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Adriana Popescu is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Talk to the Entities™

Facilitator, Conscious Recovery Facilitator and licensed clinical psychologist, addiction specialist
and empowerment coach. She is an expert in numerous Energy Psychology approaches, tools and

Dr. Popescu offers classes around the world as well as private sessions, consulting, media
appearances and speaking engagements.

Access Consciousness Classes

Access Bars®​ – This dynamic 8 hour class, the first class in Access Consciousness, teaches you the
bars and other Access tools and certifies you as a Bars Practitioner.

The Foundation​ – A four-day immersion in Access Consciousness tools, keys to freedom, body
processes and clearings. This class truly opens the door to a life of infinite possibilities.

Creating Change with the Tools of Access Consciousness​ - What if you could change anything?
The tools of Access Consciousness are some of the most dynamic on the planet. In this taster class
you will learn how to change what isn’t working in your life.

A Taste of Access/Access 101 Exploring the Tools of Access Consciousness​ – An introductory

2-3 hour class invites you to the basic tools of Access in a Q & A format, which may be focused on a
specific topic, such as money, relationships, body/health issues, and more, or on a specific Access
tool, e.g., the Bars. Past classes have included: ​What is Your Body Trying to Tell you? What Have You
Dared Not Ask For? What Would It Be Like if Things Were Easy? Is Happiness Really Just a Choice or
is that B.S.? Who are You Sticking to that is Sticking You? Is that Voice in your Head Really Yours?
Increasing Your Awareness of Entities​, and more.

5 Keys to Having Ease With Money​ – Imagine a life of ease, joy and glory with money. Dr.
Popescu’s specialty class is designed to free you from your financial and monetary limitations with
total ease.

Access Consciousness Special Topics and Events

4 Tools to Get Your Happy On

A Taste of Out of the Box – with Certified Facilitator
Access Bars Free Clinic
Access Bars Gifting & Receiving
Access Bars in the Park
Access Body Gifting & Receiving
Access Book Discussion
Access Consciousness Meet & Greet with a Certified Facilitator
Access Consciousness at Expos
Access Consciousness Meet Up
Clarity Night
CREATE! More Time, More Money, More Joy
Divorceless Relationships
Experience Access Bars
How Different Are You Willing to Be?
How Much More Are You Willing to Receive?
How to Become Money Workbook
Intro to Access Bars
Sex is Not a 4 Letter Word but Relationship Often Times Is
Stepping Into Being You
Introduction to Being
Access Book Club & Facilitation
Energy Pulls The Series
Salon Des Femmes Book Club
The Gentlemen’s Club Book Club
The Ten Keys to Total Freedom
Distractor Implants Book Club
Introduction to Being

Talk to the Entities™ Classes

Talk to the Entities Introduction​ – this class is a two-hour free form introduction to the tools of
Talk to the Entities. It is open to anyone and has no prerequisites.

Talk to the Entities Beginning​ – a two-day (10 hour) exploration of the tools of Talk to the
Entities that invites participants to have clarity and ease with clearing and communicating with

Talk to the Entities Specialty Introductions​ – These classes are deep explorations of unique and
interesting topics. These classes are between 2 and 4 hours in duration. Topics include:

* Clearing Houses From A-Z

* Communicating With Entities
* Creation with Entities
* Entities of the Earth
* Mental Disorders and Entities
* Money and Entities

* Children and Entities
* Walk-Ins
* Birth and Death/Coming and Going with Ease
* Entities and Relationships
* Entities and Addiction

Talk to the Entities Playground​ - Dr. Adriana’s year long exploration of the tools of Talk to the
Entities which includes a monthly call, facebook group, exercises, tools, homeplay and other

Energy Psychology and Holistic Healing Classes

Dr. Popescu also offers classes in the following modalities and techniques: Energy Psychology,
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Be Set Free Fast (BSFF), and more.

Exploring the Tools of Energy Psychology​ – an introduction to the powerful tools of energy
psychology that can help you address the energy creating any number of issues from stress,
depression, anxiety, chronic pain, relationship challenges, etc.

Psychological Reversal – What Energies Are You Using to Sabotage You? ​Psychological
reversal is a ​subconscious​ condition of ​self-sabotage​—that is, of making choices that bring you
misery instead of well-being and the ​happiness​ you think you want. Adriana will use the tools of
Energy Psychology or ​Access Consciousness® to assist you in breaking free from the energies that
create the psychological reversal, change the points of view which lead you to self-sabotage, and
open to you being energetically congruent with all that you are asking for in life.

Classes using Access Consciousness & Energy Psychology Tools & Techniques

Any of the following classes can be facilitated exclusively with Access Consciousness tools or with
a variety of Energy Psychology tools and techniques.

Money and Shame​ – The shame that people feel about themselves often limits what’s possible
with money. This class is designed to help identify and clear those limiting beliefs to allow money
to flow freely and change financial realities.

The Other Side of Anxiety​ – An introductory class using Access Consciousness and Talk to the
Entities tools to address stress and anxiety in a truly empowering way that creates lasting change.

Overcoming Social Anxiety​ - Do you have difficulty in social situations? Are you ever
uncomfortable with people you don’t know? This workshop invites you to more ease joy and fun
in social situations.

Is Money Taxing or Relaxing For You?​ – This introductory class invites you to have ease and
peace with money, finance and taxes.

Freeing Yourself from the Influence of Churches, Cults & Religions​ – Are beliefs and
judgments from religions creating a limitation in what you can create and be? This unique
specialty class clears the path to more freedom and possibilities.

What Do You Do When Your Light and Heavy Are Not Working? ​– Light and heavy is one of the
powerful tools of Access Consciousness and it is often misapplied and confused. What is in the
way of you having your awareness and knowing what is light and true for you?

Breaking the Addiction to Trauma and Drama​ – What if you could let go of your soap opera life
and embrace the peace and ease of a life of total possibility?

Who or What Is Driving You Crazy?​ – This class allows you to get free from those people and
energies that are driving you crazy.

Saying No with Ease​ – If you have difficulty choosing what works for you, for honoring what is
true for you and receiving what you desire than this class can truly empower you to make
different choices and have a different possibility.

Getting Unstuck from the People who are Sticking You​ – So often people choose the same
relationship that doesn’t work over and over, individuals who push their buttons or continue to
have friends or partners where it just isn’t easy or fun. What creates this? How do you get free
and create people in your life who truly have your back?

Conscious Recovery

Conscious Recovery Clinical Training​ - ​In this four day event, TJ Woodward and Dr. Adriana
Popescu offers clinical training in the powerful treatment modality, The Conscious Recovery
Method™. This provides clinicians working in the behavioral health and addiction field with
powerful and life-changing tools and approaches to assist their clients in breaking free of life-long
destructive patterns.

Dr. Popescu also offers ​individual coaching, and consultation/training to treatment programs and
treatment professionals in how to use the Conscious Recovery curriculum.


Dr. Adriana offers translation for classes and events with sufficient notice. There are many
products in her shop which are translated into Romanian, French, German and Spanish.


Dr. Popescu has co-authored a number of books and book chapters. Introductory classes, lectures
and/or book club discussions are available on these books/topics:

Conscious Recovery Workbook
Conscious Recovery: A Fresh Perspective on Addiction
Conscious Being Workbook: Awakening to Your True Nature
The Energy of Magic

Public Speaking/Media

Dr. Popescu has been a subject matter expert on addiction and trauma, empowerment,
transformation, personal growth and psychology on numerous television, radio and media
programs. She is available for media appearances, interviews, lectures or public speaking

Private Sessions

Dr. Popescu offers private sessions to clients around the world.

Psychotherapy (California only)

Coaching/30-Day Program
Verbal Processing & Energy Clearing
Energy Psychology
Entity Communication & Clearing
Entity Space and Land Clearing
Access Bars
Abuse Hold
Access Body Processes
Access Advanced Body Processes
Access Facelift
ESSE (Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment) sessions
Symphony Sessions

Contact Information

Website: ​https://adrianapopescu.org
Media: ​https://adrianapopescu.org/category/in-the-media/
Facebook: ​https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu
Instagram: ​https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/
Twitter: ​https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Youtube: ​https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Soundcloud: ​https://soundcloud.com/user-206068462-259139528
Phone/Text: 1-415-975-1145
Skype: apopescu415
Email: ​[email protected]


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