Woodford 2005
Woodford 2005
Woodford 2005
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Eastern Oregon University, One University Blvd.,
303J Badgley Hall, La Grande, OR 97850-2899, United States
A theoretical analysis of anthocyanidins, a class of natural plant pigments, has been conducted using density functional theory at
the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. It is found that these compounds are non-planar, with the 2-phenyl ring twisted relative to the benzo-
pyrylium rings. TD-DFT calculations reveal a first excited state dominated by two orbital transitions, including the HOMO–LUMO
transition. From a comparison of these molecular orbitals with those of related compounds, and from the known chemistry of these
compounds, it is suggested that anthocyanidins should be regarded as natural, stable carbocations.
Ó 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0009-2614/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.N. Woodford / Chemical Physics Letters 410 (2005) 182–187 183
Table 1
Selected structural data for anthocyanidins and comparison to experimental values
Propertya F Ap Apb Cy Cyc Dp Lt Mv Pg Pn Pt
d(O1–C2) 1.337 1.349 1.34 1.351 1.349 1.352 1.349 1.353 1.349 1.353 1.352
d(C2–C3) 1.409 1.404 1.39 1.424 1.396 1.424 1.404 1.424 1.423 1.424 1.410
d(C3–C4) 1.378 1.381 1.37 1.384 1.380 1.383 1.383 1.385 1.385 1.383 1.393
d(C4–C4a) 1.418 1.406 1.39 1.407 1.382 1.407 1.408 1.407 1.406 1.407 1.399
d(C4a–C5) 1.416 1.427 1.42 1.427 1.432 1.426 1.428 1.429 1.427 1.429 1.434
d(C5–C6) 1.381 1.383 1.37 1.384 1.366 1.384 1.385 1.380 1.383 1.379 1.378
d(C6–C7) 1.413 1.414 1.41 1.415 1.413 1.415 1.413 1.415 1.416 1.415 1.416
d(C7–C8) 1.389 1.403 1.40 1.399 1.387 1.399 1.402 1.399 1.399 1.400 1.399
d(C8–C8a) 1.394 1.382 1.36 1.384 1.376 1.384 1.381 1.390 1.384 1.390 1.388
d(C8a–O1) 1.367 1.370 1.37 1.362 1.361 1.362 1.368 1.360 1.361 1.362 1.359
d(C4a–C8a) 1.415 1.419 1.41 1.413 1.408 1.413 1.419 1.410 1.414 1.411 1.417
dðC2 –C10 Þ 1.448 1.440 1.45 1.437 1.453 1.436 1.439 1.436 1.438 1.435 1.446
dðC10 –C20 Þ 1.415 1.419 1.40 1.425 1.409 1.422 1.419 1.425 1.425 1.428 1.417
dðC20 –C30 Þ 1.387 1.377 1.38 1.380 1.371 1.384 1.382 1.378 1.376 1.378 1.387
dðC30 –C40 Þ 1.400 1.408 1.39 1.425 1.400 1.416 1.424 1.423 1.410 1.426 1.411
dðC40 –C50 Þ 1.400 1.409 1.39 1.400 1.378 1.411 1.401 1.410 1.406 1.397 1.404
dðC50 –C60 Þ 1.388 1.384 1.38 1.385 1.383 1.381 1.385 1.391 1.382 1.384 1.392
dðC60 –C10 Þ 1.415 1.417 1.40 1.417 1.404 1.421 1.412 1.415 1.421 1.420 1.415
sðO1 –C2 –C10 –C20 Þ 7.52 4.98 4.14 2.19 5.9 3.75 2.21 7.91 1.82 10.70 28.14
Bond lengths in Angstroms; torsion angles in degrees.
From [18].
From [19].
184 J.N. Woodford / Chemical Physics Letters 410 (2005) 182–187
Table 2
TD-DFT results for the first several electronic excited states of anthocyanidins
Compound DE (eV) f kcalc (nm) Composition kexpta (nm)
F 3.11 0.007 399 HOMO ! LUMO (0.102) n/a
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.675)
3.30 0.626 375 HOMO ! LUMO (0.617) n/a
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.101)
3.34 0.007 371 (HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.672) n/a
Ap 2.88 0.445 431 HOMO ! LUMO (0.536) 476
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.359)
3.21 0.328 386 HOMO ! LUMO (0.316)
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.559)
3.63 0.004 341 (HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.684)
Cy 2.53 0.470 489 HOMO ! LUMO (0.574) 535
(HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.244)
2.76 0.024 449 (HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.660)
(HOMO 3) ! LUMO (0.104)
3.17 0.299 391 HOMO ! LUMO (0.177)
(HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.628)
Dp 2.53 0.181 490 HOMO ! LUMO (0.318) 546
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.555)
2.55 0.446 486 HOMO ! LUMO (0.454)
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.389)
2.89 0.098 428 (HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.608)
(HOMO 3) ! LUMO (0.122)
Lt 2.65 0.424 468 HOMO ! LUMO (0.596) 493
(HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.220)
2.99 0.049 415 (HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.665)
(HOMO 3) ! LUMO (0.102)
3.29 0.296 377 HOMO ! LUMO (0.638)
(HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.162)
Mv 2.42 0.111 513 HOMO ! LUMO (0.356) 542
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.557)
2.60 0.533 477 HOMO ! LUMO (0.459)
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.384)
2.94 0.045 422 (HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.631)
Pg 2.64 0.417 470 HOMO ! LUMO (0.556) 520
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.295)
3.13 0.367 397 HOMO ! LUMO (0.243)
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.583)
3.46 0.012 359 (HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.681)
Pn 2.60 0.560 476 HOMO ! LUMO (0.574) 532
(HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.208)
2.88 0.001 430 (HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.654)
(HOMO 3) ! LUMO (0.127)
3.15 0.210 393 HOMO ! LUMO (0.160)
(HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.642)
Pt 2.47 0.394 502 HOMO ! LUMO (0.572) 543
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.255)
2.61 0.142 475 HOMO ! LUMO (0.213)
(HOMO 1) ! LUMO (0.632)
2.91 0.003 426 (HOMO 2) ! LUMO (0.642)
(HOMO 3) ! LUMO (0.157)
In methanol/HCl solution; from [31].
gas-phase values to values obtained experimentally in first three electronic excitations predicted by the TD-
solution. While it is believed that the transition to the DFT method, except for flavylium, only two have
first excited state is responsible for the vivid coloration non-negligible oscillator strengths (f > 0.1). Further-
of anthocyanidins, the present results suggest that high- more, both of these are qualitatively similar for all com-
er excited states may also play a prominent role. Of the pounds studied, involving a pair of orbital transitions:
186 J.N. Woodford / Chemical Physics Letters 410 (2005) 182–187
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