Oracle Retail AI Foundation Datasheet FN

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Oracle Retail AI Foundation

Cloud Service

These days competing in retail often means competing in retail analytics,

retail artificial intelligence, (AI) and machine learning (ML).
AI and ML employ the more advanced analytics – the predictive (what will
happen) and the prescriptive (what actions are recommended). It is
imperative that retail AI and ML be ubiquitous in retail decision making,
whether those decisions tie to assortments, offers, inventory placement,
forecasts, plans, pricing, etc.


The Oracle Retail AI Foundation is common to the unified Oracle Retail Analytics and
Planning family, harnessing the retail industry’s best analytical minds, technology,
and data to power each decision therein. Key Benefits:
Drawing upon the data consolidation and extensibility of the Oracle Retail Data Store,  Core retail AI and ML to
the AI Foundation models operational data and applies statistical algorithms that power retail decision
identify the patterns informing its predictive and prescriptive analytics. making across planning,
The AI Foundation is highly-configurable and can be tuned to reflect a retailer’s buying, moving, and
unique business model and objectives and, in the spirit of machine learning, is selling teams
constantly improving, regardless of the level of user assistance. It offers a flexible,  Ability to orchestrate
consumption-based subscription model, supporting the levels of storage and strategic retail decisions
computing that each retailer uniquely requires. across teams with one
consolidated, end-to-end
view of retail data
All Oracle Retail Analytics and Planning cloud services are deployed as cloud-native toolset that enables
Software-as-a-Service solutions within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) upon users to consume retail
Oracle’s Autonomous Data Warehouse. It is based upon an architecture and AI and ML; however, they
technology stack optimally engineered for rapid, low-cost deployments and prefer
exceptional performance and scalability, with the highest system availability and  Retail innovation through
security levels - from storage to scorecard. extensibility
 Rapid, lower-cost SaaS
deployments while
enjoying the
performance and
security of the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure

1 DATASHEET | Oracle Retail AI Foundation Cloud Service | Version 1.00

Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Forecasting Engine - Provide an intelligent starting point for your planners,
increasing automation and accuracy. Move to a more touchless and exception
management planning process.
Customer Segmentation - Group customers based on attributes, behaviors, and
transactions to tailor offers, pricing, and assortments accordingly, incorporating
previously hidden patterns in your data.
Key Features
Advanced Clustering - Cluster your stores based upon traditional approaches of
 Forecasting Engine
volume, square footage, region, etc., or leverage machine learning techniques to
cluster stores based upon similar selling patterns, truly creating a customer-centric  Customer
assortment. Segmentation

Profile Science - Determine the best size ratio for your buys by understanding the  Advanced
true demand of your sizes while considering stock-outs. Clustering

Attribute Extraction and Binning - Extract item attributes from free-form  Profile Science
descriptions, correcting short forms, misspellings, and other inconsistencies, and  Attribute Extraction
apply them to Demand Transference, Customer Decision Trees, Advanced Clustering, and Binning
and more.
 Customer Decision
Customer Decision Trees - Understand how your customers are shopping your Trees
assortments to drive attribute-based alternate hierarchies and effectively plan your
assortment the way your customer shops.  Demand
Demand Transference - Understand how unique your items are and the incremental
revenue that item brings to determine the most optimal assortment for your  Affinity Analysis
customer.  Innovation
Affinity Analysis - Determine how items interact with each other to drive a more Workbench
effective promotional strategy within your financial planning process.  Oracle Retail Home
Innovation Workbench - Leverage open source along with your data science team to  Oracle Analytics
create your own AI and ML models. Utilize the language of your choice with
Jupyter/Zeppelin notebooks.  Oracle Application
 Oracle REST Data

Oracle Retail Home is a single access point to simplify users’ interactions with the  Oracle Machine
data and applications that are most relevant to their roles and empowers them to Learning
anticipate informed actions and inspire engagement.
Based on a robust and flexible portal framework, Retail Home is intended first to
provide timely and role-specific high-level insights and second to enable selectively
drilling into relevant applications for more details.

2 DATASHEET | Oracle Retail AI Foundation Cloud Service | Version 1.00

Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Oracle Analytics can be used to generate and consume analytics from Oracle Retail
AI Foundation data. It can also surface dashboards to Oracle Retail Home.

Oracle Analytics is a comprehensive platform that parlays data into information to

provide business insights, federating a broad array of features to suit business users,
power users, and data scientists.

Governed Self-Service Augmented

 Corporate Dashboards  Data Preparation  Natural Language Processing

 Pixel Perfect Report  Data Visualization  Voice and Chatbot

 Semantic Models  Storytelling  Data Enrichment

 Role-based Access Control  Sharing and Collaboration  One-Click “Explain”

 Query Federation  Mobile Apps  Adaptive Personalization


Oracle Retail Data Store can supply data for Oracle Application Express (APEX)
apps and Oracle REST Data Services, which both are included. APEX is a low-code
development platform that enables you to build scalable, secure enterprise apps
with world-class features that can be deployed anywhere.

Developers can quickly develop and deploy compelling apps that solve real problems
and provide immediate value using APEX. You won't need to be an expert in a vast
array of technologies to deliver sophisticated solutions. Focus on solving the problem
and let APEX take care of the rest.

3 DATASHEET | Oracle Retail AI Foundation Cloud Service | Version 1.00

Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
The Oracle Retail Analytics and
Oracle REST Data Services bridges HTTPS and your Oracle Database, providing, Planning family of cloud
among other things, a REST API, SQL Developer Web, a PL/SQL Gateway, SODA services include:
for REST, and the ability to publish RESTful Web Services for interacting with the
data and stored procedures in your Oracle Database.  Oracle Retail AI Foundation
 Oracle Retail Insights
 Oracle Retail Assortment and
Oracle Machine Learning supports data exploration, preparation, and machine  Oracle Retail Promotion and
learning modeling at scale using SQL, R, Python, REST, AutoML, and no-code Markdown Optimization
interfaces. It includes more than 30 high-performance in-database algorithms  Oracle Retail Offer
producing models for immediate use in applications. Optimization
 Oracle Retail Merchandise
By keeping data inside the database, organizations can simplify their overall Financial Planning
architecture and maintain data synchronization and security. It enables data  Oracle Retail Assortment
scientists and other data professionals to build models quickly by simplifying and Planning
automating key elements of the machine learning lifecycle.  Oracle Retail Demand
 Oracle Retail Inventory


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