The Bonding Stages

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The Bonding Stages. Copyright by Bob Grant, P.L.C. 2014-2018

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner, without written permission.

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................4
Chapter 1 – I don’t like to play games..............16
* 3 Magic Words*
Chapter 2 – Tension Is Your Friend...................41
Chapter 3 – Bonding Sequence For Men.........60
Chapter 4 – Bonding Sequence For Women...98
Chapter 5 – The Secret is the Sequence..........114
Chapter 6 – What happens when he bonds?..134
Chapter 7 – Inside a Woman’s Mind and
Chapter 8 – You Enhance Him, Not Change
Chapter 9 – Once He’s Bonded .......................168
Chapter 10 – What Destroys the Bond...........197
Chapter 11 – In Conclusion...............................205

For years, I’ve listened to my
clients tell me over and over
again what it was they wanted in
a relationship. Most of the time
they would say things that were
fairly familiar. They wanted a man who was
kind, fun to be with, patient and a whole list
of other wonderful attributes.
For years, I listened to the “wishlist”
items and noticed that while they often
sounded the same, rarely did I hear women
bring them up once they were truly smitten
with a man. Instead, what they all had in
common was a sense of euphoric delight
when they felt connected to a man on a deep
emotional level.
For each of them, the feeling was that
they had finally found the one man that not

only understood them, but also actually loved
them more deeply when he got to know them.
In my counseling practice, I listened
year after year to women tell me about their
desire to have a deep emotional connection
with a man they admired. When they did
have such an experience, they described it to
me as feeling so wonderful that it was like
they finally felt complete.
Yet what also became apparent was the
way these women would date and interact
with men often wouldn’t lead to that kind of
emotional connection. In fact, most of the
time, they were left brokenhearted as the
intense relationship ended with their love
interest feeling overwhelmed or emotionally
disconnected. They would come into my
office, crying, and ask what they had done so
wrong that would make this once affectionate
man now want to pull away from them

It’s easy to understand their confusion.
Almost every woman I have spoken with
believes that a man will have a deep emotional
bond with her if he feels a strong enough
intense attraction for her. She believes that
the intensity will make him feel that she is
the only woman for him for the rest of his
life because his heart is bonded to her. What
makes this worse is that men often believe
this themselves and tell women as much.
During the moments of intense passion, it
feels so exhilarating that it’s common for even
a man to mistake the intensity of his feelings
for true love. Because those feelings are
expressed to a woman with such conviction,
it’s understandable for a woman to assume his
feelings represent a depth of commitment to
her and their relationship. Yet what happens
so often is that his intense feelings of passion
and devotion begin to fade.
As this happens, the emotional bond that
seemed to connect her heart to his feels like
it is vanishing right before her eyes. What
makes this worse is that often there isn’t a
clear reason as to why this happens.
I’ve listened to countless female clients
describe this exact scenario and then obsess
over all the details of their relationship,
wondering “why” this happened. In her mind,
he seemed to be enchanted by everything
about her just a few short weeks ago. They
seemed to have the kind of bond that you only
see in the movies, yet now they are perplexed
to see that a man could bond with them so
deeply and then pull away from them for no
apparent reason.
At least, that’s how it appeared to them.
It’s easy to understand why they feel so
confused and hurt. From everything they have
been hearing from the man they’ve given their
heart to, it’s only natural to assume that he is
giving his heart to her fully. But as logical
as that belief is, here’s why it often ends in
heartache. Expecting a man to bond with you
based on the intensity of his feelings doesn’t
work. As you will discover, men need more
than that to give their heart completely to a
I’m not saying that these women were
asking for anything that was unreasonable,
but that they haven’t been told that for a man
to bond with you deeply, he has to go through
several stages. These stages are what I call
the Bonding Code. While you may find some
rare exceptions to this code, my concern is if
you choose to believe that the man you love is
the “exception.”
When my clients maintain this belief and
they allow the relationship to become red hot
with passion and desire, time and time again
they enter my office with this one question:
“What happened?” The man ends up not being
as committed to her as he claimed (and even
believed), and now she’s devastated when
he’s emotionally overwhelmed and feels that
maybe she isn’t his soul mate after all.
This doesn’t mean that a man can’t
commit, or that his emotions don’t play a
significant part in contributing to his falling
deeply in love. What you’ll discover is that
when you learn the Bonding Code, you won’t
have to simply hope that the man you love
won’t get overwhelmed by the intensity of
his emotions. You’ll know how to pace the
relationship through the stages that will lead
him to the place he really wants to be (in love
with you) but often doesn’t know how to get
As I say this, I must also give you this
warning. There are some men this won’t work
on for this reason:When a man experiences
exciting emotions over a prolonged period of
time, it initially feels wonderful. The problem
is that when a man experiences any feelings
intensely, it has the effect of magnifying ALL
of his feelings.
While he loves the feeling of infatuation
with the new love in his life, his insecurities
and doubts suddenly begin to creep into his
thoughts as well. The reason is that men
don’t feel that often.They typically manage
their emotions by restraining them. For them,
letting oneself feel is an invitation to feel out
of control. Memories of feeling sad, angry and
other hurtful emotions reinforce the memory
of feeling out of control from a past heartache
or argument.
In a man’s mind, the way to “manage”
this is not to encourage his feelings, but to
contain them. While he enjoys feeling happy
and excited, even those feelings come at a cost
to him. His emotional capacity is far more
limited than that of most women. His brain
doesn’t process his feelings with the speed or
consistency of a woman; and when he feels
deeply, his entire emotional state is running
at full speed.
In fact, if you took a brain scan of a
man in love, it actually looks quite similar to
someone that is “high” on the drug cocaine.
Since he’s been hurt or disappointed in the past,
any drama, disagreement or unpleasantnessis
an indication that something is wrong with
the relationship.
For the man that can’t (won’t) bond,
the only relationships they are interested in
are the ones where the woman makes them
feel good all the time. To them, any kind of
uncomfortable emotion is a warning flag that
something is wrong with the relationship. For
this type of man, the more emotions he feels,
the more his insecurities will begin to surface
toward you. Initially, he will seem confident
and seductive to the new woman in his life;
but once the newness of the relationship
begins to fade, he feels that the woman has
disappointed him.
No longer can he simply look at her and
feel a rush of love and passion, but instead,
she looks quite similar to every other woman.
Her special qualities suddenly don’t seem that
special as a restless feeling begins to grow
inside his mind.

The good news for you is thatthrough

the process, you’ll learn what will actually
increase their anxiety so that you will be able
to see their inability to love you before you
actually give them your heart. Often these
types of men are drug addicts, women beaters,
and frequently are unfaithful in a relationship.
What makes them so dangerous is that they
are also often very charming and possess the
ability to make a woman feel special through
their relentless pursuit of her.

So here’s what I want to ask you as we
go through this program: “Are you willing
to follow this program, even though what
I’m about to share will feel counterintuitive
at times?” There’s a strong chance that what
I’m going to describe will make you say to
yourself, “Bob, you don’t know what you’re
talking about.” The most popular excuse I’ve
heard is more of a justification. Countless
clients have sat across the room, looked me
in the eye and said, “Yes, I know what you’re
saying is true...but my situation is different.”
Once I hear those words, I know that their
relationship is in trouble. They want to act;
however, they feel and convince themselves
that the intensity of their feelings is the most
important gauge of how well their relationship
is progressing.
I also want to emphasize the fact that
I’ve seen this process work for women for
over fifteen years in my clinical practice.
When clients walk into my office, they
expect advice that actually works. It is this
expectation that compels me to provide them
not simple suggestions that reinforce their
current beliefs about men and relationships,
but rather insights that actually work. I simply
can’t afford to tell them things that don’t
work. What I suggest has to work; or quite
simply - they don’t come back, they don’t tell
their friends about men and they never get to
experience their heart’s desire.
After working with men, women,
and couples for years, I can tell if a man is
going through the Bonding Code or if his
relationship is headed for disaster. The beauty
of this, though, is that when you understand
the Bonding Code for men, you can utilize
this, not to just your advantage, but for his
advantage as well. When you understand the
sequence and the significance of each stage,
you’ll know how his heart works better than
he does.
You’ll also see why, if you get that
sequence wrong, skip certain stages or
overemphasize one particular stage, you
could end up destroying his chance for him
to bond with you. If you help him navigate
through these stages, you’ll see him slowly
develop an attachment to you as the one
woman he can’t live without. This isn’t to
say that he can’t do this himself;it’s simply
that your understanding of this secret passage
will make him feel that you are special. He’ll
see that you have the keys to his heart, and
he’ll feel both lucky to have found you and
desperate to keep you happy.
So as we begin, please don’t expect what
you’ll learn to be as natural and effortless
as you’d like. While I wish it were always
that simple, my promise to you is that what
I’m going to teach you is powerful. If you’ll
follow our steps and go through this process,
you’ll find it actually becomes more natural
and effortless.


I don’t like to play games

Tell me what comes to mind when you

hear someone talking about “playing
games” in a relationship. Most likely,
you’ll think of a woman (or man) that is
either dishonest or manipulative in a romantic
relationship. She hides her feelings by
pretending not to be interested, even though
deep down inside, all she can think about is
when will she see him again.
Let’s also add the fact that you’ve probably
also experienced a relationship where a man
“played games” with your heart by being
deceptive with you regarding his interest. He
might have had an agenda of simply trying to
seduce you or told you how loyal he was, only
to later cheat on you with another woman.
Because of past painful experiences, it’s
understandable to want to minimize your risk
in a romantic relationship. I’ve had more than a
few clients tell me, in no uncertain terms, that
they didn’t like to play games. They considered
anything less than being completely honest
and upfront with their feelings to be the same
as catering to a man. In their mind, if they
couldn’t “be themselves,” then they felt the
man wasn’t strong enough to handle them.
Yet, other women believe that not being
completely honest and sharing all of their
feelings is tantamount to lying or misleading
a man. If they have to restrain their emotions
or modify their behavior, it feels as though
they are pretending to be someone they are
not, just to make a man like them. As one
woman told me (rather forcefully), “I want a
man to love me for who I am; therefore, if I
have to pretend to be something that I’m not,
then I don’t really want him anyway.”
I’ll admit that it’s hard to argue with
that statement. However, in every romantic
relationship, being transparent isn’t always
helpful. The issue isn’t whether to disclose
your feelings or share your vulnerabilities,
but rather it is a matter of WHEN you share
such private thoughts. If you want to let your
relationship progress “naturally,” then you’ll
likely never experience the depth of devotion
that you crave. The secret some women know
is this: romance happens as the result of both
chemistry and timing. If you don’t have both of
those ingredients, then romantic feelings will
begin to wane. Contrary to what you might
believe, a romantic evening is just as much
about planning as it is about raw physical
Let me illustrate
this point by
describing Julia’s
magical date
with Frank. On
Tuesday, Frank
called her and offered to take her to an
exclusive restaurant on Saturday evening.
Once she accepted his invitation, she
immediately began to think about what she’d
wear in order to make a good impression on
Frank. If I would suggest that she simply wear
something comfortable with no regard for
Frank, she’d look at me like I was crazy. In
addition, she certainly wanted to make sure
her hair was at its radiant best. Finally, let’s
not forget the amount of time she spent on her
makeup, getting it just right.
As you can see, she didn’t want to take
the risk by letting the evening unfold naturally.
Her plan was to make a good impression on
Frank in her appearance. On Saturday night
at the restaurant, she most likely was very
attentive to him by listening intently to his
every word.
Whether she would admit to this or not,
she was actually playing games with Frank.
Her planning, anticipation, and attention to
details didn’t mean that she was playing games
in a bad or dishonest manner, but instead, it
indicated a high degree of interest.
Now let’s compare this with what
frequently happens in a marriage. The couple
has been together for years, and the cares of
life have started to wear on their relationship.
Once this couple welcomes a child into their
home, the attentiveness to each other becomes
more difficult to give. The stresses of raising
a small child, bills that never seem to end, and
the lack of time spent talking with each other
begin to cause the romantic bloom to fade. The
partners feel tired and often overwhelmed as
their relationship seems at times more like a
business arrangement.
Both long for the intimacy and closeness
they once shared. Upon closer inspection,
we find that rarely do they spend any time
together away from the home. Most of their
interactions focus on the demands of the
family, and romance is simply left to “happen.”
Because each feels the other should just
simply “want to” meet their needs, over time
resentment begins to build. Because each
one stops making the other a priority, their
relationship slowly begins to die. Both of them
don’t “feel” like being romantic, so they don’t
bother creating an atmosphere that produces
romance like they did when they were dating.
These two scenarios illustrate that game
playing is actually desirable, when done
correctly. Creating a romantic atmosphere
does at times require some planning.
Certainly there are times when it does feel
that a romantic spark just happens on its own,
but almost always you will find a great deal of
preparation has led up to that moment.


The examples above illustrate why simply

letting a relationship develop completely
naturally rarely works. While being neglectful
can cause harm to a relationship, that isn’t
the most common romance killer. Buried
deep inside so many women’s hearts are the
memories of being hurt by a man they thought
they could trust.
In the beginning of the relationship,
he was so attentive and pledged his love for
her. Then over time something inside of him
seemed to change. Whether he decided he
no longer loved her, was unfaithful to her,
or even physically abused her, the result was
the same. His love for her, which she trusted,
was gone and it left her devastated. The result
of this nightmare experience is often that a
woman, in an attempt not to be hurt again,
begins to focus on not getting hurt again. The
thinking for this is that the quicker they can
find out if he’s a good fit for them the better.
In an attempt not to trust a man only
to be heartbroken again, they focus on what
they believe is an accurate measurement of
a great relationship: having a really intense
emotional connection. The logic is that a man
who can arouse such intense feelings of desire
and attraction is the type of man that will be a
great lifetime partner.
As the rush of emotions continues, it
often leads to these women having poor
boundaries. All caution is thrown to the wind
as they disclose things too quickly and give
into physical intimacy too soon.
Logically, it makes sense; but in reality,
it doesn’t work. The flaw in this approach is
based on confusion between intensity and
intimacy. While feeling intensely is more
likely to create a bond with a woman, it is no
guarantee that it will produce an emotional
bond with a man. To create that almost
mythical bond with a man, one of the key
ingredients is tension. Tension can be a bit
uncomfortable for both parties. And what
I’ve just described is a common attempt to
avoid tension. Some women don’t want to feel
vulnerable and take a risk. They want to have
a man reassure them so they don’t have to feel
rejected again.
In addition, if a relationship is simply
based on feelings of euphoria, then what
happens when those feelings aren’t there?
What is a woman to do when she’s having a
bad day or is emotionally overwhelmed? It’s
not only unrealistic, but a little bit absurd to
assume a woman (any woman) can constantly
be so inspiring that a man will always feel
wonderful around her.


Well then, are feelings important to a

man? Yes, and one element is actually similar
to that of a woman. While men tend to feel
things very intensely and for short bursts, it
isn’t simply the wonderful feelings that make
a man bond with you, but rather the frequency
of feelings. A woman that can arouse a man’s
emotions awakens a part of his brain that
is normally dormant. If a woman has a few
intense interactions with a man, he’ll certainly
enjoy them; and he’ll feel “full” after each
If he doesn’t get to spend as much time
with her as he likes, or if she maintains a bit
of mystery, then he begins to desire her more.
From his perspective, the desire to want more
of her is what creates a sense of urgency to
pursue her.
Without that urgency to pursue her, men
begin to view a woman as less than desirable
and simply convenient. It’s for this reason that
the thing I fear the most in any relationship,
and you should too, is that a man takes you
for granted. When he believes that he knows
all that there is to know about you, he’ll begin
feeling disconnected with you.
Being taken for granted is so toxic in
a relationship that I would rather a man be
angry with you than feel you’ll always love
him no matter how he treats you. That kind
of accommodation is actually the recipe
for death in a relationship. If you make it a
point to constantly not play games by being
too transparent and disclosing too much
information too quickly, he won’t bond with
you; and his feelings for you will start to
If you’re in an established relationship
and think that the idea of mystery and
romance and flirting is too much work, then
you’re sowing the seeds for the romance in
your relationship to slowly die.
I want to invite you to think about playing
games as something that is fun. It doesn’t
involve lying or deliberately misleading
someone, but it also doesn’t involve disclosing

everything to him.
You want the man you’re interested in
to be curious at times, to not know all the
information, or to not know exactly how you
feel. You want that tension to build because
for him to be able to bond, he must first be
aroused. He must first be curious. And once
those feelings are stirred up, and this is crucial,
they must be prolonged.
So as we begin this process, let us first
start with the idea that this is a game. This
is a game that benefits both of you, and we
don’t want to take all of the fun out of it. We
want that tension; we want some anxiety;
we want a little bit of nervousness. It is the
variety of feelings that will open his heart
and not simply the intensity of them. Allow
his feelings and thoughts to slowly align so
that he can experience the kind of connection
that only happens perhaps once or twice in a
man’s lifetime.


Early in a relationship, it’s easy to have

your emotions color your view of the other
person. When you’re infatuated, the brain
simply makes
that go along
with how you’re
feeling. Instead of
trying to use your
intuition with a new relationship, a better
method of pacing the relationship is what I
call the levels of disclosure. Let’s rank these
levels from 1-5.

Level 1 DISCLOSURE: Generic

Appropriate for: Anyone

“Do you know what time it is?”
“Do you know if it’s going to rain?”

Notice how you could ask these questions

to almost anyone, and it wouldn’t require you
to disclose anything about yourself. On this
level, it really isn’t a disclosure but really just
a question or even a statement that you could
use to engage a stranger.

Level 2 DISCLOSURES: Casual

Appropriate for: The beginning of a

“Hi, my name is .”
“I work at .”

This stage is when you give information about

yourself as a way of providing an introduction.
You share general interest topics, occupation,
and other information that begins to paint a
picture to the other person about what makes
you unique.


Appropriate for: Acquaintances

Sharing about your hobbies or interest.
Disclosing your opinion on controversial
topics such as politics or religion.

These interactions are with those you

interact with on a regular basis. They know
much of your public information (name, where
you live, social interests). This may include
work associates, friends, or others whom you
interact with socially on a frequent basis.


Appropriate for: Close Friends

Sharing your dreams about your future.
Telling someone something in your past that’s

These are secrets about yourself that you

would only share with those you trust not to
take advantage of such information. They
have proven themselves to be both safe and
caring with your concerns in the past.


Appropriate for: Intimate Encounters

Sharing your deepest fears and desires

These encounters are a combination of

both physical and emotional transparency. In
almost all cases, level 5 disclosures are sexual
in nature.
As we look at all 5 levels, I want to point
out that each one is designed to build upon the
previous one. Level 1 needs to come before
level 2, which needs to precede level 3 and so
What happens in a romantic relationship
if you “skip” certain levels? Let’s use an
example of a couple that meets for the first
time at a social event, and they feel an instant
attraction for one another. As the evening
goes on, each can feel their desire increasing
until they end their evening together in bed
and a level 5 encounter ensues.
While there is no denying the intensity
of that entire night, the problem is that their
encounter wasn’t built upon a foundation.
Each individual doesn’t really know the other
person; and once that intensity wears off,
there really isn’t much else the relationship is
based on. From a woman’s perspective, she’s
given him access not just to her body, but also
her heart without knowing if he’s trustworthy
of such a treasure.
Since she didn’t take the time to go
through the levels, she doesn’t know how
he acts when he’s angry. She has no idea if
he can keep a secret or if he’s actually kind.
Everything she knows about is based on

When we build on the layers 1 through 5
slowly and methodically, it shows us whether
the other person is both desirable and safe.
For a woman, it also demonstrates value by
insisting that a man invests in winning her
heart. Sadly, so many of my clients haven’t
gone through these levels before they disclosed
themselves at level 5. They’re more than happy
to let things go fast simply because it feels so
good. This is the choice you have to make:
Are you interested in having fun now versus
actually believing that you deserve the kind
of connection with a man that you’ve always
The proper way to use these levels is
to go from 1 to 5 and pause when you reach
each one. When you’re disclosing level 2
information, before you divulge more, wait
to see if he responds appropriately with
what you’ve shared. Does he try to rush the
relationship? Does he go straight to level 3, 4
or (heaven forbid) 5?
These levels are not a single event. When
you first begin a relationship, it takes time to
progress through each level. But even after
you’re married, they are still applicable.
Imagine how you would feel if you were
tired and overwhelmed after a tough day and
all your husband wanted to talk about was sex.
Maybe you’d be in the mood, but probably
not. The reason this would be the case would
be because he would be looking for a level
5 encounter. In contrast, you would need for
him to find out what’s going on inside of you
before you could open yourself up to him in
that way.
Here’s another example. Let’s say that
he’s heavily involved in a task and you want
to pour your heart out to him in that exact
moment. In this situation, he may not be at a
place where he can have a level 5 encounter
with you at that moment.

The way to think of these levels is
1) As your relationship is progressing, don’t
rush through them and skip a level. It will
often take months for the process to unfold.
After all, it includes building a foundation
progressing towards level 5 disclosures.

2) Once he’s bonded with you, having level 5

interactions will happen more frequently. But
still it’s important to keep in mind that rarely
is it a good idea to begin a conversation or
interaction at level 5. Start at level 3 or 4 and
watch how he responds. If he’s listening and
engaged, then open your heart up to him.

Practice Questions:
Imagine that you just met a man for the first
time at a party, and you feel that he is someone
you would be romantically interested in.

In the spaces below, come up with an example
of a conversation topic that you would use
for Levels 1-5. (If you can’t remember
what is appropriate for each level, check my
explanations above.)

Level 1: Generic Conversation Starter

Level 2: Casual Conversation

Level 3: Acquaintance Conversation

Level 4: Close Friends

Level 5: Intimate Encounters

What level do you generally feel most

comfortable with when you meet a new man?

Write the name of a man from a past

relationship where you may have skipped
going through all these levels, one at a time.

What did you miss getting to know about that

Did this ultimately have a negative repercussion

on your relationship? If so, what happened?

For the next week, when you are out in

situations where you will be meeting new
people, practice starting conversations with
Level 1 and Level 2 topics. Try to start at
least 5 Level 1 conversations and practice
taking them to Level 2.

See how this experience feels for you.

Once you’ve practiced, you’ll feel that
communicating on Level 1 and 2 gets more
and more comfortable.


Tension is Your Friend

* Three Magic Words *

When a relationship is either just

beginning or it hits a lull, the natural tendency
is to focus on being nicer, sweeter and
lovelier. The problem with this is that during
those times, a man has a decreased interest
in romance. For a man, his emotions are like
a sleeping bear which need to be aroused.
There are 2 reasons for this:

1) Men don’t naturally feel as often as do


2) Feelings make a man feel out of control.


As a woman, you most likely experience

far more feelings in a month than most men
do in a year. Your brain is designed to process
emotions and thinking simultaneous. This is
why women typically get more “emotional”
about certain events than do men. I don’t mean
to imply that this is a weakness, but rather a
different manner of processing emotions.
Men are designed to focus on a single task
at hand and to focus intensely, which enables
them to either think or feel. This ability to
detach from their feelings enables them to
focus on a task without the distractions of
emotions. In a life or death situation, this can
be very helpful. Yet, it can be frustrating for

a woman trying to get her lover’s attention
when she’s upset and he stays detached. For
him, feelings aren’t something that happen
every day, but rather an experience, which
occurs rarely.
Since he doesn’t feel that often, the
feelings a man typically experiences are
frequently those intense enough to break
through his emotional vault. When he
experiences something wonderful, such as a
concert or attending a sporting event, then he
welcomes those feelings. However, when he
experiences painful emotions, it leads to the
second point...



During times of duress, anger, or

discouragement, a man feels powerless. His

ability to regulate his emotions works so long
as he keeps himself emotionally neutral by
not allowing himself to get too high or too
When he experiences emotions that are
painful, he simply can’t cut them off, and he
doesn’t know when they will end. The typical
response to this is for a man to search for the
cause of his problem so he can fix it. If you’ve
ever opened your heart to a man and had him
offer 3 or 4 solutions, this is the reason why.
When you share your painful feelings with
him, he feels overwhelmed and wants that
feeling to stop. For him, finding a solution is
what he does to cope with those feelings. The
sooner he finds the answer, the more quickly
he can get his feelings under control.
Understand that a man’s natural
tendency to avoid feelings is critical to the
bonding code. Since we know that his heart
is guarded against feeling out of control, we
can understand how paramount it is for a man
to feel in control while he is falling in love.
This need to be in control is what makes
him cautious about lowering his emotional
walls. If the pace and intensity of his
emotions happen too quickly or too intensely,
there is almost always an emotional crash
afterward. At this point, any progress in
your relationship often comes to a screeching
halt. Perhaps you’ve noticed this pattern with
former boyfriends, your brothers or, if you’re
married, your husband?
When you a see a man experiencing an
emotional high, realize that he won’t be like
this always or
even very often.
This is similar
to someone
that’s eaten too
much sugar and
is acting hyper.
They have so much extra energy that their
mind is racing; and given enough time, the
high will wear off.
I know what makes this tough for women.
When a man crashes emotionally, a woman
doesn’t relate to his inexplicable drop in
passion, since she is capable of so much more
emotionally. The more a woman feels, often
the more cathartic the experience becomes
as it enables her to process the myriad of
feelings that flow through her mind. This is
why women believe that when a man is upset,
he’d feel the same level of satisfaction as she
does if he would just “talk” about his feelings.
But when a man talks about those
feelings, he often becomes confused and
overwhelmed. Rather than trying to help a
man understand his feelings, what is more
helpful is when he feels he has some control
over them. If he is experiencing emotions and
it is his choice to experience them, then he is
more likely not to run from them.
The tool we use to accomplish this is

to allow a man to experience tension in a
relationship. Tension is defined by the sense
that something is wrong or missing in a
relationship mixed with a sense of urgency.
In practical terms, this means that a man
desires more from a relationship than he is
getting. This uncomfortable feeling is what I
call tension, and that intensity motivates him
to move closer to the woman he desires.
The beauty of tension is that most of
the time, it isn’t as intense as the crash of
going from an emotional high to feeling
overwhelmed. It is a constant nagging in the
back of his mind that keeps him from taking
you for granted.
What does tension look like in a
relationship? Often it involves conflict or some
sort of irritation. Early in a relationship, the
easiest way to create tension is to not allow a
man to interact with you as much as he’d like.
This is what I call pacing a man.

In an established relationship, tension
occurs whenever you stay true to your
convictions, even though he is upset or angry.
It’s not that I’m suggesting that you create
conflict simply to make him upset with you.
It’s that you treat him in a way that shows
you know what’s best for the relationship,
regardless of what he may tell you.
If you know that he’s likely to crash if
the relationship escalates through the levels
of disclosure too quickly, then you’ll make
sure not to encourage that.
Even though you’d love to have him close
to you every day, giving into that desire only
puts him at risk for getting over whelmed.
As his desire for more of you increases and
your availability remains the same, he’ll feel
tension. He’ll feel somewhat frustrated.
He won’t be worried about getting
overwhelmed, but rather his focus will be on
solving a problem. He’ll be thinking, “How

can I get more of her?” While any woman
can get a man’s attention through flirtation,
what will separate her from other women is
her ability to maintain his interest.
But how will this feel for you? If you do
this correctly, it will feel uncomfortable for
you as well. If you share too much information
or confess the depths of your feelings too
soon, it may feel reassuring initially. Yet,
the cost to you is that you will have killed
the tension that was built up between you. In
gaining the reassurance you craved, you have
also removed the curiosity.
Here’s an example that I’m certain has
happened to you before. Think about a man
that holds no interest for you. It’s not that you
despise him, but he is simply unappealing.
Because you have no interest in him, you’re a
challenge. You’re mysterious. There’s tension
whenever he sees you. It’s easy for you to
create tension toward these types of men
for one simple reason: you’re not interested
in them. That quality is what makes you so
appealing. It’s not because you’re treating him
terribly (hopefully), but because you don’t
seem to be concerned at all about his opinion
of you. This is what you want as a relationship
develops and, even to a lesser degree, once it
has been established.
When you apply this to the man you
care about, one thing is certain: it won’t feel
natural. It will most likely feel that you are
depriving yourself of the love and attention
that you crave. Even though it will feel so
natural to give in to your desires, remember
that just because you feel strongly about
something doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to
Just yesterday a client told me of a man
she can’t get out of her mind. She feels a strong
connection with him, but she realizes that he
isn’t good for her. She told me about his history
of cheating on his ex-wife and addiction to
pornography. In addition, she mentioned that
he also has a temper. If she simply decides
to do what feels natural and give her heart
to this man, then it’s not hard to predict the
heartache that awaits her. Regardless of the
intensity of her feelings, it is still going to end
badly for her. If she gives in to her desires,
she can’t expect him to change his patterns.
Her choice is whether to ignore the
consequences and be short-term oriented or
to be long-term oriented and make the wise
but harder choice, even though it will be
uncomfortable in the present moment. Now I
don’t mean to imply that everything has to be
long-term oriented; but if we’re talking about
having a bond with a man, something that’s
going to last a lifetime, you must have some
degree of long-term orientation.
As I’m pointing this out, let me emphasize
that most men won’t understand what I’ve
just explained to you. Most men don’t realize
that the emotional high they are experiencing
with a woman can’t last. When their feelings
do begin to subside, they often make the false
assumption that something’s wrong. I’ve seen
men overreact this way for years, even though
this letdown is perfectly natural. Those men
that understand this don’t fret when the
intensity of their desire decreases; but often,
so many men do misinterpret the decrease in
feelings as a sign that something is amiss.
I’ve predicted this rise and crash pattern
to countless clients. As they sit across from
me, they nod their head when I suggest they
pace their relationship. All goes well until
they give into their desires and encourage the
relationship to intensify at a rapid pace. Then
weeks later, they come to me and say, “Bob,
he doesn’t seem to be interested in me like he
used to; what’s wrong?”When I remind them
of my previous warning, they often look at
me as though they didn’t understand what I
was talking about.
In reality, they did understand, but
they didn’t want to apply what I suggested.
Understanding is one thing. They just didn’t
want to believe it because it wasn’t easy.
My warning to you is this: If you neglect
allowing tension in a new relationship, you
will be missing one of the key components
that will motivate a man to bond with you.
I understand how good it feels for you to
finally experience the love you’ve patiently
waited for in a man who can’t get enough of
you. I listen to women who gorge themselves
with the emotions and want more and more.
They’ve been emotionally starved for so long
that they don’t want to stop; so they savor the
long talks, the hand-holding, and the sharing
of feelings. While they’re bonding, the man
they love is slowly becoming overwhelmed
by these intense emotions.
Is this fair that he can’t bond the same
way as you? No, I’ll admit it’s not fair. As the
woman, you are the heart in a relationship. You
have an understanding about relationships
that most men will never have, and that
insight is what will enable you to nurture this
emotional bond. Here is your cheat sheet for
those moments when it seems that he isn’t
responding to tension as fast as you’d like.

1) Tension makes him curious.

It is the variety of emotions that draws a
man closer to you, not simply the wonderful
ones. Men by their nature don’t feel that often.
Feeling for most men is equated with being
out of control. Yet they need to feel so that
they don’t feel alone and isolated in the world.
So when a woman comes into their life, that
awakens their feelings, and it is refreshing.
If a woman only tries to make a man feel
wonderful, then what is most likely happening
is that at times, she is avoiding conflict. Which
leads us to…

2) Tension trains a man how to treat you.

When a man
takes you
for granted,
is rude
to you or
then being
happy with him isn’t just inappropriate, it’s
also strange. Being happy, upbeat and joyful
when someone is acting poorly doesn’t make
his or her bad behavior go away; it actually
encourages more bad behavior.
Creating emotional distance is often
more powerful than yelling when you’re upset.
The “trick” is that you have to be willing to
outlast a man. When he sulks, the proper
response is to pull away emotionally until he
approaches you. Is it kind of silly, yes; but it’s
very effective.

3) Tension allows him time to bond.

Believe it or not, it takes men longer to
bond with you emotionally than it does for
you to bond with them. Men do not bond to
the emotions the way that women do. When
men bond, it’s oftentimes just as much an
intellectual thing as an emotional component.
Even though he’s feeling emotionally intense,
you must allow his intellect to make a
conscious choice to be with you as well. From
a man’s standpoint, the woman he falls in love
with, the woman he marries, could hurt him.
It doesn’t mean that you will. It means that
you could; and because of this, he is simply
more calculated when he makes his decision
to bond with you when he thinks in terms of
a lifetime partner.

4) Tension makes him feel that he’s caught

Even if you’re in a long-term relationship,
your man desires (and needs) the hunt.

For him, you are the prey; and he wants to
capture you over and over again. Sometimes
a perfectly timed, “No,” can send a bolt of
passion surging through his body. Don’t be
afraid to let him feel disappointed at times.
Men are not nearly as emotionally fragile as
you’ve been taught. The allure of pursuing
you is what makes him feel alive.

* Three Magic Words *

Ok, I know you’ve been waiting for these

words; but I want to put them in context first.
Knowing when to use them is just as critical as
the actual words themselves. Simply walking
up to a man and blurting them out won’t work
any more than a man walking up to you and
saying, “Have sex with me,” would motivate
you to start taking your clothes off.
In each stage I’ll show you when to use

them and some other phrases that help a man
go through each stage quicker so they can
bond with you for life. So what are the three
magical words that men are dying to hear?

Tell Me More

Now let me explain why and how they

work. Most men keep their emotions to
themselves unless they feel safe or happy.
At a sporting event, most men are loud and
excited because they’re happy. This also
applies at a concert or any event where he
feels free to express his emotions that don’t
require vulnerability.
That’s the key in experiencing intimacy
with a man – it’s only when he has let you see
his vulnerable side that he falls deeply in love.
All the excitement and passion are wonderful,
but men quickly retreat for such emotional

high points. Sometimes those feelings recede
after a few hours while other times they can
last for weeks or months, but there is always
a pull back because men cannot maintain
emotional intensity for as long as the average
woman (we’ll discuss this later).
What the magic words do is to encourage
a man when he’s in one of those vulnerable
moments and unsure of how to proceed.
Women love it when a man is strong and
decisive, but even the strongest man has
moments of doubt. It is during those moments
that he is most vulnerable to the influence of
a woman.
When he’s experiencing feelings that he
doesn’t understand and struggles to explain
them, what he needs isn’t your advice, counsel
or suggestions. What he needs is for you
to listen because most of the time his fears
are irrational. When a man is overwhelmed,
simply having a woman listen to him is
hypnotic. During each stage we’ll discuss
when to use these words (or different phrases
for each stage) so that you’ll soften his heart
by showing him you are the ONLY woman
who truly “gets” him.

Practice Questions:

Write down the name of a man you

know that you are completely uninterested in
pursuing a romantic relationship.

Describe an interaction with him where you

simply were yourself, but clearly showed no
romantic interest in him.

How did that feel?

Can you imagine how you might use the same

sort of approach with a man you do desire?


Let’s say you had a similar interaction with

a man you were interested in. Can you see
how it might increase the levels of tension he


Why would that be?

Below write down a tension-increasing
scenario you could potentially plan to do in
the future with a man you are interested in.


The Bonding
Sequence for Men

Before we go through the bonding

sequence for men, it’s critical that you
understand the core needs of a man. For a
man to feel good about himself, he wants the
same things you do. He desires to feel loved,
accepted, listened to, etc.
But what is critically different for a man
is what increases his self-esteem. Deep inside
the heart of a man, there is the desire for
Power. That isn’t a bad thing, although some
men overcompensate and take that desire and
turn it into an obsession for complete control.
Power is the natural desire of masculine
For a man to feel powerful, he must
believe that he is capable of conquering and
mastering his environment. Put another way,
there are two ways that a man’s self-esteem is
built up:

1) By what he overcomes
2) By what he accomplishes

Notice how both of these validate his

ability to change his environment. This is why
when a man is struggling in some area of his
life, he doesn’t want sympathy. In his mind,
your gracious act of kindness is actually a
message that you don’t think he’s capable of
mastering his environment.
What he really craves is your belief in his
ability to overcome his problem. As a woman,
no matter how much you want to make him
feel good through being nurturing and kind,
those qualities alone will not replace his need
to feel empowered. For him to bond with you
emotionally, he must have challenges that he
has overcome to capture your heart.
Now let’s discuss the steps a man must
go through to bond. As I mention these steps,
I won’t tell you that each one takes the same
amount of time for a man to complete. While
there is some flexibility with these, most men
will go through these stages.

The Male Bonding Stages:

1. Interest
2. Emotions
3. Disillusionment
4. Testing
5. Bonding

Stage 1: A woman who creates interest by
demonstrating value

While men are visually stimulated, it

isn’t simply a woman’s appearance that creates
value in a man’s eyes. Just as important, but
often overlooked, is the degree that he finds
her interesting. It may be her smile, or it may
be certain outfits that she wears. Who knows
as far as the reasons for it? It can be a lot of
different things.
When women ask me what’s the thing
they can do to stand out, my first response
is usually this, “You’re asking the wrong
question.” The truth is that men actually like
looking at women in general. As a woman,
you have the assets and the attributes that men
naturally find appealing. Men are hard-wired
to find you appealing as a woman - from your
smile to the curve of the back of your neck -
everything about you is lovely.

If a woman tells me that she doesn’t get
much attention from men, I’ll always ask her
what she’s doing to avoid attention.

I want to know in what ways she is sending

men the message that she is unapproachable.
When I suggested women wear dresses in
my program The Woman Men Adore, I got
several emails that accused me of simply
being sexist.
My response then was the same as it
is now, if you want to give yourself the best
chance possible to be appealing to a man,

then you already have the qualities he finds
appealing. Your goal is simply to accentuate
them, and wearing a dress makes you look
feminine and soft in his eyes. I know there are
certain circumstances where you can’t wear a
dress. But all things being equal, if you wear
a dress whenever you get a chance,you have
an advantage over men. Men are predisposed
to find it more appealing.
Another aspect that makes you appealing
has to do with your personality in general.
Whether you’re shy or outgoing, there are
going to be some men that you just don’t hit it
off with. This doesn’t mean there’s anything
wrong, but rather the problem is that your
personality simply might not be a good
match for him. What can cause problems is
if you attempt to change your personality to
accommodate a man. In the short term, you
can certainly project yourself however you
would like him to see you. This is what Tonya
did when she met Rodger.
When they first met, all Tonya could
think about was how dazzling Rodger’s eyes
were the moment he smiled and said, “Hello.”
Within a week, he had invited her out to
dinner; and she couldn’t believe her luck. Yet
even during that first encounter, something
seemed a bit off. All of her friends would
describe her as “chatty.” They liked her
stories; and she felt accepted by them, even
during the times when her stories went on a
bit too long.
During the first, second and third date,
Tonya felt that Rodger became impatient
when she was speaking. It was as though he
couldn’t wait for her to finish her thoughts so
it would be his turn to talk. Because of all
his other wonderful qualities, she felt that
she didn’t want to mess up this chance with
such a wonderful man. As the continued to
socialize, she began to withhold her thoughts
from him. After a couple of months, even her
friends noticed that she seemed to become
more reserved and wondered if everything
was all right.
After 4 months, she realized that what
she was becoming wasn’t who she wanted to
be. She knew that sometimes she needed to
restrain herself verbally. But for her, this felt
more like being held hostage. If she had to
change who she was to be loved by Rodger,
then the thought of walking on eggshells the
rest of her life was enough to make her realize
that Rodger wasn’t the man for her. What she
learned is important for you as well. Accepting
your personality and style of relating to others
means that you won’t be appealing to every
man. This is normal… and good!
There are also some men you will never
bond with because they’re not capable of
bonding. Did you know that one of the key
elements of whom someone marries is based
on what’s called The Pathology Mirror?
As much as looks, money and other social
influences determine the romantic choice of
an individual, there is a stronger unconscious
force that plays a larger part in choice of a
What actually happens is each individual
is drawn to a partner who is on a similar level
of psychological health or pathology as him
or herself. This is why you’ll often notice an
alcoholic man marry a co-dependent woman.
Their “issues” aren’t the same, but both have
a similar degree of pathology (emotional
sickness) and thus they are on the same level.
Conversely, when a woman is accepting
of herself and maintains good boundaries, she
won’t find an alcoholic man appealing. She
may find him attractive; but when he tries to
induce guilt on her for not tolerating his bad
behavior, his attempts will fail. She is not at
his level of pathology; and due to her healthy
perception of herself, his shaming behavior
makes the choice for her to leave him an
easy one. If a particular man doesn’t find you
appealing, please don’t simply assume you’re
not enough.
Not pretty enough.
Not thin enough.
Not _____ (insert any insecurity you might
have) enough.
More times than you might realize, the
reason is you aren’t the right match for him
either because of the differences in your
personality or because you aren’t willing to
accommodate his bad behavior. The sooner
you recognize he’s not a good fit, the quicker
you will become available for those men that
are a great fit for you.
*Magic Words* When you’re getting to
know a man, in this stage the only goal is to
pace him AND help him invest in you more
deeply. For this, use “Tell Me More” every so
often when he shares something new or that’s
concerning to him.
In doing so, he will begin to feel that he
WANTS to share his thoughts with you. You
don’t want to say this phrase every time he talks
or he’ll feel that you’ve simply memorized a
script. Use this when he’s shared something
but seems to be holding back.

Stage 2: Experiencing Emotions

As the second stage begins, it is marked

by an increase in emotion arousal. Whether
early on in the relationship or even if you’re in
an established relationship, a man will begin
to experience deep feelings toward you. Most
women assume that when her man begins
expressing his emotions of love and desire,
he’s emotionally bonding with her. This is my
warning to you. He’s not bonding during this
stage. You might be starting to bond, but the
depth of his complete devotion to you is only
in its infancy.

What separates men and women during
this process is that men don’t bond with
emotions alone. Without the intellectual
component to validate his choice, his
emotions will decrease and eventually lead
to his doubting the relationship. He may feel
like he’s bonding and even tell you that, yes,
you’re the only woman for him; but don’t
believe it.
I’m not saying this is fair. A man should
know better than to make such a pledge of
devotion, but sadly there are so many men
that don’t. Please be cautious when you hear
these words. It’s not his intentions that I’m
questioning. What I’m questioning is if he
really knows you well enough to love you as
deeply as he claims. I’m certain he feels a deep
love for you, but will he maintain that devotion
even when he doesn’t feel romantic? If you
attempt to help him get to know you better by
sharing countless details about yourself, then
you’ll only make his emotional crash worse.
There is no way to rush this process. He
must get to know you over a period of time
and experience several emotions toward you,
not simply the euphoric ones.
So when you’re in this emotional
phase, by all means enjoy it, but don’t let it
get out of control. Maintain some distance
by not allowing him to see you as much as
he’d like. Don’t share as much as you want
to, even though this will feel completely
counterintuitive. Even though it won’t feel
natural, you will actually help him feel curious
and be motivated to progress through the
remaining stages. His desire will be to come
closer to you. When he feels your restraint,
it actually makes you more desirable. As his
desire increases, he will call you more often.
When you speak, he’ll be more attentive
toward what you’re saying.
This level of attentiveness isn’t an act.
He really is interested, but it’s based on an
artificial high. When he thinks about you,
he can’t help himself. Everything about you
just effortlessly pleases him. Biologically,
he’s experiencing many chemical reactions
similar to if he was on cocaine – and I mean
that literally. It is addictive, and he can’t help
but want more.
Enjoy this stage, but realize that it’s only
the second part of the process. In his eyes,
you’re wonderful and charming during this
stage. You’ll need to be a little scarcer than he
would like – and what is tough about this is,
yes, that’s probably going to mean even less
than you would like too.
What is often the biggest challenge for
my professional clients is that in most areas
of their life, they have accomplished so much.
They have learned how to achieve what they
want. Most often their success hasn’t come
from waiting, but by being proactive. They’ve
accomplished so much, and the idea of waiting
is kind of silly. They say, “I don’t want to
wait,” and my response is, “You don’t have
to wait; but if you want a kind of connection,
if you want to be a part of this, if you want
to have what you want, then you must pace
*Magic Words* During this stage, you
actually don’t want to ask him to “Tell You
More” because he’s so full of emotions, we
want to slow him down. When he’s flooded
with feelings of desire, this is the stage when
men often make promises that they mean; but
their raw emotions are getting ahead of their
heart. If he says “I love you” or tells you how
much he’s smitten, instead of returning his
same level of devotion, say this instead, “I’m
Not Sure.”
I realize how that sounds, but here’s
the reason for those words. We’re trying
to slow him down so that he doesn’t crash
emotionally. If he looks like someone just
kidnapped his puppy after you say those
words, you can reassure him with, “I like you
but you’re talking about our future; and while
it’s flattering, I still don’t know you well
enough, but I’d like to.” Then smile. That will
be all the reassurance he needs.

Stage 3: Disillusionment -The Emotional


Stage 3 is one of the most critical aspects of

getting a man to bond with you. Unfortunately,
it’s also the most misunderstood stage in the
entire process. Up until this point, everything
has been fairly easy. As the woman, prior to
this stage, it will seem as though you can do
no wrong. Without any effort on your part, he
seems to be effortlessly patient, attentive and
While it may look like he’s displaying
the qualities with ease, the truth is that he’s
spending a lot of emotional energy to be so
focused on you. Psychologically, he’s doing

what is called PROJECTION.
This concept originated from Sigmund
Freud, and it means someone is projecting
his or her unconscious beliefs onto another
person. Imagine he had a flashlight and he
placed a plastic orange cap over the top. When
the flashlight was shown onto the wall, the
light would have an orange tint.
In a similar fashion, his emotional
infatuation causes him to see you in the most
favorable light. It’s as though he was actually
shining an emotional flashlight onto you that
makes him see you as “perfect.” Because he
sees you in such a favorable light, his brain
makes the assumption that you’ll always make
him feel this way.
Just how powerful is emotional hypnosis?
It’s so mind-altering that it bears a striking
similarity to the same experience someone
would have if they were high on cocaine.
His brain is experiencing a sort of drug high

which, although delightful, if prolonged, it can
actually cause damage to his mind and body.
Those powerful chemicals cause his body
to work harder than normal. In fact, while it
feels effortlessly blissful, his brain will not
allow this state to continue. Eventually, those
same chemicals that produce a sort of natural
drug high cannot be allowed to remain in
his bloodstream. Therefore, his brain will
decrease the output simply to maintain his
When his chemical balance returns to
his brain, the Love Spell will feel like it has
vanished. At this stage, he is experiencing
what is called Disillusionment. When he’s
infatuated with you, everything you do causes
a flurry of emotions within his heart. Now you
notice that he doesn’t seem to be as effortlessly
smitten as he was in the beginning.
Suddenly, when you’re 5 minutes late, he
now finds himself irritated with you; whereas
before, he may not have even noticed. Now he
doesn’t seem quite as interested in what you
and your girlfriends talked about at lunch.
It would be easy for you to misinterpret this
seeming indifference as a lack of interest in
you. While that could be true, often that is the
wrong interpretation. Here’s what you may be
The reason he was so attentive was
because ___________ (insert any magical
item you wish here)
- I was dressing really sexy.
- I wore my hair down.
- I always laughed at his jokes.
- I was so confident.
When a woman begins making this
assumption, often her greatest fear is what
she assumes is the problem. If she has been
told that she is too chatty, then she’ll assume
his lack of interest is because she talked too
If her greatest insecurity is that she’s too
needy, then that is what she’ll assume is the
reason for his detachment. The list of causes
can be endless. The true cause, however,
began with the belief that she had an almost
mythical quality to make him fall in love with
her. Judging by how infatuated he acted during
moments of affection, it’s easy to understand
why she would fall for that assumption. The
truth is that during that phase, a man is more
in love with the feeling of being in love than
he is with the woman. I know that’s kind of
harsh to hear.
For him to go from being in love with
love to giving his heart to you requires a
different chemical to activate within his brain.
The infatuation chemical is called adrenaline,
and it makes falling in love effortless and fun.
That’s the one that produces an experience
in his mind similar to cocaine. While it’s
powerful and fun, it’s not designed to create
a lifetime bond. It’s really just a way to
jumpstart a relationship.
As his brain makes the transition from
adrenaline to endorphins, this is where he
begins to experience Disillusionment. Even
though this phase is normal and necessary to
build a foundation for a relationship that can
last a lifetime, it’s hard for a woman not to
take it personally. During this phase you must
remember these two key points:

1) This phase is normal.

2) Most men don’t understand it.

I believe that you understand what I’m

saying, but my concern is whether you choose
to ignore those two points. Make a decision
right this moment to remind yourself that
the period of disillusionment is normal and
necessary. A man cannot retain an adrenaline
infatuation with you. Don’t think there is
something you can do to help him prevent it.
Instead, look at it as a stage for you to help
him navigate through. Trying to delay this
transition frequently makes the emotional
crash more intense.
RECAP: When he seems to be restless or
withdrawn, it could mean that something is
wrong; but most likely, it is the stage he’s in.
It is during this stage that he begins to test the
relationship and you as well.
*Magic Words* This is where the words have
their most power. In Stages 3 and 4, we’re
going to use the Magic Words the same.
When he’s struggling with doubts about
your relationship, there are 2 ways most men
respond. If he is trying to stay connected to
you, even though it feels like a struggle, then
whenever he expresses doubts, that is the time
to say “TELL ME MORE.”
I realize you don’t want to hear his fears, but
the more they stay in his head, the stronger

they become. Getting through his doubts
is a normal process that men go through to
experience true intimacy, and you want to
model for him that what he’s going through
is normal (although you might not feel like it).
If he is distant and punishing you by threatening
to leave you or blaming you for his feelings,
then you would say, “I UNDERSTAND.” This
doesn’t mean that you agree with him; it only
means that you are not going to waste time
defending yourself if he’s going to blame you
for his emotions (which is very codependent
on his part). If he escalates his blame, then
simply say, “This doesn’t feel good; let’s talk
about it later,” and then either end the phone
call or leave the room.
The reason for this is he needs to see that you
value your heart above his feelings. That may
sound selfish, but it’s crucial for a man who
is feeling overwhelmed to know a woman is
someone he can trust, even if doing what is right
means setting a limit with the man she loves.
Stage 4: The Testing Stage

When a man first experiences

disillusionment, his assumption (and hope) is
that it’s just a phase. He will try and dismiss
it as being the result of his circumstances or
perhaps the result of some stress from his job.
After this restlessness continues, he begins to
admit to himself that something is wrong; but
he doesn’t know what. Often, it’s not a single
event that he can point to as the cause of his
lack of enthusiasm, but simply a feeling of
complacency. When I speak with men going
through this stage, they are often frustrated
and scared. It feels like something is wrong,
and their lack of ability to “fix it” makes them
feel powerless.
When I sit across the room from a man
going through this stage, I can appreciate
his anxiety. Instead of trying to help him
reclaim those lost feelings, most of the time

I explain why he’s feeling thisway. Since I’m
speaking to a man, giving an analogy often
works better than a detailed description of his
internal emotional world.
The most effective example I’ve found
is to compare it to the experience he has if
he eats too much. Particularly, I’ll ask him
what happens if he eats an entire gallon of
chocolate ice cream. Does he feel full? Does
he want to have another gallon? Most men
laugh at the thought of wanting more when
they’re full. Then I tell them, “Does that
mean you don’t love chocolate ice cream? Or
perhaps that means that something must be
wrong because you no longer crave it as much
as you did 1 hour before you took your first
bite.” Now, compare this feeling to emotional
fullness: “In the same way you’d get full if
you ate too much, you’re full emotionally from
all the closeness you’ve experienced with this
woman. I don’t know if there’s something
wrong. How about let’s not make any decision
about your relationship right now?”
Most men feel a sense of relief when I
go through this explanation, and it gives them
hope. As a therapist, what I’m doing with them
is called Normalizing their condition. I’m
not denying how they feel or even trying to
change those feelings. I’m simply explaining
that it’s normal and showing them why.
For the man in your life, it’s not that he
doesn’t love you or want to be close to you.
It’s that he’s emotionally full, and he needs
a break. As a man, his emotional capacity is
far more limited than yours as a woman. He
won’t be able to explain this stage to you, and
it’s crucial that you don’t let your fears take
over and ask for reassurance because during
this stage...


As innocent as your questions might
seem, asking for his reassurance often causes
him to question whether his feelings for you
are that strong. If he expresses doubts, what
he needs is for you to be able to normalize his
You want him to experience those
doubts so that you can be the one woman
who understands him better than any other.
For some men, they will be more intense than
others. What’s happening in his mind is that
his brain is realizing, “Hey, this relationship is
real. This could actually go somewhere.” With
that being said, there are some exceptions.


When a man has experienced any sort of

trauma in a relationship, his brain remembers
the pain and looks for ways not to have to

experience that again. What makes this
difficult is that the level of certainty a man
wants/expects from a woman is often tied to
the degree of trauma he has experienced.
If he has been through a divorce (or
several), had his heart broken many times or
been betrayed, then he’s going to place too
much emphasis on how a relationship should
feel. If the relationship doesn’t feel effortless
and magical all the time, it’s an indicator in
his mind that something is wrong. If you were
to ask him, ‘Exactly what is wrong?’ he may
do one of two common things:

1) He becomes flustered because he

can’t think of a reason why his feelings have
cooled down. All he knows is that it doesn’t
feel the way it did in the beginning, and he’s
been in a bad relationship before and doesn’t
want to experience that again. If you ask
him to describe what he’s feeling, the best

he can come up with is usually that it feels
overwhelming. Some men will say they feel
trapped inside a box and they can’t get out.

2) The other option is that this traumatized

man will focus on a particular trait, incident,
or disagreement that has upset him. Then he
takes all of his uncomfortable feelings and
blames them on that particular quality. He
picks something that is real (like she’s always
late or she interrupts him when he’s talking)
and begins to fixate on those qualities as a
way of explaining his lack of desire. The irony
of this is that early in the relationship, those
same qualities didn’t concern him nearly as
much. But as the woman gets closer to him,
he begins to notice them more.
Because of being hurt in past
relationships, he misinterprets the first sign
of trouble as an indicator of danger. His fear
of being hurt again causes him to look for any

sign of future trouble. Thankfully, most men
don’t react to these extremes, but they do go
through this testing stage. In this stage, this is
where they can begin to...


Now that he’s emotionally full, his

motivation to be attentive isn’t nearly as
effortless as it was prior. Some men begin
showing up late for dates or delaying a return
phone call. A husband might begin to listen
less often or forget a promise he made to his
wife. During this stage, what he’s actually
testing is your value. You demonstrate your
value by 1) being able to normalize his fears
and 2) setting the appropriate boundary if he
takes you for granted.
It’s during this stage that you value
yourself more than you do trying to keep him

happy. He needs to see that you’re willing
to put your heart first, and sometimes this
will feel like you’re doing it alone. If you
find yourself constantly having to enforce
boundaries with him, then this is the stage
where you reevaluate whether you’re with the
right guy. Just a thought.
The irony about this phase is that when
he’s testing you, he’s also thinking about
his long-term plans with you. If he wasn’t
taking you seriously, then he wouldn’t be
experiencing any discomfort. His frustration
is that he wants to be closer to you, but now
that closeness is causing him discomfort and
he feels stuck. The most common mistake you
could make is to pursue him with added vigor
because you’re fearful of losing him. Calling
or texting him more frequently may seem like
a great way to reconnect, but they only make
him want to pull away even further.
When a man pulls away, he takes the role
of Distancer. In this role, the only goal is to
create space between himself and a woman.
The opposite of a Distancer is a Pursuer. If
you pursue him, it will only make him want
to create more distance. The solution to this
is completely counter-intuitive, but very
Regardless of his reasons for pulling
away, if he pulls away, I need you to pull away
emotionally as well. With my clients, I use a
number system to illustrate this. On a scale of
1-10, if these are feet of emotional distance,
then when a man pulls away and he’s created
5 feet of space, what I want you to do is to
create 7 feet of distance. This doesn’t mean
create 70 feet and completely ignore him for
weeks at a time, but it does mean that you
don’t spend as much time with him - AS HE
When you’re on the phone, you don’t
talk as long with him. If he hasn’t called for
a few days and wants to get together at the
last minute, then you can’t because you’re
busy. During this testing phase, you will be
training him that he will never take you for
granted. You will accomplish this not through
long talks and clever insights, but through
It would be so much simpler if you could
just have a talk with him, but that doesn’t
work. It’s not that he won’t talk about his
feelings - it’s that he doesn’t know how. As a
woman, if you press him to say what’s going
on or explain why he doesn’t feel the same
way, in his mind, this confirms his fear that
you aren’t the right woman for him.
Sadly, I have a feeling either you
have experienced this before, or you know
someone that has. It’s a common tale from
every woman that has done this in an attempt
to be helpful. But the woman assumes that the
man understands his feelings, and most of the
time he does not. He experiences emotions,
but he does not understand them. Therefore,
trying to discuss something that they don’t
understand makes them feel stupid. It makes
them feel incomplete. It makes them feel like
a failure. If you do that, however sincere you
are, you will stir up those feelings and make
him doubt the relationship. He will not bond
with you, plus he will pull away and perhaps
even leave you.
As much as I would like to tell you this
testing phase will only happen one time, in
reality, it may occur multiple times. The good
news is that with each experience, you will
be modeling to him that you are a woman of
value. He’ll learn that when he pulls away,
you know how to interpret that correctly; and
in doing so, he will begin to pull away less
often. After going through this experience,
he begins to evaluate you on an intellectual
level. The testing has enabled him to begin
to see you not just as a woman he desires, but
also a woman he can trust.
*Magic Words* The same words and reasons
we used in Stage 3 apply to this stage as well.
Stage 5: The Bonding Stage

At the end of the testing stage, a man

begins to transition from being independent
to feeling dependent. Throughout the
relationship, he has guarded his power of
independence and now he begins to realize
that he wants more. After seeing how the
woman he loves has responded to him in a
variety of settings, he now considers her to be
a part of his life. It isn’t that he feels a strong
romantic surge pulsing through his body, but
rather it feels more like a part of his heart has
been awakened after a long period of sleep.
Now, he can’t imagine living the rest of his
life without her (you).

In his mind, you have met the three

criteria he is looking for:

1) The attraction and emotional
connection - He finds you both appealing and
desirable. That initial spark or connection
caused him to want to get to know you better.

2) You demonstrated value - by both

setting limits with him on his bad days and
reassuring him when he had doubts, you have
made him feel that you are someone who
knows what he needs, even when he doesn’t
know himself. And because you’ve done this
in a kind and respectful manner, it makes him
feel protective
of you.
3) You
have done both
over time - On
both good days
and bad, he has seen you not overreact to his
fears and doubts. This is critical because it is
a consistent pattern that makes him realize he

belongs with you.

By fulfilling all three of these criteria,

he has not only felt the emotional connection
with you he craves, but he is also able to
intellectually reassure himself that you are
trustworthy, even when he isn’t perfect.
Put another way, he both loves you and
trusts you. For a man to bond with you, all of
these criteria must be experienced. While this
process often takes longer for a man than for a
woman, the benefit is that when he bonds with
you, his bond will be so deeply embedded into
his psyche that you will always be a part of
his heart. Unlike your emotional connection
to him, his bond doesn’t need to be nurtured
as much.
From his perspective, you are the
one person that his emotional happiness is
dependent upon. In addition, research has
shown that men have a much harder time
getting over the death of a relationship than
women. Other scholars have suggested that
men are only capable of giving their heart to
a woman only 2 or 3 times in their lives.
As you can see, it is harder to get inside
a man’s heart; but once you are there, your
place is often assured for the rest of his life. In
his mind, he thinks of you as an investment,
as someone to take care of, as an extension
of himself. If you are unhappy, it feels like
something is wrong inside his heart that he
must remedy.
*Magic Words* During this stage, he’s
emotionally invested in you. Your focus is on
maintaining his emotional attentiveness to you
and your happiness. When he does something
you like, say, “THAT FEELS GOOD.” He
may grin, or he might not realize what he’s
done and quickly reply, “What, What did I
do????” That reaction is because he loves
getting that response from you and wants to
know how to get you to say that again.
When he does something you don’t like,
say to him, “THAT DOESN’T MAKE ME
HAPPY.” Please don’t overuse that phrase,
and when you say it, be careful of your tone
(not too strong).
He’ll quickly learn what you like and
what you don’t like, and it will feel much
easier for him to please you knowing you’ll
give him these words to guide his efforts.

Practice Questions:

Below you will see a recap of the stages

that a man goes through before he bonds with
you. Below, I’ve indicated a scenario that fits
the stage. In the blanks below, answer the
multiple-choice questions and come up with
a good way to respond that will draw a man
closer to you instead of pushing him farther

1. Interest

You are dating a man, but you constantly feel

that you have to be a different type of person
to please him.

Should you:

A. Keep it up and hope that it leads to a long-

term relationship.
B. Decide that this behavior is not sustainable
and seriously consider ending the relationship.
C. Try to change him to be more like you.

2. Emotions

It’s the early stages of a relationship, and the

man you’re dating tells you that he’s never felt
as close to anyone as he does to you. He tells
you that he’s falling deeply in love with you.

Should you:

A. Tell him you feel the same way and sleep

with him.
B. Doubt that he is has already bonded with
you and not get too invested in the relationship.
C. Start fantasizing that you might marry this

3. Disillusionment

You’ve been dating a man and everything

has been going really well. You are excited
about the prospects. Suddenly, it seems like

everything you do or say irritates him.

Should you:
A. Start dressing sexier.
B. Start trying to please him more.
C. Realize he’s in a normal relationship stage.
Start laughing more at his jokes.

4. Testing
A man you’ve been in a relationship with
starts pulling away. You notice he’s making
more plans with his friends and not getting
back to your texts.

Should you:
A. End the relationship.
B. Set boundaries if you feel you are being

taken for granted.
C. Set up a time where you have a serious talk
about the way he’s been acting.

* Answers: 1 - B , 2 - B, 3 - c 4 - B

Let’s talk about how women bond next.


The Bonding
Sequence for Women

While both men and women start off

similar in their sequence, how they reach the
place where they’ve bonded with the other
person really is an entirely different mental
process. A woman’s bonding sequence is as

Stage 1: Sees Value

Stage 2: Feels Special
Stage 3: Testing
Stage 4: Bonds

Stage 1: She Sees Him as Valuable

As with a man, the first part for women

as well is the initial attraction. The qualities
that you find admirable will often be different
than some of your girlfriends. While some
women prefer an athlete and others place more
importance in a man’s earning potential, they
both have one thing in common. When a man
displays the qualities you find more desirable,
you can’t help but feel an attraction to him.
There’s nothing wrong with this situation
because it’s mainly just an organic reaction
within your brain that likes what it sees. The
problem is when a woman assumes that this
initial chemistry is anything more than what
it is (simply, initial chemistry). As when a
man projects his desires onto a woman, it will
be just as easy for you to do the same onto
a guy that possesses those qualities you find
appealing. In fact, men that are really good at

dating understand this about women. If they
can make some type of verbal or emotional
connection with you, then there’s a good
chance you’ll overlook some of his dangerous
As a woman, during this initial phase,
remember how easily your emotions can
influence your perception. What separates you
from a man is how quickly you can progress
through these stages. While a man requires
multiple interactions where he is able to
think and feel, a woman doesn’t require such
a methodical approach to falling in love. A
woman’s bonding sequence is about enabling
her to feel an emotional connection. Once
this occurs, she begins bonding with the man,
regardless of which stage she is in.
To clarify, I’m not talking about simply
finding a man handsome or charming. I am
referring to experiencing an incident, or
several incidents, where she feels an emotional
closeness to him. After that experience(s),
her imagination begins to reinforce the
encounter(s) day after day. From daydreaming
about her future with him to remembering the
magical moments they have experienced, her
emotions are aroused. These are the primary
ingredients toward bonding.

Stage 2: She feels special

Once a man
is desirable, a
woman naturally
wonders if he will
find her appealing.
Her deepest desire is to know that the man
she values views her not simply as attractive,
but special.
During the second stage, she observes
how attentive he is when planning an evening
in advance. How frequently he calls (or texts)
reinforces his level of interest in her eyes.
She measures his depth of affection for her
through consistency.
During this stage, even though you
might feel you’re observing him rationally,
you’re really not. Every gesture he does will
seemingly reinforce your belief that he is a
perfect fit for you. It’s not that this stage is
wrong, but it is simply a transition from being
simply attracted to a man toward the ability
to share intimacy with him. If a woman feels
that he has “potential,” then she will naturally
ease into Stage 3.

Stage 3: Testing/Reassurance

During this stage, a woman begins to feel

comfortable enough in the relationship that
she doesn’t need to be as cautious regarding
her thoughts and emotions. Frequently,
this is where a woman begins sharing her
disappointments and joys with her man.

As a way of feeling closer to him, she
begins to let down her emotional guard. This
is also the phase where her expectations for
him begin to increase. No longer is she happy
simply to accept his gifts of time; now she
begins to count on him for support, and this
represents a test for their relationship.
Often, it’s common for a woman to want
reassurance regarding the relationship at this
stage due to previous relationships where she
has been mislead or injured. She may seem to
lack the carefree attitude that she displayed
previously, and a man may misinterpret this
as a sign of insecurity. For her, it is more about
wanting to confirm her initial interpretation
of his character and intentions.
As a woman, the length of this stage is
often dependent on your previous relationship
experiences. Some women’s parents taught
them to put their heart first ahead of any man.
For them, dating and courtship is simply an
opportunity for the men in her life to audition
for the chance to win her heart. These women
often don’t have many experiences of being
mistreated by a man and don’t need as much
reassurance of his intentions.
Yet, most women have experienced
disappointment and betrayal in one form or
another. Because no one has ever taught them
the need for caution in romantic endeavors,
they often allow a relationship to progress
too quickly. During this stage, they may seek
a high level of reassurance to offset the past
actions of previous men. Some women simply
skip this stage, unfortunately, because they get
caught up in the passion of the moment and
don’t want to deny themselves the pleasures
they have wanted forso long.
Those that skip this stage tend to have
this pattern. They become aware of warning
signs regarding a man’s character.Yet, they
choose to ignore those warnings. If this has
been you, then I need to point out this truth
that applies to woman. Ignoring or minimizing
parts of a man’s character won’t diminish their
importance in your relationship. If his lying
bothers you now, it will make you furious in
the future. If his making excuses makes you
think less of him now, in the future you’ll
most likely despise him.
The reason is that time will only magnify
his character weaknesses. This isn’t to be
judgmental, but to assure you that even if you
ignore those traits now, as time goes on, it will
require more and more effort to “pretend”
those traits don’t bother you. If this doesn’t
apply to you, then as this stage concludes, you
will transition into bonding with your man.

Stage 4: Bonding

The women I have spoken with describe

several interactions where they felt completely
understood for who they were. It was a level

of acceptance that made them feel a deep
bond with a man that includes attraction,
connection, safety and adoration. When all
of these pieces are in place, a woman feels
complete. While this connection is deep, it is
also fluid. The level of connection fluctuates
in her much more than that of a man.


John Gray (from Men Are from Mars)

describes women as possessing small
love tanks, which require more frequent
emotional deposits than a typical male
needs. Since her connection to him is more
emotionally-oriented, she is more dependent
on that emotional connection. To experience
this connection, a woman typically values
the frequency of interactions as well as the
quality, whether it be time spent together,
frequent conversation or romantic gestures.
It’s not that a woman doesn’t have an intellect;
it’s that for her, the emotions are so much
more critical. In fact, when you as a woman
bond with a man, your brain will naturally
use your intellect to justify your decision to
be with him. This is a great quality for a wife
to utilize, but it works terribly if you bond
with a man too quickly when you’re dating.
This leads us to a critical point.
The strongest way a woman bonds is
through her body. For when a woman gives
her body to a man, she also gives him access
to her heart and mind. Once she has sex with
a man, she’s at the mercy of the biology of
bonding. As oxytocin is released into her
blood stream during an intimate encounter,
a chemical bond ensues. No matter how
objective she convinces herself she is, physical
intimacy has the power to cause a woman to
go straight to level 4 bonding, even with just
one encounter.
I have met women that have prevented
this, but the cure was actually worse than
the problem. To avoid having an emotional
connection, they suppressed their emotions
by becoming emotionally detached. At that
stage, they were able to numb out the loneliness
of giving their body to a man they would
never see again. The problem is that this is a
short-term solution. Over time, the loneliness
that this produces begins to accumulate. The
chemicals that flooded throughout her body
during sex burned the encounter into her
mind. The only way for her to remedy this
is to either reunite with that man or practice
detaching herself from her emotions. Either
alternative is disastrous. So why would a
woman give herself to a man before she has
realized all the aspects of his character?
Just as a man will project wonderful
qualities on a woman in the beginning of a
relationship, a woman will do the same. As
a woman, the most common trap I want you
to avoid is this: regardless of how intelligent
or successful you are, you cannot fight
biology. Many of my professional clients
have learned how to contain their emotions
in their workplace. Based on their success,
they falsely assume that skill will also work
in combating the chemical bonding reaction
during an intimate encounter. For many, they
describe having sex as just one more avenue
in their evaluation of a man.
The truth is that when they sleep with
a man, they have lost their objectivity,
whether they want to admit it or not. If you
allow yourself to bond with a man early in
the relationship, before he has had time to
bond with you, it is almost guaranteed to
ruin any chance of success. As a woman, it
is critical that you pace the relationship in the
beginning, lest you fall into this trap. Don’t
make the mistake of assuming he bonds the
same way as you. Even if you’re rekindling a
relationship, remember that you need a series
of things, not a single euphoric evening, for a
man to think in terms of spending the rest of
his life with you.
While no amount of emotion alone will
speed up his bonding process, it can certainly
speed up yours. While emotions will certainly
be a large part of how a man bonds with you,
he possesses an ability to disengage from his
emotions that you simply do not have. I’m
not saying intimacy doesn’t have an effect on
him. But without the intellectual component,
he’s not on the same level of bonding as you
are when your emotions are surging.
Now I realize that it might sound like I’m
trying to take your fun away. Does it seem
unromantic that I’m suggesting that you not
simply give into whatever you feel like doing?
I offer this warning because of the clients that
have sat across from me, with tears in their
eyes, as they poured out their broken hearts.
I’ve heard over and over again how brutal it
can be to give your heart to a man only to then
have him leave for no apparent reason. The
only things remaining are the questions that
play over and over in your mind, wondering
what you did wrong.
I don’t want you to experience that again,
so I’m begging you, guard your heart early in
a relationship. Don’t let things progress too
quickly, in spite of how intense the connection
between you feels. If you’re already dating or
even married to the man you love, let’s not
try to rekindle this connection in one day.
Give yourself and your partner time to slowly
acclimate toward this. Next we’re going to
talk about how to use these sequences as the
ultimate weapon for you.

Practice Questions:

As you can see, men and women have

radically different bonding processes. What
can you do instead of focusing on his journey
and worrying about whether he’s bonding
with you or not? Choose activities that enrich
and enhance your own life. During the time
that he is going through his stages, you have
ample time to focus on YOU!
Below, come up with at least 10 healthy,
productive or just wonderful activities that
you can do to fulfill your own needs.

Will you receive some sort of fulfillment from
these activities?


Do you think this could help distract you from

bonding too quickly?


If your answer is no, it’s time for a little

introspection. For the next week, start setting
5 minutes aside to meditate every morning.
While you’re meditating (or after you finish),
gently ask yourself if there is anything you
can do that will assist you in your goals of
not giving away your heart too soon. You
just may find that you know the answer deep
within. Once you’ve come up with an idea,
write it below.


The Secret is The Sequence

Whenever I describe this concept to a

female client, the reaction is almost always the
same. They listen and acknowledge that they
understand what I’ve described. Yet, once
they are in a relationship, they often deviate
from the stages. During romantic encounters,
they hear sweet and tender words of devotion
from the man proclaiming his love. It’s not
that they don’t remember what I’ve taught
them, it’s that they like what they are feeling
and don’t want that euphoric feeling to stop.
Based on the intensity of their feelings,
they ignore their own better judgment by
giving themselves to a man too quickly.
The intensity of their feelings gives them

the feeling that their situation is somehow
different. They begin focusing on what he
wants instead of what he really needs. If you
are in that situation right now, you must give
up the idea that the intensity of your feelings
is the same as your intuition. They are not the


How intensely you feel is based on how

much you enjoy or fear a situation or thing.
The greater the risk of injury or potential
for a reward, the greater your emotions will
intensify. Imagine how intensely you’d feel
being thrown into a room filled with snakes
or being on an airplane that is about to crash.
Now suppose a man from your work
began pursuing you,and you’ve been
daydreaming about this occurring for months.

For weeks, you’ve just hoped that somehow
he’d notice you and say, “Hello.” Then one
day, he doesn’t just stop to say “Hi” but he
also invites you out for that Saturday evening.
You’d feel so excited because you’re going
to get a date with the one man you’ve been
dreaming about for so long.
There’s nothing wrong with those feelings
and they are sincere, but they are different than
intuition. Your intuition is not simply about
your feelings, but also about your knowledge
about a person, situation or organization. An
example would be Samantha, who works as
an interior designer. Every week, she listens
to clients tell her how they want their homes to
be redesigned. Based on her years of training,
she transforms their homes into exactly what
they want. At times, she has a feeling that
what her clients are telling her they want is
probably not exactly what they really want.
This intuitive feeling isn’t necessarily intense,
but it is based on her knowledge gained from
working with hundreds of clients. While
she may be “guessing” when she makes
suggestions, the homeowners, who feel
that she truly understands them, frequently
embrace her recommendations.
Notice how the designer didn’t simply
rely on what she felt, but focused more on
what she knows from past experience. Even
though she may have a feeling about a certain
design style, it is based on her expertise and
not the intensity of her feelings.
To truly utilize your intuition, one of the
key factors is understanding this principle.
The greater your emotions are involved, the
less capable you will be of being objective.
The reason is that emotions magnify whatever
you are focused on. If you are fearful a man is
about to breakup with you, those same fears
are more likely to interpret everything he
does as confirmation he’s about to end your
relationship. The same applies when you’re in
love and feel a man can do no wrong.
There is nothing wrong with those
feelings, but understand how feelings influence
your interpretation of your relationships.
This is why you’ve been given a process to
deepen your relationship. Instead of focusing
on what you feel, now you have the ability
to focus on what you know. Oftentimes in a
relationship what you feel and what you know
are in conflict. If you’re unsure which one to
trust, focus on what you know.
This won’t always explain a man’s moods
or actions, but it will prevent you from trying
to rush intimacy with a man.
While I realize it isn’t fair that you should
be in control of the pacing of the relationship,
the truth is you really don’t want to leave
this aspect of your relationship to chance.
Therefore, what is needed from you is the
conviction that you want the closeness in a
relationship that can only be cultivated over

As much as you’d like him to be in
agreement with you on this point, it doesn’t
matter whether he wants to take his time
in slowly getting closer to you. Even if he’s
annoyed, what he pays attention to more
than your words or persuasive powers is the
strength of your conviction. In his mind, what
you say doesn’t mean nearly as much as what
you do afterward. Therefore, you will have
the conviction that you know what he really
wants. What a man has to work for is the only
thing he really values.



While each stage is important, the most

critical part of this process isn’t any one
particular stage, but it is the sequence of the
stages. As a woman, you can skip certain
parts of the sequence and still bond, but he
cannot. By focusing on the sequence, you’ll
be able to look back at your past relationships
and realize why certain relationships never
worked out. As you analyze your past, ask
yourself the following questions:

At which stage have you struggled the most?

Which stage(s) have you gotten out of order?
What are some of the things a man has told
you that led you to allow him to skip certain

Each stage builds on top of the other,

allowing the relationship to deepen. For a man,
falling in love is wonderful and also scary.
Deep inside his heart is the desire for power
and to feel in control. When he gives his heart
to a woman, he begins to feel her desire to
influence his decisions. No longer can he do
whatever he pleases, but her happiness soon
becomes important to him. The deeper she
gets into his heart, the more his priority isn’t
about doing what he wants, but about making
sure she is happy.
While at times this is a romantic gesture,
for him it is also a matter of emotional
survival. When she occupies a place in his
heart, her emotions can both empower him or
make him miserable. His method of coping
with stress and disappointment is typically
to suppress those emotions until he can work
out a solution in his mind.
Yet, when she is upset, he cannot use
this method of problem solving. If he ignores
her, her unhappiness only increases, which, in
turn, only magnifies his unrest. Now he feels
out of control (his worse fear), and it becomes
paramount to do whatever it takes to relieve
her stress. This progression enables him to
justify falling in love with her.
The successful completion of each

stage in sequence makes a man emotionally
dependent upon you. What most women don’t
realize is that men actually welcome this
dependency. Nearly every man I have spoken
with speaks longingly about a past relationship
with a woman who seemed to know how to
hold his heart in some sort of mystical trance.
None of these men has ever stated that the
woman did this by being accommodating to
their requests.



In addition, when a man goes through

this sequence, it also enables you to predict
what kind of husband he’ll be to you. When a
man is smitten with you, acts of kindness and
romantic gestures are effortless, but surely
those feelings can’t last. Certainly you know

that he won’t always feel that rush of passion
for you as the years go by. Just because he’s
charming when he’s enthralled with you does
not mean that he’ll be kind or respectful when
he’s annoyed. Yet, if you ask him or have
several “talks” about how he’ll treat you in the
future, he’ll most likely pledge his devotion
to being attentive and protective - for better
or worse.
In my experience, it’s not that a man is
lying when he tells a woman that she can count
on him; it’s that he has a blind spot regarding
his own personality. Each of us has a view of
ourselves based on our own perceptions and
the feedback we’ve gotten from others. We
may view ourselves as kind or gracious and
perhaps even admit to a small bit of selfishness
or jealousy. Even though we think we’re being
honest with ourselves, we all have blind spots
regarding our character that we are not aware
of; and yet, those closest to us can see these
traits quite clearly.
It is in how we respond to our
circumstances that our entire personality is
on display. This knowledge about a man is
what you will need to determine how he will
treat you in the future.


When he must go through the sequence

rather than skipping steps, it will be irritating
at times and he might even feel frustrated.
It’s not that you
are trying to
upset him; it’s
that you’re not
preventing it
either. Even if
he doesn’t realize it, the worst thing that can
happen to you as a couple is that he takes
you for granted. If you make excuses for his
bad behavior, you will train him to continue
treating you this way.
By focusing more on the sequence rather
than his insistence that you accommodate
him, you’ll get to observe how he treats you
during those times when he feels upset or
annoyed with you. I’m not expecting him to
be romantic and send you flowers when he’s
upset, but I do expect him to try. What the
sequence also does is show you if he’s willing
to be kind, even when he doesn’t feel like it.

Even when he thinks you’re playing games.

Even when you won’t give in to him.

Even when he wonders if you really like him.

If he is unwilling to adhere to the

sequence, then he’ll grow tired of the
relationship and look for a woman that is more
convenient. In my experience, this man is the
type I mentioned earlier who treats a woman
as his mood dictates.
When he’s in a good mood, he’s charming
and attentive. When he’s in a bad mood, he
finds fault with the woman he supposedly
loves. Regardless of the depth of his emotions,
his willingness to allow a woman to influence
him is essential for him to bond with her.
The sequence isn’t simply about testing him.
Throughout the entire process, you’ll have a
mixture of both passion and tension together.
This mixture actually increases desire and
contributes to his investment in making you
his very own.
In order to successfully use the Bonding
Code, you’ll have to start figuring out how to
take actions that are not necessarily based on
what your emotions dictate. This means you

can’t always do what you feel you should do
with your man.

Practice Questions:

If you think back, you’ve probably had

several experiences when what you think and
what you really know were not the same. List
some of them below.

As we discussed in Chapter 5, you need to

be absolutely sure that your man goes through
all the stages properly. Only then, can you
expect to have a happy loving relationship. I
asked these questions earlier in the chapter,
but now is the time to really answer them.
At which stage have you struggled the most?

Which stage(s) have you gotten out of order?


What are some of the things a man has told

you that led you to allow him to skip certain

Think back to a previous relationship that
didn’t work out. Were there stages that were


If so, which ones did he miss?


How do you think this might have impacted

your relationship?


What Happens
When He Bonds?

So we’ve given you an overview of why

this is important for men to go through this
process. Now let’s go inside the heart of a
man. Beyond the emotional wall that every
man has is a core set of intense feelings. One
secret most women never realize is that once
a man feels, he actually experiences those
feelings more intensely than a woman. Even
if a man appears to be calm and disengaged
when he’s upset, on the inside, his heart is
likely racing.
In a man’s mind, once his feelings are
unleashed, he is at the mercy of those feelings.
His only method of coping with those same
feelings is to choke or suffocate them. This is
why when a woman suggests to her man that
he talk about his feelings, he gets a bewildered
look on his face. In his mind, why would he
want to unleash a torrent of emotions that
he can’t control, unless the emotions are
Due to his guarded nature regarding
feelings, it often takes several emotional
encounters for his feelings to permeate his
entire brain. His brain puts his emotions
into various compartments as opposed to a
woman who tends to experience emotions in
most activities of her life.
This enables him to keep his emotions at
a surface level. But to bond, his emotions must
permeate his entire brain. To get the guard
around his heart to come down, you must
trick his mind into doing the opposite of what
it naturally does. Rather than over relying on
passionate encounters or clever words to try
and bring his guard down quickly, he must
feel that he is choosing to let his guard down
A man’s guard comes down gradually.
His emotions may come up quickly in the right
circumstance; but his guard, his willingness
to be vulnerable, always comes down slowly.
Even if a man professes his love to you and
tells you how intense he is and swears his
allegiance to you, even if he promises you
marriage or he makes promises to the end of
the earth, do not trust these words – trust this
process. A man has to bond slowly. That is
the only way for him to let you in because if it
doesn’t happen slowly, if his guard goes down
quickly, it will shoot up just as quickly at the
first hint of threat or uncomfortable feelings.


Most men don’t understand that to

truly experience intimacy, there needs to be
a mixture of wonderful feelings, periods of
and shared
When those
ingredients are
present in your
relationship, it puts less pressure on the need
to feel good all the time. He may want or even
expect you to make him feel hypnotically in
love all the time, but that won’t create a deep
bond between the two of you. By allowing for
moments of feeling disconnected, you’ll find
that the passionate feelings often rekindle
between both of you rather quickly.
For him, there will be moments when he
feels close to you as well as times when he
feels the need to create some distance. Before
long, he’ll want to be close again; and then
for no apparent reason, he suddenly becomes
irritated or overly sensitive. He doesn’t quite
understand what’s going on. Even though he
doesn’t understand everything he is feeling,
because the relationship is progressing
through each stage, he is curious instead of
When he feels curious, it makes him
feel that it is his choice to pursue you, rather
than an obligation to spend time with you.
Even if he does have doubts and fears, his
curiosity overrides those concerns. In spite of
any aversion to letting a woman come close,
it feels as though he can’t help himself.
When he’s bonding with you, what is
freeing for him is not that all his doubts and
concerns have vanished. What makes him
think you are the only woman is even if he
does have concerns, he still finds himself
wanting to not just be physically close with
you, but emotionally as well.
This isn’t just my opinion. My male clients
have had similar experiences. Take Steve, for
example. Steve told me about a woman he was
dating that he found made him uncomfortable.
She wasn’t disturbing or irritating, but Steve
simply couldn’t determine whether she liked
him or not. With his charming personality and
handsome features, Steve was accustomed
to having women fawn over him. Even with
so many women to choose from, he always
found something lacking in each woman.
During one particular visit, he told
me about his most recent date the previous
Saturday evening. He thought she was pretty,
like all the rest, and admitted he had enjoyed
her company and had a good time. But, after
the third or fourth date, all of a sudden he
realized that she wasn’t as accessible as he
was used to. Whenever he dated a woman,
it was always the girl who wanted to spend

more time together. Slowly he would feel the
pressure building inside his chest, and it felt
like he was being smothered.
But with this woman, Kari, she even
declined his invitation one weekend because
she wanted to spend time with her family. To
say he was miffed would be an understatement.
After this setback, he came back in to see me
and asked with a sly smile, “She’s not one of
your clients, is she?” I paused for a moment
before I replied, “Well, if she was one of my
clients, I’d suggest she handle you just the
way she’s doing.”
Then I paused for a moment to let those
words sink in for him. I didn’t have to wait
long because he understood that Kari seemed
to understand what he needed, even if it wasn’t
what he wanted. She paced him by controlling
the amount of time he could spend with her in
the beginning of their relationship.
Even if she wanted to spend more time
with him, she almost always left him wanting
more, which, of course, would frustrate Steve.
But it did more than that. It also made him
curious and reflective. What was it about her
that he couldn’t get her out of his mind? Over
the next several weeks, their relationship
would be a series of romantic encounters that
would be followed by periods of distance
from her.
Three months into their relationship,
Steve finally became frustrated enough that he
asked her specifically, “Why are you playing
hard to get with me?” Almost on cue, she
tilted her head and smiled and replied, “My
friend told me that you dated a lot and always
found something wrong with every woman.”
And that was all she said.
For a tense moment, Steve just sat there
waiting for her to expound on that single
sentence. She just sat there and waited for
him to realize that he was no match for her.

She understood his tendency to run whenever
he let a woman get close. She knew that he
needed her to keep the relationship slow, even
though that’s not what Steve said he wanted.
For years, he believed that if only he
could find the one woman that was so beautiful
and enchanting, then all his relationship fears
would simply disappear. Yet here was Kari,
who didn’t seem to care one bit about trying
to appease his fears. In fact, she actually
seemed more concerned about what was best
for her instead of doing whatever it took to
capture his heart.
Now in that moment, Steve was flooded
with emotions. For the first time, he didn’t
want to run; he wanted to stay. It was a strange
sensation for him. He told me one day how
grateful he was they were in public on their
last date or else he would have grabbed her
right there and begun kissing her passionately.
All the weeks of training him had led to this

moment where she triggered in him a desire
to chase her.
Steve didn’t bond with her that evening,
but the process had begun. For the first time
ever, he finally felt what it was like to have
a woman disarm him, to actually experience
the wall around his heart come down, even if
it was just for a few minutes.
In the coming days and weeks, Steve
kept thinking about that evening. He wanted
to understand it and her. He liked that feeling
and wanted to experience it again and again.
This is the part of bonding where his emotions
and thinking began to come to an agreement.
Kari was someone who was both attractive
and who would give him what he needed,
even if he didn’t agree with her. It wasn’t that
encounter that convinced him to marry her,
but it was several small encounters repeated
over and over again that melted his heart.
In his mind, he had to justify his choice
to allow a woman access to his heart. What
he and every man understands is this: once a
woman is inside your heart, she can hurt you
like no one else. This doesn’t mean that she
will, but that she could; and that is a sobering
choice for a man. The multiple experiences
enable him to choose her over and over again
and thus reinforce his belief that she is both
desirable and safe.
As much as you’d like him to display
a steady stream of passion and affection
for you indefinitely, now you realize why it
can’t be this way. He must go through this
emotional process several times. His intellect
and emotions must come together to reach the
conclusion that you are, and will always be,
the only woman for him.

Practice Questions:

Can you think of a past relationship experience

where you didn’t let a man get too close to
you in the early stages?


If your answer is yes, describe what you did

successfully on the line below.

Did your actions have an impact in making

the man desire you more?

If your answer is no, take the space below and
write down at least 5 specific things you could
have done in a past relationship to make the
man feel that you were keeping your distance.


Do you think you could apply those actions to

a future scenario?

Yes / No


What Happens Inside a

Woman’s Mind and Heart as
She Goes Through the Process?

I understand that as a woman, you desire

the romance of a man pursuing you. It’s easy to
want to gorge yourself on the experience. The
loving words he expresses and kind gestures
can make you feel an almost hypnotic state
of bliss. What makes it even more difficult
is that you actually are bonding through all
of those emotions, and it’s easy to assume he
is also. Yet because you’ve gone without the
romance you crave, there is a hidden danger
which most women never realize until it’s too
Whenever your emotions are awakened,
it opens the door to your heart. This doesn’t
just awaken the feelings of love and affection,
but it also unleashes all of your emotions.
The feelings of being special and adored are
accompanied by whatever insecurities and
fears you keep hidden deep in your heart.
Those feelings don’t necessarily occur at
the same time; but the more connected you
feel with a man, the safer you will feel to be
sincere with him.
With that sincerity comes a feeling of
vulnerability when you share a fear or concern.
Regardless of the incident, this closeness will
always lead to the moment when he doesn’t
respond in the same patient and loving manner
that he has previously expressed. Even
though you knew it couldn’t last, whatever
insecurities you hold are now exposed like a
raw nerve in your tooth. Suddenly your fears
of abandonment (or whatever) flairs up just as
intensely as your previous feelings of being
loved. As a woman, when you experience
those fears, you’re likely to want to talk about
what you’re feeling. For you, it feels intense
and creates a sense of urgency, making you
believe that what you’re experiencing is a sign
that the relationship is in trouble.
He’s likely not feeling the same intensity
as you. In his mind he doesn’t understand why
you’re so upset simply because he’s gotten
“quiet.” Since his way of coping with stress
is often to let his emotions calm down on
their own, it seems he is indifferent to your
concerns. His approach is foreign to you. It’s
not that you don’t want to give him his space,
but it feels like you’ve got to do “something”
with all of those thoughts and feelings racing
around in your head.
Because you’re upset, you just assume
that the same man that has been attentive and
loving will want to talk about what concerns
you. After all, when he was so positive about
his feelings, he seemed to hang on your every
word. Yet what you call talking isn’t merely
having a conversation; it’s full of emotional
energy. It can even be intense because that’s
how you feel; but to him, it’s nothing but
While he enjoys the intensity of
the wonderful and loving feelings, he is
overwhelmed with the intensity of your
negative or fearful thoughts. Yet as a woman,
sharing your feelings is both calming and
stimulating. All feelings are simply different
flavors to be savored and are a means to
become closer to the man you love.
Your man, however, doesn’t want to
experience intense feelings unless they are
pleasurable. This process of sharing feelings,
processing emotions, and opening your heart
is what men call drama. While women love
drama, men can’t stand it unless it’s pleasant.
Often, women assume that showing any
weakness is what drives a man away. You
know differently. Pacing the relationship
enables your man to get to know you before
he experiences too many of your emotions.


The truth is that what makes a bad

impression is when you open your heart too
quickly. Think of one of your closest friends.
You’ve spent years getting to know her and
have seen her on good and bad days. All of
these interactions have enabled you to create
a template in your mind about her. The
impression you have isn’t based on a single
incident, but the combination of dozens of
encounters, which enable you to see her as a
complete person.
After all the time you’ve spent with her,
every interaction you have is seen through the
template you have of her. Just because she’s
having a bad day and is unusually angry, you
don’t consider her an angry person based on
this single experience. She’s simply angry that
day. When she’s sad, that doesn’t change your
view of her. Instead, you ascribe her emotions
as the reaction to her circumstances.
This is the same dynamic you want to
create for a man. As he gets to know you,
slowly he’s building a template in his mind
about you. No matter how much you “tell
him” about yourself, you can’t create the
template about yourself for him in his mind.
When you share your fears and insecurities,
you want him to know you well enough and
long enough so that his perception of you
won’t change. The more interactions you
have with him, the more he feels he knows
and understands you.
Your goal is for him to see you as a
person who feels scared, upset, etc., at times
instead of you as a person who is always scared
and upset. The less he knows about you, the
more he’ll assume whatever you share with
him is an indication of who you really are.
I want him to get to know you for who you
are and not misinterpret your fears as a sign
that you’re not a good fit for him. Rather than
trying to fool yourself into believing that
you can feel intense passion and control your
other feelings, it would be wiser to admit the
power your feelings have. This doesn’t mean
you must suppress all your feelings. But you
should realize that once your emotions become
intense, almost ALL of your emotions will


By denying yourself the intense

interactions you desire, plan on feeling a bit
disappointed. In fact, the relationship might
even feel less exciting than you’d hoped. But
this disillusionment has a great benefit for you.
One of the best ways to create a passionate
relationship is a bit of a paradox. The real
secret is found in a ratio that most men and

women have never been told. Here’s what this
formula looks like:

When your experience exceeds your

expectation, then you will feel excitement and
passion. Conversely, if your experience is less
than what you were expecting, then you will
experience a lack of passion and, if the gap is
large enough, even depression.

Everything is the same except for the
fact that the experience is less than what
you expected. While it will feel like you are
depriving yourself (and him), the bonding
code will initially lower your expectations
(and his). Here are some practical examples...

He doesn’t get to spend as much time on

the phone with you as he’d like.
He only gets to see you once a week
instead of every night.
He has to schedule time with you. No
same-day invitations.

Notice how all of these things make him

(and you) wait? Clients respond to this delayed
gratification typically by saying, “But I’ve
been waiting for this for years. I don’t want
to wait anymore.” I understand the feeling
that everything in you just wants to enjoy the
relationship, but that’s the trap.
As your expectations begin to rise and
you expect it to feel wonderful most or all of
the time, it is only a matter of time before you
are disappointed. The longer you can delay this
disappointment, the less intense it will feel.
The depression gap won’t be as large because
you haven’t allowed your expectations to
grow to such lengths that no man could meet
So if I tell you that I want you to lower
your expectations, it’s not that I want you
to plan on having a miserable relationship.
The joke I tell my clients is this, “I’m sure
what I’m suggesting sounds like I want you
to settle for a boring man or that you should
just accept your relationship the way it is. The
truth is creating a passion gap will intensify
your feelings (and his) more than you can
There is also an element of protection
that occurs as you keep your expectations
from rising too high. The man you love will
want to know that he can make you happy.
He’ll feel more masculine and powerful
whenever he feels he can please you. If he
doesn’t think he can please you, then he’ll
start to feel inadequate. Pacing him will
also serve to pace your expectations as well.
When you can’t have as much closeness as
you’d like, besides feeling frustrated, you’ll
be much more grateful for the time you do
spend together. When he sees (and feels) your
happiness, he’ll feel even closer to you.
Unlike a father, who is giving to his
daughter even though he gives more to her
than she does to him, the man you love
will expect something from you. He cannot
selflessly focus on you without feeling that
he’s actually pleasing you.


For him to truly please you, he must meet

your most basic emotional need: SECURITY.
Now, that need for security is going to
be different for each woman. For you, it might
be emotional security; for others, it might
be physical security, financial security, or
the combination of all of these. For a man to
make you feel secure, it will take him time to
learn how to provide that for you. It won’t be
something that he intuitively knows, but it’s
a preference he will learn as he watches and
gets to know you. The more you experience
that feeling of security with him, your guard
will naturally go down.
If you allow the process to accelerate,
then you’ll put pressure on him to keep up with
your level of intensity. This factor applies both
to a new relationship or even if you’ve been
married for several years. Men always take
longer to engage emotionally than women.
It enables you to get what you want without
sabotaging the relationship in the process.

Practice Questions:

Have you ever opened your heart too quickly?


What type of feelings might you typically be
tempted to share with a man whom you are
bonding with?

Do any of those feelings have negative


Can you list below at least 5 thoughts or

feelings that you could share with a man
instead that are 100% pleasant?


List a few ways below that you could use to

hold a man off and make him wait. These will
reduce expectations.


You Enhance Him,

Not Change Him

Up until now, we’ve discussed that the

reason for implementing the bonding code is
to have that amazing bond, that connection
with a man that happens maybe once or
twice in a lifetime. Now I want to cover what
is a cornerstone regarding your ability to
mesmerize a man. The ability you naturally
possess enables you to magnify every aspect
of a man. What is this ability? It’s simpler
than you think.
Your feelings and femininity were
designed to be a complement to his
tough, masculine ego. It’s powerful stuff!
Unfortunately, this kind of power often gives
women the impression that if they were
______________ (pretty, thin, sexy, etc.),
then their man would want to change his bad
characteristics for them. The truth is that as
a woman, you can’t change a man, but you
can enhance him. You magnify whatever is
already inside of him like gasoline intensifies
a fire. In technical terms, you are an accelerant,
which makes his fire hotter.
He’ll tolerate you wanting to influence him
to make small changes and suggestions, with
the exception of two areas.


The two aspects that no woman can change are:

1) His character
2) His personality
Both of these qualities make up the core
essence of a man, and to change these means
literally to change who he has been as a person
for his entire life.
“But Bob, what if he actually needs to
make changes? What if he has bad traits and
habits that aren’t good for him? Shouldn’t I
try and help him?”
I get that question often, and it’s a very
clever question for this reason. When a woman
asks me this, she’s implying that to NOT try
and help him would be unloving. For her to sit
back and watch him continue acting in ways
that are making him unhappy would mean
she doesn’t love him at all. In her mind, all
she wants to do is help him.
It sounds so caring and sincere, doesn’t
it? The problem is that kind of logic would
apply to a mother in relation to her child, but
not to a grown man. As a woman, you may
very well see things that need improving, but

that doesn’t mean that you have the ability
to inspire him to change. The truth is, no
woman has that kind of influence over a man
in these two areas. If he is already working to
improve some aspect of his personality and/
or character, then you can help. But without
him being motivated first, it’s not possible to
I want to make a distinction between
these two words, help vs. enhance, because
they imply something very different. To do
this, let’s first stop using the word “help.” If
you want to help a man, you can justify all
kinds of behavior simply by believing you’re
simply “helping” him. We need to separate
your motivation as follows:

• You can ENHANCE a man to go faster

down the path his life is currently headed.
• A selfish man will become more selfish.

• A kind man will become kinder.
• Simply having you in his life will
magnify whatever is inside of a man.
• If he’s working on self-improvement,
you can help him improve faster, as long as
he has begun the process.
• You cannot CHANGE a man who doesn’t
want to change. Even if he should change, no
woman has that kind of power over her lover.

The ability to enhance a man doesn’t

happen immediately. It takes time to learn his
personality, attributes and insecurities. If you
simply ask him about his qualities, which is
what a lot of women do, he’ll simply tell you
how he sees himself. He’ll also be inclined
to describe himself in a way that he thinks
you’ll want to hear. If he knows how important
being kind is to you, then he’ll talk about how
kind he is. If you mention how vital loyalty is

to you, well, he’s going to just so happen to
mention that he’s very loyal. In fact, he’ll even
provide some reasons to justify that or some
experience he’s had where he demonstrated
this loyalty. Now, it’s not that men are lying
when they do that. They’re being sincere. The
problem is that what he tells you is what he
thinks you want to hear and the way he sees
himself. It’s not necessarily the truth.



The surest way to determine what’s in

a man’s heart is through T I M E. No matter
who a man thinks he is, or how hard he tries
to pretend to be someone different, time will
always show you his true nature. As powerful
an indicator as time is, there is no way to rush
the process. Excessive talking, gazing into
his eyes, and having him share his feelings
are wonderful experiences. None of those
will give you an accurate indication of his
character compared to observing him over
several months’ time.
Just the very nature of a relationship
means there will be times of closeness and
frustration. As a couple, you’ll experience
some conflict where you will be able to
experience how he treats you when he doesn’t
feel that connection.
It’s not that I expect him to be romantic
and doting when he’s upset with you, but it’s
critical that he “tries.” When he’s upset with

Does he try and listen?

Does he try to be patient even though he’s
Does he sit and listen even though he’s a bit
I want you to see how he responds to you
when he doesn’t feel like trying. If you’re
married, then
you understand
why this is so
important. When
it’s 2am and the
baby is crying
and you’re sick,
you aren’t going to romance him into getting
up with your child. He’ll help that night
because he chooses to, not because he feels
like it. On that particular night, you won’t
have the energy or desire to try and motivate
him with your romantic charms. Instead,
you’ll be at the mercy of his character. If
you’ve ignored the fact that he’s often selfish
and demanding, then on that night, YOU will
be the one getting up with the baby. Please
memorize this phrase about when a man is
going through difficult circumstances:

“Circumstances don’t make a man - they
reveal him.”

I’m not asking you to create a crisis, but

I am asking that you don’t do everything in
your power to keep the peace. When you begin
following the bonding code, it will most likely
increase the tension in your relationship. That
tension will make him feel upset, bored and
maybe even angry, depending on the guy. At
that point, you will have remarkable insight
into his character.
When you see issues come up in
your relationship, it’s important to not just
immediately try to smooth them over. Instead
take the time to carefully evaluate them. To
have a man bond with you means that he’ll
feel a sense of your well-being, on both his
good and bad days. This isn’t something
you can ignore or simply assume he’ll act
differently in the future. Giving yourself time

to determine what’s actually in his heart takes
courage at times.
One client who started using the Bonding
Code found it difficult to slow the relationship
down at the beginning. She said to me, “This
is hard.” I replied to her, “No, it’s powerful.”
I admit it can be hard at times, but this is
one of the hidden benefits of using the bonding
code. It not only helps to awaken arousal and
passion; it also indicates a man’s personalities
and those deficits that you want to see now
before you’ve given him your heart.

Practice Questions:

Can you think of a past occasion where

seeing a man’s reaction to a situation gave you
insight into his true nature? If so, describe
that situation below.


If that insight was negative, did it cause you

to end the relationship?


If your answer was no, why not?


When you see problems coming up in a

relationship, is your automatic reaction to try
to quickly smooth over those issues?

Do you think that you will be able to resist the

temptation to resolve tension that is caused by
using the Bonding Code?


If your answer to the question above was NO,

what hurdles do you think will stand in your

If your answer was NO, try this additional

exercise. When you do encounter issues using
the Bonding Code, instead of immediately
trying to smooth things over, give yourself a
time out to do something you enjoy. Go to
a yoga class, get a massage, go to the beach
or do something else alone that allows you
to reflect on his behavior. See if you feel any
differently afterward.


Once He’s Bonded

Up until now, our big focus has been to

actually get him to bond with you and for you
to be able to bond with him. We’ve gone over
why this process is critical and the fact that
once it is in place, it will give your relationship
a rock solid foundation.
But to retain that bond, it will be
paramount to understand that the emotional
bond between a man and a woman isn’t a
one-time event. Like a prized investment or
cherished antique, it requires attention and
Since women bond through their
emotions more than men do, the emotional
connection you feel with your man is how
you measure the value of the relationship.
Men don’t put as much importance on the
emotional connection because of the assurance
they have in their decision. When he gives his
heart to a woman, it’s a pledge as much as it
is a decision. In his mind, that decision wasn’t
something he ever planned to question. This
is why I’ve told women for years that when a
man decides to marry a woman, it’s not simply
a piece of paper. It is not only an emotional
decision, but a calculated one as well. In his
mind, he doesn’t make such a commitment
without thinking through his decision.
Because of this, those periods of
emotional disconnect won’t produce the same
level anxiety within him as it does to you. He
doesn’t have emotions swirling around in his
mind nearly as often as you do. The absence
of the emotional connection doesn’t scare
him because his decision wasn’t simply a
choice he made, but a surrender. For a man to
give himself to a woman, it is to give up what
he believes is his birthright: his cherished
As a woman, this lack of emotional
intensity may seem like his desire for you
has diminished. Even if you don’t believe
something is wrong, you long for the days
when all he wanted was to spend time with
you, listen to you, and do everything with you.
In a man’s mind, he has come to depend on
his lady because with her, he feels complete.
Inside his heart lies a smoldering desire for
her that is easily aroused, but most often he
enjoys the comfort of her love. His lack of
intensity is really the feeling of contentment
and peace, which he rarely felt before he met
her and surrendered his absolute “freedom”
to her.
When a man has given you his heart, he
has become emotionally dependent upon you
for his happiness. When you are pleased with
him, his world is a wonderful place. When you
are unhappy, then he cannot relax until you
are content. His heart isn’t capable of bonding
frequently, nor does he it want to. His greatest
joy isn’t passion, but contentment, which often
is viewed as indifference. If, as a woman, your
desire is to have a man that is frequently full
of passion, then I must warn you - you don’t
know what you’re asking for. There are men
like this, yet that same passion spills over in
other aspects of their life as well. When they
are upset, they are very passionate. When
they are annoyed, they are very sensitive and
often get their feelings hurt easily.
A man’s passion isn’t something that
you can experience in only a few areas. Such
men are often described as “exhausting.” If
the choice is between a passionate man who
is up and down, versus a content one who is
fairly stable, then I’m guessing that neither is
your ideal. The good news is that either type
will modify themselves once they are bonded
to you.
What makes a passion-filled man bond
with you is the experience of you maintaining
some emotional distance. It will demonstrate
to him your ability to be a calming influence
by showing him you are not at the mercy of
his passions/emotions.
A man who is more cautious by nature
will find his emotions aroused in a way he’s
rarely, if ever, experienced. Even though he
craves contentment, he cannot help himself
in desiring your happiness. These examples
illustrate the power of a woman over a man
who has pledged his heart to hers.
This power is so great that it even carries
over if the relationship is injured and an affair
occurs. I’ve spoken to countless women who
were the mistress of married men. Each has
attested to the power and influence of their
lover’s wife. Even in those circumstances
where the man is cheating, the bond that was
created continues to haunt him.
“Well, if the bond was that strong, then why

would a man cheat on the woman who once
held his heart?” you may ask. From my work
with hundreds of singles and couples, it
isn’t because the bond wasn’t strong enough
that caused him to stray. Most often it is
because one or both of the partners took the
connection for granted. While a man doesn’t
need as much reassurance as women do, what
men do need are the characteristics that you
displayed early on in the relationship. Even if
you’ve been married a few years, he still has
this need.
At the beginning of your relationship,
you attracted him by Demonstrating Value.
Perhaps it was the way you dressed or looked
at him when he talked that made him feel
you were special? Maybe you laughed at his
jokes or seemed to be the only woman that
really “got him” when he shared something
Whatever qualities you demonstrated
early in the relationship, those were so
powerful that he felt he wanted you and only
you. Don’t neglect to keep showing him those
same qualities as your relationship progresses.
It won’t be as easy to do like it was in the
beginning when everything was “new,” but
it will reinforce the bond between you every
time you repeat them.
Since you are the heart of the relationship
as the woman, I need for you to understand
this process better than he does. Because of
this, you are the initiator. You are the spark
that ignites the flames of passion that smolder
deep within his heart. The myth is that men
are the pursuers. In reality, it is a woman that
sends the first signal that begins a relationship.

A) Beautiful woman (you) sends signal:

Wink, smile, or some gesture that he sees/
feels that lets him know you are receptive to
him coming closer to you.


B) He sees/feels that signal and approaches

beautiful woman (YOU), and the first stage
of a relationship has begun.

You send the first signals, and he

responds to your flirtatious signals. This
doesn’t make you masculine, but it is actually
surprisingly feminine to send the first signals
to get a reaction from a man. To maintain this
connection, I will give you four points that
will not only keep your conviction alive, but
also will make the emotional bond between
you grow deeper.

Rule #1) Never compromise on your


When you have a conviction, something
that means a lot to you, it’s going to be critical
that you maintain your conviction and not
give in just to please someone. Now how do
you know what a conviction is? A conviction
is something that you’re willing to enforce all
the way, even if that means the relationship
It’s not that you necessarily know exactly
how you’ll enforce it, but that you won’t
compromise on your belief. As you can tell
from my definition, there’s not going to be
many things that you feel that strongly about.
So when a woman says to me, “What should
my convictions be?” My response is, “Tell
me which things you’re willing to enforce.”
If you’re not willing to do whatever it takes
to enforce the boundary, then perhaps the
particular issue really isn’t a conviction? If
it’s not, then the issue is negotiable.
One client said, “I hate it when my
boyfriend’s five minutes late.” My response
was, “Are you willing to give him a
consequence? Are you willing to increase the
consequences until he’s on time? What would
you be willing to do the next time he’s five
minutes late, besides simply complaining?”
Her response was typical when she replied,
“I don’t know what you mean.”
In reality, she did know what I meant,
but now she realized I was suggesting a series
of actions on her part that would increase the
conflict. What she believed (and hoped) was
that her boyfriend would simply show up on
time because he loved her. This is unlikely.
Instead of expecting this, I offered an
alternative suggestion, “If he’s five minutes
late, then don’t go out with him.”
For a moment, she just sat there and
with a look of puzzlement said, “But isn’t that
“It might be,” I replied, “but how important is
it for you that he shows up on time?”

If her boyfriend was beating her, I have
no doubt she’d do whatever it took to make
him stop. She might call the police, breakup
with him or both, but she certainly wouldn’t
simply complain to him. At least I hope she
wouldn’t. She had to decide just how important
it was for him to be on time. I wanted her to
quit focusing on HE SHOULD and instead
take responsibility for what was important to
her. I agree that he should be on time, but just
because he should doesn’t mean he will.

A man won’t modify his behavior

simply because he should; but in some cases,
the consequences of continuing that behavior
simply aren’t worth continuing it. In your life
and relationship, what things are important
enough for you to enforce?

Men Don’t Listen - They Watch

No matter what you say to a man, he won’t
take your words seriously until he knows
you’ll actually enforce them. Some men
don’t need to see as much enforcement of
a consequence as do others, but every man
needs to see you follow through on what you
say. I have listened to countless men tell me
how they “handle” the woman in their life
and the pattern is strikingly similar.

Phase 1: The woman gets upset. Often it starts

with her getting quiet, or perhaps she drops
some “hints” about something he should have
done differently.

Phase 2: He ignores those hints and the tension

begins to build. He’s trying to minimize
the problem, and this simply makes her feel
neglected. In her mind, she’s trying not to be
mean. Her “hinting” was her way of trying to
be gentle. Now she is beginning to feel taken
for granted and her anger begins to grow.

Phase 3: After a few hours, or even days, an

event happens that might be mild in nature,
but it ignites her anger. The disrespect she’s
been feeling now comes out in an angry
outburst as she pours out her reasons for
being upset. Like a prosecuting attorney, she
attempts to prove her point to make him feel
her pain. In her mind, this outburst is the
consequence that he’ll want to avoid in the
future. It’s uncomfortable and intense, but
it’s also ineffective. Why? While she believes
this approach will have a lasting impact on
her man, it will not.

Phase 4: After the outburst, the man hears

her concern.But if he doesn’t believe what
he’s done warrants change, he won’t change.
As unpleasant as the argument was, it was
momentary. For him, all he had to do was
put up his protective emotional shell and wait
until the onslaught of emotions passed. Even
if he did feel some remorse in the moment,
over time that feeling will begin to fade.
I spoke with a young mother who wanted
her husband to stop grabbing her in public.
She told me it was playful at first, but over
time it became embarrassing when he put
his hands on her “private parts” in front of
everyone. Even though he knew it bothered
her, he didn’t realize just how much.

Even though she had told him,

Even though she had raised her voice,
Even though she had repeated those two

It wasn’t that he didn’t understand; it was

that all he saw her do was simply complain.
I’m not defending him. He should have known
better and should have listened to her.
Finally, she decided that if he did it again,
she would leave wherever they were, call a
cab home and leave him by himself.
She didn’t announce it; but when she
got in the cab, in front of all of their friends,
it was a day he never forgot. Suddenly, he
FELT the consequence of his actions. Instead
of simply hoping he’d honor her convictions,
she defended them. In the process, he decided
that grabbing her wherever and whenever he
liked simply wasn’t worth it. Her conviction
had won out over his desire to grope his wife
in public.

If you have to enforce your convictions
often, then perhaps you’re not with the right
man? You must teach him to respect your
convictions. The man that’s bonded with you
may be upset in the short term, but it will
reinforce the belief that you are expensive and
that he is never to take you for granted.
In his mind, when you set limits with him, he
will begin to feel a calm sense of security in
knowing that you aren’t fragile, like a little
girl. It’s not that you want to set boundaries
regarding everything, but he’ll know that you
won’t allow resentment to build toward him.
In his mind, he won’t fear that you’ll lash out
at him for something he did weeks earlier.
He’ll trust you even deeper knowing
that if something is wrong, you’ll decide on
your own whether it’s worth “training him.”
Your conviction of your value reinforces to
him that he is very lucky to have you in his

Rule #2) You must never forget to flirt with

When you maintain your convictions,

this gives you a sense of power (which is a good
thing). The balance to this is your willingness
to be flirtatious. These two variables are not
in competition with one another, but actually
belong together.
For years I’ve heard women say, “I’d
like a man to be sensitive.” The truth is they
are lying, perhaps even to themselves. That’s
not what they really want. What they want
is a STRONG man, a CONFIDENT man,
who can be SENSITIVE. This expectation
applies to men as well. When a man tells me
(and so many will say this), “I want someone
who is cool and easy going,” most often
what they are referring to is a woman that is
accommodating to their wishes. They don’t
know what they’re asking for. What they
really want is an EXPENSIVE woman who
can be accommodating at times.
The demonstration of value through
enforcing your convictions maintains the
foundation of the emotional bond between
you as a couple. When you remember that you
are the girl, the initiator, and flirt with your
man to spark his heart, then you will create a
loop for constantly reinforcing the bond.
Nearly every woman remembers how she
smiled and looked at her man when he spoke
early in the relationship. She was extremely
attentive when he spoke, until she became
comfortable in the relationship. It’s not that
she cared any less; it’s that being flirtatious
and attentive requires effort. The problem
becomes making the assumption that the
reason for his attentiveness and fascination
with her was simply because she’s pretty
or special. The reality is that her flirtatious
gestures are what enhanced her attributes,
and this was why the man responded the way
he did.
Take this as a warning. Once he’s
bonded with you, don’t fall into the trap of
believing that it’s simply a quality you have
that made him fall in love with you. The
unique qualities you have won’t be enough if
you neglect this second rule: always flirt with
the man you love. I have yet to see a marriage
or a relationship that was in trouble where the
woman was flirting with her man.

Rule #3) Understanding bad tension

As much as we’ve been talking about

tension being good, obviously there’s going
to be instances where it’s not a good thing. I
want to give you a rule of thumb to know when
to be concerned. If you’re feeling threatened
or scared, that is not the type of tension that
you want. In those instances, I’m telling you
to find a way to detach. You can set a limit,
but what gets men’s attention more than
anything else is this: when a man is rude or
disrespectful to you, I need you to pull away,
not argue with him.
This is similar to the rule about
maintaining a conviction, but it is more
focused on the particular moment when a
disagreement becomes competitive. What
you don’t want to do with a man is argue. I’m
not telling you not to get angry. I’m telling
you not to debate him. I’m telling you not
to try to prove your case with him. Once it
feels competitive, once you have that scared
feeling, whether his intentions are bad or not,
that is your internal signal to remove yourself
from that conversation. Regardless of what
makes you feel nervous, you say to him, “This
doesn’t feel good.” Then wait a second to see
how he responds.
Most of the time, that statement will
puzzle a man. If he escalates and becomes
more aggressive, then it is imperative that
you walk away. What this will teach him,
eventually, is this:
If I am condescending or ugly, she will
leave. With enough reinforcement, he’ll make
that connection that being aggressive with
you simply isn’t worth it.
But what happens after you leave? This
is a bit delicate, so please bear with me. I
want you to treat his aggression as though he
slapped you in the face. Now it’s not the same
thing, I realize, but please follow my logic. If
he had slapped you, I don’t think you’d simply
ignore him and then act like everything was
all right a few hours later. If you didn’t call

the police (which he would deserve), you’d
expect that him saying he was sorry wasn’t
nearly enough. You’d want to know that he
understands how unacceptable his actions
were. Your conviction would take over, and
you’d outlast him for as long as it took. This
might mean you’d stop taking his phone calls
if he was your boyfriend; or if he were your
husband, you’d remain silent until….

Until he humbled himself and told you he was

wrong for being aggressive.

Until he said he was sorry he raised his voice.

Until he reassured you that even if he’s angry,

he won’t use the Testosterone Card. This is
what men do in combat. They get loud and they
intimidate. In theory, the reason is actually
to avoid a fight. It’s to send a signal to your
opponent that getting into a fight really isn’t
worth it. That approach doesn’t work with
you as a woman.
When he has reassured you to your
satisfaction, then he is forgiven. What you are
teaching him is that you can disagree and be
safe. You can argue and be safe. You can be
angry with each other and be safe. You’re not
just doing this for your benefit; you’re doing
it for his as well. Because he’s bonded with
you, you are an extension of him. When he’s
aggressive, he’s harming a part of himself as
if he were doing something harmful to his
arm or to his heart. He may not even realize
this is how he’s coming across.
Your part in this is that you cannot
attack him either. Don’t assume that he’s not
sensitive to you being harsh or cutting or
condescending. Now that he’s bonded with
you, he’s much more susceptible to your
emotions and feelings than he is to anyone
else; and you cannot take that for granted.
4) Listen to each other

After you’ve gotten to know someone

over time, it’s easy to assume that you know
everything about him. One of the most
powerful intimacy triggers is the act of
being listened to. Once your relationship is
established, you’re not going to be able to give
him your undivided attention all the time.
However, there needs to be moments where
you focus on what he’s saying. The secret
most men will never tell you is this...


In a business situation or something that

is task-oriented, men have others’ undivided
attention. When it comes to matters of the
heart or feelings of vulnerability, the man
you love has no one that listens to him. In
fairness to you, the main reason for this is that
he doesn’t share those feelings with anyone.
He acts as though they aren’t important, but
it leaves him feeling disconnected. The man
you love doesn’t need to open up to everyone;
he just needs one person that he knows will
listen to him when he needs it.
Now does this mean that you’re going to
have to listen to some things that might seem
boring to you? Yes. You are asking the same
thing of him as well. Being listened to is a
form of validation. When you listen to him
and he listens to you, it validates that you’re
not alone with your problems. It validates
to you that you and what you’re saying are
In addition, when you listen to your
man, it also gives you leverage. If you find
that he is not listening to you but you’ve
been listening to him, it enables you to say,
“You know, I listened to you this week talk
about your work, talk about your boss, and I
did it not necessarily because I like all those
details, but because it was important to you.
So when I share with you something about my
girlfriends or __________(fill in the blank),
it would mean the world to me if you would
listen to me as well.” Finish with a smile.
If you say it that way to the man, softly
and slowly, I promise you he will hear you. If
it’s early in a relationship and he doesn’t want
to listen to you, then be warned: No matter
how attractive, rich, or powerful he is, if you
don’t feel he listens to you, over time the bond
between you will erode. Nothing else can
make up for the lack of feeling listened to.
If you’ll follow these four rules, you’ll
find that your intimacy and your bond will
not only grow stronger, it won’t require major
repairs as time goes on. There’ll be some ups
and downs as far as how close you feel to
each other, but the bond will continue to grow
and strengthen. Some months, you may have
to implement one of the rules more than the
others. You may have to set more limits some
months than others. Other months you might
have to flirt more. If you find that there’s a
disconnect between you and your man, go
back and review these four rules and you’ll
find that one of them is not being kept.

Practice Questions:

Have you ever felt like a man’s passion

for you was diminished once you were inside
a long-lasting relationship or marriage?

How did that make you feel?


Is it possible he was content rather than


Now in the spaces below, see if you can

come up with 7ways to demonstratepositive
characteristics that you revealed early on in
the relationship.



If you are in a relationship, what are a few

ways you can do this right away?

Specifically, how and when can you flirt with

him more to capture his heart?

After this takes place, come back and write
down the reaction that these actions had on
your partner.

I asked this question earlier in the chapter. Do

you have any convictions?

Which ones are important enough for you to


How might you enforce these convictions in
the future?


What Destroys the Bond

Between Couples?

Regardless of how deep the bond is

between a couple, there is one danger that
every couple faces over time. The greatest
threat to the intimacy that you’ve carefully
cultivated isn’t destructive behavior or
unfaithfulness. What will slowly eat away
at intimacy is a gradual lack of empathy for
each other’s concerns. Most women feel they
are naturally good at being empathetic. I’m
sure you can recall a moment when you saw
someone in pain and you remembered feeling
something similar. In that moment, you can
relate to their pain because you remember
what it felt like for you. While this is being
somewhat empathetic, a more accurate
description would be that you could relate to
the other person.
In an intimate relationship, a deeper
level of empathy is required to maintain and
even strengthen the bond. The empathy I am
describing occurs primarily because of your
effort, not your experience. It is what I call
Intimate Empathy. What makes partners feel
that you “get” them is when you listen to them
in such a way that they feel you understand.
This isn’t easy to do when they are talking or
experiencing something that doesn’t interest
you or seem familiar.
If your man practiced Intimate Empathy,
then he would focus on how you were feeling,
even in a circumstance that he doesn’t relate to
that well. Suppose it’s your period (Menstrual
Cycle), and you feel like you’re 100 pounds
overweight. In fairness, this isn’t something
any man can relate to. Yet, if he uses Intimate
Empathy, he would focus by paying attention
to you.
He might ask how you’re feeling (Even
though he can guess). -- He might listen, if
you started to talk.
After a few minutes, he might say,
“I’m sorry you’re feeling bad. Can I get you

During this interaction, what he’s doing

might sound like he’s simply being nice, but
there’s more to it than that. He’s concentrating
with an intense focus on you. It’s not something
that comes to him naturally, but it’s a choice
he’s making to show you that he cares. For
you, it feels wonderful. For him, it feels like
work. When he focuses on you, it makes you
feel closer to him and creates intimacy. For
couples, these intimate encounters happen
because each partner chooses to try and
understand what the other is experiencing. The
reward is a deeper sense of shared closeness.
The cost is that often times, one or both
partners don’t feel like focusing on each other.
They begin to develop a pattern of interacting
where they anticipate each other’s responses.
Instead of experiencing Intimate Empathy,
they begin to stop investing in each other. The
secret is to make Intimate Empathy a habit
between you and the man you love.
Don’t wait until you feel like being kind
to show him acts of kindness. When he does
something that means a lot to you, be certain
to point out how thoughtful he acted. When
couples begin taking each other for granted
and stop practicing empathy, regardless of the
level of emotional intensity between them, the
emotional neglect will make the relationship
become stale.
Another aspect of lack of empathy is
the unwillingness to allow your partner to
influence your behavior. As you get to know
one another, it’s inevitable that you’ll find
aspects of each other’s personality to be
challenging. His preferences on child rearing,
money, and other areas of life are bound
to differ with yours to some degree. While
there are some areas that you won’t be able
to compromise on, look for ways to give in to
his request. When you let him “win,” it makes
him feel that he has value in your eyes. Using
empathy, focus on those areas that are more
an issue of style than substance.

Some examples would be routines you


What time do you go to bed?

Who manages the checkbook?
How do the dishes get loaded into the

You’ll notice that each of these examples

doesn’t have a right or correct way to manage
them; they are more a matter of style. When
you make these right or wrong choices, it
makes someone feel victorious and the other
person feel like they did something wrong.
While I’m making this suggestion to you about
finding ways to let him “win,” I am certainly
suggesting that he will do the same for you.
Intimate Empathy is the life blood of an
intimate relationship. Don’t neglect this vital
ingredient or you’ll find the bond that once
seemed unbreakable will slowly disappear.

Practice Questions:

In Chapter 10, I discussed how you can

begin anticipating your partner’s responses.
It’s essential to show him acts of kindness in
a proactive way.

How can you show your partner Intimate
Empathy? Did you have any immediate ideas
when you were reading the chapter? If so,
what were they?

It’s time to make these types of scenarios a

habit. List 5 things that you plan to start doing
to be more kind and empathetic to your man.


Now try these scenarios out on your partner.

See if you can do all 5 items you wrote above
in the next week. Once you’ve finished, come
back and answer the following.
Did it feel uncomfortable to focus on your
partner in this way?


How do you think it made him feel?


Did you see any positive results from the


Can you think of any new ways to show him
intimate empathy based on these experiences?


In Conclusion

As we come to the end of this program,

let’s go over some of our core principles. If
you find yourself struggling, these guides will
enable you to quickly identify which principle
you are neglecting.

Principle #1: Not Every Man is Able to


Thankfully, most men are quite capable

of bonding, but there are a few men that are
incapable of intimacy. Most often, the reason
is because of a horrible childhood, poor
choices as an adult, or both. There is no woman
who is special enough to heal those injuries
unless the man is already in the process of
resolving them himself. These types of men
typically have personality disorders; and they
can be serial adulterers, hit or injure women,
chronically lie, or have a history of drug and
alcohol abuse. What all of these destructive
behaviors have in common is that the man
seeks to deal with conflict and stress in an
addictive or impulsive manner. Therefore, the
stress of pacing him will cause this type man
to actually become more destructive.
What these men want is a woman who
will tolerate their bad behavior. What they
need is a woman that WON’T tolerate their
bad behavior, but insist that they treat her as
valuable - even when they are upset.
It’s not that a man with struggles cannot
be a good partner. What’s more critical is
how he is responding to his “issues.” If he
has struggled with any type of destructive
behavior, what is he doing to remedy those
behaviors? What you want to focus on is his
level of awareness and the steps he’s taking.
If you’re with or you’re attracted to a man like
that, what he needs is a woman who has very
firm boundaries.
You cannot be gracious to men when
they violate a boundary. They perceive that
graciousness as a weakness. They will tell you
all the excuses in the world. They will make
hundreds and hundreds of apologies, and they
will be quite sincere when they do it. And yet,
the behavior will not stop. All they understand
is a firm consequence. Oftentimes, this means
that you have to lose. This man would rather
cling to his beliefs and his own way of doing
things and find an accommodating woman
than change his behavior than be with an
expensive lady.
Remember that it is your ability as a
woman to enhance a man. You will magnify
what’s inside of him. Early in the relationship
as you’re following the bonding code, you’re
pacing him. If he responds poorly, the bonding
code will reveal his character early on before
you give him your heart and before he breaks
it. You’ll have this experience and avoid being
devastated four, five, or six months later. I’m
not trying to ruin the relationship with the
man you want. I’m saying that this code will
actually protect you from those men that will
hurt you.

Principle #2: You must decide between the

goal or the process.

A process is how you go about

implementing something. It’s the steps you
take. Oftentimes, women will tell me they
want their relationship to be effortless and
romantic. My response to this is nearly
always the same. The only way to have that is
to focus on avoiding conflict. Don’t take any
risks with each other. Don’t allow each other
to see weaknesses and instead focus on just
having fun.
Over time, what happens when you
choose this path is that the relationship
becomes boring. There’s no tension, no
romance; but instead, it feels like two
roommates living together. You’ll have some
short-term happiness; but in the process,
you’re killing the tension that helps create the
bond you crave.
The alternative is to focus on what you
want (the goal). The process won’t always be
fun. At times, it might even be a little difficult,
but the reward is a lifetime of intimacy.
You’ll need to be proactive, flirt when you
don’t always feel like it, set boundaries and
trust the process. The truth is that creating
the intimacy you want rarely ever happens
When you’re dating someone in the
beginning, as much as it seems effortless, it’s
really not. The date is planned in advance.
After you accept the invitation, you obsess over
what you’ll wear to make a good impression.
During the evening, both of you make it a
point to focus on what the other is saying.
You make an effort to present yourself in the
most favorable way. You wouldn’t dream of
simply wearing something comfortable, like
sweat pants and a baseball cap. There’s really
nothing natural about it per se.
Even though there were magical
moments, the process of creating that evening
wasn’t magical at all. Almost every detail was
planned out so the time spent together would
feel wonderful. By committing to the goal,
it will enable you not to focus so heavily on
trying to make the process comfortable all the
time. To create the bond you desire, sometimes
the process will feel uncomfortable.

Principle #3: Focus on Those Areas That
You’ve Had Trouble With.

Almost every couple Ie work with

experiences some struggles in going through
the bonding code. Usually, there’s one stage
that’s the most difficult for an individual. For
some women, they let themselves indulge
during a man’s emotional stage. For others,
they overreact when he experiences the
disillusionment phase. Look at your past and
identify the areas you’ve struggled with, so
you’ll be able to respond differently this time.

Principle #4: Trust What You Know, Not

Just What You See

Even if you experience days when it

seems that he’s disconnected from you or
doesn’t care, trust what you’ve just learned.
Remind yourself over and over again of
the stages he must go through to bond with
you emotionally. Don’t interpret your progress
simply based on how you feel in the moment
or based on a single day’s activities. Some
days won’t feel very inspiring, while others
may give you the sense that he’s completely
devoted to you. The best way to measure the
progress of your relationship is to look at
one month time periods. Is the relationship
progressing over the last month or remaining
stagnant? Is he still in a particular stage month
after month? That will give you a much better
measurement to evaluate if you’re moving
closer or farther apart as a couple.
Often it takes much longer for internal
changes within a man to manifest itself
through his outward actions and words. I know
you want him to share what’s going on inside
his heart and mind. In time, he’ll be able to
share with you the way you’d like; but during
the process, he won’t be able to that often. He
won’t understand what’s happening to him
enough to be able to describe his feelings.
My promise to you is that even during
those times when he’s being quiet, he’s actually
letting you inside his heart. You’re becoming
the most important person in his life, and
he’ll do whatever it takes to keep you happy.
Now that you have this code, congratulations;
in your hands, you have the key to a man’s

Practice Questions:

Do you find yourself wanting your relationship

to be effortless and romantic?


Are you still prepared to focus on what

you want in the end, which is a fulfilling
partnership? Are you willing to do this even if
it means doing what makes you uncomfortable
in the initial stages?


Have you had problems doing this in the past?

If so, what were the issues that you faced?

Do you anticipate that you will have any

problems acting this way?


If your answer to the above is yes, what do
you feel is the biggest problem?

Can you set these feelings aside if you knew

the end result would be him bonding with you
and a loving and lasting relationship?

Do you anticipate that you will have any
problems acting this way?


If your answer to the above is yes, what do
you feel is the biggest problem?

Can you set these feelings aside if you knew

the end result would be him bonding with you
and a loving and lasting relationship?



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