Social Psychology Final Exam Review Slides
Social Psychology Final Exam Review Slides
Social Psychology Final Exam Review Slides
Attitudes, and
● Affect (emotions)
● Behaviors
● Cognition (thoughts/rationalizations)
Measures of Attitude
● Self-report
○ Likert scale
○ attitude centrality
● Implicit attitude
○ social desirability
○ Implicit Attitude Test (IAT): faster response time =
stronger association
● Physiological reaction (heart rate, sweat, cortisol)
Attitudes predicting behaviors
● agenda control
● selective attention/evaluation
● publicly expressed attitudes
● attitude inoculation
Social Influences
● Conformity: changing one’s behaviors or attitudes as a result of
Romantic /
Companionate Compassionate Passionate
Family and friends, built on
trust, wanting to be around Built on intense emotion
others Wanting to attend to one’s and sexual desire
Involves intimacy - being Usually at the beginning
comfortable and secure of a romantic
with another person relationships and fades
over time
● Investment Model of Commitment - commitment is determined by:
○ 1) Satisfaction (happiness with relationship)
○ 2) Lack of alternative partners
○ 3) Investment in the relationship (time, effort, resources)
3. Hostile - disliking non-traditional roles, feeling that you are losing your
place to another race or gender, and disliking the other group
a. EX: disliking women that are position of power
Modern Racism - not endorsing explicit racist beliefs but still harboring
animosity towards another racial group
1. Economic - occurs due to competing interests
Spotlight Effect