Tourism Marketing Strategy 2013 2016
Tourism Marketing Strategy 2013 2016
Tourism Marketing Strategy 2013 2016
YG Photo: D. Crowe
Tourism Yukon is mindful of the challenges that It focuses on high-yield customers from the markets
tourism marketers and more important, tourism that have traditionally provided longer stay and/
businesses in Yukon continue to face. This three- or higher spending per stay and better return on Yukon’s Larger Than Life tourism
year strategy endeavours to address some of these investment for Yukon. It is important to understand brand builds intimacy and a powerful
challenges by developing and implementing strategic and acknowledge that Tourism Yukon is defining
priorities that will maximize opportunities to increase high yield visitors based on total trip expenditure. personal relationship between our
tourism revenues, enhance the effectiveness and A critical success factor in this approach will be to
support Yukon’s tourism industry to develop and
customers and Yukon.
return from marketing investments, engage industry,
and entice travellers to choose Yukon as a future expand tourism products and services that meet the
travel destination. This strategy has been developed expectations of high-yield travellers.
with consideration of the strategic priorities of Yukon’s
At the heart of our approach is the consistent
tourism industry. platform, and collaboration with industry. In 2013, we
application of Yukon’s Larger Than Life tourism brand
in a way that builds intimacy and a powerful personal will be conducting a Marketing Program Assessment
Once statistics are compiled, it is expected that the
overall number of visitors to Yukon will have increased relationship between our customers and Yukon. in collaboration with the SMC that will enable us to
by about three per cent in 2012 in response to Our marketing messages and investments need to more strategically assess the performance of our target
leverage this relationship with the Yukon brand and markets which will in turn guide our level of investment
stabilizing economies in key target markets like the
help embed in consumers a profound desire to visit
US and the UK, growth from Australia and Japan, in each market.
Yukon. Over the next year, we will be implementing
strong bookings and increased air access from
and integrating EQ across our marketing and On behalf of Tourism Yukon, we are pleased to present
German-speaking Europe and stimulated visitation
experience development initiatives. the 2013–2016 Tourism Marketing Strategy.
from Canada due to enhanced air capacity. These
results provide some cause for cautious optimism for This three-year Tourism Marketing Strategy is linked
Yukon’s tourism industry. to our annual Tourism Marketing Plan. Collectively,
they define Tourism Yukon’s strategic priorities,
Our mission and goal focuses on facilitating
marketing activities, and ensure that our activities are
the growth of tourism revenue, which does not
measured against our goal to grow tourism revenue.
necessarily mean a growth in the number of visitors
to Yukon. We believe this is an important strategic The foundation of this marketing strategy was built
distinction which takes into account Yukon’s existing from research, analysis, market intelligence and Denny Kobayashi
capacity of product, experiences and infrastructure. experience, development of a compelling brand Senior Manager, Global Marketing
The place the world wants to be.
Facilitate long-term economic growth for the tourism industry through
developing and marketing Yukon as a year-round travel destination.
Economic Growth
Increase tourism revenue
YG Photo: R. Postma
World View market share. Other factors that have led On the home front, a strong Canadian dollar has been
Economic recovery has been slower than anticipated to a decrease in Canada’s travel market share hovering close to parity with the American dollar, making
and consumer confidence continues to be fragile in include security concerns, greater demand for outbound travel from Canada much more attractive
many of our target markets. Economies in the U.S. short-haul travel, reduced funding to the Canadian
to Canadians. This is making it more challenging for
and the U.K. are stabilizing, but continue to show Tourism Commission, and fierce competition from
us to convince Canadians to visit Yukon. However,
signs of economic challenges. Germany, Yukon’s other destinations.
additional investments through various federal programs
largest overseas market, is however boasting strong for the promotion of the North and the desire of many
Increasingly competitive destinations such as
economic conditions.
Southeast Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Turkey Canadians to visit a region that they consider profoundly
Consumers are putting increased emphasis on value and the Middle East have seen growth fueled by ‘’authentic’’, has kept Yukon on many Canadian
and this can be expected to be a deciding factor in improved air access, value for money offerings and travellers’ list of potential destinations.
interest in exotic new experiences. That being said,
consumer purchase behaviours for the foreseeable
Canada emerged in 2011 with new opportunities
future. One of Canada’s greatest challenges over
for increased tourism demand with notable growth
the next few years will be to improve its eroding
from China and India – however, these markets show
competitive positioning. Canada’s market share of
limited opportunity for Yukon in the short term.
One of Canada’s greatest
foreign travellers has fallen more than 18 per cent
since 2004. Canada is a relatively high-cost, mature For Yukon, more specifically, direct flights from
challenges over the next few years
travel destination and visitation from primary markets Germany, continued interest in aurora viewing from will be to improve its eroding
has moved beyond the peak growth phase into a Japan in the fall and winter, recovery of the U.S.
period of slower growth. Canada is not alone in this economy and an enhanced investment in overseas competitive positioning.
situation; many other mature travel destinations such marketing should result in modest growth from
as Japan, the U.K. and Germany also face declining international visitors each year.
YG Photo: R. Hartmier
Our Product
It is clear that the success of Yukon’s tourism
We will continue to focus on
industry in the long term will require an ongoing
the northern lights and midnight investment in the development and expansion
of Yukon tourism products and experiences that
sun as our Unique Selling
meet the expectations of high-yield travellers.
Propositions. Yukon and Canada are high cost destinations for
the majority of world travellers, and we need to
avoid commoditizing Yukon tourism products by
competing for customers based on price. With
global brand integration underway and planned
development and utilization of a more sophisticated
segmentation marketing tool, the Canadian Tourism
Commission’s Explorer Quotient™ (EQ), we are
poised to target and attract the high-yield traveller
who will be critical to building a sustainable tourism
sector in Yukon.
YG Photo: R. Wheater
Tourism Yukon will focus on these five strategic • S trengthen and/or leverage strategic nhance frequency and quality of
• E
priorities over the next three years: partnerships across all channels. communications with industry and other
• Leverage marketing investments through Yukon government branches and departments.
1. D
eliver a consistent and compelling partnerships. • F
oster team collaboration by developing and
Yukon brand • Explore ways to more effectively integrate implementing communication, performance,
• Integrate Yukon brand guidelines across all product development, research and visitor development and internal planning processes
marketing activities. services into marketing planning. that empower team members.
• C ommunicate Yukon’s unique attributes • L
everage internal resources to develop an
4. Engage stakeholders
to tell our brand story that connects visitors organizational growth and succession plan
• Invest in community tours, programs and
to memorable Yukon experiences. that enables sharing, mentoring, training,
initiatives that are relevant to industry.
education and hands-on experience across
• Communicate opportunities to participate
2. Create advocates for the Yukon brand channels and markets.
in Tourism Yukon marketing initiatives.
and experiences uild clear objectives and performance measures
• B
• Collaborate with industry to develop market –
• D
evelop and implement the Global Media into the Tourism Marketing Plan that flow down
driven and market-ready products and
Relations Strategy. to the individual personal performance plans
• Develop and implement the Digital Strategy. of each employee.
evelop Explorer Quotient implementation
• D 5. Nurture organizational excellence
and integration plan. • R
efine and practise our corporate values
in everything that we do.
• W
ork with industry to promote industry
standards that align with market
and trade-ready criteria.
3. M
aximize the efficiency of marketing
• Develop
and implement a Marketing Program
Assessment model and process that informs
marketing investment decisions.
• Integrate and review strategies and activities
of organizations and projects funded by
Tourism Yukon.
YG Photo: D. Crowe
The Explorer Quotient® (EQ) look deeper at people’s personal beliefs, social values
and view of the world. It’s a major leap forward,
As Yukon’s destination management organization,
because these factors are what drive people to seek
Tourism Yukon has a responsibility to learn everything
out certain types of experiences.
we can about travellers to Yukon and who our best
high-yield customers are. EQ is changing not only the way that the Yukon will
YG Photo: J. Kennedy
market and sell its experiences, it will create a focus
That’s why we’ve gone beyond traditional market
on the visitor experience. This is often referred to as
research to find out exactly why people travel and why Why are we changing?
a customer-centric or “outside-in” approach. The EQ
different types of travellers seek out entirely different
tool will assist Yukon tourism operators to develop Our previous visitor segmentation research had not
travel experiences. To accomplish this objective, we
their tourism product, pinpoint the best customers, been updated since 2005 and only looked at travellers
signed on as a licensee to the Canadian Tourism
market the business, and drive sales. from Canada and the U.S. Our investment as an EQ
Commission’s Explorer Quotient (EQ) program
licensee provides us with access to segmentation
in 2011.
research and intelligence from all of our overseas
What about the segments Yukon has been markets in addition to Canada and the U.S. The
The consumer should be at the centre of our marketing
targeting since 2005? research for each market (nine in total) is refreshed
approach. EQ will help narrow the focus of our
every five years.
marketing initiatives to more efficiently reach our target Tourism Yukon fully embraced a segmentation
audiences. By creating a profile of our customers, marketing approach in 2005 on the heels of Globalization of the tourism industry has created new
EQ provides our team and the partners we work significant consumer research conducted in Canada and fierce competition for the high-yield traveller from
with a common language to discuss prospects, plan and the U.S. which identified our target segments countries, states, regions and cities around the world
campaigns, build marketing communications, purchase as Scenic Outdoor Travellers, Cultural Explorers and – many of them with much larger marketing budgets
media and ultimately deliver the products consumers than Yukon. EQ will enable Tourism Yukon to market
Adventure Challengers. In the past year, we analyzed
are most likely to buy. “smarter” and compete for a global customer. In
our previous travel types and compared them to the
addition, EQ research will enable us to provide Yukon
EQ is an innovative tool that comes from the science EQ segments. This analysis has not only provided
tourism operators with strategic market intelligence,
of psychographics – an evolution of the traditional field us with valuable insights into travellers to Yukon, trends, key messages, media alternatives and consumer
of demographics. Instead of defining people based on it has ensured that our investment and experience behaviour that will assist them to build tourism products
age, income, gender, family status or education level – with visitor segmentation since 2005 can inform our that are relevant and compelling for travellers in our
all of which is valuable information – psychographics transition into EQ segments. target markets.
Tourism Yukon has adopted the Canadian Tourism non-prospective travellers, where they are along the
Commission’s Path to Purchase model (PTP) for PTP, and enable us to better anticipate a prospective
Tourism Yukon will focus on the
its Tourism Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plan. consumer’s needs, perceptions and behaviors at each
This PTP model will guide our understanding and stage. The model captures the consumer’s journey in
Path to Purchase as the foundation
help us to distinguish between prospective and making the decision to travel to Yukon. of its marketing strategy by allocating
marketing investments based on where
the prospective visitor is on the path.
Tourism Yukon assesses the potential and industry and departmental intelligence, empirical
performance of all of its geo-markets on an annual data and marketing program key performance
basis taking into account a number of factors indicator reporting, that will enable strategic market
including border crossings, data from the International assessment that ultimately drives budget allocation.
Travel Survey, the Canadian Tourism Commission’s
Market Portfolio index, exit surveys, visitor intercepts, For the 2013–2016 Marketing Strategy and 2013–
reports from travel trade partners and market 2014 Marketing Plan, we will continue to classify
performance intelligence provided by Yukon our geo-markets as Primary, Secondary, Emerging
tourism operators. and Monitor. Tourism Yukon’s investments, activities
and support for each market will be driven by these
Since 2009, Tourism Yukon has utilized a Market
classifications, with some flexibility to respond to
Assessment Model that analyzes each target
strategic opportunities when they arise.
market based on a number of criteria that are fed YG Photo: D. Crowe
by the various sources of intelligence listed above. Primary:
In the coming year, Tourism Yukon is undertaking Emerging:
a Marketing Program Assessment (MPA) that Consumer, Trade, Media Relations/PR, and Meetings, Channels:
will drive creation of a ‘made in Yukon’ Market Incentives, Conventions and Events (in Canada) Media Relations/PR, Trade (responsive, in-market
Assessment Model that draws on research, • Canada activity limited to CTC events, respond to trade
• United States inquiries)
• German-speaking Europe (Germany,
• Netherlands
Switzerland and Austria)
• South Korea
Secondary: • France
Trade, Media Relations/PR, and Consumer
No planned in-market activities
CTC campaigns and Trade co-operative marketing
• Australia • Mexico
• U.K. • China
• Japan • Brazil
YG Photo: J. Kennedy
Denny Kobayashi
Senior Manager, Global Marketing
Box 2703 L-1
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 5J3
[email protected]
T 867 667 8795
F 867 667 3546
YG Photo: D. Crowe