LDNA Report Template
LDNA Report Template
LDNA Report Template
III. Methodology
Answers the question: How was data collected? Who were the data sources?
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Discuss the process and tools employed in gathering data on learning needs.
This may include documents, review, surveys, interviews and/or focus group
discussions, among others. Describe the key features of the assessment tools
used (number of items, rating scale, etc.). Explain your efforts at ensuring the
validity and reliability of the tools.
Provide information about the respondents in data collection activity/ies. A
general profile highlighting experience related to the competency/ies being
assessed would be helpful in contextualizing the discussion of findings in the
subsequent section.
Include as well as the methodologies used in validating data.
Remember to attach the assessment tool/s used as annex/es to the report.
V. Assessment Results
Answers the question: What were the results of the learning needs analysis?
What do the findings indicate in terms of competency gaps among prospective
Present the data collected during the needs assessment. Start with the overall
level of competency then proceed with a more detailed analysis of
competencies. Establish trends or patterns that can be drawn from the data.
Validate data from other sources to confirm results and ensure accuracy.
Highlight competency gaps emerging from the data.
If non-competency related factors (e.g. lack of adequate staff, lack of resources,
etc.) were identified, present this data as well. However, emphasize that
performance problems resulting from these issues are not indicative of lack of
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VI. Conclusions
Answers the question: What are the key findings of the learning needs
assessment? What are the implications on subsequent L&D subsystems?
Summarize significant findings on development needs. Identify factors that
need to be considered in planning and designing responsive L&d programs.
Highlight, for example: peculiar characteristics of target job holders, focus
areas, proposed approaches, timing, and factors that may affect workplace
application, among others.
VII. Appendices
Attach relevant information or documents to support the LDNA report, such as:
the approved LDNA Plan; LDNA Performance and Competency Gap Summary
Worksheet; templates, forms and correspondence; attendance sheets; videos and
pictures, if applicable.