Ketorolac IV
Ketorolac IV
Ketorolac IV
GENERIC: Ketorolac It inhibits synthesis of INDICATION: Body as a Whole: fever, Assessment
prostaglandins and is a Short-term management of pain; ocular infections, sepsis
peripherally acting analgesic. itching due to seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, ● Patients who have asthma,
BRAND NAME: Toradol Ketorolac does not have any reduction of post-operative pain and CV: congestive heart failure, aspirin-induced allergy, and nasal
known effects on opiate photophobia after refractive surgery. palpitation, pallor, polyps are at increased risk for
receptors. tachycardia, syncope developing hypersensitivity
CLASS: NSAID, CONTRAINDICATION: reactions. Assess for rhinitis,
ANALGESIC; Therapeutic Effects: Decreased Hypersensitivity to ketorolac; individuals Derm: alopecia, asthma, and urticaria.
ANTIPYRETIC pain. with complete or partial syndrome of nasal photosensitivity, urticaria
polyps, angioedema, and bronchospastic ● Assess for rash periodically
Peak: 45–60 min. reaction to aspirin or other NSAIDs; during GI: anorexia, dry mouth, during therapy. May cause
PHARMACOLOGIC: labor and delivery; patients with severe renal eructation, esophagitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome or
Nonsteroidal anti- Distribution: Distributed into impairment or at risk for renal failure due to excessive thirst, gastritis, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
inflammatory drug class breast milk. volume depletion; patients with risk of glossitis, hematemesis, Discontinue therapy if severe or if
bleeding; active peptic ulcer disease; pre- or hepatitis, increased appetite, accompanied with fever, general
Metabolism: Metabolized in intraoperatively; intrathecal or epidural jaundice, melena, rectal malaise, fatigue, muscle or joint
liver. administration; in combination with other bleeding Hemic and aches, blisters, oral lesions,
DOSAGE: NSAIDs; lactation. conjunctivitis, hepatitis and/or
30mg q8 Elimination: Excreted in urine. Lymphatic: ecchymosis, eosinophilia.
eosinophilia, epistaxis,
Half-Life: 4–6 h. leukopenia, thrombocytopenia ● Monitor BP during initiation
ROUTE: Metabolic and and periodically during therapy.
IV May cause fluid retention and
Nutritional: weight change edema leading to new onset or
worsening hypertension.
Nervous System: abnormal
dreams, abnormal thinking, ● Pain: Assess pain (note type,
anxiety, asthenia, confusion, location, and intensity) prior to
depression, euphoria, and 1– 2 hr. following
extrapyramidal symptoms, administration.
hallucinations, hyperkinesis,
inability to concentrate, ● Lab Test Considerations:
insomnia, nervousness, Evaluate liver function tests,
paresthesia, somnolence, especially AST and ALT,
stupor, tremors, vertigo, periodically in patients receiving
malaise prolonged therapy. May cause
increased levels.
Reproductive, female:
infertility ● May cause prolonged bleeding
time that may persist for 24– 48
Respiratory: asthma, cough, hr. following discontinuation of
dyspnea, pulmonary edema, therapy.
● May cause increased BUN,
Special Senses: abnormal serum creatinine, or potassium
taste, abnormal vision, blurred concentrations.
vision, hearing loss