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Brief Historical Background of Science and Technology in the Philippines
Pre-Spanish Era
Even before the colonization by the Spaniards in the Philippine islands, the natives of archipelago already
had practices linked to science and technology. Filipinos were already aware of the medicinal and therapeutic
properties of plants and the methods of extracting medicine from herbs. They already had an alphabet,
number system, a weighing and measuring system and a calendar. Filipinos were already engaged in
farming, shipbuilding, mining and weaving. The Banaue Rice Terraces are among the sophisticated products
of engineering by pre-Spanish era Filipinos. Spanish Colonial Era The colonization of the Philippines
contributed to growth of science and technology in the archipelago. The Spanish introduced formal
education and founded scientific institution. During the early years of Spanish rule in the Philippines. Parish
schools were established where religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music was taught. Sanitation and
more advanced methods of agriculture was taught to the natives. Later the Spanish established colleges and
universities in the archipelago including the oldest existing university in Asia, the University of Santo Tomas.
The study of medicine in the Philippines was given priority in the Spanish era, especially in the later years.
The Spanish also contributed to the field of engineering in the islands by constructing government
buildings, churches, roads, bridges and forts. Biology is given focus. Contributors to science in the
archipelago during the 19th century were botanists, Fr. Ignacio Mercado., Dr. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera and
Dr. Leon Ma Guerrero, chemist Analecta del Rosario, and medicine scholars Dr. Manuel Guerrero, Dr, Jose
Montes and Dr. Delrosario Mercado. The Galleon Trade have accounted in the Philippine colonial economy.
Trade was given more focus by the Spaniard colonial authorities due to the prospects of big profits.
Agriculture and industrial development on the other hand were relatively neglected. The opening of the
Suez Canal saw the influx of European visitors to the Spanish colony and some Filipinos were able to study in
Europe who were probably influenced by the rapid development of scientific ideals brought by the Age
of Enlightenment.
American period
The progress of science and technology in the Philippines continued under American rule of the islands. On
July 1, 1901 The Philippine Commission established the Bureau of Government Laboratories which was
placed under the Department of Interior. The Bureau replaced the Lab oratorio Municipal, which was
established under the Spanish colonial era. The Bureau dealt with the study of tropical diseases and
laboratory projects. On October 26, 1905, the Bureau of Government Laboratories was replaced by the
Bureau of Science and on December 8, 1933, the National Research Council of the Philippines was established
The Bureau of Science became the primary research center of the Philippines until World War II. Science
during the American period was inclined towards agriculture, food processing, forestry, medicine and
pharmacy. Not much focus was given on the development of industrial technology due to free trade policy
with the United States which nurtured an economy geared towards agriculture and trade. In 1946 the
Bureau of Science was replaced by the Institute of Science. In a report by the US Economic Survey to the
Philippines in 1950, there is a lack of basic information which were necessities to the country's industries, lack
of support of experimental work and minimal budget for scientific research and low salaries of scientists
employed by the government. In 1958, during the regime of President Carlos P. Garcia, the Philippine Congress
passed the Science Act of 1958 which established the National Science Development Board.
Post Commonwealth Era
During the 1970s, which was under the time of Ferdinand Marcos' presidency, the importance given to
science grew. Under the 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV, Section 1, the government's role in
supporting scientific research and invention was acknowledged. In 1974, a science development program was
included in the government's Four-Year Development Plan which covers the years 1974-1978. Funding for
science was also increased.[4]The National Science Development Board was replaced by the National
Science and Technology Authority under Executive Order No. 784. A Scientific Career in the civil service
was introduced in 1983.In 1986, during Corazon Aquino's presidency, the National Science and Technology
Authority was replaced by the Department of Science and Technology, giving science and technology a
representation in the cabinet. Under the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan for the years 1987-1992,
science and technology's role in economic recovery and sustained economic growth was highlighted. During
Corazon Aquino’s State of the Nation Address in 1990, she said that science and technology development
shall be one of the top three priorities of the government towards an economic recovery. In August 8,
1988, Corazon Aquino created the Presidential Task Force for Science and Technology which came up
with the first Science and Technology Master Plan or STMP. The goal of STMP was for the Philippines to
achieve newly industrialized country status by the year 2000.[4]The Congress did not put much priority in
handling bills related to science and technology.
The Senate Committee on Science and Technology was one of the committees that handles the least
amount of bills for deliberation. Former Science and Technology secretary, Ceferino Folusho, reported that
the budget allocation for science and technology was increased to 1.054 billion pesos in 1989 from the
previous year's 464 million pesos. However, due to the Asian financial crisis, budget allocation for the years
1990 and 1991 were trimmed down to 920 and 854 million pesos respectively. Budget allocations were
increased to 1.7 billion pesos in 1992.
Government Policies on Science and Technology
1.Paradigm shift: Towards an evergreen revolution
2.Investment in agriculture, agricultural sciences, and research and technology development
3.Pro-poor science development and technology transfer: science with a human face
4.Science-led agricultural diversification
5.Building bridges for science: strategic partnerships and regulatory framework
6.Globalization and liberalization: the role of science
7.Linking science, nutrition, and development
Expansions in science and technology have marked the onset of the Third Millennium. If harnessed
rationally and effectively, these could help eradicate hunger, poverty, destitution and indignity. The progress
in the fields of biotechnology, information and communication technology, medicine, space science and
management science offers unprecedented opportunity for multifaceted development. The industrialized
countries and a few developing countries (in some of the areas) are vigorously capturing these uncommon
opportunities by innovating, adapting and regulating these technologies. But the majority of the developing
countries are far behind and are further falling behind, thus widening the technology divide. Based on
indicators of technology creation, diffusion of recent innovations, diffusion of old innovations and
human skills, UNDP had the calculated technology achievement index (TAI) of 72 countries. Although
somewhat flawed as it generally ignores the vast contributions of public sectors, which are mostly not under
IPR, the index shows that Finland with a TAI of 0.744 was first, closely followed by the USA with a TAI of
0.733. Japan was fourth. Table 30 gives TAI of countries of the Asia-Pacific region (for which data were
available). It may be seen from the table that of the 15 countries (including Hong Kong and Singapore), five
were listed as "Leaders", two as "Potential Leaders", six as "Dynamic Adopters" and two as "Marginalized". A
good number of the countries are in the "Marginalized" category. In order to bridge the technology gap,
effective policies and programs are needed in the countries with lower TAI.

For the agriculture sector, as seen from the preceding section, science and technology offer tremendous
opportunities for enhanced and sustainable production, environmental protection and income enhancement -
leading to comprehensive food security and overall prosperity. But, in order to be effective in its service to the
humankind, science and technology development must be guided in such a way that it meets the needs and
aspirations of the people identified through participatory approaches. An appropriate “environment" must be
provided to realize the full potentials of new scientific developments by formulating and implementing suitable
policies and strategies. From the foregoing analyses it emerges that the most pressing need of the Asia-
Pacific region is the alleviation of hunger and poverty through enhanced and sustained production,
equitable distribution, and environmental protection. Science and technology must specifically address the
needs and prospects of majority small and resource-poor farmers of the region and help mainstream the gender
concerns. Institutional, human resource and policy supports must capture the positive effects and minimize
the negative effects of globalization and liberalization and revolutions in biotechnology and
information and communication technologies. Only a meaningful interaction between science and policy
can bring the much-needed congruence among productivity, sustainability, profitability and equity. Thus, it
is not only biological and physical sciences, but also economics and social sciences, which must all
interact dynamically to yield wholesome results. Science has many roles including (I) to generate knowledge
and make it accessible to all, (ii) identify issues -such as the causes and consequences of hunger, food insecurity
and poverty, (iii) find facts to help resolve conflicts, and (iv) provide technical, physical and social solutions to
problems and new options for human well-being. In the first stages of the fight against hunger, and especially in
creating the green revolution, science has been used mainly in role (iv). It is now time to realize the other roles
that science must play to aid the world and to transform the Green Revolution into an Ever-green
Famous Filipinos in the Field of Science School science is filled with names of foreign scientists: Einstein,
Galileo Galilei, Newton, faraday, Darwin, and many other Western scientists. We rarely hear of Filipino
scientists being discussed in science classes. Lee-Chua (2000) identified 10 outstanding Filipino scientists who
have made significant contributions in Philippine science. These scientist are also famous abroad especially in
different science disciplines: agriculture, mathematics, physics, medicine, marine science, chemistry,
engineering, and biology. These Filipino scientists are:
1.Ramon Cabanas Barba-for his outstanding research on tissue culture in Philippine mangoes
2.Josefino Cocas Comino –for his works on observing the characteristics of Antarctica by using satellite
3.Jose Bear Cruz Jr. –known internationally in the field of electrical engineering; was elected as officer of
the famous Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
4.Lourdes jansky Cruz –notable for her research on sea snail venom
5.Fabian Millar Daylit –for his research on herbal medicine
6.Rafael Diners Guerrero III –for his research on tilapia culture
7.Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr. –for inventing the meconium drugs testing
8.Lilian Corralejo Patent –for doing research on plant biotechnology
9.Mari-jo Panganiban Ruiz –for being an outstanding educator and graph theorist
10.Gregory Lago Tango nan –for his research in the field of communications technology
There are other outstanding Filipino scientists who are recognized here and abroad for their contributions in
1.Caesar A. Salome –an internationally renowned physicist
2.Edgardo Gomez –famous scientist in marine science
3.William Paolina –chemistry and president of National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) –
4. Angel Alcala –marine science.


Concepts of Science Education
School Science Education Science is useful because of its links to technology and industry, which, from a
national perspective, are areas of high priority for development. Science provides ways of making sense of the
world systematically. It develops students’ scientific inquiry skills, values and attitudes, such as objectivity,
curiosity, and honesty and habits of mind including critical thinking. All these are useful to the individual
student for his own personal development, future career, and life in general. These skills, values, attitudes, and
dispositions are likewise useful to the community that an individual student belongs to, and are further useful to
the country that he lives in. The learning of science is also important for the nation’s cultural development and
preservation of its cultural identity. Science is most useful to a nation when it is utilized to solve its own
problems and challenges, keeping a nation's cultural uniqueness and peculiarities intact. Thus, in many
countries, science teaching and learning is linked with culture. Challenges in Science Education: Philippines
context some Filipino students have gained recognition for their high level of accomplishments in the
International Science and Engineering Fair, Robotics Competition, and Physics Olympiad, to name a few.
There are also reports of students in far-flung rural schools scoring much higher than the international mean in
the case of the Third/Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) or have gone beyond the
75% mastery level in the case of the National Achievement Test (NAT).In the Philippines and around the
world, people are talking about a science and technology-based world and a knowledge-based economy. The
current direction of curriculum development in many countries is towards scientific literacy, where the science
education needs of all students are differentiated from those who have an interest in scientific careers. An
example is York University’s 21st Century Science, which has a Foundation Science subject to be taken by all
students, and a second optional subject, Additional Science, for those students who wish to proceed with
disciplines in science in later years.


Science is a way of thinking about and investigating the world in which we live. This component
addresses those skills scientists use to discover and explain physical phenomena. These skills include asking
questions about the world, designing and conducting investigations, employing different strategies to obtain
information, and communicating results. Activities such as scientific investigations, experiments, project work,
field work, group discussion, and debates allow students to be actively engaged in the following
processes. In the early grades, students should be exposed to science as a “hands-on, minds on” process and
encouraged to explore and raise questions about the world around them. As they go up the grades, they should
develop skills to design and conduct investigations addressing self-, as well as teacher-generated questions, and
involving identifying and controlling variables. Through the grades, students should develop
abilities to systematically collect and organize data and communicate investigations, culminating in abilities to
formulate explanations or models based on results of investigations. Among the inquiry skills that should
be developed through the years of schooling is analyzing and evaluating information, procedures, and claims.
A person should not accept every piece of information offered to him as true without some analysis. When
confronted with a certain claim, one should counter with, What is your basis for saying so? How do you
know? Why do you say so? One should always ask for supporting evidence, or search for further clarifying
information. Moreover, one must develop the skill to recognize faulty arguments or reasoning that lumps facts
and opinions together.

The PSHS System offers an education that is humanistic in spirit, global in perspective, and patriotic
in orientation. It is based on a curriculum that emphasizes science and mathematics and the development of
well-rounded individuals. The PSHS System prepares its students for careers in Science and Technology
and contributes to nation building by helping the country attain a critical mass of professionals and
leaders in Science and Technology. Philippine Science High School System is an attached agency of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST). The Board of Trustees (BOT), with the DOST Secretary as the
Chairman, is the highest policy making body of the PSHS System. Each PSHS campus is headed by a Campus
Director. The Executive Committee (ExCom) is composed of all Campus Directors, and headed by the
Executive Director. The ExCom is a collegial body that recommends policies and guidelines for the
consideration of the BOT.

The Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project of the Department of Education (DepEd)
The Department of Education through the Bureau of Elementary Education is implementing the
Special Science Education (SSES)Project in pursuance to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2008, DepEd Order No. 51,
s.2010 and the latest is DepEd Letter Unnumbered from the Director III, OIC, Office of the Director IV dated
August 2, 2011.The SSES Project envisions developing Filipino children who are equipped with scientific and
technological knowledge, skills and attitudes; creative and have positive values; and lifelong learning skills to
become productive partners in the development of the community and society. Its mission is to provide a
learning environment to science inclined children through a special curriculum which recognizes multiple
intelligences and is geared towards the development of God-loving, nationalistic, creative, ecologically aware,
scientifically and technologically oriented and skilled individuals who are empowered through lifelong learning
The program has three components –
The School, the Learner, and the Curriculum
The learners in the SSES must exhibit the following characteristics:
1.OnPhysical/Psychomotor–must generally be healthy, alert and active and has heightened sensory
2. on Intellectual/Academic Aspect–acquires knowledge fast and accurately, has quick mastery and recall
of factual information, superior reasoning ability, inquisitive and curious about a lot of things, observant and
quick to note details, reads books within and above his/her age, has a ready grasp of underlying principles and
can make valid generalizations, has a wide and well developed vocabulary, has a large storehouse of
information about a variety of topics, can concentrate for long periods of time, can analyze ideas in different
ways and other varied solutions to problems.
3.OnSocial/Emotional/Motivational Aspect–must be adaptable and flexible, independent, enjoys
doing challenging and different tasks, prefers to work independently and requires little directions from
teachers, is self-motivated in accomplishing his/her work another.
4.On Leadership/Creativeness–the SSES pupil participates actively in school/community activities, is self-
confident with children of his/her own age as well as adults, initiates worthwhile activities, creates new ideas
and products, gives original ideas or solutions to questions, has varied interests and abilities, etc. The SSES
utilizes Science curriculum that will provide for the development of lifelong learning skills and foster the
holistic development of the child. The subject Science& Health is taught starting in Grade1and provides
longer instruction time in Science. In Grades I-III, 70 minutes and for Grades IV-VI, 80 minutes. The
Curriculum also utilizes varied teaching approaches/strategies to address the multiple intelligences,
learning styles and needs of the learners. To enhance the operation of the project, financial subsidy is
provided to the implementing schools for the enhancement of teachers and school heads capability and
participation to conferences, trainings, seminars and immersion training in science oriented schools,
development of pupil activities such as investigatory projects, leadership training, workshops, payment
of internet subscription, procurement of instructional devices/facilities like science models,
apparatuses, video materials and software in Science, Mathematics and English including maintenance
and repair of said facilities.?
The Manila Science High School (Maci)was established in 1963. It was the first science high school in the
country. It was patterned after the Bronx Science High School of New York. 1963 was when the first batch
that entered the pilot science high school graduated. It started in 1959 with 36 students. In 1964, the
Philippine Science High School (PSHS) was established. It was under the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST). The premier science high school in the country, it is considered among the top science
high schools in ASEAN. Aside from its main campus in Diliman, Quezon City, it has 12 other regional
campuses in the Philippines. Aside from the PSHS and the Maci, other science high schools were established to
further spread the education of those inclined in the sciences. The Department of Education (DepEd)
through the Local Government Units (LGUs) fund and administer these science high schools.
These are categorized accordingly:
1. Regional 2. Provincial 3. City


Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) are local knowledge developed over centuries of
experimentation by our ancestors and are passed orally from generation to generation. It was proven to be a
perfect scaffold to sustainable development connecting the past, the present and the future. However, these
knowledge, systems and practices are at escalating rate of deterioration due to consistent assimilation
that resulted from the continuing loss of interest of these practices from young people. Thus, empirical
evidence to showcase importance to environmental protection and cultural preservation are encouraged.
Likewise, studies connecting these indigenous knowledge and practices to academic curriculum are highly
regarded to be influential in their preservation. According to Beguiled (2009), IKSPs cover a broader scope
that included all traditional skills, laws, philosophy, rituals, livelihood, sciences and technologies of the
community. IKSPs were incorporated in several public secondary subject. (Kino mis, X. 2016)
Like Western science (WS), Indigenous science (IS) relies upon direct observation for forecasting
and generating predictions; it’s power lies in its ability to make connections and
perceive patterns across vast cycles of space and time. Indigenous scientists are trained in various
specializations such as herbalism, weather observations, mental health, and time keeping, and there are
tests to ensure IS validity.
One marked difference between the two sciences: Data from IS not used to control the forces of nature, but
instead is used to find methods and resources for accommodating it. Other critical distinctions apply to IS,
●Indigenous scientists are an integral part of the research process and there is a defined process for
ensuring this integrity.
●IS tries to understand and complete our relationships with all living things. All of nature is considered to be
intelligent and alive, thus an active research partner.
●The purpose of IS to maintain balance.
●IS collapses time and space; our fields of inquiry and participation extend into and overlap with past and
●IS holistic, drawing on all senses, including the spiritual and psychic.
●The endpoint of an IS process is an exact balance where creativity occurs.
●We always remain embodied in the natural world. In other words, when we reach the moment/place of
balance, we do not believe that we have “transcended.” Instead, we say that we are normal.
●Humor balances gravity and is a critical ingredient of all truth seeking, even in the most powerful rituals.
Indigenous knowledge can be broadly defined as the knowledge that an indigenous (local)
community accumulates over generations of living in a particular environment.(RÿserRC.2011) Available
from:. Indigenous forestry knowledge systems largely encompass local technologies, innovations, know-
how, skills, practices and beliefs uniting local people to conserve forest resources and their cultural
values. These have developed over thousands of years of direct human contact with the environment
(Armstrong et al.2006).
Education and research opportunities for traditional ecological knowledge.). Traditional knowledge
often refers to a more generalized expression of knowledge associating a people or peoples with ‘time-
honored’ ideas and practices associated with an individual or family (RÿserRC.2011). Indigenous people
and traditional knowledge This knowledge is not limited to know-how, skills, innovations, practices,
processes, learning and teaching, but also includes knowledge that is associated with biodiversity,
traditional lifestyles and natural resources (WIPO2012-World Intellectual Property Organization). While
distinctions exist between the meanings of the terms, there is also sufficient overlap; hence, indigenous
knowledge is often equated or used interchangeably with the term traditional knowledge, local knowledge,
traditional forestry practices, indigenous practices and indigenous knowledge systems.
In the Philippines, about 14–17 million of the total population are indigenous peoples belonging to
110 ethno-linguistic groups mainly concentrated in Northern Luzon (33%) and
Mindanao (61%), with few groups in the Visayas area (UNDP,2010United Nations Development Program
Philippines). Many of these indigenous peoples can be found in remote forested and hilly uplands. Some have
also stood their ground successfully and maintained a close link with their ancestral past. (Molinas, J.
Many indigenous peoples in the Philippines such as the Ifugao’s in Cordillera Mountains continued to thrive
in their relatively remote and yet self-sufficient communities. They were able to uphold their traditions as
reflected in their music, dances, rituals, folklore, wood carving, agriculture and forestry practices. For
instance, they believe that many endemic trees such as Ficus spp. are associated with spirits (anito), so they
conserved them (Lim et al.2012). Traditional forest-related knowledge: sustaining communities, ecosystems and
biocultural diversity’s indigenous peoples also observe customary laws that lay the foundation for justice,
unity and peace within their tribes.
However, the advent of colonial rules from the early 1700s to the late 1940s has led to the unabated influx of
migrants into ancestral domains (MolintasJ.2004). The Philippine indigenous peoples’ struggle for land and life:
challenging legal texts. This contributed to gradual changes in many local practices and beliefs. For instance are
the ingress of Christian missionaries introducing new faith, agricultural technologies to address food security,
logging, construction of roads and other infrastructures for better mobility, and formal educational systems.
Notwithstanding the transformations of many indigenous knowledge systems in the Philippines, there remain
intact traditional forestry practices that help promote sustainable forest management. However, there are limited
studies on the relevance of these indigenous knowledge and practices in the sustainable management of the
indigenous forests. This study was therefore conducted in order to identify and describe these indigenous
knowledge and practices as in the case of the Ifugao communities. In particular, it described key indigenous
practices in woodlot or watersheds or collectively known asmuyong for the sustainable management of the
Ifugao forests.

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