Lesson 2 qrtr2
Lesson 2 qrtr2
Lesson 2 qrtr2
Miss Capule
Dear God,
Write the missing letters in the boxes
to form the correct words.
ather I
nd ove
other ou
Write the missing letters in the boxes
to form the correct words.
F ather I
A nd L ove
M other Y ou
God loves us so much. He gives each
of us a family to love and to care for
We all belong to our own family.
But do you know that we also
belong to a bigger family?
Through the baptism we became
members of God’s family.
St. John- the one who baptized
The celebration of Baptism has several
1. Signing of the cross – The cross of Jesus is the source of our
divine adoption.
2. Rejection of Evil- Belonging to God’s family means making a
decision against evil.
3. Profession of Faith- Belonging to God’s family means
coming to a decision to God.
4. Pouring of Water- water cleanses us from the dirt of sin
and gives us new life.
The celebration of Baptism has several
5. Baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit- invoking the names of the three divine persons means joining the
family of God and becoming the father’s child, the son’s brother or
sister, and the dwelling place of the Holy spirit.
6. Anointing with Chrism- the sacred oil of chrism makes us similar to the
firstborn of God, Jesus Christ, who is Prophet, Priest, and King
7. Clothing of White Garment- The white garment shows our dignity as
children of God.
8. Giving of Lighted Candle- The Lighted Candle encourages the children
of God to be the light of the world by the goodness of their lives.
1. What sacrament makes us true
children of God?