1 Cheat Sheet For GXCQ

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Q1: Which command can give first found difference between two file after comparing??

a None

b diff

c Common

d None

e stat

f cmp

Q2: What is WordPress in PHP??

a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components

b Framework for designing dynamic pages

c An open source CMS (Content Management System)

d None

e Set of library enriched with fucntions

f None

Q3: The wildcard in a WHERE clause is useful when??

a An exact match is necessary in a CREATE statement.

b An exact match is not possible in a SELECT statement.

c None

d An exact match is not possible in a CREATE statement.

e None

f An exact match is necessary in a SELECT statement.

Q4: How do you get the number of containers running, paused and stopped??
a docker --info

b sudo --docker info

c None

d None

e None

f docker info

Q5: How to mark a node called my-node as schedulable in Kubernetes??

a kubectl available my-node

b kubectl up my-node

c None

d kubectl uncordon my-node

e kubectl schedulable my-node

f None

Q6: How to check the current disk usage on Linux??

a None

b None

c df

d uptime

e usage

f free

Q7: How can a company deal with a monolithic codebase issue??

a By building a large Docker image containing the monolithic codebase and

deploying it as a single container to Kubernetes

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d By transitioning from a monolithic codebase to a microservice design so that

different microservices can be classified as containers.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q8: How do we create command aliases in a shell??

a None

b configure Aliasname="Command whose alias is to be created"

c alias Aliasname="Command whose alias is to be created"

d None

e set alias Aliasname="Command whose alias is to be created"

f We can't create aliases directly in shell

Q9: Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from:?

a None

b Dockerfile

c docker.yaml

d None

e docker.config

f docker.json

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