Ewok Guard RPG v1.1
Ewok Guard RPG v1.1
Ewok Guard RPG v1.1
roleplaying game
David Miessler-Kubanek
We are Ewok-
children of
We protect the
Forest that lives
between ground
and sky.
All of this is a
sacred place we
share with others,
until the Skull Moon
appeared above us.
That is when the
Night Spirit left our
dreams to walk
among us with fire
and death.
Since then, Ewoks
from all villages
have come together
and vowed to fight
as one guard against
the Night Spirit and
all who seek to
harm the Forest.
The Ewok Guard RPG
Yub Nub!
First seen on the big screen during Star Wars:
Return of the Jedi in 1983, these relatively
unknown and primitive not-Wookie people
helped the Rebel Alliance defeat the Galactic
Empire. But what about the native peoples
after that, or before the Rebels appeared?
What indeed. This game explores the time be-
fore the Rebel Alliance learned of the second
Death Star orbiting the Forest Moon of Endor.
This game came to be from Mouse Guard to
The Woodlands to Ewok Guard. It uses the
Powered by the Apocalypse system set in
the Star Wars Forest Moon of Endor of our
shared imagination.
On its surface Ewok Guard is about playing
Ewoks who hunt, and travel, and get on with
life pre-Galactic Civil War. However, at its
heart is a love letter to stories about underdog
communities who must deal with an outside
or alien force suddenly entering their world
and changing everything.
How will your people interpret and respond? Inspiration Reference Notes
Who will protect or lead the villages forward Content sourced from and inspired by Front cover art https://dribbble.com/ https://usm.propstoreauction.com/m/
Star Wars Return of the Jedi and shots/10905192-A-bunch-of-ewoks/ lot-details/index/catalog/181/lot/38813/
through the crisis? How do we defeat or drive https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/ attachments Ewok portraits, https://www.deviantart.
away the Spawn of the Night Spirit? Ewok/Legends, and Mouse Guard Endor scene inspired by https://www. com/thello77
by Luke Crane, The Woodlands by
The Guard is ready. Are you? Andrew Medeiros.
scrollsawvillage.com/forums/top- Back cover art https://www.instagram.
Chief Chirpa (left) and
Shaman Logray (below)
Ewoks - Children
of the Great Tree
Overview operations were situated around the area History making their body look like a clutter of
Ewoks are sentient, diminutive, furry bi- near Bright Tree Village. For as long as anyone can recall, Ewoks trinkets.
ped mammals native to the forest moon have always lived on the Forest Moon
of Endor. They are curious individuals Some Ewoks were removed from the of Endor and were a tribal people who Prominent members of Ewok tribes car-
that stand about one meter tall; they are forest planet and taken as pets or slaves. primarily interacted with each other ry totems to symbolize their rank. The
omnivorous and use spears, slings, and Others left voluntarily out of a sense of cooperatively. lead warrior wears a headdress made of
knives as weapons. For transportation, curiosity. feathers called the “white wings of hope.”
they use hang gliders, battle wagons, and The Ewoks also have had contact with The eldest child of the tribal leader’s
bordoks. Although extremely skilled in other sentient species on the Forest family wears a headdress called the “red
forest survival and the construction of
primitive technology like gliders and
“Lives are like camp- Moon, such as the Yuzzums, Gupins,
Lizard Warriors, and Teeks. Their
wings of courage.” The second child
wears the “blue wings of strength.”
catapults, the Ewoks hadn’t yet pro- fires. Some burn cousins, the swamp-dwelling Duloks,
gressed past stone-level technology when were rivals of the Ewoks, and often made Marriage
discovered by the Empire. They are quick long, others not,” trouble for them. Unmarried male Ewoks spend much
learners, however, when exposed to ad- of their time living alone in the forest
vanced technology with simple mechani- Ewok saying building their own small huts near
cal processes and concepts. Family enough to the tree city to assist the
Ewoks in work. Unmarried females
As of approximately 195 BBY, they were Biology and Appearance Tribal Structure leave gifts of food, clothing, or weaponry
not represented in the Galactic Senate, They are covered in fur from head to toe, The tribal structure of the Ewoks has on the doorsteps of unmarried males
despite being acknowledged as a sentient with brown and black the most common a Council of Elders ruling over each as a sign of their attraction and to tell
species. colors. Other Ewoks have near-white or village, headed by a chief. A shaman also how much the village missed them and
reddish fur, but red fur is supposedly lives in each Ewok village, a keeper of wished they would come back as part of
When the Galactic Empire began the rarest shade an Ewok can get. Most mystical lore, and a healer to the injured. a family and as the female’s mate.
operations on the moon of Endor, Ewoks have solid-colored fur, though The warriors of the different tribes wear
they dismissed the primitive species as a few sport stripes. Ewoks have large, ragged garments on the head to signi- If the male Ewok decides to take a mate,
harmless. However, a botched attempt bright eyes, small humanoid noses, and fy their tribe. The warriors also wear he had to build a family hut in the tree
at first contact with Ewoks by some hands that possess two fingers and an wooden chest shields, the jawbones of city where he and his mate could live.
Imperial soldiers resulted in Ewoks opposable thumb. Despite their small tiny animals, and sharp teeth. Some dec- The construction of a new hut signaled
terrorizing Imperial positions. Many size, Ewoks are physically strong enough orate themselves with ornaments such that the male had decided to take a mate,
Ewoks were taken as slaves. Imperial to overpower combat-trained Humans. as feathers, necklaces, and pendants, at which point all of the unmarried
females try to woo him. Until his home fires, and storytelling ceremonies. Cliff Village: Some tribes of Ewoks Hunting and Trapping
is finished, the male does not decide • Family groups keep their own dwellings make their homes on a rock face beside Ewoks venture to the forest floor to hunt,
whom he was taking. The chosen female in clusters on the outlying trees. Separate a spraying waterfall. Ewok engineers using stone-tipped arrows and spears as
has the right to refuse the male or the huts are built for unmarried females, create an intricate set of waterwheels, well as elaborate traps to catch their prey.
hut he had built. elders, and visitors. A sealed building driven by the force of the waterfall. TheseEwoks are often great hunters.
higher than the rest of the tree city is waterwheels drive large wooden gears • A single hunter can snare small ani-
Children used as the communities’ food storage. that rotate grindstones, operate conveyor mals but an entire Ewok hunting party
Ewoks are very closely attached to their • Some Ewoks eschew village life for a belts from one side of the village to the can catch animals as large as a boar-
fuzzy children called woklings. An nomadic existence. More traditional other, and run a set of wooden elevator wolf. The Ewoks have effective ways to
entire Ewok village fawns over newborn Ewoks refer to them as Jindas, after platforms that move up and down the cliff. hunt these monstrous animals using
babies. They always give the children the nomadic tribe of Jindas that lives spears and poison darts. The Ewoks
much attention, and they consider the on Endor. first set up a trap with scraps of bloody
care of their children a shared respon- • Bright Tree Village, where the tribe ruled Music meat from a previous hunt and then
sibility. Woklings have few rights, and by Chief Chirpa lives, is a typical exam- The Ewoks enjoy singing and playing they set a vine net on the forest floor.
the children have to learn many rituals ple of an Ewok tree village. music during celebrations, festivals, and When the wolf runs towards the meat,
and legends that will serve as moral rituals. Ewoks also believe that music en- it gets caught in the net. Then, from the
guides throughout their lives. When the Ground Village: Some Ewoks from the hances their work. Ewoks are resourceful underbrush, the Ewok warriors charge
Ewok comes of age, he or she attends the Bright Tree Village tribe moved away to and tend to make use of everything they at the trapped wolf. One of these boar-
Festival of Hoods. This festival marks the live in isolated huts on the forest floor. can get their hands on, so they use a wolves would provide enough meat to
transition from wokling to Ewok. However, some of these Ground Villages variety of drums, horns, flutes, and other feed an Ewok village for days.
have become victim to attacks by the simple instruments in their music. • Smaller game is killed with small sling
vicious Sanyassan Marauders. nets. When a creature steps into a loop
Villages it set off a pressure trap. A pinned
Most Ewoks live high among the trees of Lake Village: Ewoks also build homes Language sapling would break free and fling the
the forest moon, in villages built between on shallow, placid lakes. The lake Ewoks The Ewok language is known as animal into the nearest tree.
the closely spaced trees. The basic design build their villages on stilts out in the Ewokese. It was related to many others • Tek swee is a trap whose name translates
of a tree village has a “Central Village” of water. The surrounding water protects the on Endor, including the Yuzzum lan- into Basic as “head hitter.” This trap is
thatched-roof huts on the primary limbs. Ewoks from large predators. These Ewoks guage, which is recorded from off-world a common defense against the Gorax.
These huts are high enough above the get most of their food by setting wicker Yuzzum colonies and programmed into When a Gorax attempts to raid a Ewok
ground to be out of reach of predators. Sus- traps to catch fish in the lake. The older certain models of protocol droids. These village, the Ewok warriors let loose a mas-
pended bridges connect the gaps between Ewoks spend their time harvesting marsh relationships allow Ewoks to commu- sive log roped onto trees. The log swings
trees, adjoining distant huts. Knotted rope grasses and drying them in the sun. They nicate relatively easily with many other into the Gorax like a giant battering ram.
ladders allow access up or down. then take these dry grasses and make beings on Endor. Ewok physiology allow • Ewok are omnivores who make due
• In most tree cities, the village Elders or- them into mats, clothing, baskets, and them to learn and speak most other lan- with whatever is available, plant, fun-
der the largest huts built directly on the decorative tapestries. The young Ewoks guages as well, including Galactic Basic gus, and animal including insects.
trunk of the tree. These central build- love to splash in the water and dig in the Standard. • Another food source for the Ewoks are
ings belong to the chief of the tribe. The mud for buried shellfish. These Ewoks mattberries that they squeeze for juice.
chief uses the largest open areas for also build wooden sailboats and oars. These juices are mixed with water and
village gatherings, meetings, council fermented into a bitter brew.
Recreation bows and arrows, and sometimes even shaman. Shamans are the tribal healers, The Broken Skull
The “Tribal Games” are a series of games neurotoxins from rare sources. They also usually relying on vile-smelling herbal The Broken Skull is the second Death Star
that Ewoks from scattered tribes come to utilize a pit trap that they often lured their medicines. Many types of fungus, lichens, in orbit. It is the origin and destination for
play. There is much dancing and storytell- enemies into by running away and thus roots, berries, flowers, epiphytes, and bark the Spawn’s undead birds (shuttles) which
ing, but there are also far more dangerous triggering the traps to have them impaled are used, with varying medicinal effects. transport warrior and others.
events. Tree-jumping is a popular game by stakes fixed to the ground.
among young Ewoks. The Ewok climbs
the highest lifetree and leaps off the high- Soul Trees The Spawn
est limb. They have to catch themselves Religion The Ewoks call the massive coniferous These are the personnel from the Empire
on the lower limbs until they descended For the forest dwellers, the surrounding trees that filled the forest moon “Soul who occupy and cause trouble for Ewoks,
all the way to the ground. An Ewok who giant trees play an important cultural role. Trees” or “Life Trees.” The Ewoks have including officers and stormtroopers, as
misses could be seriously injured. These hunter-gatherers are a deeply spir- a deep religious connection with these well as the mechanized vehicles.
itual people. They believe themselves to trees. For every wokling born, a seedling
Ewoks were sometimes known to smoke be descendants of the Great Tree, a sacred is planted by the village. Throughout that
combustible substances in pipes, for recre- tree in the forests. The Ewok religion is Ewok’s life, he or she is linked to their The Lair
ational or spiritual purposes. based on nature worship. Many religious totem tree. When the Ewok dies, it is be- This is the shield-generator base where
ceremonies are arranged to please various lieved their spirit would go to live inside the Empire primarily works from while
gods of weather, trees, the hunt, engineer- their own totem tree. on the Forest Moon of Endor. There are
Festivals ing prowess, and fertility. Darker spirits smaller temporary stations beyond, but
Throughout the year, Ewoks hold ex- symbolize the dangers of the forest. The In times of crisis, the village shamans all report back to this base. As a result of
travagant festivals of the rain, the sun, Ewoks hold magnificent festivals of rain, attempt to contact the ancient spirits that the repulsorlift field emitted by the SLD-
springtime flowers, fruits, and love. sun, spring flowers, and fruits. live within the oldest trees for advice and 26 planetary shield generator to keep the
These involve tribe and family groups guidance. The shamans insist that it is a Death Star in a stationary orbit, Endor is
coming together to feast, sing, dance, private ritual. The Ewoks never question prone to earthquakes, tidal imbalances,
and generally have a good time. They Shamans the sacred advice brought back by the and other geological disturbances.
also have certain “Dark Rituals” involv- Every village appointed its own mystic shamans, though they had never heard
ing bloody sacrifices. These are held at or shaman. The shaman was sometimes these ancient voices before.
night under the light of smoky bonfires, simply the village con artist, who makes The Gas Planet of Endor
into which the Ewok shamans toss the up answers about what the gods want This pinkish-blue swirling gas giant is far
leaves of hallucinogenic herbs, to cause and how they could be pleased. Others The Night Spirit from its moons yet remains important
the Ewoks to have vivid dreams to see have genuine abilities, sometimes show- The Night Spirit has always been part of for the Ewok who consider it a guide star.
the future and talk with ancestors while ing abilities similar to Force-sensitives. the Ewok way of life in one form or an-
hoping to avoid the Night Spirit. For the shaman’s services, the village other. However, recently the Night Spirit
give the shaman anything he or she has manifested outside of dreams, dark- The Forest Moon of Endor
want, including crystals, shells, polished ness, and shadow as a broken skull in the Also known as the Sanctuary Moon—is
Weapons and Equipment skulls, and other treasures the shaman sky that sends undead birds to deliver covered in dense woodlands, tall moun-
The Ewoks use a variety of weapons that finds interesting. Many shamans wear terror and torment into the Forest. tains, and savannas, and home to the
include knives, stone spears and axes, large animal skulls on their heads. In sentient Ewok, Dulok, and Yuzzum species.
volcanic glass knives, slingshots, and Bright Tree Village, Logray serves as the It contains a breathable atmosphere to hu-
mans and 8% surface water. It also has two Species to shamans and other mystics. Some Teeks, however, do not think of themselves
suns: Endor I and Endor II. Some of Endor’s Dulok religious leaders have the ability to as dishonest; they always leave something
trees reached more than 1,000 meters in Sentient use the Force via totem magic, and many behind that they feel is of similar value to
height. The forest moon is home to the Ewoks. of these succumb to the temptations of whatever they had taken. However, Teeks
The four other native sentient species are the dark side. The Duloks worship a deity find value in things where most others do
Endor is also known for the vast amount the tall and timid Yuzzums, the ro- known as the Night Spirit. not, meaning that their victims are rarely
of sentient species it supports, from dent-like Teeks, the amphibious Gorphs, satisfied with the trade-off.
baseline to exotic. This is largely due to and the Ewoks’ mischievous and treach- In contrast to the Ewoks, Duloks have
the unusually large number of ship- erous genetic cousins, the Duloks. a reputation as greedy, foul-tempered Yuzzum: Members of the species are
wrecks Endor experienced; it’s compared barbarians. Their culture is aggressive generally humanoid, with round bodies
to a “desert island” in space. Duloks: These sentient species are native and warlike. They are rapacious hunters, covered in thick fur and long, spindly
to the Forest Moon of Endor. Unlike their and they make frequent raids on nearby limbs. Nevertheless, the species shows
Geology distant relatives, the Ewoks, they are tall settlements, armed with spears, axes, a great deal of genetic diversity. Some
The mantle of the moon consists largely and lanky with long ears, sharp teeth, and and other simple implements. Despite have wide, toothy mouths, while others
diorite and feldspar, although Endor is a eyes that range in color from white to red. acknowledging kinship with the Ewoks, have fangs. Their eyes range from black
volcanically active planetoid with several Duloks are covered in fur that comes in Dulok bands are particularly keen to to yellow in color. Yuzzum feet are
hotspots. dull shades of brown, gray, and green; the conquer Ewok villages and thus pose a also variable, with some groups having
coat is of a uniform length except for tufts major threat to some Ewok tribes. hooves, some having pawlike feet, and
Terrain and climate at the top of the head and the tip of the others claws. Some Yuzzums have long,
Endor’s terrain is largely covered by tail, as well as manes and beards in some Gorphs: Sapient amphibians native to the pointed ears, while others had no ears to
massive, tightly-knit pine and redwood individuals. Duloks typically wear little Forest Moon of Endor. They live in a cave speak of. Most Yuzzums are quite tall.
forests. However, the Forest Moon also more than bone and feather decorations, known as the Gorphs’ grotto. They are
contains vast dry deserts and grassy and they burn, carve, or paint symbols known for their exceptionally long tongues, Semi-Sentient
plains, small oceans, secluded lakes, and on their fur. Members of the species are which they use to catch their food. A number of semi-sentient species are
mountain ranges. The moon’s low axial tilt often unkempt and infested with insects. also indigenous to the moon, including
and regular orbit of its gas giant primary The Duloks are capable of communicat- Teeks: Intelligent species of rodent who Kagles, the fairy-like Wisties, the predato-
helped ensure a comfortable climate. The ing with the Ewoks through that species’ have a colony on the forest moon of Endor. ry Grass Trekkers, the Gorax, and plant-
Forest Moon is temperate and mild, with language, Ewokese. They have a scruffy appearance, with thick like beings known as Dandelion Warriors.
polar caps regulating the sea levels. Flora white fur covering their entire body; only
life includes Cambylictus trees and other Duloks tend to live in swampy regions their face and hands are devoid of fur. Due Fftssfft: Also known by the Ewoks as
large plants, thriving with many types of on the Forest Moon. Their villages are to their fast metabolism, Teeks can run ex- “dandelion warriors,” are a semi-sapient
fruit including the Grava berries. Endor is made up of rotting logs and dark caverns, tremely quickly, and are often seen as a blur. botanical species characterized by their
the second moon of the gas giant it orbits. which they furnish with structures of thicket of sharp yellow quills. They grow
bone, mud, skin, and wood. The species is Teeks are extremely unpopular with in a meadow on the surface of the Forest
Cave System divided into clans and tribes headed by a sentients of Endor—especially the Ewoks, Moon of Endor, east of the moon’s Great
An intricate sprawling subterranean chief or king. The strongest Dulok present who view them as pests. Expert thieves Forest. Like all vegetal species, the fftssfft
cave system exists which may have been usually assumes this role and rules by and scavengers, Teeks are known to horde have roots that convey water and nour-
home to now extinct creatures or under- cowing the others into doing his bidding. the various trinkets which they had taken ishment to the rest of their bodies, but
ground river corridors. Duloks are religious, so some power fell from animal nests or Ewok dwellings. they are also able to move about. They
protect their grasslands with great feroci-
ty—when they detect movement on their
kept in a hanging cage in a Gorax lair as
pets. Luckily for the Ewoks, Gorax are not
The lives in harm’s way. Protectors come
from all paths of life and they often
territory, they use their quills that covered
their heads by hurling them at trespassers.
a common species, with fewer than two
dozen estimated to reside on Endor. Guard maintain a strong lifelong bond with
those under their care.
Their reason for killing, however, is purely Bright Tree Village is the home of the
territorial, and the fftssfft usually remain Grass Trekkers: Semi-sentient predatory Ewok Guard and it is considered to be The Sage: The Sage commits their life to
immobile in the absence of intruders. mammals native to the forest moon of one of the most important trade hubs of understanding and using the world around
Endor. They were aggressive and warlike, all the Ewok villages. them for the benefit of villagers. The
Gorax: A species of behemoths found on attacking any groups with whom they wisdom of the natural world coupled with
the forest moon of Endor who frequent- came in contact The Guard was created to help villages innovative approaches makes a Sage in-
ly prey on Ewoks—are humanoid with deal with the new and growing threats. valuable for healing and problem-solving.
adult Gorax usually over six meters tall. Non-Sentient Below are common roles within the Guard.
Some specimens have been recorded up The following are just some of the indig- The Woodcutter: The Woodcutter is
to 30 meters in height. Their bodies are enous creatures that make up the Forest The Cub: The Cub is new to being a Guard. someone who knows the Forest and tress
covered in thick, matted fur, which was Moon of Endor’s wildlife: Bark lizard, Blasé They may be young in years or in rank especially. You were found by the last
black, brown, or sometimes gray. Their tree goat, Blurrg, Boar-wolf, Bordok, Ca- within the Guard as well. For example, a Woodcutter and have learned how to
hairless faces are dominated by protrud- ranak, Endorian chicken, Churi, Condor Cub may have never served the Guard be- manage the woods from life to death for
ing lower jaws and heavy brows. Inex- dragon, Ferret, Geejaw, Gib, Goat, Guapa yond their home village due to personality, your village and help other villages with
plicably, some Gorax have hoof-like feet, (Ewok Pony), Gurreck, Korrina, Kurn- capability, or external circumstances. pests, fires, and more.
while others have long toes, and either a beast, Lantern bird, Llama, Mouse, Muny-
long, narrow heel, or a backward-point- ip, Octucor, Owl, Pulga (Horse), Quarf, The Scout: The Scout is always out there, The Warrior: While many Ewoks may be
ing fourth toe. Though they are omnivo- Rabbit, Rakazzak beast, Rearing spider, often deep in the Forest exploring all the called warriors, the Warrior as a role is
rous, their pointed teeth are well adapted Rugger, Sheep, Temptor, Vulture, Yayax hidden areas, curious for what might be a senior member of the guard who work
to eating meat. They have wide, long, over the next branch. Scouts help villages with village chiefs and shamans to coor-
and pointed ears that are highly sensitive by locating valuable foods, medicines, dinate Guard duties. They often handle
to noises made by small animals. Their Visitors lost pups, predators, and unusual things training and patrol assignments.
eyesight is weak and bright light pains The moon’s history is constantly being in the Forest.
them, making them nocturnal hunters. shaped by starships crashing on the back- The Chief: Chiefs are village leaders
water satellite, introducing new species The Hunter: The Hunter is not afraid of and have a say in the governance of the
Powerful but primitive, they are limited to and technology which are integrated into getting their hands dirty for the good of Guard. They often work with their village
simple items such as clubs, stone axes, and the local politics and ecosystem. Known the village. They see life and death every Shaman and Warriors to keep the peace
animal-skin clothing. They communicate crashes include Sickly Tremor prior to day. They know their prey and what ev- and safety for all in their care.
by making grumbling noises. Gorax are 1100 BBY (introducing Phlogs and Gorax), ery part can be used for, and what losing
solitary creatures, but they do domesticate a Starhunter menagerie ark in about 800 a hunt means. A hunter is always close to The Shaman: Shamans are village lore
boar-wolves (usually by killing a mother BBY (introducing Gupins, Teeks, and tree skin, blood, and bone. keepers and healers. They work with
boar-wolf and stealing a newborn pup). goat), the Free Enterprise in 130 BBY (in- their village Chief and Warriors to pro-
They also raid Ewok villages, where they troducing Jindas and Tulgahs), and a stolen The Protector: The Protector is someone vide guidance for agriculture, hunting,
smash through walls to capture Ewoks. ship in 100 BBY (introducing Sanyassan who serves the greater good of villages and religious needs.
Gorax take Ewoks both for food and to be Marauders and the witch Charal). through vigilance and putting their own
Basic Moves
Set Out Into the Wilds Trust Your Instincts Strike at an Enemy Convince Them
(-2 while Starving) (-2 while Angry) (-2 while Injured) (-2 while Demoralized)
When you and your fellow guards Set When you Trust Your Instincts and what When you enter the fray and Strike at an When you hold leverage over someone
Out Into the Wilds, decide who will be they’ re telling you, roll + Nature. On a hit, Enemy, roll + Focus. On a hit, you trade and try to Convince Them to do some-
the Trailblazer (Courage), Navigator you learn something new and useful about blows. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, thing, roll + Wisdom. For NPC’s: On a
(Wisdom), and Lookout (Nature), and your current situation, and you take +1 choose 1: 10+, you manage to convince them but
each of them rolls with their assigned forward to acting on it. On a 7-9, what you • You inflict terrible harm they’ll want something small in return.
station and stat. On a 10+, you perform learn is dangerous or unsettling. • You choose the Condition you have to On a 7-9, you convince them but they
your duties exceptionally well and add suffer want something more substantial in
1 to the Guard Pool. On a 7-9, you have Get Your Bearings • You expose or create a weakness return. For PC’ s: On a 10+, choose both.
a hard time keeping up, the MC will tell (-2 while Sick) • You take something from your opposition On a 7-9, choose one:
you how this affects you or the journey. When you take a moment to Get Your • Add 1 to the Guard Pool • If they agree to do it, you’ll owe them
On a miss, you’ve blundered right into Bearings, roll + Wisdom. On a hit, ask a favor and add 1 to the Guard Pool
danger, brace yourselves! the MC any 2 of the following questions. Stand Your Ground • If they don’t agree, they must mark a
On a 7-9, you’ve found yourself deeper (-2 while Sick) Condition
Read Other Animals in trouble than when you started, the When you Stand Your Ground and
(-2 while Angry) MC will tell you how. protect a person, a place, or a thing from Help Out
When you spend some time Reading • What should I be on the lookout for? harm, roll + Courage. On a hit, you (-2 while Tired)
Other Animals, roll + Wisdom. On a • What’s happened here recently? succeed, suffering in its place; mark a When you Help Out another character
10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. Spend • What’s the best way ____? Condition. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, after they’ve rolled, say how you’ re helping
your hold to ask an animal’ s player or • How can I best get my friends out of choose 1: and then either spend 1 from the Guard
the MC one of the following questions this situation? What’s my greatest • You suffer the Condition of your choice Pool or roll + Courage. On a hit, they add 1
throughout the scene. opportunity here? • You inflict a harm back onto your to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself
• What is your animal feeling right now? When you act on the answers given, take attackers to fire, danger, retribution or cost. If you
• How could I get your animal to ____? +1 forward to your roll • You see what you’re defending to safety spent from the Guard Pool, treat it as a 10+
• What does your animal think about • Your efforts inspire or frighten others without having to roll. Multiple Guards
____? Brave The Elements • Add 1 to the Guard Pool can Help Out a roll, but you can’ t help
• Is your animal being honest with me? (-2 while Tired) someone who’ s helping.
• What is your animal really afraid of When you dare to Brave The Elements, Do Something Dangerous
here? roll + Nature. On a hit, you find shel- (-2 while Injured)
• Can I trust your animal to ____? ter or endure the worst of it. On a 10+, When you Do Something Dangerous,
choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1: roll + Focus. On a 10+, you do it with
• You guide others to safety along with you little to no cost. On a 7-9,it’ s going to
You make an unexpected discovery cost you, the MC will offer you a worse
• You add 1 to the Guard Pool outcome or a hard choice.
• You don’t have to mark a Condition
Secondary Moves
Guard Pool Requisition Supplies The Hunt Is On Listen to the Trees
When told to add 1 to the Guard Pool, When you requisition supplies from The When the Hunt Is On to track and capture When you take time to be one with the
you’ re granting yourself and your fellow Guards or shop in a marketplace for some- your prey, roll + Focus. On a miss, the prey Forest, roll + Nature. On a hit, the MC tells
guards an advantage in the near future thing specific, roll + Focus. On a 10+, you gets away or is ready for you when you find you something new and interesting about
(a useful piece of equipment or informa- get your hands on what you’ re after and it. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1: the current situation, and might ask you a
tion, a morale boost, a tactical advan- add 1 to the Guard Pool. On a 7-9, what For Tracking... question or two; answer them. On a 10+,
tage, etc). You can spend points from you’ re after is within reach but has serious
• Shorten the distance the MC gives you good detail. On a 7–9,
the Guard Pool to help each other out strings attached. • Know its next destination the MC gives you an impression. If you
when you most need it (see Help Out for • The prey takes the Tired Condition already know all there is to know, the MC
more). At the beginning of every session, Reconnect with Another • Find something it dropped will tell you that. On a miss, be prepared
the MC will refresh the Guard Pool to 1. When you need to find or meet with For Capturing... for something bad.
someone important to you, roll + Wisdom. • Take –1 Harm
Recuperate On a 10+, you locate them and are on good • It is disarmed End of Session
When you have the needed time and sup- terms +1 Forward from your meeting. On • It is bound At the end of each session, the MC will
plies and to and try to recuperate from a 7-9, it takes time and they may be able to • It is unable to call for help ask the following questions:
......Starving, eat a really good meal and help you but it will cost you. On a 6–, you • Did we conclude the current mission?
roll + Nature did not part on good terms and pray the Deal with the Night Spirit • Did we save someone from certain
......Tired, sleep it off and roll + Wisdom Great Tree will help. When you Deal with the actual Night death (or worse)?
......Angry, find a way to blow off some Spirit vs. its Spawn, make it clear what’s at • Did we learn something new and im-
steam and roll + Focus Lead an Army Into Battle stake for you and what you want them to portant about the world?
......Demoralized, talk to someone about When you Lead an Army Into Battle do. Roll + Courage. On a 10+, they have to • Did we learn something new and im-
what’ s bothering you and roll + Courage against another army or large predator, roll choose: portant about one of the Guard?
......Sick, take some medicine and roll + + Courage. On a hit, you inflict a Con- • Abide by the bargain struck to give you If you get one or two “Yes” answers, mark
Nature dition on them and you and your army want you want after you pay them. one experience. If you get three or four,
......Injured, get help from someone capa- receive one in return. On a 10+, choose 3. • Leave and not return to torment you mark two.
ble with healing and roll + Focus. On a 7-9, choose 2: until at least the next New Moon.
On a hit, you feel better and can remove • Your group doesn’t suffer a Condition On a 7–9, they can choose 1 of the above,
the Condition. On a 10+, you also add but you still do or 1 of the following which will last for a
1 to the Guard Pool or can remove a • Your group inflicts two Conditions day and a night:
second Condition. On a miss, you can instead of one • Torment another who is close to you.
still remove the Condition, but someone • Your group seizes or keeps hold of a • Bar the way to something desired when
unrelated goes wrong. vital position needed most.
• Your group avoids collateral damage • Give you something they think you
want, or tell you what you want to hear.
• Remain just out of full sight and speak of
things which may happen.
The Protector
The Protector is someone who serves the The Protector’s Moves Advancement
greater good of villages through vigilance and Choose two: At the end of the session, if you’ve done any
putting their own lives in harm’s way. Protec- of the following, mark an advance
Stalwart: When you Stand Your Ground in
tors come from all paths of life and they often • Take charge and give your team orders
defense of others, roll with Wisdom instead
maintain a strong lifelong bond with those • Share words of wisdom with someone
of Courage.
under their care. who needs it
Battle Tactician: When you lead your team • Keep a secret from someone for their own
into battle against a predator, roll with good
Stats Wisdom. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. • Become Tired and complain about it Get
Spend your hold 1-for-1 during the battle to +1 to Courage
Courage: 0 Nature: +1 do any of the following: • Get +1 to Focus
• Choose the Condition someone is about to • Get +1 to Nature
Focus: 0 Wisdom: +1 suffer instead of the MC • Get +1 to Wisdom
• Give someone +2 to their roll (choose • Get a new Leader move
before rolling) • Get a new Leader move
Relations • Suffer a Condition in someone’s place • Get a move from another playbook
Name: About My Family and Village: • Expose a weakness in the enemy’s tactic • Get a move from another playbook
Name Meaning: On a miss, hold 1 anyways, but there’ s a
These are available after 5 advances:
nasty surprising waiting for you.
How the Name Was Earned: • Get +1 to any stat
United We Stand: When you Help Out, you • Get +1 to any stat
add +2 to their roll instead of +1. • Switch to a new playbook
Totems Voice of Reason: When you advise caution to • Get promoted to Warrior
Season Headdress (describe):
someone that you fear is about to act foolish- • Or retire to safety to create a new Guard
Choose from:
ly or rashly, roll with Wisdom. On a hit, they
• Spring (Child or Learner) Weapon: Battle Spear (long, strong), and ...
choose 1. On a 10+, you take +1 forward with
Shield (strong) or Hammer (strong)
• Summer (Adult or Mentor)
• Fall (Heads of Family or Leader) Symbol: Village Braid and Pouch with Ashes
them. Conditions
• They listen to you and stand down • Starving (-2 to Set Out Into the Wilds)
• Winter (Elder or Advisor) of the Fallen
• They attack you • Tired (-2 to Brave the Elements and Help
• They ignore you and take -2 forward (or Out)
• Angry (-2 to Trust Your Instincts and
Look get themselves hurt if they’re an NPC)
On a miss, they do what they want and you Read Another Animal Demoralized (-2
Circle as many as apply: The Protector’s History take -1 forward with them. Convince Them)
Fur: red, dark brown, light brown, gray, _________ and I go way back. I keep trying
• Sick (-2 to Stand Your Ground and Get Your
black, white to teach _________ but they’re slow to learn Hidey Hole: When the twigs are down, you
Body: stocky, slim, athletic, bulky, stringy certain things. _________ is an old rival, but can declare that you’ve hidden away a few
• Injured (-2 to Strike at an Enemy and Do
Eyes: young, old, naive, gentle, stern, haunted, we’ve put that all behind us, mostly. I take key supplies nearby and roll with Nature. On
Something Dangerous)
piercing advice from ________ regularly. a 10+, everything is right where you left it. On
Demeanor: friendly, aggressive, daring, distant, [With Forest] a 7-9, something is missing or you encounter
volatile, meek, playful, suspicious trouble on the way, your choice. On a miss, the
supplies are gone and you’ re left Demoralized!
The Scout
The Scout is always out there, often deep in the The Scout’s Moves Advancement
Forest exploring all the hidden areas, curious Choose two: At the end of the session, if you’ve done any
for what might be over the next branch. of the following, mark an advance
Hunter-Gatherer: When you forage for food
Scouts help villages by locating valuable foods, • Set off on your own to do something
or medicine, roll with Nature. On a hit, you
medicines, lost pups, predators, and unusual • Make an important Forest discovery
find enough food for a good meal or medi-
things in the Forest. • Abandon a fellow Guard for the sake of
cine for you and your patrol, your choice. On
the mission
a 10+, you find plenty of both. On a miss, you
• Showcase your extensive skill in the
Stats find it but stumble right into trouble.
Dauntless Guardian: When you Stand Your • Get +1 to Courage
Courage: 0 Nature: +2 Ground from a superior position, roll with • Get +1 to Focus
Nature instead of Courage and choose an • Get +1 to Nature
Focus: 0 Wisdom: 0 additional option from the list. • Get +1 to Wisdom
Like the Back of My Paw: When you act as the • Get a new Explorer move
• Get a new Explorer move
Relations Trailblazer while Setting Out Into The Wilds,
• Get a move from another playbook
Name: About My Family and Village: you treat a miss as a 7-9 and all others get +1
• Get a move from another playbook
Name Meaning: to their rolls.
Sniff ‘Em Out: When you follow tracks These are available after 5 advances:
How the Name Was Earned: through the wilderness, roll with Nature. • Get +1 to any stat
On a 10+, you are able to follow their trail, • Get +1 to any stat
identify who and what they are, and learn • Switch to a new playbook
Totems something interesting about your quarry. On • Get promoted to Warrior
Season Headdress (describe):
a 7-9, it’ s hard work; mark a Condition. On a • Or retire to safety to create a new Guard
Choose from:
miss, you can follow the trail but some thing’s
• Spring (Child or Learner) Weapon: Sling and Stones (reload), Stone
waiting for you at its end.
Knives (x12, short), and ... Blowpipe (medi-
• Summer (Adult or Mentor)
• Fall (Heads of Family or Leader) um) and Darts (tired, reload) or Boomerang Any Port In a Storm: When you enter a vil-
• Starving (-2 to Set Out Into the Wilds)
• Winter (Elder or Advisor) (medium, multiple) lage, you can declare you have a friend who
• Tired (-2 to Brave the Elements and Help
Symbol: Talisman of Protection lives there. You, and any Guards with you,
take +1 ongoing with them for the duration
• Angry (-2 to Trust Your Instincts and
Look of your stay.
Read Another Animal Demoralized (-2
Circle as many as apply:
Convince Them)
Fur: red, dark brown, light brown, gray, The Scout’s History • Sick (-2 to Stand Your Ground and Get Your
black, white _________ just gets in my way; I wish they’ Bearings)
Body: stocky, slim, athletic, bulky, stringy d keep their space. I have a lot of respect for • Injured (-2 to Strike at an Enemy and Do
Eyes: young, old, naive, gentle, stern, haunted, _________ and their skill set. _________ Something Dangerous)
piercing is the best of us, and knows it. I’ve saved
Demeanor: friendly, aggressive, daring, distant, _________ ‘ s life on more than one occasion.
volatile, meek, playful, suspicious [With Forest]
The Hunter
The Hunter is not afraid of getting their The Hunter’s Moves Advancement
hands dirty for the good of the village. They Choose two: At the end of the session, if you’ve done any
see life and death every day. They know their of the following, mark an advance
Hunter’s Cry: When you charge headlong into
prey and what every part can be used for, and • Get a wager going with someone
a hunt or dangerous situation, shouting out a
what losing a hunt means. A hunter is always • Tell a hunting story around the fire
cry, clear Tired or Demoralized and take +1
close to skin, blood, and bone. • Become Injured and Angry!
• Tell someone what you really think
Champion of Many Hunts: When you success- of them
Stats fully Strike at Prey or Stand Your Ground, • Get +1 to Courage
choose an additional option from the list • Get +1 to Focus
Courage: +1 Nature: 0
Throw Your Weight Around: When you Con- • Get +1 to Nature
• Get +1 to Wisdom
Focus: +2 Wisdom: –1 vince Them by using threats or violence, roll
with Focus instead of Wisdom. • Get a new Hunter move
• Get a new Hunter move
Sharpen Your Teeth: When you share a • Get a move from another playbook
Relations rousing speech with your patrol before an • Get a move from another playbook
Name: About My Family and Village: upcoming hunt, choose 2:
Name Meaning: • Anyone able may mark Angry to clear These are available after 5 advances:
another Condition • Get +1 to any stat
How the Name Was Earned: • Add 2 to the Guard Pool • Get +1 to any stat
• Anyone Demoralized can clear the condition • Switch to a new playbook
• Get promoted to Warrior
Totems Crafty Bugga: You practice a trade, such as • Or retire to safety to create a new Guard
Season Headdress (describe): weaving or pottery, choose what it is. When
Choose from: you have the time and supplies and set to
• Spring (Child or Learner) Weapon: Bow and Arrows (long, reload), and
... Spear (medium) or Axe (short)
make something special with your craft, roll
with Focus. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9,
• Summer (Adult or Mentor) • Starving (-2 to Set Out Into the Wilds)
• Fall (Heads of Family or Leader) Symbol: Hunting Trophy and Horn choose 1: • Tired (-2 to Brave the Elements and Help
• Winter (Elder or Advisor) • It can help your team; add 1 to the Guard Out)
Pool • Angry (-2 to Trust Your Instincts and
• It’s a masterpiece; durable, beautiful, or Read Another Animal Demoralized (-2
Look The Hunter’s History pristine Convince Them)
Circle as many as apply: ________ and I have been friends for a • Whoever you made it for loves it • Sick (-2 to Stand Your Ground and Get Your
Fur: red, dark brown, light brown, gray, very long time. I keep butting heads with • It doesn’t cost you much to make Bearings)
black, white ________ despite my best efforts ________ On a miss, it costs you dearly or you fail to • Injured (-2 to Strike at an Enemy and Do
Body: stocky, slim, athletic, bulky, stringy and I are from the same village; they under- complete it, your choice. Something Dangerous)
Eyes: young, old, naive, gentle, stern, haunted, stand my ways better than most.________
piercing has a lot to learn about fighting.
Demeanor: friendly, aggressive, daring, distant, [With Forest]
volatile, meek, playful, suspicious
The Woodcutter
The Woodcutter is someone who knows the The Woodcutter’s Moves Advancement
Forest and tress especially. You were found by Choose two: At the end of the session, if you’ve done any
the last Woodcutter and have learned how to of the following, mark an advance
Legend in Your Own Time: When you meet
manage the woods from life to death for your • Show yourself as capable outside your
someone important (your choice), roll with
village and help other villages with pests, chosen specialty
Wisdom. On a hit, they’ve heard of your
fires, and more. • Become Tired and complain about it
exploits and will give you comfort, respect, or
aid; according to their nature. On a 10+, take
• Share with someone at story of the Forest
Stats +1 ongoing with them during the scene. On
a miss, they know exactly who you are and or the Great Tree
Courage: 0 Nature: 0 • Display your code of honor for others to
have been looking for you; an old mistake has
finally caught up with you!
• Get +1 to Courage
Focus: +1 Wisdom: +1 Old Tree, New Roots: When you try to follow • Get +1 to Focus
the example of a younger animal, roll with • Get +1 to Nature
Focus. On a hit, you get one of their playbook • Get +1 to Wisdom
Relations moves to use right now. On a 10+, you can • Get a new Woodcutter move
Name: About My Family and Village: use it once more in the near future. On a • Get a new Woodcutter move
Name Meaning: miss, you can still use the move now, but if • Get a move from another playbook
you do, you’ ll have to mark a Condition. • Get a move from another playbook
How the Name Was Earned:
Cut to the Quick: When you Strike at an En- These are available after 5 advances:
emy with choice words or precision violence • Get +1 to any stat
Totems with Wisdom on a 10+ they take a Angry • Get +1 to any stat
Season Headdress (describe): or Injured Condition. On a 6– you take a • Switch to a new playbook
Choose from: Demoralized Condition. • Become a Mentor for the next Woodcutter
• Spring (Child or Learner) Weapon: Sacred Axe (sharp, strong, blessed), • Retire from duty to relative safety and
If This Axe Could Talk: When you talk about
• Summer (Adult or Mentor) and ... Axe (short) or Simple Staff (strong) create a new Guard
one of your old possessions like an old friend
• Fall (Heads of Family or Leader) Symbol: Woven String of Seeds
and share a parable, roll with Wisdom. On a
• Winter (Elder or Advisor)
hit, you and anyone listening intently clears Conditions
off Demoralized or Angry. On a 7-9, only • Starving (-2 to Set Out Into the Wilds)
Look The Woodcutter’s History they get to clear off the Conditions, not you.
On a miss, your message is misinterpreted,
• Tired (-2 to Brave the Elements and Help
Circle as many as apply: I was friends with _________ ‘ s parents. Out)
Fur: red, dark brown, light brown, gray, _________ is distant from the Forest, I will mark a Condition. • Angry (-2 to Trust Your Instincts and
black, white learn them. I keep catching _________ going Solid as an Oak: When you recuperate, roll Read Another Animal Demoralized (-2
Body: stocky, slim, athletic, bulky, stringy through my things._________ reminds me of with Focus instead. Convince Them)
Eyes: young, old, naive, gentle, stern, haunted, myself when I was their age. • Sick (-2 to Stand Your Ground and Get Your
piercing [With Forest] Bearings)
Demeanor: friendly, aggressive, daring, distant, • Injured (-2 to Strike at an Enemy and Do
volatile, meek, playful, suspicious Something Dangerous)
The Sage
The Sage commits their life to understanding The Sage’s Moves Advancement
and using the world around them for the Choose two: At the end of the session, if you’ve done any
benefit of villagers. The wisdom of the natural of the following, mark an advance
Healer: When you tend someone wounds
world coupled with innovative approaches • Help someone who is hurt or sick
or sickness, they treat a miss as a 7-9 result
makes a Sage invaluable for healing and prob- • Accomplish something meaningful using
when Recuperating from Injured or Sick.
lem-solving. intellect or wisdom
Wilderfriend: You have a faithful companion • Slow down your team because you’re less
who you’ve trained: a large insect, a lizard, frog, capable or distracted by something Share a
Stats bird or mammal; choose one. When you Do story of home with someone
Something Dangerous or Brave the Elements • Get +1 to Courage
Courage: 0 Nature: +1 with their help, roll with Wisdom instead. • Get +1 to Focus
• Get +1 to Nature
Focus: –1 Wisdom: +2 Innovator!: When you consider an uneasy
situation and how you can fix it using academ- • Get +1 to Wisdom
ics or innovation, roll with Wisdom. On a hit, • Get a new Sage move
• Get a new Sage move
Relations the solution presents itself and you take +1 to all
• Get a move from another playbook
Name: About My Family and Village: rolls toward fixing the problem. On a 7-9, you’
• Get a move from another playbook
Name Meaning: re missing a key and hard-to-find component.
On a miss, the solution still comes to you but it’ These are available after 5 advances:
How the Name Was Earned: s going to be extremely dangerous to pull off. • Get +1 to any stat
In Your Element: When you research some- • Get +1 to any stat
thing in a archives or speaking with others • Switch to a new playbook
Totems about history and beliefs or , roll with Wis- • Get promoted to Shaman and reassigned
Season Headdress (describe):
dom. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1: to a different village
Choose from: • Or retire to safety to create a new Guard
• You find what you were searching for
• Spring (Child or Learner) Weapon: Ornate Staff (impressive), and ...
• Add 1 to the Guard Pool
Obsidian Dagger (sharp, fragile) or Blowpipe
• Summer (Adult or Mentor)
• Fall (Heads of Family or Leader) (medium) and Darts (tired, reload)
• You unlock clues to a new mystery Conditions
• You find a rare volume or story that you • Starving (-2 to Set Out Into the Wilds)
• Winter (Elder or Advisor) Symbol: Something from beyond Endor
know someone was searching for • Tired (-2 to Brave the Elements and Help
On a miss, someone inconvenient has been here Out)
• Angry (-2 to Trust Your Instincts and
Look before you and removed what you’ re looking for
or learned of it already, but you can tell who it was. Read Another Animal Demoralized (-2
Circle as many as apply: The Sage’s History Convince Them)
Fur: red, dark brown, light brown, gray, _________ is smart and I enjoy our long Pack Rat: When you set off on a new mission
• Sick (-2 to Stand Your Ground and Get Your
black, white chats by the fire. I think _________ will ben- with your team, hold 3 for its duration. Spend
Body: stocky, slim, athletic, bulky, stringy efit from my constant wisdom. _________ your hold 1-for-1 to go into your pack and do
• Injured (-2 to Strike at an Enemy and Do
Eyes: young, old, naive, gentle, stern, haunted, is clueless when it comes to science, I don’ one of the following, but only once per scene:
Something Dangerous)
piercing t know what to do with them. I don’ t think • Add 1 to the Guard Pool
Demeanor: friendly, aggressive, daring, distant, _________ likes me very much. • Pull out exactly what someone needs
volatile, meek, playful, suspicious [With Forest] Spirited: When attuned with surroundings,
one/scene, roll: Courage to +1 Forward; Focus
to postpone a Condition; Nature to summon a
creature; Wisdom to see through a deception.
The Cub
The Cub is new to being a Guard. They may The Cub’s Moves Advancement
be young in years or in rank within the Guard You get this one: At the end of the session, if you’ve done any
as well. For example, a Cub may have never of the following, mark an advance
Protégé: Choose another player’ s animal to
served the Guard beyond their home village • Learn something new from your mentor
be your mentor, someone you look up to and
due to personality, capability, or external • Prove yourself capable in a crisis
teaches you what being a guard is all about.
circumstances. • Be Injured in the line of duty
When your mentor gives you instructions
• Show your friends just how much you have
and you follow them, you take +1 ongoing
yet to learn
Stats to doing it. You can change your mentor
when appropriate, but no more than once per • Get +1 to Courage
Courage: +2 Nature: 0 • Get +1 to Focus
• Get +1 to Nature
And choose one more: • Get +1 to Wisdom
Focus: 0 Wisdom: 0
Eager to Please: When you Set Out Into the • Get a new Recruit move
Wilds and are assigned a role, add 1 to the • Get a new Recruit move
• Get a move from another playbook
Relations Guard Pool regardless of your roll.
• Get a move from another playbook
Name: About My Family and Village: Young and Reckless: When you Strike at an
Name Meaning: Enemy, before rolling you can choose to suf- These are available after 5 advances:
fer a Condition to treat your roll as a 10+. • Get +1 to any stat
How the Name Was Earned: • Get +1 to any stat
Untapped Potential: Get +1 to any stat of your • Switch to a new playbook
choice (Maximum of +3) • Leave the Guard for good
Totems Small and Quiet: When you do something in • Or retire to safety to create a new Guard
Season Headdress (describe): secret, roll with Nature. On
Choose from: a 10+, no one notices what you’ re doing. On a
• Spring (Child or Learner) Weapon: Spear (medium), and ... Stone
Knives (x12, short) or Axe (short)
7-9, no one see’ s you, but something unrelated Conditions
• Summer (Adult or Mentor) goes wrong. On a miss, the wrong eyes catch • Starving (-2 to Set Out Into the Wilds)
• Fall (Heads of Family or Leader) Symbol: A Teek Tooth Necklace you in the act. • Tired (-2 to Brave the Elements and Help
• Winter (Elder or Advisor) Out)
• Angry (-2 to Trust Your Instincts and
Read Another Animal Demoralized (-2
Look The Cub’s History Convince Them)
Circle as many as apply: ________ is my Mentor, I respect
• Sick (-2 to Stand Your Ground and Get Your
Fur: red, dark brown, light brown, gray, them.________ made me feel welcome when
black, white I joined the Guard. I think ________ has a
• Injured (-2 to Strike at an Enemy and Do
Body: stocky, slim, athletic, bulky, stringy lot to teach me, but they don’t seem to notice
Something Dangerous)
Eyes: young, old, naive, gentle, stern, haunted, me much. ________ doesn’t strike me as a
piercing very good Guard.
Demeanor: friendly, aggressive, daring, distant, [With Forest]
volatile, meek, playful, suspicious
The Master of Ceremonies
• Respond with adversity and intermit- • Take away their stuff
Agenda tent rewards • Offer an opportunity, with or without Decision Making
• Make Ewok Guard feel dangerous and • Be a fan of their characters a cost In order to play to find out what hap-
heroic • Think off screen too • Turn their move back on them pens, you’ ll need to pass decision-mak-
• Fill their lives with adversity and • Sometimes, disclaim decision-making • Make a Threat move ing off sometimes. Whenever something
friendship • After every move: “what do you do?” comes up that you’ d prefer not to decide
• Play to find out what happens next by personal whim and will, don’ t. The
Your Moves game gives you three tools you can use
The Principles • Separate them Don’t Forget to ... to disclaim responsibility: you can put it
• Scale everything down to their size • Put them together • Turn questions back on the asker or in your NPCs’ hands, you can put it in
• Address yourself to the characters, • Reveal an unwelcome truth over to the group the players’ hands, or you can create a
not the players • Expose them to nature’ s wrath • Digress occasionally, but not too often countdown.
• Make your move, but misdirect and never • Capture someone • Elide the action sometimes, and zoom
speak its name • Expose a dangerous secret to the in on its details other times Names
• Give your villains a sympathetic side wrong person • Go around the table, make sure every- https://www.fantasynamegenerators.
• Name everyone, make everyone • Put someone in a spot one gets their spotlight com/sw-ewok-names.php
real; and showcase their culture Ask • Trade Conditions • Take breaks and take your time
provocative questions and build on • Announce off-screen or future badness
the answers • Inflict a Condition