Unit 12 Yr2 Proposal Template Jack Eley

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Title: the history and development of from software games

Student Name: Jack Eley

Assignment Date: 16/11/2023


In this section, provide a brief introduction to your proposed documentary topic. Explain why you
have chosen this particular topic and its relevance within the esports industry. State the purpose of
your documentary and what you aim to achieve through this project.

I have selected the history and development of from software games and the impact they have on
the competitive community. I chose this topic because I believe the games produced by from
software like dark souls 1-3, demon souls, bloodborne and Elden ring were the real start to the hard,
intense gameplay style with a huge reward of accomplishment to the gaming community. Through
this tough gameplay bred a speed runners dream and slowly became one of the top game series to
speed run to this day and developed a huge competitive scene with multiple of big and small
creators all trying to beat each other’s time, this can be seen most with there newest game Elden
ring. The purpose of this documentary is to shed light on the expansive and complex games to
people who might not know they even exist; another purpose of this documentary is similar to the
previous one but show the impact these games have had on the community.


Provide a concise overview of what your documentary will be about. Summarize the key points,
themes, and aspects you intend to cover in your documentary.

After my introduction I think I’m going to cover the history of the games this could contain things like
when it came out; what technology they had at the time; how well the game did; how the company
developed and any key points in time were the soulslike games were at its peak. Next very similar to
the history of the company and games I would like to cover the development of technology and how
it changed the game, in this I could talk about how they remastered some games as the years went
on and how this changed the company. I could also cover how the speed running part of the game
has developed and the impact it had on the competitive gaming industry of speed running this could
also contain rivalries between games like this. A possible topic could the other aspects of the game
other than speed running so like character, level and boss design I think in these types of games

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these attributes can carry the game. Another easy topic to cover is the interviews which will be
covered more in the interview section.

Research Objectives:

List the main objectives of your research and what you hope to discover or achieve with your
documentary. This section should outline the specific questions or issues you intend to address.

My main research objective is to get a good understanding of each game and were they lie in the
community and what speed running capability’s they have; this can directly like to a main purpose of
this documentary. Another objective I’m going to research is games its inspired or help make as this
can help me get a perspective from the outside and from different community’s.


Explain the methods and approaches you plan to use in your research and documentary production.
Describe how you will gather information, conduct interviews, and source visual materials. Include
details on any technologies or equipment you will use.

A good method I will use is asking my peers and other friends that know my topic to gather
information and different opinions, another method I can use is watching other documentary
already made on my topic to help me with ideas and ways to structure my whole documentary. A
good way to get the information from my peers could be using Microsoft forms as it’s an easy way to
collect and conduct information. However, with the interviews I will conduct them from the collage
as they have a studio that we can use. My visual materials will most likely be from wikis and
gameplay trailers if not some own recorded footage or some visual effects I make myself in post-
production. To finish it off my last method of gathering information will be actually playing through
all the games to get my own understanding and opinion on everything from software has to offer.

Key Resources:

List the essential resources you will require for your documentary. This can include books, articles,
websites, software, hardware, and any contacts or experts you plan to interview.

To start of with I’m going to be using YouTube to find videos for secondary information as well as the
Elden ring wiki. For the software sim going to be using after effects, premier pro and probably
photoshop. To move on to the equipment at the collage we have greenscreens, cameras, mics and
lighting which will defiantly be a massive help when either recording my audio or when conducting
the interviews. Another software that I can use to collect primary information is Microsoft forms or
any other website/software that allows me to gather multiple

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Identify any individuals or experts you intend to interview for your documentary. Provide a brief
description of their roles and why their insights are valuable to your project. If you have already
secured interviews, mention this here.

Beginning with the people who I’m going to start with is going to be some peers from my class and
someone from outside of my class who have some level of experience playing the game. One of the
people I have a smaller amount of experience and someone who has played the game a lot more
hopefully making them having different contrasting opinions but both still giving valid reasoning. I’m
not 100% about the two people I’ve picked for my interviews but I know one of them can defiantly
do it.

Visuals and Footage:

Describe the visual elements you plan to include in your documentary. Explain whether you will use
existing footage, create animations, or film original content. If you intend to use stock footage,
specify where you will source it from and how you plan to credit it.

For the main content on the screen, it will mainly consist of gameplay from the games like trailers,
people raging at the game and speed runs all of this will hopefully be changing enough to keep the
attention and engagement of my audience and hopefully be relevant to the topic. Moving on to the
visual effects I’m going to be using premier pro and after effects to make stuff like transitions, lower
thirds, title cards, information boxes and other cool animations all of this will be relevant to the topic
of from software games and will hopefully make sense to my audience. And the stock footage I get
will probably be gained from gameplay I record or clips from people online like YouTube

Script Outline:

Provide a rough outline of the script for your documentary. This should include the main sections,
headings, and key points you will cover. You can use bullet points or short descriptions.

- Introduction: in this I would be talking about a brief history of the game and summarise
what I’m trying to prove in this documentary. This will cover all the games made by from
software and the games they inspired. It will also include other topics
- Main focus point: In this part of my documentary, I will be covering more of my actual point
this will also contain the interviews. This will cover all the games made by them and the
games they inspired, more things this will cover is the development of the technology and
some main key game design.

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- Conclusion: In this it will include a summarisation to the point that I was trying to prove.


Create a timeline that outlines the major milestones and deadlines for your project. Include dates for
research, interviews, scriptwriting, filming, editing, and final submission. Be realistic about the time
required for each task.

- Research – firstly I’m going to be researching further into my project so that I can reach a
better conclusion.
- Script writing
- Filming interviews 30th November
- Recording of script
- Making visual effects
- Editing the footage together.


Summarize your proposal by reiterating the importance of your chosen topic, its relevance to the
esports industry, and the objectives of your documentary. Explain why your project is worth
pursuing and what you hope to contribute to the field.

In conclusion in my video, I’m going to sum up the points that I’m trying to prove the main point I am
trying to prove is the history and development of from software games and how they have an impact
on the competitive gaming industry. This has relevance to esports as there is a competitive scene to
esports which from software games excel at and they also bring competition. So, to summarise these
games are important to the speed running community as I think it bolstered it for a long time along
side other great games and have inspired games that are big in the esports industry today. I think in
my conclusion I’m going to also going to talk about the technology more and how that development
has changed how speed running works.

Word count 1156

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