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With an aim to enhance financial inclusion for all, Opportunity International embarked on a journey
to support access to finance by smallholder farmers, women, and youth in the various countries of
operation namely Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, DRC, Ghana, Nigeria, and Columbia. This goal is to be
achieved through digitization of the Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) through
development of digital solutions and linkage to financial service providers.
Previously the Village Savings and Loans Associations operated using paper records that make it
tedious for management. Opportunity International has provided a smartphone application and
training to some of the groups in Malawi & Uganda and looks forward to providing the same in the
other aforementioned countries to digitize their ledger and processes. With paper records being
utilized by the groups, there was always a concern information wasn’t captured correctly and
calculations were inaccurate. The provided application eliminates these issues as the calculations are
automated and transparent. The end users can see and understand how contributions are logged and
the balances are immediately kept up to date thus there in no conflict with members of the group and
more trust across the group. Additionally, they save money as they no longer need to hire a local
accountant to monitor their books. This application can also be linked to Financial service providers to
ease the push and pull of deposits and access to loans by the group members.
The Thrive Save, Village Savings and Loans Application is a digital application that manages all the
group details, while information is synced to the Azure cloud database for backup and credit scoring.
Once a group is established, the meetings can be run offline until a trusted member of the group has a
chance to sync the data. The application is in the local language and the visual experience is simple to
ease data entry and enforce data quality. The paper passbooks used a stamp approach, and the digital
experience similarly marks the number of shares purchased rather than requiring entry of numbers
that can be challenging if people have low literacy.
Under the Version 2 of this application, members can self on board from the front end of the
application and the data is synced in real time to the back end of the application as opposed to the
previous versions where the groups had to be created from the back end. The version to has been
enhanced with features such as flexibility in the social fund payment, shares, loans. Various reports
have been included to keep track of the collections that are happening within the group. Detailed
scope of work is expounded hereunder.
Addition of optional On Registration of the group members, Phone number option should be
Phone Number made optional and mandatory for all the group executive or those who are
provided with logins
Addition of Rhyming Repayment dates should rhyme basing on the loan application dates
Repayment Dates
Addition of Age group / The age of the group member should not be below the required age as per
Date of Birth per the country laws for example Uganda not below 18
country requirements
Enable reflection of The total number of shares should reflect on the dashboard on registration
total shares on the of the group prior to starting the meeting.
Sum all the shares Sum of all shares before group registration on the app and shares bought
before the group during the meeting
registration and those
purchased after the
Loan Disbursement The group administrators should be able to disburse a loan against the
amount set for maximum savings or below.
Enable backward Information already input should not be deleted in case the administrator
Navigation decides to move back to a previous item.
Currency Currency should be as per the chosen country. Should automatically only
give the currency available as linked to the country chosen
Enable proper Interest The interest calculations should be as per the set terms of the group for
rate calculations example, if a group sets 1% weekly interest, the borrower’s interest should
be calculated to the set terms
Enable Picture capture Should be able to capture or upload pictures of all the different customers
or Upload in case a group member would like his or her picture captured.
Enable Interest Display Display interest to 2 decimal places
Enable Loan Repayment Customer should be able to repay their loan fully or in bits until its cleared.
Addition of Meeting Calculate and display meeting fines in case there has been fining of
Fines members
Display of member Display Group Administrators as Chairperson, Treasure, Secretary and
details member e.t.c. as per the group definition.
Main Page dashboard Display the boxes as the same size
Optional Social Loan Some countries have optional social loan thus should be made optional
Enable Validation of Create an option to check or validate whether data is correct. Before saving,
data application should prompt the question "Do you want to edit the
information before editing?"
App Navigation After registration, Application should automatically move to an interface
where the 3 members of the group can login
Password Reset Option Password Reset Option should be included
Enable flexible share out In case the group has optional purchase of shares, the share out option
option should be flexible. In addition, share purchases should vary among those
who have purchased
Registration of group Registration of two people with the same role e.g. 2 Treasurers, Two
administrators secretaries should not be possible
Removal of phone Over lapping of phone numbers should not be possible.
number over lap
Site Duration
Opportunity International US
Phases Start Finish
Deliverable Objective Due Date
Version 2 of the Thrive Save
Milestones Start Date Finish Date
Rollout in Malawi
Rollout in Uganda
Rollout in Rwanda
Activity Duration Team Member
Detail how you will report on your project and how that information will be delivered here
Define Success
Successful development, deployment, and rollout of the Thrive Save version 2 application in Malawi,
Rwanda, and Uganda
Who How Much Payment Due
Credal Tech
Document Signed Off
Project Charter
Product Backlog
Statement of Works