Project Report - Paras Associate

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Project Report



Plot no. 490-491/D1/5,

Makarapura GIDC,

DIST. Vadodara
Table of Contant

Sr. no.

1 Executive summary

2 Business Plan

3 Manufacturing Process

4 Conclusion
Executive Summary


In today’s market competition demand plays vital role. Even though

many companies have formed year by year the competition goes higher but
still there is demand for right product from customer’s side. In CNC machining
works the customers demand is in terms of quality and delivery. As from my
experience in the Engineering field for years I found it’s the right business to
do. To fulfill their requirement in terms of superior quality and delivery at right
time is the ultimate aim of our business. In current scenario this aspect is very
challenging. And there is huge scope in the Sheet Metal Components
Industries, Textile Machines Spares, Electrical Component and Heavy
Engineering market.

PARAS ASSOCIATE is the company which comes across with plan to fulfill
customer’s needs and demand through development in ourselves, society and
At Paras Associate, the company started with vision to provide its
customer premium quality products at the minimum possible cost of
Production. And believe that quality speaks thousand words, which transcends
all language barrier. The company has been serving its client with dedication.
To achieve international quality standard, it has highly experienced staff, who
keep track from minute to the major production process.
Business Plan


The following table refers the plant and machinery details,

Sr no Description Qty
1 C-Type Power Press Machine 5
(10 tone to 100 tone)
2 Arc Welding Machine 1
3 Drilling Machine 1
4 Cutting Machine 1
5 Hand Grinding Machine 1
6 Measuring Instrument 1

The following table refers the Manpower details

Sr no Description Qty
1 Operator 10
2 One Quality Inspector 1
3 Supervisor 1
4 Labour 3
Total 15


Water is required to mix with cutting oil for machining purpose. Purified RO
drinking water should be purchased for drinking purposes.

Project Cost and Means of Finance

Project Cost

Sr no Project Cost Amount

1 Land and Building 20,00,000/-
2 Plant and Machinery 23,00,000/-
3 Working Capital Req. 2,00,000/-
Total 45,00,000/-

Means of Finance

Sr no Means of finance Amount

1 Partner 20,00,000/-
2 Term Loan From Bank 25,00,000/-
Total 45,00,000/-

Partner Mr. Shrenik Jayprakash Shah, Mrs. Priyanka Kashyap Shah &
Mrs. Sejalben G Jayswal. We have experience in industrial engineering. we
also holds good experience in own business development, planning and
execution, administration, marketing. Playing a key role in an organization
managing, development & end-to-end operations.
The better part of me is attitude, comprising of attributes like striving for
excellence, quick learning, multi tasking, communication skills and above all a
huge appetite for being the best.
Raw Material to be used

There are a wide variety of materials used in engineering, each with its own
unique properties and characteristics. Some common types of materials used
in engineering include:

1. Metals: such as steel, aluminium, copper, and titanium, are widely

used due to their strength, durability, and ability to conduct heat and
2. Polymers: such as plastics, rubber, and composites, are lightweight
and have excellent insulating properties, making them useful in a
range of applications from packaging to construction.
3. Ceramics: such as porcelain, glass, and cement, are known for their
high heat resistance and are often used in high-temperature
applications like furnace linings, brake pads, and spark plugs.
4. Semiconductors: such as silicon and germanium, are used in
electronics and computer technology due to their unique electrical
5. Natural materials: such as wood, leather, and stone, have been used
for centuries in construction, furniture, and decorative arts.
Manufacturing Process

At Paras Associate is one of the most preferred name in the

manufacturing of Sheet Metal Components and Fabrication Component. The
company also take pride in informing that, it has been delivering in strict
compliance to our customer. The quality assurance corresponds in all
applicable parts of the quality standard ISO 90012008.The company system
comprises well document routines, necessary to ensure that the product,
supplied to the customer, fulfill the agreed requirements. We are alert in all
respect to provide " ZERO DEFECT" product to our customer. Our product
range primarily deals in Sheet Metal Components and Pre- Compressed Power
Press Component.
The Comprehensive Product line includes.
Power Press Parts
Part of Transformers
Automotive Components
Electrical Components
Transformer Insulation Parts
Parts of Textile Machinery

The components are under application in multiple industries like

Automotive, Electrical, Textile, and Manufacturing. Although the
demand for the components is ever increasing but instead of
compromising , we give prime important to quality rather than quantity.
Parts of Transformers:
We develop a number of Sheet Metal Components for instrument
transformer, power transformers.

Parts of Textile Machinery:

We are the manufacture of various types of textile machinery
components for Auto Cone machinery and also other textile machine.
These components are manufacture as per customer requirement.
Automotive Components :
These are some Automotive Components made from M. S.
Material. This Components are manufactured in mass quantity.

Electrical Components :
We are the Manufacture a wide range of electrical components
for Radio Transformer, Electrical Control switches Components are made
from M S Sheets, SS sheets and Aluminum.
Transformer Insulation Parts :
We Manufacture a wide variety of Electrical grade Insulation pre-
compressed press board components for Instrument transformers,
Distribution Transformers and Power transformers.

Process Flow Chart


Indian economy has made India visible in a competitive market

situation globally . Gujarat's strategic location, ports, longest coastline, road and rail
network, proactive government and business savvy population make a perfect
ground for businesses to flourish. It also boasts of world-class performance in its
production of Engineering work. The vast pool of skilled labor required for all the
burgeoning sectors is met by several Engineering.

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