DS40025 Trains Wild West

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“Well boy
ys looks like
e we got a ttrain to catcch. Heeyah!!”

e Develope
er: Simon Powell

Writting: Steven
n J. Black

Editting: Simon
n Powell

out: Simon Powell

Interior and Co
over Artwo
ork: Simon Powell

duct Directtor: Simon Powell

sistant Director: Steve
en J. Black

DrammaScape™ is a tradema ark of Simon Powell. All Rights

R Reserrved.
Copyyright © 201 11 Simon Powell.
P No part of this publication may be repproduced in any form byy any mean
elecctronic, mec chanical, photocopyin
p g, recordin ng, or othe erwise withoout the wrritten permission of th
publlishers. Perrmission to copy
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onal use onnly.

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DS40025 — Februaryy 2014

Game Masters need quality maps for their miniatures. DramaScape is committed to
bringing Game Masters the maps they need. This map product is a
full‐color, set of train maps.

DramaScape map products are The sixth page is a boxcar in use as a

designed to be compatible with both storage and prison car. The north part of
square and hex-based games and this the car has several crates, barrels,
map product includes both types of boxes, sacks, and bales of hay, with a
overlays and also a no overlay version. chair to watch over the six prisoner
cages in the south part of the car. These
could also be used to transport zoo or
The first page is a set of tracks with no exotic animals as well.
train surrounded by desert brush on
each side of the tracks. You can print
this out multiple times to lengthen the The seventh page is an open top metal
train tracks as necessary. car hauling coal.

The second page is a classic steam The eighth page is a sealed tanker car.
engine locomotive.

The ninth page is the open, top wooden

The third page is an open top empty storage car loaded with three loads of
wooden storage car. lumber.

The fourth page is a passenger car with The tenth page is a boxcar in use as an
multiple rows of benches towards the animal hauling cart. Several bales of hay
front and chests for storing belongings and a cow sparsely populate the car
towards the back. This would represent with plenty of space to put your
your economy class passenger car. character’s animals in the cart.

The fifth page is an empty storage The eleventh page is a passenger car
boxcar with two double doors in the with multiple rows of plush benches
middle. towards the front, booths in the middle,
and a chest for storing belongings
towards the back, there is also a stove
for heat.. Unlike the
e other carts
s, luxurious
carpeting with an embroidered design n
covers the woode en floor. This
T wouldd
represennt your firstt class pass
senger car.

The twe elfth page is the cabboose. The e

north paart of the car
c is bein ng used forr
storage with severral boxes, crates,
c and
chests. The
T back of o the car has a benchh
for the train crew watching
w the caboose,,
a chair and desk for the co onductor too
keep reecords and a locked cabinet to o
store thhem in, an nd a small cast iron n
stove for heating and cookingg with a pail
of wate er on hand in ca ase of an n
emergen ncy fire.

The thirrteenth pag

ge is a ro
oof for the

The fourrteenth pag

ge is a set of roofs forr
the box cars.

The fiftteenth pagge is an alternative

locomotive for use in steampu
unk games.
Instructions for cut outs:


Print only the pages that you need.

Overview: Page 6
Square Overlay: Pages 7 to 21
Hex Overlay: Pages 22 to 36
No Overlay: Pages 37 to 51

Cut out the individual roofs and use to hide the inside of the carriages, you can also use
the for the traditional roof chase scene.


Print Layouts are set to 1 inch (square or hex) = 5ft. VTT images are set to 100 ppi (1 inch = 5ft).

The pages have been optimized to use less ink when printing.

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