What Are South Africa Time Management Laws
What Are South Africa Time Management Laws
What Are South Africa Time Management Laws
Management Laws?
South Africa has national laws in effect to regulate the allocation of working time for
employees, protecting their rights and ensuring equitable compensation for their work. These
laws serve as guidelines for employers, ensuring compliance and preventing any instances of
mistreatment or unfair practices.
The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), established in 1997, sets out a minimum
standard for employment conditions that must be adhered to. Although employers have the
freedom to provide improved conditions, they are prohibited from offering or including in
any contract conditions that are less favorable than those outlined in the BCEA.
The arrangement of working time is governed by Chapter 2 of the BCEA, covering regular
hours and overtime, with specific applicability to employees below a certain earnings
threshold. The maximum permissible normal working time is 45 hours per week. Any hours
worked beyond an employee’s regular working hours will be considered as overtime.
Overtime pay is set at 1.5 times the normal wage rate, except for Sundays and public
holidays, which require double the normal wage rate.
In addition, the act has expanded to include a Code of Good Practice on the Arrangement of
Working Time to offer employers and employees information and guidelines regarding the
organisation of working time and its effects on employee health, safety, and family
The Labour Relations Act of 1995 is also an act that establishes procedures that employers
can employ to ensure discipline in the workplace, adhere to prescribed procedures, and
ultimately impose fair sanctions based on valid reasons. It is crucial for employees to be
informed about the expected standards of behavior within the workplace.
Generally, South Africa has robust legislation to regulate working time and protect employee
rights. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Labour Relations Act offer vital
guidelines for fair treatment, maximum working hours, overtime compensation, and
workplace discipline, creating a conducive and balanced work environment that respects
employee rights and fosters productive employment relationships.
South Africa
R25,42 per hour
Minimum Wage
South Africa 1.5x regular rate for any time worked over 45 hours/week (2x
Overtime normal rate for Sundays and public holidays)
• Race
• Gender
• Sex
• Pregnancy
• Marital status
• Family responsibility
• Ethnic or social origin
• Color
• Sexual orientation
• Age
• Disability
• Religion
• HIV status
• Conscience
• Belief
• Political opinion
• Culture
• Language
• Birth
Further, employers are required to provide employees with written particulars of employment
when they begin their employment. If there are any changes to the terms of employment, the
particulars must be revised accordingly. These written particulars must include the
employer’s full name and address, the employee’s name and occupation or a brief job
description, various work locations, the date of employment, ordinary working hours and
days, wage or rate of pay along with the calculation method, overtime rate, any additional
cash payments or payment in kind and its value, frequency of remuneration, deductions, leave
entitlement, notice period or contract duration, information on any applicable council or
sectoral determination, period of previous employment that counts towards the current
period, and a list of other contract documents with instructions on where to obtain copies.
Employers are also obligated to display a statement of employees’ rights in the official
languages used at the workplace.
Upon the conclusion of employment, an employee has the right to receive a certificate of
service. An employee who is terminated due to operational requirements or whose
employment contract is ended under the Insolvency Act of 1936 is eligible to receive one
week’s severance pay for each year of service.
Both employers and employees in South Africa must note that according to the Basic
Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), when it comes to employment law, a collective
agreement reached through a bargaining council has the authority to replace or exclude
certain basic employment conditions. Both collective agreements and individual agreements
are only allowed to replace or exclude basic employment conditions within the limits set by
the Act or a sectoral determination through Variation by agreement. The Minister of Labour
also has the authority to issue a determination to vary or exclude a basic employment
condition, either upon request from an employer or employer organisation through Variation
by Minister. However, a determination cannot be granted unless a trade union representing
the employees has given consent to the variation or has been given the opportunity to make
representations to the Minister. Employers are required to display a copy of any
determination in the workplace and make it available to employees. Additionally, sectoral
determinations can be established to define basic employment conditions for employees
within a specific sector and area.
It must be minded that collective agreements, while capable of replacing or excluding various
employment conditions, have limitations imposed on them. Specific provisions that cannot be
altered through collective agreements include the duty to arrange working time while
considering employee health, safety, and family responsibilities (Sections 7, 9, and 13).
Additionally, the protections afforded to employees performing night work cannot be reduced
(Section 17(3) and (4)). Annual leave entitlement must not be reduced to less than two weeks
(Section 20), and entitlement to maternity leave cannot be decreased (Section 25).
Furthermore, the entitlement to sick leave must be reduced beyond the limits set by the Act
(Sections 22-24), and any form of child labour and forced labour is strictly prohibited
(Section 48).
According to the National Minimum Wage Act, employers are obligated to pay their workers
at least the national minimum wage, and this requirement cannot be waived.
This applies to all workers and their employers, with the exception of certain military and
intelligence agencies. It does not cover volunteers who do not receive remuneration for their
The national minimum wage takes precedence over any conflicting provisions in contracts,
collective agreements, sectorial determinations, or laws, except for laws specifically
amending the act, unless there are more favorable provisions in the employee contract,
collective agreement, or law.
Unilaterally altering wages, work hours, or employment conditions in connection with the
implementation of the national minimum wage is deemed an unfair labour practice by
If individuals believe that they are being paid below the Minimum Wage, they have the
option to lodge a complaint with the South African Department of Employment & Labour.
Trade union members also have the opportunity to raise their concerns with their union
In the event that a complaint is filed and an employer is found guilty of paying below the
minimum wage, the employer may face fines under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act
(BCEA) and National Minimum Wage Act or they may negotiate an agreement with the
employee to settle any owed arrears.
Notably, although there was a distinction in minimum wages between general workers, farm
workers, and domestic workers, however, under recent revisions, the national minimum wage
now encompasses farm workers, which include individuals employed as domestic workers in
a home on a farm or forestry environment, as well as security guards on farms or other
agricultural premises (excluding security guards in the private security industry regulated by
the Private Security Industry Regulation Act). The same applies to other domestic workers,
such as gardeners, drivers employed by households, those employed or provided through
employment services, and those caring for children, the elderly, the sick, or the disabled.
Additionally, the Act allows employers to request an exemption from paying the complete
national minimum wage. Regulations on South Africa minimum wage exemptions were
released in 2018, outlining the specific procedures and requirements for applying for such
exemptions. The regulations do not allow for complete exemption from the national
minimum wage. Instead, they allow for a maximum reduction of 10% for qualifying
employers, such as lowering the wage from R25.42 per hour to R22.88 per hour.
Exemptions can only be granted starting from the date of application and are valid for a
maximum period of 12 months and will only be granted if the delegated authority, which
could be the Director-General of the Department of Employment and Labour or a delegated
official, is satisfied with two conditions. Firstly, the employer must demonstrate that they
cannot afford to pay the minimum wage. Secondly, the employer must have consulted all
representative trade unions within the workplace. If there are no trade unions, the employer
must consult with the affected workers.
Learn more about South Africa’s minimum wage exemptions and regulations through
our South Africa Minimum Wage Laws guide.
What is the Due Date for Paying Employees in South
The frequency of payroll cycles is not fixed in South Africa and is typically determined
through mutual agreement between employers and employees as stated in the employment
contract. As such, the payroll cycle can vary and be either monthly, weekly, or bi-weekly.
Wages can be determined based on various time intervals such as hours, days, weeks, or
months. Employers have a responsibility to pay workers their wages in the local currency, the
Rand, within seven days after the completion of the wage period for which payment is due. If
there is a specified pay date outlined in the employment contract or any other agreement, the
employer must comply with the agreed-upon terms. Furthermore, it is mandatory for
employers to provide employees with accurate payslips on each payday.
Payment of wages must be made during working hours or within 15 minutes before or after
the scheduled working hours at the workplace. If payment is made in cash or by cheque, it
should be handed to the employee in a sealed envelope. Alternatively, wages can be directly
deposited into a bank account specified by the employee in writing.
When it comes to deductions for damage or loss caused by the employee, an agreement must
be reached and the employer must follow a fair procedure.
Furthermore, employers are required to promptly pay deductions and employer contributions
to benefit funds within a seven-day period.
For monthly remuneration, it is calculated as four and one-third times the weekly wage.
Remuneration based on factors other than time or that which significantly varies from period
to period must be calculated based on the employee’s average remuneration over the
preceding 13 weeks or the duration of their employment if shorter.
This includes a maximum of 45 hours per week, nine (9) hours per day if the employee works
five days or less in a week, or eight (8) hours per day if the employee works more than five
Additionally, employees who earn below the threshold and work less than four (4) hours on a
particular day must still be compensated for a minimum of four (4) hours on that day.
Any hours worked beyond the employee’s regular working hours will be considered as
overtime. For example, if an employee is contracted to work 45 hours per week, any hours
worked beyond that will be classified as overtime.
Similarly, if the employee’s normal working hours are 40 hours per week, any hours worked
in excess of 40 will be considered as overtime.
Overtime work in South Africa is voluntary and can only be undertaken with the agreement
of both the employer and employee. The maximum allowable overtime is 3 hours in a day or
10 hours in a week.
Overtime pay is set at 1.5 times the normal wage rate, except for work on Sundays and public
holidays, which must be compensated at twice (2x) the normal wage rate. Alternatively, time
off in lieu of payment can be granted, but only with the employee’s agreement.
Learn more about South Africa overtime laws through our detailed guide.
Although an employee is not allowed to work more than 12 hours in a day, a collective
agreement can extend overtime hours to a maximum of fifteen (15) hours per week for a
period of up to two (2) months within a 12-month timeframe.
Further, an employee has the option to consent in writing to work up to 12 hours in a day
without being entitled to overtime pay.
However, this agreement must not result in the employee working more than 45 ordinary
hours in a week, exceeding ten (10) hours of overtime in a week, or working more than five
(5) days in a week.
Under a collective agreement, it is also possible to average the hours of work over a
maximum period of four (4) months. In such cases, employees who are subject to this
collective agreement must not exceed an average of 45 ordinary hours per week over the
agreed period, nor an average of five (5) hours of overtime per week over the agreed period.
For those who consistently work between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., information must be
provided regarding any potential health and safety risks associated with their work, as well
as their right to undergo a medical examination.
• Daily Rest Periods: In South Africa, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act
(BCEA) stipulates that employees are entitled to a daily rest period of at least 12
consecutive hours between the end of one workday and the start of the next. This
period may be reduced to 10 hours for employees who live on their employer’s
premises under certain conditions.
• Weekly Rest Periods: Besides daily rest periods, employees in South Africa are also
entitled to a weekly rest period. This typically consists of at least 36 consecutive
hours of rest, which usually includes a Sunday or a public holiday. This provision
ensures that employees have sufficient time to recuperate from a week’s work and
maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Meal Breaks in South Africa
South African labour laws are more specific about meal breaks. Employees working for more
than five continuous hours are entitled to a meal break of at least one hour. This break can be
reduced to 30 minutes by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. If an
employee works less than six hours a day, the meal break can be waived entirely through an
agreement. It is important to note that the timing of the meal break after five hours of work is
flexible and can be negotiated between the employer and the employee via a mutual
If you want to know more about the entitlements of employees in South Africa, you can read
our comprehensive guide on South Africa Labour Laws, which covers all the essential
According to common law principles, such breaks are typically unpaid unless both parties
agree to payment.
However, there are exceptions to this general rule. For instance, in the South Africa
Wholesale and Retail Sector, employees are entitled to two 15-minute breaks that are
considered working time in addition to their unpaid meal interval.
Similarly, the Main Collective Agreement in the Metal and Engineering Industry Bargaining
Council in South Africa stipulates two 10-minute breaks that are fully paid.
To support this, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) and its
accompanying Code of Good Practice on the Protection of Employees during Pregnancy and
after the Birth of a Child outline provisions for breastfeeding mothers in the workplace.
It is the responsibility of the employee to communicate with her employer if she intends to
continue breastfeeding beyond six (6) months and to collaborate on arrangements that
facilitate and support breastfeeding.
What are South Africa Leave Laws?
There are various types of leaves that employers in South Africa are required to provide their
employees. Such provisions do not apply to employees who work less than 24 hours per
month for an employer or to any leave granted that exceeds specified entitlements. Such
leaves include leave that are legally mandatory and those that are at the discretion of the
Annual Leave
Annual leave is a benefit extended to all employees in South Africa, both in public and
private sectors. The minimum duration is 21 consecutive days per annual leave cycle, or
equivalently, one day for every 17 days worked or one hour for every 17 hours worked.
Employees typically utilize this leave for personal rest, travel, or other leisure activities.
Voting Leave
Voting leave in South Africa is available to all workers. It typically covers the time required
to vote in any local, regional, or national election. This leave facilitates employees’
participation in the democratic process, allowing them to exercise their voting rights without
loss of pay or fear of reprisal.
Military Leave
Employees who serve in the South African National Defence Force reserves are eligible for
military leave. The duration of this leave varies, depending on the requirements of the
military service or training. It is specifically intended for fulfilling obligations related to
military service or attending necessary training sessions.
If you want to know more about the entitlements of employees in South Africa, you can read
our guide on South Africa Leave Laws, which covers each essential regulation in detail.
Employers are prohibited from employing children under 15 directly or indirectly, and they
should not be present at the workplace.
Children aged 15 to 18 are also protected from engaging in work that may be hazardous,
inappropriate for their age, detrimental to their schooling, or harmful to their overall
development, whether it be economic activities or household chores.
If young persons between the ages of 15 and 17 seek employment, employers must ensure
that it does not interfere with their education and implement special measures to safeguard
them from workplace-related harm.
In cases where child labour is discovered, employers are required to take appropriate action
to remediate the situation and prioritise the best interests of the child
It’s worth noting that the definition of “work” extends beyond economic activities
like paid employment and encompasses household chores or activities within the
child’s home. However, this definition applies only if such tasks are exploitative,
hazardous, unsuitable for the child’s age, or detrimental to their development.
Child workers who are not enrolled in school are legally prohibited from working for more
than 40 hours per week.
For minors who are enrolled in school, it is also illegal to require or permit them to work
more than 20 hours in any week during the school term or more than 40 hours in any week
that falls entirely within school holidays.
Moreover, on any given day, it is considered a violation to require or permit a child worker
to work for more than eight (8) hours. If the child is enrolled in school, the limitations extend
to a maximum of two (2) hours on a school day or four hours on a day when the child is
expected to attend school but not the following day.
Specifically, no child worker should be allowed to work before 6 a.m. or after 6 p.m. on any
given day.
There are certain exceptions outlined regarding child workers who are not expected to attend
school the following day, allowing them to work between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. under specific
circumstances. These exceptions include working in establishments like restaurants, cinemas,
theaters, or shops where adequate adult supervision is provided, or engaging in activities such
as babysitting or child-minding.
It is essential that employers comply with the requirement that if a child worker is allowed to
work after 6 p.m. based on the aforementioned exceptions, they must ensure safe
transportation for the child at the end of their shift, at no cost to the child, their parent, or
This provision can only be waived if there is written agreement otherwise from the child’s
parent or legal guardian.
If consented to, the accommodation provided for the minor must be safe, suitable, and free
of charge, with sufficient bedding and facilities. Violation of this rule is an offense, and the
child’s schooling should not be affected. The employer must provide nutritious food or an
allowance for the child’s meals.
However, this regulation does not prohibit the payment of a commission or incentive
payment to a child worker upon completing a task, provided the child is paid at least the
minimum wage set by any sectoral determination or bargaining council agreement for that
specific work. If there is no prescribed minimum wage, the child should receive a basic wage
calculated based on time worked, which should exceed the commission or incentive payment
received, and this wage should be consistently calculated.
However, there is a defense available to a person charged with an offense if they can prove
that the child in question was not their employee and did not contribute to their business in
any manner.
In cases where a person is prosecuted for causing injury or the death of a child worker, or for
breaching any law related to health and safety at work, and a labour inspector believes that
the person may have engaged the child in the worst form of child labour as described in these
regulations, the labour inspector must bring this information to the attention of the relevant
prosecuting authority.