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EDUC 5410 Child Development

Unit 6 Written Assignment

Department of Education

University of the People

Instructor: Dr. Tiffanie James Parker

October 14, 2023.


Child Development Domain Chart

Age Period Physical Cogni ve Social Moral Relevance to Educa onal

Development Implica ons
Infancy The average birth During the Infants are While The The need to cater a
Birth weight for a baby sensorimotor viewed as social newborns emo onal, kid's educa on to
through two is around 7.5 period, a child's beings from the lack morality, social, and their specific age
years of age. pounds. thoughts are moment they they are physical and stage of
They are able to actualized are born. aware of development development has
interact with their primarily They're talking pleasant and of young been pushed to the
environment through his or to one another terrible infants directly forefront by
because of their her sensory in an effort to feelings. impacts their theories of child
ins ncts and experiences and feel more at This has both adult development.
physical abili es. motor ac vi es. home in this a correct and development. This has
They have innate Their world. bad It is crucial to consequences for
and involuntary conceptualiza o They prefer to perspec ve priori ze educa on in terms
responses to ns are quite be in a (LA First 5, inves ng in of the long-term
noises, can track restricted. commi ed 2020). children and viability of
moving things Based on rela onship maximizing pedagogical
with their eyes, (Siegler, 2020, where they feel their well- techniques,
and hold objects Para. 13) safe and cared being curriculum design,
with their fingers for. This point is (Encyclopaedia instruc onal
(Spielman, n.d.). known as on Early resources, and
"Primary Trust Childhood teacher approach
vs. Mistrust." Development, to teaching and
Anthony (n.d.). 2011, Para. 1). learning for young
Slavin (2005)

Elementary During the Children's Young people Young It is essen al Generally speaking,
6 or 7 elementary years, development of develop a sense children in for teachers children do be er
through 11 most kids put on concrete of pride in their their and caregivers with their learning
or 12 years another seven to opera onal abili es and elementary to understand when teachers use
ten pounds. thinking o en successes. years develop the methods that are
Between the ages begins They must be a more moral developmental both wholesome
of 8 and 9, girls throughout able to deal realist stages of their and engaging.
advance more their primary with the worldview. pupils, from Teachers should
quickly than boys. school years. pressures of They come to early design lessons that
Women are They have school and view their childhood to allow students to
advised to reached the social life. teachers and adolescence. develop or
maintain a weight point where When kids are caregivers in strengthen their
of no more than they can reason successful, they this way, as knowledge and
88 pounds, while clearly on a keep their sense authorita ve abili es (Dean &
males should aim specific issue of competence, persons Gillespie, 2015).
for no more than that does not but when they whose rules
85 pounds require fail, they o en they must
(Spielman, n.d.). scien fic develop a sense follow
of inadequacy. without

jus fica on "(Cherry, 2020)" ques on

(Siegler, 2020). (Oswalt,
Middle Many changes Conceptual Children begin During this Implemen ng As per the CDC
years occur during the skills in children to show greater stage of behaviorist (2020), this is a
6 through years of middle develop rapidly independence development, theory can crucial period for
8/9 years. childhood. during the from their kids undergo yield benefits youngsters to
Children at this middle school parents and a sea change for both cul vate self-
age are able to years. extended family in their moral students and assurance (para.1).
dress themselves, By using more at this me. compass. instructors. Therefore,
catch a ball, and modern They place a They learn to Behavioral educators should
use their hands to approaches, greater take a step change is u lize this me to
do the job (CDC, they may be emphasis on back and look mo vated by cul vate pupils'
2020). taught. friendship and at the big specific cogni ve, social,
They are able to teamwork picture. reasons. and intellectual
ar culate and amongst peers. Morality is Students are abili es.
share their Also important more likely to driven to
emo ons, to them is social be open and engage in
thoughts, and acceptance and self-regulated ac vi es that
experiences favor among (Oswalt, elicit good
(CDC, 2020). their peers n.d.). emo ons and
(CDC, 2020). seek
approba on.
(Zhou and
Brown, 2015,
Paragraph 7).
Adolescents Males experience In the formal Sexual Morality, in Both students Teenagers are
11/12 years the development opera onal a rac on to the eyes of and educators driven and
through of hair on their reasoning stage, peers is a today's can benefit powerful during
en re life genitals, an adolescents are normal part of adolescents, from making their
enlargement of able to reason adolescence. is played by use of developmental
their tes cles, a logically about They start the behaviorist stages.
depth of their abstract and wondering established theory. Adolescents'
voices, and an complex about their norms. Students alter educa on should
increase in concepts. sexuality and They are their be geared toward
muscular mass. It's been asking intent on behaviors their whole growth
calculated ques ons to keeping the because they (Slavin, 2005).
Girls experience (Siegler, 2020). find out more. peace as a want to feel
the development Children are shield from good about
of hair on their spending less responsibility. themselves
genitals, growth of me with their According to and get
their breasts, and parents and Kohlberg, this acceptance.
the onset of their more me with is what is according to
menstrual periods. their peers meant by (Zhou &
(Allen & (Allen & "tradi onal Brown, 2015,
Waterman, 2019). Waterman, morality" para. 7).
2019). (McLeod,


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h ps://www.healthychildren.org/English/agesstages/teen/Pages/Stages-of-Adolescence.aspx.

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h ps://www.simplypsychology.org/kohlberg.html

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Seifert, K. & Su on, R. (2009). Educa onal Psychology. Global Text. The Saylor Founda on.
Retrieved on\ October 14, 2023, from
h ps://www.saylor.org/site/wpcontent/uploads/2012/06/Educa onal-Psychology.pdf

Siegler, R. (2013). Cogni ve development in childhood. Retrieved on October 14, 2023, from

h p://nobaproject.com/modules/cogni vedevelopment-in-childhood#content.

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h p://piaget.weebly.com/educa onal-implica ons--ac vi es.html.


Spielman, R.M. (n.d). Psychology: Lifespan Development. Unit 10. Retrieved on October 14, 2023, from

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