1. The applicant CAB shall undertake to carry out its calibration activities in such a way as to meet the
requirement of ISO/ IEC 17025: 2005 or ISO/IEC 17025:2017 whichever is applicable, NABL specific
criteria, other relevant requirements of NABL and the regulatory authorities, as applicable at all times.
CAB applying for accreditation as per ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 shall comply with NABL document NABL
165; ‘NABL’s Policies for Accreditation as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017’.
2. Applicant CABs are advised to ensure that the latest versions of NABL documents are available with
3. The application fee and other necessary charges related to accreditation process is given in NABL
document NABL 100 ‘General Information Brochure’ under NABL Finance and NABL Fee Structure’.
NABL 100 is available on NABL website.
4. CABs are advised to familiarize themselves with NABL 100 ‘General Information Brochure’, NABL
201 ‘Procedure for dealing with Changes in Accredited Conformity Assessment Body’s Operations’,
NABL 216 ‘Procedures for Dealing with Adverse Decisions’, NABL 131 ‘Terms and Conditions for
Obtaining and Maintaining Accreditation’ and NABL 133 ‘NABL Policy for Use of NABL Symbol /
Claim of Accreditation by Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies & NABL Accredited CAB
Combined ILAC MRA Mark’ before filling up this form.
5. The applicant CAB shall provide photocopy of following appropriate document (s) in support of the
legal status claimed:
i. Proprietorship firm (Copy of Bank Passbook/Account Statement of CAB & ID of
ii. Partnership (Copy of Registration under 1932 Act)
iii. Company Act (Copy of Registration under 1956 Act)
iv. Societies Registration Act (Copy of Registration under 1860 Act)
v. Indian Trust Registration Act (Copy of Registration under 1882 Act)
vi. Government (Copy of Government Notification / Declaration etc.)
6. The applicant CAB shall intimate NABL about any change in the information provided in this
application such as scope applied for accreditation, personnel, and location etc. within 15 days from
the date of changes.
7. The applicant CABs must participate satisfactorily in the Proficiency Testing program conducted by
APLAC or any other national or international accredited/ recognized PT provider. In the absence of
the same applicant CABs need to participate in self initiated inter CAB comparison according to
NABL-164. For participation in PT, refer NABL document NABL 163.
8. The CAB shall also inform NABL in advance about any reservation regarding appointment of Lead
Assessor/ Assessor for the assessment.
9. The applicant CAB shall be given due notice of any intended changes relating to NABL accreditation
criteria and will also be given such time, as in the opinion of NABL is reasonable to carry out the
necessary adjustments to its procedure(s). The CAB shall inform NABL when such adjustments have
been completed.
10. The application must be filled up carefully to provide required information in such a manner that
further correspondence for seeking clarifications are not required. Particularly the scope of
accreditation shall be complete to indicate unambiguously:
11. The details of CAB locations, calibrations, which the CAB intends to cover, vide NABL accreditation
must be listed clearly. The calibrations those performed at site or with a mobile facility should be
clearly identified in the scope of accreditation.
Note: CAB operates from different locations in the same disrtict may apply for NABL accreditation as
a single CAB. The details of each location shall be explicitly mentioned in application form. In events
where the CAB operates from different district, each CAB shall apply separately for accreditation
except those cases where safety or regulatory requirements are there for operation of the CAB. In
such cases, the CAB shall provide the proper justification.
12. The CAB shall offer the NABL or its representative cooperation in:
a. undertaking any check to verify calibration capability of the CAB.
b. providing names of all authorized signatories who are responsible for authenticity and issue of
calibration certificates / reports.
c. offering access to relevant areas of the CAB for witnessing the calibration being performed.
d. examination of all relevant documentation and records.
e. interaction with all relevant personnel.
13. The Calibration and Measurement Capability is expressed as the least uncertainty of measurement
() at a defined confidence probability level. It must be expressed at 95%. The coarser of the
uncertainty claimed and the demonstrated during the on-site assessment shall be recommended as
CMC. However, in case, assessor recommends the observed uncertainty as CMC, a proper
justification should be there.
14. The CAB shall take all necessary actions and discharge all non-compliances raised during the
assessment within stipulated time. The same shall be verified to the satisfaction of NABL. The final
decision on accreditation shall rest with NABL.
15. The application shall be kept confidential (until required by law) by NABL and information obtained
during the processing of application, assessment visit and grant of accreditation shall be safeguarded
and dealt with impartiality. The procedure for processing of application for accreditation is given in
NABL 100.
National Accreditation Board for Testing
and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
Type of LAB:
Creation Date: 16 Dec, 2017
Last Updating Date: 29 Jan, 2018
Version: 1.3
Table of Contents
1. Registration of CAB
2. Login by CAB
Laboratory Details
Location Details
Discipline Details
Scope of accreditation
Quality Control Activity
Enclosure List
Payment Process
1. Registration of CAB:
• Open the URL
• It opens registration form for different types of users.
• For Type of CAB, there are five types of CAB, select Calibration.
• Enter all the details with valid mobile number and email id.
• You will get OTP on your mobile number and email id. You have
to validate your mobile number and email id using OTP.
• After entering OTP, your mobile number and email id will
be validated and thereafter registration can be done.
• After successful registration, you will receive Username and
password on your email id.
2. Login by CAB:
• Open the URL
• It will redirect you to login form.
Location Details:
• In new tab location details, it shows a default location. This is the
location which user has added in laboratory details.
• User can add more locations by clicking on button Click here.
Discipline details:
• For discipline details page, select the Discipline of calibration
from the dropdown.
• After selecting discipline of calibration select the Group from
dropdown which are mentioned as per relevant specific criteria.
• Click on add and added values will be shown in repeater.
Note: If you are adding multiple groups, then you will have to add scope
of accreditation for all those groups.
Scope of Accreditation:
• After adding Discipline Details, you will be redirected to new tab,
“Scope of Accreditation” form.
• In this form, for location, it shows those values in dropdown which
you have added in second tab location details.
• For selecting discipline, it shows those values in dropdown which
you have added in third tab Discipline Details.
• Save the details and click Next.
• The sub group to be filled as mentioned in relevant specific criteria.
• Name of the parameter/ measured quantity/ device under
calibration is required to be filled.
• If type of facility selected earlier as permanent only, it will
automatically reflected in the box provided. If CAB has selected
multiple types of facilities then the box will show all types of facilities
selected. If same calibration is to be applied at multiple facilities,
multiple selections can be made accordingly to avoid repetitions.
• Calibration method to be filled as follows:
• <abbreviation of standard>space<standard number>space<bracket
open Part>space<Part Number bracket close>.
• For e.g. IS XXXX (Part XX).
• In case of In-house SOP, it has to be filled as follows:
• <SOP number>space<Issue No.>space<Issue
Month>space<Issue Date>. For eg. SOP No. XX Issue No. XX
March XX.
• Finally year of publication to be selected from drop down option for
both the above cases.
• Thereafter select type of range of calibration from dropdown option
as Qualitative/ Quantitative/ Others.
• For Qualitative: Remarks option is available for providing any
additional information viz – Visual, Grade scale, Magnification details
• For Quantitative: Values to be provided for LL (Lower Limit) and UL
(Upper Limit) with SI units in respective boxes. Wherever “Upto” is
to be mentioned in the range, fill like: Upto XX in LL box and unit in
unit box and leave the upper UL box empty.
• In case where range to be given in formula, please fill the formula in
LL box only and leave the UL box empty.
• CMC may be given in range or in one value also. If single CMC is to
be written, then fill CMC in LL box only leaving UL box empty.
Note: If you are adding scope of accreditation for all the locations, then you
will have to add organization, equipment reference materials and quality
control activity for all locations separately.
Important Information:
• To complete organization details, scope of accreditation must be
filled and added initially.
• In organization form, once you upload the relevant documents, it
opens a separate section for filling employee details.
• Fill the employee details as required.
• In case of Quality Manager, 4 days training course on “Laboratory
Management system & internal auditing as per ISO/IEC 17025: 2005”
is mandatory and training certificate for the same to be uploaded.
Note: While adding employee details, it is mandatory to add details for all
types of employees and for all locations which have been selected by scope of
• After completing the organization details, click on equipment and
enter all the details as required.
• UID of equipment: Unique Identification number generated by the
laboratory on its own for each & every equipment individually under
scope of accreditation.
• If the equipment is calibrated externally, the name of calibration
agency along with the location to be specified in the box provided.
• If the equipment is calibrated in-house, the traceability details of the
master equipment/ reference standard used for calibration to be
specified in the box provided.
Quality control Activity:
• After completing the details of Equipment, Click Next
• It opens the form for quality control activity.
Enclosure List:
• When whole form is completed, click on enclosure list.
• If there is any detail which is missing, then it will be shown
under pendency’s.
• If it meets with all the details, then it will show green tick in front of it
under availability column.
• To add the details which are pending, click on icon under pendency,
it opens a pop up.
• It opens a pop window with click here button, Click on that button
and complete the pending points.
• When whole form is complete, it will show green tick in front of
it and declaration form will be visible with Terms and conditions.
• There is also preview report button. Clicking on that button shows
the report.
• After completing all the information/ previewing the application Click
“Proceed to payment”. It will ask password for submission of
application. Once the password entered by the user the application
will be finally submitted.
• Click final submit. After final submission, it shows View report
button. Clicking on it opens the preview from where you can
download the form also.
Payment Process:
General Note:
• Click on “Save draft” option given at all places to remain in the same
tab which enables the user to fill the complete details in the respective
tab at the same time. For eg: In case of equipment, fill the details on
one equipment as required. Now, if the details of second equipment
needs to be filled, then click on “Save draft” option to continue filling
the details of second equipment and so on.
• Click on “Next” option given at all the places enables the user to go to
another tab. The user is required to click on “Next” tab after
completing all the required details in that particular section.