Centaur Druid Shepherd
Centaur Druid Shepherd
Centaur Druid Shepherd
+0 Strength
ARMOR Max HP Current HP Temp HP
STRENGTH +2 Dexterity
• +6 Constitution +2 13 73 --
+0 • +5 Intelligence
-1 Charisma
Total 10d8 SUCCESSES
Saving Throw Modifiers
Animal Handling WIS
Arcana INT
Club, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Mace,
Quarterstaff, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear
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Druid 10 Kinishi
Kinishi's Character
Centaur Courtier (Milestone)
=== DRUID FEATURES === If you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target
* Spirit Totem • XGtE 23 and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the
* Additional Druid Spells • TCoE 35 As a bonus action, you can magically summon a spirit same turn, you can immediately make a hooves attack
Your Druid has additional spells available to them, as to a point you can see within 60 ft. that lasts for 1 as a bonus action.
designated in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. minute (or until you're incapacitated). The spirit creates
an aura in a 30-ft. radius around that point and can be | 1 Bonus Action
* Hit Points • PHB 65 moved up to 60 ft. as a bonus action. The spirit's aura
effect depends on its type: * Hooves • GGtR
* Proficiencies • PHB 65 <strong>Bear</strong>: 15 temp hp and advantage on Your hooves are natural melee weapons, which you
STR checks & saves. can use to make unarmed strikes, dealing 1d4 +0
* Druidic • PHB 66 <strong>Hawk</strong>: use your reaction to grant an bludgeoning damage on a hit.
You know Druidic, the secret language of druids. ally advantage on attack. Advantage on Perception.
<strong>Unicorn</strong>: Advantage on checks to | 1 Action
* Spellcasting • PHB 66 detect creatures. Heal spells also heal 10 hp to allies.
You can cast prepared druid spells using WIS as your * Equine Build • GGtR
spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 16, Spell Attack +8) | 1 / Short Rest • 1 Bonus Action You count as one size larger when determining your
and prepared druid spells as rituals if they have the carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag.
ritual tag. You can use a druidic focus as a spellcasting * Wild Shape Improvement • PHB 66 In addition, any climb that requires hands and feet is
focus. While using your Wild Shape feature, you can especially difficult for you because of your equine legs.
transform into beasts of CR 1 or lower. When you make such a climb, each foot of movement
* Wild Shape • PHB 66 costs you 4 extra feet, instead of the normal 1 extra
As an action, you can magically assume the shape of * Ability Score Improvement • PHB foot.
a beast that you have seen before twice per short rest.
* Mighty Summoner • XGtE 24
You can stay in beast shape for 5 hours before Any beast or fey you conjure appears with more HP === FEATS ===
reverting back to your normal form (or as a bonus than normal (2 extra HP per Hit Die) and the damage
action earlier or if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit from its natural weapons is considered magical for the * Fey Touched (Wisdom) • TCoE 79
points, or die). purpose of overcoming immunity and resistance. You learn the misty step spell and one 1st-level
divination/enchantment spell of your choice and can
| 2 / Short Rest • 1 Action * Guardian Spirit • XGtE 24 cast each of these spells without expending a spell
When a beast or fey that you summoned or created slot, recharging on a long rest.
* Druid Circle • PHB 67 with a spell ends its turn in your Spirit Totem aura, it You can also cast these spells using spell slots you
regains 5 HP. have of the appropriate level.
| Circle of the Shepherd
* Resilient (Constitution) • PHB
* Speech of the Woods • XGtE 23 === CENTAUR RACIAL TRAITS === Increase your CON score by 1 and you gain
You learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan, and beasts proficiency in CON saving throws.
can understand your speech, and you gain the ability * Fey • GGtR
to decipher their noises and motions. Your creature type is fey, rather than humanoid.
Dagger 1 1 lb.
SP 0 Dagger 1 1 lb.
Mace 1 4 lb.
EP 0 Sickle 1 2 lb.
Crystal 1 1 lb.
GP 5 Backpack 1 5 lb.
Hammer 1 3 lb.
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Kinishi's Character
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WIS 16 +8
=== CANTRIPS === (At Will)
O Produce Flame Druid +8 1A Self V,S 10 minutes PHB 269 D: 10m, V/S
O Control Flames Druid -- 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Cube S Instantaneous EE 152 5 ft. Cube, S
O Speak with Animals [R] Druid -- 1A Self V,S 10 minutes PHB 277 D: 10m, V/S
O Animal Friendship Druid WIS 16 1A 30 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB 212 D: 24h, V/S/M
O Charm Person Druid WIS 16 1A 30 ft. V,S 1 hour PHB 221 D: 1h, V/S
O Create or Destroy Water Druid -- 1A 30 ft./30 ft. Cube V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 229 30 ft. Cube, V/S/M
O Detect Magic [R]<C> Druid -- 1A + 10m Self/30 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 231 D: 10m, 30 ft. Sphere, V/S
O Detect Poison and Disease [R]<C> Druid -- 1A + 10m Self/30 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 231 D: 10m, 30 ft. Sphere, V/S/M
O Entangle <C> Druid STR 16 1A 90 ft./20 ft. Square V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 238 D: 1m, 20 ft. Square, V/S
O Faerie Fire <C> Druid DEX 16 1A 60 ft./20 ft. Cube V Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 239 D: 1m, 20 ft. Cube, V
O Fog Cloud <C> Druid -- 1A 120 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 243 D: 1h, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S
O Purify Food and Drink [R] Druid -- 1A + 10m 10 ft./5 ft. Sphere V,S Instantaneous PHB 270 5 ft. Sphere, V/S
O Thunderwave Druid CON 16 1A Self/15 ft. Cube V,S Instantaneous PHB 282 15 ft. Cube, V/S
O Beast Bond <C> Druid -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 150 D: 10m, V/S/M
O Ice Knife Druid DEX 16 / +8 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Sphere S,M Instantaneous EE 157 5 ft. Sphere, S/M
O Snare Druid DEX 16 1m Touch S,M 8 hours XGtE 165 D: 8h, S/M
O Bless <C> Fey Touched (Wisdom) -- 1A 30 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 219 1/LR, D: 1m, V/S/M
O Animal Messenger [R] Druid -- 1A 30 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB 212 D: 24h, V/S/M
O Locate Animals or Plants [R] Druid -- 1A Self V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 256 V/S/M
O Barkskin <C> Druid -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 217 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Enhance Ability <C> Druid -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 237 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Find Traps Druid -- 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 241 V/S
O Flame Blade <C> Druid +8 1BA Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 242 D: 10m, V/S/M
O Flaming Sphere <C> Druid DEX 16 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 242 D: 1m, 5 ft. Sphere, V/S/M
O Gust of Wind <C> Druid STR 16 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 248 D: 1m, V/S/M
O Heat Metal <C> Druid -- 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 250 D: 1m, V/S/M
O Hold Person <C> Druid WIS 16 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 251 D: 1m, V/S/M
O Locate Object <C> Druid -- 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 256 D: 10m, V/S/M
O Moonbeam <C> Druid CON 16 1A 120 ft./5 ft. Cylinder V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 261 D: 1m, 5 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M
O Pass without Trace <C> Druid -- 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 264 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Protection from Poison Druid -- 1A Touch V,S 1 hour PHB 270 D: 1h, V/S
O Spike Growth <C> Druid -- 1A 150 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 277 D: 10m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M
O Beast Sense [R]<C> Druid -- 1A + 10m Touch S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 217 D: 1h, S
O Dust Devil <C> Druid STR 16 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Cube V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 154 D: 1m, 5 ft. Cube, V/S/M
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WIS 16 +8
O Earthbind <C> Druid STR 16 1A 300 ft. V Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 154 D: 1m, V
O Skywrite [R]<C> Druid -- 1A + 10m Sight V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour EE 165 D: 1h, V/S
O Warding Wind <C> Druid -- 1A Self/10 ft. Sphere V Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 170 D: 10m, 10 ft. Sphere, V
O Healing Spirit <C> Druid -- 1BA 60 ft./5 ft. Cube V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute XGtE 157 D: 1m, 5 ft. Cube, V/S
O Summon Beast <C> Druid -- 1A 90 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour TCoE 109 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Misty Step Fey Touched (Wisdom) -- 1BA Self V Instantaneous PHB 260 1/LR, V
O Conjure Animals <C> Druid -- 1A 60 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 127 Creatures: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S
O Speak with Plants Druid -- 1A Self V,S 10 minutes PHB 277 D: 10m, V/S
O Plant Growth Druid -- S 150 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 266 V/S
O Dispel Magic Druid -- 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 234 Special: (See Description)*, V/S
O Call Lightning <C> Druid DEX 16 1A 120 ft./60 ft. Cylinder V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 220 D: 10m, 60 ft. Cylinder, V/S
O Daylight Druid -- 1A 60 ft./60 ft. Sphere V,S 1 hour PHB 230 D: 1h, 60 ft. Sphere, V/S
O Meld into Stone [R] Druid -- 1A + 10m Touch V,S 8 hours PHB 259 D: 8h, V/S
O Protection from Energy <C> Druid -- 1A Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 270 D: 1h, V/S
O Sleet Storm <C> Druid DEX 16 1A 150 ft./40 ft. Cylinder V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 276 D: 1m, 40 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M
O Water Breathing [R] Druid -- 1A + 10m 30 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB 287 D: 24h, V/S/M
O Water Walk [R] Druid -- 1A + 10m 30 ft. V,S,M 1 hour PHB 287 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Wind Wall <C> Druid STR 16 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 288 D: 1m, V/S/M
O Feign Death [R] Druid -- 1A + 10m Touch V,S,M 1 hour PHB 240 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Erupting Earth Druid DEX 16 1A 120 ft./20 ft. Cube V,S,M Instantaneous EE 155 20 ft. Cube, V/S/M
O Flame Arrows <C> Druid -- 1A Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour EE 156 D: 1h, V/S
O Tidal Wave Druid DEX 16 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous EE 168 V/S/M
O Wall of Water <C> Druid -- 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 170 D: 10m, V/S/M
O Summon Fey <C> Druid -- 1A 90 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour TCoE 112 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Confusion <C> Druid WIS 16 1A 90 ft./10 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 224 D: 1m, 10 ft. Sphere, V/S/M
O Conjure Minor Elementals <C> Druid -- 1m 90 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 226 Creatures: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S
O Conjure Woodland Beings <C> Druid -- 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 226 Creatures: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S/M
O Control Water <C> Druid STR 16 1A 300 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 227 D: 10m, V/S/M
O Dominate Beast <C> Druid WIS 16 1A 60 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 234 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 1m, V/S
O Freedom of Movement Druid -- 1A Touch V,S,M 1 hour PHB 244 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Giant Insect <C> Druid -- 1A 30 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 245 D: 10m, V/S
O Hallucinatory Terrain Druid -- 10m 300 ft./150 ft. Cube V,S,M 24 hours PHB 249 D: 24h, 150 ft. Cube, V/S/M
O Ice Storm Druid DEX 16 1A 300 ft./20 ft. Cylinder V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 252 20 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M
O Locate Creature <C> Druid -- 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 256 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Polymorph <C> Druid WIS 16 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 266 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Stoneskin <C> Druid -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 278 D: 1h, V/S/M
O Wall of Fire <C> Druid DEX 16 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 285 D: 1m, V/S/M
O Grasping Vine <C> Druid DEX 16 1BA 30 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 246 D: 1m, V/S
O Elemental Bane <C> Druid CON 16 1A 90 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 155 D: 1m, V/S
O Watery Sphere <C> Druid STR 16 1A 90 ft./5 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 170 D: 1m, 5 ft. Sphere, V/S/M
O Charm Monster Druid WIS 16 1A 30 ft. V,S 1 hour XGtE 151 D: 1h, V/S
O Guardian of Nature <C> Druid -- 1BA Self V Concentration, up to 1 minute XGtE 157 D: 1m, V
O Summon Elemental <C> Druid -- 1A 90 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour TCoE 111 D: 1h, V/S/M
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WIS 16 +8
O Mass Cure Wounds Druid -- 1A 60 ft./30 ft. Sphere V,S Instantaneous PHB 258 30 ft. Sphere, V/S
O Antilife Shell <C> Druid -- 1A Self/10 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 213 D: 1h, 10 ft. Sphere, V/S
O Commune with Nature [R] Druid -- 11m Self V,S Instantaneous PHB 224 V/S
O Conjure Elemental <C> Druid -- 1m 90 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 225 Special: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S/M
O Contagion Druid CON 16 / +8 1A Touch V,S 7 days PHB 227 D: 7d, V/S
O Geas Druid WIS 16 1m 60 ft. V 30 days PHB 244 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 30d, V
O Insect Plague <C> Druid CON 16 1A 300 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 254 D: 10m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M
O Planar Binding Druid CHA 16 1h 60 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB 265 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 24h, V/S/M
O Scrying <C> Druid WIS 16 10m Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 273 D: 10m, V/S/M
O Tree Stride <C> Druid -- 1A Self V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 283 D: 1m, V/S
O Wall of Stone <C> Druid -- 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 287 D: 10m, V/S/M
O Control Winds <C> Druid STR 16 1A 300 ft./100 ft. Cube V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour EE 152 D: 1h, 100 ft. Cube, V/S
O Maelstrom <C> Druid STR 16 1A 120 ft./30 ft. null V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 160 D: 1m, V/S/M
O Transmute Rock Druid DEX 16 1A 120 ft./40 ft. Cube V,S,M Until dispelled EE 169 D: Until Dispelled, 40 ft. Cube, V/S/M
O Wrath of Nature <C> Druid DEX 16 1A 120 ft./60 ft. Cube V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute XGtE 171 D: 1m, 60 ft. Cube, V/S
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