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Designing and Analyzing a Hybrid Photovoltaic-

Biomass Microgrid for Rural Communities

Herwandi* , Leonardo Kamajaya * , Fitri*‡

* Department of Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang, Malang 65141, Indonesia

([email protected], [email protected], [email protected])

Corresponding Author; Fitri, Malang 65141, Indonesia, Tel: +62 341404424, [email protected]

Received: 09.03.2023 Accepted:26.04.2023

Abstract- In most developing countries, such as Indonesia, burning crop residues exacerbates emissions produced by coal-based
thermal power plants. Agricultural residues, mainly organic components, can be effectively and sustainably exploited to produce
biogas by anaerobic digestion. This paper proposes a microgrid (MG) system for reliable electricity in rural areas and effective
utilization of existing renewable resources. A complete techno-economic analysis established MG systems based on solar energy
and biomass. Two MG systems resulted in reliable rural electrification, MG-I with solar power (PV), and biomass-based
generation units connected to an unreliable power grid. MG-II with biomass-based generation units, unstable grid, biomass, and
batteries. The investigation included several performance evaluation criteria: component cost, inflation rate, project feasibility,
generation response, emissions, and fuel price. This study shows that the MG-I microgrid system can provide electricity to the
community for 0.0735 $/kWh, 1.37 times cheaper than MG-II. In addition, with the efficient use of abundant biomass resources,
the proposed MG-I system reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80 percent and can reduce atmospheric pollution.
Keywords: optimization; renewable energy integration; microgrids; hybrid energy systems; biomass.

1. Introduction In addition to infrastructure, there is a need to consider

Indonesia's future economic growth. Indonesia will have the
Electricity is vital to a nation's overall growth and most rapid economic expansion. Energy demand will rise.
development, particularly regarding its social and economic Hence, Indonesia's installed capacity in 2030 should be 390
position. As more and more people live in cities, the energy Terawatt (TW) [5]. Despite recent developments in the energy
demand increases. This problem necessitates a proportional sector, 500 thousand homes lack electricity, and 15,000
increase in permanent energy use worldwide. households cook with biomass. Indonesia might meet the
ESBP (Electricity Supply Business Plan) of the Paris
Most expanding nations, such as Indonesia, are fueled by Agreement (UNFCCC, 2015) by increasing the proportion of
coal-fired thermal power plants. Solar, wind, biomass, and Renewable Energy Systems (RES) in electricity generation to
small hydropower generate 14% of electricity, while 50% 40 percent by 2022. If RES reaches 45 percent by 2030, 29
generate by coal-based thermal power facilities [1]–[3]. Coal-
percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power
fired power facilities generate the majority of the nation's
industry can reduce, or 375 MT[5]. Renewable energy
electricity. Between 2019 and 2021, a 73 Gigawatt (GW) generation is essential for rural electricity supply and emission
Indonesian coal-fired power station utilized 32.76 metric tons
reduction goals. Unfortunately, intermittent renewable energy
(MT) of coal and created 565 MT of 2.45 𝜇m particles, 1950 sources make deployment challenging. Renewable energy's
MT of NOx, 2050 MT of SO2, 98 MT of VOCs, 1098 MT of intermittent nature is managed through hybrid mode.
CO, and 656 MT of CO2[4]. Coal reserves in Indonesia
concentrate in the Western and Northern regions; hence, any Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) provide
capacity increase in coal-based thermal lines necessitates coal sustainable and cost-effective resource utilization, making
delivery to the plant site, necessitating railway development them a superior choice for meeting the world's energy needs.
[3]. Due to transmission and distribution losses of 26 to 32 The advantages of HRESs are demonstrated by research using
percent, rural electrification is difficult in Indonesia, where MATLAB, Engineering Equation Solver (EES), and Hybrid
coal-based thermal power facilities are in low supply. Optimization Model for Many Energy Resources (HOMER).
Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
HOMER is a popular hybrid system simulator developed by photovoltaic, wind, fuel cell, and biomass-based generation
NREL [6]–[8]. The authors have assessed wind, hydro with units, as evidenced by earlier research. The intermittent nature
grid [9], biomass [10]–[14], solar [15], and off-grid of renewable energy renders them unreliable, expensive, and
combinations depending on resources . To fulfill global ineffective as RES. Cloudy weather prevents solar power
electricity demand, researchers analyzed hybrid energy plants from supplying enough energy to fulfill demand, while
resource combinations. Thermodynamic and economic intermittent fuel supplies hamper biomass power plants. Solar
analysis of solar-biomass hybrid power-producing systems, and biomass hybrid power plants are becoming increasingly
electricity costs 74.94 dollars per megawatt-hour, and CO2 popular due to the collaboration between the two renewable
emissions are reduced to 0.62 metric tons per megawatt-hour energy sources [19], [39]–[41]. Grid-connected hybrid
[16]–[21]. systems are reliable and efficient. It also sells off-peak
electricity. This study assesses the techno-economic viability
Solar energy enhanced the fuel efficiency of a hybrid
of a solar-biomass microgrid system for an East Java
solar-biomass generating station without energy storage from
community based on factors. (1) to demonstrate the
15% to 32% [22]. Gilutongan, a remote Philippine Island, was
importance of deploying available RER in rural East Java; (2)
powered by a diesel-solar hybrid system with reliable
to create an ideal model of a grid-connected and isolated PV-
electricity at a 70% reduced Cost [23]. In northern
biomass microgrid system; (3) to evaluate the proposed
Bangladesh, ideal off-grid systems are significantly more
microgrid system's performance using realistic village loads,
expensive than grid-connected systems. The hybrid off-grid
original resource data, and actual component costs; and (4) to
system possessed the lowest COE [24]. In faraway Algeria, a
assess the impact and suitability of the proposed microgrid
PV/diesel hybrid energy system has proven more efficient for
system in terms of using biomass to lessen environmental
increased loads and solar radiation with a reduced fuel storage
capacity [25]. The capacity factor in the Kouhin area of
Qazvin was increased to 28.8% after a techno-economic The following paragraphs are included in this article: The
examination of a stand-alone hybrid wind/fuel cell microgrid methodology for the design of microgrids is discussed in
system. The highest contribution came from wind turbines Section 2. In the third half of this article, a hybrid system is
(90.59%) and fuel cells (9.41%) [26]. Ethiopia's most modeled using a realistic research region load assessment. The
successful rural electrification technique is a hybrid PV/diesel fourth and fifth sections present the optimization outcomes,
generator/wind turbine/battery storage unit [27]. The most pertinent debates, and subsequent conclusions.
dependable solution for typical rural communities in Nigeria
was a hybrid PV-diesel-battery mini-grid that decreased 2. Methodology
pollutant emissions by 97% [28]. Variations in inputs over
time harm the economic performance of PV/ diesel/battery 2.1. Proposed MG system
hybrid systems that reliably power Iraqi villages with multi-
year modules. Diesel output increased by 25.6%, CO2 Figure 1 illustrates a diagram of a microgrid system
emissions rose by 23.1%, and PV production fell by 10% [29]. consisting of methane production, solar power system, battery
Punjab, Pakistan, needed a stand-alone HRES with a capacity energy storage system, converter, and associated consumer
shortage to meet rural load requirements [30]. In another loads. The battery bank can be used as a backup to meet load
study, a PV/biomass hybrid system powered residential and needs. The bidirectional converter maintains the flow of
agricultural loads in a remote community in Punjab, Pakistan, electricity between the AC and DC buses by converting the
at the cost of energy competitive with off-grid systems [31]. DC from the PV panel to AC and storing the excess energy in
The PV fuel cell-gasifier generator set-battery backup and the battery.
power conditioning unit at this school in Bhopal, India,
provide the school with supplemental electrical power [32].
Sharjah's ideal solar-biomass hybrid system can meet 14% of
the city's electricity consumption, but its $0.328/kWh
levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) makes it unprofitable for
customers [33].
In another study, decentralized power generation with
RER was techno-economically viable, sustainable, and
ecologically friendly for rural electrification in remote areas
[34]–[36]. PV-wind-battery hybrid systems can sell excess
electricity to the grid and are cost-effective for rural
electrification [37]. Moving peak load, maintaining steady
energy demand, and decreasing peak demand reduce COE in
PV/biomass/diesel and grid-based hybrid systems. Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram of Microgrid System
Electrification via decentralization is superior to grid
extension if the community exceeds the breakeven distance
Most authors who distribute power to customers in
decentralized, grid-connected microgrids employ

Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
2.2. Algorithm 2028. East Java has renewable energy potential till 2028, as
shown in Figure 3.
The current work uses a specific strategy to model and
improve a hybrid energy system. Figure 2 depicts the proposed
algorithm for HRES. This figure also illustrates the HRES
algorithm, composed of three steps: parameter input,
simulation and optimization, and results. In the parameter
input section, the components of each HRES variation are
specified. In the simulation and optimization section, the
simulation and evaluation of each component are conducted
to achieve optimal results. In the results segment, the sorting
process is conducted based on the lowest NPC and by
analyzing the obtained outcomes.

Fig. 3. (a) Largest national renewable energy potential and

(b) Renewable energy plant development plan according to
RUPTL 2019-2028
(Source: Indonesia clean energy status report, IESR, 2019)

3.1. Village Location

The hybrid system in Tegalweru village optimizes

reliable rural electricity. Tegalweru is a small community with
225 homes and 1082 inhabitants (Census, 2015). The town has
a public school and a community center. Tegalweru is 10
kilometers west of Malang City, between 112.33 and 112.35
East Longitude and 6.5775 and 7.5495 South Latitude.
Tegalweru is 600 to 2,100 meters above sea level and receives
1,297 to 1,925 mm of yearly precipitation. Agriculture
employs 56% of the population.

Fig. 2. Algorithm for HRES 3.2. Load Profile

3. Simulation Parameters Simulating small power generation system loads is

essential for the design process. Assess the technological,
financial, and practical viability of hybrid energy production
Malang, located in East Java, Indonesia, comprises
7.39% (3,530.65 km2) of the country's total land area and is systems for public buildings. According to the Energy
home to 887,444 people (Census, 2017). Malang is located Efficiency and Renewable Energy Organization report,
between 7044' and 8026' south latitude and 112017' and electrical equipment's electrical consumption was determined.
112057' east longitude and utilizes solar and biomass energy. The first survey assessed the energy demand and
59% of Malang's rural population depends on agriculture and community load. The village's primary loads consist of
livestock. 17.48% of the state's gross income comes from fluorescent lighting, ceiling fans, televisions, refrigerators,
agriculture and livestock (Census, 2018). Even though the and air conditioning units. Moreover, mixers, phone chargers,
state has finished rural electrification and Malang has a high and electric irons are examples of uncategorized loads. The
per capita electricity consumption, Malang's electrical supply dry (Mar-Oct) and rainy (Nov-Feb) seasons in the research
reliability remains a key concern, particularly during peak region are evaluated independently based on different
load months. Figure 3.a depicts the nation's most considerable equipment, such as air conditioners in the dry season and fans
renewable energy potential, whereas Figure 3.b depicts the and refrigerators in the wet season. The hamlet's only junior
RUPTL renewable energy plant development plan for 2019- high school and community center have low daytime fan loads
and nighttime light loads, as shown in Table 1.

Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023

Table 1. Load statistics for the investigated village

Dry Season Rainy season
(March – Oct) (Nov - Feb)
Number Usage Energy Usage Energy
Power Load
Load Type of load time consumption/day time consumption/day
(W) (kW)
points (h) (kWh) (h) (kWh)
CFL 450 15 6.75 12 81 14 94.5
TV 125 100 12.5 4 50 4 50
Fan 200 60 12 8 96 3 36
Refrigerator 112 110 12.32 14 172.48 10 123.2
AC 5 540 2.7 6 16.2 0 0
Miscellaneous 80 100 8 4 32 7 56
School / Community facility
CFL 35 15 0.525 4 2.1 6 3.15
Fan 10 60 0.6 6 3.6 0 0
PC 30 110 3.3 6 19.8 6 19.8

CFL 25 15 0.375 4 1.5 6 2.25
Water pump 4 275 1.1 6 6.6 6 6.6
Fan 10 60 0.6 8 4.8 0 0
Total load 486.08 391.5

According to load statistics (Table 1), During the dry

season, this hamlet uses more than 486.08 kWh/day, with a
peak load of 50 kW. It consumes only 391.5 kWh daily during
the wet season, with a peak load of 34 kW. The survey
indicates that adults work in fields while children attend
school. As shown in Figure 4, schools, community centers,
and irrigation pumps consume less electricity between 9:00
a.m. and 7:00 p.m. than in the afternoon and at night. The
typical energy requirement during the rainy season ranges
from 15 to 35 kW.

3.3. Resource Assessment

The NASA surface metrology and solar energy database

supplied data on solar irradiance for the research region,
"Tegalweru". The site has over 300 sunny days per year, an Fig. 4. Load profile for each day in Tegalweru, Malang,
annual average of 5.44 kWh/m2/day of solar radiation, and an Indonesia
average clarity index of 0.63. This community depends on
agriculture and livestock. The neighborhood cultivates rice,
wheat, corn, potatoes, and vegetables. Moreover, the survey
discovered 800 cattle, 100 buffalo, and 100 chickens in the
neighborhood. One cow produces 5.5 kilograms (kg) of
manure daily, generating 0.6 to 0.8 cubic meters of biogas and
1.5 kilowatt-hours of power [42]. So, 4400 kg of cow manure
can provide 6600 kWh of electricity in the hamlet. One ton of
rice straw produces 240 m3 of biogas and 2 kWh of energy via
anaerobic digestion. 1 MW per hour can be produced from 50
tons of straw. Digesting 5 tons of agricultural waste with
animal manure improves biogas output [43]. Therefore, the
village's biomass is limited to 8 tons each month (Figure 7),
except for the wheat and rice harvests in April and September
to November, respectively. Fig. 5. Profile of the village's solar energy

Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
3.3.2. Energy production from solar PV

With more than 300 sunny days each year, Indonesia

could create 5 trillion kW of clean solar energy. MEMR has
taken advantage of solar energy. Malang gets 4–7 kWh/m2 of
annual solar insolation. PLN provides solar energy to 4,794
consumers in Indonesia with a capacity of 48.79 MW (until
December 2021). In addition to these solar power plants, PLN
has implemented rooftop photovoltaic solar systems.
Realizing the benefits of hybrid technology, PLN has
promoted phase-2 hybrid power generation with solar energy
as the primary or secondary renewable energy source in
decentralized off-grid or grid-connected hybrid systems.

3.4. Solar photovoltaic generation

Fig. 6. Biomass Availability
Photovoltaic systems convert sunlight into electricity
using solar cells. Solar photovoltaic modules generate hourly
energy (𝑃#$ ) calculated using Eq. 1 [48]:

𝑃#$ = 𝐶#$ + 𝐷#$ )* / [1 + 𝛼# (𝑇5 − 𝑇5,785 )] (1)

where 𝐶#$ is the power output of the PV system in kilowatts,

𝐷#$ is the power drop factor, and 𝐼8 is the solar radiation in
kW/m2, 𝐼8,785 represents the incident solar radiation in
kW/m2, P represents factor of thermal power in %/C, 𝑇5
represents the cell temperature in Celsius, and 𝑇5,785
represents the cell temperature under standard testing
conditions. This hybrid microgrid employs a standard multi-
Fig. 7. Biomass Potential of East Java Province crystalline flat-plate PV panel with an efficiency of 14.5%
(Source: ESDM Sector Facilities and Resources Map (ESDM One [38]. Tree cover, dust, age, temperature, and wire losses
Map Indonesia)) diminish the efficiency of PV arrays by 80 percent—twenty-
year photovoltaic panels [48].
3.3.1. Biomass potential
3.5. Biogas generator
Indonesia has untapped RES Indonesia makes 650 MT
of agricultural waste every year. Cereal crops like rice, corn, Biogas generators utilize biogas produced by the
and wheat comprise 64.06 % of this waste, while sugarcane anaerobic digestion of organic materials. 𝑃< (kWh), the yearly
and cotton biomass account for 24.60% and 10.68% of total power output of a biogas generator set is derived from Eq. 2:
biomass, respectively. Indonesia produces 650 MT of
agricultural waste annually, with cereal crops such as rice, 𝑃< = 𝑃= + 𝐶𝑈𝐹[365 × (operating hours/day)] (2)
wheat, and corn accounting for 63.06 percent and biomass
from sugarcane and cotton accounting for 23.60 percent and where 𝑃= is the maximum capacity of the biomass gasifier
10.48 percent, respectively [44]. Depending on collection and system, and CUF is the capacity utilization factor. Based on
heating efficiency, agricultural leftovers have an energy biomass [24], equation 3 calculates the maximal biogas
potential of 3.72 Exajoule (EJ) and can generate between 23- generator rating (kW):
53 GW of electricity [45]. Malang's agricultural production
comprises 54% rice and 39% maize. Straw, leaves, stems, and 𝑃= = 𝐵8 × 1000 × 𝐶𝑉 × 𝜂XY (3)
roots form biomass following harvest (Figure 7) [46], [47].
The anaerobic digestion of second-generation biofuel where 𝐵8 is biomass in tons per year, CV is the calorific value
crop leftovers generates biogas. Primarily composed of of biomass in MJ/kg, and 𝜂XY is the efficiency of biogas
methane and carbon dioxide, biogas is combustible. Biogas generator set conversion [49]. This research optimized biogas
derived from the anaerobic digestion of organic materials is a generator sets ranging from 0 to 100 kW at a minimum load
diverse renewable energy source. Methane can generate ratio of 0.5. The lifespan of biogas generators is 20,000 hours.
energy and heat instead of fossil fuels, lowering greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions and climate change.

Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
3.6. Converter where 𝑁_`a represents the number of batteries, 𝑉_`a represents
the battery's voltage, and 𝐼_`a represents the battery's
Figure 1 depicts a bidirectional converter that maintains maximum charging current in amps. This investigation
energy transfer between AC and DC buses. Equation 4 utilized 40 flat-plate Li-ion batteries charged at 100% and
determines the power value of the converter [48]: 10% capacity. The return frequency was 90% [48].

𝑃Z[\ = 𝑃] ⁄𝜂Z[\ (4) 3.8. Microgrid system economics

where 𝑃] denotes peak load demand and 𝜂Z[\ is the efficiency Capital, replacement, operating, and maintenance
of the converter. In this investigation, the converter has a 20- expenses for microgrid system components comprise the
year lifespan and a 90% round-trip efficiency. economics of hybrid systems. The system's fixed assets
include installation labor and land. Biomass is $25 per ton. A
3.7. Battery 20-year project has zero percent annual capacity [48]. In
HOMER simulations, the dispatch mechanism is load
Microgrids utilize batteries to store excess generation following, and the time step is one hour. COE is the average
and discharge energy during peak load demand when RER is annual system cost per produced kWh of electricity. The cost
insufficient to meet the load demand. Equation 5 determines of grid COE was $0.01/kWh [50]. Table 2 component prices
the battery's maximum power: explain from the current literature. The exchange rate was
15,278 IDR per 1 USD.
b`c defg $efg *efg
𝑃_`a = (5)

Table 2. Cost summary of different components of a microgrid system

Investment Price Substitute price

Module O & M price References
($/kW) ($/kW)
Photovoltaic (Flat Plate) 820 780 9.5$/year [50]
Biogas Genset 560 500 0.035 $/hour [41], [48]
610 580 0.65$/hour [48]
Converter 125 125 1.25 $/year [35], [48]

3.9. The Microgrid system assessment criteria *

𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 = pxy (9)
The economic viability of the proposed microgrid system
where 𝐼, 𝐸, and 𝑅 indicate investment, expenditure, and
is evaluated based on the system's total net present cost
return, respectively.
(TNPC) and cost of energy per unit. 𝑇𝑁𝑃𝐶 and 𝐶𝑂𝐸 are
determined by Eq. 6:
4. Results and Discussion
𝑇𝑁𝑃𝐶 = (6)
In this section, evaluation of the microgrid system
where 𝐶< is the total annual cost ($/year), and 𝐶𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑛) is the designed to meet the load requirements of a hamlet. MG-I is
expected capital recovery factor which is explained in Eq. 7 the microgrid system with PV and biomass-based generation
[48]: units connected to an unreliable power grid, whereas MG-II is
the microgrid system with battery storage and no power grid
𝐶𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑛) = (jvr)w (7) connection. The simulation results indicate the generation
response of various components, cost analysis, emissions, and
where 𝑖 is the nominal interest rate (percent), which is based the influence of various sensitivity variables on TNPC and
on annual inflation, and 𝑛 is the project's expected lifespan in COE. The HOMER-2019 (Ver. 13.11.3) Pro edition software
years. was used to build and test the system. Simulations of the
The 𝐶𝑂𝐸 calculates by dividing the system components' microgrid system use a load-following (LF) dispatch
annual cost by the energy output. In the cost calculation, only technique. In several case studies, the proposed microgrid
demand-supply energy is considered. The formula for 𝐶𝑂𝐸 systems (MG-I and MG-II) are evaluated:
which is explained in Eq. 8:
4.1. MG-I
𝐶𝑂𝐸 = yo (8)
The grid-connected microgrid system (MG-I) must
where 𝐸8 is the total annual electricity consumption in kWh. consist of a 50-kW available generator, a 50-kW biogas
Eq. 9 computes financing based on the payback period: generator, a 100-kW PV-Array, and a 73.9-kW system
converter with an LF dispatch mechanism. The TNPC, per

Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
kWh COE, and operational expenses are $281,225.30, generate electricity, which, if burned openly, would release
$0.0735, and $43,997, respectively, with an 81.5% share of greenhouse gases. Thus, the MG-I system reduces 85% of CO2
renewable energy [39]–[41]. With net metering, the proposed emissions, 86.5% of NO emissions, and 76% of SO2 emissions
MG-I system can sell excess electricity supplied by renewable with an 82.5% renewable energy system component [39]–
energy sources (PV and biomass) to the grid to satisfy the [41].
village's load requirement. MG-I demonstrates that the
suggested system can generate more electricity and satisfy the
load demand in the hamlet. PV-Biogas Genset-grid electricity
contributions are shown in Figure 8.

Anaerobic digestion generates mesophilic temperatures

of biogas (350C to 420C). Biogas production in the research
area peaked from May to July, when temperatures ranged
between 320C and 440C. As shown in Figure 9, the biogas Fig. 8. MG-I generating unit power output throughout the
generator consumes more fuel during peak load months, year
optimizing its contribution to electricity output. MG-I
consumes 232 tons of fuel annually and 0.63 tons of feedstock
daily. In January and February, biogas generators consume
less gasoline. During the rainy season, load demand is
minimal; thus, the grid can handle it.

4.2. MG-II

To enhance the MG-II, a 50-kW generic biogas

generator, a 63-kW generic flat-plate PV, a 46-kW system
converter, 85-kW generic Li-ion batteries, and an LF dispatch
method were incorporated. MG-100% II's RES-contributed
TNPC, COE per kWh, and operating running costs are
$466,858, $0.156, and $96,908. The microgrid's biogas and
photovoltaic (PV) generators met the village's load demand
throughout the year [39]–[41]. Besides, renewable energy
excess charges and discharges battery packs to provide load Fig. 9. Annual fuel consumption (in kilograms per hour) of
electricity. the MG-I biogas generator
According to Figure 11, biogas and PV producers
accounted for 52.5 and 47.5 percent of the total monthly
power, respectively. Each power source contributes to the grid
depending on the current conditions and the weather forecast.
Due to optimal mesophilic temperatures for biogas generation,
the biomass generator produces the most significant electricity
in May–July (350C–420C). Figure 10 depicts the PV generator
that supplies the remaining energy.
Fig. 10. MG-II generating unit power output throughout the
Figure 11 depicts the annual fuel usage of the biomass year
generator in bars. The results indicate that the facility has
sufficient fuel to operate the biogas generator throughout the
year. The MG-II biomass production unit consumed 372 tons
of raw materials daily, or 1.02 tons. During the dry season's
peak loading months, the biogas generator produced 30–50
kW, close to its maximum capacity (May-July). Due to
insufficient solar energy, the biomass production unit operates
primarily at night, increasing the microgrid's dependability.

4.3. Analyzing pollutant emissions

Although greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are a

worldwide concern, MG-II is more eco-friendly than MG-I
because it can meet the village's linked load requirement with
almost no emissions (Table 3). Nonetheless, TNPC and COE
are cheaper than MG- II's, and MG-I is preferable since the
hamlet is already connected to the grid. Table 3 demonstrates Fig. 11. Annual fuel consumption (in kilograms per hour) of
that MG-I employs 232 tons of sustainable biomass to the MG-II biogas generator

Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
Based on the above techno-economic analysis of hour, and the TNPC to range between $291,650 and $297,185
microgrid systems, the MG-I microgrid is the superior option (Figure 13).
for providing reliable and high-quality electricity to rural
consumers, as it can provide electricity to villages at a COE of 4.4.3. Dependence on the solar radiation
0.0735 $/kWh, which is less than the average tariff rate of
purchasing electricity from the grid, which is 0.1 $/kWh. As Solar radiation between 4.47 and 6.01 kW/m2 per day
indicated in Table 4, the TNPC and COE are 1.67 and 2.1 impacted COE and TNPC (Figure 14). The intensity of solar
times more in MG-II than in MG-I, despite MG-II utilizing radiation decreases COE and TNPC. COE is lowered by solar
100% renewable energy. The annual energy sold to the grid radiation from 0.0843 to 0.0671 dollars per kilowatt-hour and
by the MG-I system is 1.96 times greater than the energy TNPC from $295,305 to $269,164.
purchased from the grid since the MG-I system generates 1.30
times more power (kWh/year). Additionally, the MG-I system
generates a small profit and has a payback period of 3.83
years, with a shortened payback length of 4.16 years. In order
to estimate the microgrid's COE and TNPC, a sensitivity
analysis of the MG-I system (PV/biomass/grid) was

Table 3. Cost summary of different components of the

microgrid system

Emissions Grid-only of crop MG-I
CO2 Fig. 12. COE and NPC impact of biogas generating capital
94560 115019 31714 69.1
(kg/year) cost
- 6963.2 0.563 0.845
457 159.2 153 0
209 275.718 67.3 0.565

4.4. Analysis of sensitivity

Sensitivity analysis assesses optimal system behavior

when unpredictable characteristics such as biogas generator
cost, biomass fuel price, solar radiation availability, and
location-specific inflation rate are present. This study
investigated the effects of various sensitivity variables on the Fig. 13. Impact of Biomass Expense on COE/NTPC
MG-I hybrid system (Table 5).

4.4.1. Dependence on the biogas capital cost multiplier

Figure 12 compares COE and TNPC capital cost

multipliers ranging from 0.8 to 2 for biogas. COE increases
from 0.0719 to 0.0814 dollars per kilowatt-hour, while TNPC
increases from $295,225 to $315,225.

4.4.2. Dependence on the cost of biomass fuel

COE and TNPC are also affected by the cost of

biomass. According to studies, biomass particle size reduction
speeds up anaerobic digestion. Also, the costs associated with
biomass size reduction affect biomass pricing. Biomass prices Fig. 14. Effects on COE and TNPC of scaled average solar
increased from 22 to 30 dollars per ton, causing the COE to radiation
fluctuate between 0.0710 and 0.0777 dollars per kilowatt-

Herwandi et al., Vol.13, No.3, 2023
Table 4. Comparisons suggested different ways to set up microgrid systems
Descriptions Parameters MG-I MG-II
Finances NPC ($) 280,225.30 466,758.
COE ($/kWh) 0.0735 0.156
Initial investment ($) 122,400.38 140,303
Cost of operation ($) 43,997 95,903
Production of Total power generated
305,002 226,596
electricity (kWh/year)
PV generation (kWh/year) 171,222 106,595
Production of biogas generators (kWh/year) 84,248 119,052
Grid Grid auction (kWh/year) 94,183 -
Grid investment (kWh/year) 47,532
AC load (kWh/year) 181,500 181,450
Electricity surplus (kWh/year) 19,477 38,416
Renewable percentage
81.5 100

Table 5. Various sensitivity variables

Parameter Values Sensitivity variable
Solar 4.66; 5.1; 5.39; 6 Scaled average radiations
Biogas generator set 0.8; 1; 1.5; 2 Capital cost multiplier
Biomass 22; 25; 28; 30 Fuel price ($/ton)
Inflation rate 2.64; 3.55; 4.35; 5.51 Expected inflation rate

photovoltaic cells and the biogas generator meeting

4.4.4. Dependence on the inflation value
demand at night.
Inflation in project commissioning affects capital costs. - Compared to grid-purchased COE, the grid-connected
The expected variance in the inflation rate between 2.64 and PV/biomass/microgrid MG-I system offers the least
5.51 percent is included, and as shown in Figure 15, when expensive unit COE at 0.0735 $/kWh.
inflation rises, the COE decreases from 0.0788 to 0.0755
dollars per kilowatt-hour. The TNPC increases from $252,484 - A net metering system permits the MG-I system to sell
to $283,225 when inflation increases. surplus energy to the grid.
- The MG-I system cuts greenhouse gas emissions by 7% by
utilizing 230 tons of biomass yearly.
- The necessary payback period of the MG-I system is 3.8
years, making it a viable alternative for increasing the
proportion of renewable energy in the energy mix.
- By spreading digestate across fields, biogas production
from anaerobic digestion creates clean energy for
electricity generation and improves soil health.
- The sensitivity analysis indicates that the system's TNPC
and COE increase as the cost of producing biomass and
biogas increases.
- As inflation increases, COE decline, and TNPC incline.
Fig. 15. Inflation's effect on COE and TNPC 5. Conclusion
The proposed microgrid HRES in Malang's "Tegalweru"
community produced the following results: This study shows that Malang's PV/biomass microgrid
system can reliably utilize biomass as a rural electricity
- The PV/biomass resources fully satisfied the highest source. The MG-I microgrid system can provide electricity to
power consumption, with the Daily power from the community for 0.0735 $/kWh, 1.37 times cheaper than a
grid-only system. By sustainably using biomass through

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