Silica, Calorimetric, Molybd'ate Blue: 1. Application

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Silica, calorimetric, molybd’ate blue

Parameter and Code:

Silica, dissolved, l-170085 (mg/L as SiO&z 00955

1. Application sample. The addition of disodium dihydrogen

This method may be used to analyze water ethylenediamine tetraacetate (NazEDTA)
containing from 0.1 to 100 mg/L of silica. eliminates the effect of high concentrations of
Samples containing more than 100 mg/L need iron, and also complexes calcium and prevents
to be analyzed by standard gravimetric pro- precipitation of calcium sulfite.
cedures (American Society for Testing and
Materials, 1984; Kolthoff and others, 1969). 4. Apparatvs
4.1 Spectrometer for use at 700 nm.
2. Summary of method
4.2 Refer1to the manufacturer’s manual to
2.1 Silica in solution as silicic acid or silicate optimize instrument.
has the property of reacting with ammonium
molybdate in an acid medium to form the yellow
5. Reagents
silicomolybdate complex. The silicomolybdate
complex is then reduced by sodium sulfite to 5.1 Amm?nium molybdute solution: 49 g/L:
form the molybdate blue color. The silicomolyb- Dissolve 52 g (NH,)sMo,O,,-4HzO in water,
date complex may form in water as alpha and adjust the pH to between 7 and 8 with 1OM
beta polymorphs (Strickland, 1952), which have NaOH, and dilute to 1 L with demineralized
absorbance maxima at different wavelengths. water. Filter, through 0.45pm membrane filter
In order to favor the development of the beta if necessary.
form, the pH of the reaction mixture is reduced 5.2 Hyd&hbric acid, l.OM: Mix 86 mL con-
below 2.5 (Govett, 1961). centrated HGl (sp gr 1.19) with demineralized
2.2 The possibility of having unreactive water and dilute to 1 L.
silica is greater in water containing high con- 5.3 Silica standard solution I, 1.00 mL =
centrations of silica than in water containing 0.500 mg SiOz: Dissolve 1.7655 g sodium
low concentrations of silica. When significant metasilicate ,(NazSi03*5HzO) in demineralized
amounts of unreactive silica are known or water. Storesin a plastic bottle.
suspected to be present, a l-h digestion of 5.4 Silica, standard solution II, 1.00 mL =
50-mL sample with 5.0 mL of l.OM NaOH is 0.005 mg SiOz: Dilute 10.0 mL silica standard
suggested to make all the silica available for solution I to 1,000 mL with demineralized
reaction with the molybdate reagent. water. Store’in a plastic bottle.
5.5 Na.$DTA solution, 10 g/L: Dissolve 10
3. Interferences g NazEDTAI in demineralized water and dilute
Phosphate produces a similar molybdate com- to 1 L.
plex under certain pH conditions. In the follow- 5.6 Sodium hydroxide solution, 10M:
ing determination, tartaric acid is added to Dissolve 406 g NaOH in demineralized water
suppress phosphate interference. Hydrogen sul- and dilute to 1 L.
fide and ferric and ferrous iron apparently in- 5.7 Sodirim sulfite solution, 170 g/L:
terfere with the determination. Hydrogen Dissolve 170 g Na,SO, in demineralized water
sulfide may be removed by boiling an acidified and dilute to 1 L.

5.8 Tartaric acid solution, 100 g/L: Dissolve

100 g H,C,H,Oe in demineralized water and 9.1 Precision for dissolved silica for 35
dilute to 1 L. samples within the range of 2.15 to 24.4 mg/L
may be expressed as follows:
6. Procedure
6.1 Pipet a volume of sample containing less ST = 0.065x + 0.10
than 0.5 mg SiO, (10.0 mL max) into a 50-n& where
beaker, and adjust the volume to 10.0 mL.
6.2 Pipet a demineralized water blank and ST = overall precision, milligrams per liter,
sufficient standards into 50-n-& beakers, and ad- X = concentration of silica, milligrams per
just the volume of each to 10.0 mL. liter.
6.3 Add to each solution, with stirring, 5.0 The correlation coefficient is 0.8053.
mL l.OM HCI, 5.0 mL Na2EDTA solution, and 9.2 Precision for dissolved silica for four of
5.0 mL ammonium molybdate solution. the 35 samples expressed in terms of the per-
6.4 After 5 mm add 5.0 mL tartaric acid cent relative standard deviation is as follows:
solution and mix.
6.5 Add 10.0 mL Na$lOs solution and mix. Number of Mean Relative standard deviation
laboratorles (meW (percent)
6.6 Allow to stand approx 30 min. The col-
or is stable for several hours. 19 2.15 16
11 9.06 5
6.7 Determine the absorbance of each test 6 10.2 15
sample and standards against the blank. 24 24.4 7

7. Calculations
7.1 Determine milligrams of silica in each References
sample from a plot of absorbances of standards.
7.2 Determine the concentration of dis- American Society for Testing and Materials. 1984, Annual
book of ASTM standards, section 11, water: PhiIadel-
solved silica in milligrams per liter as follows: phi4 v. 11.01, p. 613-6.
Govett, G. J. S., 1961, Critical factors in the calorimetric
1,000 determination of silica: AnaIytica Chimica Acta. v. 25.
SiO, (mg/L) = Xmg SiO, in sample. p. 69-80.
mL sample Kolthoff. I. M.. SandelI, E. B., Meehan, E. J., end Brucken-
stein, S., 1969, Quantitative chemical analysis, (4th ed.):
New York, Macmillan, 1199 p.
8. Report Strickland, J. D. H., 1952, The preparation and properties
Report silica, dissolved (00955), concentra- of silicomolybdic acid; I. The properties of alpha
tions as follows: less than 10 mg/L, one decimal, silicomolybdic acid: American Chemical Society Jour
10 mg/L and above, two significant figures. nal, v. 74, p. 862-7.

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