SEHONYETSO Significance of Onset Diacritic Apostrophe As Distinctive/Contrastive Marker in Written Sesotho
SEHONYETSO Significance of Onset Diacritic Apostrophe As Distinctive/Contrastive Marker in Written Sesotho
SEHONYETSO Significance of Onset Diacritic Apostrophe As Distinctive/Contrastive Marker in Written Sesotho
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The purpose of this paper is to present that with focus on alphabet writing systems and relevant theories
the onset diacritic apostrophe on some Sesotho words are consulted. The types of spelling are three andthey
initiated with nasal sounds is compulsory. This comprise phonetic because symbols or letters are selected to
description is underpinned by Integrated Multiple represent the sound pronunciation; it may be ideographicas
Patterns (IMP) (of spelling) theory. The design is it reflects ideas but lack pronunciation and the last is a mix
qualitative as description depends on the rules of Sesotho of the first and the second types. Crammer (1998) adds
and the speakers’ perspective of the use of the onset thatmay be pre-phonetic and phonetic areessential patterns
diacritic apostrophe. The description alleviates within words syllable juncture and meaning
compromise of accurate form-meanings of words derivation.Spelling knowledge is noted with four forms that
anchored by assumption. Population encompasses sixty- include phonological (sound patterning), visual (visible),
eight words and all this data is used for purposive morphemic (word based) and etymological (origin)
random sampling. Participant observation is the knowledge. Stages of spelling development are generally
instrument for this written data collection. The seventeen noted to be five despite academia differencesbut Frith
observations categorized as Findings draw structural (1985) lists three stages noted as logographic, alphabetic and
and functional contrasts on these nasals initiated Sesotho orthographic which he argues are an interconnected process
words. The findings project obligation of explicit onset with reading and are empowered by writers’ knowledge
apostrophe in writing some Sesotho words beginning aboutspelling. Crammer (1998) adds that each stage is
with nasals for it successfully attains form-meaning characteristics specific.The spelling development has
distinction or contrast. Integration of Phonetics, underpinning theories and such include dual-route theories,
Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and stage and phase theories, constructivist theory and
Sociolinguistics disciplines cannot be overemphasized. Integration of Multiple Patterns theories. Treiman (2017)
Recommendation proposes obligatory explicit onset explains that researchers who opt for constructivist theory
diacritic apostrophe where applicable on handwritten argue that writers (children as the focus) build their own
and computer typed Sesotho nasals to ascertain and hypotheses about how writing works. The letter in printed
facilitate for accurate and appropriate spelling for words represent syllables in spoken language. Further,
effective and productive communication and rid the written words should represent properties of referent objects.
meaning-assumption problem. Treiman (ibid) in conformity with Ehri, (2000), Frith,
(1985), Gentry, (1982) further notes that the Stage and phase
Keywords:- Onset, diacritic, apostrophe, nasals, integration. theories focus on the empowered ability to map sounds to
This theory has confirmed that learners have displayed
Writing as a skill to achieve communicative purposes their phonological knowledge capability (as a very crucial
is an art that requires discreetness employed to foster tool) in spelling. She further clarifies that the stage and
accuracy and appropriateness of word usage. Such phase theory describes English as well as other alphabetic
discreetness is ascertained by accuracy in spelling in order writing systems. Treiman (2017) explains that dual-route
to achieve required form-meaning appropriateness. This theories are accomplished by linking phonemes to
paper presents the background on spelling and diacritics, graphemes as individual or group letters uttered as single
provides literature review, describes findings analysis and phonemes. She further describes, in conformity with Barry
the related discussion and also concludes on the description. (1994), Kreiner & Gough (1990)’s postulation that the dual-
II. BACKGROUND route theories are accomplished by linking phonemes to
graphemes as individual or group letters uttered as single
Spelling, as the sequential order of letters based on the phonemes. She clarifies that the dual-route theories - both
phonology or sound system of a language is a valuable asset the lexical and non-lexical routes - support accurate spelling.
that facilitates for a successful, functional, purposeful Treiman (2017:9) claims that “phonology is important in
communication in the spoken or written mediums. The spelling as dual-route theories suggest… Graphotatics and
written medium requires more detailed discreetness as it morphology play important roles in spelling, and these roles
comprises marks on paper that carry the required accuracy are [sic] not adequately acknowledged by dual-route
and appropriateness of the intended discourses. Thus, theories.” This is to say that spelling explicates phonology
writers of a language need to be concise with their spelling and morphology in writing as spelled words must employ
skill. Studies on writing incorporate spelling development the directly accurate lexicons.