1 PB
1 PB
1 PB
Corresponding Author; Fitri, Malang 65141, Indonesia, Tel: +62 341404424, [email protected]
Abstract- In most developing countries, such as Indonesia, burning crop residues exacerbates emissions produced by coal-based
thermal power plants. Agricultural residues, mainly organic components, can be effectively and sustainably exploited to produce
biogas by anaerobic digestion. This paper proposes a microgrid (MG) system for reliable electricity in rural areas and effective
utilization of existing renewable resources. A complete techno-economic analysis established MG systems based on solar energy
and biomass. Two MG systems resulted in reliable rural electrification, MG-I with solar power (PV), and biomass-based
generation units connected to an unreliable power grid. MG-II with biomass-based generation units, unstable grid, biomass, and
batteries. The investigation included several performance evaluation criteria: component cost, inflation rate, project feasibility,
generation response, emissions, and fuel price. This study shows that the MG-I microgrid system can provide electricity to the
community for 0.0735 $/kWh, 1.37 times cheaper than MG-II. In addition, with the efficient use of abundant biomass resources,
the proposed MG-I system reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80 percent and can reduce atmospheric pollution.
Keywords: optimization; renewable energy integration; microgrids; hybrid energy systems; biomass.
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
2.2. Algorithm 2028. East Java has renewable energy potential till 2028, as
shown in Figure 3.
The current work uses a specific strategy to model and
improve a hybrid energy system. Figure 2 depicts the proposed
algorithm for HRES. This figure also illustrates the HRES
algorithm, composed of three steps: parameter input,
simulation and optimization, and results. In the parameter
input section, the components of each HRES variation are
specified. In the simulation and optimization section, the
simulation and evaluation of each component are conducted
to achieve optimal results. In the results segment, the sorting
process is conducted based on the lowest NPC and by
analyzing the obtained outcomes.
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
CFL 25 15 0.375 4 1.5 6 2.25
Water pump 4 275 1.1 6 6.6 6 6.6
Fan 10 60 0.6 8 4.8 0 0
Total load 486.08 391.5
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
3.3.2. Energy production from solar PV
𝑃#$ = 𝐶#$ + 𝐷#$ )* / [1 + 𝛼# (𝑇5 − 𝑇5,785 )] (1)
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
3.6. Converter where 𝑁_`a represents the number of batteries, 𝑉_`a represents
the battery's voltage, and 𝐼_`a represents the battery's
Figure 1 depicts a bidirectional converter that maintains maximum charging current in amps. This investigation
energy transfer between AC and DC buses. Equation 4 utilized 40 flat-plate Li-ion batteries charged at 100% and
determines the power value of the converter [48]: 10% capacity. The return frequency was 90% [48].
where 𝑃] denotes peak load demand and 𝜂Z[\ is the efficiency Capital, replacement, operating, and maintenance
of the converter. In this investigation, the converter has a 20- expenses for microgrid system components comprise the
year lifespan and a 90% round-trip efficiency. economics of hybrid systems. The system's fixed assets
include installation labor and land. Biomass is $25 per ton. A
3.7. Battery 20-year project has zero percent annual capacity [48]. In
HOMER simulations, the dispatch mechanism is load
Microgrids utilize batteries to store excess generation following, and the time step is one hour. COE is the average
and discharge energy during peak load demand when RER is annual system cost per produced kWh of electricity. The cost
insufficient to meet the load demand. Equation 5 determines of grid COE was $0.01/kWh [50]. Table 2 component prices
the battery's maximum power: explain from the current literature. The exchange rate was
15,278 IDR per 1 USD.
b`c defg $efg *efg
𝑃_`a = (5)
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
kWh COE, and operational expenses are $281,225.30, generate electricity, which, if burned openly, would release
$0.0735, and $43,997, respectively, with an 81.5% share of greenhouse gases. Thus, the MG-I system reduces 85% of CO2
renewable energy [39]–[41]. With net metering, the proposed emissions, 86.5% of NO emissions, and 76% of SO2 emissions
MG-I system can sell excess electricity supplied by renewable with an 82.5% renewable energy system component [39]–
energy sources (PV and biomass) to the grid to satisfy the [41].
village's load requirement. MG-I demonstrates that the
suggested system can generate more electricity and satisfy the
load demand in the hamlet. PV-Biogas Genset-grid electricity
contributions are shown in Figure 8.
4.2. MG-II
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
Based on the above techno-economic analysis of hour, and the TNPC to range between $291,650 and $297,185
microgrid systems, the MG-I microgrid is the superior option (Figure 13).
for providing reliable and high-quality electricity to rural
consumers, as it can provide electricity to villages at a COE of 4.4.3. Dependence on the solar radiation
0.0735 $/kWh, which is less than the average tariff rate of
purchasing electricity from the grid, which is 0.1 $/kWh. As Solar radiation between 4.47 and 6.01 kW/m2 per day
indicated in Table 4, the TNPC and COE are 1.67 and 2.1 impacted COE and TNPC (Figure 14). The intensity of solar
times more in MG-II than in MG-I, despite MG-II utilizing radiation decreases COE and TNPC. COE is lowered by solar
100% renewable energy. The annual energy sold to the grid radiation from 0.0843 to 0.0671 dollars per kilowatt-hour and
by the MG-I system is 1.96 times greater than the energy TNPC from $295,305 to $269,164.
purchased from the grid since the MG-I system generates 1.30
times more power (kWh/year). Additionally, the MG-I system
generates a small profit and has a payback period of 3.83
years, with a shortened payback length of 4.16 years. In order
to estimate the microgrid's COE and TNPC, a sensitivity
analysis of the MG-I system (PV/biomass/grid) was
Emissions Grid-only of crop MG-I
CO2 Fig. 12. COE and NPC impact of biogas generating capital
94560 115019 31714 69.1
(kg/year) cost
- 6963.2 0.563 0.845
457 159.2 153 0
209 275.718 67.3 0.565
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
Table 4. Comparisons suggested different ways to set up microgrid systems
Descriptions Parameters MG-I MG-II
Finances NPC ($) 280,225.30 466,758.
COE ($/kWh) 0.0735 0.156
Initial investment ($) 122,400.38 140,303
Cost of operation ($) 43,997 95,903
Production of Total power generated
305,002 226,596
electricity (kWh/year)
PV generation (kWh/year) 171,222 106,595
Production of biogas generators (kWh/year) 84,248 119,052
Grid Grid auction (kWh/year) 94,183 -
Grid investment (kWh/year) 47,532
AC load (kWh/year) 181,500 181,450
Electricity surplus (kWh/year) 19,477 38,416
Renewable percentage
81.5 100
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
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