable : drink 169) find is to seek as receive is to ------

A. eat : edible A. obtain

B. seaworthy : sail B. ask
C. know : be C. search
D. theory : idea D. invite

Answer : B Answer : B

Explanation: Potable means fit to drink. Seaworthy means fit to sail. Explanation: To find may be the result of to seek. To receive may be the result of to ask.

160) parched : moisture 170) wheel is to turn as flame is to -------

A. distant : vacant A. radiance

B. air : vacuum B. glow
C. laconic : words C. burn
D. time : past D. heat

Answer . C Answer : C

Explanation: Parched means lacking moisture. Laconic means lacking words. Explanation: To turn is the primary action of a wheel. To burn is the primary action of a flame.

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Instruction: Identify the relationship between the word group in the question. 180) barber, florist, draper
Select the answer which fits best with the group.
A. flower
B. cloth
171) ounce, stone, pound C. milliner
D. hair
A. kilogramme
B. tonne Answer : C
C. penny
D. dram Explanation: These are all trades or professions.

Answer : D Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question.
Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship.
Explanation : These are all imperial measurements of weight.

172) vulture, hyena, crow 181) fleeting : evaporate

A. dolphin A. pliant : yield

B. maggot B. clear : penetrate
C. eagle C. hard : struggle
D. tiger D. illusory : exist

Answer : B Answer : A

Explanation: These are all animals that eat carrion. Explanation: Something fleeting may evaporate. Something pliant may yield

182) note : bar

173) bright, gleaming, brilliant
A. word : sentence
A. vigorous B. writing : paper
B. energetic C. picture : pencil
C. radiant D. word : letter
D. lively
Answer : A
Answer : C
Explanation : A musical note is a component of a bar. A word is a component of a sentence.
Explanation: These are all synonyms.

174) capital, arch, column 183) blade : slice

A. pilaster A. dig : shovel

B. edifice B. spade : hole
C. bridge C. bit : drill
D. temple D. iron : grid

Answer : A Answer : C
Explanation: A blade is used to slice. A bit is used to drill.
Explanation : These are all architectural features.
184) billy : nanny
175) bourbon, whisky, gin
A. cow : bull
A. beer B. lord : lady
B. vodka C. silly : sally
C. wine D. cow : calf
D. lager
Answer : B
Asnwer : B
Explanation : These are all distilled spirits.
These are male and female goats and peers respectively
Instruction: Identify the relationship between the word group in the question.
Select the answer which fits best with the group. 185) lethargy : tonic

A. revival : living
176) wool, silk, leather B. ill : recovery
C. cure : fix
A. cotton D. toxin : antidote
B. nylon
C. linen Answer : D
D. fur
Answer : D
Lethargy can be remedied by a tonic. A toxin can be remedied by an antidote.
Explanation : These are all derived from animals.
Identify the relationship between the word pair in the question.
177) pine, fir, cypress Select the answer where the word pair shown has the most similar relationship.

A. mahogany 186) slight : hurt

B. oak
C. spruce A. lag : tardiness
D. teak. B. sound : noise
C. time : lateness
Answer : C D. blind : light

Explnanation: These are all coniferous evergreen trees. Answer : A

178) throw, volley, sling
A slight can result in a hurt. A lag can result in tardiness.
A. hurl
B. grab 187) heel : foot
C. seize
D. catch A. beam : ship
B. hand : palm
Answer : A C. stern : boat
D. cruiser : vessel
Explanation: These are all means of propelling an object away from you.
Answer : C
179) alps, pennines, pyrenees
A. rockies
B. dolomites The heel is at the rear of the foot. The stern is at the rear of a boat.
C. urals
D. himalayas 188) extort : obtain

Answer : B A. purify : strain

B. steal : borrow
Explanation : These are all European mountain ranges. C. explode : ignite
D. pilfer : steal

Answer : D


Extortion is a way of obtaining. Pilfering is a way of stealing.

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199) square is to cube as circle is to -------

191) machine is to mechanic as patient is to -------
A. round
A. dentist B. ball
B. hospital C. pi
C. disease D. sphere
D. ward
Answer : D
Answer : A
A cube is a 3-dimensional square. A sphere is a 3-dimensional circle.
A machine is worked on by a mechanic. A patient is worked on by a dentist.
200) Medicine is to illness as Law is to -------
192) water is to pump as blood is to -------
A. anarchy
A. artery B. discipline
B. vein C. treason
C. heart D. etiquette
D. flow
Answer : A
Answer : C
Medicine is the remedy for illness. Law is the remedy for anarchy.
Water is circulated by a pump. Blood is circulated by the heart
201) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - heed

193) court is to judge as classroom is to ------- A. ignore

B. express
A. teacher C. converse
B. school D. attend
C. learning
D. pupil Answer : A

Answer : A 202) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - frustrate

Explanation: A. mollify
B. pacify
A court is presided over by a judge. A classroom is presided over by a teacher. C. encourage
D. irritate
194) see is to look as feel is to -------
Answer : C
A. sense
B. nerve
C. hand 203) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - abandon
D. touch
A. keep
Answer : D B. discover
C. recover
Explanation: D. locate

One must look in order to see. One must touch in order to feel. Answer : A

195) paper is to tree as glass is to ------- 204) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - mordant

A. clear A. serene
B. sand B. gentle
C. window C. penetrating
D. stone D. acerbic

Answer : B Answer : B

Explanation: 205) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - dissonance

Paper is made from trees. Glass is made from sand. A. note

B. conformist
C. chord
196) settlement is to injury as pension is to ------- D. harmony

A. pensioner Answer : D
B. maturity
C. retirement
D. age 206) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - refute

Answer : C A. believe
B. prove
Explanation: C. allow
D. contradict
A settlement is given following an injury. A pension is given following retirement
Answer : B
197) nib is to pen as lens is to -------
207) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - sedentary
A. seeing
B. glass A. exciting
C. focus B. inanimate
D. telescope C. wearisome
D. active
Answer : D
Answer : D

A nib is a component of a pen. A lens is a component of a telescope. 208) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - compromise

A. confrontation
198) king is to throne as judge is to ------- B. concession
C. indulgence
A. lawyer D. allowance
B. bench
C. court Answer : A
D. trial
209) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - opulence
Answer : B
A. magnanimity
Explanation: B. abstinence
C. moderation
A king sits on a throne. A judge sits on a bench. D. poverty

Answer : D

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210) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - deliberate 222) Which word means - to understand; to figure out

A. purposeful A. dissemble
B. conscious B. improvise
C. accidental C. cosset
D. intentional D. fathom

Answer : C Answer : D

223) Which word means - to scold; to reprove; to reproach

211) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - mesmerize
A. berate
A. contradict B. refute
B. fascinate C. condemn
C. attack D. subjugate
D. confuse
Answer : A
Answer : B
224) Which word means - showy yet useless thing
212) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - quirky
A. gadget
A. appreciation B. bauble
B. ungrateful C. treasure
C. interruption D. gem
D. peculiar
Answer : B
Answer : D
225) Which word means - to forgive; to release; to acquit

213) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - exonerate A. denigrate

B. relish
A. deteriorate C. absolve
B. convey D. counter
C. deliberate
D. absolve Answer : C

Answer : D
226) Which word means - to envelop; to enclose
214) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - consecrate
A. commandeer
A. dedicate B. ingratiate
B. decay C. swathe
C. appease D. coalesce
D. plead
Answer : C
Answer : A
227) Which word means - to secure; to hold firmly, to engross
215) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - lament
A. concede
A. mourn B. expel
B. impulse C. abrogate
C. peril D. rivet
D. fraud
Answer : D
Answer : A

216) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - manipulate 228) Which word means - restrain; control

A. gerrymander A. lament
B. condescend B. liberate
C. conciliate C. curb
D. deviate D. release

Answer : A Answer : C

217) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - abstruse 229) Which word means - garbled; confused; falsified

A. simple A. duplicitous
B. unadorned B. idiomatic
C. painful C. irrelevant
D. perplexing D. distorted

Answer : D Answer : D

230) Which word means - submissive; slavish; subservient

218) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - incorporeal
A. servile
A. unbiased B. insubstantial
B. insubstantial C. enigmatic
C. deceptive D. fatigued
D. agricultural
Answer : A
Answer : B
231) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - happening
219) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - undermine
A. proceeding
A. subvert B. episode
B. demand C. event
C. depreciate D. preceding
D. dishearten
Answer : D
Answer : A
232) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - conclude
220) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - ignominious
A. comprise
A. thorough B. close
B. senseless C. terminate
C. discomfiting D. cease
D. vague
Answer : A
Answer : C

221) Which word means - to waste away; to wither 233) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - antidote

A. atrophy A. solution
B. shrink B. anecdote
C. desiccate C. cure
D. contract D. remedy

Answer : A Answer : B

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234) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - spurious 246) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - prescience

A. bogus A. prudence
B. counterfeit B. resentment
C. winged C. forethought
D. specious D. hindsight

Answer : C Answer : D

235) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - ambivalent 247) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - germane

A. undecided A. undecided
B. unsure B. unsure
C. ambiguous C. ambivalent
D. hesitant D. irrelevant

Answer : C Answer : D

236) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - sharp

248) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - painstaking
A. acrid
B. sour A. straightforward
C. harsh B. careless
D. arid C. immediate
D. painless
Answer : D
Answer : B
237) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - display
249) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - dispassionate
A. exhibit
B. parade A . composed
C. flout B . compassionate
D. flaunt C . sympathetic
D . fiery
Answer : C
Answer : D

238) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - theory 250) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - cognate

A. opinion A. consistent
B. principle B. opposite
C. belief C. different
D. principal D. related

Answer : D Answer : B

239) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - obtain 251) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - slander

A. educe A. malign
B. extract B. demote
C. elicit C. criticize
D. illicit D. fulminate

Answer : D Answer : A

240) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - attitude 252) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - program

A. outlook A. disparity
B. aptitude B. apparatus
C. approach C. schedule
D. manner D. equipment

Answer : B Answer : C

241) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - bucolic

253) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - crass
A. immature
B. portly A. thorough
C. orderly B. inscrutable
D. urban C. insensitive
D. unreadable
Answer : D
Answer : C
242) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - apposite
254) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - repudiate
A. inappropriate
B. resplendent A. embellish
C. provincial B. undermine
D. recalcitrant C. contradict
D. disown
Answer : A
Answer : D

243) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - lurid 255) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - noisome

A. bland A. deafening
B. horrible B. comprehensive
C. strident C. offensive
D, sensational D. despondent

Answer : A Answer : C

244) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - flippant 256) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - preponderate

A. bland A. pretend
B. horrible B. outweigh
C. strident C. conserve
D. sensational D. insinuate

Answer : A Answer : B

245) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - halcyon 257) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - salubrious

A. inarticulate A. unorganized
B. turbulent B. noticeable
C. vociferous C. salacious
D.tranquil D. pure

Answer : B Answer : D

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258) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - augment 271) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - situation

A. deplete A. ecology
B. enhance B. setting
C. disagree C. location
D. restrain D. environment

Answer : B Answer : A

259) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - compliment 272) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - unconcerned

A. circumvent A. apathetic
B. renounce B. nonchalant
C. enhance C. indifferent
D. observe D. disinterested

Answer : C Answer : D

260) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - inarticulate

273) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - agreement
A. hedonistic
B. indistinct A. compliance
C. moderate B. obedience
D. unsophisticated C. conformity
D. complacence
Answer : D
Answer :D
261) Which word means - to become semisolid; to thicken
274) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - besides
A. condense
B. absorb A. also
C. impregnate B. beside
D. coagulate C. further
D. moreover
Answer : D
Answer : B
262) Which word means - division into two parts or kinds
275) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - site
A. allotment
B. dichotomy A. situation
C. dissection B. location
D. split C. place
D. cite
Answer : B
Answer : D

263) Which word means - genuine; trustworthy; reliable 276) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - substantiate

A. fatuous A. uphold
B. transparent B. confirm
C. intangible C. corroborate
D. authentic D. collaborate

Answer: D Answer : D

264) Which word means - intentional; planned 277) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - covetous

A. dormant A. grasping
B. premeditated B. envious
C. tangible C. angry
D. ineffectual D. desirous

Answer : B Answer : C

265) Which word means - to outline; to describe

278) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - pretentious
A. delineate
B. propitiate A. conceited
C. dissemble B. ostentatious
D. extemporize C. affected
D. effected
Answer : A
Answer : D
266) Which word means - morally bad; wicked; immoral
A. nefarious 279) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - morose
B. flamboyant
C. erroneous A. melancholy
D. offensive B. saturnine
Answer : A C. melanistic
D. gloomy
267) Which word means - obvious; substantial; tangible
Answer : C
A. mysterious
B. palpable 280) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - educational
C. reprehensible
D. melodious A. instructive
B. cogent
Answer : B C. didactic
D. edifying
268) Which word means - to pay attention; to listen to
Answer: B
A. heed
B. absolve
C. congregate 281) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - foster
D. quibble
A. cultivate
Answer : A B. withhold
C. discourage
269) Which word means - temporary; of passing interest D. confide

A. ardent Answer :Option C

B. insincere
C. transitory 282) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - disdain
D. Discordant
A. prize
Answer : C B. regard
C. reward
270) Which word means - irresponsible; permissive; lenient D. respect

A. lax Answer : Option D

B. refined
C. convenient
D. harrowing

Answer : A

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283) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - bombastic 296) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - nullify

A. pretentious A. aggravate
B. straightforward B. establish
C. free C. transform
D. complicated D. invalidate

Answer : Option B Answer : Option D

284) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - proverbial 297) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - rebuke

A. common A. censure
B. unknown B. implore
C. unfamiliar C. disparage
D. recognizable D. denigrate

Answer :Option C Answer : Option A

285) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - dally

298) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - unpretentious
A. tardy
B. linger A. realistic
C. depart B. problematic
D. hurry C. pragmatic
D. modest
Answer :Option D
Answer : Option D
286) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - coy
299) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - applause
A. blatant
B. brazen A. evocation
C. obvious B. citation
D. timid C. commendation
D. acclaim
Answer :Option B
Answer : Option D
287) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - problematic
300) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - striated
A. challenging
B. adhesive A. forgiving
C. awkward B. friendly
D. easy C. lined
D. urgent
Answer : Option D
Answer : Option C

288) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - lustrous 301) Which word means - hard work; intense pain; toil

A. tedious A. acrimony
B. smooth B. rancour
C. uneven C. troth
D. dull D. travail

Answer : Option D Answer : Option D

289) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - meander 302) Which word means - to merge; to combine; to unite

A. follow A. amalgamate
B. quicken B. solidify
C. rush C. exonerate
D. curve D. evaporate

Answer : Option C Answer : Option A

290) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - malign

303) Which word means - disaster
A. praise
B. harmless A. calumny
C. befriend B. calamity
D. support C. autocracy
D. blow
Answer : Option A
Answer : Option B
291) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - pittance
A. sinecure 304) Which word means - person who spends money extravagantly
B. servant
C. trifle A. archetype
D. opinion B. wastrel
C. miser
Answer : Option C D. epitome

292) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - profane Answer : Option B

A. blasphemous 305) Which word means - effect; final act or result; consequence
B. tender
C. volunteer A. upshot
D. bestow B. paradox
C. closure
Answer : Option A D. hindsight

293) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - yield Answer : Option A

A. purify
B. measure 306) Which word means - official paper; deed; certificate
C. succumb
D. blight A. act
B. action
Answer : Option C C. document
D. patron
294) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - figment
A. figure Answer : Option C
B. fabrication
C. outline 307) Which word means - shackle; hindrance
D. shape
A. fetter
Answer : Option B B. closure
C. knot
295) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - inconsistency D. tie
A. division
B. anomaly Answer :Option A
C. trait
D. quirk

Answer : Option B

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308) Which word means - nobility; fairness; generosity 320) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - dubious

A. abstinence A. doubtful
B. magnanimity B. incredulous
C. parody C. questioning
D. affluence D. uncertain

Answer : Option B Answer : Option B

309) Which word means - fear of foreigners or strangers 321) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - ambiguous

A. turpitude A. tentative
B. chauvinism B. obvious
C. xenophobia C. vague
D. idolatry D. uncertain

Answer : Option C Answer : Option B

310) Which word means - symbol; metaphor 322) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - turbid

A. allegory A. pretentious
B. dictum B. dull
C. adage C. clear
D. aphorism D. opaque

Answer : Option A Answer : Option C

311) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - prominent

323) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - pious
A. eminent
B. renowned A. arrogant
C. imminent B. irreverent
D. famous C. wealthy
D. moral
Answer : Option C
Answer : Option B
312) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - inclusive
324) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - arrogate
A. widespread
B. complete A. commandeer
C. comprehensive B. seize
D. comprehendible C. defeat
D. surrender
Answer : Option D
Answer : Option D

313) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - disdainful 325) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - timorous

A. contemptible A. brave
B. contemptuous B. ambiguous
C. condescending C. perceptive
D. scorning D. comprehending

Answer : Option A Answer : Option A

314) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - unbroken

326) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - exigent
A. continuous
B. constant A. strenuous
C. intermittent B. light
D. incessant C. easy
D. difficult
Answer : Option C
Answer : Option C
315) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - guidance
327) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - absolve
A. council
B. support A. condemn
C. advice B. pardon
D. counsel C. free
D. exonerate
Answer : Option A
Answer: Option A
316) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - circumspect

A. tactful 328) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - pragmatic
B. discreet
C. diplomatic A. irrational
D. discrete B. impractical
C. exuberant
Answer : Option D D. realistic

317) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - metaphorically ANswer : Option B

A. symbolically 329) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - tawdry
B. literally
C. allegorically A. prosperous
D. figuratively B. clean
C. privileged
Answer: Option B D. tasteful

Answer : Option D
318) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - lessen
330) Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - fecund
A. militate
B. mitigate A. productive
C. diminish B. abundant
D. ease C. barren
D. unfriendly
Answer : Option A
Answe : Option C
319) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - elude
331) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - eject
A. avoid
B. escape A. misrepresent
C. allude B. oust
D. evade C. renounce
D. thrive
Answer : Option C
Answer : Option B

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331) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - eject 343) Which word means - to replace; to usurp

A. misrepresent A. sheathe
B. oust B. grieve
C. renounce C. supplant
D. thrive D. mark
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Answer : Option B Answer : Option C

332) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - stability 344) Which word means - to deter; to discourage

A. complicity A. empathize
B. veracity B. diminish
C. conspiracy C. appreciate
D. homeostasis D. daunt

Answer : Option D Anser : Option D

345) Which word means - to emerge; to issue; to emit

333) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - sodden
A. emanate
A. saturated B. infuse
B. incomplete C. quibble
C. worthless D. tirade
D. rudimentary
Answer : Option A
Answer : Option A
346) Which word means - continuous; eternal; never ceasing
334) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - aggrandize
A. indistinct
A. presume B. perpetual
B. understand C. vigilant
C. exaggerate D. imperturbable
D. appease
Anwer : Option B
Answer : Option C
347) Which word means - unjustifiably malicious; immoral; unmanageable
335) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - suffuse
A. wanton
A. overspread B. diffident
B. shrink C. barren
C. obstruct D. trite
D. renounce
Answer : Option A
Answer : Option A

336) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - condescend 348) Which word means - to accumulate; to gather

A. criticize A. abjure
B. usurp B. assess
C. patronize C. amass
D. contribute D. deliberate

Answer : Option C Answer : Option C

337) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - expedite 349) Which word means - with passionate or intense feelings

A. beckon A. temperamental
B. exterminate B. transitory
C. disrespect C. disconsolate
D. facilitate D. ardent

Answer : Option D Answer : Option D

350) Which word means - tuneful; compatible; marked by agreement

338) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - argumentative
A. inclusive
A. strident B. harmonious
B. confrontational C. saturated
C. irreverent D. lucid
D. vociferous Answer : Option B

Answer : Option B 351) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - recalcitrant

339) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - contradict A. obstinate

B. pessimistic
A. gainsay C. intractable
B. oppose D. disobedient
C. disparage Answer : Option B
D. tarnish
352) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - equanimity
Answer : Option A
A. contradictory
340) Choose the word most similar in meaning to - perplex B. self-control
C. calmness
A. dither D. poise
B. affiliate Answer : Option A
C. discomfit
D. reiterate 353) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - rudimentary

Answer : Option C A. basic

B. elementary
C. simple
341) Which word means - to make better; to improve D. mature
Answer : Option D
A. advance
B. rearrange 354) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - except
C. eradicate
D. emasculate A. bar
B. accept
Answer : Option A C. exclude
D. ban
342) Which word means - to fall; to flow, to pour
Answer : Option B
A. babble
B. counter 355) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - amiss
C. proceed
D. cascade A. improper
B. unsuitable
Answer : Option D C. avoid
D. incorrect

Answer: Option C

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356) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - condemn Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

A. critique
B. disparage 366) A. apearance
C. criticize
D. censure B. appearence

Answer : Option A C. appearanse

357) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - populated D. appearance

A. crowded B
B. packed C
C. populous D
D. populace
Correct Answer : D
Answer : Option D
367) A. contreversial

358) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - energize B. contreversel

A. rejuvenate C. controversial
B. strengthen
C. enervate D. controvertial
D. uplift
Answer : Option C B
359) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - comprise D

A. compose Correct Answer : C

B. cover
C. contain
D. encompass 368) A. millionaire

Answer : Option A B. millionnaire

360) Which word does not have a similar meaning to - outcome C. milionairre

A. affect D. millionnairre
B. result
C. upshot A
D. effect B
Answer : A D

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: Correct Answer : A

369) A. resembleance
361) A. resistence
B. resembelance
B. resistense
C. resemblence
C. resistance
D. resemblance
D. resistanse
Correct Answer : D
Correct Answer : C
370) A. vacum
362) A. prefference
B. vacuumb
B. prefarence
C. vacuum
C. prefrance
D. vacumb
D. preference
Correct Answer : C
Correct Answer : D
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

363) A. presedence
371) A. omission
B. presedance
B. ommission
C. precedance
C. ommision
D. precedence
D. omision
Correct Answer : D B
364) A. accomplish D

B. acomplish Correct Answer : A

C. accommplish 372) A. manefacture

D. accomplesh B. manufacture

ABCD C. manufactuer

Correct Answer : A D. maneufacture

365) A. pamflets A
B. pamphelets C
C. pamphlets
Correct Answer : B
D. pamfelets

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Correct Answer : C
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373) A. irelevant 380) A. immedeately

B. irrelevent B. immediatley

C. irrelavant C. immediately

D. irrelevant D. imediately


Correct Answer : D Correct Answer : C

374) A. unnanimous Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

B. unnanimus
381) A, parallel
C. unannimous
B. parrallel
D. unanimous
C. parralel
B D. paralel
Correct Answer : D C
375) A. ridiculus
Correct Answer : A
B. rediculous
382) A. usally
C. ridiculous
B. usualy
D. rediceulous
C. usaly
B D. usually
Correct Answer : C C
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:
Correct Answer : D

376) A. fallacy
383) A. practicaly
B. fallicy
B. practically
C. falacy
C. practicaley
D. fallasy
D. practiccaly
Correct Answer : A
Correct Answer : B
377) A. enviroment
384) A. camoflage
B. environment
B. camouflage
C. envirement
C. camorflage
D. envirenment
D. camorfladge
Correct Answer : B
Correct Answer
385) A. promenent
378) A. caracteristic
B. prominant
B. carachteristic
C. prominent
C. charactaristic
D. promenant
D. characteristic
Correct Answer : C
Correct Answer : D
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:
379) A. incredable

B. incredeble 386) A. dispensible

C. incredible B. dispensable

D. incredeable C. dispenseble

A D. dispenseable
Correct Answer : C D

Correct Answer : B

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387) A. eligible 394) A. usable

B. eligable B. useble

C. elegable C. useible

D. elegible D. usible


Correct Answer : A Correct Answer : A

395) A. genious
388) A. begining
B. genios
B. beggining
C. genius
C. begining
D. geneus
D. beginning
Correct Answer : C
Correct Answer : D
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:
389) A. condem

B. conndemn 396) A. suseptible

C. conndem B. suseptable

D. condemn C. susceptable

A D. susceptible
Correct Answer : D D

390) A. experiance Correct Answer : D

B. expereince 397) A. persperation

C. experiense B. persperasion

D. experience C. perspiration

A D. perspirasion
Correct Answer : D D

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: Correct Answer : C

391) A. reminicence 398) A. unnforgetable

B. reminisence B. unforgettable

C. reminiscence C. unforgetable

D. reminiscense D. unnforgettable


Correct Answer : C Correct Answer : B

392) A. government 399) A. unecessary

B. goverment B. unnecessary

C. govrenment C. unneccessary

D. govenment D. unnecesary


Correct Answer : A Correct Answer : B

400) A. conceive
393) A. barbacue
B. concieve
B. barbicue
C. conseive
C. barbique
D. consieve
D. barbecue
Correct Answer : A
Correct Answer : D

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401) A. occassion 408) A. expence

B. ocassion B. ecspense

C. occasion C. expense

D. occation D. ecspence


Correct Answer : C Correct Answer : C

402) A. repetision 409) A. pronounse

B. repetition B. pronounce

C. repertition C. pronnounce

D. reperticion D. pronnounse


Correct Answer : B Correct Answer : B

410) A. obstacle
403) A. disipline
B. obsticle
B. disepline
C. obstecle
C. discepline
D. obsteacle
D. discipline
Correct Answer : A
Correct Answer : D
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:
404) A. maintenance

B. maintanance 411) A. genrally

C. maintainance B. generally

D. mainteanance C. generaly

A D. generaley
Correct Answer : A D

405) A. calandar Correct Answer : B

B. calender 412) A. elimanate

C. calander B. elimninate

D. calendar C. eliminate

A D. elliminate
Correct Answer : D D

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: Correct Answer : C

406) A. desease 413) A. obediance

B. disease B. obedience

C. desiese C. obediense

D. dicease D. obidience


Correct Answer : B Correct Answer : B

407) A. descend 414) A .abundance

B. desend B. abundence

C. decend C. abundanse

D. decsend D. abundense


Correct Answer : A Correct Answer : A

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415) A. conceivible 422) A. prejudice

B. concievable B. predjudice

C. conceiveble C. prejudise

D. conceivable D. predjudise


Correct Answer : D Correct Answer : A

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

423) A. sentance

416) A. legitimit B.sentence

B. legitimite C. sentense

C. legitimate D. sentanse

D. legitemate A
D Correct Answer : B

Correct Answer : C 424) A. withdraweral

417) A.experiment B. withdrawel

B. experement C. withdrawal

C. experemant D. withdrawall

D. experimant A
D Correct Answer : C

Correct Answer : A 425) A, disastrous

B. disasterous
418) A. seprate
C. disasterus
B. seperate
D. disastreous
C. seperrate
D. separate B
C Correct Answer : A
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:
Correct Answer : D

419) A. fundementaly 426) A. imagineary

B. fundementally B. imaginery

C. fundemently C. imaginary

D. fundamentally D. imaginry


Correct Answer : D Correct Answer : C

420) A. peaceable 427) A. usage

B. peaciable B. useage

C. peaceble C. usege

D. peaceible D. usedge


Correct Answer : A Correct Answer : A

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

428) A. pavillion

421) A. properganda B. pavileon

B. propeganda C. pavilion

C. propaganda D. pavilleon

D. propagander A
D Correct Answer : C

Correct Answer : C

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429) A. maneageable Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

B. manegeable
436) A. exceed
C. managible
B. excceed
D. manageable
C. eceed
B D. exseed
Correct Answer : D C
430) A. reprasentative
Correct Answer : A
B. reprasentitive 437) A. ligtening

C. representitive B. lighterning

D. representative C. lightning

A D. lightnning
Correct Answer : D D

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: Correct Answer : C

431) A. begger 438) A. reservior

B. beggar B. resevoir

C. begar C. reservoir

D. beger D. resavoir

Correct Answer : B
Correct Answer : C
432) A. spontaneous
439) A. stratigy
B. spontaineous
B. stratagy
C. spontainous
C. stratergy
D. spontanious
D. strategy
Correct Answer : A D

Correct Answer : D
433) A. defenition
440) A. opponent
B. definition
B. oppoenent
C. defenision
C. opponant
D. definision
D. opponnent
Correct Answer : B D

434) A. embarrass Correct Answer : A

B. embarass Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

C. embarras
441) A. apparrent
D. emmbarass
B. apparent
B C. aparrent
D D. apparant

Correct Answer : A
435) A. accessable B
B. acessible D

C. accessible Correct Answer : B

D. acessable 442) A. stubbornness

A B. stuborness
C C. stubornness
D. stubborness
Correct Answer : C


Correct Answer : A

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443) A. preceding 450) A. millennium

B. precceding B. milennium

C. preceeding C. millenium

D. priceeding D. milenium


Correct Answer : A Correct Answer : A

444) A. outragous Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

B. outrageos
451) A. physisian
C. outrageous
B. physician
D. outragious
C. pysician

A D. pysichian
Correct Answer : C C
445) A. equivelent
Correct Answer : B
B. equivalant
452) A. mischievous
C. equivalent
B. mischeivous
D. equivelant
C. mischievious

A D. mischeivios
Correct Answer : C C
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:
Correct Anwer : A

446) A. encouraging
453) A. ocurrence
B. encoureging
B. occurence
C. encoureaging
C. occurrence
D. encoraging
D. ocurence
Correct Answer : A D

447) A. posessive Correct Answer : C

B. possessive 454) A. performence

C. posesive B. performance

D. possesive C. performanse

D. performense
Correct Answer : B D

Correct Answer : B
448) A. vigilent
455) A. pronunciation
B. vigillent
B. pronunsiation
C. viligant
C. pronunciasion
D. vigilant
D. prenunciasion

Correct Answer : D
Correct Answer : A
449) A. continous

B. continuos

C. continuous

D. contineous


Correct Answer : C

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Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: 463) A. condescend

B. condesend
456) A. absense
C. condecend
B. absanse
D. condasend
C. absence

D. absance A
C Correct Answer : A
464) A. warrent
Correct Answer : C
B. warrant
457) A. aquitted
C. warant
A. acquitted
D. warent
A. aquited

A. aquittid A
C Correct Answer : B
465) A. releiving
Correct Answer : B
B. rellieving

458) A. basicaly C. relleiving

B. basically D. relieving

C. basicelly
D. basicalley B
B Correct Answer : D
D Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

Correct Answer : B
466) A. omited
459) A. incidentally
B. omitted
B. incidentaly
C. ommitted
C. incidenetally
D. ommited
D. incidentelly

Correct Answer : B
Correct Answer : A
467) A. sacrifice
460) A. lonliness
B. sacrefice
B. lonleyness
C. sacrifise
C. lonelyness
D. sacrefise
D. loneliness

Correct Answer : A
Correct Answer : D

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: 468) A. intellegence

B. intelligance
461) A. humorus
C. intelligence
B. humourous
D. intellegance
C. humorous

D. humouros A
C Correct Answer : C
469) A. higiene
Correct Answer : C
B. hygiene
462) A. financailly
C. hygeine
B. financially
D. higeine
C. financialy

D. finanshially A
D Correct Answer : B
View answer Discuss in forum
Correct Answer : B
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470) A. feulling 477) A. challenge

B. fueling B. challange

C. fuelling C. chalenge

D. feuelling D. chalange


Correct Answer : C Correct Answer : A

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

478) A. noticeable

471) A. exaust B. noticable

B. exahust C. noticeble

C. ecshaust D. noticeible

D. exhaust
D Correct Answer : A

Correct Answer : D 479) A. particuler

472) A. climbed B. particuller

B. climed C. particular

C. climmed D. particullar

D. cliemed
D Correct Answer : C

Correct Answer : A 480) A. scarry

B. scary
473) A. worthwile
C. scarey
B. wortwhile
D. scarrey
C. worthewhile

D. worthwhile A
C Correct Answer : B
Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:
Correct Answer : D

474) A. tempramental 481) A. tommorrow

B. temperamental B. tomorrow

C. tempremental C. tomorow

D. temperemental D. tommorow

Correct Answer : B
Correct Answer : B
482) A. utilizasion
475) A. simultaneus
B. utillization
B. simulteneous
C. utilization
C. simultaneous
D. utillizasion
D. simultanious
D Correct Answer : C

Correct Answer : C
483) A. accumulate
476) A. posibility
B. acumulate
B. posability
C. accummulate
C. possibility
D. acummulate
D. possebility

Correct Answer : A
Correct Answer : C

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Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: 493) A. necessety

B. neccessity
486) A. existance
C. necessity
B. existanse
D. necesety
C. existence

D. existanse A
C Correct Answer : C
494) A. opportunity
Correct Answer : C
B. opporttunity
487) A. guardian
C. oportunity
B. gardian
D. opportunety
C. gardien

D. guardien A
C Correct Answer : A
495) A. recieve
Correct Answer : A
B. recceive

488) A. medecine C. receive

B. medicine D. resieve

C. medisine
D. medicin B
B Correct Answer : C
D Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word:

Correct Answer : B
496) A. suficient
489) A. insurance
B. sufficient
B. insurrance
C. suffisient
C. insurence
D. sufficeint
D. insuranse

Correct Answer : B
Correct Answer : A
497) A B C D
490) A. floreseant miselaneous misellaneous miscelaneous miscellaneous

B. fluoresent
C. flurescent B
D. fluorescent D

A Correct Answer : D
D 498) A B C D
cemetery cemetary cemmetery cemettery
Correct Answer : D

Select the option which corresponds to the correctly spelled word: A

491) A. defendent D

B. defendant Correct Answer : A

C. deffendant 499) A. impliment

D. deffendent B. implament

A C. implement
C D. implemment
View answer Discuss in forum
Correct Answer : B A
492) A. collectible C
B. collectabel
Correct Answer : C
C. collecteble
500) A. Likely B. Likley C. Likelly D. likeley
D. colectable
D Correct Answer : A

Correct Answer : A
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Dragnet GMAT Questions and answers - Abstract Reasoning Explanation: The halves of the grid are mirror images in the vertical plane. Option C completes
the grid.
Abstract Reasoning assesses your ability to understand complex concepts and assimilate new information
outside of your previous experience. The questions consist of items which require you to recognize patterns 5) Which figure is next in the series?
and similarities between shapes and figures.

1) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The top halves of the dominoes have the ascending sequence Blank, 1, 2, 3, etc.
The bottom halves haves repeat the sequence 3, Blank, 3, Blank, etc. Alternate
dominoes are then inverted. Option A completes this sequence

6) Which figure is next in the series?

Explanation: Figure B is the odd one out. It is the only one in which the diagonals in the
diagonal-within-square are not the same.

2) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The top halves of the dominoes have the descending sequence 2, 1, Blank, six,
five, etc. The bottom halves have the ascending sequence 5, 6, Blank, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Alternate dominoes are then inverted. Option D completes this sequence.

7) Which figure belongs in neither group?

Explanation: Figure C is the odd one out. It is the only figure which does not contain one of
each of the sets of shapes, the second and fifth are identical.

3) Which figure completes the grid?

Explanation: The figures in Group1 circles within rectangles. The figures in Group 2 contain
squares within rectangles. Option D belongs in neither group.

8) Which figure belongs in neither group?

Explanation: Diagonally opposite corners of the grid are colour inversions. Option B completes
the grid.

4) Which figure completes the grid?

Explanation: The figures in Group1 contain three shapes, one of which is curved. The figures in
Group 2 contain three shapes, two of which are curved. Option B belongs in neither

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9) Which figure completes the series? 15) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Option B is the odd one out as it contains an additional black triangle.

16) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: Option C is correct. The figures in the third column are the sum of the figures in
columns one and two, subject to the following rules. If the same shape appears in
column one and column 2 it is deleted. The remaining figure is rotated 90 degrees

10) Which figure completes the series? Explanation: The whole figure is rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise. Option B is the
correct answer.

17) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: The square-within-square is reflected in the vertical plane. The cross becomes a
white square. The black lines are rotated through 90 degrees and a black line is added
between them. Option D is the correct answer.
Explanation: Option B is correct. The squares in the third column are the sum of the squares in
columns one and two, subject to the following rules. If the colour of the squares is the 18) Which figure completes the statement?
same then the result is black. If the colour of the squares is different then the result is

11) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The rectangle is reflected in the horizontal plane. The square is reflected in the
vertical plane. Option B is the correct answer.

19) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: Option E is the odd one out as it is neither a reflection nor a rotation of the others.

12) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation:This transformation follows three rules depending on the colour of the squares on
each end of the three lines. If both squares are white, they are removed. If both
squares are black, they become white. If there is a black and a white square, then both
squares become black. Option D is correct

Explanation: Option D is the odd one out as it is the only one in which the sum of the sides of
the shapes is an odd number. 20) Which figure completes the statement?

13) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The figure is rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise and the colours are inverted.
Option C is correct.

Explanation: Option A is the odd one out as it is neither a reflection nor a rotation of the others 21) Which figure completes the series?

14) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Subsequent figures have an additional white-square-with-cross. Option A

completes the sequence.

Explanation: Option D is the odd one out as it is a reflection, not a rotation, of the others.

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22) Which figure completes the series? Explanation: Figure C is the odd one out. The black squares in each of the other figures add up
to 20. The black squares in figure C add up to 14.

28) Which figure completes the grid?

Explanation: Subsequent figures are rotated through 90 degrees clockwise and an increasing
amount of the original colour is inverted. Option C completes the sequence.

23) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: Columns two and four are identical. Column three is a mirror image of column
one. Option D completes the grid.

29) Which figure completes the grid?

Explanation: The line moves 135 degrees anticlockwise and the black diamond moves clockwise
to the next corner. Option C completes the sequence.

24) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: Black squares and white squares are added alternately. Option B completes the

25) Which figure completes the series? Explanation: The four squares which make up opposite corner blocks are mirror images. Option
C completes the grid.

30) Which figure is next in the series?

Explanation: Subsequent figures are rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise and a black
triangle is added clockwise to the existing black shape. Option D completes the

26) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Every other domino follows a descending pattern 4&6, 4&5, 4&3, 4&2. Option B
continues this series.

31) Which figure is next in the series?

Explanation: Every alternate domino is a 1 & 6, these can be ignored. The remainder follow a
descending pattern of 5, 4, 3, 2 and a repeating pattern of Blank, 1, Blank, 1. Every
other one of these is inverted. Option D continues this series

32) Which figure belongs in neither group?

Explanation: Figure E is the odd one out. In all of the other figures the horizontal line in the
black-circle-within-white-circle is on the same side as the diagonal-line-within square.

27) Which figure is the odd one out?

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Explanation: The figures in Group 1 all contain two arrows pointing to the right. The figures in Explanation: Option E is the odd one out as it is a reflection, not a rotation, of the others.
Group 2 all contain two arrows pointing to the left. Option A belongs in neither group.
39) Which figure is the odd one out?

33) Which figure belongs in neither group?

Explanation: Option B is the odd one out. The sum of the sides of the shapes does not equal

40) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Option A is the odd shape out as it is a reflection, not a rotation, of the others.

Explanation: The figures in Group1 contain circles which are always bounded by their own
rectangle. The figures in Group 2 contain one or two black squares bounded by a 41) Which figure completes the statement?
rectangle. Option C belongs in neither group.

34) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: This transformation follows three rules depending on the colour of the squares on
each end of the three lines. If both squares are white, they are removed. If both
squares are black, they become white. If there is a black and a white square, then both
squares become black. Option D is correct.

42) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: Option A is correct. The squares in the third row are the sum of the squares in
rows one and two, subject to these following rules. If the colour of the squares is the
same then switch colours. If the colour of the squares is different then delete the

35) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: The figure is rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise and then the colours are
inverted. Option C is correct

43) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: Option B is correct. Each row is a 90 degree rotation of the row above.

36) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The figure should be considered as four separate elements. The square-withinsquare
is reflected in the vertical plane and the colours are inverted. The colours of the
three thick lines are inverted. The horizontal line is reflected in the vertical plane and
the vertical line is reflected in the horizontal plane. Option A is the correct answer.

44) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: Option D is the odd one out as the white square is opposite a black square.

37) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation The figure is rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise and then the colours are
inverted. Option D is correct

45) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: Option C is the odd one out as it contains no adjacent black squares.

38) Which figure is the odd one out?

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Explanation The figure is rotated through 90 degrees clockwise and then reflected in the vertical
plane. Option B is correct

46) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation Each figure is rotated through 90 degrees and one of the outermost shapes removed
each time. Option B completes the series.

47) Which figure completes the series?


The number of sides belonging to the black shapes decreases each time. Option A Explanation: Figure D is the odd one out. The other figures all contain five rotations of the
completes the series. same shape.

48) Which figure completes the series? 53) Which figure is next in the series?

Explanation An extra square of alternating colour is added each time and the figure is rotated 90
degrees clockwise. Option A completes the series

49) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: The top halves of the dominoes repeat the sequence 5, 3, 1. The bottom halves
repeat the sequence 2, 4, 6. Alternate dominoes are then inverted. Option C completes
Explanation: The horizontal line alternates between the left and right position. The vertical line this sequence
alternates between 3 states top & bottom, bottom then top. Option D completes the
series. 54) Which figure belongs in neither group?

50) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: Subsequent figures are rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise and an increasing
amount of the original colour is inverted. Option C completes the sequence

51) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The figures in Group1 contain two shapes. The figures in Group 2 contain three
shapes. Option B belongs in neither group.

55) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: Figure D is the odd one out. The other figures contain three repetitions of the
group plus one reflection. Figure D contains two repetitions plus two reflections Explanation :Option D completes the series. If a square is black in both row one and in row two
then a black square appears in row three,.
52) Which figure is the odd one out?

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56) Which figure completes the series? Explanation The square moves to the centre and the lines are duplicated and rotated through 90
degrees. Option C is correct

63) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: The black squares move one place anticlockwise. Option D is correct

64) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation Option C completes the series. The black squares in columns one and two are
combined in column three.

57) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The thick vertical lines are rotated through 90 degrees, the square-within-square is
Explanation : Option D is the odd one out. In the other figures the black and white boxes are moved to the opposite corner and the line is reflected in the vertical plane. Option B is
always opposite each other. correct.

65) Which figure completes the statement?

58) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The figure is rotated through 90 degrees and the black and white squares are
enlarged and brought into the centre. Option B is correct
Explanation: Option A is the odd one out. In the other figures the arrow points from a black to a
white square. 66) Which figure completes the statement?

59) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Option B is the odd one out. It is the only figure where the black and white square
are not in opposite corners. Explanation : The figure is rotated through 90 degrees clockwise. Option C is correct

60) Which figure is the odd one out? 67) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: Option D is the odd shape out as it is not a rotation, of the others. Explanation: The figure is rotated by 90 degrees anticlockwise and a black square is transformed
to white with each iteration. Option B is the next figure in the series. Note that option
61) Which figure is the odd one out? A will not work because the black square is in the wrong position

68) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: Option E is the odd shape out as it is a reflection, not a rotation, of the others.

62) Which figure completes the statement? Explanation

The horizontal line which forms part of the centre cross alternates between short
and long. Option D is the only figure where it is short.

69) Which figure completes the series?

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The black rectangle alternates between the top and bottom position and a white
square is added with each iteration. Option A is the next figure in the series.

70) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: The first and third columns are mirror images of each other, as are the second and
fourth columns. Option B completes the grid.

76) Which figure is next in the series?

Explanation: The line moves clockwise 135 degrees with each iteration, whilst the diamond
moves anticlockwise from corner to corner. Option C is the next figure in the series.

71) Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: The first figure is rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise to produce the second
figure. The second figure is then reflected in the vertical plane to produce the third
figure. This sequence is repeated. Option B is correct as it is a reflection of the fourth
figure in the vertical plane.

72) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The top halves of the dominoes follow the sequence 3, Blank, 3, blank, etc. The
bottom halves follow the ascending Blank, 1, 2, 3, etc. Alternate dominoes are then
inverted. Option D completes this sequence.

77) Which figure is next in the series?

Explanation: The top halves of the dominoes are in descending sequence 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Blank.
The bottom halves follow the descending sequence 2, 2, 1, 1, Blank, Blank, Six.
Alternate dominoes are then inverted. Option B completes this sequence.

78) Which figure belongs in neither group?

Explanation: Option D is the only figure which does not contain only two black shapes.

73) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Shapes are either curved or angular. The figures in Group1 black shapes at
opposite corners. The figures in Group2 contain black shapes arranged vertically.
Option C belongs in neither group.

79) Which figure belongs in neither group?

Explanation:Option C is the only figure which does not contain the sequence of the doublediamond,
concentric circles and line and the square plus diagonal line

74) Which figure completes the grid?

Explanation: The figures in Group1 contain a black diamond plus 3 white shapes.
Explanation: The four squares which make the top left corner block are identical to the four The figures in Group 2 contain a white square plus 3 black shapes. Option C belongs
squares which make the bottom right corner block. The four squares which make the in neither group.
top right corner block are identical to the four squares which make the bottom left
corner block. Option C completes the grid. 80) Which figure completes the series?

75) Which figure completes the grid?

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Explanation: Adding the number of sides of the shapes in each figure gives eight, except for
112) wheel, turn, swing option D where it adds up to 5.
A. component 86) Which figure is the odd one out?
B. gear
C. veer
D. cog
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Answer : C

Explanation : These are all verbs describing changes of direction.

Explanation: Option C is the only figure in which opposite collared squares are on opposite
sides of the line.

87) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: Option A completes the series. Each figure in column three is a product of the
figures in the preceding two columns, with the added rule that if the same shape
appears in both columns then it does not appear in the third column.
Explanation: The square in the top left corner moves to the centre. Any horizontal lines are
81) Which figure completes the series? duplicated and rotated through 90 degrees. Option C is correct

88) Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation: The white square moves one place anticlockwise. The black square moves one place

Option A is correct
Explanation: Option D completes the series. An extra white square is added for each column 89) Which figure completes the statement?
and an extra black square is added for each row.

82) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: The compound shape at the top rotates through 90 degrees. The large shape at the
bottom moves to the top. The colour of the small shape at the bottom is inverted.
Option D is correct.
Explanation: Option E is the odd one out. It is the only figure where there is a small black 90) Which figure completes the statement?
square adjacent to the large black square.

83) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: There are three shapes in the figure. The two outer shapes are moved into the centre to
cover the shape already there. Option C is correct.

Explanation: Option D is the odd one out. In the other figures there is one more black square
than there are white squares.

84) Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Option A is the odd one out. The others are all either reflections or rotations of the
same figure.

85) Which figure is the odd one out?

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Dragnet GMAT Questions and answers - Numerical Reasoning The table above shows the unit sales of the TT950 motorcycle in six European countries over a six
month period. These motorcycles are imported into each country by a main dealer. Use this
Numeric ability questions appear in most general aptitude tests because employers usually want some information to answer the following questions.
indication of your ability to use numbers even if this is not a major part of the job. The test may include basic
arithmetic, number sequences and operations like addition and subtraction to more complex questions
where you need to interpret numerical information presented as tables, diagrams, and graphs. 6) What percentage of total imports is accounted for by the three biggest importers?

A. 61.6%
B. 62.3%
C. 63.2%
D. 64.8%
E. 66.9%

Answer: D

Explanation: Germany is the biggest importer with 296 units out of a total of 1166. Followed
by the UK which imports 260 units and France which imports 200. Together this
makes 756 units. This equates to a percentage of (756/1166)* 100 = 64.8%

7) What is the average number of units per month imported into the UK over the first four
months of the year?

The table above shows the number of students admitted to North West University over a three year period. A. 41.75
The pie chart shows the relative percentages of foreign students admitted to the faculty of science in 2004. B.43.35
All percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Use this information to answer the C. 44.75
following questions. D. 40.65
E. 43.25

1) If 65% of the students joining the faculty of science were male, how many female students Answer: A
were admitted over the three year period?
Explanation: The number of units imported into the UK over the first 4 months of the year was:
A. 340 40, 44, 36, and 47. Adding these gives 167 and dividing by 4 gives an average of
B. 233 41.75.
C. 244
D. 433
E. 343 8) What percentage of the monthly total was sold to the biggest importer in May?

Answer: B A.17%
B. 22%
Explanation: The total number of students admitted to the faculty of science over the 3 year C. 16%
period was 214+220+232 = 666 of whom 35% were female. D. 27%
Therefore (666/100) * 35 = 233 female students were admitted to the faculty of E. 24%
science over the 3 year period.
Answer: D
2) How many students joined the Engineering and Science faculties in 2003 and 2004?
Explanation: Scanning down the May column, you can see the Germany was the biggest
A. 644 importer in February with 56 units. The monthly total for May was 208 units. The
B. 532 percentage is calculated as (56/208) * 100 = 27%
C. 638
D. 660 9) Which month showed the biggest increase in total sales from the previous month?
E. 624
A. Feb
Answer: C B. Mar
C. Apr
Explnantion: 106+98+214+220 = 638 students joined the Engineering and Science faculties in D. May
2003/2004. E. Jun

Answer: C
3) The relative percentage of British students joining the faculty of science doubled in 2005 but Explanation: To answer this question as quickly as possible you should scan the figures in the
the percentage of foreign students remained at 25%. How many British students joined the faculty in 2005? monthly totals row. The question asks which month showed the biggest increase – so
you can ignore any months where there was a decrease or where the increase is
A. 18 obviously insignificant. This leaves Jan-Feb and Mar-Apr. You need to make 2
B.12 calculations subtracting the January figure from the February figure and the March
C. 14 figure from the April figure. This gives 14 and 27 respectively, which means that
D. 15 April showed the biggest increase. Note how scanning the figures first cuts down on
E. 16 the number of calculations you need to make. This not only saves time but decreases
the chances of making a simple mistake with the calculations
Answer: E
10) What percentage of the overall total was sold in February?
Explanation: If the relative percentage of British students doubled in 2005 then 28% of the
students joining the faculty would be British. The percentage of foreign students A. 18%
remained at 25%, so (232/100) * 25 = 58 foreign students joined the faculty. B. 12%
Therefore, (58/100) * 28 = 16 British students joined the faculty in 2005. C. 16%
D. 17%
4) What percentage of students joined the law faculty over the three year period? E. 14%

A. 1.7% Answer: C
B. 1.8%
C. 3.8% Explanation:A total of 190 units were sold in February out of a total of 1166 units. The
D. 2.3% percentage is calculated as: (190/1166) * 100 = 16%.
E. 6.8%

Answer :D

explanation: The total number of students joining the law faculty was 74+74+73 = 221.
The total number of students joining the university was 3198+3235+3225 = 9658.
The percentage of students joining the law faculty was (221/9658) * 100 = 2.3%

5) If 25% of the students joining the faculty of science in 2004 were foreign, how many Mexican
students joined the faculty that year?

A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
E. 14

Answer: B
The table above shows the unit sales of the TT950 motorcycle in six European countries over a six
Explanation : The number of foreign students joining the faculty of science in 2004 was 25% of month period. These motorcycles are imported into each country by a main dealer. Use this
220 = 55. Of these 55 students 20% were Mexican, therefore 11 Mexican students information to answer the following questions.
joined the faculty that year

11) What percentage of the overall total was sold to the Spanish importer?

A. 18%
B. 12%
C. 15%
D. 17%
E. 14%

Asnwer: C

Explanation: A total of 177 units were sold to the Spanish importer out of a total of 1166 units.
The percentage is calculated as: (177/1166) * 100 = 15%.

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The table above shows the annual sales of WineBrokers.com, a small online wine merchant. Use this
information to answer the following questions.

16) What percentage of total cases of wine sold over the four year period were rose?

A. 26.3%
B. 23.6%
C. 26.6%
D. 29.6%
E. 27.6%

Answer: E

Explanation: The volume sales of wine over the 4 years were as follows:
Rose 1100 cases
Red 1470 cases
White 1410 cases
This gives a total of 3980 cases, of which 1100 were rose. This equates to
(1100/3980) * 100 = 27.6%

17) If white wine increased in price by 10% from 2005 to 2006, what would be the
approximate average cost per case over the five year period?

A. $133
B. $136
C. $143
D. $126
E. $138

Answer: B
The table above shows the total number of warranty claims for three types of sports
utility vehicle. The reason for each claim is shown as a percentage along with the Explanation: If white wine increase by 10% in 2006, it would cost $145 * 1.1 = $159.50 per
industry average for this type of vehicle. Use this information to answer the following case. The average cost over 5 years would be approximately
questions. (115+125+135+145+159.50)/5 = $136 per case.

12) If 28,000 LandRangers were sold, what percentage of the total were the subject of a warranty 18) What is the difference in the value of red wine sales between 2002 and 2003?
claim due to engine failure?
A. $2,320
A. 0.25% B. $3,220
B. 0.54% C. $2,330
C. 0.74% D. $2,360
D. 0.84% E. $2,280
E. 1.85%
Answer: A
Answer: B
Explanation: In 2002, 380 cases of red wine were sold at $138 per case = $52,440.
Explanation: Thirty percent of the 512 LandRanger claims involved engine failure. This equates to (512/100) In 2003, 370 cases of red wine were sold at $148 per case = $54,760.
* 30 = 153 claims. If 28,000 LandRangers were sold then the percentage which suffered engine failure was Therefore the difference in value was $2,320.
(153/28000) * 100 = 0.54%.
19) What is the approximate value of rose wine sold over the four year period in thousands
of dollars?
13) If warranty claims for the FreeRanger matched the industry average, how many bodywork
claims would have been made? A. 134
B. 129
A. 157 C. 131
B. 150 D. 125
C. 155 E. 127
D. 160
E. 165 Answer: C

Answer: B Explanation: The approximate value of rose wine sold over the period is as follows:
2002 260 cases at $112 per case = $29,120
Explanation: The industry average for bodywork claims is 15%. If this percentage of the 1004 2003 280 cases at $121 per case = $33,880
FreeRanger claims were made then that would equate to (1004/100) * 15 = 150 2004 280 cases at $122 per case = $34,160
claims. 2005 280 cases at $122 per case = $34,160
This gives a total value of approximately $131,000
14) How many more warranty claims were made for the SportRanger than the FreeRanger due to
electrical problems? 20) What was the average number of cases sold per year over the four year period?

A. 315 A. 1010
B 350 B. 1005
C. 305 C. 985
D. 330 D. 995
E. 210 E. 990

Answer: A Answer: D

Explanation: The number of warranty claims made in each instance was as follows: Explanation: The number of cases of all types of wine sold over the 4 years was 3,980. This gives an
SportRanger 1762 claims 35% electrical = (1762/100) * 35 = 616 average (3980/4) of 995 cases per year.
FreeRanger 1004 claims 30% electrical = (1004/100) * 30 = 301
There were 315 more claims made for the Sportranger.

15) How many LandRanger warranty claims involved transmission problems?

A. 135
C. 153
D. 145
E. 122

Answer: C

Explanation: Thirty percent of the 512 LandRanger claims involved transmission problems.
This equates to (512/100) * 30 = 153 claims.

21) If the ratio of male to female students specializing in sports medicine is 2:1, how many
female students does this represent?

A. 6
B. 5
C. 12
D. 18
E. 10
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Answer: A

Explanation: Fifteen percent of 119 students (119/100) * 15 = 18 specialized in sports medicine.

If the ratio of male to female students is 2:1 then the actual numbers of students must
be 10 male and 5 female.

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22) If seven students changed their specialization from family practice to paediatrics, Answer: B
approximately what fraction of students would then be specializing in paediatrics?
Explanation: Fourteen percent of $21,340 was spent on flyers for Aardvark Cellular. This equates to
A. 1/7 (21340/100) * 14 = $2,987. If flyers cost $150 per thousand then approximately (2987/150 =) 20,000
B. 1/4 have been produced.
C. 1/7
D. 1/5 29) If Ace charges their clients cost price plus 20%, how much will they bill Aardvark
E. 1/15 Cellular for their website?

Answer: D A. $1,536
B. $1,174
Explanation: Thirteen percent of 119 students (119/100) * 13 = 15 specialized in paediatrics. If 7 C. $1,744
students joined them then there would be 22 students studying it. This equates to D. $1,280
22/119 = 0.18 which is approximately 1/5. E. $1,474

Answer: A
23) What is the approximate ratio of students specializing in sports medicine, emergency medicine
and family practice? Explanation: Six percent of $21,340 was spent on the website for Aardvark Cellular. This
equates to (21340/100) * 6 = $1,280. If Ace add 20% then they will bill Aardvark for
A. 6:4:10 $1,280 * 1.2 = $1,536.
B. 1:4:5
C. 2:8:10 30) Approximately how much was spent by on brochures for Aardvark Cellular?
D. 3:2:10
E. 3:2:5 A. $4,994
B. $4,774
Answer: D C. $4,632
D. $4,694
Explanation: The ratio of students specializing in each is (15:11:48) which approximates to 3:2:10. E. $4,624

24) One twelfth of the students who chose to specialize in family practice plan to work abroad. Answer: D
How many is this?
Explanation: Twenty two percent of $21,340 was spent on brochures for Aardvark Cellular.
A. 7 This equates to (21340/100) * 22 = $4,694.
B. 8
C. 5
D. 9
E. 3

Answer: C

Explanation: Forty eight percent of 119 students (119/100) * 48 = 57 specialized in family practice. One
twelfth of these equates to 57/12 = 5 who planned to work abroad.

25) How many students decided to specialize in immunology?

A. 9
B. 11
C. 14
D. 7
E. 15

Answer: B

Explanation: Nine percent of 119 students decided to specialize in immunology. This equates to
(119/100) * 9 = 11 students

The table above shows the numbers of passengers flying from New York to four European capital
cities by low cost airline SleazyJet. These numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand. Use
this information to answer the following questions.

31) Approximately, what fraction of passengers who travelled in Q4 2005 flew to Berlin?

A. 1/8
B. 1/4
C. 1/7
D. 1/5
E. 1/15

The table above shows the amount spent by Ace Marketing Consultancy to promote their clients. ‘Marketing’ Answer: C
spend does not include the time of any Ace employees, this is billed separately as ‘Personnel’. Use this
information to answer the following questions. Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in Q4 2005 was:
London 10,000
Paris 14,000
26) Approximately what percentage of Ace Marketing’s total business is accounted for by their Rome 20,000
three smallest clients? Berlin 7,000
This gives a total of 51,000 of whom 7,000 were travelling to Berlin.
A. 18% This equates to (7,000/51,000 = 1/7.
B. 17%
C. 20% 32) How many more passengers travelled to Rome in Q2 2005 than in the same quarter the
D. 16% previous year?
E. 22%
A. 5,000
Answer: C B. 4,000
C. 3,000
Explanation: The total value of Ace’s business is $41,427 (marketing) plus $40,614 (personnel) which gives D. 2,000
$82,041. Since we know that Aardvark account for 54% of the business, the quickest way to work out how E. 1,000
much the three smallest clients account for is to calculate how much Blue Arrow accounts for ($21,659
which is 26%), add this to the Answer: E
54% to give 80%, which leaves 20% to be accounted for by the smallest three
27) Approximately what percentage of Ace Marketing’s total business is for Aardvark Cellular? Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in to Rome Q2 2004 was 12,000.
The number of passengers travelling in to Rome Q2 2005 was 13,000.
A.49% Therefore 1,000 more passengers travelled in Q2 2005.
B. 57%
C. 50% 33) What was the ratio of passengers travelling to London and Paris in Q2 2004?
D. 54%
E. 56% A. 2.2:1
B. 1.8:1
Answer: D C. 2:1
D. 0.75:1
Explanation: The total value of Ace’s business is $41,427 (marketing) plus $40,614 (personnel) which gives E. 1:2
$82,041. Aardvark Cellular account for (21,340+22,749 =) $44,089. View answer Discuss in forum
This equates to (44,089/82,041) * 100 = 54%. Answer: B

28) If flyers for Aardvark Cellular cost $150 per thousand. Approximately, how many thousand Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in to London Q2 2004 was 18,000.
have been produced? The number of passengers travelling in to Paris Q2 2004 was 10,000.
This equates to a ratio of 1.8:1
A. 23
B. 20
C. 17
D. 14
E. 18
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34) How many passengers travelled in Quarter 4 2004? 38) How much total revenue, in millions of dollars, did Alloy Wheels generate for
FreeRanger sales?
A. 46,000
B. 44,000 A. 1.41
C. 43,000 B. 1.28
D. 45,000 C. 1.30
E. 42,000 D. 1.36
E. 11.20
Answer: A
Answer: D
Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in Q4 2004 was:
London 11,000 Explanation: Sixty percent of the 10,804 FreeRangers sold (6,482) were fitted with alloy wheels.
Paris 14,000 Therefore the total revenue generated was 6,482 * $210 = $1.36 million.
Rome 13,000
Berlin 8,000 39) How many customers specified cruise control when ordering a FreeRanger?
This gives a total of 46,000.
A. 5,320
B. 2,566
C. 4,861
D. 2,861
E. 5,402

Answer: E

Explanation: Fifty percent of the 10,804 FreeRanger customers (5,402) specified cruise control.

The table above shows the total sales figures for three models of SUV. It also shows the percentage of
customers who specified additional equipment when buying from the dealer network. Use this information to
answer the following questions.

35) How much extra profit would be generated if dealers doubled the number of Body Kits fitted
when they sold a FreeRanger?

A. $2,268
B. $4,534
C. $1,130
D. $1,238
E. $226

Answer: A The table above shows agricultural imports for the island of South Cerney for a period of five months.
Use this information to answer the following questions
Eplanation: Twenty percent of the 10,804 FreeRangers sold (2,161) were fitted with body kits. The total
revenue generated was 2,161 * $350 = $756,000. The profit margin on this is 30%, therefore (756,000/100)
* 30 = ) $2,268. If dealers doubled the number sold then the additional profit would be $2,268. 40) Approximately what fraction of the total tonnage of imports is rice?

A. 1/5
B. 1/4
C. 1/3
D. 2/5
E. 3/10

Answer: E

Explanation: Total tonnages imported over the 5 months are as follows:

Rice 141
Wheat 176
Potatoes 152
This means that the total tonnage of imports was 469 tons of which 141 tons were of
rice. Therefore (141/469 = 0.3) which is 3/10

The table above shows the total sales figures for three models of SUV. It also shows the percentage of
customers who specified additional equipment when buying from the dealer network. Use this information to
answer the following questions.

36) How much profit (margin), in millions of dollars, can be attributed to Cruise Control fitted to the

A. 0.61
B. 0.48
C. 0.21
D. 4.80
E. 3.60

Answer: B

Explanation: Fifty percent of the 10,804 FreeRanger customers (5,402) specified cruise control.
The total revenue generated was 5,402 * $220 = $1.19 million. The profit margin on
this is 40%, therefore (1.19/100) * 40 = ) $0.48 million.

37) How much profit (margin), in millions of dollars, can be attributed to Body Kits fitted to the

A. 0.49
B. 1.48
C. 4.80
D. 0.36
E. 0.21

Answer: A

Explanation: Sixty percent of the 7,762 SportRangers sold (4,657) were fitted with body kits.
The total revenue generated was 4,657 * $350 = $1.63 million. The profit margin on
this is 30%, therefore (1.63/100) * 30 = ) $0.49 million
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The table above shows agricultural imports for the island of South Cerney for a period of five months. Use
this information to answer the following questions

41) What was the average value of potatoes imported per month over the whole period?

A. $3,448
B. $3,648
C. $3,728
D. $3,348
E. $3,655

Answer: B

Explanation: Monthly tonnage of potatoes imported was as follows:

Jan 34
Feb 33
Mar 33 The table above shows the number of calls completed by call centre agents in a month on behalf of
Apr 25 two clients. Maltman are charged $1.20 per inbound call and $1.40 per outbound call. Healey are
May 27 charged 20% more. Out bound calls take an average of 12 minutes. Inbound calls take an average of
This gives a total of 152 tons at $120 per ton. 8 minutes. Use this information to answer the following questions.
The total value of potato imports was $18,240.
Divide by 5 to give $3,648 average value per month.
46) What is the approximate ratio of inbound calls taken by Kai to calls taken by Mandi?
42) What was the average tonnage of rice imported per month over the whole period?
A. 1:3
A. 27.4 B. 2:3
B. 22.9 C. 3:2
C. 24.4 D. 1:2
D. 28.2 E. 2:1
E. 30.2
Answer : D
Answer: D
Explanation : Kai takes (180+11) 191 inbound calls. Mandi takes (275+112) 387. Therefore the ratio is
Explanation: The average tonnage of rice was 141/5 = 28.2 tons per month approximately 1:2

47) What percentage of the Maltman bill is due to inbound calls?

43) What was the total value of wheat imports, in dollars, over the 5 month period?
A. 26%
A. 27,456 B. 28%
B. 27,742 C. 29%
C. 27,656 D. 31%
D. 26,446 E. 24%
E. 26,446
Answer: A
Answer: A
Explanation: Client Maltman are billed as follows:
Explanation: Monthly tonnage of wheat imported was as follows: Inbound Calls 867 * $1.20 = $1040
Jan 40 Outbound Calls 2066 * $1.40 = $2892
Feb 37 Therefore (1040/3932) * 100 = 26% of their bill is attributable to inbound calls.
Mar 36
Apr 29
May 34 48) Approximately how many hours did Charlotte spend on the phone during the month?
This gives a total of 176 tons at $156 per ton.
Therefore the total value of wheat imports was $27,456 A. 77
B. 87
44) How many tons of rice were imported over the 5 month period? C. 84
D. 80
A. 144 E. 110
B. 141
C. 138 Answer: E
D. 139
E. 137 Explanation: Charlotte spent the following time on the phone:
Inbound Calls 45+78 = 123 * 8 minutes = 16.4 hours
Answer: B Outbound Calls 368+98 = 466 * 12 minutes = 93.2 hours
Therefore Charlotte spent approximately 110 hours on the phone.
Explanation: Monthly tonnage of rice imported was as follows:
Jan 26 49) Approximately how much will client Healey be billed for the month?
Feb 27
Mar 27 A. $2,798
Apr 30 B. $2,700
May 31 C. $2,698
This gives a total of 141 tons. D. $2,708
E. $2,308

Answer: D

Explanation: Client Healy will be charged as follows:

Inbound Calls 278 * $1.44 = $400
Outbound Calls 1374 * $1.68 = $2308
Adding these figures means that they will be charged a total of $2708.

50) Approximately how much will client Maltman be billed for the month?

A. $3,948
B. $3,946
D. $3,892
E. $3,776

Answer: C
The table above shows the number of calls completed by call centre agents in a month on behalf of two
clients. Maltman are charged $1.20 per inbound call and $1.40 per outbound call. Healey are charged 20% Explanation: Client Maltman will be charged as follows:
more. Out bound calls take an average of 12 minutes. Inbound calls take an average of 8 minutes. Use this Inbound Calls 867 * $1.20 = $1040
information to answer the following questions. Outbound Calls 2066 * $1.40 = $2892
Adding these figures means that they will be charged a total of $3932

45) Approximately what fraction of the total time spent on the telephone by all of the agents was
spent taking inbound calls for client Maltman?

A. 1/16
B. 1/4
C. 1/8
D. 1/5
E. 1/20

Answer: C

Explanation: The total time spent by all of the agents was as follows:
Inbound Calls 867+278 = 1145 * 8 minutes = 9160 minutes
Outbound Calls 2066+1374 = 3440 * 12 minutes = 41280 minutes
The time spent on inbound calls for Maltman was 867 * 8 = 6936 minutes.
This equates to 6936/(9160+41280) = 0.13 which is approximately 1/8.

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The table above shows the sales figures for 3 different types of switches over 3 months. Use this 57) What is the unit cost of switch type ZXC53?
information to answer the following questions A. $11
B. $13
C. $12
51) If the unit price of the ZXC43 falls by 20% in April, but the number of units sold doubles, How D. $15
much revenue will this generate? E. $17
View answer Discuss in forum
A. $1,440 Answer: B
B. $1,152
C. $1,252 Explanation: The unit cost of switch ZXC53 is 585/45 = $13
D. $1,240
E. $1,140

Answer: B

Explanation: The unit price of the ZXC43 would fall to ($15 * 0.8 =) $12
Since 96 are sold the additional revenue would be $1152

52) An order for 9 ZXC43 switches and 8 ZXC53 switches could not be processed in time to be
added to the March figures. How much revenue would this have added?

A. $224
B. $242
C. $248
D. $239
E. $226

Answer: B

Explanation: The items on the unprocessed order would cost:

ZXC43 $15 per unit * 9 = $135
ZXC53 $13 per unit * 8 = $104
Therefore this order would have added $

The table above shows the number of products sold by region and the price and margin on each
53) What percentage of the total revenue was generated in February? product. Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Use this information to
answer the following questions.
A. 28%
B. 29%
C. 33% 58) What was the total profit made on the MXP66 unit across all 3 regions?
D. 30%
E. 27% A. 13,109
B. 13,209
Answer: C C. 13,009
D. 13,029
Explanation: Total revenues per month were: E. 13,019
Jan 1305
Feb 1465 Answer: C
Mar 1645
This gives a total sales value of $4415 of which $1465 was generated in February. Explanation: The sales of the MXP66 was as follows:
Therefore (1465/4415) * 100 = 33% of the revenue was generated in February. Eastern 10% of 1268 = 127 units
Western 24% of 2814 = 675 units
54) What is the approximate ratio of unit sales of the ZXC53 and ZXC63 over the three month Central 16% of 2732 = 437 units
period? This gives a total sales value of 1239 units at $21.00 per unit = $26,019
The profit margin was 50%; therefore the total profit was $13,009
A. 3:1
B. 1:3 59) What was the total value of sales of the MXP21 unit across all 3 regions?
C. 2:3
D. 3:2 A. 85,512
E. 2:1 B. 85,126
C. 86,216
Answer: A D. 81,602
E. 85,612
Explanation: The total sales over the three months were as follows:
ZXC53 135 Answer : E
ZXC63 44
Explanation: The sales of the MXP21 was as follows:
This approximates to a ratio of 3:1 Eastern 23% of 1268 = 292 units
Western 30% of 2814 = 844 units
55) What was the total revenue generated by sales of the ZXC63? Central 42% of 2732 = 1147 units
This gives a total sales value of 2283 units at $37.50 per unit = $85,612
A. $880
B. $780 60) How many more MXP45 units were sold in the Western Region compared to the Central
C. $860 region?
D. $760
E. $680 A. 155
B. 177
Answer: C C. 287
D. 180
Explanation: What was the total revenue generated by sales of the ZXC63? E.185.

Answer: B

Explanation: (2814/100) * 16 = 450 MXP45 units were sold in the western region.
(2732/100) * 10 = 273 MXP45 units were sold in the central region.
Therefore (450 – 273 =) 177 more MXP45 units were sold in the western region.

the sales figures for 3 different types of switches over 3 months. Use this information to answer the following

56) How many ZXC43 units could be expected to sell in April?

A. 45
B. 32
C. 40
D. 48
E. 56

Answer: E

Explanation: If the present trend continues then 56 (48 + 8) units of the ZXC43 should be sold
in April.

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The table above shows the number of products sold by region and the price and margin on each product. The table above shows the number of students admitted to North West University over a three year
Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Use this information to answer the following period. The pie chart shows the relative percentages of foreign students admitted to the faculty of
questions. science in 2004. All percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Use this
information to answer the following questions.

61) What was the value of sales for the MXP34 in the Western region?
66) What percentage of students joined the arts faculty over the three year period?
A. 18,172
B. 18,272 A. 13.2%
C. 18,372 B. 11.7%
D. 18,568 C. 12.6%
E. 18,472 D. 6.3%
E. 4.3%
Answer: D
Answer: D
Explanation: (2814/100) * 30 = 844 MXP34 units were sold in the western region.
Therefore the value of sales was 844 * $22 = $18,568 Explanation: The total number of students joining the arts faculty was 212+208+187 = 607.
The total number of students joining the university was 3198+3235+3225 = 9658.
62) How many MXP21 units were sold in the Central region? The percentage of students joining the arts faculty was (607/9658) * 100 = 6.3%

A. 1147 67) If 23% of the students joining the faculty of science in 2004 were foreign, how many
B. 844 Canadian students joined the faculty that year?
C. 1087
D. 1177 A. 22
E. 114 B. 14
C. 11
Answer: A D. 21
E. 7
Explanation: (2732/100) * 42 = 1147 MXP21 units were sold in the central region.
Answer: C

Explanation: The number of foreign students joining the faculty of science in 2004 was 23% of
220 = 51
Of this 51 students 22% were Canadian, therefore 11 Canadian students joined the
faculty that year.

The table above shows the number of students admitted to North West University over a three year period.
The pie chart shows the relative percentages of foreign students admitted to the faculty of science in 2004.
All percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Use this information to answer the
following questions.

63) If 55% of the students joining the faculty of science were male, how many female students
were admitted over the three year period?

A. 303
B. 290
C. 298
D. 300
E. 294
The table above shows the sales of meat from Home Farm to the restaurants that it supplies directly.
Answer: D Use this information to answer the following questions.

Explanation: The total number of students admitted to the faculty of science over the 3 year
period was 214+220+232 = 666 of whom 45% were female. 68) What percentage of the total value of meat sold over the 5 month period was pork?
Therefore (666/100) * 45 = 298 female students were admitted to the faculty of
science over the 3 year period A. 30.4%
B. 29.6%
64) How many students joined the Business and Computing faculties in 2003 and 2004? C. 31.7%
D. 30.6%
A. 1,001 E. 29.4%
B. 1,113
C. 1,133 Answer: C
D. 1,108
E. 1,100 Explanation: The total weight of lamb sold over the period was:
260+320+300+300+340 = 1520 Kg
Answer: D 1520 Kg * $3.75 = $5,700
The total weight of beef sold over the period was:
Explanation: 315+342+219+232 = 1108 students joined the business and computing faculties in 400+330+330+340+270 = 1670 Kg
2003/2004. 1670 Kg * $4.20 = $7,014
The total weight of pork sold over the period was:
65) The relative percentage of Chinese students joining the faculty of science doubled in 2005 but 300+370+360+290+340 = 1660 Kg
the percentage of foreign students remained at 45%. How many Chinese students joined the faculty in 1660 Kg * $3.56 = $5,909
2005? This gives a total sales value of $5,700+$7,014+$5.909 = $18,623.
Therefore the percentage of the total attributable to pork was:
A. 46 (5,909/18,603) * 100 = 31.7%
B. 36
C. 63 69) What percentage of the total quantity of meat sold over the 5 month period was beef?
D. 40
E. 48 A. 32.2%
B. 33.6%
Answer: A C. 29.2%
D. 28.4%
Explanation: If the relative percentage of Chinese students doubled in 2005 then 44% of the students joining E. 34.4%
the faculty would be Chinese. The percentage of foreign students remained at 45%, so (232/100) * 45 = 104 Answer: E
foreign students joined the faculty.
Therefore, (104/100) * 44 = 46 Chinese students joined the faculty in 2005. Explanation: The total weight of beef sold over the period was:
400+330+330+340+270 = 1670 Kg
The total weight of all meat sold over the period was:
960+1020+990+930+950 = 4850 Kg
This gives a percentage of (1670/4850) * 100 = 34.4%.

70) What was the total value of lamb sold over the 5 month period?
A. $5,200
B. $5,700
C. $6,600
D. $5,400
E. $5,300
Answer: B

Explanation: The total weight of lamb sold over the period was:
260+320+300+300+340 = 1520 Kg
This was sold for an average of $3.75 per Kg.
Therefore 1520 * $3.75 = $5,700

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Explanation: The number of vehicles produced in Q4 2005 was as follows:

LandRanger 6,000
SportRanger 20,000
Therefore the approximate ratio of SportRanger to LandRanger is 3:1

74) What percentage of vehicle production in Q2 2005 is accounted for by the


A. 50%
B. 40%
C. 20%
D. 30%
E. 60%

Answer: B

Explanation: The number of vehicles produced in Q2 2005 was as follows:

LandRanger 9,000
FreeRanger 16,000
SportRanger 17,000
This gives a total of 42,000 vehicles. The SportRanger accounted for 17,000 of these,
therefore the percentage is (17,000/42,000) * 100 = 40%

75) What was the total number of vehicles produced in Q4 2004?

A. 43,000
B. 40,000
C. 38,000
D. 47,000
E. 36,000
The table above shows the sales of meat from Home Farm to the restaurants that it supplies directly. Use
this information to answer the following questions. Answer: C

Explanation: The number of vehicles produced in Q4 2004 was as follows:

71) Which month showed the largest increase in total quantity of meat sold over the previous LandRanger 11,000
month? FreeRanger 14,000
SportRanger 13,000
A. Jan This gives a total of 38,000 vehicles
B. Feb
C. Mar
D. Apr
E. May

Answer: B

Explanation: Monthly total meat sales are as follows:

Jan 960 Kg
Feb 1020 Kg
Mar 990 Kg
Apr 930 Kg
May 950 Kg
This means the largest increase in total meat sales was in February.

The table above shows the number of people who responded to a survey about their favourite style of
music. Use this information to answer the following questions.

76) What is the ratio of respondents who prefer Rock to those who prefer Jazz in the 21- 30
age group?

A. 1:3
B. 3:2
C. 3:1
D. 2:3
E. 1:1

Answer: C
The table above shows production figures for three models of Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) over 2 years.
Use this information to answer the following questions. EXplanation: The number who prefer Rock is 12 and the number who prefer Jazz is 4. This gives a
ratio of 12:4 which can also be expressed as 3:1 (divide both figures by 4).

72) What percentage of total LandRanger production took place in 2004? 77) What percentage of the total sample indicated that Jazz is their favourite style of music?

A. 45% A. 6%
B. 68% B. 8%
C. 65% C. 22%
D. 55% D. 4%
E. 60% E. 12%

Answer: E Answer: E

Explanation: The number of LandRangers produced was as follows: Explanation: The total number who prefer Jazz is 1+4+11 = 16. The total sample size is 33+33+68 =
2004 Q1 12,000 134. Therefore (16/134) * 100 = 11.9% of the total sample prefer Jazz.
Q2 14,000
Q3 13,000
Q4 11,000 Total for 2004 = 50,000 78) What percentage of respondents aged 21-30 indicated a favourite style other than Rock
2005 Q1 10,000 music?
Q2 9,000
Q3 8,000 A. 64%
Q4 6,000 Total for 2005 = 33,000 B. 60%
There were a total of 83,000 LandRangers produced over the period of which 50,000 C. 75%
were produced in 2004. This gives a percentage of (50,000/83,000) * 100 = 60% D. 36%
D. 46%

73) What was the approximate ratio of SportRangers to LandRangers produced in the final quarter Answer: A
of 2005?
Explanation: This question is concerned only with respondents 21 to 30 years old. Since 12 out of 33
A. 3:1 respondents in this group prefer Rock, then 21 must prefer other styles. Note that working it out this
B. 3:2 way minimises the number of calculations you need to make.
C. 1:3
D. 2:3 Therefore (21/33) * 100 = 63.6% of respondents 21 to 30 years old prefer a style other
E. 4:3 than Rock.

Answer: A

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79) What percentage of respondents under 31, indicated that Blues is their favourite style 83) How many students are there in the Engineering faculty?
of music?
A. 420
A. 7.1 B. 410
B. 7.5 C. 390
C. 8.3 D. 440
D. 14.1 E. 400
E. 7.2
Answer: B
Answer: B
Explanation: The text states that there are a total of 1049 students in the arts faculty. This represents
Explanation: This question is concerned only with respondents under 31 years old. The number who 23% of the total number of students according to the pie-chart on the left. This means that there are
indicated that Blues was their favourite style was 5 (2+3) out of a total of 66 (33+33). Therefore (5/66) * 100 1049/23 * 100 = 4560 students in total at the university. Nine percent of students are in the
= 7.5% Engineering faculty, and (4560/100) * 9 = 410

84) What percentage of students in the Arts faculty are non-US students?

A. 14%
B. 9%
C. 30%
D. 11%
E. 15%

Answer: D

Explanation: Read the text carefully and make sure that you are clear exactly what each of these pie-
charts is showing you. For example, the chart on the right shows the number of Non-US arts
students. It does not show the number of art students or the percentage of Non-US arts students –
both of these would be easy mistakes to make if you just
scanned the text instead of reading it carefully. There are a total of 79+21+6+2+4 = 112 Non-US arts
students. The text states that there are a total of 1049 students in the arts faculty.
Therefore (112/1049) * 100 = 10.67% of the students are Non-US students.

The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and the
number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole
number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to answer the following

80) There are 34 European medical students. What percentage of the faculty does this represent?

A. 14%
B. 18%
C. 12%
D. 16%
E. 15%
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Answer: E

Explanation: The total number of students studying medicine is (4560/100) * 5 = 228

If 34 are from Europe then this represents (34/228) * 100 = 14.9%

The table above shows the number of nanotechnology papers published by leading US universities
over a six year period. Use this information to answer the following questions

85) Which university published the second highest number of papers over the period?

A. Harvard
B. Prince
C. Yale
D. Duke
E. Stan.

Answer: C

The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and the
number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole
number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to answer the following

81) If six percent of Science students are Asian. How many Asian students are there studying

A. 48
B. 66
C. 120
D. 57
E. 43

Answer: D

Explanation: You already know that there are 4560 students in total at the university. Since 21% of them are
studying science there must be (4560/21) * 100 = 957 science students. If six percent of science students
are Asian then (957/100) * 6 = 57 Asian science students.

82) How many students are there at the university?

A. 4650
B. 4560 The table above shows the number of nanotechnology papers published by leading US universities
C. 4640 over a six year period. Use this information to answer the following questions
D. 4450
E. 4460
86) In what year did researchers at Princeton publish more papers than those at Harvard?
Answer: B
A. 2000
Explanation: The answer is given in the working-out of the previous question. Make sure that whenever you B. 2001
calculate a figure from the data that you make a note of it. This can save you valuable time in later questions C. 2002
or of you lose track of your progress in during a question D. 2003
E. 2004

Answer: C

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87) In what year did researchers at Duke and Yale first publish the same number of papers? 92) What was the percentage of scrap steel imported in the 6 month period?

A. 2000 A. 37.5
B. 2001 B. 35.2
C. 2002 C. 36.1
D. 2003 D. 31.2
E. 2004 E. 38.3

Answer: A Answer: D

Explanation: You will need to calculate the tonnage of each type of steel over the six month period as
88) In what year did researchers at Stanford publish most papers? follows:
Coil 30+31+32+34+36+38 = 201
A. 2000 Sheet 40+37+36+36+34+34 = 217
B. 2001 Scrap 32+34+31+30+32+31 = 190
C. 2002 The percentage of scrap steel is given by (190/(201+217+290)) * 100 = 31.2%
D. 2003
E. 2004
93) What was the total value of sheet steel (in $) imported over the 6 month period?
Answer: C
A. 56,750
89) How many papers were published by researchers at Yale in 2002? B. 75,300
C. 55,552
A. 50 D. 42,370
B. 55 E. 44,750
C. 60
D. 65 Answer: C
E. 70
Explanation: The total tonnage of sheet steel was 40+37+36+36+34+34 = 217 thousand tons. Since
Answer : D the average value over the six month period was $256 per ton. This means that the total value of
sheet steel imported was 217 * 256 = $55,552

94) Which month showed the largest decrease in total imports over the previous month?

A. Feb
B. Mar
C. Apr
D. May
E. Jun

Answer: B

Explanation: You will need to add the figure for each of the three types of steel to get a total for each
month. This gives
Jan 102
Feb 102
Mar 99
Apr 101
May 102
Jun 103
Therefore the month which showed the largest decrease over the previous month was March.
Sometimes just scanning the data is enough to see the answer to a question like this one, but in this
case actually calculating the answer would be the safest option.

90) What was the approximate ratio of sheet steel and coil steel imports in the first 3 months of the

A. 11:9
B. 8:9
C. 7:11
D. 3:8
E. 7:4

Answer: A

Explanation: Looking at the working for the previous question you can see that the totals are:
Coil 93 thousand tons
Sheet 113 thousand tons
Therefore the ratio is 113:93 or approximately 11:9
One of the key lessons to learn from answering questions of this type is to write down your intermediate
results and working-out. You will often find that you can save time in subsequent questions if you do this.

The table above shows the unit sales of the TT950 motorcycle in six European countries over a six
month period. These motorcycles are imported into each country by a main dealer. Use this
information to answer the following questions.

95) What percentage of total imports is accounted for by the three smallest importers?

A. 37.1
B. 14.8
C. 40.0
D. 36.6
E. 35.1

Answer: E
Explanation: Scan the Total column to find the three smallest importers. Add the totals for Spain,
Belgium and Italy, which gives 89+177+144 = 410. The percentage of the overall total is calculated as
(410/1166) * 100 = 35.1%

The table above shows imports for three types of steel over a six month period. Use this information to
answer the following questions.

91) What was the difference (in thousands of tons) between coil steel and sheet steel imports in
the first 3 months of the year?

A. 10
C. 18
D. 19
E. 20
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Answer: A

Explanation: You will need to calculate the tonnage of each type of steel over the three period as follows:
Coil 30+31+32 = 93
Sheet 40+37+36 = 113
Therefore the difference is 10 thousand tons.
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The table above shows the unit sales of the TT950 motorcycle in six European countries over a six month
period. These motorcycles are imported into each country by a main dealer. Use this information to answer
the following questions.

96) What is the average number of units per month imported into Italy over the first four
months of the year?

A. 22
B,. 23
C. 24
D. 25
E. 26

Answer: C

Explanation: The number of units imported into Italy over the first 4 months of the year was: 22, 24, 24, and
26. Adding these gives 96 and dividing by 4 gives an average of 24.

97) What is the average number of units per month imported into Italy over the first four
months of the year?

A. 22
B,. 23
C. 24
D. 25
E. 26

Answer: C

Explanation: The number of units imported into Italy over the first 4 months of the year was: 22, 24, 24, and
26. Adding these gives 96 and dividing by 4 gives an average of 24.

98) What percentage of the monthly total was sold to the biggest importer in February?

A. 24.7
B. 23.1
C. 36.5
D. 51.1

Answer: A

Explanation: Scanning down the February column, you can see the Germany was the biggest importer in
February with 47 units. The monthly total for February was 190 units. The percentage is calculated as
(47/190) * 100 = 24.7%

99) Which month showed the biggest increase in total sales from the previous month?

A. Feb
B. Mar
C. Apr
D. May
E. Jun

Answer: C

Explanation: To answer this question as quickly as possible you should scan the figures in the monthly totals
row. The question asks which month showed the biggest increase – so you can ignore any months where
there was a decrease or where the increase is obviously insignificant. This leaves Jan-Feb and Mar-Apr.
You need to make 2 calculations subtracting the January figure from the February figure and the March
figure from the April figure. This gives 14 and 27 respectively, which means that April showed the biggest
increase. Note how scanning the figures first cuts down on the number of calculations you need to make.
This not only saves time but decreases the chances of making a simple mistake with the calculations.

100) What percentage of the overall total was sold in May?

A. 24.1
B. 25.6
C. 27.1
D. 17.8
E. 20.3

Answer: D

Explanation: A total of 208 units were sold in May out of a total of 1166 units. The percentage is
calculated as: (208/1166) * 100 = 17.83%

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