Parliamentary Standing Committee On Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice Arrives On Visit To Isles

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Since 1920s the Oldest Daily... Partially cloudy sky over Port Blair.

and Minimum temperature will be around 30°C
and 24°C respec tively on Thursda y
11/ 01 /2 0 24 .
Maximum Temperature (°C) of Date: 30.5
Minimum Temperature (°C) of Date: 23.2
Relative Humidity (%) at 0830 IST : 066
Relative Humidity (%) at 1730 IST : 077
Sunrise time on 11.01.2024 (in IST): 0542
Sunset time on 11.01.2024 (in IST): 1711
Rainfall upto 0830 hrs of date (last 24 hrs)- in mm: 000.0
Rainfall upto 1730 hrs of date in mm: 000.0

...the Largest Circulating Daily of the Islands Rainfall (Progressive total from 1 st January 23 upto 0830 hrs
(of date) in mm: 000.0 mm

Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 11 Port Blair, Thursday, January 11, 2024 Web: Rs. 3.00 Pages 4

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Traffic arrangements made for Rehearsal

Days in connection with Republic Day function
Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Port Blair, Jan. 10
It is notified for the
Dharamshala Junction
to Temple
Aberdeen Bazaar.

information of the and from Scout Hut The vehicles carrying

Justice arrives on visit to Isles General Public that the

following Traffic
Junction to Girls School
Crossing from 0700 Hrs
parade contingents shall
drop the contingents in
arrangements have onwards till dispersal of front of Girls School and
been made for all contingents. proceed towards
Rehearsal days in  The vehicles parking area by the side
connection with intending to proceed to of Swimming Pool and
Republic Day Function Aberdeen Bazaar from will remain stationed
starting from 12th Jan. South Point and vice there.
2024 (Friday) onwards. versa may opt the route After culmination of
The movement of all i.e., South Point --- Govt. rehearsals, the vehicles
vehicular traffic shall be Press --- RK Mission --- shall collect the
closed from R. K. RGT Road --- Murugan (Contd. on last page)

Animal Welfare Fortnight observance by Deptt. of AH&VS

Pet Walk to be organized from
Marina Park to Flag Point on Jan. 14
Staff Correspondant Baburao Vichre, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma. tomorrow (Jan. 11). ANIIDCO, Life Insurance Port Blair, Jan. 10 scheduled to take place. owners and their furry
Port Blair, Jan. 10 Kanakmedala Ravindra Soon after arrival, the During their stay, the Corporation of India, India The Department of This Pet Walk holds companions.
The Parliamentary Kumar, Shri Kanumuru Commi ttee membe rs Committee will interact Post, BSNL and New India Animal Husbandry and great significance as it Pet owners who are
Standing Committee on Raghurama Kri shna visited National Memorial with the Chief Secretary Assurance on the subject Veterinary Services, symbolizes a collective eager to be a part of this
Pe rsonnel, Publ ic Raju, Smt. Sandhya Ray, Cellular Jail. Thereafter, and other Officers of the 'Effective redressal of Andaman and Nicobar celebration of Animal heartwarming initiative
Grievances, Law and Smt. Veena Devi, Shri. the Committee visited UT Administration on the gr ie vance s by Administration will be Welfare and are encouraged to join
Justice headed by its Sure sh Pujar i, Smt. Fl ag Point. The subject ' Effec ti ve strengthening the Public organizing a significant companionship. The in. For those interested
Chairman, Shri Sushil Vandana Chavan, Shri Committee members also redressal of grievances Grievances Redressal event to kickstart the event will commence in participating,
Kumar Modi arrived on a Jasbir Singh Gill, Shri K. witnessed Sound & Light by strengthe ning the System'. They will also Animal Welfare from Marina Park, enquiries and
three-days visit to A&N R. Suresh Reddy, Smt. Show at National Publi c Gri evanc es hold interaction with Fortnight observance in extending all the way to registrations can be
Islands today. The other Darshana Singh, Shri. Memorial Cellular Jail in Redressal System' on Hon'ble Judge of Circuit Isles. On January 14, Flag Point, made by contacting
Me mbers of the Omprakash Bhupalsingh the e vening. The Jan.12. Thereafter, the Bench of Calcutta High 2023, at 6 am, a encompassing a scenic phone number:
Committee are Shri P. al ias Pavan Committee is scheduled to Committee wi ll hold Court at Port Blair on the delightful and and enjoyable route for 9531963655.
Wi lson, Shr i Rajan Rajenimablkar and Shri vi si t Swaraj Dwe ep inter action wi th same day. meaningful Pet Walk is the participating pet (Contd. on last page)

Director General of Police inaugurates state- Chief Secretary launches ANI eSeva
of-the-art 'Language Lab' at PTS, Prothrapur Portal and AN Seva 311 Mobile App
Lab poised to revolutionize language learning methodologies for
police personnel with advanced tools & resources ANI eSeva Portal to facilitate citizens Mobile App AN Seva 311 enables
Port Blair, Jan. 10 proficiency of the police force in Andaman to access all eServices offered by A&N citizens to submit grievances
& Nicobar Islands, in all respects.
Shri. Devesh Chandra Srivastva,
IPS, Director General of Police, One of the key objectives of
Administration in a single window alongwith photos/videos
Andaman & Nicobar Islands implementing the Language Lab is to elevate
inaugurated state-of-the-art the language skills of police personnel,
'Language Lab' at the Police which will have a direct impact on creating
Training School (PTS), a seamless and positive experience for tourists
Prothrapur today. While
addressing the police personnel,
Shri Devesh Chandra Srivastva
emphasized upon the significance
of embracing modern technology,
in enhancing the capabilities of
the dedicated personnel of the
Port Blair, Jan. 10 eS ervic es offered by are now served by various Seva 311. The Mobile App
Andaman & Nicobar Police. The
The Chief Secretary, A & An daman & Nic ob ar applications and software will enable citizens to
Director General of Police
N Administration, Shri Administration in a single an d this p ortal brin gs submit their grievances
highlighted the crucial role of the
Kesh av Chand ra, IAS window, Department of IT together all those w it h m in i mu m
'Language Lab' in improving
launched the ANI eSeva with th e ass istanc e of ap plications un der a information and has the
communication skills, fostering visiting the Islands. Effective communication Portal and AN Seva 311 SOVTECH has developed common u mbrella. fac ility to u p load th e
effective interactions, tourist is a bridge between law enforcement and ANI e-S eva Portal In divid ual web photos, videos along with
Mobile App in a simple
friendly endeavour, and tourists, promoting a sense of safety and (www.anieseva. ap plications can be t h e gr i ev a n c e s . Th e
function held today in the
ultimately strengthening law an daman The accessed from this portal citizens can upload their
assistance. presence of Commissioner-
enforcement efforts. cu m-Sec retary (IT), portal is intended to act as for availing the particular grievances both in offline
Smti. Monika Bhardwaj, IPS, DIGP and
The Language Lab is poised to Secretary (IT), Secretary a single window interface services offered by them. and o n li n e mo d e .
Smti. Varsha Sharma, IPS, Principal PTS,
revolutionize language learning (GA), Special Secretary (IT) for all the services offered Further, to facilitate the Citizens can download
graced the inaugural function with their
methodologies for police an d oth er offic ials of by various Government citizens to submit their the mobile app from State
presence, underscoring the collective
personnel, offering advanced Department of IT and Departments, institutions grievances, the Portal (https: //
commitment in advancing the capabilities of
tools and resources. This SOVTECH. an d organ ization s. Department of IT with the, a press
the Andaman & Nicobar Police.
initiative aligns with the broader In order to facilitate the Services offered by various assistance of SOVTECH release from Department
goal of enhancing the overall (Contd. on last page) Government Departments developed Mobile App AN of IT said.
citizen s to acc ess all

SDM South Andaman holds meeting with IRBn conducted 10 Anti Poaching Operations PBMC releases publication titled 'Municipal
stakeholders of Central Ground Water Authority, resulting in arrest of 72 poachers during the Chronicles: Celebrating Unity through
Member of ACCI & Hoteliers Association Meri Maati Mera Desh Events'
Permission for operation of bore wells & dug wells for
year 2023: Commandant IRBn
Staff Correspondent succeeding in Port Blair, Jan. 10
Commercial/ Industrial purposes needs to be obtained Port Blair, Jan. 10 A significant publication
the arrest of
Port Blair, Jan. 10 organization extracting water The India Reserve 72 poachers titled 'Municipal Chronicles-
Shri Vinayak Chamadia, IAS, above 10 KLD has to obtain No Battalion (IRBn) in the year 'Celebrating Unity through
Sub-Divisional Magistrate Objection Certificate from functioning under the 2023 , Meri Maati Mera Desh Events'
South Andaman, held a meeting CGWA and those extracting A&N Polic e is informed the was unveiled by Shri Dilkhush
with stakeholders of Central below 10 KLD must obtain committed towards Commandant Meena, IAS, Secretary, PBMC
Ground Water Authority, exempt category status from th e s afety of the IRBn, Ms. and Shri Padmanabham, JVC
Member of ACCI and Hoteliers CGWA. Every Commercial and Islanders and are well Niharika Bhatt, IPS while interacting with the (Chairing Council Meeting),
Association in South Andaman Industrial organization eq uipped with media persons in the conference hall of the PBMC in the conference hall of of collection to the intricate
District today. SDM, SA extracting water must install the manpower and Police Head Quarters here today. the Council today. This pivotal process of merger and
emphasized that during Tamper Proof Digital Water equipments to deal Giving details about the activities carried out release marks a significant subsequent transportation to
summers, illegal ground water Meter. with intrud ers, by the IRBn during last year, the Commandant milestone by the Port Blair New Delhi, has been
extraction add to the water It was decided that all hotels es pecially foreign IRBn informed that IRBn conducted rigorous Municipal Council in methodically chronicled within
crises. and other such organizations poac hers. An ti anti-poaching operations in association with alignment with the the pages of the Municipal
Sub-Divisional Magistrate must get the NOCs or exemption poaching operation is other sister agencies in geographically Government of India's Meri Chronicle.
South Andaman, apprised status before 31st January, 2024. the main task of the challenging topography such as Barren Island Maati Mera Desh Campaign. This complete compilation is
ACCI and Hoteliers Association It was also reiterated that all IRBn, besides other (active volcano), Narcondum, and Tillong PBMC organized a series of a result of the concerted efforts
regarding the requirement of bulk water suppliers must works and the IRBn Chaung Island, which are considered to be initiatives adhering to the and diligent execution of various
obtaining permission for adhere to CGWA guidelines, pers onn el have very sensitive given its proximity to the directives outlined by the programs undertaken by PBMC.
operation of bore wells and dug otherwise strict penalties would carried out 10 Anti international maritime boundary besides authorities under Meri Maati Each stage of these endeavors has
wells for Commercial/ be imposed as per law, a press Poaching Operations Kishori Nagar in North & Middle Andaman Mera Desh Campaign. The been documented, capturing the
Industrial purposes. Any release from SDM (SA) said. in different Islands (Contd. on last page) journey from the initial phase (Contd. on last page)

4 Daily Telegrams Thursday
January 11, 2024
Director General of Police inaugurates ...
Prestigious Silver Jubilee XXV Vice President (Contd. from page 1) Viksit Bharat Sankalp
The Language Lab is a testament to the Yatra visits Shadipur
of India Cup Soccer Championship 2023-24 Andaman & Nicobar Police's dedication to
embracing innovation and modern
begins at BJR Stadium, Car Nicobar methodologies for enhanced professionalism.
Car Nicobar, Jan. 10
The inaugural
ceremony of the
Pres tigious Silver
Ju bilee XXV Vice
President of India Cup
Port Blair, Jan.10 unity in driving India's
Soccer Championship
The IEC Van, as part advancement. These
2023-24 was held at BJR
of the Viksit Bharat videos left a strong
Stadium, Tamaloo, Car
Rt.Rev Ch ristoph er Islands are participating programme presented Sankalp Yatra visited impression on both
Nicobar yesterday. Ms. This initiative would contribute significantly
Paul, Bishop, A & N in this mega event. by school children. In the Shadipur area today, residents and visitors,
Jyoti K umari, IA S, in the efficiency and effectiveness of law
Is lan d blessed the The Opening inaugural match, Car drawing locals of the offering a glimpse of
Deputy Commissioner enforcement in the Islands, a press release from
participants. Altogether Ceremony began with Nicobar defeated Rangat area. Along its route, the Viksit Bharat's vision
(N)/Chairman (Org.
13 Teams from A & N colorful cultural by 1-0 goal. Principal (PTS) said. van showcased videos for a more dynamic and
Committee, XXV VPC
Result of matches played on 10.1.2024 at BJR Stadium Car Nicobar emphasizing Viksit prosperous India, a
2023-24 Car Nicobar) Traffic arrangements made for Rehearsal ... Bharat's core values, press release from
graced the occasion as Date Team Team Group RESULT (Contd. from page 1)
10.01.2024 A & N Police Katchal A 1-1 stressing the power of PBMC said.
the c hief guest and contingents in front of Girls School. The vehicles
declared the Draw shall opt the route i.e. Netaji Stadium ---Scout Hut Animal Welfare Fortnight observance by...
Championship Open. 10.01.2024 Wimberlygunj V/s Teressa C 4-1 Junction --- Girls School and shall proceed to their (Contd. from page 1)
Shri. Manjeet Sheoran, W/G defeated Teressa respective places/units, a press release from DM This event is not just a walk; it's a meaningful
IPS, SP (N) was the 10.01.2024 Chowra Little D 1-0 (SA) said. gesture aiming to underscore the importance of
guest of honour. Shri Andaman Chowra defeated Little Andaman
Animal Welfare and responsible pet ownership.
Lionald Nicomed e, Tomorrow’s match schedule – Venue BJR Stadium Car Nicobar PBMC releases publication titled... It's an opportunity for the community to come
Ch airman , Trib al Date Team Team Group (Contd. from page 1) together, celebrating the companionship shared
Council presided over 11.01.2024 DIGLIPUR MAYABUNDER D spirit of the initiatives aligned with the Meri Maati with animals and advocating for their well-being,
th e inaugural 11.01.2024 CAR NICOBAR CAMPBELLBAY B Mera Desh Campaign, a press release from PBMC a press release from Deptt. of AH&VS said.
ceremony wh ereas 11.01.2024 NANCOWRY WIMBERLYGUNJ C said.
IRBn conducted 10 Anti Poaching ...
State Level Science Project Competition (Contd. from page 1)
organized by Science Centre District. She said, Anti-Poaching Operations by
IRBn will continue whenever the information is
Passenger tickets for Foreshore/Inter Island sector will be issued to the general public from12.01.2024 received about the presence of intruders in a
(Friday) onwards. Similarly, passenger tickets for Campbell Bay/Nancowry/Katchal (i.e. on 16th, 23rd&
specific Island/Creek. She stated that A&N Police
30thJananuary, 2024) will be also be issued from 12.01.2024 onwards.
Passengers may book their tickets from DSS e-ticketing portal ( all have taken a holistic approach to upgrade the
days from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM and from STARS Ticketing Counter in all working days from 9.00 AM to strategically located Look Out Posts across the
04.00 PM, except on Saturday from 09.00 AM to 12.00 PM. Island like LOP Tillong Chaung wherein new
PORT BLAIR – MAYABUNDER & DIGLIPUR portable generator sets, satellite phones, solar
Passenger tickets for 16th January onwards will be issued to the general public from 12.01.2024. lights, water filter cartridges and sufficient water
Sl. Name of the Date & Time From To Date & Time From To
No. vessel of Sailing of Return storage tanks were provided for a healthy and
Sailing comfortable lifestyle for Jawans even in far flung
1. Sindhu 12.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 13.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via
and uninhabitant Islands.
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1030 Hrs Mayabunder
2. Sindhu 16.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 17.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via Commandant IRBn further stated as part of the
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1030 Hrs Mayabunder modernization efforts, IRBn has been equipped
3. Sindhu 18.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 19.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via with new weapon and successfully inducted the
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1030 Hrs Mayabunder
Port Blair, Jan. 10 c o m p e t i t i o n . Palika School, Ranchi
4. Sindhu 20.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 21.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via The Science Centre, A c cord ingly, th e Tikrey was adjudged Joint Venture Productive Carbine (JVPC) into its
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1030 Hrs Mayabunder Port Blair conducted a p rojec t on ' Traffic as Consolation prize weaponry. This innovative weapon, designed
5. Sindhu 23.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 24.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via State L evel Scien ce Turbine' presented by winner respectively. specifically for the Indian Armed Forces,
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1030 Hrs Mayabunder enhances the battalion's capabilities to ensure
6. Sindhu 25.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 26.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via
Project Competition for Rosh an Rath ore of Trophies alongwith
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1030 Hrs Mayabunder the sch ool s tudents Khalsa Public Sr. Sec. cash awards of 5000/-, preparedness and effectiveness in challenging
7. MV Kalighat 27.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 28.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via studying in Class IX to School was declared as 3000/-, 2000/- & situations in future.
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1400 Hrs Mayabunder XI tod ay at its first, 'Chandrayaan-3' individual certificates The Commandant IRBn informed about the
8. Sindhu 30.01.2024 Port Diglipur via 31.01.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1030 Hrs Mayabunder premises. The Project / presented by Ekansha will be distributed to introduction of a QR code-based inventory
PORT BLAIR - LITTLE ANDAMAN Models of the students S ingh of S agritara the winning students management system for better accountability of
Passenger tickets from 15th January onwards will be issued to the general public from 12.01.2024. were kept on display School, Prem Nagar during the celebration Government properties and a software-based
1. MV Campbell Bay 13.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 13.01.2024 Little Port Blair Body Mass Index (BMI) database management
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman
for pub lic viewin g. was declared second, of National Science
2. MV Campbell Bay 15.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 16.01.2024 Little Port Blair Among the displayed ' Hyd rau lic Bridge' Day to be held on 28 th system to monitor the fitness and well-being of
2100 Hrs Blair 0800 Hrs Andaman project, the best three presented by Divya of February, 2024. The the battalion jawans. To enhance the professional
3. MV Campbell Bay 17.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 18.01.2024 Little Port Blair mod els were Govt. Model. Sr. Sec. p rogramme was capability, a total of 22 IRBn personnel have been
2100 Hrs Blair 0800 Hrs Andaman trained in specialized commando school which
4. MV Campbell Bay 20.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 20.01.2024 Little Port Blair
selected by the panel of S c hool, A b erdeen coordinated by Shri
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman judges. Bazar was adjudged as Deb as h is Pau l, consolidates to a total of 118 commandos to tackle
5. MV Kalighat 22.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 22.01.2024 Little Port Blair A ltogeth er 26 third whereas 'Third E d uc ation Offic er any untoward situations, she added.
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman projects / models from Eye for Blind People' attach ed to Sc ienc e Responding to a querry, the Commandant IRBn
6. Nalanda 24.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 24.01.2024 Little Port Blair
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman various schools in & p res en ted by Centre, a press release informed that IRBn is committed towards the
7. Nalanda 27.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 27.01.2024 Little Port Blair around Port Blair were S an jay of from Science Centre safety of the Islanders and plays a pivotal role in
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman put on display for the Vivek ananda Nagar said. preserving national security, fostering well-being,
8. MV Campbell Bay 29.01.2024 Port Little Andaman 29.01.2024 Little Port Blair and contributing to the holistic development of
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman
the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
9. MV Campbell Bay 31.01.2024 Port
0700 Hrs Blair
Little Andaman 31.01.2024 Little
2100 Hrs Andaman
Port Blair
Applications invited online for
Passenger tickets for 18th January onwards will be issued to the general public from 12.01.2024 onwards. post of Pharmacist Grade III in Annual Athletic Meet of
1. MV Kalighat 12.01.2024 Port Car Nicobar via Little 13.01.2024 Car Nicobar Port Blair via
0700 Hrs Blair Andaman 0800 Hrs Little Andaman A & N Health Department GSSS Rangachang held
2. MV Kalighat 18.01.2024 Port Car Nicobar via Little 19.01.2024 Car Nicobar Port Blair via
0700 Hrs Blair Andaman 0800 Hrs Little Andaman Port Blair, Jan. 10 to 31. 01. 2024 (12. 00 s u bmit app lic ation
3. MV Bharat Seema 20.01.2024 Port Car Nicobar via Little 21.01.2024 Car Nicobar Port Blair via Applications have Midnight). again.
0700 Hrs Blair Andaman 1600 Hrs Little Andaman been invited online The candidates The details in
4. MV Kalighat 24.01.2024 Port Car Nicobar via Little 25.01.2024 Car Nicobar Port Blair via
0700 Hrs Blair Andaman 0800 Hrs Little Andaman
from th e eligib le wh o h ave alread y res p ect of vacancy,
PORT BLAIR - NANCOWRY via LITTLE ANDAMAN, CAR NICOBAR, CHOWRA, TERESSA & KATCHAL c an did ates wh o applied in terms of e d u c a t i o n a l
1. MV Bharat Seema 11.01.2024 14.01.2024 Port Blair via possess the required p reviou s vac an c y qualification, eligibility
0700 Hrs Port Nancowry via Little 0500 Hrs Nancowry Katchal, Teressa, e d u c a t i o n a l n otic es dated criteria and other
2. MV Bharat Seema 25.01.2024 Blair Andaman, Car 28.01.2024 Chowra, Car
0700 Hrs Nicobar, Chowra, 0500 Hrs Nicobar & Little
qualification for the 28. 09. 2018 an d instructions are available
Teressa, Katchal Andaman p ost of Ph armacis t 21. 06. 2019 an d online at the
PORT BLAIR - CAMPBELL BAY VIA NANCOWRY & KATCHAL Grade III in A & N shortlisted as eligible Administration's portal
Passenger tickets for 16th 23rd& 30th Jan. sailing will be issued to the general public from 12.01.2024 onwards. Health Department. to ap p ear for th e
1. Nalanda 16.01.2024 Port Campbell Bay via 18.01.2024 Campbell Port Blair via
h t t p : / / Port Blair, Jan. 10 APWD was the guest of
0900 Hrs Blair Nancowry & 0800 Hrs Bay Nancowry The application in full r e c r u i t m e n t erecruitment.andaman Shri S. Boominathan, honor. The chief guest in
Katchal s h ape s h ou ld b e e x a m i n a t i o n and http:/ / Up-Adhyaksh, Zilla his brief address,
2. MV Campbell Bay 23.01.2024 Port Campbell Bay via 25.01.2024 Campbell Port Blair via uploaded online from p u blis h ed on, a press
0900 Hrs Blair Nancowry 0800 Hrs Bay Nancowry Parishad, South impressed upon the
3. Nalanda 30.01.2024 Port Campbell Bay via 01.02.2024 Campbell Port Blair via
10.01.2024 (11.00 AM) 05.11.2020 n eed n ot release from DHS said. Andaman declared open students to take up sports
0900 Hrs Blair Nancowry & 0800 Hrs Bay Nancowry the 52nd Annual Athletic as an important activity in
Note: Embarkation of passengers will commence 02 Hours prior to the scheduled departure time of the vessel
DSS to ply additional ferry service between Meet of Govt. Sr. their daily life. The
and boarding will be closed 30 Minutes before departure time. Passengers arriving late will not be allowed to Port Blair & Shaheed Dweep from Jan. 12 to 17 to Secondary School, Principal, Shri Shyamal
board the vessel. The vessel will sail only after completion of survey procedure which will commence on Rangachang as chief Majumdar welcomed the
completion of embarkation of passengers for issuance of ‘B’ Certificate as per MS Act. facilitate people to attend Vivekananda Mela guest today. Shri gathering, a press release
11.01.2024 (THURSDAY) Port Blair, Jan. 10 Mohammed Mustafa, JE, from ZPSA said.
1. MV Baratang 11.01.2024 Port Rangat via Swaraj 11.01.2024 Rangat Port Blair via The passenger/general public have been informed that in view of
0600 Hrs Blair Dweep & Long Island 1300 Hrs Long Island &
Swaraj Dweep
celebration of Vivekananda Mela at Shaheed Dweep, the Directorate of Power break in School Line &
Shipping Services has arranged additional ferry service between Port Blair
2. MV Strait Island 11.01.2024 Port
0630 Hrs Blair
Swaraj Dweep 11.01.2024 Swaraj
0900 Hrs Dweep
Port Blair
- Shaheed Dweep - Port Blair from 12th to 17th January, 2024, as per the
Minnie Bay areas today
3. MV Rani Changa 11.01.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 11.01.2024 Shaheed Port Blair schedule tabulated below :- Port Blair, Jan. 10 Minnie Bay on Jan. 11
0630 Hrs Blair 0845 Hrs Dweep
DATE ARRIVAL PORT DEPARTURE The general from 8 am to 4 pm, in
4. MV Rangat 11.01.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 11.01.2024 Swaraj Shaheed Dweep
1200 Hrs Blair 1430 Hrs Dweep 12.01.2024 --- Port Blair 0800 Hrs consumers and connection with carrying
-- -- -- 11.01.2024 Shaheed Port Blair to 0945 Hrs Shaheed Dweep 1000 Hrs G o v e r n m e n t out of urgent repair work
1600 Hrs Dweep 17.01.2024 1145 Hrs Port Blair --- Departments have been of damaged water
5. MV Kamorta 11.01.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 11.01.2024 Shaheed Swaraj Dweep
1300 Hrs Blair 1500 Hrs Dweep
Passenger tickets for the above sailing schedules will be issued to the informed that power pipeline by APWD in
-- -- -- 11.01.2024 Swaraj Port Blair general public from 11.01.2024 (Thursday) onwards. supply will remain front of INS Utkrosh
1630 Hrs Dweep Passengers may book their tickets from DSS e-ticketing portal (https:// suspended at School Gate, a press release
6. MV Strait Island 11.01.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 12.01.2024 Swaraj Port Blair and from STARS Ticketing Counter between Line area complete, from
1700 Hrs Blair 0530 Hrs Dweep via Shaheed
Dweep 9.00 AM to 04.00 PM, a press release from DSS said. School Line village and Department said.
12.01.2024 (FRIDAY)
Published by IP Division, Directorate of IP & T and printed by Manager, Govt. Press, Chief Editor (i/c): K. Biju Nair , Ph- 229217, 230201, 227201 E-mail: [email protected]
For distribution /advertisement queries contact Manager, Govt. Press : 227919
2 Daily Telegrams CLASSIFIEDS Thursday
January 11, 2024

A Vacancy Notice dated 04.05.2023 was published by Department of Environment & Forests to fill up 02 vacant Group ‘C’
post of Pharmacist (Grade-III) under Unreserved Category. Based on the Computer Based Test held on 01.09.2023 and
after verification of original certificates / testimonials on 03.01.2024, the Final Merit list and Waiting List of selected
candidates is as under:
Sl. No Hall Ticket Number Name Date Of Birth Registration Number
1 AN2309PBR101PGC10076 KIRANDEEP KAUR 05/02/1985 11023000212
2 AN2309PBR101PGC10029 S GEETHA 01/02/1995 11023001926
1 AN2309PBR101PGC10071 BINITA DUTTA 03/01/2000 11023001977
Offer of appointment to the candidates shown in the Merit list will be issued in due course. If the candidates shown in the
Merit list on being offered the post, fails to join the post within the stipulated period, the offer of appointment shall be issued
to the candidate shown in the waiting list. If the candidate in the waiting list on being offered the post, fails to join the post
within the stipulated period then other candidates in order of their Merit shall be offered the post for appointment.
Conservator of Forests(HQs)
Van Sadan, Haddo,Port Blair

Vacancy Notice
Post Qualification/ Skills Experience No. of
Civil engineer ● BE/ Diploma degree, 3 Years Minimum 2
(Male) ● Full Knowledge and
experience in Autocad.
● Full Knowledge of Estimation
● Should have a 2 Wheeler
Site Supervisor ● Experience in Civil site in 5 Years Minimum 3
(Male) Andaman Experience
● Should have computer
● Should have a 2 wheeler
● Should have work in a
construction company as
supervisor on site.
Driver ● Valid 4 wheeler license 3 Years of 1
(Male) ● Should have a prior work experience in a
experience as an accountant private firm
in any private company.
● Should have a 2 wheeler.
The above post are for Nazcon Construction Company.
Address : Junglighat , Port Blair Contact : +91 9679596631
Computer Operator (Female) In continuation of letter dated 04-01-2024 vide no. 127 there is correction in the
for Job Typing Shop water supply schedule of JE-II/Water Works, which was published on 05-01-2024.
S. M. Enterprises Hence, it is requested that the correction may be made as below.
No.16 Opp. Head Post Office, P/B.
S.No.8 Dilanipur - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Colony
7063926221 / 9474224582 Rest all shall be same as published on 05-01-2024.
Assistant Engineer-II(WW)
No.e-TENDER/DB/NACD/MB/2023-24/20 dated 03/01/2024 I, JAMILA KHAN (Begum) wife of Shri Late Nasir Khan aged about 58 years, residentof Phoenix Bay,
The Executive Engineer, North Andaman Construction Division, APWD, Mayabunder Port Blair tehsil, District Andaman, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as
invites on behalf of the President of India, online Item Rate bid from Contractors under: -
1. That I am a permanent resident of these Island and residing at Phoenix Bay, Port Blair.
irrespective of their enlistment in APWD or any other Govt. Department subject to the
2. That consequent upon my marriage with Mr. Late Nasir Khanhenceforth I shall be known and called
condition that they have experience on executing the relevant magnitude of work as per as JAMILA KHAN in place of JAMILA BEGUM for all the purposes.
CPWD Works Manual and with other Govt. of India Organization in these Islands and do 3. That Jamila Begum and JAMILA KHAN is the same person.
not have any adverse remarks for the following works:- 4. That hereafter in all my records viz. School record, Revenue records etc.
1) NIT No.116/2023-24/EE/NACD, Tender ID: 2024_APWD_12918_1 My name appeared as JAMILA BEGUM with hereafter be known as called as JAMILA KHAN.
Name of work:-Improvement of road from State Highway No.16 to Boys Hostel of MGG That the above made statement in paras 1 to 4 are true end correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
College at Karmatang under Sub – Division No.I, NACD, APWD, Mayabunder. SW:- and I have not suppressed any material facts.
Balance work. Port Blair
Estimate Cost- Rs. 9,86,940/-, Earnest Money Deposit-Rs. 19,739/-& Time of completion Dated: 5/12/2023 Deponent
– 03 (three) Months.
2) NIT No.117/2023-24/EE/NACD, Tender ID: 2024_APWD_12920_1 JOURNEY ANDAMAN
Name of work:-Construction of Proposed DC Office for N&M Andaman at Lucknow, (Tours & Travels)
Mayabunder. SW:- Additional Works in newly constructed DC Office Building at WE'RE HIRING
Lucknow, Mayabunder.SH:- Construction of approach road towards basement, RCC RESERVATION MANAGER-05
retaining wall & CC Pavement for parking around DC Office premises.SH 1:- Balance Qualifications: -
Estimate Cost- Rs.15,18,038/-, Earnest Money Deposit-Rs. 30,361/-& Time of
completion – 02 (two) Months.
Working Hrs.-09 am and 05pm. Salary: -Rs.15000/- (Plus Incentive)
The tender should be filled online upto 3.00 pm on or before 22/01/2024. The tender
will be opened on 23/01/2024 at 10.30 am in presence of tenderers or their Interview Time -10am and 05pm. On any working day.
representative if any. Contact: 91 9531953131 / 9933236662.
The Tender forms and others details can be obtained from the website Near 'Hotel NK International, Sea Shore Road, Anarkali, Port Blair.
Executive Engineer
I.D. No. 10785 NACD, APWD, Mayabunder
The Executive Engineer, North Andaman Construction Division, APWD, Mayabunder 02 Nos., 01 BHK Room for rent near Newly Constructed 2 BHK Room
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. invites on behalf of the President of India, online Item Rate tender from the eligible Murugan Temple way of Police
available at Mazar Pahad near
GSTIN:35AACCA4070B1ZB CIN No: U74999AN1988SGC000028 agencies / contractors who are having valid documents for supply of Excavator & Station, Teylorabad Vill.
Tipper Truckfor following work:- Contact Mob. No. 9933242522 (Rent Community Hall. Contact:
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Integrated Development Corporation 1) NIT No.25/2023-24/EE/NACD, Tender ID: 2024_APWD_12931_1. 9531812000 / 9679518151
Rs.5000/- per month)
(ANIIDCO Ltd.) invites Tender from reputed tally partner for Name of work:-A/R & M/O Water Supply under Sub – Division No.III, Mayabunder during
upgradation in tally Software like Branch Data Integration, Data 2023-24.SW:- Providing the service of Excavator with Operator and fuel as and when TO LET TO LET
synchronization, keeping the data in cloud, Accounting and tax required for Swadeshnagar under Sub – Division No.III, NACD, APWD, Mayabunder(Re-
1 BHK Room, fully tiled at One BHK Room available at
compliances and services for the period of 2 Years, which may be call).
Estimate Cost- Rs. 11,45,424/-, Earnest Money- Rs. 22,908/-& Time of completion–12 Shadipur, Medical Road near Govt. Anarkali Basti near play ground.
extended for further 1 year on Annual basis at the sole discretion of Quarter. Contact No. 9476009552 Interested may Contact:
(twelve) months.
ANIIDCO Ltd. The tender should be filled online upto 3.00 pm on or before 24/01/2024. The tender will / 9933283147 9933236981 / 9933293399
The Tender Document containing the details of eligible criteria, be opened on 25/01/2024 at 10.30 am in presence of tenderers or their representative if
submission and requirement, scope of work and revaluation criteria any. TO LET FLAT FOR SALE
etc. which can be downloaded from the website The Tender forms and others details can be obtained from the website New 3 BHK Flat for sale is
Newly Constructed 02 Nos. Double and Bedroom Flat at Ground floor available in IMFC Flats,
Executive Engineer
The eligible Bidder may submit the bid response in the prescribe form I.D. No. 10787 NACD, APWD, Mayabunder available for rent near Milk Plant at Teylorabad. For enquiry
by applying on the website Dairy Farm. Contact Ph. No: Contact Ph. 9679596532,
Chief Financial Officer LAND FOR SALE 8220240425 / 9679564142 9679596519
Sy. No.30 with coaltaar Road, PCC
JOB VACANCY for Tuition Teacher Door to Door 02 BHK (Un-furnished) in 3rd floor Aleph Driving School
with all basic amenities @
drain & GI wire fencing ready to sale at FOR SALE
Female Tuition Teacher Door to Door Caddle Gunj, Near Sona Pahar Mazar Best Offer for New Year LMV House Site at Nayagaon
Goalghar, Carmel School road. under Ferrargunj Tehsil. Interested 30 Days Classes
Class X: Exams preparation Preferably small family Contact: party may Contact on: 9933249063 / 200 Sq. mtrs. road side property,
Near Murugan Temple, Shadipur
Class X: Maths & Science, Salary per Subject Rs.40,000/- per month 9434285093 / 9933285093 9474200894 Ph. No. 9933256989 / 9474227929 Sale Permission ready to apply for
Class X: English, Social, Hindi, Salary per Subject Rs.30,000/- per registration immediately. Only
FOR SALE Genuine parties may Contact: Mr.
* Teaching Experience * Having two wheeler 2 BHK family accommodation with modern TATA Nexon ZX+ M Blue (top model)
Suttering item (Jackprop, A cross amenities, 24 X 7 water supply, reserve car single hand driven 25400 Km, P-
Sathi, Tailor Master, A-One
Last Date 20th Jan., 2024 for resume submission pan, MS Plate). Contact Ph. No. parking, secured campus with CCTV at Tailors, Near Clock Tower,
Bathubasti, Near Murugan Temple Road
Series @Rs.690000/- & Bajaj Pulsar
ACCESS COACHING CENTRE, Junglighat, Port 9932089409 / 9531856788, 150cc, J-Series @Rs.45000/- All Aberdeen Bazar. Contact Mobile:
adjacent to Hotel Galaxy. Preference to Govt.
Blair Contact: 9476030947 Agency- The Reef Constructions Servants. Contact Mob: 9474284555. paper clear. Contact No. 9749286614 9933290642 / 9434281959
Daily Telegrams January 11, 2024

Whereas, the following Industrial Staff attached to Deputy Conservator of ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
Forests, Wildlife, Haddo are unathorizedly absenting themselves from duties as INVENT PUBLIC SCHOOL Middle Point, Port Blair, South Andaman- 744101
indicated against each without any intimation or prior permission of competent
authority. (SECONDARY)
SI.No. Name Designation Absent SIPPIGHAT, SOUTH ANDAMAN – 744105
1. Shri.I. Alocious Freely, Regular Mazdoor 2nd April, 2015 All the Ex-Students of Boy’s Sr. Sec. School, Port Blair and
S/o Shri. P.Ignatius onwards
Recognized by Directorate of Education, A well-wishers are invited by the ‘BOY’S SCHOOL ALUMNI
2. Shri. Anthony Alongdo, Regular Mazdoor 10th April, 2018 & N Administration ASSOCIATION’, Port Blair, A & N Islands on 28.01.2024 at
S/o Sylvester Andrew onwards Affiliated to CBSE. CBSE Affine. No. 2530021
3. Shri. Anthony, Regular Mazdoor 6th September,
10.00 AM at the Auditorium of TGCE, Middle Point, Port Blair to
Admissions open for Pre- Primary (NURSERY, KG-I, reform and rejuvenate the said Association formed in December,
S/o Shri. Victor 2018 onwards
KG-II) & Class-I to Class-X, for details Contact the School 1995. Since then the Association has achieved many milestones
Whereas, a Desertion Notice was issued vide F. No. WL/LS/15/1521(A)
dated 29/11/2023 and the same was published in The Daily Telegrams on dated Office during school days / hours for Admission Registration
on its journey till the emergence of COVID-19.
4th December 2023. But no reply / explanation received till date and also not for the Session 2024- 25. w.e.f.18.01.2024
And, therefore, to give a momentum to the activities of the
reported for duty till date. Note: 25% Reservation as per RTE Act,2009 for
Whereas, the competent authority has taken serious cognizance of the Economically Weaker Sections and BPL Category. ‘ASSOCIATION’ a reformation and renovation has become the
matter and views the act of unbecoming of Govt.Servant. need of the hour.
Now, Therefore, allthe above staff is hereby once again directed to report for Principal This will be an opportunity to return back the Institution that
duty at their place of posting within 15 days from the date of publications of this gave us so much in building our life as well as the Society of
Desertion Notice, failing which, necessary disciplinary action as deemed fit shall
be initiated against them under Rule 14 of CCS (CCA) Rule. these Islands.
Hence, all the former Ex-Students of the Boy’s Sr. Sec.
Deputy Conservator of Forests
School, Port Blair and other well-wishers are coordially invited to
Wildlife Division, Port Blair meet the above challenges and provide their valuable
No. DB-Tender/Elect/WSD/2023-24/10 RSVP Phone Numbers:
The Executive Engineer, Workshop Division, APWD, Port Blair invites on Mr. Basudev Dass- 9679507141
behalf of the President of India, online Item Rate tenders from the approved and Mrs. Nighat- 9933263211
eligible Experience Contractors of the Andaman PWD and Non APWD
Contractors having successfully completed work with Govt. Organizations & do Mr. Rehman P.A.- 9531905923
not have any adverse remarks, for the work mentioned below. Sd./-
1. Name of Work:- Annual comprehensive repair and maintenance of 02 nos. 40 Debonair Yours Members
Ton weigh bridges installed at Haddo and Junglighat Wharf, Port Blair. Estimate
Cost Put To Tender:- Rs.8,96,628/- Earnest Money:- Rs.17,933/- Time of
Completion:-12 MonthsTENDER ID:2024_APWD_12963_1 ASSOCIATION
2. Name of Work:- Repairing and replacement of damaged parts, plates ,I -
sections, load Cells, installation of Software, alignment and calibration to 40 Ton AFFIDAVT
Weigh bridge of Chatham Wharf. Estimate Cost Put To Tender:- Rs.5,53,765/-
Earnest Money:- Rs.11,075/- Time of Completion:-01 Month TENDER I,M.K.Sreedas, S/o.Late M.K. Velu, R/o I, Sheela Kumari, W/o M.K Sreedas,
ID:2024_APWD_12964_1& last time & date of Submission of bid: 22/01/2024 Machi Line,Shadipur Village, Under Port R/o Machi Line, Shadipur Village,
(10:00 hrs). Blair, South Andaman District, do hereby Under Port Blair, South Andaman
The Tender forms and other details can be obtained from the web site solemnly affirm and declare as follows: - District, do hereby solemnly affirm 1. Thatmy actual name is M. and and declare as follows:-
Executive Engineer K.Sreedas as mentioned in my Adhaar 1. That my actual name is Sheela
I.D. No. 10793 Workshop Division, APWD, Port Blair Card and other documents. Kumari as mentioned in my Adhar
2. That presently I am working as Card and other documents.
(TFG RC. No. 1125/2023) anAgricultureOfficer and posted at 2. That in my School Certificates
FORM J Directorate of Agriculture. my name has been erroneously
[See Rule 135(3)] 3. That in my ServiceBook my name mentioned as Sheela Kumari S
(Notice of Mutation to Interested Person) has been erroneously mentioned as
Notice is hereby given that mutation entry as specified below has been made in
instead of Correct name Sheela
SreedasM. K. and in my posting order
the Mutation Register of Village Hope Town, a copy of which has been affixed at Kumari
vide Office orderNo. 1963 dated
Notice Board and at Panchayat Ghar Notice Board on 18/10/2023. You are 3. That the name Sheela Kumari
25.10.1995 my name is mentioned as
requested to file your objection, if any to the entry within 15 days of the publication of
and Sheela Kumari S is one and
the Notice. identical person (myself)
Particulars of Mutation Entry 4. That the name M. K.Sreedas,
SreedasM. K. and Sreedas is one and 4. That as such wherever my name
Village: Hope Town is appearing Sheela Kumari S shall
Sl. No. Date of Nature of acquisition of right and its Holding affected identical person (Myself)
of Entry details 5. That as such wherever my name is be read, understood, corrected, and
Holding Sy. Area in
Entry No. No. Hects. appearing Sreedas M.K.Sreedasshallbe mentioned as Sheela Kumari for all
1 2 3 4 5 6 read, understood, corrected, the purposes and intends.
65 18/10/2023 After the death of the recorded Form f 128/2 0.01 andmentioned as M. K.Sreedas forall the VERIFICATION: The statements
tenant namely K T Johnson, his wife Vol.-I 32/2/1 59 purposes and intends. made in para 1 to 4 above are true
namely Irish, R/o Hope Town has P. No.41 0.00 VERIFICATION: The statementsmade in and correct to the best of my
requested for mutation of her 49 para1 to 5 above are true and correct to knowledge and belief.
husband’s landed property 4 0.0208 the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: 04/01/2024
(mentioned alongside in Col.4, 5 & 6) Date: 04/01/2024
situated at Hope Town village jointly
in favour of all legal heirs namely:
1. Irish – Wife
2. K J Priya – Daughter AFFIDAVIT
3. K J Prabin – Son By this deed I, the undersigned BIJALI (New Name) previously called BIJALI ROY (old name), doing
Housewife (give profession or vocation) and resident of Manglutan, South Andaman (address) solemnly
Presently as per record the landed declare:-
property is recorded in favour of K T 1. That for and on behalf of myself and my husband and children and remitter issue wholly renounce /
Johnson, S/o Late K T Thomas. relinquish and abandon the use of my former name / surname of BIJALI ROY and in place thereof, I do
Dated: 18/10/2023 Sd./- hereby assume from this date the name / surname BIJALI and so that I and my wife, children and
remitter issue may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name / surname, but
Patwari assumed name / surname of BIJALI.
Circle No.(03) 2. That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination declare that I shall all the times
Ferrargunj Tehsil hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions, private as
well as upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name of BIJALI as my name / surname in place
and in substitution of my former name / surname.

JOB VACANCY 3. That I expressly authorize and request all persons in general and relatives and friends in particular
at all times hereafter to designate and address me, my wife, my children, remitter issue by such
assumed name / surname of BIJALI accordingly.
4. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my former and adopted name / surname of BIJALI
For Our Property Lemon Tree Hotel, Port Blair. ROY and affix BIJALI my signature and seal, if any, this ….. day of January, 2024.
We are looking for young energetic people to join our team for
following positions:
Guest Service Associate- Food and Beverage Service. 6th Death Anniversary
Guest Service Associate- Front Office. On 11th Jan., 2024
Guest Service Associate- Housekeeping. In Loving Memory of
Guest Service Associate- Food Production. K. MOHAN
(Continental & Tandoor) "Your memories in our heart
will stay forever"
Finance Associate- Finance. Fondly remembered by:
(B. Com. and BA Economics Graduate) L. Sreelatha (Wife), M. Ragin Nair (Son), M. Keerthana
Interested Candidates can E-mail their profile to Mr. Soumya Nair (Daughter), Relatives, Colleagues & Friends.

JOB VACANCY Bhattacharya at [email protected].

Eternal Andaman’s
Mobile: 7719372400. 1st Death Anniversary On 11-01-2024
Candidate with previous experience in the requisite In Loving Memory of our beloved mother
We are hiring a Male / Female Staff for our Travel Agency. role would be preferred.
 Tour Package Sales Representative- 5 Nos K. VASANTHA
 Tour Coordinator- 2 Nos th
R/o Babu Lane
1. Min 1-year experience in any travel related service 6 Death Anniversary Mohanpura Vegetable Market
Departed on 11-01-2023
2. Good computer knowledge
3. Good speaking knowledge (English & Hindi)
On 11-01-2024 "Words are less to
Salary: Salary UptoRs. 25000/- +(Incentive) S. PRABHAKARAN express our feelings
Interested candidates may call or WhatsApp on - without you. You will
9933298358. "Your memories in be always in our hearts
Eternal Andaman’s our heart will stay & Soul". Missing you
MA Road, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair, always.
South Andaman-744102 forever" Inserted by: K.V. Ramakrishna, K. V. Gopala
Inserted by: Krishna. All family members and relatives.
TO LET TO LET L. Santha (Wife), P. Purushothaman, P. Prasad
1No. 2 BHK room with fully tiled and 2 BHK RCC Flat (First Floor) under CCTV (Sons), S. Prabha, S. Shobha (Daughters), DISCLAIMER Readers are requested to verify and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy themselves about
Surveillance at prime location, Prem Nagar P. Prasanna Uthaman, L. Latha (Daughter- the veracity of an advertisement before responding to any advertisement published in this newspaper.
24 hours water supply is available (near New Sagaritara Primary School), The publisher of this newspaper, does not vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement or advertiser or for any of the
for rent PHC, Garacharma. in-Laws), R. Anil Kumar, T.P. Mukesh advertisers products and services. The Owner, Publisher, Printer, Employees of this newspaper shall not be held responsible/
Rent Rs.13,000/- per month.
Please Contact: 9434263012 Contact No. 9564780984 / 9474225664
(Son-in-Laws) & Grandchildrens liable in any manner whatsoever for any claims and/ or damages/consequences for advertisements in this newspaper.

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