Kirdar2017food Safety Practices, Levels of Knowledge, and Problems of

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Received: 21 July 2017 | Revised: 18 November 2017 | Accepted: 30 November 2017

DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12431


Food safety practices, levels of knowledge, and problems of

dairy companies in Turkey

Seval Sevgi Kirdar1,2

Food and Livestock Vocational Higher
Education School Food Processing
Department, Milk and Dairy Products Milk contains a large number of essential nutrients that should be consumed at every stage of
Technology Programme, Mehmet Akif human life. As a subsector, the dairy industry is extremely important to the national economy. The
University Agriculture, Burdur, Turkey
dairy industry constitutes 16% of the output of the food industry in Turkey. Burdur is one of the
Animal Products Hygiene and Technology
major cities in Turkey in terms of the dairy industry. Burdur province has significant potential both
Department, Mehmet Akif University
Institute of Health Sciences, Istiklal Campus, in terms of dairy farming and the processing industry. Burdur province produces 258,000 tons of
Burdur, Turkey milk annually. There are 16 milk processing plants in the province. The total capacity of these
enterprises is 184,807 tons per year, but capacity use is only 69,480 tons per year. In addition,
milk powder and whey powder are available at only one processing facility; the capacity of this
Seval Sevgi Kirdar, Food and Livestock
Vocational Higher Education School Food facility is 4,554 tons per year. Although the province’s milk processing capacity is 68.44%, only
Processing Department, Milk and Dairy 26.9% of the milk produced in the province is traded in the province; 73.1% is processed outside
Products Technology Programme, Mehmet
the province.
Akif University Agriculture, Istiklal Campus,
Burdur 15030, Turkey. Practical applications
Email: [email protected]
In this study, we examine the general characteristics of the 13 operating dairies in Burdur province.
Funding information We used questionnaires to determine problems and solutions concerning food safety, the level of
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Scientific information on food safety among managers, resources, and current practices. This study used an
Research Projects Commission, Grant/ in-depth interview method to survey business managers and employees. We surveyed managers
Award Number: 163-NAP-2013
and employees concerning their knowledge of food security, sources of information, and problems
and solutions.

1 | INTRODUCTION the most important problems encountered in implementing these sys-

tems in the fast-food industry (Herath & Henson, 2010; Panisello,
The food operator is responsible for fulfilling all relevant produc- Quantick, & Knowles, 1999; Ward, 2001).
tion, processing, and distribution hygiene requirements specified in In a study conducted by Panisello et al. (1999), it was stated that
the food hygiene regulations. The responsibility for food security is 72.6% of the 175 firms produce food using the “HACCP” principles. In
shouldered primarily by the food operator. Food security should be the same study, it was determined that 50% of these firms increased
ensured throughout the food chain from primary production to the food safety in production, 37.5% of them applied this system in the
end user. For food business operators, substances and materials direction of consumer demands, and 31.3% of them applied the
that come into contact with food and feed are subject to the condi- HACCP system due to the legal obligations.
tions specified in Law 5996 on Veterinary Services, Phytosanitary, Wilkinson and Wheelock (2004) investigated the implementation
Food, and Feed in every phase of their activities (Anonymous, effectiveness of HACCP in food businesses in Ireland and determined
2012). that 95% had a written food safety policy. The Food Safety Authority
Many investigators have conducted studies on the difficulties and of Ireland (2001) studied food hygiene training and the HACCP imple-
obstacles encountered in implementing food security management sys- mentation of food businesses and found that 71% had a written food
tems in different scales of businesses in the food industry. For example, safety policy. Of these 31, 22, and 19% stated that they renewed the
insufficient information and training, rapid staff turnover, a wide range policy monthly, renewed the policy every 15 days, and had no renewal
of products, work overload, and many part-time employees are among of the policy, respectively.

J Food Saf. 2017;e12431. V

C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1 of 6
2 of 6 | KIRDAR

Throughout Turkey, there have been studies on the general situa- An inventory study was performed to determine which plants in
tion, problems, strategic analyses, and cost accounts of businesses operation should participate in the study. According to the inventory
operating in Isparta (Kara, 2000), Kırklareli (Berkel, 2006), the Western results, all plants in operation were included in the study scope, and
€rk, Atindag, &
Mediterranean region (Celik, 2002), Van (Coskun, Tunçtu this study collected the required data via questionnaire. Goal-oriented
Demir, 2005), Izmir (Uzmay, Koyubende, & Konca, 2006), Tokat (Cinpo- questionnaire forms developed before the field study contained ques-
lat, 2006), the Çukurova region (Sahan, 2007), Kars (Demir, 2009), tions about general characteristics of dairy plants (age of the director,
Hatay (Siki, Budak, & Avşar, 2012), and Kahramanmaraş (Baris & Akbay, experience in the industry, number of employees, processed products),
2013). However, to our knowledge, there is only one study on the legal structure, building structure, features of food safety, and manager
implementation of food safety in dairy plants in Burdur. knowledge about food safety issues and their problems and solutions.
In Burdur province, 258,000 tons of milk is produced annually. A This study used the questionnaire to collect data from 13 dairy
total of 16 milk processing plants are located in Burdur. The total plants and 147 employees and assessed the data by Descriptive Statis-
capacity of these plants is 184,807 tons per year. However, capacity tics (SPSS) (version 20.0) (IBM, Armonk, NY). A five-point Likert Scale
use is 69,480 tons per year. Moreover, there is also a milk powder and in which “1” was set as “very low” and “5” was set as “very high,” was
whey powder plant in this province, and its capacity is 4,554 tons per used to measure the managers’ knowledge level of information on food
year. The proportion of the total capacity to the amount produced for safety and the conditions existing in the dairy plants. In the evaluation
milk has shown that although the milk processing capacity of the prov- of data, descriptive statistics were applied (Malhotra, 1996).
ince is 68.44%, only 26.9% of the milk produced in the province is
processed in the province. The remaining 73.1% is processed outside 3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of Burdur (Anonymous, 2014; Tekin, 2012).
Burdur is one of the main provinces in Turkey in terms of the dairy 3.1 | General information about engagement directors
industry. This region has an important potential for both producers and
The results showed that 18.4, 34.7, 34.7, and 12.2% of business man-
processors. Because no detailed study on food safety in the dairy
agers were aged 26–35, 36–45, 46–55, and 56 or older, respectively.
industry has been conducted, we are attempting to show how the dairy
Their mean age was 32.71 years. The fact that some plants were
industry contributes to the national and regional economy.
family-owned businesses and that some employers or managers had
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate information about and atti-
the desire to continue their family occupation had an important effect.
tudes of managers and employees concerning general food safety in
In this study, it was determined that even though there are many
milk collection centers and their knowledge levels of the HACCP sys-
women working in the food industry, only two of the plant managers
tem and food safety. It was also aimed to assess whether ISO (Interna-
were women. Among managers in plants producing milk and dairy
tional Organization for Standardization) 22000 Food Safety
products, 46.2% had graduated from secondary school and high school,
Management systems had been implemented in dairy plants or
and 53.8% had had a university education.
whether food safety was regarded as only an ideal.
Concerning the plants’ legal structures, 37.5% were limited compa-
nies, 25% were joint-stock companies, 25% were cooperative associa-
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS tions, and 12.5% were private companies. Among business managers,
87.5% had more than 10 years of experience in the industry, and
This study comprised data obtained from face-to face-survey studies
12.5% had 6–10 years of experience. Managers with higher education
performed with managers of dairy plants operating in Burdur province.
levels can provide an advantage in adopting new technological devel-
The researcher visited dairy plants operating in Burdur province and its
opments in comparison with managers who had wide experience in the
districts one by one, explained the questionnaire to the managers, and
industry but used old production methods. All of the plants had domes-
asked the managers to fill out the questionnaires completely and
tic capital.
Mean working hours were 9–11 and 6–8 hr at the rates of 62.5
This study obtained the names and addresses of plants processing
and 37.5%, respectively. This study found that for marketing channels,
milk and dairy products in Burdur from the provincial directorate of the
the managers at the examined plants preferred direct selling (50%), fol-
Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock. However, the researcher
lowed by selling through dealerships (37.5%), and last selling through
was not able to meet with managers at plants that had terminated their
wholesalers (12.5%). Plants mostly produced yogurt, strained yogurt,
activity temporarily or permanently. The study population comprised all
ayran, white cheese, kashar cheese, and curd cheese.
16 dairy plants in Burdur province and its districts, and the 13 dairy
plants at which the managers agreed to fill out the questionnaire were
3.2 | Information about socioeconomic structures
included in the study sample. To develop questionnaire forms, this
of plants
study used information obtained from previous studies, especially
those carried out by Celik (2002), Uzmay et al. (2006), and Dagnilak This study determined that 95.9% of plants were managed by the plant
(2010), and results of a pre-questionnaire study conducted in dairy owner and that 4.1% were managed by a professional manager other
plants. than the owner. Among plant owners, 55.6, 33.3, and 11.1% were
KIRDAR | 3 of 6

TA BL E 1 Knowledge level of engagement managers about general food safety (%)

Knowledge about general food safety Agree Disagree No idea

A great majority of foodborne health problems result from chemical contamination. 61.5 30.8 7.7

All hazards that affect food safety result from biological, chemical, and physical 92.3 7.7 0
contamination and improper practices during production.

According to the Turkish Food Codex, the permitted level of aflatoxin M1 in milk is a 38.5 38.5 23.1
maximum of 0.5 ppb (parts per billion).

Foreign substances such as glass, metal, paper, trash, and dye lead to physical contaminants 84.6 7.7 7.7
in food.

To prevent and control biological hazards, some thermal treatments, such as boiling, 69.2 23.1 7.7
pasteurization, and sterilization, and other treatments, including irradiation and keeping
the final pH of the product under 4.3, can be used.

Contaminants that cause chemical contamination of foods, such as veterinary drugs, 30.8 61.5 7.7
allergens, fertilizer residues, and pesticides, can prevent using metal detectors, sieves, and

According to the Turkish Food Codex, the number of somatic cells in raw milk can be a 23.1 61.5 15.4
maximum of 100,000/ml.

primary school, university, and high school graduates, respectively. that they do not participate. 84.6% of the responsible managers gave
Plant owners reported that 33.3% of them had received education the right answer by expressing that physical contamination of food
about milk and quality management systems, but 66.7% had not caused by foreign materials such as glass, metal, paper, garbage, paint.
received any education. The most important problem that plants encountered was the high
It was found that 33.3% of plants produced raw milk on their own, cost of production, followed by technological inadequacy and under-
and 33.3, 22.2, and 11.2% were supplied by producers, cooperatives, capitalization. Milk fraud is one of the most serious issues facing the
and intermediaries, respectively. dairy industry; this not only causes major financial losses but also poses
This study found that the utilization rate of price discrimination a significant risk to human health (Handford, Campbell, & Elliott, 2016).
according to quality and hygiene criteria for raw milk supplied to the One of the oldest and simplest forms of milk fraud is through the addi-
plants was 77.8%, but the utilization rate of price discrimination tion of variable volumes of water to artificially increase its volume for
according to quality of milk was 66.7%. It was also found that 22.3, greater profit; this can substantially decrease the nutritional value of
34.4, and 53.3% of plant managers reported that they marketed their milk, and if the water added is contaminated there is a risk to human
products to Burdur and its districts, Burdur and other cities, and other health because of potential waterborne diseases (Kandpal, Srivastava,
cities, respectively; 44.4% worked with intermediaries for selling the & Negi, 2012). Milk is a high-risk commodity of concern for fraudulent
milk that they produced. activities for financial gain where by perpetrators may increase food
Although 33.3% of managers stated that they had difficulties mar- safety hazards and diminish nutritional quality through intentional adul-
keting products, 66.7% had no difficulty. Those who had marketing dif- teration and/or malpractice under poor hygiene conditions, a lack of
ficulties reported that being unable to collect accounts receivable in preservation, and no cooling facilities (Handford et al., 2016). Plant
time and low-priced products were their main marketing problems. The managers reported that fraudulent milk, was the main problem they
most important reason for working at marginal capacity was insuffi- encountered during the milk collection phase at the rate of 55.6%.
cient financing (33.3%), followed by difficulties in marketing products Of managers 88.9% had knowledge about the European Union
(22.2%) and inadequacy of technology (11.2%). Among plants in the harmonization studies on milk hygiene for raw milk production (somatic
region, 55.6, 22.2, and 22.2% purchased raw milk on the basis of a mar- cell level, antibiotic residue). When the contributions of accession to
ket price, by making a deal with producers, and on the basis of prices the European Union was asked to managers, 66.72% reported that
specified by cooperatives, respectively. their dairies would be affected positively and that standards and quality
Knowledge Level of Engagement Managers about General Food would increase. Monthly payments were made while dairies were buy-
Safety is shown in Table 1. According to the Turkish Food Codex, ing raw milk.
23.1% of responsible managers did not agree on the amount of afla-
toxin M1 allowed in milk and 38.5% did not participate in this expres-
3.3 | Engagement managers’ knowledge about
sion. While 30.8% of responsible managers do not agree that the vast
plants where they work and their HACCP
majority of foodborne health problems are chemical origin, 61.5% think
implementation levels
that the vast majority of foodborne health problems are due to chemical
contamination. It is very thought-provoking that the majority of the Having a food safety certificate is important for every stage of food
responsible managers do not have the idea of participating in these production. Plant managers stated that they had implemented the
questions about the characteristics of the milk taken into operation and HACCP system in their plants for 1–3 years, 4–5 years, and more than
4 of 6 | KIRDAR

5 years at the rates of 38.5, 15.4, and 46.2%, respectively. While set- T AB LE 2 Ways to maintain product quality from suppliers
ting up the HACCP system, 61.5% of managers received consultancy
Ways to maintain quality Number %
services, and 38.5% did not.
Initial sample reports 4 30.8
A total of 76.9% of managers had received a certificate from a cer-
tification institute while setting up the HACCP system. Among business Controls performed on entry 7 53.8
managers, 76.9, 15.4, and 7.7% stated that they had received a certifi- Supplier control 1 7.7
cate because they thought HACCP certification was compulsory, they
Production control records 1 7.7
wanted to reduce food safety risks, and they believed that HACCP cer-
Response controls (independent 0 0
tification provided a competitive advantage, respectively. Among the and accredited bodies)
given answers, the rate of managers who stated that they had received
Total 13 100.0
a certificate because they thought it was compulsory was quite high;
however, according to the Turkish Food Codex legislation, there is no
obligation to receive HACCP certification but rather to adopt the
This study found that 84.6% of managers reported that they had a
HACCP principles (Dagnilak, 2010).
written acceptance procedure for raw materials and that 69.2% had
Plants should have a written food safety policy that emphasizes all
verification analyses performed in an accredited laboratory. It was also
responsibilities in the production period from the raw materials to the
finished product. All managers reported that they had a written food found that 69.2% of plants had specific procedures for transportation

safety policy. Managers said they renewed and updated their food and distribution operations and 84.6% had a product recall procedure.

safety system every month, every 3 months, and every year at the rate This study showed that 53.9% of managers stated that transactions

of 15.4, 38.5, and 46.2%, respectively. were made without complaints. In this study it was asked managers

Another study conducted in Konya showed that all plants had a what procedures they followed if they found there was a risk of serious
written food safety policy and that 20, 30, and 50% of them updated food poisoning or death from a product being consumed, and 92.3% of
their food safety systems every month, every 3 months, and every them reported that they immediately recalled the product and
year, respectively. Of engagement managers 40% did not answer the destroyed it.
question about important issues specified in the food safety policies, The rate of employees who had worked in plants operating in the
and 31.3% responded that they ensured customer satisfaction. These region for 5 years or less was quite high (74.5%). In this study, it was
results showed that at least 6.3% of engagement managers said that predicted that a great majority of employees who had worked for more
they produced according to the Turkish Food Codex (Dagnilak, 2010). than 5 years would be plant owners or their partners. From the study
A plant manager should ensure that employees who are in contact results, it is concluded that staff turnover rates in the industry were
with foodstuffs produce food according to hygiene rules and that they high and that employees had not stayed in these plants long enough to
are educated continuously on personal hygiene issues. All employees gain knowledge and experience.
have to know what to do and why they should do it, including the rela- The knowledge level of plant owners about Turkish Food Codex
tionship of their responsibilities to human health. Therefore, employees regulations was intermediate (76.9%), but 23.1% stated that they had
should be educated regularly and effectively about hygiene and food- considerable knowledge. However, manager knowledge level of the
borne diseases (Bulduk, 2007). This study found that 69.2% of manag- legal notice for raw milk and heat-treated milk was considerable
ers stated that they provided training on required sanitation practices (46.22%) or intermediate (53.8%). Of managers 53.8% had considerable
in their plants. However, HACCP and employee training rates were knowledge of the legal notice for fermented milk products and 46.2%
low. The rate of managers who stated that they provided complete had an intermediate level of knowledge. Managers emphasized their
traceability in all phases from raw materials to finished product in their expectations from the Ministry of Agriculture on the food safety issue;
plants was 69.2%. The answers given by managers in the question of 53.8, 30.8, and 15.2% of them reported that they wanted guidance and
how you are providing the quality of the products they receive from information about investment projects, food safety, and consultancy
their suppliers are seen in the Table 2. services, respectively.
It was found that 92.3% of managers said that HACCP is hazard
analysis and critical control points. They reported that their all employ-
ees received education in their plants. This study determined that
3.4 | General information about employees in dairy
plants provided education mostly about sanitation practices. However,
HACCP and employee training rates were low. Of managers 92.3%
reported that they carried out pest control. This study determined that 76.6% of employees were male and 23.4%
Among managers, 84.6% stated that they made a contract with were female. Of employees 46.2% were 30 or younger, 28.3% were
suppliers. In this contract, 46.2% claimed prerequirement programs and 31–39, and 25% were 40 or older. The overall evaluation of employee
if possible, food safety programs such as the HACCP system from sup- service periods in the plants showed that 34.5% had worked less than
pliers, and 30.8% asked suppliers to certify that the raw materials they 1 year, 40.0% had worked for 1–5 years, 11.7% had worked for 5–10
supplied were processed under hygienic conditions. years, and 13.8% had worked for more than 10 years.
KIRDAR | 5 of 6

3.5 | Knowledge and attitudes of employees about compulsory in terms of legislation was quite high, but according to the
safe foods Turkish Food Codex legislation, there is no obligation to receive HACCP
certification but rather to adopt the HACCP principles in their plants.
This study found that 92.4% of employees had undergone health
For effective implementation of the HACCP system, it has been
safety examinations before being employed, but 7.6% had not. It was
necessary to review and verify the system consistently with the sup-
also found that 84.1% of employees reported that they had received
port of management and to prevent this plan to remain unfulfilled. The
hygiene training, but 15.9% reported that they had not. It was deter-
HACCP system can be regarded as a new system for Turkey. To pro-
mined that managers did not have adequate knowledge about food
duce secure and healthy foods, the effectiveness of the HACCP and
safety regulations. Thus, the scale mean of managers on knowledge
food safety systems should be understood and not regarded as just an
level of the legal notice for raw milk and heat-treated milk was 1.62,
ideal. The system should be implemented across the board by raising
and their scale mean on the European Union criteria for food safety
the awareness of food producers, suppliers, distributors, authorities,
was 1.56.
and consumers.
Among the solutions for food safety problems, enhancement of
loan amounts given for milk cooling tanks and milking machines was
highest, with a 4.43 scale mean. The necessity of decreasing the inter-
est on loans provided for milk cooling tanks and milking machines This study was funded by Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Scientific

(4.41) was followed by other solutions, including providing support for Research Projects Commission (Project No. 163-NAP-2013). I thank
€ y-Koop Central Union (Rural
the Burdur Provincial Head of the Ko
technical information and educating farmers about food safety and ani-
mal welfare (4.33), providing financial support to milk collection centers Development and Other Agricultural Cooperative Associations Union),

for laboratory and analysis devices (4.31), and arranging contact meet- Yakup Yildiz and his team, the managers and employees of the Burdur

ings about food safety in universities (4.19). dairy plants for providing us the opportunity to study this issue.

Health safety examinations should have performed every 3

months. This study determined that employees in 88.3% of plants had ORC ID
undergone a health safety examination and that employees in 11.7% Seval Sevgi Kirdar
had not. It was concluded that a clear majority of plants were conscious
of this issue. This study found that 22.1% of the examined plants per-
formed health safety examination every 3 months, 36.6% performed
Anonymous. (2012). Retrieved from
one every 6 months, and 30.3% performed one once a year.
Anonymous. (2014). Retrieved from
This study found that 75.2% of employees stated that they had
Baris, T., & Akbay, C. (2013). Structural analysis of dairy and dairy estab-
heard of HACCP, but 24.8% had not. When this study asked, those lishments in Kahramanmaras [In Turkish]. KSU € Journal of Natural Sci-
who had heard of HACCP to define it, 77.9% of them responded that ence, 16, 9–20.
it was a food safety system, 5.5% stated that it was a system that Berkel, R. (2006). Analyzing the economic and structural problems of the
shows the processes to be implemented after a problem has appeared cheese operations in Kırklareli Province (Master degree thesis) [In Turk-
ish]. Trakya University, Institute of Science and Technology, p. 89,
in the food industry, 2.1% indicated that it was a hygiene program used
in Europe, and 0.7% reported that it was a pest control system.
Bulduk, S. (2007). Food and personnel hygiene [In Turkish]. Ankara, Tur-
key: Detail Publishing.
4 | CONCLUSION Celik, M. (2002). Strategic situation analysis and development possibil-
ities of the milk and dairy sector in the western Mediterranean
Approximately 70% of plants operating in Burdur were controlled by region [In Turkish]. Mediterranean _I_IBF Journal, 4, 43–83.
managers 35–55 years old, which seems reasonable for being a busi- Cinpolat, F. (2006). A research on current situation, activities and problems
ness owner and manager. However, the reasons why they were not as of Tokat food industry establishments (Master degree thesis) [In Turk-
ish]. Gaziosmanpaşa University, Institute of Science and Technology.
dynamic as expected requires further examination.
Coskun, H., Tunçtu €rk, Y., Atindag, S., & Demir, A. (2005). Present situa-
The study results showed that almost all professional managers
tions, problems and solution suggestions of milk companies operating
who worked on a salary basis were university graduates; however, in van [In Turkish]. Yu € zu
€ Yıl University Agriculture Faculty, Journal
managers who were business owners were mostly secondary and high of Agricultural Sciences, 15(1), 11–15.
school graduates. Employees with university degrees mostly were Dagnilak, B. (2010). Determination of HACCP knowledge and implementa-
employed because of legal obligations to employ university graduates. tion levels of food enterprises operating in Konya (Master degree thesis)
[In Turkish]. Selçuk University, Food Engineering, Konya, p. 120.
This study showed that 87.5% of business managers had more than 10
years of experience in the industry, which is advantageous in adopting Demir, P. (2009). Economic and socio-economic analysis of production and
industry integration in Kars _Ili dairy industry and dairy establishments
new technological developments.
(PhD thesis) [In Turkish]. Ankara University, Institute of Science and
Of plant managers 76.9% stated that they received HACCP certifi- Technology, Ankara, p. 247.
cation because they thought it was compulsory. The rate of managers Handford, C. E., Campbell, K., & Elliott, C. T. (2016). Impacts of milk
who stated that they received a certificate because they thought it was fraud on food safety and nutrition with special emphasis on
6 of 6 | KIRDAR

developing countries. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Siki, T. H., Budak, D. B., & Avşar, Y. K. (2012). Current situation of
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How to cite this article: Kirdar SS. Food safety practices, levels
Control, 10, 87–98.
of knowledge, and problems of dairy companies in Turkey.
Sahan, N. (2007). Çukurova region milk industry. In Industrialization and
Environment Symposium in Çukurova TMMOB, 30 November-1 J Food Saf. 2017;e12431.
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