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Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual

Table Of Contents

1.0. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 1

1.1 Principle of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 1
1.1.1 Basics of Ultrasonic Thickness Gaging ........ 1
1.2 General Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 3
1.3 Major Features: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 5

2. GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Lay Out Shipment Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Connect Probe and Cable . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Reference Standards . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3. DISPLAY AND CONTROLS FAM ILIARIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.1 Display Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Touch Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4. OPERATION STEPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 12

4.1 Power On - Battery Check - Auto-Off . . ... ... ... ... ... 12
4.2 Probe Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 12
4.3 Basic Menu-Selections and Controls . . ... ... ... ... ... 13
4.4 Calibration Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 17
4.5 THICKNESS M ODE Sub-M enu: . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 18
4.6 ALARM S Sub-M enu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 19

5. ADVANCED FEATURES . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.1 Scrolling B-Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.2 Data Logging . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.3 MODIFY SETUP .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

5.4 Ultrasonic Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Longitudinal Ultrasonic Velocity Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6. GAGING TIPS AND TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

6.1 Reference Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.2 Test Surface and Geometry Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.3 Material Temperature Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.4 Additional Test Material Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

7. GAGING PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.1 Very Thin Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.2 Pitting Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual

7.3 Material Misidentification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 38 1.0. INTRODUCTION

7.4 Worn or M alfunctioning Probes . . . . . . . . . ............ 38
7.5 Material Stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 38 NDT Systems thanks you for your purchase of the NOVA TG950 Bench
7.6 Plated or Painted Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 39 Top Ultrasonic Thickness Gage, a precision instrument that provides
7.7 Abnormal or Unusual Thickness Readings ............ 39 exceptional value and unmatched features. The TG950 provides ultra-high
resolution (0.0001 inch/0.001 mm) in a light-weight, Bench Top thickness
8. ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 gage found only in larger, bulkier portables and bench-tops. A significant
8.1 Standard Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 advantage offered by the Nova 950 is the bright LED thickness display. This
8.2 Optional Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 display is very quick and easily viewable at a distance. The many additional
features contribute to the exceptional ease of operation and flexibility in
9. PROBES AVAILABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 applications. The TG950’s rugged design assures dependable
performance for a wide variety of field and lab inspection requirements.
10. MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
1.1 Principle of Operation
WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 The NOVA TG950 enables measurement, display, evaluation, and
recording of corrosion and other conditions that can impair the safety and
function of countless structures, systems, and materials. Measurements
PRELIMINARY Rev 1.0 are made with access to only one accessible surface of the test object. A
large selection of high frequency single-element contact, delay-line, and
bubbler-type transducers can be used interchangeably to satisfy a multitude
of applications.

1.1.1 Basics of Ultrasonic Thickness Gaging

The NOVA operates on a principle similar to Sonar, but at much higher
frequencies (Megahertz range) and electronic speeds. An ultrasonic
frequency sound-beam is generated which emanates from the transducer
and is coupled into the test object.

High-frequency ultrasonic waves travel through monolithic materials at

essentially constant velocities, depending upon the type of material
supporting the ultrasonic wave. This fact provides the basis for accurately
measuring the thickness of metals and some non-metals, with access to
only one side of the test object.

The NOVA accurately senses the time interval between the initiation of a
short pulse of ultrasonic energy into the test object and the time taken to
travel through it. This time interval is short; for example, the velocity of
ultrasound in steel is approximately one-quarter inch (6.3 mm) in one
millionth of a second (one microsecond). Thus, in order for the NOVA to
accurately measure steel thicknesses from as small as 0.0050 inch to 20.00

Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual

inches (0.25 to 25 cm), it must have highly stable and accurate timing
circuitry. Think of it as a highly sophisticated, super-accurate stop-watch.

Attached to the NOVA is a cable connected to an ultrasonic transducer, or

probe. The transducer has a thin wafer of a piezoelectric material at its
surface. Piezoelectric materials convert short pulses of electrical energy
into tiny mechanical displacements, and, conversely, from mechanical
displacements into electrical impulses. The probe acts both as transmitter
and receiver

W hen coupled to the surface of the test object – call it the entry surface –
the probe receives a short-duration electrical pulse from the pulser in the
NOVA. Fundamentally, the “clock” starts with this pulse. The ultrasonic
sound-beam begins its transit within the test object, induced by the
electrical-to-mechanical impulse generated by the transducer. The
ultrasonic impulse travels through the test object at a velocity characteristic
of the material. W hen it reaches a boundary – for example, the side of the
test object opposite the entry surface – the back surface – it reflects Functional Diagram
(echoes) back toward the entry surface. As it impinges on the entry
surface, the transducer senses the tiny mechanical echo displacement and
converts it into a small electrical signal. In the receiver section of the
NOVA, the “clock” is signaled to stop. The time interval between the start This round-trip time of the echo is linearly correlated to the test material's
and stop is converted into a thickness measurement. The characteristic thickness – the thicker the material, the longer the round-trip time. The
velocity of the test material – distance divided by time (e.g., inches or NOVA’s sophisticated circuitry precisely measures the round trip-time and
millimeters per microsecond) – divided by the round-trip transit time compensates for the characteristic ultrasonic velocity of the material being
(microseconds) yields total distance traveled. Since the total transit path is gaged. The measured thickness is displayed, virtually instantaneously, on
twice the actual thickness, it is automatically divided by one-half and the digital display and in the units selected, either inches or millimeters.
displayed as a decimal thickness. On test objects with smooth, parallel
surfaces, the displayed thickness is true within the resolution of the last 1.2 General Applications
decimal place displayed. The NOVA TG950 gages a wide range of thicknesses on metals, plastics,
ceramics, glass or virtually any other material which satisfactorily conducts
ultrasound, and has relatively parallel (or concentric) surfaces. Its high-
resolution capabilities make the NOVA TG950 uniquely applicable to gaging
very thin materials – for metals, as thin as 0.005 inch (0.13 mm) – with
resolution of 0.0001 inch (0.001 mm). However, it can also be effectively
used to gage thickness up to 20 inches (500 mm).

Small, local thickness variations, such as those caused by corrosion,

erosion, and certain types of internal flaws may also be detected. [9xx
Model-dependent: Later sections of this manual will detail a unique

2 3
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feature of the NOVA that produces a cross-sectional view of the General applications include:
flawed surface and the corresponding thickness reduction. Also • Aircraft Structural and Engine Components
included is the ability to record (log) numerous thicknesses and their • Aircraft W indows
corresponding locations.] • Rocket and Spacecraft Components
• Machined, EDM, Mechanically Formed Parts
• Ceramics
• Certain Composite Materials
• Glass Plate and Tubing
• Plastic Shapes and Piping
• Boiler and Pressure Vessel Components
• Heat Exchangers
• Pipes and Tubing
• Petroleum, Gas, W ater, W aste Storage Tanks
• Railcar Axles and W heels, Railroad Rails
• Building and Bridge Components:
• Primary Metal Forms: Plates, Slabs, Billets, Bars, Blooms, Forgings,
Castings, Extrusions
• Marine Structures
• Ship Hulls, Decking, and Propulsion Components

1.3 M ajor Features:

• Membrane-sealed TOUCH-COMMAND controls simplify setup and
• 128 x 64 pixel, high contrast, graphic Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
provides simple, plain text menus and an LED Readout provides easy
readability of thickness data.
• Backlight – automatic, or on/off selectable.
• Portability – , Bench Top instrument incorporating NDT Systems’ “Easy
Grip” custom extruded aluminum case.
• State-of-the-art microprocessor-based design offers unparalleled, high
accuracy performance for numerous thickness gaging applications.
• Adjustable ScanBar feature produces a simple, analog-metered
display of thickness for easy and rapid view of thickness trends.
• Scrolling T-Scan (also known as “B–Scan”) – standard (patent
pending) – produces a cross-sectional image of a selected scan-path.
• Auto-Probe Recognition (patented) – Legacy Probe menu selection
enables use of many existing NOVA transducers.
• Adjustable velocity setting.
• 50,000 point Data Logger incorporating a scrollable “Spread Sheet”

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• Single or two-point calibration. 2.3 Reference Standards

• High and low alarm limits. RS232 data transfer port permits up- and To calibrate the NOVA TG950, it is necessary to have one or more known
down-loading of log data and software upgrades. thicknesses of the same material as that of the test object. Initial calibration
procedures require reference samples representative of the material to be
The NOVA TG950 incorporates the latest technology available in gaged.
microprocessor design. Through sophisticated on-chip programming, the
microprocessor computes, linearizes, and directs numerous operations at Machined stepped-wedges having thicknesses across the range of interest
high speeds. It also offers intuitive, simplified setup, calibration, and are convenient and commonly used reference standards. For the purposes
operation via the TOUCH-COMMAND pushbuttons and intuitive Menus. of familiarization with the NOVA TG950, it is recommended to use steel
stepped-wedges having several steps with thicknesses ranging from 0.020
The high-powered transmitter (pulser), high-sensitivity receiver, and to 0.500 inch (0.50 to 12.7 millimeters). Other stepped wedges
informative digital display function together with the microprocessor to encompassing that general range of thicknesses can also be used. Such
produce exceptional performance from a compact, light-weight, precision standards are readily available or can be custom-produced. Contact NDT
measurement instrument. Systems for further information.

2. GETTING STARTED For high-accuracy calibration and subsequent high-resolution

measurements, Users of high-resolution instruments, such as those in the
2.1 Lay Out Shipment Contents NOVA 900 Series, may be required to use thickness-certified precision
Separate and lay out the NOVA TG950, probe(s), cable(s), couplant, and gage blocks and shims.
any accessories ordered. The NOVA comes with two AA-size alkaline
batteries installed in its battery chamber. NOTE: Selection and use of reference standards is of primary
importance in order to calibrate and assure the accuracy of any
2.2 Connect Probe and Cable ultrasonic thickness gage. For more detailed discussion on the
All probes, with the exception of “Mini-Probes”, use a detachable cable for selection and use of reference standards, see Section 6, Gaging Tips
connecting to the TG950. Connect the cable to the probe. Connect the and Techniques, and Section 7, Gaging Precautions.
other end of the cable to the corresponding receptacle located on front of
the gage. 2.4 Using Couplants
A couplant film is needed to transfer the high frequency ultrasonic energy
Various probes are available to optimize performance for the broad from the probe into the test material. Adequate probe coupling is essential
spectrum of gaging applications that may be encountered. The General to qualify the integrity of a thickness reading. Typically, couplant is applied
Purpose Delay-Line Transducer (D11) can be used for most applications to the test material surface, although it can be applied to the tip of the probe
encompassing a thickness range in steel from approximately 0.0050 to (as during some high temperature applications).
0.700 inch (0.130 to 1.780 mm), and for surface temperatures up to about
250ºF (120ºC). The General Purpose Contact Transducer (C11) has a The type of couplant used is very important for optimum performance.
range of approximately 0.062 inch to 20.000 inches (1.57 to 50.00 mm). It Smooth material surfaces require a lower viscosity couplant, such as water,
is recommended to use the C11 Contact Transducer for the familiarization glycerin, oil, or similar fluid. Rougher surfaces may require use of grease or
procedures that follow. specially formulated gels. The couplant used must be compatible with the
test material. W hile it is usually removed following inspection, remnant
For the extensive listing of probes for higher temperature and specialized couplant residue can produce surface corrosion or discoloration of the test
applications, see Section 9 of this manual.

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object. Special high temperature couplants should be used on surfaces

above 175ºF (90ºC). 3.1 Display Features
1. Probe In Use
NDT Systems offers numerous ultrasonic couplants which cover virtually all 2. Echo Mode (IP-1st, 1st-2nd, 2nd-3rd)
application areas for the NOVA TG950. These specially formulated 3. Battery Level Indicator
couplants are recommended. Contact NDT Systems for further information. 4. Thickness Display
5. Velocity Reading - Displays When + or - VEL pressed
6. Scan Bar Scale
8. Units (in or mm)
9. Coupling Indicator
10. Operational Mode ('A' Auto or 'M' Modified)

Auto Probe Selected Auto Probe Selected

D11 Transducer Connected No Transducer Connected

3.2 Touch Commands

Some of the Touch Command controls are used to access specific
functions. Others have multiple functions or are used for scrolling and
toggling cursors and changing or inputting selectable values. Details follow
in the Operation Steps.
ON/OFF: Self-explanatory.
ZERO: Establishes Probe initialization.
This Display Features Section is intended to familiarize the User with the MENU: Accesses the Main Menu.
location and nomenclature applied to the most common display features. LOG: Accesses the Logging function.
Other displays and display features respond to various Menu selections and ENTER: Select Current Value and Continue
Touch Commands. These displays will be shown and described in Section
4, Operation Steps, and subsequent sections of the Manual. Multi-Function Command Buttons; Used for scrolling or toggling, and for
accessing certain functions:
Down ARROW / VEL -

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Right ARROW / SCAN The rear panel also offers features useful in custom configuration and setup
Rear Panel of various transducer parameters to fine tune a given setup if desired. The
Sync, Meas Gate, Video & Meas time (also available on the utility port) can
2 ‘AA’ Batteries are required to operate the Nova 950. A charger has been be connected to an oscilloscope for real time monitoring of signal and
provided with the 950 for use with the included high density NiMH batteries. gating response. The user can then Modify parameters as necessary to suit
The gage can also be operated with standard Alkaline batteries as well, a given application. See CH 5.3 for further information.
however, it is VERY important that you switch the battery selector switch to
the appropriate position. Attempting to charge alkaline batteries will result in The Utility also has other ports for use by the factory.
the batteries leaking and potentially, seriously damaging the unit. This will
void warranty. We suggest you use NDT Systems replacement high density
NiMH batteries.

The charger also serves to charge as well as operate the Nova 950 for
extended periods of time. An average charge cycle from depleted batteries
is 4-5 hours.

The Nova 950 offers the ability to select either USB or RS232 for interface
to a PC where required. A driver (supplied) is necessary to operate the USB
connection. The switch located to the left of the RS-232 Connector is used
for the selection. W hen in the left position, the RS-232 is active. W hen in
the right hand position, the USB port is active.

The optional foots witch used for data logging to a PC will only function with
the RS-232 port currently.

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4. OPERATION STEPS shown on the right. In this state, the Coupling Icon indicates satisfactory
coupling, adequate material penetration, and proper probe/beam
4.1 Power On - Battery Check - Auto-Off normalization (perpendicularity to surface). Thickness readings should not
Momentarily depress the ON/OFF Touch Command. NDT Systems’ Logo be considered reliable if the Coupling Indicator intermittently blinks, or
and contact information are displayed. After the system boots, the flickers.
Measurement Display automatically switches on. This display contains the
features shown in Section 3.1, above. If a probe is not connected when the 4.3 Basic Menu-Selections and Controls
gage is powered ON, a highlight in the Measurement Display reads, NO The numerous features that set the NOVA 950 apart from other Bench Top
PROBE – Press Enter to Select Setup. This prompt serves as a reminder thickness gages, and make it so easy to operate, are readily accessed
to either attach the desired probe, or go to Select Setup to choose a saved through intuitive Menus and Sub-Menus. Not all features will be used for
setup, or to modify default, automatic setups. some applications. However, there are many unique User-selectable
features that can be accessed for difficult applications.
The Battery Level Indicator icon appears on the left side of the LCD display
indicating the current battery charge state. The NOVA TG950 comes with MAIN MENU
two AA-size rechargeable NiMH batteries installed in its battery chamber. If The Main Menu can be accessed at any time the
the Battery Level Indicator fails to register more than approximately 20% NOVA TG950 is powered on by pressing the
full-scale after recharging, it is recommended that the batteries be replaced. MENU Touch Command button. To exit any
W hen power becomes marginal, the Power-Guard cutoff feature Menu or Sub-Menu, press MENU, and the display
automatically saves current parameters and turns the power off until the will revert to the last-displayed Menu, if in a Sub-
batteries are charged or replaced. If the TG950 fails to respond to the initial Menu, or to the Measurement display, if in the
ON/OFF Command, the batteries should be replaced. Main Menu.

To turn the gage off at any time during operation, momentarily press and Main Menu Items are:
briefly hold the ON/OFF button. Also, with a contact-type transducer in use, W hen the Main Menu is accessed, the first item, DISPLAY, is highlighted.
the TG950 automatically turns off approximately 10 minutes after non-use. To scroll to the other items, use the Down and Up ARROW keys.
In either case, all previous settings are retained in memory and will be
restored the next time it is powered up. DISPLAY MENU: Press MENU to display the
Main Menu. By default, DISPLAY is highlighted.
4.2 Probe Coupling Press the ENTER key. There are four selections
First, apply a small amount of couplant to a surface of the Reference listed: Adjust Scale, Backlite, Contrast, and
Standard selected. If necessary, refer back to Section 2.4, Using Units. To select any of them, use the Down
Couplants. Before placing the probe on the Reference Standard, note the ARROW key to sequentially highlight them.
Coupling Icon on the upper-right side of the display.

W ith the probe uncoupled, the Probe

Coupling Icon appears as shown on the left, Adjust Scale Sub-Menu (Scan Bar): In the
with a space between the probe symbol and DISPLAY Menu, with Adjust Scale highlighted,
the horizontal bar that represents the press ENTER. The Measurement Display will
surface of the test object. W hen the probe is open, as shown:
properly coupled, the Icon changes to that

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The objective is to set the range of expected thicknesses in order to set up produce an off-scale Scan Bar. Regardless of the settings of the Scan Bar
the Scan Bar and its accompanying scale. Use of the Scan Bar is optional. scale, thickness readings and the accuracy of readings are unaffected.
It provides an analog-like visual cue of acquired digital thickness readings.
If it is desired to use the Scan Bar, its scale can be set by establishing Start Backlite Sub-Menu: In the DISPLAY Menu, toggle the Down ARROW to
and Stop limits. It can start and end at any values within the NOVA TG950 highlight Backlite. Use the Right (or Left) ARROW to toggle through the
specifications. Setting Start at a thickness somewhat below the minimum three selections, Auto, Off, and On. In the Auto mode the backlight will
expected thickness, and Stop at a somewhat greater thickness (say, turn on automatically when the transducer has valid coupling with the test
approximately 10%), than the maximum expected, will produce optimum object, and will turn off automatically after approximately 5 seconds or until
visual enhancement. For example, if the thickness of the test object is the next measurement is made. In Off, the backlight will stay off
expected to range between 0.050 and 0.100 inch (1.27 and 2.54mm), a indefinitely. In On, the backlight will remain on continuously whenever the
good Start point might be approximately 0.045 inch (1.14 mm) and the gage is powered up.
Stop point at approximately 0.110 inch (2.80 mm). This range will produce
the greatest visual motion within the range of expected thickness. On the If the gage is being used in an area with high ambient light, there is no need
other hand, under the example above, if the scale is set to Start and Stop at to use the backlight. W ith the backlight turned Off, battery life will be
0.000 and 2.500 inches (0.00 and 63.50 mm), the range of motion between extended.
the minimum and maximum expected thicknesses would be a very small
proportion of the total scale. Contrast Sub-Menu: If needed to accommodate unusual ambient
temperature or viewing conditions, setting the Contrast to 0-30 will produce
From the example above, where the approximate thickness range is maximum contrast. To adjust contrast, with Contrast highlighted in the
expected to be from 0.050 and 0.100 inch (1.27 and 2.54mm), set the Stop DISPLAY Menu, the Right and Left ARROW keys will increase or decrease
point first. W ith the Measurement Display open, and with Start highlighted, the contrast, and the effect will be seen as the contrast is changed.
as shown in the Figure above, use the Down ARROW to highlight Stop. If
the Stop value displayed is greater than the desired Stop point of 0.110 inch Units Sub-Menu: To select the desired measurement units, inches or
(2.80 mm), press and hold the Left ARROW key. The Stop value will rapidly millimeters, toggle down to Units. The Right or Left ARROW keys will
scroll downward. At a Stop value approaching 0.110 inch (2.80 mm), toggle between in (for inches) and mm (for millimeters).
release the Left ARROW key, and toggle it until the desired value is
obtained. If the Stop value is less than that desired, use the Right ARROW SETUP MENU
key to scroll/toggle the displayed value. To set the Start point at 0.045 inch To access the SETUP Menu, press the MENU
(1.14 mm), repeat the above procedure. Touch Command. At the MAIN menu, toggle
down to SETUP, and press ENTER. The SETUP
Finally, press the MENU button three times to back through the Adjust Menu offers five options:
Scale and DISPLAY Sub-Menus and return to the Measurement Display.
Observe that the Scan Bar scale ranges between the desired Start and Stop SELECT SETUP
values. Measurement readings between Start and Stop will produce the MODIFY
analog view of the Scan Bar, and both the display reading and the Scan Bar SAVE NEW
will remain displayed until the next valid reading is obtained.

If it is chosen not to use the Scan Bar, Adjust Scale settings can be set to
SELECT Sub-Menu:
values below the Start value. Measurements within the expected range will
W ith SELECT highlighted, press ENTER. The
SELECT Sub-Menu opens showing the following

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options. Note: The scroll bar on the left of the menu. This indicates there are more
items available below the 3 initially shown selections
Note the scroll bars on the sides of the menu. This indicates there are more
setups available. Press the down arrow repeatedly to view other factory as Mode: can be toggled between Contact and Delay with the Right and Left
well as user defined (if any) transducer setups. In the AUTO mode, the Arrow keys. In the same manner, Gates: toggles between Auto, IP-1 st, IF –
instrument will automatically recognize, select and optimize all necessary 1 st, 1 st – 2 nd & 2 nd – 3 rd. These selection options refer to the measurement
parameters when using NDT Systems, Inc. NOVA Transducers. This interval: IF – First is interface echo to first back-echo; 1 st – 2 nd is first back-
method is highly recommended for optimum performance and echo to second back-echo; 2 nd – 3 rd is second back-echo to third back-echo.
measurement accuracy. Auto sets the measurement interval automatically, and, under normal
conditions, should be chosen. Pulse: toggles between Normal and Wide.
Direct Contact transducers (e.g., the C11) can also be used. The Contact Normal is the default condition. At Pulse:, continue pressing the Down
option will yield a measurement range of 0.062 to 20.00" +, with resolution Arrow key to toggle down through an array of setup parameters that are
of 0.001 (0.01 mm) in the "NORMAL" mode. User-selectable and adjustable.

The Contact HR (High Resolution) mode also permits certain high- Also within the Main Menu, the 2 Point CAL, ALARMS, and THICKNESS
frequency direct contact transducers, such as the C11, to be used. W ithin MODE will be described in the Sections immediately following.
the specified range, the NOVA is automatically optimized to produce stable
measurements with resolution of 0.0001 inch (0.001 mm). 4.4 Calibration Procedures
W ith the Main Measurement display on, the NOVA TG950 is ready to be
MODIFY Sub-Menu: At MODIFY, ENTER, the following display opens: calibrated for thickness measurement.

Single-Point Thickness Calibration: Couple the probe to an accurately

known thickness on an appropriate reference standard within the expected
thickness range. If necessary, refer back to Section 2.3, Reference
Standards. Scroll with the Up or Down ARROW keys until the display
precisely reads the reference thickness.

Two-Point Thickness Calibration: For

maximum accuracy over a range of expected
thicknesses, even under conditions where the test
Important Notice: It is within the MODIFY Sub-M enu that many
object has smooth, parallel surfaces, two-point
internal adjustments can be made by the User to refine setups to
calibration assures maximum accuracy. For some
optimize the NOVA for special or difficult gaging applications.
For normal conditions, many of these adjustments are set applications, for example, smaller diameter tubing
automatically, depending upon the transducer/measurement or elbows, measurement accuracy also may be
mode combinations initially selected, and require no further improved with two-point calibration. However, it is necessary to have a
modification. Caution MUST be used when changing these reference standard representative of the geometry to be measured. This
parameters to assure optimum accuracy. Further technical standard must have at least two accurately established thickness points.
discussion of these selections/adjustments follows in Section (See Section 2.3, Reference Standards).
5.3 of this M anual.

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Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual

To access this option, press the MENU Touch Command to display the Press ENTER. Any thickness measurement taken thereafter will be
Main Menu. W ith the Down ARROW , toggle down to 2 POINT CAL, and displayed as a value (+) or (-) from the Nominal setting.
press ENTER. A Measurement screen will be displayed similar to the one
shown above: An alternative way to set the nominal thickness value is to couple the probe
to a reliable reference standard. After a stable reading is obtained, press
From this display, calibration on both high and low thicknesses can be ENTER.
established. To use this calibration procedure, couple the probe to the low
thickness location on the reference standard, and use the Right and Left To exit the Differential mode, return to the Main Menu, select THICKNESS
ARROW keys to scroll Lo Thick to the known low thickness value. MODE, return the highlight to Normal, and press ENTER.
Reposition the probe to the high thickness location, toggle down, and set Hi
Thick to the known high thickness. It may be necessary to repeat this MinHold: Entering MinHold from the THICKNESS MODE Sub-Menu
procedure until the precise thicknesses are set. Following two-point provides for retention and display of the minimum thickness obtained during
calibration, press MENU to return to the Measurement Display. a continuous scan across the surface of a test object.

Velocity Calibration: For the Velocity Measurement and Calibration Following a scan, to clear the displayed MinHold thickness, press the
procedure, refer to Section 5.3, Ultrasonic Velocity. ENTER key. This sets a blank value next to Min. :, and readies the gage
for a new Minimum Thickness Hold scan.
As recommended with any precision measurement tool, calibration
accuracy should be checked periodically during use. More frequent checks 4.6 ALARMS Sub-M enu: Setting alarms produces a visual indication if a
are recommended if there are changes in the temperature of the test object, thickness measurement exceeds pre-set limits – below, above, or both
or in the ambient temperature. below and above. The Alarm indicator is a red LED located above and to
the left of the MENU Touch Command key
4.5 THICKNESS M ODE Sub-M enu:
Return to the Main Menu, toggle down to THICKNESS MODE, and press To set Alarm levels, press MENU, highlight ALARMS, and press ENTER. A
ENTER. In this Sub-Menu, there are three choices: Normal, Diff., and Sub-Menu opens with three items – Mode:, Low:, and High:. W ith Mode:
MinHold. highlighted, toggling the Left or Right ARROW keys sequences through
Off, Hi, Lo, and Lo/Hi. After choosing the desired Mode, the Alarm levels
Normal: In this mode, when Normal is highlighted and ENTER is pressed, are set by toggling to Low: and/or High:, and using the Right and Left
the Measurement Display will open. Thickness readouts are presented and ARROW keys to scroll in the desired Alarm limits. After setting the Alarms,
held when the probe is removed from current measurement locations. If the press MENU to return to the Measurement Display.
Scan Bar scale has been set, it will also be held and relate to the same
thicknesses. Additionally, when the Low Alarm is activated, and MinHold is also active, if
MinHold captures a value below that set for the low alarm, the alarm LED
Differential: In the Differential Thickness Mode, the difference between the will flash. This Alarm feature indicates that the minimum thickness was
measured thickness and a pre-set, or nominal, thickness is displayed. To below the low alarm setting somewhere in the area last scanned. The
set the thickness from which the difference will be displayed, ENTER Alarm serves to prompt the User to re-inspect the scanned area to locate
THICKNESS MODE from the Main Menu, and Diff. from the Sub-Menu. A the low thickness that triggered the Alarm. The Alarm Mode is also
Measurement display opens. Immediately below the readout is a line interactive with the Data Logger as described in Section 5.2, Data
reading, Nom. :, followed by the value from a previous setting. The desired Logging, below.
Nominal thickness (Nom.) is set by using the Up and Down ARROW keys.

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To deactivate the Alarms, return to the ALARMS Sub-Menu, and select 5. ADVANCED FEATURES
Mode: Off. Press MENU to return to the Measurement Display. 5.1 Scrolling B-Scan
The B-Scan is a cross-sectional view of a scan across an area of interest on
the test object. On the display, a two-dimensional pictorial image is
produced. The horizontal dimension represents the extent of the scan
movement, and the vertical dimension represents depth (thickness) below
the surface of the test object.

Following initial setup and calibration, activate the B-Scan by pressing the
SCAN button on the RIGHT ARROW key . The display will present a series
of scrolling dots, moving right to left.

Along the left vertical axis, the scale represents the thickness range values
set for the SCAN BAR. If the SCAN BAR was not previously set, access it
by pressing MENU; DISPLAY; ENTER; Adjust Scale; ENTER. Normally,
Start is set to 0.000, representing the surface, and Stop is set to the
nominal, or maximum expected thickness. However, for special emphasis,
or any other reason, other values can be set. After the Start and Stop limits
have been set, press MENU three times to return to the Measurement

An alternative, short-cut procedure to set the Scan Bar Start/Stop limits is

to press the MODE button and set the limits directly in the Measurement
Display. If the short-cut is selected, after setting Nom. : with the Up/Down
ARROW keys, press MODE again to set Min. :. Then press MODE to
return to the Measurement Display. To return to the B-Scan display, press
the SCAN button

To produce a scrolling B-Scan, apply couplant to

the test object surface, and with a smooth, even
motion, slide the probe across the surface. As the
probe is moved over the surface, a cross-sectional
view will be produced. To terminate the B-Scan
scrolling, press ENTER. The scrolling will stop,
and the acquired B-Scan can be reviewed. To
produce the desired result, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure to
coordinate the probe motion with the scrolling motion.

In the illustration, the Scan Bar range was set from 0.000 to approximately
1.000 inch thickness.

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The display prompts for the number of rows and

W hile in the B-Scan mode, pressing the Up ARROW key will eliminate the columns for the Log. Use the Right and Left
Minimum Thickness display. The B-Scan will run approximately 25 percent ARROW keys to scroll or toggle the number of
faster. The graphic representation of thicknesses can be approximated from Columns and Rows desired. The number
the scale on the left axis of the display. following Avail: is the number of data points
available for Logged data. Toggle down to
Pressing the DOW N ARROW key eliminates the horizontal and vertical highlight Create, and press ENTER. The
scaling dots. This action increases the scrolling speed an additional 10 following displays will be seen:
percent (approximately), although any horizontal reference will be lost.
The flashing cell outline indicates the cell available for data, and its address
Blank sections in the B-Scan presentation are generally an indication of (Row: , Col:). The Grid Log File is ready for data to be entered.
poor coupling. To become more familiar and proficient with the B-Scan Instructions for doing so are in Entering Data, below. If you do not wish to
feature, practice on a stepped-wedge will help. provide a File Name at this time, the next available File Name, expressed
as a numeral, will be assigned. A File Name can be created or edited at
5.2 Data Logging any time. To do so, proceed to the Section below, Edit Name. To return to
The Data Logger in the NOVA TG950 is unique and exceptionally easy to the Measurement display, press MENU three times.
navigate. Logged data can be retained and displayed as a spreadsheet, or
as a simple linear list. Up to 50,000 data points can be entered into an Linear File Type: If a simple, sequential Linear File is desired, proceed as
unlimited number of Log Files. Each Log File can be named with as many before: LOG, ENTER; LOG FILES, New, ENTER; Log Type:, toggle to
as 32 alpha-numeric characters. Linear, ENTER.

Press the LOG button to enter the Data Logger mode. If no files currently W ith the Right and Left ARROW keys, toggle or scroll in the desired number
exist in the logger, the default screen will display New. If there is at least of data points. Toggle down to Create, and press ENTER. The following
one existing Log File, the screen display will read New, Review, or Erase display will open:
All, and display the number of Log Files stored in memory.
The flashing cell outline indicates the cell available for data, and its address.
New Log File - Log Type: At New on the LOG FILES display, press To select cells beyond the four displayed, use the Right ARROW key to
ENTER. The NEW LOG FILE Sub-Menu will open with three choices: Log toggle or scroll over to the desired cell, indicating the cell ready for data
Type, Edit Name, and Create. Log Type will be highlighted. There are entry. The Left ARROW key will produce the opposite effect. Instructions
two Log Types: Grid or Linear. The Log Type is for data entry are in Entering Data, below.
selected by toggling the Right or Left ARROW
keys to Log Type: (Grid or Linear). Edit Name: To create a New Log File Name,
Press LOG. The LOG FILES: display will open.
-- Grid File Type: The Grid File Type is a If the number 0 follows, no other files are stored,
spreadsheet type of File consisting of numbered and New will be highlighted. If Log Files have
rows and columns. At Log Type:, toggle the been saved previously, the number of them will
Right or Left ARROW keys to Grid, and press follow, with the additional choices of Review, and
ENTER. A display will open as shown: Erase All. At this point, with New highlighted,
press ENTER. The NEW LOG FILE display will open. Toggle down to Edit
Name, and press ENTER. An alpha-numeric screen and a flashing cursor

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will appear, as shown below: To open a previously created File, from the LOG FILES Display, toggle
down to Review, and press ENTER. All existing Files will be listed by File
Note the bold underscore, _ , displayed in the upper left-hand corner. This Name with the first 13 characters displayed, followed by a period, if there
symbol is the location cursor for File Name characters. Both upper-case are more than 13 characters. Toggle or scroll up or down to the desired
and lower-case alpha characters may be used. The default display, as File Name, and press ENTER.
shown above, is to upper-case characters. Lower-case characters can be
selected by pressing the Left ARROW to highlight the left-hand column The Log File Name is displayed at the top. At View Log, press ENTER.
having two arrows, Space, Del, Shift, and Ins. Toggle down to Shift, and The Grid or Linear Log File selected will open. If no data has been
press ENTER. Lower-case characters are now displayed. previously entered, the highlighted cell will be the first in the File. If data
exists in the File, the highlighted cell will be the next empty cell. To enter a
The Log File is named by moving the cursor through the alpha-numeric field thickness measurement into the highlighted empty cell, obtain the desired
with the ARROW keys. W hen the desired character is highlighted, press measurement, and press ENTER. To enter data into the next cell, toggle
ENTER to "build" the Log File name. Up to 32 characters may be used. As the Right ARROW key to that cell, or any other empty cell. If you wish to
the File Name is created, the location cursor will advance to the next overwrite the data in any cell, highlight it, take a new thickness
character space. If a space is wanted, use the ARROW keys to toggle to measurement and press ENTER.
Space in the left column, and press ENTER. The character location cursor
will advance one empty space. Additional characters may be entered by Erasing Files
again toggling to, and entering the desired characters. In the bottom row, a Erasing Log Files removes them permanently from the NOVA TG950
hyphen or period] may be entered. Toggling to 123, and pressing ENTER, memory, as does overwriting an entry. CAUTION: Only erase Files no
will open with the numerals 0 through 9, and ABC. Select and ENTER any longer needed, or those that have been downloaded to a PC via NDT
numerals desired, as before. If additional alpha characters are desired, Systems’ Data Transfer Program for Windows. For information on this
highlight ABC, and press ENTER. The previous alpha display will be important, time-saving feature, see Optional Accessories in Section 8,
returned. ACCESSORIES.

To edit a new or existing File Name, toggle to either the left-pointing or To erase a single File, from the Measurement Display, press LOG, and
right-pointing arrows in the upper left-hand corner of the display. Toggling ENTER. The LOG FILES Sub-Menu will open. Toggle down to Review
ENTER will move the location cursor in the direction indicated. W hen the and press ENTER. The list of Files in memory is displayed. Toggle or
location curser is under the character or space to be edited, toggle down to scroll to the desired File Name, and press ENTER. Toggle down to Erase,
Del (Delete), and press ENTER. Any newly desired character can be and press ENTER. The File Name is displayed, and a No/Yes choice is
inserted at that location by selecting it, and pressing ENTER. offered. If you wish to continue to erase the File, select Yes, and press
After the Log File has been named, press the MENU button to return to the
NEW LOG FILE menu. If all stored Log Files have been downloaded, or are no longer needed, from
the LOG FILES Sub-Menu, toggle down to Erase All, press ENTER, select
Entering Data Yes, and press ENTER.
First, open the Log File into which thickness measurements are to be
entered. From the opening measurement display, press LOG, then
ENTER, to open the LOG FILES Sub-Menu. If a new Grid or Linear File
Type is to be created, follow the procedures for producing Grid or Linear
File Types, above.

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5.3 MODIFY SETUP IPSup: Creates a “dead zone” where the AGC is not active thereby
As referred to in the description of the MODIFY Sub-Menu of the SETUP permitting contact transducer measurements closer to the
Menu, above, a notice was given concerning the many User-adjustable Initial Pulse. For example, in optimum conditions a 5MHz
features of the NOVA: contact transducer can be set to measure as low as 0.035"
as compared to the standard minimum of 0.062"
It is within the M ODIFY Sub-M enu that many internal Resol: In Contact mode permits multi echo measurements
adjustments can be made by the User to refine setups to permitting a resolution of 0.0001" as compared to the
optimize the NOVA for special or difficult gaging applications. standard contact mode of 0.001"
For normal conditions, many of these adjustments are set Units: In or mm
automatically, depending upon the transducer/measurement ScalLo: Sets Lower Scale value for the Scan bar & ‘B’ Scan
mode combinations initially selected, and require no further ScalHi: Sets the upper Scale value for the Scan Bar & ‘B’ Scan
modification. Further technical discussion of these ThkMode: Selects from Normal, Differential or Min Hold
selections/adjustments follows. If the optional data port was NomThk: User selects Nominal Thickness for use in Differential Mode
ordered it is advisable to have an oscilloscope available while Alarms: Off, Lo, Hi or Hi/Lo
making changes within the MODIFY menu. AlarmLo: User sets the Lower Thickness value by which the TG950
will trigger the red LED alarm light
These additional adjustments are discussed below: AlarmHi: User sets the upper thickness value by which the TG950
NOTE: M any of the settings on this m enu are also available in other m enus as w ell. All settings will trigger the red LED alarm light
are provided here for ease of total instrum ent setup. For instance, if you require the assistance
of the custom application developm ent team at NDT System s they w ill have a m eans to inform
the user of application specific setup inform ation.


AGC: On or Off
GAIN: 0 - 100%
GATES: IP-1st or IF-1st depending upon wether CONTACT or
DELAY selected. Other options are 1 st - 2 nd, 2 nd - 3 rd.
POLAR: Polarity Select. Pos or Neg half cycle.
VEL: Velocity Adjust
ZERO: Zero Adjust
IP Blk: Initial Pulse Blocking Gate
Thresh Thickness Trigger Threshold. 0 - 100%
IF Blk: Interface Blocking Gate (while in Delay mode)
MeasTm: Selects the time period the AGC is actively “looking” for an
echo. Example: This feature is helpful while using the
TG950 with a water or “bubbler” style probe where the
length of the waterpath will permit longer measurements. A
D11 Delay line transducer will only allow a maximum
measurement of 0.600, while a bubbler transducer may
allow the user to measure to 1" or more total material

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The following is a pictorial explanation of the various gating modes

mentioned above. The images here were acquired with a digital The Oscilloscope display here and the
oscilloscope attached to the optionally available data port connector. If you available, viewable screen images here
did not order the data port connector with the TG950 originally, it may be represent the basic required information
added any time later by returning the instrument to NDT Systems for the TG950 is processing in order to
installation of the option. If the user is going to need frequent adjustment calculate an accurate thickness reading.
and storage of application specific setup parameters is highly Not ALL gates are available for viewing.
recommended that an oscilloscope be used for initial setup. The intent is to make available enough
information so the user can surmise what
signal or echo is actually triggering the
digital display. This is very helpful when
initially setting up difficult application
specific tests. If you are uncomfortable
with a test results in this mode, then
second thought should be given to the
question of whether or not the specific
application is ideal for digital gaging. Often, complex geometry can create
circumstances whereby the user must use an ‘A’ trace gage in order to
evaluate the received echos on a continuous basis.

The Figure represents three commonly used modes of precision ultrasonic


In the delay line example, the delay line itself is generally a low attenuation
plastic based material. In this example, the ultrasonic pulse is emitted from
the element/backing assembly. This is coupled directly into the delay media,
in this case, plastic. As the sound makes its way through the delay line it will
come in contact with the end of the delay line (1-2). This point (2) is called
the “interface” also known as “IF”. The interface will be the first returned
echo in delay or bubbler or immersion testing.

Beyond this point there are 2 possible echo possibilities. One, If the
transducer is not coupled to the surface the next echo will be the 2 nd Delay
The image above is generally the most comprehensive for this discussion. multiple. If the transducer is coupled the interface will still be there but the
You will note the title of the image indicates we are looking at a delay next echo will generally be the first (1 st) metal path return echo usually
transducer. This usually indicates there is some distance between the followed by 2 or more repeating echos.
transducer element and the material under test. This material is usually
plastic, water or some other ultrasonically transmissive media. Referring to There is one more point to be aware of in delay line inspection. The length
the following image will help understand the concept of what we are looking of the delay line must be at least as long ultrasonically as the distance from
at in the oscilloscope picture. the interface to the 1st echo. If the 1st echo returns past the 1st multiple (or

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end) of the delay line the gage in its default configuration would not return a Measurement Time: This is the actual area of time that the instrument is
reading. In a default configuration the plastic of the delay line is about looking for an echo. It usually starts very shortly after the initial pulse in the
0.300" long. Ultrasonically, the plastic is about ½ the ultrasonic speed or contact mode or very shortly after the interface in delay mode If for
velocity as metal under test. Therefore, once the metal approaches 0.600" example, the interface blocking gate (IFBlk on TG950 display) were set to
thick it will start to run into the 2 nd delay line multiple. Once the material short or within the interface time zone, the gage will think it is reading the
exceeds 0.600" in this case, no reading or in some cases an erroneous interface itself and trigger on a secondary half cycle within the interface
reading will be made. echo envelope. This will have the effect of appearing to “lock up” the
instrument since no other echos will be seen.
The example with the water path is generally known as a “bubbler” type of
transducer whereby the column or cone is filled with a slow flowing water The lower example is typical of a standard contact transducer test.
path. It reacts much the same way as the plastic delay but generally permits Although the wearplate is indeed a form of delay, it is usually so thin (on the
the ability to focus the sound beam as well as conform easier to irregular order of 0.005" - 0.020" thick) as not to be considered a delay line but rather
surfaces. The same ruses as above apply. creates a very minor offset which we will compensate with a ZERO or Lo
Cal offset as discussed in section 4.4.
Returning to the oscilloscope pattern lets discuss the traces as shown and
briefly discuss how to use them. Again, if the optional data port module
were installed at the time of order, this nomenclature would match the
actual wires exiting the data port adaptor.

Sync. Sync is the reference timing pulse that is the start of the thickness
measurement cycle. An output for this signal os provided to synchronize an
oscilloscope time base.

Video. The video is the waveform representation of the sound as it travels

through its path. In the previous oscilloscope example we are looking at a
delay line transducer coupled into a metal test sample. At this point we are
working with the concept here so the thickness is not important. On the
Video trace you will not the Initial Pulse is synchronized with the falling edge
of the sync trace. Time measurement for thickness starts here. This point is
also known as T=0. From this point, we have incorporated a “dead” zone
known as an IP Blocking gate where no measurements are possible but
time continues to count. You can then note that the IF or interface appears
next. In the delay mode, this is where the start of measurement occurs. In
this example, the signal is measuring the 1 st to 2 nd echo.

Measurement Gate: An example of this can be observed by looking at the

“Measurement Gate” in the oscilloscope display where a step indicates the
start and stop of the measurement interval. The TG950 then calculates the
time from the start to the stop of an echo period and presents the results as
a thickness value on the units digital display.

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5.4 Ultrasonic Velocity is due to chemical or physical variations within the material that are within
Velocity Measurement: To accurately measure the Longitudinal the range of acceptable parameters for a particular alloy.
Ultrasonic Velocity characteristic of any particular material, it is necessary to
have a sample of the material having known composition, and, if a metal, Longitudinal Ultrasonic Velocity Table
the heat treatment condition. Case-hardened, coated, or plated samples (At Room Temperature)
are not acceptable. Both front and back surfaces should have a fine finish,
such as that produced by finish surface grinding. The surfaces should be
flat and parallel. The ideal nominal thickness of the sample should be Material Velocity - in/ms Velocity - mm/ms
approximately 0.3 inch (7.5 mm) to 1.0 inch (25.4 mm). The precise
thickness should be determined to at least 0.xxxx inch (0.xx mm) accuracy Acrylic Resin 0.105 2.67
using an appropriate micrometer measurement tool.
Aluminum 0.249 6.32

Couple the probe to the surface of the reference sample, and, using the Naval Brass 0.174 4.43
Up/Down ARROW keys, scroll or toggle to the known thickness. As the
Phosphor Bronze 0.139 3.53
displayed thickness is adjusted to the known thickness, note that a velocity
value is displayed immediately below the thickness readout. If the gage has Cast Iron 0.181 4.60
been set to English units (inches), the velocity value will be displayed as a
Copper 0.183 4.66
number having four decimal places. If millimeters were set, the velocity will
have three decimal places. The units of velocity are inches per W indow Glass 0.267 6.79
microsecond (in/ms), or millimeters per microsecond.
Inconel 0.225 5.72
Velocity Calibration: Though infrequently used, if the ultrasonic velocity of W rought Iron 0.232 5.90
the test material has been previously established or recorded, and
reference standards are unavailable, velocity calibration will produce Magnesium 0.248 6.31
accurate measurements. To set velocity, while in the Measurement Monel 0.237 6.02
Display, momentarily depress either of the Up or Down ARROW keys
(VEL+ or VEL-). Velocity, with the currently stored velocity value, is Nickel 0.222 5.63
displayed immediately below the thickness readout. The ARROW keys can Mild Steel 0.232 5.90
then be used to toggle or scroll velocity until the display precisely reads the
known velocity value. 4340 Steel 0.230 5.85

CRES 303 0.233 5.66

Since many factors can affect ultrasonic velocity, the Velocity Measurement
procedure should produce significantly more accurate results than using Titanium 0.239 6.07
published velocity data. If approximate gaging accuracy is acceptable, the Zirconium 0.183 4.65
use of published data, such as shown in the Longitudinal Ultrasonic Velocity
Table, below, can be considered.

This approach is reasonable for simpler, more-rugged applications; for

example, the gaging of mild steel or plain carbon steel alloys. Published
velocity data will be found to differ somewhat in different publications. This

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6. GAGING TIPS AND TECHNIQUES substances from the material surface; e.g.: dirt, loose scale, corrosion, soil,
6.1 Reference Standards flaking paint.
The more closely the reference standard matches the actual test material,
the better the gaging accuracy. For metals, to compensate for variations Excessive surface roughness can cause erratic, extremely low, or no
such as composition, microstructure, heat-treat condition, grain direction, thickness readout. In such cases, consider scraping, sanding, grinding or
thickness range, surface roughness and geometry, the ideal reference filing the surface smooth enough to obtain a proper response (provided
material would be samples produced from pieces of the actual material to such a procedure and the amount of material removal are acceptable).
be tested. This type of reference standard is used for critical applications
requiring maximum gaging accuracy. A uniformly-grooved surface, such as that produced by a single-point
cutting tool can also produce erroneous readings. As a possible remedy,
For many applications, satisfactory gaging accuracy can be obtained by orient the probe's cross-talk barrier (located on the bottom of the probe) at
using a single reference sample. This sample should have the same right angles to the groove pattern direction.
composition and geometry as the actual test object. Reference standard
thicknesses should be measured using a micrometer or similar device to For either surface condition, first try using a high-viscosity couplant.
accurately establish known thicknesses. If a thickness range is anticipated, Adjusting the receiver gain may also remedy the problem. Use the GAIN
use a reference sample that represents the thicker end of the range. control located in the MAIN menu. The Hi-Power Probe (TG-208) may also
significantly improve the response.
Machined stepped-wedges having thickness steps across the range of
interest can frequently be used provided they are of the same general For gaging thick materials or materials with large grain structures, consider
composition as the test material. Experimentation with known thicknesses using a lower frequency probe such as the TG-208 Hi-Power Probe.
of the test objects is recommended.
Surface Geometry - Cylindrical Shapes: For gaging on cylindrical shapes
W hen gaging thin materials that approach the lower performance limits of such as pipe, tubing, small diameter tanks, etc., it is vital to establish probe
the gage/probe combination, experiment with reference samples to normality (perpendicularity to surface) and to select the proper orientation of
determine the actual lower limit. Do not attempt to gage materials thinner the probe's cross-talk barrier.
than this limit. See Very Thin Sections in Section 7, Gaging
Precautions, below. To determine normality, rock the coupled probe back and forth along the
curved direction on the material surface and observe the accompanying
For exceptionally large thickness ranges, particularly in alloys where decrease/increase action of the thickness readout. Use the minimum
microstructure variations can occur, use separate samples and calibration thickness reading, as this represents probe normality.
setups at selected intervals across the range.
The cross-talk barrier is the thin material that splits the bottom of the probe
Many wrought and cast metal microstructures exhibit directionality, into halves (its direction is marked on both sides of the probe housing). The
depending upon the beam direction, that causes a slight variation in cross-talk barrier orientation depends upon the test object’s surface
ultrasonic velocity. For improved accuracy, reference samples should have diameter. See the following probe orientation Figure. On large diameters,
the same directionality/sound beam orientation as that of the material to be orient the probe so its barrier is perpendicular to the cylindrical axis of the
gaged. test object. On smaller diameters, orient the probe barrier both
perpendicular to, and parallel with, the test object’s cylindrical axis (at the
6.2 Test Surface and Geometry Considerations identical location). Use the orientation that yields the lesser thickness
Surface Condition: Prior to gaging, remove performance-hindering foreign readout.

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still unsuccessful, it may be necessary to use an instrument having an A-

Trace display, such as NDT Systems' Eclipse TG-2 or Quantum TE.
Surface Geometry - Compound Contours: For gaging on convex
surfaces such as piping elbows and spherical shapes, rock the probe for a Grain Directionality Effects: In both wrought and cast metals, the
minimum reading in both the circumferential and longitudinal directions, and microstructural properties frequently are directional. The ultrasonic velocity
use the smaller of the two minimum readings. Successful gaging on (thus, gage calibration) may differ within the material, depending upon the
concave surfaces depends upon the degree of curvature. If reliable ultrasonic beam direction with respect to the grain direction. For optimum
coupling cannot be achieved, the use of special probes may be required. measurement accuracy, calibrate, and subsequently gage, in the same
Various Mini-Probes are available that may suffice, but it is not feasible to material grain direction.
absolutely specify the minimum radii to which they will successfully apply.
Compound contours are difficult to gage. If successful results cannot be
obtained, it may be necessary to use an ultrasonic flaw detector such as the
Quantum TE or a thickness gage with A-Trace capability such as NDT
Systems' Eclipse TG-2.

Non-Parallel Surfaces: The surfaces on both sides of a section must be

relatively parallel or concentric in order to obtain a satisfactory ultrasonic
echo for a thickness reading. Non-parallel or tapered surfaces will produce
less accuracy or no reading at all.

6.3 Material Temperature Effects

Both the dimensions and, especially, the ultrasonic velocity, of a material
change with temperature, which, in turn affects calibration and gaging
accuracy. This undesirable effect holds true for the material being gaged as
well as for the probe. Although it is always good practice to re-calibrate for
significant changes in ambient temperature, the effect can normally be
ignored for modest changes.

The situation becomes more complex when the material temperature is

considerably different from ambient. One solution is to calibrate on a
reference sample at the same temperature as the material. Another
solution is to calibrate on a reference sample at ambient temperature and
then add an experimentally derived correction factor for the temperature of
the material.

6.4 Additional Test Material Factors

Excessively Attenuative Materials: Some materials (fibrous, porous,
large-grained, etc.) may absorb or scatter so much ultrasound that either a
reading cannot be obtained or some abnormal reading (usually abnormally
thin) occurs. In such cases, use the TG-208 Hi-Power Probe. If gaging is

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Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual

7. GAGING PRECAUTIONS the outer sheet. Likewise, it is not recommended to attempt to gage bonded
7.1 Very Thin Sections laminates layers of similar or dissimilar materials adhesively bonded.
As with any ultrasonic thickness gage, when the sectional thickness falls Depending upon the adhesive properties, it may be possible for the
below the minimum operating thickness for the specific probe in use, instrument to receive an adequate back-echo to be able to read the
erroneous readings will result. It is virtually impossible to precisely specify thickness of the outer layer. However, for reliable ultrasonic testing of
the minimum thickness which can be gaged with a given probe/NOVA laminates, it is recommended to use an instrument having an A-trace.
TG950/material combination. The minimum thickness limit can be closely
approximated by experimentation on the test object or reference standards 7.6 Plated or Painted Materials
of the same material, and using different probes. If a surface has plating of known and uniform thickness, it can be possible to
obtain accurate and reliable thickness measurement of the substrate
One erroneous effect, called "thickness doubling", sometimes occurs when material. However, appropriate reference standards are necessary. If, for
gaging thicknesses fall below the minimum limit. Another effect “pulse- any reason, the plating is separated from the basis material, the readout, if
envelope cycle-jumping" produces a reading somewhat larger than the any, will be erratic or unstable.
actual thickness. It is advisable to double check critical thinner sections by
using NDT Systems' NOVAScope, the Eclipse TG-2, or an ultrasonic flaw Painted surfaces may, or may not, create gaging problems. It is essential to
detector such as Quantum TE. experiment with reference samples having the same condition as the test
7.2 Pitting Corrosion
Pitted areas on the test object’s back surface can cause unexpected erratic 7.7 Abnormal or Unusual Thickness Readings
changes in thickness readout, or, in extreme cases, no thickness readout. The operator should always qualify abnormal or questionable thickness
Very small, or sharply pointed pits may go undetected, especially small, indications. W hile such indications may be legitimate, they should be
isolated single pits. W hen pitting is either detected or suspected, the area carefully evaluated. If an unexpected indication is seemingly random, or
should be very carefully scanned while changing the orientation of the cannot be reproduced, it was possibly caused by a couplant break or a small
probe's cross-talk barrier to enhance delectability of the thinnest pitted foreign particle on the surface. If it can be reproduced, even if erratic, it
locations. If positive results cannot be obtained, particularly on critical should be recorded for further evaluation. Something caused the strange or
structures, use NDT Systems' NOVAScope, the Eclipse TG-2, or an erratic, but location-reproducible, indication. Sometimes, a small inclusion,
ultrasonic flaw detector such as Quantum TE. or unfavorably oriented crack, can cause such indications. Again, use an
instrument having an A-Trace to evaluate them.
7.3 Material Misidentification
Always verify the type and anticipated thickness of material to be gaged.
Erroneous thickness readouts can result if an instrument is calibrated on a
material and/or thickness other than that of the test material.

7.4 Worn or Malfunctioning Probes

Immediately replace any probe that is malfunctioning, or showing excessive
or uneven wear.

7.5 M aterial Stacks

It is not possible to gage the stack thickness of uncoupled material sheets
piled upon one another. Ultrasound reflects totally from the back surface of

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Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual

8. ACCESSORIES TG9XX-DTPW: TG900 Series Data Transfer Program for Windows. This
8.1 Standard Accessories: The standard NOVA TG950 Kit contains the Accessory Program is essential for handling Logged data, even relatively
gage (batteries installed), Standard Probe, Probe Cable, Couplant small data files. Manually transcribing Log Files is time-consuming and
Container, and User’s Operating Manual. subject to possible errors.

8.2 Optional Accessories: Transducers and Probe Cables are required The NOVA TG950 has an RS-232 data port on the back panel of the 950.
accessories. They are not included due to the broad based nature of the W hen connected to the serial port on a PC using the transfer cable
applications the TG9XX series can address. EZDoc, Instrument Docking (included), Logged Data Files are quickly transferred automatically from
Station (available 6/05) Spring-Loaded V-Groove Probe Housings and a the gage to the PC. For field inspections, it is unnecessary to have the PC
Slip-On Protective Leather Case for the gage. Contact NDT Systems for a at hand, although there is the capability to read Logged data directly into a
complete list of available options. PC taken along into the field.

DTPW can be quickly and easily installed on the computer with the
included program disc. The following illustration shows an example of the
main program screen:

See DTPW Manual for specific operating instructions

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Several of the probes in this section may work best if modified slightly to
meet demanding application requirements. See Section 5.3

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Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual


Normal maintenance consists of little more than keeping the gage

surfaces and probes clean. The probes and cables should be inspected
periodically, and replaced, if excessively worn.

Battery life depends upon the type, freshness, and quality of the batteries
used, and, to a lesser extent, upon some of the features used. If the
backlight is used extensively, battery life will be reduced. See Section 4.1,
Power On - Battery Check - Auto-Off.

To change batteries, loosen the large cap-screw on the bottom of the

gage with a coin or screwdriver. Remove the discharged batteries and
replace them with two new disposable AA-size alkaline or NiMH
rechargeable batteries. Install them with the positive (+) polarity inward.
Replace and tighten the battery chamber cap-screw. If the batteries are
completely discharged, removed, or replaced, re-establish calibration
settings. Other previous settings and logged data will be retained.

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Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual Nova Eclipse TG950 - Users Manual

WARRANTY remedy will be the return of the purchase price for the instrument. The
liability of NDT Systems shall in no event be greater then the full amount
NDT Systems, Inc. (hereinafter NDT Systems) warrants that reasonable of the purchase price for the instrument.
care was used in the choice of materials and the manufacture of this
instrument, and that the instrument conforms to the published ratings and Any attempt by NDT Systems to repair or replace any instrument sold
characteristics applicable to the instrument at the time the instrument is hereunder shall not constitute an admission that the instrument, or any
shipped to the Buyer. This warranty shall extend for a period of one year part thereof, is defective within the meaning of the above warranty, nor
from the date of shipment of the instrument (FOB Seller's plant) and shall that NDT Systems has any legal responsibility to make such repair or
effect such replacement.
in no event extend beyond such term. The Buyer shall notify NDT
Systems by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, of any
Any such attempts, if unsuccessful, shall not create any liability on the part
claim of discovery of such defect. Failure to notify NDT Systems within the of NDT Systems and the purchaser is limited to the remedy set forth
time and in the manner specified herein shall constitute a waiver of any herein.
such claim of defect or breach of warranty. The final determination of the LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY
existence of a defect or breach of this warranty shall be made by NDT
Systems. This warranty shall extend to the Buyer only, and shall not be NDT Systems shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for direct.
assignable or transferable to any other person. incidental or consequential damages for any breach of contract, breach of
warranty or misrepresentations. including the negligence of NDT Systems,
including, but not limited to damages resulting directly or indirectly from
the use, or loss of use. of the instrument sold hereunder, or the business
THERE ARE NO W ARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING of the Buyer or third persons wherein the instrument is utilized.
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. OTHER THAN THOSE W ARRANTIES SET The above warranty and the obligations of NDT Systems hereunder, are
FORTH IN THE PARAGRAPH ENTITLED "W ARRANTY' ABOVE. expressly in lieu of, and the Buyer expressly waives, any other liability of
The above warranty shall not apply to digital panel meters and items with NDT Systems based upon warranty, express of implied, contract, or the
a limited life, such as batteries, probes or cables, nor to any instruments negligence of NDT Systems including but not limited to. negligence in the
which have been subjected to misuse. improper installation or repair, design of the instrument or in the choice of the materials therefor. or
negligence in the repair or replacement of the instrument, whether such
alteration. or use beyond the published maximum ratings of the
repair or replacement is required by the terms hereof or is voluntary, upon
the part of NDT Systems.

BUYER'S REMEDIES Except as provided herein. no person is authorized to assume on behalf of

The Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy for breach of the above warranty NDT Systems any other or additional liability or responsibility in
shall be the repair or replacement (at the discretion of NDT Systems) of connection with the instrument. These terms and warranty are applicable
the instrument by NDT Systems free of charge. The Buyer shall return the to and complete acceptance of such a binding legal agreement.
instrument to NDT Systems. transportation prepaid. NDT Systems shall
promptly repair or replace the instrument and return same to Buyer, FOB NDT Systems, Inc.
17811 Georgetown Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Seller's Plant, collect.
Jan 2005 (714)893-2438

If. for any reason. NDT Systems is unable or unwilling to repair or replace
the instrument or because of circumstances, the exclusive remedy
provided herein fails of its essential purpose, or operates to deprive either
party of the substantial value of its bargain then the Purchaser's exclusive

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