The Romanian-Finnish Cultural Relations History TR

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Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.


Alexandru Popescu
Retired diplomat, The Romanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, E-mail:
[email protected]

Abstract: The scientific interest for the study of the Romanian-Finnish

relations considerably increased during the last years. Within this trend,
this article focuses on the Romanian-Finnish cultural relations and briefly
presents the most important events and moments in the history of these
relations, from the 19th century to the present. It also includes a selective
bibliography on the Romanian-Finnish cultural relations, with works
published both in Finland and Romania. The article stresses the need for
further research in the field of Romanian-Finnish cultural relations,
noticing that when the quality of the political relations was negatively
affected by different historical circumstances, the cultural contacts have
been maintained and even developed.

Rezumat: Interesul ştiinţific pentru studirea relaţiilor româno-finlandeze,

şi mai ales a relaţiilor culturale româno-finladeze, a crescut în ultimii ani.
Acest studiu, în prima sa parte, trece pe scurt în revistă principalele
momente şi evenimente din istoria acestor relaţii culturale, începând din
secolul al XIX-lea şi până în prezent. În cea de-a doua parte prezintă o
bibligrafie selectivă a lucrărilor dedicate acestor realţii şi apărute atât în
România, cât şi în Finlanda. Dacă în domeniul relaţiilor politice contactele
dintre cele două ţări şi naţiuni nu au fost întotdeauna uşor de menţinut la
nivele înalte, în domeniul cultural, interesul reciproc a existat în

Keywords: Finland, Romania, cultural relations, biliography

A focused analyse proves that the Romanian-Finnish relations,

including those in cultural area, are framed by a context in which the major
Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

historical objectives such as the gaining of the independence and the

creation of a modern state were similar. Spiritually, the process of setting
up the national cultures followed the same course especially in the second
half of the 19th century. The two cultures distinguished themselves at the
European level in the first decades of the following century. Certainly, the
relations between Romania and Finland became stable and significant after
the gaining of their independence and after the establishment of their
diplomatic relations. But I must also point out that even before this
moment the Romanian-Finnish cultural relations were constant and have
made a real contribution to the European cultural identity.

Beginnings (The 19th century)

Contrary to the first contacts of Romania and Finland that followed the
sinuous military conflicts, the cultural relations were continuous and
ascendant. Soon after the publication of the Kalevala some of the most
representative intellectuals such as Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu and
Alexandru Odobescu, made meaningful comments on the importance of
this masterpiece of the Finnish national culture. In 1846, eleven years after
publication of Kalevala, Mihail Kogălniceanu remarked some similarities to
the Romanian folk epos. Zacharias Topelius, writer and journalist, a great
pioneer of the Finnish spirituality, wrote, in his turn, about 1848 Revolution
in Wallachia and Transylvania.
In 1854, Timotei Cipariu published the first translation of a Finnish
folkloric poem into Romanian. In 1894, a part of Kalevala and a poem by
Johan Ludwig Runeberg were published in Iaşi in the translation of G.
Lazu (with a foreword by A.D. Xenopol). This was followed by a number
of translations from the works of the most important Finnish authors. In
1914 a volume of Finnish short stories was published. Another premiere
came up in 1906, when the volume entitled Countries and peoples was
published in Helsinki, a chapter about the Romanian Kingdom having been
integrated there.
Certainly, a relevant event of the Romanian-Finnish cultural relations
was the creation within the Royal Hungary University of the comparative
Finno-Ugrian cathedra.

Another meaningful events:

- 1828-1830: During the Russian-Turkish war, which will end with the
Peace of Adrianopole, thirty six Finnish officers were in the Russian army,
crossing the Romanian Countries. Some of them left journals and letters, for
example, Colonel Gustav-Adolf Ramsay, Berndt Johan Rosenström.
Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

Frederik Nyberg remarked that in Bucharest in bookstores are "to find

books, translations from different languages, which is quite extraordinary"
- 1915: In the magazine „Românul” (Arad) is published the translation
of a sketch of the Finnish writer Zachrias Topelius (translation is signed
"RC" probably Ana Alex. Codreanu)

Books and exhibition (The interwar period)

Regardless the political contacts, the cultural relations are more intense
in the context of a real interest in both countries for the reciprocal
knowledge of history traditions and arts. The organization in 1935 of a
Romanian exhibition of folk art enjoyed such a great success that Finnish
Society for Geography held a festive session dedicated to Romania.
Consequently, the next year, a Finnish folk art exhibition was opened in
A special importance had also the publication of some works such as a
monographic volume about Finland written by Ion Simionescu and the
work Romania. People and country signed by Professor V. J. Manisikka.
This trend continued with the publication of the book entitled Finnish
testimonies regarding Romania by Raoul Bossy, in 1937.
The Romanian Academy is represented in a certain number of homage
events dedicated to some prominent personalities of the Finnish culture
and the national epic Kalevala. The translation of Romanian literature
continued, Panait Istrati´s novels having enjoyed a great success.
In the context of numerous cultural events in Finland regarding the
Romanian culture, such as book exhibitions, concerts, or mutual visits of
journalist, a special moment turned out to be the inauguration of the
Romanian language courses at the University of Helsinki.

Another events:
- 1929: Constantin Brâncuşi and Alvar Aalto met in New York.
- 1934: Raoul Bossy begins his diplomatic mission as Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania in Finland (until 1936). The Romanian
diplomat distinguished himself by the energetic actions to represent
country interests, and to develop bilateral relations in the cultural field. He
is the author of the works on the historical relations between the two
- 1932 Number 1-2 of the magazine „Boabe de grâu” is dedicated to
Finland. Here is the translation of the study Educaţia poporului în Finlanda
(Education of the people in Finland) by J. Castrense.

Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

The continuity of the traditions (The World War II)

Despite the war conditions, the cultural relations followed a natural
trend. In this regard, a significant event was the creation the associations
„Romania-Finland” and „Finland-Romania” envisaged to the development
of the cultural, artistic and touristic relations between them. Among the
founding members of these two associations were significant personalities
of the public and cultural life of the two countries.
Professor Väinö Tanner, the Finnish minister accredited to Bucharest is
the author of the work Romania. The Land and the people. Professor V.J.
Mansikka form Helsinki University has researched the Romanian folklore.
The publication of some important works continued, regarding not
only the history but also issues of current interest. In this sense, it should be
mentioned the publication in Romania of the volumes Finland. The
Country of Cooperatives written by Ioan Manof, The Green Gold of
Finland edited by Romania-Finland Association, Romania in Confusing
Times by Britta Wrede and Romanian Issues. The Question of Transylvania
by Gustav Bolinder who considered the Vienna Dictate unjust. In 1944, the
volume Romania. The Latin island from South-Eastern Europe was
published in the Finnish language, edited by the Finland-Romania
Association, a book comprising general information, as well as references
to the Romanian art, science and history.
A significant event is represented by the publication, in 1942, of the first
complete Romanian translation of the national epic Kalevala achieved by
Barbu Brezianu. This evoked a letter of gratitude by Marshal Mennerheim
who pointed out that the translation of Kalevala had positive repercussions
for the Romanian-Finnish relations. In this regard, Barbu Brezianu has been
awarded medals and decorations.
Another premiere developing an older tradition is the setting up, in
1942, in Bucharest, of the Chair of Finnish, and of a Romanian lectureship
in Helsinki.
Visits of some Romanian writers to Finland are organized, as well as a
book exhibition, concerts in Bucharest and Helsinki (among which Dinu
Lipatti´s concert should be remembered), the distribution of Romanian
movies, translations into Romanian of significant Finnish writers such as
Eemil Sillanpää, laureate of the Noble Prize, and the translation into the
Finnish language of some volumes by Mihail Sadoveanu and Lucian Blaga.

Another events:
- 1940-1944: Gedeon Meszöli teaches comparative courses of Ugro-
Finnish philology at the University of Cluj;
Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

- 1942 April 18: Representation of Romanian movies in Helsinki:

„Monasteries in Bucovina”, „The Moţilor Country”.
***A concert in Bucharest, in Athenaeum Hall with Finnish music,
conducted by Georg Schneevoigt takes place.
***The translation into Romanian by George Sbârcea and Al.I. Popp of
Mika Waltari´s novel The Alien and the woman.
- 1944: The Finnish translation of the novel Baltagul by Mihail
- 1945: With the occasion of the 50 anniversary of Lucian Blaga an
Anthology of his poetry, Aura ja Huilu (Plug and Fluier), is published. The
translation is signed by the famous Finnish writer Martti Larne, the
selection and presentation by Gr. Dobrinescu.

A normal course (1945-1989)

Even during the Cold War, culture and art were areas where further
developments in the Romanian-Finnish relations took place.
The cultural and scientific relations developed on the basis of the
implementation programs of the ”Agreement of cooperation in the fields of
culture, science and other related fields” (April 29, 1974). Programs
concluded for a three-year period and renewed thereinafter.
In 1950, the Romanian-Finland Friendship Association is set up, which
will organize in the course of time a lot of events regarding the cultural
cooperation. In 1975, the Romanian lectureship within the Turku
University and the Finnish chair in the University of Cluj Napoca were
inaugurated. Professor Lauri Lindgren, who was also the author of some
translations and works of reference regarding the Romanian-Finnish
cultural relations, played a significant role for the better knowledge for the
Romanian language in Finland.
The translations and printing activities were also very fruitful in that
period. In 1985, the book Kantelar. Culegere de Rune finlandeze alcătuite
de Elias Lönröt was published at Turku. Next year, the bilingual edition of
the volume Antologie de poezie romaneasca was published at Turku,
consisting in translations of poetry of thirty Romanian poets.
Ever since the 1960s many translation of significant Finnish writers
have been published in Romanian: Kivi Alexis, Mika Waltari, Silvy
Kekkonen, Martti Larni and so forth. In 1959, the epic Kalevala is for the
first time translated in verse into Romanian by Iulian Vesper, which has
also been re-edited ever since. The forth complete translation of the
Kalevala epic into Hungarian, by Kalman Nagy, is published in Bucharest.

Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

George Sbârcea published, in his turn, a volume devoted to the most

important Finnish composer Ian Sibelius. His life and work.
In 1982, appears the Columna Magazine, publication of the Romanian
lectureship at the University of Turku. The magazine has published
valuable studies and translation in the course of time. Alongside, a certain
number of volumes concerning Finland were published. In 1982 a special
issue of The 20th Century magazine dedicated to Finland was also
In 1968, the Romanian section of the Toijala library was set up.

Another events:
- 1947: Romanian language lecturer at the University of Helsinki,
Grigore Dobrinescu, publishes the first Romanian language manual in
- 1959: Academician Perspessicius published an article about the first
evidence of knowledge of epos Kalevala in Romanian culture.
- 1960s: In Romania appear volumes of translations of Finnish authors:
Alexis Kivi, Mika Waltari, Sylvia Kekkonen, Martti Larne, Johannes
Linnankoski, Ilmari Kianto, Sally Salminen, Pietari Paivarinta, Edith
Södgeran, Veijo Meri; anthologies "Finnish short stories" of northern poets
(translated by Veronica Porumbacu and Taşcu Gheorghiu).
- 1963: Starting with this year, writers from Romania participate at
international annual meetings of the writers in Lahti (for instance, Marin
Sorescu, Nicolae Manolescu, Ana Blandiana Mircea Iorgulescu and others.
- 1965: From this year appears the magazine of the Association of
Friendship Finland - Romania.
- 1968: Piroska Gergel, teaches courses in Finnish language at the
University of Cluj.
- 1969: During the commemoration of 50 years after the proclamation of
the Republic of Finland, writers Iulian Vesper, Brezianu Barbu, Ion Pas are
assigned a commemorative medal.
- 1970: Starting this year, Prof. Lauri Lindrgren teaches Romanian
language courses at the University of Turku.
- 1976: The volume of George Radu Finland, is published.
- 1977: The beginning of the collection of music from Romania in
- 1978-1979: Professor Nicolae Constantinescu teaches Romanian
language courses at the University of Turku.
- 1980: It is established at the University of Turku, the association
Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

- 1982: Concerts of the folklore ensemble "Rhapsody at Somes" from

Cluj are staged in Helsinki, Turku and other cities in Finland.
- 1982-1986: Ioan Stăvăruş works as lecturer for the Romanian language
at the University of Turku.
- 1984: The representation of the play O scrisoare pierdută at the
Municipal Theater Kupio directed by Dan Micu.
- 1989: Barbu Brezianu is elected honorary member of the association

Open perspectives (Cultural relations after 1989)

On May 21, 1997, the “Program of cooperation in the fields of culture,
education, science and technology” between Romania and Finland was
signed in Bucharest, for the period 1997-2000. On the basis of this program,
annually a number of students and specialists are being granted
scholarships for training and specialization in the fields of interest for
To begin with relations in the scientific field, it should be mentioned
that a large number of young Romanian researchers work in research
institutions in Finland, especially at the prestigious Nokia company, some
of them earning international prizes. Exchanges between the research
institutions in the two countries take place.
In January 2002, the third Program for the Application of the
Cooperation Agreement in the Culture, Scientific and Other related fields
between 2002-2006 was signed in Helsinki. This event provides new
opportunities for contacts and exchanges in this field through the actions
and initiatives of some institutions but also of some persons and authors in
various domains of activity.
The translation activity also continues. First, it should be mentioned the
publication in 1992, in Helsinki, of the first selection from Mihai
Eminescu´s poetry, Runoja, translated by Liisa Ryoma.
The translation of some books by contemporary Finnish writers such as
Mika Waltari, Ann-Leena Härkönen, Arto Tapio Paasilinna was made due
to the efforts of Teodor Palic. In this context, one must also recall the
Romanian translation of the Marshal Gustav Mannerheim´s Memoirs.
In 2001, the courses of Romanian language and literature at the
University of Helsinki have been put on a permanent basis. Eventually,
they have been transferred to the University of Turku. The Columna
magazine, edited by the Romanian Chair from the Turku University,
continued the publication of series of translation of Romanian folklore into

Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

Finnish language as well as some literary works by the most important

classical and contemporary authors.
The first Romanian-Finnish-Romanian dictionary was published in
2005. The Romanian Chair also drafted the Romanian-Finnish and Finnish-
Romanian scientific dictionary with the support of some institutions from
Romania and Finland.
Another special event was the exhibitions entitled Eighty years of
diplomatic Relations between Romania and Finland consisting in the
diplomatic documents and photos, opened on October 28th, 2000 at the
National Archives in Helsinki. On this occasion a brochure was also
published a consisting of diplomatic documents concerning the Romanian-
Finnish relations and a study by Lauri Lindgren entitled Contacts between
Finns and Romanian within the Past Centuries. Professor Lindgren was
awarded Romanian medals and decoration.
A similar exhibition was organized in 2006 in the same place where
new documents about relations between the two countries were exposed,
through the collaboration of foreign ministries of Romania and Finland.
In 2002, the seminar entitled Nicolae Titulescu. A Romanian Diplomat
as President of the League of Nations took place in Helsinki.
From the artistic point of view, one can mention the exhibitions of fine
arts, photo, and movies galas organized both in Finland and Romania.
A special interest was paid, in Finland to the tours of „Constantin
Nottara” and „Ion Creangă” theaters and to the show of Dan Puric of the
Bucharest National Theatre (2007), with his non-verbal theatre performance
“Visul” (“The Dream”).
During this period, there were numerous tours of musical bands,
orchestras such the concerts of cords quartet “Transilvania”, of the folk
music formation “Ciocârlia” and the participation in 2003 of the Helsinki
Symphonic Orchestra at the “George Enescu Festival” where compositions
by the most important composers from two countries, Jan Sibelius and
George Enescu, were performed. Another musical event dedicated to
George Enescu took place in 2007, in Turku, at the Philharmonic Concert
Hall, on the occasion of the anniversary of 125 years from the birth of the
Romanian composer
After 1989 the presence of Romanian film in Finland was intense. In this
respect it is to recall the Romanian Film Festival in Finland in August 2006,
in Tampere, Oulu and Helsinki. Movies by well known Romanian
directors (Cristian Mungiu, Corneliu Porumboiu, Cristi Puiu) were
presented at International Film Festival “Love & Anarchy”.

Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

A certain number of significant exhibitions were organized in Finland,

such as the varnishing of the Ştefan Petrescu´s exhibition of photos entitled
„Romania from an Inedited Perspective” and „Trip of Ancestors. Folk Art
objects and Handcrafts from Maramureş”, the exhibition of the city Sibiu,
the European Capital of Culture (2007).
A number of events were dedicated to Constantin Brâncuşi such the
first exhibition with his works in Finland and photo documentary
exhibitions (2004, 2007)
A series of artistic and cultural events were organized with the support
of „The Finnish-Romanian Friendship Association” (“Suomi-Romania-
Seura”). The aim of the Association, according to its statutes, is "to spread
information on Romania, its culture, literature, art and social life and to
promote the relationships between Finland and Romania in the fields of
culture, tourism and personal relationships."
In 2005, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the Romanian
Embassy in Helsinki published in Bucharest the book Romanian Finnish
Confluence. Three Centuries of Connections. 85 Years of Diplomatic
Relations. This work has an informative and documentary purpose,
envisaging to give the possibility to be realized a new theoretical synthesis,
in the future, interesting not only because of the ties between the two
countries in the frame of European Union, but also in universal perspective.

Another events:
- August 13 - September 10, 2006 - Hauho, Hovinkartanon Taidekesku:
- Varnishing of Romanian-Finnish-German art exhibition, "With Pleasure",
organized by Finnroart XXI.
- December 12, 2006-Helsinki: Concert of the „Ad Libitum String
Quartet” of "Moldova" State Philarmonic of Iasi
- February 20 - March 6, 2007-Tampere: The exhibition "Ecumenism: an
Architectural Point of View from Romania" is open in the Lobby Gallery
RG2 of the Department of Architecture of the Tampere University of
- June 12, 2007 - Helsinki: The opening of the exhibition "Archetypes :
Homage to Brâncuşi", dedicated to the artistic legacy of the greatest
Romanian sculptor, at the French Cultural Center, Helsinki.
- November 15, 2007 – Tampere: The Embassy of Romania and the
Finnish-Romanian Cultural Association of Tampere organizes the photo
exhibition "Sibiu - Cultural City".

Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

- January 12, 2008 – Helsinki: - A „Mihai Eminescu” cultural evening

has been organized, in cooperation with the Finnish-Romanian Friendship
Association, in order to honor the birth of the Romanian national poet.
- February 7, 2008 - Pori: The Pori Symphonic Orchestra has performed
a concert entitled “Romantic Romania”
-March 5-9, 2008-Tampere: The 38th edition of the Tampered Film
Festival included the presentation of picture "Valerie/Waves" directed by
Adrian Sitar
- March 25-28, 2008 - Lahti: Helsinki (Temppeliaukio Church),
Hämeenlinna: The concert tour of pianist Ilinca Dumitrescu. The concert
program included piano works by composers Jean Sibelius, Selim
Palmgren and Paul Constantinescu (1909-1963).
- August 22, 2008, - Helsinki: As part of the Helsinki 20th "Night of the
Arts" festival, the Embassy of Romania and the Finnish-Romanian
Friendship Association have organized, with the support of the Romanian
Language Lectureship of the Turku University, a Romanian poetry evening
with Finnish translations of well-known works by Romanian poets (such as
Mihai Eminescu, Tudor Arghezi, Marin Sorescu, Nichita Stanescu etc.).
- February 12, 2009 - The cultural program of the Embassy of Romania,
"Golden Romanian Cinema" was inaugurated with a screening of films
"Orient Express" directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu and "Nea Mărin Miliardar".

Historical Bibliography (Selection)

This bibliography is not a general, but include only those with
implications in the sphere of culture

- 1784: Orraeus Gustavus, Descriptio pestis quae anno MDCCLXX in

Iassiis in Moscua grassata ist /Descrierea ciumei ce a bântuit la Iaşi în anul
1770 şi la Moscova în 1771/, Moscva
- 1848: Zachris Topelius, / Scrisori din Helsinki/, în „Helsinfors
Tidningar, 26.7.1848, 29.11.1848
- 1879: Alfthan, A. v., Fran Jassy till Konstantinopel. Anteckningar fran
turkiska 1877-1878, Helsingfors
- 1906: J.E. Rosberg, Land och folk /Ţări şi popoare/, Helsinki
- 1912: Iorga, Nicolae, Un ofiţer român în oastea lui Carol al XII-lea, în
„Analele. Academiei Române”, seria II, tom XXXIV
- 1922: Simionescu, Ion, Finlanda, oameni, locuri, lucruri
- 1927-1929: Otto Nordenskjöld, Gunnar Landtman, Bonderikeit i
Europas oroliga hörn /România Mare. Stat de ţărani în colţul neliniştit al
Europei/, Helsinki
Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

- 1935: Mansikka, V.J., Romania maa ja kansa /România-ţara şi

poporul/, Helsinki
- 1937: Bossy, Raul, Mărturii finlandeze despre România, Bucureşti
- 1941: Manof, Ioan, Finlanda, ţara cooperativelor
- 1943: Eintarpeita saapunut Suomen lapsille Romaniasta, în „Uusi
Suomi”, 24.2.1943
*** Constituirea Asociaţiei Româo-Finlandeze, în „Universul”,
- 1944: Bolinder, Gustaf, Romanian pulmia. Transsylvanian kysymys
/Probleme româneşti. Chestiunea Transilvaniei/ (traducere din limba
suedeză în finlandeză), Helsinki
*** Romania. Latinalainen saareke Kaakkois-Euroopass /România. O
insulă latină în sud-estul Europei. Prefaţă de Eero Rydman
***Wrede, Britta, Rumänien o ofredens ar /România în vremuri
(în limba suedeză), Stockholm, 1944
- 1959: Perpessicius, Menţiuni critice Kalevala, în „Luceafărul”, 13 iunie
- 1965: Sbârcea, George, Jean Sibelius: viaţa şi opera, Bucureşti
- 1976: Radu, George, Finlanda, Bucureşti
- 1977: Botar, Ioan, Romania Eilen, Tänää, Huomena
- 1979: Tuomari, Paavo, Husaarit Laihialla, în „Viesti-Veşti” Revistă a
Asociaţiei de prietenie Finlanda - România, martie-iunie
*** Hovi, Kalervo, Romanian itsenäisyyden ja kansallisten
yhtenäissyyden synty. Farvid, Oulu
- 1980: Iancu, Dorin, Prin ţările aurorei boreale, Bucureşti
- 1981: Iliasa, Vasile, Repere nordice şi alte note de călătorie, Bucureşti
- 1982: “Secolul XX”-Finlanda, nr. 262-264: Bergman, Oli, Virtuţiile
dialogului; Ileasă, Vasile, O identitate istorică şi culturală; Lupan, Radu,
Sinteza Suomi; Comşa Ioan, România şi Finlanda-etape în intinerariul unei
cunoaşteri reciproce; Pleşu, Andrei, O bună întâlnire cu Finlanda; Kalevala
şi literatura română; Sadoveanu, Ion Marin, Orizontul unei lumi nobile şi
fabuloase; Brezoianu, Barbu, De la poem la proză şi basm; Vesper, Iulian,
Un demers poetic: traducerea Kalevalei; Goian, Ion, Mitologie şi cultură;
Tzigara-Samurcaş, Alexandru, Spirit şi afinităţi în artele populare;
Brezianu, Andrei, Între Carpaţi şi Septentrion; Titel, Sorin, Soarele
Nordului; Gafiţa, Gabriel, Sillanpää şi spiritul ţării Suomi; Lăzărescu,
Cezar, Helsinki-Tapiola-Turku; Sorescu, Marin, În Finlanda, printre poeţi;
Manolescu, Nicolae, Nopţile albe de la Mukkula; Blandiana, Ana, Lahti, la
solstiţiu de vară; Iorgulescu, Mircea, Însemnare după o călătorie în
Finlanda; Schildt, Göran, Brâncuşi, eremitul artei; Beldiman, Alexandru,
Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, No. 1. 2009, pp.112-127.

Arhitectură şi conştiinţă; Georgescu, Dragoş, Jurnal de lucru-zece zile în

teatrul Finlandei; Stanca, Horia, Sibelius şi „Finlandia” lui; Niemistö, Asta,
O pictoriţă din Suomi în Maramureş; Un ecou românesc la Universitatea
din Turku: revista „Columna”.
*** Lindgren, Lauri, Aventura finlandeză a cuvântului „valah”, în
„Columna”, mai
*** Lectoratul românesc din Finlanda, în „Columna”, mai
*** Vlădica, Florian; Cosma, Mario, Impresii despre Finlanda în cărţi
româneşti, în „Columna”, nr. 1, mai
*** Impresii despre România - masă rotundă, în „Columna”, nr. 1, mai
*** Stăvăruş, Ion; Lindgren, Lauri, Din lirica finlandeză - Kanteletar, în
„Columna”, mai
*** Harjula, Helvi, Secţia românească a bibliotecii din Toijola, în
„Columna”, mai
*** Uutu, Kari, Colecţia de muzică românească de la Valkeakoski, în
„Columna”, mai
*** Lavila, Anna-Liisa, Impresii din România. În ţara Baltagului în
„Columna”, noiembrie
- 1984: Stăvăruş, I., Kanteletar şi lirica populară românească, în
„Columna” nr.4
***Radu, George, Suomi-Terra Magica: Pe urmele eroilor Kalevalei,
- 1985: Kanteletar. Culegere de rune tradiţionale finlandeze alcătuită de
Elias Lönrot. Antologie, traducere şi note de Ion Stăvăruş şi Lauri
Lindgren. Studiu introductiv de Senni Timonen, Turku
***Lindgren, Lauri, Memorialişti finlandezi despre războiul din 1877-
1878, în „Columna” nr. 6
*** Sitaru, Jeana, Însemnări despre Brâncuşi în presa finlandeză, în
„Columna” nr. 6
*** Florian, Vlădica, COLUMNA - publicaţie românească pe meleaguri
finice, în „Orizont”, 15.03.
- 1986: Antologie de poezie românească. Valikoima Romanian Runoja,
alcătuită şi îngrijită de Ion Stăvăruş, Turku
***Stăvăruş, Ion, Primele traduceri româneşti din literatura finlandeză,
în „Columna” nr. 7
*** Lavila, Anna Liisa, Lectoratul de limba română din Turku, în
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