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None. Arnel U. Moytore, 7 jp Y Torsion Problem 4, A steel marine, propeller shaft Hin. ia Siamcber ond 1b fh log 6 UES W Actasmt 5oee lp at 10a rpm JE G= taxe pui, determme the mayen Shearvny Sheess - pe wertte | te Ss teks Sie(atboor) Wouqas anh Bw amt Lita) TT WT _, west ay “ne uw? [ee soausean | [U = Son wees None: Arael L: Mostoier P5 @ CP Probar Vv. A compound shaGt onssttg of o. steel segment And On qloninon segntet (4 acttS Vpnty LUO orgies as Sheva in Fig, Pray Dedermine LAE Maco Perr sible Vale OT Bigeok to the following condition: Lege Go Mta,, Type S5IMta, ond the angle 4 rotation of the free end is Linch ta Ge torte, Ge 86M Od Pr lommun, Ge 10 Gl, sel ay ps fonn sand | gt — wm Tas ME gyyh te. fated 9] ae 7 Bee Tig - for Tal 2 eT WT OTB? Tages Sue 2 ake QO: (#)+(4) fT), 31) + (ow) ag Leite * Sate) fe TSG se Hew 2 tynee Noo. Arnel Us Mortates 49m 6 Hanged Belt. Covplty Problem 4 A longed bate oplng towsists of ter Steel tn diameter bfks vpaced euenly Orovrd a bolt circle 14 10. in diameter: Dekermine the tor gue capectty of the wplg 14 Ghe albirable shearing Shregy ia the bl by 71 Goo Psi Given. te Gooopdr eh Te BR = AG hs Geb Te pel YN" Coowe) (ANC) +: Wb Tb iny tt in 134 ft | Aline’ Arnel (. Moatoier 7 Qe o Problers 2 A torque of Yee Ife i v be carried by o {lary ed foe coupling thal consists of Ort fm. dromeder Site] bal by on a eicale of doneher hin. od Sy Mig diaimcher steel bibs on a Circle of diomelte Gin. Delermee BAL searing Sbress in the bls ye hin he dia fe AG Me Ly om ad. ee a Te MR bay Te al 2)"4 (4. (96x2) Ayah ws lle] ef g8G) vy 4s}el] Sqm < arly LOOT WAS) BAe btw > eqs [ue (ng. 63 Bi lo doker UrGle tye 6S oH(ne-t%) Ma Bi | Inner irate None: Ary Montane 69s 9 Helical Sptag Yeoblen 4 A rigid bay, paned at 0:5 Supported by twe evbicel coring AS Shown ih Fig. PrsMh. Bah Spry consists OF ro tummy oF Yin. digocter lie havi O nésq Simcber Of © in, Determine the mavinun beat W the may be Soppurtid rf the Shas fn te Sptrys C8 ini ted » wth yy, 4 if LM (jp) el ae nOMPY ao Pe sia 3gb watts a (eAtit gue” LN REE redhs 4aaea9 bye 194 ots tb 4h 2d qu Unt ye Leswasdt arid 39) eee [ue sae] None Arne\ Lo Moraine C99 oO Shear cad Monet, Diagn Prablee 4 Doo Ene Shecr and Monta dsyrgms for the beans Speosgicd in Vda flloping podwet- GUL maweece\ ualues oF ol Change of loading pofi Kort ng of cll points of Leo Sor Beom jaded as Shown AM =0 49, wb, oe WRi= BGe}a)4 bv) (TUNIEIITIIIN] atts shied billed) 6h 03 : se FF hee HO WEL He Ob Yas 1 aor agin 1 bitin | Ege bys bb 1 llye Unt het i dagen Ws BWW) Uys -velb MVE Wp thre mh bad dyn Ng Mee MB eta in Keer Diageo 2 alse -4(qoHr0}(9) =0 55. The Hone Grae Re Is Qyunerd L ootn wth utrtoe at ASA KKL —— —s peatiln of 2290 Shear for Fegmatats bo. aah | FE p15 Me Unk Area ie 008 igre vt 7 ge wo) =0 | Asse | 6. shiny Grr X Icy \ To Draw Lhe Memnt. Diagram o Maso 1 Thy = My Aer in shear Dagron Mp obi): Whieh MB lass - Isom 3 Mus Mp, + Arce in Shear Diagram Mes -[y bilw)= -5 kD 4 My> Moy reg in Shear biagnan = ~S+ tak) =o 5 Bye Mk Aga in shear Diagrtin 2 0-46) 0) Be kim @ Mee My t Arca in ther Digrem > 440) tu) <0 bebo ‘en

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