MIE270 Textbook Readings - Ch.16
MIE270 Textbook Readings - Ch.16
MIE270 Textbook Readings - Ch.16
Deteriorative mechanisms are different for the three material types
o Metals —> there is actual material loss either by dissolution (corrosion) or by the
formation of non-metallic scale or film (oxidation)
o Ceramics —> relatively resistant to deterioration (usually occurs at elevated temperature
or in extreme environments)
Process typically also called corrosion
o Polymers —> termed degradation
Mechanisms and consequences differ from metals & ceramics
Polymers may dissolve when exposed to a liquid solvent, or they might absorb
the solvent and swell
Electromagnetic radiation (primarily UV) and heat may cause alterations in their
mechanical structures
Corrosion – the destructive and unintentional attack on a metal
o Electrochemical process
o Usually begins at the surface
Metals at the top are termed noble (chemically inert) —> gold and platinum
As you move down the table, the metals become increasingly active – susceptible to
o Sodium and potassium have the highest reactivities
Emf series table gives half-reactions as reduction rxns
o For oxidation rxns the direction of the rxn is reversed and the sign of the voltage is
The potentials shown are known as the standard potential (V0) of the half-rxn
The overall cell potential is: ∆V0 = V0red – V0ox
For the rxn to occur spontaneously, ∆V0 must be positive
o If the cell potential is negative, the spontaneous cell direction is the reverse
When standard half-cells are coupled together, the metal that lies lower on the emf series
table experiences oxidation and the the higher one is reduced**
In both emf and Galvanic series, there is a high degree of correspondence between the relative
positions of the pure base metals
Most metals and alloys are subject to ox. or corrosion to one degree or another in a wide variety
of environments
o They are more stable in an ionic state than as metals**
o There is a net decrease in free energy going from metallic to oxidized states
Consequently, essentially all metals occur in nature as compounds (ex. oxides, hydroxides,
carbonates, silicates, sulfides, sulfates)
o Two notable exceptions: gold and platinum (the noble metals)**
Oxidation of these metals in most environments is not favourable, therefore
they exist in their metallic state
Emf half-cell potentials are thermodynamic parameters that relate to systems at equilibrium
Real corroding systems are not at equilibrium —> there is a flow of electrons from anode to
o This means that the half-cell potential parameters cannot be applied
The half-cell potentials represent the magnitude of a driving force (or the tendency for the
occurrence of the particular half-cell rxn) —> they provide info on direction of rxn sponteneity
but provide no info on corrosion rates**
o Magnitude of ∆V for a specific corrosion situation does not indicate anything about rate
of corrosion
Corrosion penetration rate (CPR) – thickness loss of material per unit time
Activation Polarization
Active polarization – the condition in which the rxn rate is controlled by the step in the series
that occurs at the slowest rate
o An activation energy barrier is associated with this slowest, rate-limiting step (hence the
Consider the reduction of hydrogen ions to form bubbles of hydrogen gas on the surface of a zinc
o (1) Absorption of H+ ions from the solution onto the zinc surface
o (2) Electron transfer from the zinc to form a hydrogen atom
H+ + e– —> H
o (3) Combining of two hydrogen atoms to form a molecule of hydrogen
2H —> H2
o (4) The coalescence of many hydrogen molecule to form a bubble
The slowest of these steps determines the rate of the overall rxn**
For activation polarization the relationship between overvoltage and current density is:
Figure 16.7
o Line segment with slope of +β = oxidation half-rxn
o Line segment with slope of –β = reduction half-rxn
o Both line segments originate at i0 (H2/H+) and at zero overvoltage —> the point where
the system is at equilibrium and there is no net rxn**
Concentration Polarization
Concentration polarization – exists when the rxn rate is limited by diffusion in the solution
Consider the hydrogen evolution red. rxn…
o When rxn rate is low and/or the concentration of H+ is high, there is always adequate
supply of hydrogen ions available in solution at the region near the electrode interface
o However, at high rates and/or low H+ concentrations, a depletion zone may form in the
viscinity of the interface —> H+ ions are not replenished at a rate sufficient to keep up
with the rxn**
o Diffusion of H+ to the interface is rate controlling and the system is said to be
concentration polarized
Overvoltage is independent of current density until i approches iL —> at this point ηc decreases
abruptly in magnitude**
o iL – limiting diffusion current density
o R – gas constant
o T – absolute temperature (K)
o n – number of electrons associated with the ionization of each metal atom
o F – Faraday’s const.
Both concentration and activation polarization are possible for reduction rxns
o The total overvoltage is the sum of both overvoltage contributions
Passivity – under particular environmental conditions, some normally active metals and alloys
lose their chemical reactivity and become extremely inert
Displayed by chromium, iron, nickel, titanium, and many other alloys
Passive behaviour caused by formation of a highly adherent and very thin oxide film on the
metal surface, which serves as a protective barrier to further corrosion**
Stainless steels are highly resistant to corrosion in a wide range of atmospheres due to
o Contain at least 11% chromium —> minimizes formation of rust due to protective
surface film formation in oxidizing atmospheres
Aluminum also passivates, thus is highly corrosion resistant
If damaged, the protective film normally reforms very rapidly
BUT, a change in the environment may cause a passivated material to revert to an active state**
o Ex. alter concentration of the active corrosive species
o Subsequent damage to a pre-existing passive film could result in a substantial increase in
corrosion rate —> as much as 100,000 times**
Figure 16.12 – shows the shape of the polarization curve for a metal that passivates
o At relatively low values —> active region, linear behaviour
o With increasing potential, the current density suddenly decreases to a very low value
that remains independent of potential —> passive region
o At even higher potentials, the current density again increases with potential —>
transpassive region
Metals can experience both active and passive behaviour, depending on the corrosion
environment (Figure 16.13)
o S-shaped oxidation polarization curve for an active-passive metal M
o Also shows reduction polarization lines for two different solutions (Line 1 and Line 2)
o The points of intersection indicating the corrosion current density of M in each solution
Depending on whether the solution curve intersects in the active or passive
region, the corrosion rate will differ (proportional to the current density)
Variables in a corrosion environment: fluid velocity, temperature, composition
o These variables can have an influence on the corrosion properties of the materials that
are in contact with it
Increasing fluid velocity enhances the rate of corrosion due to erosive effects (in most cases)**
The rates of most chemical rxns (including corrosion rxns) rise with increasing temp**
Increasing the concentration of the corrosive species will produce more rapid rate of corrosion
(in most cases)**
o Ex. increase H+ ions in acids
o Note: for materials capable of passivation, raising the corrosive content may result in an
active-to-passive transition, which considerably lowers corrosion
Cold working/plastically deforming ductile metals is used to increase their strength
o A cold-worked metal is more susceptible to corrosion than the same metal in an
annealed state**
o Differential cold working can cause the corrosion properties to differ within the same
Uniform Attack
Occurs with equivalent intensity over the entire exposed surface and often leaves behind scale
or deposit
Redox rxns occur randomly over the surface
Ex. rusting of steel and iron, tarnishing of silverware
Most common form of corrosion**
Least objectionable form, because it can be predicted and designed for with relative ease**
Galvanic Corrosion
Occurs when two metals or alloys having different compositions are electrically coupled while
exposed to an electrolyte
o Same type of corrosion discussed in section 16.2
The less noble (more reactive) metal in the particular environment experiences corrosion; the
more inert metal (cathode) is protected from corrosion
Depending on the nature of the solution, one or more of the reduction reactions occurs at the
surface of the cathode material
Galvanic series —> discusses relative reactivities in seawater
o When two alloys are coupled in seawater, the one lower in the series experiences
o Some alloys are grouped in brackets —> little danger of corrosion if alloys within a single
bracket are coupled
o Some alloys are listed twice, in both active and passive states
Ex. Nickel, stainless steel
The rate of galvanic attach depends on the relative anode-to-cathode surface areas that are
exposed to the electrolyte
o The rate is related directly to the cathode-anode area ratio**
o For a given cathode area, a smaller anode corrodes more rapidly than a larger one
Corrosion rate depends on current density (current per unit area of corroding
Anode area is small relative to that of the cathode = high current density
Reducing the effects of galvanic corrosion:
o If coupling of dissimilar metals is necessary, choose two that are close together in the
galvanic series
o Avoid an unfavourable anode-to-cathode surface area ratio —> use anode area as large
as possible
o Electrically insulate dissimilar metals from each other
o Electrically connect a third, anodic material to the other two —> cathodic protection
Crevice Corrosion
Occurs as a consequence of concentration differences of ions or dissolved gases in the
electrolyte solution between two regions of the same metal piece (concentration cell)
For such a concentration cell, corrosion occurs in the locale that has the lower concentration**
Ex. corrosion that occurs in crevices and recesses or under deposits of dirt or corrosion products
where the solution becomes stagnant and there is localized depletion of dissolved oxygen
The crevice must be wide enough for the solution to penetrate yet narrow enough for
o Usually, width is several thousandths of an inch
o After oxygen has been depleted within the crevice, oxidation of the metal occurs at this
o Electrons from the rxn are conducted through the metal to adjacent external regions,
where they are consumed by reduction
In many aqueous environments, the solution within the crevice has been found to develop high
concentrations of H+ and Cl– ions
o Using welded instead of riveted or bolted joints
o Using nonabsorbent gaskets when possible
o Removing accumulated deposits frequently
o Designing contaminant vessels to avoid stagnant areas and ensure complete drainage
Very localized corrosion attack in which small pits or holes form
Usually penetrate from top of a horizontal surface downward in a nearly vertical direction
Extremely insidious type of corrosion**
o Often goes undetected and with very little material loss until failure occurs
o Probably similar to crevice corrosion
o Oxidation occurs within the pit itself, with complementary reduction at the surface
o Supposed that gravity causes the pit to grow downward —> the solution at the pit tip
becoming more concentrated and dense as pit growth progresses
o A pit may be initiated by a localized surface defect such as a scratch or slight variation in
Specimens with highly polished surfaces display greater resistance to pitting
Stainless steels are somewhat susceptible to this form of corrosion
o Alloying with ~2% molybdenum enhances their resistance significantly
Intergranular Corrosion
Occurs preferentially along grain boundaries (for some alloys and in specific environments)
Net result is that a macroscopic specimen disintegrates along its grain boundaries
Type of corrosion especially prevalent in some stainless steels**
o When heated between 500 and 800ºC for sufficiently long periods, these alloys become
sensitized to intergranular attack
o This heat treatment permits the formation of small precipitate particles of chromium
carbide (Cr23C6)
o These particles form along the grain boundaries —> both chromium and carbon must
diffuse to the grain boundaries to form the precipitates, which leaves a chromium-
depleted zone adjacent to the grain boundary
This grain boundary is now highly susceptible to corrosion**
Particularly severe problem in the welding of stainless steels —> weld decay
Protection (of stainless steels):
o Subjecting the sensitized material to a high-temperature heat treatment in which all the
chromium carbide particles redissolve
o Lowering the carbon content below 0.03 wt% C so that carbide formation is minimal
o Alloying the stainless steel with another metal (I.e. niobium or titanium), which has a
greater tendency to form carbides than does chromium
Forces Cr to stay in solid solution
Selective Leaching
Found in solid solution alloys
Occurs when one element or constituent is preferentially removed as a consequence of
corrosion processes
Most common example: dezincification of brass
o Zinc is selectively leached from a copper-zinc brass alloy
o The material changes from yellow to a red or copper colour
Mechanical properties of the alloy are significantly impaired —> only a porous mass of copper
remains in the region that has been dezincified
Selective leaching may also occur with other alloy systems
o Aluminum, iron, cobalt, chromium, and other elements are vulnerable to preferential
Arises from the combined action of chemical attack and mechanical abrasion or wear as a
consequence of fluid motion
Virtually all metal alloys are susceptible to erosion-corrosion (to some degree)
It is especially harmful to alloys that passivate by forming a protective surface film**
o The abrasive action may erode away the film, leaving exposed a bare metal surface
o If the coating is not capable of continuously and rapidly re-forming as a protective
barrier, corrosion may be severe
Relatively soft metals are also sensitive to this form of attack**
o Ex. copper, lead
Can usually be identified by surface grooves and waves having contours that are characteristic of
the flow of fluid
The nature of the fluid can have dramatic influence on the corrosion behaviour
o Increasing fluid velocity normally enhances the rate of corrosion
o A solution is more erosive when bubbles and suspended particulate solids are present**
Erosion-corrosion is commonly found in piping (esp. at bends, elbows, and abrupt changes in
pipe diameter)**
o These are positions where the fluid changes directions or flow suddenly becomes
Propellers, turbine blades, valves, and pumps are also susceptible
o Change the design to eliminate fluid turbulence and impingement effects (best way**)
o Other materials used that are inherently resistant to erosion
o Removal of particulates and bubbles from the solution
Stress Corrosion
Also called stress corrosion cracking
Results from the combined action of an applied tensile stress and a corrosive environment —>
both influences are necessary**
Some materials that are virtually inert in a particular corrosive medium becomes susceptible to
this form of corrosion when a stress is applied
Small cracks form and then propagate in a direction perpendicular to the stress
o Result is that failure may eventually occur
o Failure behaviour is characteristic of that for a brittle material, even though the metal
alloy is intrinsically ductile
Most alloys are susceptible to stress corrosion in specific environments, esp. at moderate stress
o Ex. most stainless steels stress corrode in solutions containing chloride ions
o Ex. brasses are esp. susceptible when exposed to ammonia
The stress that produces stress cracking does not need to be externally applied**
o It may be a residual stress that results from rapid temperature changes and uneven
contraction or occur for two-phase alloys in which each phase has a different coefficient
of expansion
o Gaseous and solid corrosion products that are entrapped internally can give rise to
internal stresses
o Lower the magnitude of the stress (best method**)
Can be done by reducing the external load or increasing the cross-sectional area
perpendicular to the applied stress
o An appropriate heat treatment may be used to anneal out any residual thermal stresses
Hydrogen Embrittlement
Various metal alloys (specifically some steels) experience a significant reduction in ductility and
tensile strength when atomic hydrogen (H) penetrates into the material —> hydrogen
Also called hydrogen induced cracking and hydrogen stress cracking
Technically hydrogen embrittlement is a type of failure —> in response to applied or residual
tensile stresses, brittle fracture occurs catastrophically as cracks grow and rapidly propagate
Hydrogen in atomic form (H, as opposed to molecular form, H2) diffuses interstitially through the
crystal lattice**
Concentrations as low as several parts per million can lead to cracking
Hydrogen-induced cracks are most often transgranular**
Mechanism likely to do with interference of dislocation motion by the dissolved hydrogen
Hydrogen embrittlement is similar to stress corrosion —> normally ductile materials experience
brittle fracture when exposed to both tensile stress and a corrosive atmosphere
o Distinguishing between the two —> interaction w/ applied electric currents
Cathodic protection reduces or causes a cessation of stress corrosion**
Cathodic protection may lead to the initiation or enhancement of hydrogen
For H.E. to occur, some source of hydrogen must be present & the possibility of formation of its
atomic species
o Example situations:
Pickling of steels in sulfuric acid
The presence of hydrogen-bearing atmospheres (including water vapour) at
elevated temperatures
During welding & heat treatments
The presence of poisons (ex. sulfur & arsenic compounds) accelerates H.E.**
o These substances retard the formation of molecular hydrogen thus increasing the time
atomic hydrogen exists at metal surfaces
o Hydrogen sulfide – most aggressive poison
Found in petroleum fluids, natural gas, oil-well brines, geothermal fluids
High strength steels are susceptible to H.E. —> increasing strength tends to enhance a material’s
FCC alloys are relatively resistant to H.E. (likely because they are inherently highly ductile)
o Strain hardening these alloys makes them susceptible
o Reducing tensile strength of the alloy via heat treatment
o Removing the source of hydrogen
o “Baking” the alloy at an elevated temp. to drive out any dissolved hydrogen
o Substituting a more H.E.-resistant alloy
Cathodic Protection
One of the most effective means of corrosion protection**
o In some situations, it can completely stop corrosion
Can be used for all eight types of corrosion**
Involves supplying, from an external source, electrons to the metal to be protected —> makes it
a cathode
o The reaction that would otherwise take place (oxidation of metal) is forced in the
reverse direction (reduction)
One cathodic protection technique employs a galvanic couple – the metal to be protected is
electrically connected to another metal that is more reactive in the particular environment
o This metal experiences oxidation and, upon giving up electrons, protects the first metal
from corrosion —> sacrificial anode
o Magnesium and zinc are commonly used (since they are highly anodic)**
Galvanizing – a layer of zinc is applied to the surface of steel by hot dipping
o In the atmosphere and most aqueous environments, zinc is anodic and will cathodically
protect the steel if there is any surface damage
o Any corrosion to the zinc will occur very slowly because the ratio of anode-to-cathode
surface area is very large**
Another method: source of electrons is an impressed current from an external DC power source
o The negative terminal of the power source is connected to the structure to be protected
o The other terminal is joined to an inert anode (often graphite)
In Figure 16.23(b) this anode is buried in soil – high conductivity backfill material
provides good electrical contact between the anode and the surrounding soil
o A current path exists between the cathode and anode through the intervening soil –
completes the electrical circuit
Cathodic protection is especially useful in preventing corrosion of water heaters, underground
tanks and pipes, and marine equipment