1 The Effect of Levofloxacin Addition On The Outcome of Tuberculous Meningitis Patients A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis

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Magna Neurologica Vol. 2, No.

1, January 2024
e-ISSN 2985-3729 p-ISSN 2963-6027



Lorisna Hardiknastia Damastiwi1, Saiful Hidayat2, Paulus Stephen Pulung Aditya Nugraha Sembiring 2

Correspondence: [email protected]
Hj. Anna Lasmanah General Hospital Banjarnegara
Respiratory and Tuberculosis Research and Training Center (SATURATE)

Article History: ABSTRACT

Received: September 1, 2023
Accepted: November 2, 2023 Background: Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is one of tuberculosis's deadliest extra-pulmonary
Published: January 1, 2024 manifestations. Although early initiation of anti-tuberculosis drugs can reduce mortality and morbidity,
poor blood-brain barrier penetration hampered their effectiveness. Levofloxacin is an anti-tuberculosis
Cite this as: drug with good BBB penetration.
Damastiwi LH, Hidayat S,
Sembiring PSPAN. The Effect of Objective: We aim to explore whether levofloxacin addition to the TBM patients’ regimen has a
Levofloxacin Addition on the potential benefit to improve their outcomes.
Outcome of Tuberculous Methods: The literature search was done on PubMed, Google Scholar, and ProQuest databases without
Meningitis Patients: A Systematic
publication date limits to identify studies investigating the effect of augmenting levofloxacin in the
Review and Meta-analysis.
Magna Neurologica. 2(1) outcome of TBM patients. The primary outcome of this study was to analyze the impact of these
January 2024: 1-4. regimens in decreasing the risk of death and neurological deficit. The articles were collected using the
10.20961/magnaneurologica.v2i1 PRISMA diagram, critically appraised using PICO analysis, then the data were analyzed using Review
Manager 5.4.1 software with a Fixed Effect Model. The results were expressed as odds ratio (OR).
Results: Four randomized controlled trials with a total of 930 patients were identified. Two trials
compared the effectiveness of levofloxacin addition only, whereas the other two used the regimen
containing the increased dose of rifampicin alongside levofloxacin addition. Based on the analysis,
neither levofloxacin addition only nor increasing rifampicin dose with levofloxacin addition had a
significant impact on the mortality of TBM patients (OR=0.55; 95% CI 0.19-1.59; p=0.27, OR=1.01;
95% CI 0.74-1.36; p=0.97, respectively).
Conclusion: Additional Levofloxacin on TBM treatment shows no significant improvement in patient
mortality. Routine levofloxacin use in TBM is discouraged due to limited evidence.

Keywords: levofloxacin, rifampicin dose, treatment, tuberculous meningitis

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- 4.0 International License

Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is an extra- Although early initiation of anti-tuberculosis drugs
pulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis (TB) in the central can reduce mortality and morbidity, poor blood-brain barrier
nervous system which is often misdiagnosed due to its (BBB) penetration hampered their effectiveness. 3,5,6 For
similarity with other meningitis.1 The global burden of this instance, either streptomycin or ethambutol exhibits poor
disease remains unclear; however, it is estimated that about cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) penetration, while the standard
100.000 people develop TBM annually.2 dose of rifampicin may not reach the minimum inhibitory
Immunosuppressed people and children are predominantly concentration for TB in CSF.7 Levofloxacin is an anti-
affected. In the absence of TB treatment, the outcomes are tuberculosis drug with good BBB penetration and has been
very poor, with a 30% mortality rate and half of them suffer used for multi-drug resistant TB. (5,8–10) Therefore,
from neurological deficits.3,4 levofloxacin addition to the TBM patients’ regimen has a
potential benefit to improve their outcomes.
Copyright © 2024 by Authors
1. Search and Study Selection
This is a systematic review and meta-analysis. The
literature search was done through PubMed, Google
Scholar, and ProQuest databases without publication
date limits to identify studies investigating the effect
of augmenting levofloxacin in the outcome of TBM
patients with this keyword ("Tuberculous
Meningitis" OR "TB Meningitis" OR TBM) AND
(Levofloxacin OR LFX).
The process of study selection encompassed two
stages. Initially, two reviewers screened titles and
abstracts. Subsequently, in cases where abstracts
lacked clarity, the full-text articles of selected studies
were obtained and reviewed. Data extraction was
performed using an Excel spreadsheet, encompassing
details such as author, publication year, participant
characteristics, HIV status, anti-tuberculosis
regimens used, and the recorded outcomes. Figure 1. PRISMA Diagram

2. Type of Intervention Four randomized controlled trials with a total of 930

patients were identified. Two trials compared the
The interventions described in the selected articles effectiveness of levofloxacin addition only,5,10 whereas the
include either the addition of levofloxacin to the other two used the regimen containing the increased dose of
standard first-line regimen (HRZE/S) or the use of rifampicin alongside levofloxacin addition.8,9 Characteristics
levofloxacin in conjunction with an intensified of the included studies are depicted in the table below (Table
regimen (comprising high-dose rifampicin along with 1).
HZE/S). In contrast, the control arm received
standard anti-tuberculosis treatment that did not Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies
incorporate levofloxacin. The primary outcome of
this study is mortality rate, whereas the secondary
outcome is neurological disability at the end of

3. Data Extraction and Analysis

The articles were collected using the PRISMA

diagram and critically appraised using PICO analysis All included trials reported adequate randomization
(Figure 1). The risk of bias for each study was methods using computer-generated allocation. Therefore,
assessed using the Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool they were classified as having a low risk of selection bias.
for randomized trials (RoB 2) (Table 2).11 The data Additionally, the trials exhibited a loss to follow-up of less
were analyzed using Review Manager 5.4.1 software than 10%, further contributing to their classification as
with a Fixed Effect Model. The results were having a low risk of attrition bias. Blinding and a pre-
expressed as odds ratio (OR). We assessed specified protocol were only available in the study conducted
heterogeneity by visually inspecting the forest plots by Heemskerk et al., rendering the potential for unclear
as well as by using an I2 statistics, with an I2 value of selection and performance bias in the remaining studies.
≥ 50% interpreted as statistical heterogeneity. Nevertheless, given that all included studies reported the
outcomes as outlined in the methods, the risk of reporting
bias is low.
Results Table 2. Risk of Bias
The initial search yielded 548 articles. After
removing duplicates, irrelevant articles, literature reviews,
systematic reviews, and meta-analyses, we identified nine
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating
levofloxacin interventions in TBM patients. Among these,
three RCTs were excluded as they constituted sub-studies of
other RCTs involving the same set of patients. Additionally,
one RCT was excluded due to its status as a study protocol,
while another was omitted because the intervention arm
employed levofloxacin as a replacement for rifampicin.
Copyright © 2024 by Authors
Based on the analysis, neither levofloxacin addition of deaths is fewer in the intervention arm, this difference was
only nor increasing rifampicin dose with levofloxacin not statistically significant (OR=1.01; 95% CI 0.74-1.36;
addition had a significant impact on the mortality of TBM p=0.97).
patients (OR=0.55; 95% CI 0.19-1.59; p=0.27, OR=1.01; In line with the World Health Organization's (WHO)
95% CI 0.74-1.36; p=0.97, respectively) (Figure 2 and recommendations, the application of fluoroquinolones,
Figure 3). including levofloxacin, is endorsed for the treatment of
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).13 However, the
scarcity of data concerning drug-resistant tuberculous
meningitis necessitates the management of such patients
based on pulmonary tuberculosis guidelines. Furthermore,
the WHO underscores the use of second-line drugs with
robust cerebrospinal fluid penetration for managing these
challenging cases.13,14
Figure 2. Forrest Plot of Intensified Rifampicin + Levofloxacin in
While this systematic review does not advocate for
TBM Patients
the routine utilization of levofloxacin in TBM patients,
especially in light of the analyzed data, it acknowledges the
continued relevance of its usage in specific scenarios such
as drug-resistant TBM.

Additional Levofloxacin on TBM treatment shows no
significant improvement on patient’s mortality. Routine
Figure 3. Forrest Plot of Levofloxacin Addition Only in TBM
levofloxacin use in TBM is discouraged due to limited
evidence. It is strongly recommended to explore the
Because the only articles that supplied data on potential of Levofloxacin in special cases such as drug-
neurological disability were those by Paradkar et al (2023) resistant TBM.
and Kalita et al (2016), we were unable to perform a
statistical analysis on this particular outcome owing to References
variations in the treatment protocols. Nonetheless, the TBM-
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Copyright © 2024 by Authors

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