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Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options



For untold centuries, the spirit-binding arts
have long been hailed as a swift path to PERFORMING A PACT RITUAL 2
power. Though the practitioner of such arts SPIRIT BASICS 5
frequently finds himself beset on all sides MULTICLASS BINDERS 9
with enemies, those who can appease and
command the spirits with skill gain the
strength to achieve nearly any goal, and
move any obstacle.
In addition to presenting the basc rules ARKENSANG, FORTUNE’S APOSTATE 14
necessary to use the new content provided IA, THE ILLUMINATOR 16
herein, this product introduces three new
spirits, three new archetypes, five
organizations, and one new feat designed for
use with the base Pact Magic rules created
by Radiance House. HAUNTING OCCULTIST 18









Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

About Pact Magic

mirror the spirit's experiences in life, and
every line the binder draws reenacts the
events that led to the spirit's creation.
Pact magic is ritualistic. A pactmaker, or Step 2 – Perform the Ceremony: The
binder, calls forth ghostly creatures from an second step in pactmaking requires the
extra-cosmic reality referred to by scholars binder to perform the spirit's ceremony.
as the spirit realm. The summoner then Each spirit requires its own unique
attaches the spirit to a willing host creature, ceremony as detailed under its description.
usually using himself or herself as a willing A spell components pouch contains all of the
vessel. This chapter introduces a new base reagents required to perform such a
class, the occultist, who seals these kinds of ceremony unless the ritual requires a
pacts. You will also find new character component that costs 1 gp or more or the
options for each of the 11 core classes component could not feasibly fit within a
presented in the Pathfinder Roleplaying pouch. In such exceptional cases, the binder
Game. Almost anyone can do pact magic! must provide the required components.
Each spirit possesses totems. A totem is a
Performing a Pact Ritual specific action or condition that simplifies
The following information is reproduced interactions with that spirit during its
from Chapter 3: Spirits from Pact Magic ritual. A binder suffers no penalties when
Unbound, Vol. 1 by Radiance House. It is none of the spirit's totems are present.
included here for your convenience. This However, totems ease negotiates, as
section describes the process of binding described under the totems section of Spirit
spirits and explains how to read a spirit’s Basics.
Step 3 – Witness the Manifestation:
In order to bind a spirit, a character must After the ritual is performed, the named
first summon it into our world using a pact spirit briefly manifests itself to the binder.
ritual. While not difficult or costly to Each spirit has a unique manifestation.
perform, the ritual requires precise Some spirits appear immediately, eager to
execution and attention to detail. taste mortal life once more, while other
spirits take several moments or even
Step 1 – Draw the Seal: The first step in minutes of patience before appearing.
binding any spirit requires creating a vessel
to temporarily house the spirit. This vessel Whatever a spirit's description, all
is known as a seal. The seal consists of an manifestations heed certain limitations.
intricate circular design that requires a full First, all manifestations are illusions and
5-foot space to create. The seal can usually cannot harm creatures or alter their
be drawn on any surface using any material surroundings. Also, anyone close to the
the binder has on-hand. Simple chalk is binder may witness the manifestation.
most commonly used, though ink, scratches Finally, since spirits cannot exist in our
in the dirt, and even blood are all acceptable world under normal circumstances, a
mediums. Each seal's design is said to spirit's seal acts as its vessel. The spirit

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

cannot leave the seal's area to roam about Step 5 – Aftermath: After making the
though it is free to vanish from this reality binding check to determine whether the
whenever it pleases, ending all negotiations. pact is good or a poor, the spirit and its seal
Fortunately, most spirits yearn to vanish completely. Chalk blows away in the
experience reality once more and will only wind, blood seeps into the ground, scratches
vanish if the terms of a pact are not agreed in the earth close themselves, and so forth.
upon within several minutes. At the same time, the spirit becomes bound
to the binder's soul for the next 24 hours,
Step 4 – Barter with the Spirit: Once a
during which time the binder enjoys access
spirit has manifested in its seal, both the
to the spirit's granted abilities. Binders who
binder and the spirit begin negotiating the
make poor pacts with a spirit become
terms of the spirit's
afflicted by the spirit's
service. This is
physical sign and
represented by a
suffer its influence.
binding check, which
Binders who make
is equal to 1d20 + ½
good pacts can
the binder's level +
suppress the spirit's
the binder's Charisma
sign as a move action
modifier. Many
and do not suffer the
additional factors can
spirit's influence.
influence the binding
After 24 hours pass,
check including feats,
the pact ends and the
class features, the
spirit returns from
presence of totems, or
whence it came. The
the spirit's
binder loses access to
constellation. The
the spirit's granted
result of the binding
abilities, and any
check is compared to
ongoing effects
the spirit's binding
granted by the spirit
DC. Under normal
fade away
circumstances, the
binder seals a pact
even if he or she fails the check. That said, a The Constellations
binder whose check is equal to or higher In pact magic, a constellation refers to a
than the spirit's binding DC makes a good grouping of stars that, when displayed
pact with that spirit, whereas a binder together, invoke a theme by which spirits
whose check is lower than the spirit's identify themselves. Below is a list of the 13
binding DC makes a poor pact with that constellations of pact magic, their traits,
spirit. The consequences of making a poor and a suggested list of alternate names you
pact are discussed later in this chapter. can use in your campaign.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Angel Dragon
Spirits under the Angel constellation As primeval as creation itself, spirits of the
typically identify with good beings. Angel Dragon constellation hold all of the most
spirits are guardians and protectors, dangerous traits of living dragons. In life,
showering others in light and grace. The Dragon spirits were usually dragons
Angel is allied to the Scholar and the Tree themselves and hold dearly their racial
and is opposed to the Fiend. pride. The Dragon is allied to the Beast and
the Thief and opposed to the Hero.
Alternate Name: Agathonian, Heaven,
Paladin Alternate Name: Drake, Linnorm, Wyrm

Beast Fiend
The Beast Spirits of the Fiend constellation embody all
constellation consists that is corrupt and vile. Fiends spirits
of spirits of instinct. despise the world of mortals and though
Beast spirits exceptions exist, the Fiend constellation
represent nature's is typically reserved for the vilest of
most deadly horrors, spirits. The Fiend is allied to the Beast
both natural and and the Skull and opposed to the
unnatural, such as Angel.
animals, monsters,
Alternate Name:
and magical
Diablo, Furies,
creatures. The Beast is
allied to the Dragon and
the Fiend and is opposed Hero
to the Scholar. The Hero constellation
Alternate Name: Cyclops, champions strong beliefs.
Monster, Spider Such spirits are often martyrs
for what they believe in,
Dark Beyond representing powerful warriors
Not truly a constellation, the Dark Beyond with mythic skill of arms. The Hero is allied
is the cold space between the light of every to the Noble and the Scholar and opposed to
star in the sky. It is said that horrible, alien the Dragon.
creatures inhabit this lightless place and
Alternate Name: Guardian, Knight,
the spirits that associate with it are cold
and alien. The Dark Beyond is allied to none
and opposed to all other constellations. Mage
Alternate Name: Elder Sign, Great Dark, Masters of magic and shapers of reality are
Shadow drawn to the Mage constellation. Mage
spirits are often unbound by moral
restrictions, shaping the world around them

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

as they see fit. The Mage is allied to the undead. The Skull is allied to the Fiend and
Noble and the Skull and is opposed to the the Mage and is opposed to the Tree.
Alternate Name: Death, Ghoul, Lich
Alternate Name: Magician, Mind, Portal
Noble The Thief constellation shines for those who
The Noble constellation is heavily dance on the edge of society. Thief spirits
associated with the law and Noble spirits often seek to topple lawful orders and fulfill
value order and hierarchy above all else. their own agendas. The Thief is allied to the
They are high-ranking members of society, Dragon and the Seer and is opposed to the
and those who enforce order. The Noble is Noble.
allied to the Hero and the Mage and is
Alternate Name: Anarchy, Assassin,
opposed to the Thief.
Alternate Name: Crown, King/Queen, Law
Seer The Tree constellation embodies life, nature,
Seer spirits link to the concept of the all- and balance and Tree spirits are nurturers
seeing eyes of the gods. In parallel, the Seer and guardians of these things. The Tree is
constellation represents the concept of true allied to the Angel and the Seer and is
divinity, which is undivided by morality. opposed to the Skull.
The Seer is allied to the Thief and the Tree
Alternate Name: Aeon, Dryad, Scales
and is opposed to the Mage.

Alternate Name: Eye, Genie, Priest

Spirit Basics
Scholar This section describes the rules and terms
The Scholar constellation represents the regarding each of the spirits.
acquisition of knowledge, causing Scholar Although pact magic is easy to master, one
spirits to seek knowledge. They believe must still possess the knowledge of how to
knowledge is what separates mortals from deal with spirits in order to successfully
beasts. The Scholar is allied to the Angel utilize their talents. A character must
and the Hero and is opposed to the Beast. possess the bind spirit class feature or the
Alternate Name: Magi, Tome, Wiseman Improved Minor Binding feat in order to
attempt a pact ritual to commune with a
Skull spirit. Without one of these abilities, the
The Skull constellation represents death ritual automatically fails. A character with
and the cycle of life. Despite this, Skull Improved Minor Binding is restricted in
spirits usually embody death over life, which abilities he or she gains from pact
making Skull spirits reviled even among magic while a character with bind spirits
binders as they are heavily associated with gains access to all of a spirit's granted

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Spirit Description influence and cannot suppress the spirit's

Below the sections of a spirit's profile are sign. A binding check is equal to 1d20 + ½
dissected and explained. the binder's level + his or her Charisma
modifier. Some archetypes allow a binder to
Name: The spirit's name and title. The use a different ability modifier, as described
latter often connotes the spirit's Legend and under that class feature. Factors such as
powers. Scholars believe that spirits bear totems, feats, and whether or not the binder
names either identical or similar to names qualifies as a favored enemy or ally can
and titles they bore in life. modify this roll.
Summoning Rules: The various rules, Constellation: All spirits are aligned with
rituals, and conditions that surround the one of 13 unifying themes called
pact making process for that individual constellations. Binder scholars speculate the
spirit. This section is divided into six reasons that spirits are so heavily
subsections: spirit level, binding DC, influenced by the stars, but many believe
constellation, totems, ceremony, and that constellations act as a unifying theme
manifestation. Each of these sections is that gives meaning to the unfathomable
described below. spirit realm.
Spirit Level: This is the spirit's level, Totems: Totems represent that which a
numbered between 1st and 9th. A common spirit holds most dear. These may be
misconception made by those who do not treasured objects, the execution of beliefs
study the ways of pact magic is that a held in life, or locations that are
higher-leveled spirit is more powerful than sentimental to the spirit. The presence of a
a lower-leveled spirit. This is not the case. A single totem grants the binder a +2 insight
spirit's level denotes how difficult it is to bonus on binding checks made with the
summon the spirit, either because the spirit spirit. This bonus increases to +4 if all listed
refuses to answer mortals whose souls do totems are present. Totems are not required
not burn bright enough to attract it or the for a pact to be successful and therefore they
lore needed to call it from the spirit realm is are never assumed to be within the binder's
well-hidden or well-guarded. The maximum spell component's pouch, if he or she has
level of spirit that a character can summon one.
is restricted by the binder's level, and a
spirit always refuses the summons of Ceremony: A spirit's ceremony is the
binders whose maximum spirit level is not specific action or actions that must be taken
high enough to commune with it. in order for the spirit to take notice of the
binder. Before performing the ceremony, a
Binding DC: A spirit's binding DC is the binder must draw the spirit's seal. Drawing
minimum result that a binder must roll on a seal and performing the ceremony
his or her binding check in order to make a typically require 5 minutes of work apiece
good pact with the spirit. A binder who fails (10 minutes total). A binder can make a
to meet this DC still successfully binds with rushed pact to reduce this to 5 rounds
the spirit, but it suffers from the spirit's apiece (1 minute total). Making a rushed

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

pact results in a -10 penalty on the spirit's died of neglect or in battle. A few spirits
binding check, and if the rushed check fails, never existed in any mundane sense. Most
the spirit ignores the binder, the pact fails, spirits hope to enjoy a foothold in the world
and the binder gains no granted abilities, of the living. Although some spirits lived
does not suffer the spirit's influence, and honorable lives, others were terrible and
cannot commune with the spirit again for 24 their Legends reflect mature themes.
Granted Abilities: A granted ability is one
Performing a pact magic ceremony requires of five supernatural abilities that a spirit
your full attention and provokes attacks of bestows upon a binder as part of a pact.
opportunity. Once the ceremony begins, the Binders receive the granted abilities of the
binder must remain within the seal or else spirits they bind with regardless of whether
the ceremony fails. Performing any action the pact was a good pact or a poor pact.
not related to the ceremony or exiting the Occultists and characters with the bind
seal causes the entire ceremony to fail, spirit class feature gain all of the granted
causing the spirit to refuse to bind with the abilities of a spirit they forge a pact with, as
binder for the next 24 hours. A binder must listed below. Granted abilities are always
be able to audibly speak in order to perform supernatural, even when they replicate
a ceremony. extraordinary or spell-like abilities. A
granted ability's DC is equal to 10 + ½ the
Manifestation: When the ceremony is
binder's level + his or her Charisma
complete, the spirit manifests before the
modifier. Some archetypes allow a binder to
binder and any onlookers. Each spirit has
use a different ability modifier, as described
its own, unique method of manifesting as
under that class feature. Granted abilities
described in its description. The
always use the granted ability saving throw
manifestation isn't an illusion though it is
DC listed above, even when they replicate
very clearly unable to harm the binder or
spells and similar effects that would
others, nor can it be dispelled or interacted
normally use a different DC. All granted
with in any way aside from negotiating a
abilities belong to one of two categories, as
pact. Following the spirit's manifestation,
described in their description. These
the binder and the spirit engage in a battle
categories are described below.
of wills in the form of a binding check
versus the spirit's binding DC. Success or Major Abilities: Major granted abilities
failure indicates whether the pact was a are the most powerful abilities that a spirit
good pact or a poor pact. can offer. They deal damage, cure wounds,
and allow the binder to override reality with
Legend: Each spirit had a life, real or
supernatural powers. Major abilities are
imagined, and the spirit's Legend captures
taxing to use, and when a binder uses a
its demeanor and values, why it grants
major ability, the ability becomes expended
certain abilities, and the events that
the next 5 rounds after the round it is used.
transformed it into a spirit. Some spirits
During this time, an expended granted
were mortals who found no place after
ability is not available; the binder gains
death. Others were powerful beings who

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

none of its benefits and cannot activate it four categories: physical sign, influence,
until the allotted exhaustion ends. The favored ally, and favored enemy.
Rapid Recovery feat reduces the amount of
Physical Sign: As part of the pact making
time a major granted ability is expended by
process, a binder agrees to acquire a
1 round.
physical aspect that relates to the spirit in
Capstone Empowerment: Listed under some way. This is known as the spirit's
major abilities, the capstone empowerment physical sign. Each spirit has two physical
ability is a special modification that applies signs: one that is always active and one that
to one of the spirit's major granted abilities. is only active whenever the binder activates
The capstone empowerment is not one of the spirit's granted abilities. The
automatically bestowed to a binder; in order triggering ability can be a major or minor
to gain this benefit, a binder must succeed granted ability; it matters not as long as the
on their binding check to make a good pact granted ability requires an action to use.
with a spirit by 10 or more. Capstones can The physical sign is brief and only remains
only be granted if the pact is a good pact. for the round during which the granted
Poor pacts with a spirit never result in a ability is activated, though it is impossible
capstone empowerment being granted even to miss it without the use of a Bluff check,
if the binding check beats the spirit's DC by Disguise check, or similar measures a
10 or more. A capstone empowerment is an binder may take to hide it. A binder that
optional effect. It can be applied to a makes a good pact with a spirit can hide all
granted ability as a free action. The binder physical signs as a move action. The
may choose to not apply its benefits. Suppress Sign feat reduces this to a free
action. A binder that makes a poor pact
Minor Abilities: Minor granted abilities
cannot hide the spirit's influence. He or she
are less powerful and usually passive
suffers the physical sign for the duration of
benefits that a spirit possesses. They supply
the pact.
bonuses, grant the benefits of feats, and
grant abilities that usually do not need to be Influence: When you bind a spirit, you are
activated. Minor abilities without an inviting that entity into your very soul.
activation action take effect immediately Binders with little experience or who are
following a successful pact and last for a overwhelmed by the spirit's presence may
pact's duration (24 hours or until the spirit accidentally allow that spirit a measure of
is expelled in another manner). Most minor influence over their personality and actions.
abilities can be suppressed as a full-round This occurrence is known as a spirit's
action unless noted otherwise; like with influence. Each spirit has an influence entry
signs, a binder cannot suppress their minor that to which binder may be subjected.
granted abilities if they made a poor pact Whenever a binder makes a poor pact with
with the spirit providing them. a spirit, the spirit demands that they act in
accordance with its influence. A binder is
Signs and Influence: A spirit makes its
not forced to abide by the spirit's desires,
presence known on a binder through its sign
but if a binder chooses to ignore the spirit's
and influence. These descriptors fall into

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

influence, he or she must make a Will save surrendered. A binder can only possess a
or suffer a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, skill single vestigial companion. If a vestigial
checks, saving throws, and to AC for 24 companion is slain or banished, the binder
hours or for the duration of the pact with cannot gain a new one until he or she makes
the spirit. The DC of this Will save equals a new pact and exchanges a minor granted
the spirit's binding DC including any ability for a new vestigial companion. A
enhancements (such as binding a vestigial companion that would gain share
constellation aspect) with a +10 modifier if spells immediately exchanges that ability
the pact with the spirit was rushed. The for the feature, share granted abilities.
influence penalty stacks each time the
Share Granted Abilities (Su): A
binder ignores a spirit's influence. A
vestigial companion gains all the
character that can bind multiple spirits
granted abilities of its patron spirit,
stacks the penalty for disobeying the
which is the same spirit that aids
influence of multiple spirits to determine
the binder. The binder and
the total penalty.
companion share these granted
Favored Ally and Enemy: For whatever abilities. If a major granted ability is
reason spirits smile fondly upon creatures expended for one, it is expended for
that fall into the category of their favored both of them. Furthermore, the
ally. Likewise, they despise or distrust binder and companion count as the
creatures that fall into the category of their same creature when determining if a
favored enemy. Though this category has granted ability affects a creature
little consequence on its own, many feats (that is, some granted abilities
and abilities interact with this mechanic. A cannot affect a creature that
binder who counts as a spirit's favored ally successfully saves, and a save
increases the spirit's totem bonus by +1 (or against master or familiar makes
by +2 when meeting all of the spirit's the creature immune to the ability
totems). Likewise, a binder who counts as a regardless of whether the binder or
spirit's favored enemy only gains half the companion use it).
normal bonus for meeting its totems.

Vestigial Companions: For all spirits, a Multiclass Binders

binder can surrender a minor granted Because pact magic is relatively easy
ability to gain a helpful companion. This compared to other types of magic, multiclass
creature is known as a vestigial companion. binders function differently than other
A vestigial companion mirrors the bond characters. Binder levels from multiple
between a wizard and his or her familiar, a classes stack; however, a character's binder
druid with an animal companion, and level does not grant him or her benefits such
similar class features. The spirit's entry as new class abilities (such as the occultist's
lists the companion's creature type and the additional spirits ability or the wizard's
class feature that the binder gains along reweave granted ability), bonuses to base
with the granted ability that must be attack bonuses or saving throws, or an
increase to spells per day and spells known.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

When a multiclass binder has levels in pact gains Constellation Alignment from
magic classes with different key ability multiple classes uses only the alignment
modifiers (such as Wisdom for a pactsworn from the first class he or she received;
pagan or Intelligence for a soul weaver), you subsequent classes abide by the selected
must immediately select which ability score alignment(s). If a class restricts the
modifier to use upon gaining your first level constellations to which the binder can and
in the new class. cannot align, the binder must abide by these
restrictions or be unable to take levels in
Once this choice has been made, it cannot be
the class. For example, a character aligned
reselected. For example, a multiclass soul
with the Noble constellation cannot take
weaver/occultist would use Charisma or
levels in the totemic sage archetype and a
Intelligence as decided when first
character aligned with the Thief
multiclassing. Multiclass binders who take
constellation cannot take levels in the
levels in classes that do not grant a binder
empyrean friar archetype. Similarly, a
level add half of their class levels in non-
character who multiclasses into the soul
binder classes to their binder level to
muse archetype who already possesses a
determine the strength of granted abilities.
constellation alignment selects 2 additional
For example, a bard 2/occultist 2 has a constellations to bring him or her up to the
binder level of 3 (his occultist level + ½ his total number of alignments allowed for that
bard level). Finally, a multiclass binder who class.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Chapter 1: New
Hand) to gain the bonus. If you win
the game, you do not gain 100 gold,

but the first time you use Blood
Money to confirm a critical hit is
free. If you lose, 100 gold disappears
Countless spirits abound in the Material from your person. If you do not have
and other planes; the following passage 100 gold to pay, or if you fail the
details but a few. Countless more spirits Sleight of Hand check, the binding
have been documented in the annals of fails instantly and you cannot bind
history... the Gunman for 24 hours.

Ceremony: You fill each chamber of a

Cort Eiding, The Golden Gunman revolver with sand, close it and bury it at
Eiding was a simple mercenary, who owed least two feet underground with a single
too much to too many to leave this earth. To gold piece.
pay his debt, the Golden Gunman literally Manifestation: Clutching his buried
sells his soul. weapon, now plated with pale gold, the
Summoning Rules Gunman pulls his way out of the earth, a
The following describes the requirements perfect human figure made of sand, to begin
and rituals for binding Cort. negotiations.

Spirit Level: 3rd Granted Abilities

Cort Eiding grants the following abilities.
Constellation: Hero
Major Granted Abilities
Binding DC: 20
Trick Shot: As a standard action while
Totems: You gain a totem bonus on the wielding a firearm, bow or crossbow, you
spirit's binding check if you meet some or all may attempt a disarm, steal or dirty
of these conditions. trick maneuver at range. All bonuses
and penalties that would apply to a
 You are currently tasked with a standard attack with the weapon apply
mission to repay a debt that you owe. to this maneuver. In the cases of disarm
(Alternately, 6 ranks in Bluff will let and steal, if the item strikes a barrier, it
you fabricate such a debt.) lands in the most appropriate square
 You have ever killed a sentient being reasonably possible, subject to GM
for no reason other than money. discretion.
 You play a game of cards with the
Gunman, which takes about five • A successful disarm combat
minutes, and bet at least 100 gold. maneuver causes the item to land in
You must bring your own deck of a square on the opposite side of the
cards, but you do not have to win target from you, 10 feet away from
(DC 25 Bluff or DC 30 Sleight of the target.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

• A successful steal combat maneuver (see sidebar) upon the foe attacking you
causes the item to land in a square (or that you are attacking). You gain a
between you and the target, 10 feet +2 insight bonus on saving throws
away from the target. against the activated abilities of spirits.
• A successful dirty trick combat
Sulfur City Shuffle: As a swift action,
maneuver may have whatever effect
whenever you successfully make a Bluff
you and your GM deem appropriate
check to feint against a target, a small
(within the bounds of the normal
explosive falls in the target’s square. A
range of options).
spell or effect with the [fire] descriptor
Trick shot expends one round of which targets the square, or a successful
ammunition. You gain a +1 insight attack by a firearm against AC 15
bonus to your CMB on this attempt ignites the explosive, dealing 3d8
for every four binder levels you damage to any creature in the square
possess. Afterwards, this ability is and splash damage to creatures in
expended for 5 rounds. adjacent squares. The first three times a
day this power is used are free; after
Capstone Empowerment: You may
that, Cort charges you 100 gold.
make this combat maneuver in place
of any attack instead of as a Signs and Influence
standard action. The spirit affects you in the following ways:

Minor Granted Abilities Physical Sign: Your shoes are always

Blood Money: Whenever you dusty, even if you have just put on a
threaten a critical hit, you may pay new pair. When activating any of the
gold to gain an insight bonus to your Gunman’s abilities, your weapons and
confirmation roll equal to +1 for any metal accoutrements on you seem to
every 100 gp spent. The gold glint in the sunlight (even if there is no
vanishes immediately. sun to be seen).

Inscrutable: You do not lose your Personality: You are a person of few
Dexterity bonus to AC when an words and you are loath to do anything
opponent makes a Bluff check to for free.
feint in combat against you, and you
Favored Ally: Any (professional soldier)
gain an insight bonus equal to ½
your binder level on Bluff checks you Favored Enemy: Animal (flying)
make to feint in combat.
Additionally, you are constantly Vestigial Companion
under the effect of undetectable You gain the service of an intelligent
alignment. revolver with the following statistics:

Mercenary’s Intuition: Upon attacking LAST WORD

or being attacked, as an immediate CN Construct, +2 revolver
action you may cast detect pact spirits

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; 1st Round: Presence or absence of occult

Slot —; Price 17,500 gp; Weight 4 lbs. auras.
STATISTICS 2nd Round: Number of different occult
auras and the power of the most potent
Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 14, Ego 10
Senses 120 ft.; Communication speech
3rd Round: The strength and location of
Languages Common, Infernal.
each aura.
Powers Last Word gains the dancing
If the items or creatures bearing the auras
weapon ability for a number of rounds per
day equal to your binder level, even though are in line of sight, you can make
it is not a melee weapon. Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (planes)
Damage 1d8+2 Crit x4 Range 20 ft. skill checks to determine the constellation
Misfire 0 Weight 4 lbs. with which an aura aligns. (Make one check
Skills Knowledge (local) +8, Heal +8, per aura: DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + ½
Perform (act) +8 binder level for a nonspell effect.) If the
DESCRIPTION aura emanates from a magic item, you can
As the product of a deal with a devil, Last attempt to identify its properties (see
Word’s service is non-transferable. If sold, Spellcraft).
given away or lost, Last Word appears to Occult Auras, multiple types of occult
fall apart in its next owner’s hands powers, or strong local occult emanations
immediately, becoming rusted scrap metal, may distort or conceal weaker auras.
and will re-appear intact on one’s person the
next time Cort Eiding is bound. Aura Strength: An aura’s power depends
on its functioning spirit level or an item’s
This ability replaces mercenary’s intuition. binder level; see the accompanying table. If
DETECT PACT SPIRITS the aura falls into more than one category,
detect pact spirits indicates the stronger of
School divination [occult] Level bard 0, the two.
cleric 0, druid 0, inquisitor 0, magus 0,
sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0, witch 0 Active
Magic Item
CASTING Aura Spirit
Strength (spirit
Casting Time 1 standard action level)
Components V, S, M (a prism)
Faint 3rd or lower 5th or lower
Moderate 4th-6th 6th-11th
Range 60 feet Strong 7th-9th 12th-20th
Area cone-shaped emanation Overwhelming 10th+ 21st+
Duration concentration, up to 1 (divine) (artifact)
minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
DESCRIPTION Lingering Aura: An occult aura lingers
after its original source dissipates (in the
You detect occult auras. The amount of
case of a granted ability) or is destroyed (in
information revealed depends on how long
the case of a magic item). If detect pact
you study a particular area or subject.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

spirits is cast and directed at such a  You do not follow any deity and have
location, the spell indicates an aura no levels in a class that offers divine
strength of dim (even weaker than a faint spells.
aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim  You are maimed or otherwise suffer
level depends on its original power. from some deformity that you were
not born with.
Duration of
Original Strength  An animal who is truly loyal to you is
Lingering Aura
present for the ceremony.
Faint 1d6 rounds
Moderate 1d6 minutes Ceremony: Adorning yourself with tribal
Strong 1d6x10 minutes war decoration, you perform an elaborate
Overwhelming 1d6 days spinning dance with a length of chain or
Creatures, even those born of occult powers, rope around a pedestal, upon which rests a
are not occult in themselves, but if they are small chalice filled with water, marked with
summoned by an occult power, the power some holy symbol (the exact symbol is
registers. Each round, you can turn to unimportant). You must not disturb the
detect pact spirits in a new area. The spell chalice until the end of your dance.
can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1
inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, Manifestation: When you are overcome
or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. Detect with a supernatural rage, you shatter the
pact spirits can be made permanent with a chalice and the water turns to blood as it
permanency spell. falls to the ground, spreading into a pool
from which Arkensang rises, confronting the
binder with an expression of contempt.
Arkensang, Fortune’s Apostate
Born into a clan of barbarian warriors Granted Abilities
facing its last days, this maimed warrior Arkensang grants the following abilities.
subverted the prophecy of a goddess of
death. When his soul was sent to its end he Major Granted Abilities
was forbidden final rest and thus lingers, Sever Magicka: As a standard
eternally restless, promising the power to action, you can make a sunder
resist those who claim the license of check to sever a thread of magic
divinity. using any weapon that deals
slashing damage. If the spell is a
Summoning Rules divine spell, you gain +2 to hit
The following describes the requirements and damage with the sunder
and rituals for binding Arkensang. check (+4 after 9th level). A
successful sunder check of DC 10
Spirit Level: 4th
plus caster level + casting
Constellation: Fiend
Binding DC: 23 modifier strikes the thread (hit
Totems: You gain a totem bonus on the points = caster level, hardness =
spirit's binding check if you meet some or all casting modifier), and damages it.
of these conditions. Destroying the thread ends the

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

effect. A thread exists between a handed when determining the

caster and the target of any spell effects of Power Attack,
with a duration longer than Strength bonus to damage, and
instantaneous. Afterwards, this the like. This penalty decreases
ability is expended for 5 rounds. to –1 at 10th level and to –0 at
20th level.
Capstone Empowerment: When
a spell effect is severed in this Signs and Influence
way, the caster is staggered for The spirit affects you in the following ways:
1d4 rounds and takes damage
equal to your binder level (DC 20 Physical Sign: Your skin
+ your binder level negates). At becomes ruddy and your build
10th level, the target is stunned well-muscled. Your right arm
for 1 round instead. appears to be translucent
except for the tribal tattoos
Minor Granted Abilities covering it, but otherwise
Defiance of Heaven: You gain a functions normally. When
+1 insight bonus to all saves activating any granted abilities,
against divine spells and effects your hair becomes wild and
for every two binder levels you animate, your face twisted in
possess, but you are required to rage.
attempt this save even if the
Personality: You innately
spell is beneficial.
mistrust gods and the agents of
Defiance of Earth: You gain an gods, and are loath to accept aid
insight bonus equal to ½ your from them. You refuse to bow to
binder level to Climb and any individual.
Acrobatics checks.
Favored Ally: Animal (any)
Blood of the Tribe: You gain
Favored Enemy: Any (sworn
the Bodyguard feat for the
servant of a deity)
duration of the binding.

Blood of the Oni: You may Vestigial Companion

choose to wield a two-handed You gain the service of a dire bat animal
melee weapon in one hand with companion for the duration of the pact.
a –2 penalty on attack rolls Treat your binder level as your druid level
while doing so. The weapon to determine your animal companion’s
must be appropriately sized for abilities.
you, and it is treated as one- This ability replaces blood of the oni.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

ground representing Ia’s journey to each of

your world’s planets, in reverse succession
from the outermost, until he reaches yours.

Manifestation: The design you have drawn

vanishes as if it were never there. When you
look up, you see the design shining
brilliantly in the sky, as a constellation. A
deep and calming voice that only you can
hear echoes as if from every direction,
looking to begin negotiations.

Ia, The Illuminator Granted Abilities

A staggeringly powerful creature from Ia grants the following abilities.
beyond the stars, Ia’s every movement is a
destructive force of nature. Alone at the cold
Major Granted Abilities
and sterile end of the universe, he seeks a Crack the Shell: As a full-round
vessel on a more lively world; a world like action, the ground cracks and
fissures in a 15-foot radius
around you, becoming difficult
Summoning Rules terrain and revealing an inner
The following describes the requirements light for 1d4 rounds. Creatures
and rituals for binding Ia. within the area must make a
DC 25 Reflex save or be
Spirit Level: 9th knocked prone and take 9d4
Constellation: Dark Beyond
untyped damage. Creatures
Binding DC: 35
that make their save take half
Totems: You gain a totem bonus on the
that damage instead. Sighted
spirit's binding check if you meet some or all
creatures with line-of-sight to
of these conditions.
the area of effect see the light
 You are responsible for a great radiating from the earth and
disaster that killed many. must make a DC 20 Will Save
 You perform the ceremony on a to avoid being fascinated for the
moonless night and where the stars duration of the emanation.
can be clearly seen. Afterwards, this ability is
 You carve a jagged pattern into your expended for 5 rounds.
flesh, like a stone fissure, inflicting
Capstone Empowerment:
two points of Constitution damage.
Creatures fascinated by the
Ceremony: You draw a diagram of your light created from this effect
star system in the earth below your feet. take 1 point of Wisdom and
With a fine dust comprised of silver and Charisma damage each round.
sulfur, you trace a streaking path in the

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Minor Granted Abilities revealing tiny fissures of white light, as if

Supermassive: Your mere you were glowing inside. Your footsteps are
footsteps rend the ground as impossibly heavy, though you are not
you walk. As long as you slowed. When activating one of Ia’s abilities,
display Ia’s sign, when you this light from these fissures and from your
move a distance at least equal eyes becomes intense and painful to look
to ½ your base speed in a directly at.
round, all squares you exit
Personality: Your voice becomes serene
become difficult terrain. You
and calming. You feel the need to destroy
are never affected by difficult
things of great beauty.
terrain you create in this way.
Favored Ally: Any (chaotic)
First Impact: You are immune
to falling damage. Whenever Favored Enemy: Any (lawful)
you fall from a height of at least
10 feet, any creatures adjacent Vestigial Companion
to the square (or squares) you Ia does not grant a vestigial companion.
land in take 1d6 untyped
damage, plus an additional 1d6
points of untyped damage for
every 10 feet you fell (to a
maximum of 20d6.)

Euphoric Farspeech: You gain an

insight bonus equal to ½ your binder
level on Diplomacy and Bluff checks
made to convince others of your good
intentions. When the attitude of any
creature is improved by your
Diplomacy check, it is improved by two
steps rather than one.

Full of Stars: You are immune to bleed

damage. Creatures that deal damage to
you with natural weapons take 1d6
points of untyped damage for each

Signs and Influence

The spirit affects you in the following ways:

Physical Sign: Your skin cracks open,

along any visible scars if you have them,

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Chapter 2: New
Please see Pact Magic Unbound, Vol. 1
by Radiance House for details on the

standard occultist.

Haunting Occultist
First introduced in the Pathfinder All occultists can bind spirits for power, but
Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide, some occultists can use them in a more
archetypes are specialized versions of base personal way. A haunting occultist learns
classes that fill in the gaps for a myriad of the secret of binding spirits to her foes,
character concepts. An archetype is a quick tormenting them and wearing them down
plug-and-play set of alternate class abilities with the sheer weight of their occult might.
arranged around a specific character
concept. For example, a skirmisher ranger The haunting occultist is an archetype for
differs from a trapper the occultist class.
ranger. Simply, archetypes
Haunting Pact (Su)
help players customize a A haunting occultist can
base class to suit their bind spirits as a regular
individual needs. Some occultist, but treats her
archetypes mention binder level as ½ her
the ability to bind binder level for this
spirits “as an occultist purpose. She can instead
of equal binder level.” use a spirit to haunt a foe,
This ability only imposing certain penalties
supplies the and otherwise making life
archetype with the difficult for them, at her
bind spirit class full binder level.
feature. Such
characters do not gain When attempting to
access to any other haunt a foe, the target
occultist class must attempt a Will
features, such as save against the
constellation aspects, occultist’s binding
pact augmentations, check. (If the target is
and so forth. also a binder, they can substitute a binding
check of their own for their Will Save.)
In the course of their adventures, a party of
adventurers may run afoul of various A haunting occultist can gain a totem bonus
binding cults of nefarious nature and on their haunting check if any of the
esoteric method. Below are just a few of the following apply (and these replace the
diverse methods used to harness spirits. normal haunting bonuses if so):

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

 The occultist knows the target’s This ability replaces (and otherwise
true, full name (under normal functions as) the standard occultist’s bind
circumstances the name given at spirits class feature.
 The target is the spirit’s favored Grim Companion (Su)
enemy. For a number of minutes per day equal to
 The target has personally your binder level, you may summon the
wronged the occultist. vestigial companion of a spirit that is
haunting a foe to stalk or attack that foe.
The haunting can be performed in two ways; There is no range limit on this ability; the
if the target is within sixty feet of the vestigial companion will always appear
occultist, it is simply performed, as a full- within one mile of the target when this
round action; no ceremony is required. If the power is used, as long as they are on the
target is further away (or simply not same plane of existence. If the bound spirit
present), then the ceremony for the spirit is does not have a companion, this ability has
performed using all the normal components no effect.
as well as a personal possession of the
target, or a part of their body (such as hair Only the haunted foe can see the companion
or fingernails). and only that character is affected by its
attacks. If the companion’s abilities deal
In either case, if the target fails their will damage or otherwise impose penalties on a
save by 10 or more, the haunting is a dire target, the target can only be the haunted
haunting. If they merely fail by less than 10, foe.
the haunting is a minor haunting. If they
succeed, the haunting fails, and the target You share the senses of this companion, and
cannot be targeted by a haunting pact for the companion has all the granted abilities
another 24 hours. If a body part was used, of the spirit, including the ability that the
that body part is consumed in the ceremony. vestigial companion would normally replace.
If the companion is slain by the haunted foe,
A haunted target gains none of the spirit’s it cannot manifest again for 24 hours.
granted abilities. The target is afflicted as if
they had made a poor pact with the spirit, In the case of a dire haunting, the vestigial
and accrues penalties if it conflicts with the companion can manifest twice as long.
spirit’s personality. The spirit can be This ability replaces constellation aspects.
pacified and prevented from further
antagonizing the target if the target Vengeful Haunting (Su)
complies with the spirit’s wishes. At 2nd level, an occultist’s haunting does
even more harm as the spirit further
A haunting occultist can never gain a antagonizes the target. If the occultist
spirit’s vestigial companion. A spirit can successfully enacts a dire haunting on a
never be called upon to haunt a target that target, select one of the penalties listed
is their favored ally. below to be applied to the target.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the • Blunted Haunting: -1 morale penalty
binder selects one additional vengeful on damage rolls
haunting when making a dire haunting, to a • Wasted Haunting: -1 hit point per
maximum of 5 vengeful hauntings at 18th two levels; these cannot be healed as
level. long as the haunting last.

A vengeful haunting lasts for 24 hours or This ability replaces pact augmentation.
until the occultist is neither bound to nor
haunting a character with any spirits. An Spiritual Stalker (Su)
occultist may select a single vengeful At 4th level, you gain sneak attack as a
haunting multiple times. Bonuses gained rogue of your binder level, usable only
from vengeful hauntings stack with against targets afflicted by a haunting pact.
themselves but not with similar bonuses At 8th level, a haunted creature you
gained from other threaten is treated as if another enemy
sources (such as character or creature is
spirits). on the opposite border or
• Unguarded opposite corner from you,
Haunting: -1 granting you a +2
insight bonus flanking bonus to attack
to AC and it.
CMD. This At 12th level, all
penalty creatures gain a +2
applies to both flanking bonus to melee
touch and flat- attack rolls against a
footed AC haunted creature you
• Wounding threaten.
Haunting: The
critical threat range of all weapons is This ability replaces
increased by 1 while making an Bonus Feats.
attack against the target.
Contract Additional Spirits (Su)
• Weighted Haunting: -2 insight bonus
At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, an
on initiative checks
occultist gains the ability to bind one
• Misfortune Haunting: -1 untyped
additional spirits, or haunt another with a
penalty on all saving throws.
spirit. Both bound and haunting spirits
• Pariah Haunting: -4 morale penalty
count towards the limit of an Occultist’s
on Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
total number of spirits, to a maximum of 4
• Vulnerability Haunting: Any damage
spirits at 14th level. A target can never be
reduction the target receives from
haunted by more than one spirit at a time.
any source is reduced by 2, to a
minimum of 0. This ability otherwise functions as bind
additional spirits.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Paranormal Activity (Su) one granted ability, and each ability may
At 15thlevel, when you haunt a target with only be assigned once. Neither the occultist
a minor haunting, select one vengeful nor her effigies may ever receive a spirit’s
haunting option to apply to the target. vestigial companion, even if multiclassing.

This ability replaces constellation mastery. The creation of effigies extends the time of
the ritual to 20 minutes, and a Divided Pact
To The Ends of the Earth (Su) cannot be rushed. (Note that these are not
At 20th level, a haunting occultist has no masterful creations akin to golem creation,
limit on the amount of time his grim and without the spirit’s cooperation and
companion can stay manifested, though it influence will certainly fall apart in
still cannot manifest for 24 hours if it is seconds.)
killed. Furthermore, the companion can
manifest even if the target is on a different Each effigy follows one of the base forms:
This ability replaces true augmentation. Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., swim 40
ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort
(none), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack
Legion Occultist bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex
Sacrificing personal power and control over
12, Con -, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
spirits, legion occultists use the powers of
effigy to create personal armies, with bound Biped
spirits at their head. Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +2
The legion occultist is an archetype for the natural armor; Saves Fort (none), Ref
occultist class. (bad), Will (good); Attack 2 unarmed
strikes (1d4); Ability Scores Str 16,
Divided Pact (Su) Dex 12, Con -, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
A legion occultist can never directly bind
spirits to herself. Instead, through the use Quadruped
of effigy, she creates artificial bodies that Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2
the spirit can animate at will. In this way a natural armor; Saves Fort (none), Ref
single spirit becomes a powerful force in its (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6);
own right. Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con -,
Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
An occultist’s effigies are constructs, but are
treated as animal companions, with the Serpentine
occultist’s binder level serving as her druid Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., climb 20
level. She may create as many effigies as ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort
her bound spirits have granted abilities, but (none), Ref (good), Will (good); Attack
the combined level of all her effigies must be bite (1d6), tail slap (1d6); Ability
equal to or less than her effective druid Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con -, Int 7,
level. Each effigy must be assigned at least Wis 10, Cha 11

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

The medium used to create effigies affects following materials at the appropriate
their performance. At 1st level, you may levels:
choose one of the following mediums to
2nd level: Ice (fire vulnerability/10,
create the effigy from:
crystalline quality, all attacks deal
o Straw: (fire vulnerability/5, AC -2) cold damage)
o Mud: (-10-ft. base speed, AC -1)
5th level: Wood (fire vulnerability/5,
When a spirit inhabits an effigy, typically DR 1/fire, 1 hour ritual time)
the aspect of the spirit or its companion can
8th level: Stone (DR 3/adamantine, +1
be seen projected over the effigy, appearing
to damage, 2 hour ritual time)
as construct and living creature at once.
12th level: Iron (DR 5/adamantine, +1
All effigies possess the spirit’s personality to
to damage, 1 day ritual time.)
some degree. If a good pact is sealed, this
personality will never come into conflict The availability (or lack thereof) of
with your commands or wishes. If a poor appropriate materials may affect your
pact is sealed, the effigy may attempt to ability to create them.
disobey your command when it is in conflict
with the spirit’s personality. You can This ability replaces pact augmentation.
suppress this disobedience at will, but the
Master of Puppets (Su)
effigy will take 1d6+2 points of damage as At 20th level, your unquestioned mastery of
you rebuke it for its insolence, and this binding ensures that a spirit’s personality
damage cannot be healed or repaired as long will never conflict with your wishes.
as the effigy exists, nor can it be reduced in Furthermore, anytime one of your effigies
any way. would fail a Will or Reflex save, you may
If an effigy is reduced to 0 hit points or reroll using your Will or Reflex save instead.
below, it is destroyed and lost for the This ability replaces true augmentation.
duration of the binding.

This ability functions as and replaces bind Soul Armorer

spirits. In lands where the practice of binding
spirits is well-known, paladins are frequent
Constellation Aspects (Su)
foes of the art; the temptation of easy power
All of your effigies (but not you) benefit from
and the influence of these spirits is
each single constellation aspect you bind.
something to feared and warded against.
This ability modifies constellation aspects. But in other cases, paladins take a very
different tack, forcibly compelling these
Material Gain (Ex) spirits with divine might to lend their power
As you become more adept at effigy-making, in the name of their deity or cause.
your choice of materials improves. You gain
the ability to make effigies from the The soul armorer is an archetype for the
paladin or antipaladin class.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Diminished Spellcasting target is the favored enemy of a spirit she is

A soul armorer gains one fewer spell of each bound to, the paladin adds her Charisma
level than normal. If this reduces the bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds
number to 0, she may cast spells of that her paladin level to all damage rolls made
level only if her Charisma allows bonus against the target of her smite. If the target
spells of that level. of this ability is also evil (if the user is a
paladin) or good (if the user is an
Spirit Compulsion (Su) antipaladin), this damage increases to 2
At 1st level, a soul armorer gains the ability points of damage per level the paladin
to bind spirits. Most binders barter with possesses.
spirits, but a soul armorer demands that
they serve. Once a spirit is summoned, This ability otherwise functions as and
binding them is a contest of wills. Whether replaces smite evil or smite good.
the pact sealed is good or poor, a soul
Divine Archetype (Su)
armorer never suffers from a spirit’s
At 5th level, a soul armorer has proven their
influence, and is never treated as the spirit’s
devotion sufficiently that certain spirits
favored ally for any purpose.
take notice and offer service willingly. If the
If a soul armorer seals a good pact, then the soul armorer is a paladin, they bind spirits
soul armorer can use the spirit’s major of the Angel constellation as if they were an
granted abilities, but only when they are in occultist of their paladin level, rather than a
the presence of that spirit’s favored enemy. soul armorer. If the soul armorer is an
If the soul armorer seals a poor pact, they antipaladin, they may bind spirits of the
may never use the spirit’s major granted Fiend constellation as if they were an
abilities. occultist of their level, rather than a soul
armorer. They may still only bind one spirit
Note that if a paladin (or antipaladin) ever at a time.
falls while bound to a spirit, their pact is
immediately considered poor even if it was This ability replaces divine bond or fiendish
good, the paladin falls under the spirit’s boon.
influence, and any negative effects of
ignoring the spirit’s influence are doubled. Rapid Binding (Su)
At 11th level, once per week, a soul armorer
They maintain the powers and influence of
can attempt a rushed pact with a spirit of
each bound spirit (whether they want to or
the Angel constellation (if a paladin) or the
not) for 1d4 days, at which point the spirit
Fiend constellation (if an antipaladin) as a
departs, but the soul armorer cannot bind
full-round action, with no materials
spirits until they atone.
Smite Enemy (Su) This ability replaces aura of justice or aura
A soul armorer can channel the animosity of
of vengeance.
a bound spirit to smite that spirit’s favored
foe. As a swift action, the paladin chooses
one target within sight to smite. If this

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Chapter 3: Cults
society. Secret societies periodically reward
activities taken on at a member’s own

and Covens
initiative, such as research, traveling, and
adventuring; these are noted on the
following pages as appropriate, but are
Pact magic being both powerful and feared, typically left to the GM to develop as
it is unsurprising that a number of adventures.
clandestine organizations have sprung up A member’s Fame score represents her
both for the safety of its members and for status within her secret society and tracks
the expansion and honing of the craft. A few her success in conducting the society’s
of these organizations are detailed in the business. A low Fame score indicates she’s a
following passages. The basics of secret new or a struggling member, while a high
societies are described first, followed by a one could enable her to become a permanent
few example societies. member or even a group leader. To increase
her Fame score, a character must either
Joining a Secret Society succeed at Obeisance checks—skill checks
A character must pay a fee and pass an with a DC of 15 + her current ranks in that
initiation test to join a secret society. An skill (see About Service Periods sidebar)
initiation test consists of a skill check of a or perform specific tasks. The methods by
type determined by the society, and a which she earns opportunities to attempt
character can attempt the test once every Obeisance checks vary by school. A
two service periods (a length of time that character’s Fame score increases by 1 every
varies according to each secret society). time she succeeds at an Obeisance check or
performs a task for her society. For every 10
Once a character is initiated, he must pay a points of Fame a member possesses, she
periodic donation to remain in the society gains a cumulative +1 bonus on Diplomacy
until his Fame score rises high enough to checks against other members of that secret
grant him permanent membership. society. Fame is not expended— when an
These costs, skills, and Fame score award granted by a society lists only a
requirements vary by society (see the required Fame score, a member receives the
following pages). award automatically when she achieves that
Fame score.

Benefits of Membership Every time a character’s Fame score

The benefits of belonging to a secret society increases, she also earns an equal number
are similar to those granted by a faction, of Prestige Points. A member’s Prestige
save that instead of increasing her standing Points (PP) reflect the goodwill, research
by succeeding at missions related to the grants, and personal favors she has built up
organization’s goals, a character must during her service to the society. These
succeed at periodic skill checks or complete points, when spent, are spent permanently.
other tasks to advance her standing in the Members cannot spend Prestige Points

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

during combat, and cannot pool Prestige

Points to obtain more expensive rewards. About Service Periods
Every secret society functions on what are known
Members must be at their secret society’s as “service periods.” You can attempt one
headquarters or otherwise able to contact Obeisance check (using a skill chosen from your
fellow members to spend them, with a single society’s Obeisance check options) per service
exception—a member can spend Prestige period. A service period’s actual in-game duration
varies from society to society, and you shouldn’t
Points if she is dead, petrified, or otherwise hesitate to further adjust a society’s service period
out of commission. This expenditure length to match the speed at which time passes in
represents prior arrangements made with your campaign. As a general rule, a member
her society to perform certain actions on her should be able to increase her Fame score by 4 to 6
points per character level, so depending on how
behalf, such as having her raised from the
long characters in your game take to gain levels,
dead. In this event, the member’s actual you should adjust the length of a service period
location does not impact the Prestige Point accordingly, taking into account any extra tasks
cost. that earn the student Fame over the course of the
term. One relatively simple way to hand-wave
Each society detailed in this chapter lists service periods is to treat each game session, no
specific awards that are available only to matter how much time passes during that session,
as one service period, and allow characters in
members, along with any minimum Fame
schools to attempt a Training check at the end of
score and Prestige Point cost the awards each game session. You can also tie these checks
require. The sidebar on page 25 also lists to character level, and allow characters to attempt
several generic awards that a member of five Obeisance checks all at once every time they
any secret society can purchase with her level up.

Prestige Points.
pay the requisite offerings when they are
due, performs some act that jeopardizes the
Skill Specialization secret society’s anonymity, or otherwise
Many of the prestige awards and forms of violates the society’s rules or tenets (based
recognition that secret society members on the GM’s interpretation of the act), she is
purchase allow a character to become excommunicated from the society and her
specialized in a skill. When a PC becomes Fame score and Prestige Points are both
specialized in a skill, that skill immediately reduced by 2d6 (to a minimum of 0). A
becomes a class skill for him. If the member member who fails a number of consecutive
gains that skill as a class skill from any Obeisance checks as set by her secret
other source (before or after purchasing the society is also excommunicated.
prestige resource), he gains a +1 competence
bonus on those skill checks. Once a member leaves a secret society, she
can no longer spend Prestige Points on that
society’s benefits.
Leaving a Secret Society
A character can leave a secret society at any If she is excommunicated, she might even
time by simply alerting her superiors, lose access to some of the advantages and
though abandoning some organizations boons she had already acquired from the
might come at a price. If a member fails to society, at the GM’s discretion. A member

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

can return to a secret society she left Generic Awards

voluntarily by paying the initiation fee Beyond the specific prestige awards that each secret
again. A member who was society grants, members can spend Prestige Points
on the following generic awards as well.
excommunicated must pay the initiation
fee again and succeed at a Diplomacy check Offering Aid: You can spend 1 PP to pay your
(DC = 20 + the member’s current Fame offering for a service period.
score) to get back into the society. This Research Aid: For 1 PP, you can gain the aid of
Diplomacy check can be attempted once per another member. This grants you a +4 circumstance
year. bonus on any skill check, save for Obeisance checks.

Spell Transcription: For 1 PP per spell level, you

Society Format can have a spell of your choice either transcribed into
your spellbook (for magi and wizards) or taught to
The first paragraph is a short summary your familiar (for witches).
description of the society.
Spellcasting: By spending the listed Prestige Point
Location Describes either a specific total, you can have the following spells cast for you
unique location or types of regions the (the caster level in each case is the minimum
possible for the spell).
society may operate.
1 PP: Cure moderate wounds, dispel magic,
Requirements lesser restoration, make whole, remove
blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove
Initiation Fee Describes any special fees
disease, remove paralysis
or costs to join the network.
2 PP: Atonement (8 PP to restore cleric/druid
Initiation Test A list of skill checks and powers), break enchantment, cure serious
their associated DCs for those checks wounds, greater dispel magic, neutralize
poison, restoration (4 PP to remove
Offerings Describes what members must permanent negative levels)
provide to the society during a service
3 PP: Heal, regenerate
period, typically a number of gp
16 PP: Greater restoration, raise dead
32 PP: Resurrection
Obeisance Check Which types of skills
77 PP: True resurrection
are used to make the necessary Obeisance

Service Period The duration of each can increase your Fame score through this
service period. task Y times per service period.
Excommunication What may lead to the
removal of the member from the society,
and what that means in real terms. Benefits and services offered through
membership in the cult
Task Name (+X Fame) Performing this
task increases your Fame score by X. You

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Example Societies magma dragon, in a self-induced magical

sleep. Yewsvail’s secrets are of such great
The Cthonocracy
import that if it were ever to be critically
The “Rule of Ancients” is a staggeringly old
breached, Ysveril would be woken and
cabal formed under the time-honored motto
immediately tasked with the destruction of
“He who lives, wins.” To that end, all
Yewsvail, all its contents and every living
manner of mundane and supernatural
soul in the area, regardless of affiliation.
methods were developed to ensure that one
outlives his rivals to the last. This cabal has Requirements
subtly manipulated events for hundreds of
Initiation Fee Some valuable item worth
years according to the delicate schemes of
at least 2000 gp. A simple donation of 2000
its oldest and most patient members, so that
gp will do, but is considered crass.
key members of the cabal will be next in line
when a power structure caves. Initiation Test An interview disguised as a
casual conversation, which rapidly is
They tend to be less directly active (and less
revealed to be a test of the user’s knowledge,
dangerous) than most cults, except when
ruthlessness, and political acumen. It
the secret of their existence is leaked to
requires a DC 15 Sense Motive check to
outsiders; the lengths to which the
notice that the conversation is a test at all,
Cthonocracy goes to prevent or correct such
then DC 20 Knowledge (history) and
leaks is both impressive and horrifying.
Knowledge (nobility) checks to understand
The Cthonocracy prefers to bind spirits of the historical context of the problem.
the Dragon, Skull, Noble and Dark Beyond Finally, there is a DC 30 Diplomacy check to
constellations. articulate your well-informed solution,
which is reduced by 2 points for each age
Location The Cthonocracy’s highest category the character is beyond Adulthood.
leadership (in polite humanoid society)
operates out of Yewsvail Blanc, a modestly Offerings 500 gp each year.
sized estate, built in a centuries-old Elven
architectural style and owned by the
aristocratic Blanc family. At their meeting- Obeisance Check Bluff, Knowledge
places, they typically pretend to be old (history), Knowledge (nobility)
business partners of one sort or another, Service Period One year.
which the false-scrying enchantments
warding the location will confirm. Some of Excommunication Revealing the
the wood from this building is actually far existence of the Cthonocracy (with evidence)
older than that, having been salvaged from to the general public can and must always
the remains of the Cthonocracy’s very first be punished by death followed by the
headquarters and alchemically restored to capture and consumption or destruction of
its proper state. the traitor’s soul. Depending on the severity
of the breach, friends and family may be
Yewsvail Blanc is in fact constructed over a targeted as well.
deep chasm containing Ysveril, an ancient

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Tasks seeking the means to attain a powerful and

Kingmaker (+1 Fame) Successfully immortal body or mind may seek the
guiding a fellow cult member into a position Cthonocracy of their own accord.
of outside authority or great influence Cult of Man
increases your Fame score by 1. You can Fiercely anti-deistic, the Cult of Man rejects
increase your Fame score through this task divinity as a distinct concept, holding that
three times per service period. the difference between a bound spirit and a
Rising Star (+2 Fame) Gaining a position patron god is merely a matter of scale. They
of power yourself, you increase your Fame condemn the arrogance of gods in their self-
score by 2. You can increase your Fame righteousness. Its members tend to be older,
score through this task once per service of a learned and scholarly bent, and
period. concerned with personal power (or a
personal grudge against the divine) above
More Than Mortal (+5 Fame) You have all else.
found and implemented a means to extend
your earthly existence, perhaps indefinitely, The Cult of Man prefers to bind spirits of
increasing your Fame score by 5. You may the Mage and Fiend Constellations, and
only benefit from this task once. loath to bind spirits of the Angel
Location The treasured artifact called the
Human Resources (5 PP): You can
Throne of the Ape is contained in a simple
acquire between 1 and 20 intelligent beings
cavern of the same name, widely renowned
of a specific nature, whose origins have been
as one of the earliest discoveries of arcane
suitably concealed so as not to draw
magic by humankind. An hour of rest upon
suspicion, generally for the purposes of
this intricate wooden throne provides the
experimentation or use in a ritual. These
same benefits as a full night’s rest and
beings must have a combined hit dice total
further confers a +2 bonus to Intelligence
of less than 20 and an individual hit dice of
for 24 hours. Banners of black and red
no more than 10. They are properly
decorate the austere, well-kept walls of the
restrained but are in no way bound to your
cavern, hung between shelves filled with
service and will likely attack or flee if
countless arcane tomes.
Beneath this “throne room” is a pit
Using the Cthonocracy containing what looks to be a grotesque,
The Cthonocracy makes for an ideal preserved corpse of a priest of some lost
antagonist (or in decidedly unheroic religion, his hands chained to the wall over
campaigns, protagonist) in a game of far- his head in an agonized parody of prayer.
reaching political intrigue. They might also The names of cult members who disgraced
be an incidental antagonist or perhaps an themselves by resorting to worship are
incentive to prevent players from taking engraved on the wall behind it, known as
their stories to the local authorities. Players the Wall of the Slave.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Requirements can benefit from this Task once per service

Initiation Fee 100 gp period.

Initiation Test The candidate must seal a Awards

pact with a spirit and perform a mission of Divine Concealment (10 PP) Through
deliberate sabotage against some religious arcane rites, the Cult of Man has the power
organization. A DC 20 Bluff or Disguise to conceal a person for up to one month from
check or DC 15 Stealth check will get you the attentions of gods or divine agents. This
in, while a DC 20 Sleight of Hand will allow only disrupts supernatural abilities, spell-
you to abscond with the goods OR place the like abilities, salient divine abilities or
false evidence (the mission changes divine spells; such agents can still attempt
depending on the nature of the target to locate the target through arcane spells or
organization). normal investigative techniques, and can
still affect the target with divine abilities
Offerings Guild dues of 10 gp per service
once they are found through these means.
Using the Cult of Man
The Cult of Man can make for a powerful
Obeisance Check Knowledge (religion), ally against clerics of a nefarious bent, or a
Spellcraft dangerous foe for deeply religious party
Service Period 3 months members. The Cult of Man works towards
the self-sufficiency of mortals, and thus its
Excommunication Engaging in the sages are experts on the subjects of curing
worship of any deity or higher power (except disease and plagues, warding off natural (or
as a means of infiltration), willingly unnatural) disasters, and even raising the
receiving divine boons, or exposing clan dead through arcane means; with sufficient
secrets may result in excommunication. Low plying they might be willing to share some
ranking members may merely be branded or of this information with outsiders, so long as
disfigured and forcibly ejected; those with they have renounced the influence of the
high-level esoteric knowledge must be divine.
killed. In either case, their names are added
to the reviled Wall of the Slave as a mocking Lantern Collective
reminder of their dishonorable groveling. Known variously as the Silver Lanterns,
Lumineers, Day Stars and a host of other
Tasks names and aliases, it isn’t entirely clear how
Iconoclast (+1 Fame) You successfully far the organization’s influence spreads. The
turned at least one person away from the Lantern Collective is devoted to the sacred
will or worship of the gods, increasing your pursuit of knowledge, and the subversion
Fame score by 1. You can benefit from this and sabotage of those who conceal that
Task three times per service period. knowledge. It celebrates spirit binding for
its ability to join the minds of the past with
Despoiler (+2 Fame) You destroyed or the minds of the present. Its own
rendered useless a shrine or holy site. You

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

clandestine binding secrets, of course, are Excommunication The murder or

not included in this sacred calling, leading attempted murder of a fellow guild member
to not-occasional accusations of hypocrisy. or the exposure of clan secrets can result in
Joining the Collective is not easy; typically excommunication. Excommunicated
it finds one before one finds it. members are likely to find themselves
subject to memory alteration, as well as
Its members overwhelmingly tend to be
having any dark or unsavory secrets of their
young, bright, and arrogant; they prefer to
own made very, very public.
bind spirits of the Hero, Scholar and Thief
Constellations. Tasks

Location The Lantern Collectives typically Illuminator (+1 Fame) Successfully

has a number of fronts run as innocuous retrieving or exposing an important secret
businesses and private clubs who can be (other than a forbidden secret of the
easily commandeered in case a meeting is Lantern Collective) increases your Fame
needed. Failing this, the cult is more than score by 1. You can increase your Fame
willing to resort to the time-honored score through this task twice per service
tradition of congregating in caverns. period.

Requirements Spiritualist (+2 Fame) You discover and

bind a new vestige that has not yet been
Initiation Fee Initiation is free, but the
documented by the Lantern Collective. You
Collective only accepts members it has
can increase your Fame score through this
sought out for recruitment.
task as often as you like (as this is a rare
Initiation Test The Lantern Collective opportunity).
recruits members that show great promise
and initiative. Acts that catch the eye of the
collective typically involve the discovery and Need-To-Know (2 PP) You can requisition
exposure of secrets and hidden knowledge, nearly any worldly knowledge through the
such as plastering of an illegal Lantern Collective’s extensive network,
assassination contract filed by a local ruler from the names of a politician’s benefactors
all over the city. It helps if the exposure was to the contents of a court wizard’s spellbook.
in a dramatic or ironic fashion (style Depending on the difficulty of the request
counts), and if it cannot be traced directly to this can take anywhere from 3 days to 3
the leaker. weeks. You cannot requisition lost or arcane
knowledge, such as the exact location of
Offerings The Lantern Collective charges Azlanti or the name of a witch’s patron;
modest guild dues of 2 gp per month. topics removed from civilization are not at
Obeisance Check Diplomacy, Knowledge Air Dirty Laundry (6 PP) You can have
(local) the Lantern Collective expose the most
unpleasant secrets of a particular target,
Service Period 1 month. either telling you personally or exposing

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

them to the world at your request, taking Requirements

1d4 weeks. Initiation Fee One must provide supplies
Using the Lantern Collective and equipment worth at least 200 gp;
The Lantern Collective can serve as an though if one appears to be wealthier, more
origin story. A high-level character with is expected.
membership in the collective might join an Initiation Test With a DC 20 Knowledge
adventuring party to attain hidden (planes) check and a DC 15 Perform (dance)
knowledge in their travels. The Collective check, you demonstrate your insight and
can be a powerful ally or Mission Control inspiration from the Far Realms in a
when working against a corrupt regime or frenzied, oracular dance.
another secret society, providing aid,
supplies and reinforcements if such are Offerings No offerings are required except
required. As an antagonist, the Collective the continued work of Ia.
can be indiscriminate about the knowledge
it shares, potentially exposing information
far more dangerous than it first appears to Obeisance Check Knowledge (planes)
the public. Service Period for the purposes of tasks,
this period is 6 months.
Path of Ia
A frighteningly well-equipped and well- Excommunication No one “leaves” the
spoken doomsday cult, the Path of Ia holds Path of Ia. Exposure of cult secrets or the
the firm belief that the fundamental truth of failure of a critical task is a death sentence
mortal existence exists at the very center of or worse, being called to receive Ia’s
the world, and that all one needs to discover “enlightenment” – a horrifying, mind-
it is to physically split the planet open. To shattering experience. One subjected to Ia’s
that end, they seek the assistance of their direct presence must make five successive
eldritch patron Ia to force open the planet DC 25 Will saves, each failure causing 1d6
and achieve blissful nirvana in its radiant points of permanent Wisdom drain. If
depths. Wisdom is reduced to 0 in this way, the
character is rendered permanently insane to
The Path of Ia prefers to bind spirits of the
the point of being non-functional, and not
Dark Beyond or Seer constellations, and
even wish, miracle, or death and
disdains spirits of the Noble or Hero
resurrection will repair their shattered mind
– these shells of human beings are
Location The Path of Ia performs its rites nevertheless still considered followers of Ia,
along the cracks, cleavages and volatile and cared for by the cult. Those who survive
points of the earth. Canyons, volcanoes, the experience with any amount of Wisdom
caverns and fault lines (if such things are remaining, but who fail at least one will
known) are all common sites for a shrine to save, gain one insanity effect and a +2
Ia. insight bonus to Charisma checks as long as
the insanity lasts.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Favored of Ia (+3 Fame) You seal
a good pact with Ia and display his
power in Ia’s service, increasing your
fame by 3. You can increase your
Fame score through this task once
per service period.

Calamity Summoner (+1 Fame) If

you successfully recover research
relating to travel through the planes
or Far Realms, you increase your
fame score by 1. You can benefit
from this task four times per service

Awards Hall of the Righteous Pain

This loose association of witches is spoken of
Dark Traveler’s Library (1 PP) You can
in many countries, linked over vast
access one of the largest repositories of
distances, as a means of restitution for
knowledge on planes and magical transport
those too poor or meek to seek it otherwise.
at will. Selecting this bonus gives you a +8
Through curses, hexes and hauntings, they
insight bonus on your next check to bind a
seek to inflict the same misfortunes that
spirit of the Dark Beyond constellation,
their targets caused. These binders do not
summon an aberration, or teleport.
haunt others for their own gain, but on
Using the Path of Ia behalf of those who are wronged. They
The Path of Ia is the quintessential sometimes charge some payment for their
doomsday cult, fiercely devoted to their services, though it is almost never in gold;
alien patron and willing to resort to extreme family heirlooms, a valuable secret or the
measures to achieve his aims. For grand, magically-binding promise of a “favor” later
mythic survival vs. oblivion adventures, the is the preferred payment. Other times, their
Path of Ia makes the perfect antagonist. hearts are simply so moved by the
petitioner’s story that they accept the
mission free of charge.

Though they are ruthless in pursuit of

retribution, they are careful to spare
children as much as possible from the
fallout of their schemes and machinations,
this being the sole rule governing their

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

The Hall of the Righteous Pain prefers to Excommunication Excommunication from

bind spirits of the Beast, Thief and Angel the Hall can result from harming a child in
constellations, but often combines binding the carrying out of a mission or from
with more conventional magical disciplines. reporting the Hall to authorities. Those
excommunicated from the Hall of the
Location The Hall of the Righteous Pain
Righteous Pain are typically bound,
typically operates in low-income areas of
stripped of all valuables, and transported to
large cities, or else secluded rural areas,
a foreign land, and likely haunted or cursed
often using abandoned farmhouses or
spacious caverns as bases of operations.
Their extrajudicial punishment is by Tasks
definition illegal in most countries and Avenger (+2 Fame) Successfully taking
kingdoms, though, depending on the general revenge on an enemy in another’s name
state of law enforcement in a given area, the increases your Fame score by 2. You can
guards may turn a blind eye to the Hall’s increase your Fame score through this task
vigilantism. five times per service period.
Requirements Awards
Initiation Fee 50 gp. Alternately, a specific Curse (3 PP) You may target a foe to be
item taken from a foe you took revenge on. hunted down and subjected to a lesser geas
If you present the latter as a fee, you gain or major curse of your choice. (Save DC 20)
+1 Fame upon joining. It generally takes 1d6 + 1 days to locate the
Initiation Test The candidate is presented target, though the target can save against
with a bound and masked figure and the effect. The curse will be attempted twice
handed a list of his crimes and/or sins. The more if it doesn’t take hold the first time,
candidate chooses an appropriate taking another 1d6 each time, after which
punishment and is judged based on his the quest will be abandoned without the loss
choice. This may be a purely roleplaying- of Prestige.
based test, or the GM may require a DC 20
Using the Hall of the Righteous Pain
Sense Motive check to ascertain the nature
The Hall of the Righteous Pain is not so
and motive of the victim’s crime, then a DC
much a rival or an antagonist so much as a
15 Diplomacy to explain it.
consequence. Players that carelessly destroy
Offerings Each year you must bring the lives and livelihoods of common NPCs
evidence of having taken appropriate are likely to run afoul of this cult and their
revenge on at least one person who has strange workings. The Hall can be an origin
wronged someone other than you. story as well; an agent dispatched from the
Hall may encounter the PCs antagonizing
Membership the agent’s appointed target, and opt to join
Obeisance Check Perception, Stealth in.

Service Period 1 year

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

New Feats
Cult Initiate
Prerequisite(s): Ability to bind first level
spirits, must be accepted and initiated by a
cult authority.

Benefit(s): You gain a +2 insight bonus to

binding checks vs. the preferred spirits of
your chosen cult, and a -1 morale penalty to
checks to bind spirits your cult disdains.
Additionally, you gain a +2 morale bonus to
attack and damage vs. creatures bound to
spirits your cult disdains.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Bonus Content
A sibyl uses Intelligence in place of
Charisma on binding checks and when
calculating the effectiveness of granted
Included below is a small portion of Pact abilities. This ability replaces the magus’s
Magic Unbound, Vol. 2 by Radiance House. spells class feature. A sibyl does not gain
If you like this content please consider any spells or spellcasting ability, does not
picking it up in the estore! have a caster level, and cannot use spell
trigger and spell completion magic items.

Occult Combat (Ex)

A sibyl can wield weapons and utilize occult
powers at the same time. This ability
functions as a magus’s spell combat ability,
except that it allows the sibyl to use a
spirit’s granted ability as an off-hand attack
and it provides no benefits towards casting

This ability replaces spell combat.

Spiritstrike (Su)
At 2nd level, when using a granted ability
that requires a touch attack a sibyl can
deliver the granted ability through a
weapon that is being wielded as part of a
melee attack. This ability otherwise
functions as the standard magus’s
spellstrike ability.

This ability replaces spellstrike.

Occult Reinvigoration (Su)

Sibyl (Magus Archetype) At 4th level, a sibyl can use arcane points to
The sibyl is a master of the occult and of the restore granted abilities that are expended.
drawn sword, able to seamlessly blend the As a swift action, the sibyl can refresh an
two arts together in a dazzling display of expended major granted ability by spending
sheer power. a number of arcane points equal to the
Bind Spirits spirit’s level or the number of rounds that
A sibyl can seal pacts with spirits. The the ability is currently expended for,
sibyl’s binder level equals the character’s whatever is higher. After using occult
magus level, and a sibyl binds spirits as an reinvigoration, the major granted ability’s
occultist of that same level. expenditure ends as though the appropriate
number of rounds passed.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

This ability replaces spell physical sign and influence as if a poor pact
had been made with the spirit.
Bonus Feats
A sibyl can select occult feats as bonus feats Furthermore, the sibyl does not gain the
instead of metamagic feats. new spirit’s capstone empowerment. If the
sibyl is bound to multiple spirits, the sibyl
Forgotten Arcana (Sp) selects which spirit is expelled.
At 8th level, a sibyl can expend arcane
energy to reinvigorate the powers of a bound This ability replaces improved spell recall.
spirit as a swift action. After spending a
Lash of the Spirits (Su)
number of arcane points equal to the spirit’s
A sibyl learns how to deliver melee attacks
level, the sibyl selects one minor granted
through the use of granted abilities. As a
ability with daily uses, rounds, minutes,
swift action, the sibyl can impose a –2
and so forth in order to regain one use of the
penalty on attack rolls and to the save DCs
selected ability per magus level. The sibyl
of granted abilities for 1 round. If done,
cannot grant a minor granted ability uses in
after successfully affecting a creature with a
excess of the maximum number of uses that
granted ability the sibyl can immediately
the selected granted ability can normally
make a melee attack against that opponent
possess at once.
regardless of reach. This attack is made at
This ability replaces improved spell combat. the sibyl’s highest attack bonus with the
penalty noted above and deals normal
Rapid Expulsion (Su) damage if it hits. The sibyl does not benefit
At 11th level, a sibyl can use arcane power from feats, class features, or granted
to exchange spirits rapidly. As a full-round abilities when making this attack and a
action, select 1 spirit that the sibyl can seal creature may only be struck once per
a pact with an unbound spirit. The sibyl granted ability in this manner.
must know the spirit’s seal and ceremony
for the selected spirit. By spending a This ability replaces greater spell combat.
number of arcane points equal to the higher
Capstone Expulsion (Su)
level between the bound spirit and the
At 19th level a sibyl using the rapid
unbound spirit, the sibyl immediately ends
expulsion ability automatically receives the
the pact with the spirit that is currently
new spirit’s capstone empowerment. The
bound and seals a pact with the unbound
sibyl suffers the new spirit’s physical sign
spirit. Expelling a spirit in this manner is
and influence as described, however.
treated as Expel Spirits, found in Pact
Magic Unbound Vol. 1. This ability replaces greater spell access.

The new spirit is bound to the sibyl with the True Sibyl (Su)
same remaining amount of time left before At 20th level, the sibyl becomes a master of
it departs as the expelled spirit and the fusing occult power and melee fighting.
sibyl automatically suffers the new spirit’s Whenever the sibyl uses occult combat and
targets the same opponent with a melee

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

attack and a granted ability, the sibyl can 16th level, you receive Greater Minor
choose to either increase the DC to resist Binding as a bonus feat.
the granted ability by +2 or gain a +2
Spells: 1st) conceal pact magic 2nd) augur
circumstance bonus on attack rolls made
against the target until the end of the turn.
Legal Information
This ability replaces true magus.
Open Game License Version 1.0a
Gray Waste Subdomain
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of
the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the
Associated Domain: Occult. copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative
Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into
Deities: The Gray Waste subdomain is other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade,
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Replacement Power: The following
content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any
additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any
granted power replaces the exorcism power work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law,
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Gray Out (Su) designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic
At 8th level, you can drain all color from and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells,
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations,
your body as a standard action, allowing you environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols,
to slip past material obstacles. You become or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as
incorporeal for up to 1 round per cleric level Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open
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each day, allowing you to move about used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to
unfettered. These rounds do not need to be the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use,
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open
used consecutively. Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The
License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that
the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix
Pact Magic Subdomain such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or
Associated Domain: Occult. conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer
and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms
Deities: The Pact Magic subdomain is of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License,
granted by deities who promote the contact the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the
exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5. Representation of Authority to
of and binding with spirits. Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that
Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights
Replacement Power: The following conveyed by this License. 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
granted power replaces the exorcism power NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the
of the occult domain. copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.
Minor Binding 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication
as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
At 8th level, you receive Minor Binding as a owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-
bonus feat. At 12th level, you receive adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing

Improved Minor Binding as a bonus feat. At

Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options

Designation of Product Identity

Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The
owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and
interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content All company names, logos, and artwork, images, graphics,
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game illustrations, trade dress, and graphic design elements and
Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated proper names are designated as Product Identity. Any rules,
versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify mechanics, illustrations, or other items previously
and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. designated as Open Game Content elsewhere or which are in
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open the public domain are not included in this declaration.
Game Content You distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise Declaration of Open Game Content
the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission
All content not designated as Product Identity is declared
from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with Open Game Content as described in Section 1(d) of the Open
any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to Game License Version 1.0a.
statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game
Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to Creative Commons
comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of This work is licensed under a Creative
the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14. Reformation: If any Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to License.
the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
15. Copyright Notice:
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark
Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis
Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Mysteries © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jason Bulmahn,
Crystal Frasier, Jim Groves, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, F. Wesley Schneider,
and Jerome Virnich.
Pact Magic Unbound Vol. 1. Copyright 2012, Radiance House
Pacts & Pawns. Copyright 2014, Publishing; Author: Michael Massey.

Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options



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