2 .Bone Fracture Management
2 .Bone Fracture Management
2 .Bone Fracture Management
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Sh. Al –Edanni
Orthopedic surgeon
Clinical feature
1.History of injury
2.Clinical examination
Local signs
• General signs
• Pain and tenderness. • Shock
• Swelling • hemorrhage.
• Deformity. • Associated
• Loss of function. injury to brain,
• Bruising. spinal cord or
• Abnormal move.. viscera.
• Crepitus.
Imaging feature of the fracture
• 1.Plain X – ray • 2.Special imaging:
• It is mandatory, • Tomography.
• C.T scan.
• Radioisotope
Why Classify?
• 1.As a treatment guide
2.To Assist with Prognosis
3.To Speak A Common Language
With Fracture Classification…
You go from x-ray….
Two types of fracture
• Closed Fractures • Opened fracture
Closed Fractures
Fracture is not exposed to the
All fractures have some degree of soft
tissue injury
Commonly classified according to the
Tscherne classification
Tscherne Classification
● Grade 0- negligible soft tissue injury
● Grade 1- superficial abrasion or contusion
● Grade 2- deep contusion from direct trauma
● Grade 3- Extensive contusion and crush
injury with possible severe muscle injury,
compartment syndrome
Tscherne Classification
• Grade 0 • Grade 1
• High energy
• Increased risk of
amputation and
• Major vascular
injury requiring
How to manage fractures
1) Reduction
2) Hold (stabilized)
3) Exercise
1)Reduction of the fracture.
• The principles:-
• 1. Reduction should be early.
• 2. Slightly displaced fractures do not need
• 3. Alignment of # is more important than
• 4. Intra- articular # should be reduced as near
to perfection .
Two methods of fracture reduction
• Closed reduction.
• Open (operative) reduction.
Reduction by three maneuvers
Traction of the distal
• Operative correction
part ,then is indicated in:-
Reposition of the • 1.Failure of close
bone fragments & reduction.
lastly • 2.Intra-articular
Alignment (correct fracture.
the rotation of the
• 3.Some avulsion #
limb in each plane)
2)How to hold (stabilized) the reduced
The aim:- fracture
• The methods:
1.To alleviates pain .
2.To ensure that • 1.Continuous traction.
union takes place in • 2.Cast
good position. splintage(plaster).
• 3.Functional bracing.
• 4.Internal fixation.
• 5.External fixiation
1) Continuous traction
• Methods of • Complications of
traction: traction:
● Traction by gravity ● vascular problem:
alone. especially very old &
● Skin traction. the very young.
● Skeletal traction. ● Nerve injury:
Traction by gravity alone.
Skin traction.
Elastoplasts is applied to the skin of the leg &
hold on with a bandage, traction is by cord. this
traction produces a pull of up to 5 kg.
Skeletal traction-
A wire or pin is inserted through the bone distal to
the fracture & traction is
• applied
--- via hook or a
2) Cast splintage(plaster).
• Types • Complications:
• 1.Tight cast---
• Plaster of paris (pop)
• fiberglass splint . compression. It need
ton split the cast
down to skin.
• 2.Pressure sore
• 3.Skin laceration or
Plaster of paris (pop) • fiberglass splint
is hemihydrated calcium sulphate,
it reacts with water to form
hydrated calcium sulphate which
• 3) ofFunctional
segments bracing:
a cast are applied only over the
shafts of the bone, leaving the joint free,
metal or plastic connects the cast segments
which allow movements of the joint in one
4) Internal fixation:
This is an operative fixation of bone fragments by
screws, pins, plate, wire, intramedullary nail.
Un reduce fractures .
Unstable fractures like displaced ankle # & traction
injury like patella & olcranon #.
Fractures that prone to non union eg. Femoral neck #.
Pathological #
Poly trauma patient to minimize the risk of ARDS.
Fracture in patient who present nursing difficulties
(paraplegics, multiple injuries & the very elderly).
Internal fixation
Internal fixation
Complications of internal fixation
➢ Infection.
➢ Non union.
➢ Implant failure, implant may be break if subjected
to stress eg. early walking.
➢ Refracture, if implant removed early.
1) FX associated with sever soft tissue damage.
2) FX associated with nerve or vessel damage.
3) Severely comminuted & unstable #.
4) FX of the pelvis.
5) Infected FX.
External fixation
Complications of ext. fixation