(IJETA-V10I6P8) :tabssum Bano, Mohsin Khan Agwan

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2023


A Review on Unsymmetrical Shape of Structure Having Belt

Wall at Outer Boundary
Tabssum Bano [1], Mohsin Khan Agwan [2]
M.Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Arya College of Engineering and Research Centre, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Arya College of Engineering, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
The construction sector, and particularly civil engineers, face new challenges every day in this fast-rising nation due
to the hectic atmosphere of today. Many scholars have worked hard and created a variety of novel techniques based
on challenging circumstances in order to achieve these needs. Struts, stabilizers, tape walls, seismic walls, base
insulation, shock absorbers, seismic mantles, and other innovations are among these technologies. Using stabilizer
equipment or systems is one of the tested solutions we use to evaluate this issue. The impact of wind and pressures
on skyscrapers and structures. On this subject, numerous research projects have been undertaken, and various
systems have each been examined for particular contexts and constraints. In order to understand the current issues
better, the study studied and examined a number of research publications.
effects must be considered and the relevant
I. INTRODUCTION projections must be created. This is due to the danger
of catastrophic earthquake damage to buildings. The
Conventional structures that are measured using specifications for constructing a system to dissipate
standard techniques for design only slightly deform seismic energy differ from nation to nation.
elastically in response to expected seismic forces and
lose the majority of their energy internally through II. PREVENTION OF
inelastic deformation. This inelastic deformation is a EARTHQUAKE
necessary consequence of the element's effective
stiffness decreasing, which also affects the entire To create simpler ways to better understand
structural system. Although it is technically possible earthquake effects, much experience and research are
to build structures that can withstand very large (and required. Engineers are looking for fresh ideas to
uncommon) earthquakes, traditional structures can't increase the adaptability, affordability, and usability
afford to use this design due to its high cost. of organizations. The alternative that provides the
Additionally, the site has become more seismic as a user with the most benefits is the superior one.
result of subsequent design code amendments, so Vibrations caused by ground tremors have an impact
some existing structures may need to endure greater on the building's stability and operational state. As
seismic forces than they were intended. Sometimes, control measures, window frames, taped walls,
remodeling an existing structure is more feasible and foundation insulation, and shock absorbers are
cost-effective than starting from scratch. employed. In actuality, this mismatch increases the
unbalanced loads and must, if necessary, be adjusted.
The terrible situation brought on by the earthquake The building becomes unstable as a result. However,
has now become a major issue. Numerous individuals attention must be paid while employing floating
have been killed or injured by earthquakes in Asia columns due to better ways of getting rid of uneven
and on other continents. This is unexpected because loads and the need for them.
uncertainty is a natural part of everything. The most
deadly and damaging disaster is an earthquake. And III. BELT WALL ADVANTAGES
it can occur anywhere, at any moment. He made no
concessions and obliterated everything in his way ● A distributed ring wall system has been developed
when he was in his pure form. However, life doesn't as a ground-breaking architectural approach to
end; it must continue on indefinitely. To address resist lateral stresses in concrete high-rise
these uncertainties more successfully, engineers work buildings.
to determine all existing research and employ all ● The ring walls covering the area between the
available knowledge and theory. Modern techniques column edges are dispersed separately along the
are used in building construction to satisfy a variety entire height of the structure, in contrast to the
conventional ring system.
of necessary design and architectural requirements.
As a result, during the design phase, earthquake

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2023

● Bracing, usually referred to as wall beams or truss ground, it is protected from the effects of earthquake
systems, is by far the most widely utilised forces. This research uses the Response Spectrum
technique in tall buildings. The parts at the ends Method and ETABS software to analyze ten-story
of the structure are connected by this system. RCC, steel, and composite structures of various
● Bracing systems refer to the outer margins of shapes with and without base isolation in various
columns with connecting structures, typically seismic zones. For base isolation, lead rubber
containing trusses or shear walls. Additionally, bearings built according to UBC97 were employed.
loads are passed from every component to the For RC structures, the plus form was found to be the
connecting structure. most suited for base isolation, whilst rectangle and
hollow shapes were found to be the most ideal for
IV. LITERATURE REVIEW steel and composite structures. In comparison to
other structures, concrete structures function better
Tarak Banerjee, Arya Banerjee (2021) when the base is separated.
Engineers assessed the presence of abnormalities in Ayush Pathak, Prof. Anubhav Rai, Prof. Vedant
plan, reentrant corner, and torsional inconsistency, Shrivastava (2021)
which have the greatest impact on seismic response.
The re-entrant corners of U, H, V, E, and plus-shaped Over the last few years, research has been conducted
buildings, which were built according to architectural on a variety of earthquake-related concerns. People
requirements, have been severely damaged. These nowadays reside in multistory buildings, therefore if
structures were divided into sections to minimize the an earthquake knocks out the populated areas, it will
negative effects of re-entrant corners. Re-entrant result in huge damage. As a result, earthquake
corners are extremely critical in plus shaped tall, analysis is important for analyzing the structure's
multistory buildings because they exceed the code's safety against collapse and designing the structure to
stated limits. Shear walls in strong seismic areas be safe from Earthquakes that occur over the
require unique details, and the placement of shear structure's lifetime. In this work, we used Staad Pro
walls has an impact on the structure's efficiency to build a G+16 structure with several plan
during dynamic loads. Changing the placements of configurations such as L-Shape, T-Shape, I-Shape,
shear walls for with this plus-shaped building can and Rectangular Shape, as well as analyze the
achieve wonders without modifying the parameters Earthquake analysis of the structure in two different
of a shear wall. seismic zones III in India. The comparative research
of RC multistory building framework structure in
Ankit Panjwan, Vipin Kumar Tiwari (2021) terms of Highest Bending Moment, Maximum Shear
Force, Maximum Axial Forces, Story wise
The significant modifications in construction Displacement, and Base Reactions is presented in this
techniques have tended to make tall and flexible paper.
structures more vulnerable to wind influence. Wind
loadings are becoming more relevant in relation to Wael Alhaddad, YahiaHalabi, Hu Xu, and Hong
the other forces acting on structures, and are thus Gang Lei (2020)
becoming a key factor in the design of both low and
tall flexible structures. Wind generates a random This article is part of a series of comprehensive
time-dependent load with mean and variable reviews on the design of stabilizer and belt truss
components. Due to the variable element (gustiness) systems for high-rise buildings. This section provides
of wind, all structures experience dynamic guidance on the topology and optimization of the
oscillations. These fluctuations are small in shorter stabilizer system by presenting and analyzing as
rigid structures; therefore they can be viewed as many relevant resources as possible. - This guide
having an equivalent static pressure. The majority of provides explanations and descriptions of the
Codes and Standards use this technique. theories, hypotheses, concepts and methods used in
the article to ensure the best topology and volumes.
Sajan K Jose, Anjali G S (2021) Finally, this section concludes with a summary of the
results of the studies examined, useful for the
The need for multi-story buildings is becoming more influence of various parameters on the topology and
prevalent these days. They are, nevertheless, more on the optimization of buildings at height with
vulnerable to earthquake damage. One of the most stabilizers and stabilizers.
potent weapons in the passive structural vibration
reduction arsenal is base isolation. By introducing a Mohammed ArsalaanWajid, Dr. S. AmareshBabu
system that allows the structure to float above the (2020)

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2023

In today's ever-changing world, high-altitude approach and response spectrum analysis was used in
structures with innovative designs are the norm. the analysis (dynamic analysis).
Although these facilities are great, they have
problems. Going up, the force of the wind becomes Dheeraj Kaul, Sagar Jamle, Lalit Balhar (2020)
an important obstacle that must be effectively
overcome to ensure the safety of the occupants. After Investigations on irregular buildings with shapes such
as H-shaped, L-shaped, T-shaped, V-shaped, U-
extensive research and testing, many creative
solutions have emerged to combat the effects of wind shaped, and so on, with different factors being
energy. This study aims to effectively reduce lateral researched and compared on structures with regular
frames, have led to the current research plan. Further
displacement caused by wind forces through the use
of belt walls, optimally positioned stabilizers and research can be conducted by including irregularities
suitable supports. In this study we tried to evaluate an in structures by constructing floors in different
economic technique to reduce the lateral orientations, such as east, west, north, and south, as
displacement of the structure due to the wind forces well as varying concrete grades.
with the aid of an arm / zone / reinforcement system. Deepak Kumar Ahirwar, K. Divya, Lokesh Singh
The structure with an elliptical height of about 320 m (2020)
is included, there are 78 floors above ground and 2
under the structure. It consists of an elliptical core as The resistance of tall structures to lateral loads is the
a side load support system. The thickness of the primary determining factor in the development of
retaining wall / belt varies from 300 mm to 500 m in unique basic structural frameworks, which result
sections of 100. The retaining wall / belt system is from structural engineers' constant efforts to increase
provided at different heights and in some cases at two building height while keeping deflection within
different heights. Cantilever / Belt Walls are only acceptable points of confinement and restricts the
provided on Factory Floors / Paved Floors / amount of materials used. An analytical research will
Mechanical Floors. This study also shows that the be conducted on technologies such as outrigger
lateral displacement of the structure can be structures with core shear walls and hex grid systems
minimized by increasing the size of the central core in order to establish their structural effectiveness in
or, in other words, by increasing the stiffness of the safely transmitting lateral loads to the ground in this
building. The disadvantage of this method, however, presented design. We provide a survey of journals
is the exponential increase in the cost of the structure, pertaining to high-rise analysis of structures in this
which makes it very large, since the increase in the work.
size of the core leads to a direct increase in the
amount of concrete used, negligible in the system N. Y. Mithbhakare, P. D. Kumbhar (2020)
suggested in this study.
High-rise constructions have become emblems of
Bharat Khanal, HemchandraChaulagain (2020) economic power and leadership in recent years.
Developing countries, such as India, are also
Because of the aesthetic and limiting supply of land, becoming hotbeds for new high-rise construction.
the popularity of irregular building construction has The purpose of this work is to review the literature
exploded. Structures having irregular configurations and explore the fundamental ideas of various
have been proven to be destroyed by severe ground outrigger systems, as well as their effects on the
motion in previous investigations. Structural behavior of high-rise buildings. The study outlines
irregularities are major variables that reduce a future research opportunities for assessing multi-story
structure's seismic performance. Structures with buildings employing various materials for outrigger
structural abnormalities have an inequality in the system elements, including dampers and base
distribution of storey drift, excessive torsion, and isolation techniques, as well as blast loading for
may fail during an earthquake, depending on the type seismic analysis.
of irregularity. The presence of re-entrant corners and
torsional irregularity, for example, produces stress Mohammad Fahmy (2020)
concentration in structures due to rapid variations in
stiffness and torsion amplification. In this regard, the As the court-yarded house typologies that completed
current research examines the impact of plan layout the vernacular picture of desert architecture were
irregularity when the input response spectrum is rejected in the early twentieth century, urban
subjected to various angles. For numerical study, one expansion in Egypt has extended far from the
regular and six distinct L-shaped RC building frames distinguishing compact dry built environment since
were modeled. An equivalent static lateral force the mid-1970s. This has sparked interest in Egypt's
urban microclimate study. Initially, the primary goal

ISSN: 2393-9516 www.ijetajournal.org Page 40

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2023

was to improve outdoor thermal comfort. As a result, customary sections against a structural system
Egyptian study began by evaluating several current planned with unique molded segments considering
patterns in order to develop climate-responsive and seismic loads. The structure is subjected to a
sustainable urban design practices that are low proportionate static inspection and dynamic response
carbon, thermally comfortable, and energy efficient range testing.
in such arid climate.
Mohsen ZakerEsteghamati, Alireza Farzampour
(2020) ● Re-entrant corners can be insulated from the
negative impact caused by these imperfections
The findings reveal that butterfly-shaped fusing by adding shear walls. [1]
increase the structure's performance in all drift- ● Because re-entrant corners surpass the code's
related damage states, with the enhancement being specified limitations, they are particularly
more obvious in severe damage states. The danger of important in plus-shaped, tall, multistory
exceeding complete damage condition during the buildings. The placement of shear walls affects
lifecycle of the modified structure is lowered to about the way a structure performs under dynamic
one-fourth of the original building's capabilities. loads, and shear walls in seismically active
Furthermore, due to their substantial energy areas call for special details. [2]
dissipation and ductility, shear fuses efficiently ● It was discovered that the plus shape worked
reduce weak storey formation at lower tales. Because best for base isolation in RC structures, while
of the enhanced drift-related performance, the drift- hollow and rectangle shapes worked best for
induced loss of structural and non-structural steel and composite structures. [3]
assemblies is reduced, resulting in a 44.64 percent ● In the case of comparing the displacement by
lower overall annual loss for the building under plan configuration, the I - shape model yields
study. Furthermore, while butterfly-shaped fuses the smallest displacement, the L shape model
minimize the likelihood of surpassing the moderate yields the average displacement, the T shape
damage state for the floor acceleration, their effect is yields the greatest displacement, and the
insignificant for higher acceleration-related types of rectangular shape model yields the maximum
defects. displacement. This implies that the planned
configuration of the structures affects the
Md. Rashedur Rahman, TohurAhmed and Afia Anjum
earthquake effect as well. [4]
UlkaMony (2020)
● This study also demonstrates that by simply
The goal of this study is to compare the seismic and making the building more rigid or by
wind performance of multistory structures with increasing the size of the central core, the
Rectangular columns to multistory buildings with lateral displacement of the structure can be
specially shaped columns. In Dhaka city, the reduced. [6]
proposed building is examined using equivalent static ● In comparison to the symmetrical building
analysis for zone II. The parameters include column model, buildings with irregular plan
moment of inertia, maximum narrative drift, lateral configurations are more sensitive to alterations
displacement, and so on. In the computer-aided in the angle of the input parameter response
analysis conducted by ETABS 2016, the Bangladesh spectrum. When the finite element models
National Building Code (BNBC) of 2006 was taken were angled at 135 degrees instead of the zero-
into account. The comparable static force approach degree angle of seismic incidence, a notable
was used to conduct the seismic study. Based on the rise in the need for seismic response was seen.
findings, estimates are made to show the efficacy of [7]
various column shapes underneath the influence of ● You can create irregularities in the buildings
seismic stresses. by creating floors facing various directions,
like the east, west, north, and south. [8]
Roopendra Singh Baghel, Rakesh Patel, Deepak ● To ensure a safe design, seismic force
Bandewar (2020) resistivity lateral resisting members are
required. [9]
In this study, a G+12 multi-story building with a ● Whenever building outrigger components of a
strategy evaluation of 63.20mx29.50m m is shown system, structural steel and reinforced concrete
and dismembered in Etab transformation composed are more frequently used. The outrigger
structure diagram programming with the goal of system's use of dampers enhances the
distinguishing a consistent strong structure utilizing

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2023

structure's ability to withstand lateral loads. code requirements need to be modified in order
10] to sufficiently irregularities found within the
● Storey-based fragility curves demonstrate that buildings. [7]
lower floors, which experience higher seismic ● The study found that lateral stability increases a
drift demand, are more affected by BF fuses. structure's stability and safety by reducing
Under the MCE danger level, the examined bending moments and forces brought on by
butterfly-shaped fuses stop the weak story loads and aging. [9]
formation that was seen at the EBF system's ● In tall RCC buildings, concrete outriggers are
initial story. [12] shown to be more effective than steel ones at
● Specifically designed columns provide a reducing the lateral storey displacement. It has
room's corner with more usable floor space been found that virtual outrigger systems are
than a rectangular column in a reinforced more effective than traditional outriggers at
concrete structure. In the event that a column giving high-rise buildings greater strength and
has an unusual form, the offset of the column stiffness to withstand the lateral loads brought
will not cause any issues. [13] on by earthquakes. [10]
● A suitable static assessment and dynamic ● Future studies can compare using butterfly-
response spectrum analysis are carried out on shaped shear fuses with other retrofitting
the building. [14] options for improving existing steel multi-story
● Considerations for the shear design of the belt buildings in highly seismic zones. The proposed
walls reinforced by high-strength pre-stressing modeling approach can be easily incorporated
fibers are provided based on this study. [15] into community resilience-based evaluation.
● In all the building shapes, the cross form is the [12]
most stable, while the L shape is most ● The relative stiffness of the frame affects
vulnerable to stability. [16] displacement. According to this study, the
seismic load causes the most displacement in a
VI. OUTCOMES building with rectangle columns. The square
column has the lowest moment of inertia, which
● The model showing reduced torsional moment explains why. Radius of gyration is another
values is the one with shear walls at the edges feature of a section that is impacted by
and re-entrant corners. By constructing shear moments of inertia. It determines the section's
walls at re-entrant corners, torsional moments strength. Building using a specially designed
are significantly reduced. [1] column is safer and takes every situation into
● The plus shape value with a value above consideration. Story drift occurs in column
50500KN is the highest on the plus shape structures with unique shapes that are less
graph. An L-shape with a weight well over common than rectangular ones. [13]
49,000 KN is the lowest. Between the plus and ● Because the axial force is calculated under the
L shapes on a graph with less than 5050 kN is same loading conditions in all scenarios, it is
the T-shape. [2] noted that there is a very slight variance in that
● In comparison to other structures, concrete force. [14]
structures show optimal performance when ● The quantity and configuration of belt walls
their bases are isolated. It has been discovered affect the dispersed belt wall system's
that steel structures are the least ideal for base performance. [15]
isolation. [3] ● The overall comparison revealed that the L-
● The low displacement in medium soil shaped building is more susceptible than the
conditions and the maximum displacement in other types of buildings. Considering cross-
higher soil conditions indicate that the shape buildings in all other shapes listed, it has
displacement decreases as the soil condition been discovered that they perform well. It has
increases. [4] been discovered that an I-shaped building
● The lateral displacement of the structure is experiences the smallest overturning moment,
reduced to acceptable limits by using bracing of whereas a U-shaped building experiences the
various cross-sectional areas; however, the maximum. [16]
bracing fails in axial stresses. [6]
● The analysis reveals that, as compared to a REFERENCES
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