Securing Web Sites Using SSL
Securing Web Sites Using SSL
Securing Web Sites Using SSL
Note: Every time you change configuration files of tomcat, make sure to
restart the tomcat server to adopt the changes
Access the Web Interface of tomcat server (Testing Web server)
• Now that we have to create a user, we can access the web
management interface again in a web browser.
• Once again, you can get to the correct interface by entering your
server's domain name or IP address followed on port 8080 in your
• Open in web browser
• OR
• The page you see should be the same one you were given when you
tested earlier:
Web server Manager interface
• In order to use the manager web app that comes with Tomcat, we must add a login to our Tomcat
server. We will do this by editing the tomcat-users.xml file:
• sudo nano …./conf/tomcat-users.xml
• You will want to add a user who can access the manager-gui and admin-gui (web apps that come
with Tomcat). You can do so by defining a user, similar to the example below, between the
tomcat-users tags. Be sure to change the username and password to something secure:
• tomcat-users.xml — Admin User
• <tomcat-users . . .>
• <user username="admin" password="password" roles="manager-gui,admin-gui"/>
• </tomcat-users>
• Save and close the file when you are finished. You need to restart the tomcat to adopt the
• Let's take a look at the Manager App, accessible via the link or You will need to enter the account credentials
that you added to the tomcat-users.xml file.
• The Web Application Manager is used to manage your Java applications. You can Start, Stop,
Reload, Deploy, and Un install here. You can also run some diagnostics on your apps (i.e. find
memory leaks). Lastly, information about your server is available at the very bottom of this page.
Creating html/jsp files for demonstration
• Let us test the web pages / JSP pages
• Now let us deploy jsps and html and test them. Switch to webapps
directory of tomcat and create you won folder like ….
• ..webspps$mkdir myapps
• ..webspps$cd myapps
• ..webspps$gedit login1.html
• ..webspps$gedit login2.html
• ..webspps$gedit action.jsp
<title>SSL demonstration</title>
<h3>Web communicaton in plain text- NO SSL</h3>
<form action="" method=post>
User Name:<br>
<input type="text" name="username" value=""><br>
<input type="password" name="password" value=""><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<title>Using POST Method to Read Form Data</title>
<h3>Returning the user Form Data back</h3>
<p><b>Login name:</b>
<%= request.getParameter("username")%>
<%= request.getParameter("password")%>
Now test the web pages as follows.
You will observe that all traffic is plain in format. So far we have not talked about SSL or TLS between
client and server
Now with SSL
• Above traffic between server and client is without SSL implementation
• Now create the digital certificate using java keytool in jdk/bin
• Issue command as follows.
• [root@localhost ~]# keytool -genkey -alias mykeys -keyalg RSA -keystore mynmcs
• In this example keynamed mynmcs is created in working directory and public key
pair is also generated in keystore supported by passwords.
Now configure the digital certificate in server.xml file available in conf
directory under apache tomcat directory, As follows
Restarting Tomcat to consider new configuration
• Restart the tomcat server by using command as under tomcat 8 bin
• $sh
• $sh
• Now issue the url in client browser as follows
Now this form will (submit) initiate ssl dialog and hence communication will be
secured henceforth.
SSL self signed works locally but not …?
• Certificate warning error is shown as certificate is self-signed.
• Click on certificate error and see the details. Certificates installed in
tomcat server for SSL security are self-signed.
• If signed by CA like VeriSign, even legality of this communication is
applicable. Thus by deploying SSL in tomcat server, websites can be
secured to achieve Authentication, integrity and secrecy goals in the
communication between web client and web server.
• Accept certificate and check the output. So now traffic is secured with
SSL between transport and application.
How to verify with and without SSL
• Now check the plain traffic by deploying sniffer such as tcpdump or
wireshark etc. and verify that traffic is plain without SSL and with
• Traffic is secured in term of authentication, secrecy and integrity.
As you can see that wire shark has sniffed the web traffic and found what server and client are
talking. Here, toward the bottom of screen capture, you can see password in plain format,
which you will not be able to sniff after https SSL is deployed