Iec 61000-2-10-2021
Iec 61000-2-10-2021
Iec 61000-2-10-2021
Edition 2.0 2021-11
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FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 7
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 8
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 8
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 8
4 General ......................................................................................................................... 12
5 Description of HEMP environment, conducted parameters ............................................. 13
5.1 Introductory remarks ............................................................................................. 13
5.2 Early-time HEMP external conducted environment ................................................ 13
5.3 Intermediate-time HEMP external conducted environment..................................... 15
5.4 Late-time HEMP external conducted environment ................................................. 15
5.5 Antenna currents .................................................................................................. 17
5.6 HEMP internal conducted environments ................................................................ 21
Annex A (informative) Discussion of early-time HEMP coupling for long lines ...................... 23
A.1 Elevated line coupling ........................................................................................... 23
A.2 Buried line coupling .............................................................................................. 24
Annex B (informative) Discussion of intermediate-time HEMP coupling for long lines ........... 26
B.1 General ................................................................................................................. 26
B.2 Elevated line coupling ........................................................................................... 26
B.3 Buried line coupling .............................................................................................. 26
Annex C (informative) Responses of simple linear antennas to the IEC early-time
HEMP environment ............................................................................................................... 28
C.1 Overview............................................................................................................... 28
C.2 IEC early-time HEMP environment ........................................................................ 28
C.3 Evaluation of the antenna responses .................................................................... 31
C.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 31
C.3.2 Monopole antenna ......................................................................................... 31
C.3.3 Dipole antenna .............................................................................................. 32
C.4 Calculated results ................................................................................................. 33
C.5 Summary of results ............................................................................................... 34
Annex D (informative) Measured cable currents inside telephone buildings .......................... 43
Annex E (informative) Time waveform description for the responses of simple linear
antennas to the early-time HEMP environment ...................................................................... 44
E.1 General ................................................................................................................. 44
E.2 Description of the recommended waveform ........................................................... 44
E.3 Procedure for determining the test waveform ........................................................ 46
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 1 – Geometry for the definition of polarization and of the angles of elevation ψ
and azimuth φ ......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2 – Geometry for the definition of the plane wave ....................................................... 10
Figure 3 – Geomagnetic dip angle ........................................................................................ 11
Figure 4 – Three-phase line and equivalent circuit for computing late-time HEMP
conducted current ................................................................................................................. 16
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 –3–
Table 6 – HEMP response levels for I L for the loaded vertical monopole antenna a ............... 20
Table 7 – HEMP response levels for V oc for the horizontal dipole antenna ........................... 20
Table 8 – HEMP response levels for I sc for the horizontal dipole antenna ............................ 21
Table 9 – HEMP response levels for I L for the loaded horizontal dipole antenna a ................. 21
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Table A.1 – Rectified impulse (RI) and computed effective pulse widths for vertical
polarization of the early-time HEMP for an elevated conductor (h = 10 m) ............................. 24
Table A.2 – Coupled early-time HEMP currents for a buried conductor (z = –1 m) ................. 25
Table A.3 – Waveform parameters for early-time HEMP buried conductor coupling
(z = −1 m) ............................................................................................................................. 25
Table A.4 –Average waveform parameters for early-time HEMP buried conductor
currents ................................................................................................................................ 25
Table B.1 – Coupled HEMP intermediate-time short-circuit currents for an elevated
conductor (h = 10 m) ............................................................................................................. 26
Table B.2 – Coupled HEMP intermediate-time short-circuit currents for a buried
conductor (h = –1 m) ............................................................................................................. 26
Table D.1 – Estimated internal peak-to-peak cable currents (I PP ) from direct HEMP
illumination (from [8]) ............................................................................................................ 43
Table D.2 – Damped sinusoid waveform characteristics for internal cable currents
(measured) (from [8]) ............................................................................................................ 43
Table E.1 – Waveform parameters to be used in Formula (E.1) ............................................. 46
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 –5–
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international
co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and
in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports,
Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their
preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with
may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent
rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
IEC 61000-2-10 has been prepared by subcommittee 77C: High power transient phenomena,
of IEC technical committee 77: Electromagnetic compatibility. It is an International Standard.
It forms Part 2-10 of IEC 61000. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with
IEC Guide 107.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous
a) a new Annex E has been added to describe the time waveform characteristics of the
response of simple linear antennas to aid in the development of test methods;
b) technical support for this waveform is provided in Annex E.
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c) a procedure to use the waveforms presented in Annex E along with the peak values
previously provided in Annex C is provided.
Full information on the voting for its approval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.
The language used for the development of this International Standard is English.
This document was drafted in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, and developed in
accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, IEC Supplement, available
at The main document types developed by IEC are
described in greater detail at
A list of all parts in the IEC 61000 series, published under the general title Electromagnetic
compatibility, can be found on the IEC website.
The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under in the data related to the
specific document. At this date, the document will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IMPORTANT – The "colour inside" logo on the cover page of this document indicates that it
contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its
contents. Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer.
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 –7–
Part 1: General
Part 2: Environment
Part 3: Limits
Emission limits
Immunity limits (insofar as these limits do not fall under the responsibility of the product
Measurement techniques
Testing techniques
Installation guidelines
Mitigation methods and devices
Part 9: Miscellaneous
Each part is further subdivided into several parts, published either as international standards
or as technical specifications or technical reports, some of which have already been published
as sections. Others will be published with the part number followed by a dash and a second
number identifying the subdivision (example: IEC 61000-6-1).
The IEC has initiated the preparation of standardized methods to protect civilian society from
the effects of high-power electromagnetic environments including the high-altitude
electromagnetic pulse. Such environments could disrupt systems for communications, electric
power, information technology, etc.
This part of IEC 61000 is an international standard that establishes the HEMP conducted
disturbances that are the result of coupling by the radiated HEMP disturbances.
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1 Scope
This part of IEC 61000 defines the high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) conducted
environment that is one of the consequences of a high-altitude nuclear explosion.
For civil systems the most important case is the high-altitude nuclear explosion. In this case,
the other effects of the nuclear explosion such as blast, ground shock, thermal and nuclear
ionizing radiation are not present at the ground level.
However, the electromagnetic pulse associated with the explosion can cause disruption of, and
damage to, communication, electronic and electric power systems thereby upsetting the stability
of modern society.
The object of this document is to establish a common reference for the conducted HEMP
environment in order to select realistic stresses to apply to victim equipment to evaluate their
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
IEC 61000-4-24, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-24: Testing and measurement
techniques – Test methods for protective devices for HEMP conducted disturbance
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following
angle of elevation ψ
angle ψ measured in the vertical plane between a flat horizontal surface such as the ground
and the propagation vector
SEE: Figure 1.
azimuth angle φ
angle between the projection of the propagation vector on the ground plane and the principal
axis of the victim object
composite waveform
waveform which maximizes the important features of a waveform
interaction of the HEMP field with a system to produce currents and voltages on system surfaces
and cables
Note 1 to entry: Voltages result from the induced charges and are only defined at low frequencies with wavelengths
larger than the surface or gap dimensions
direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave
�⃗, perpendicular to the plane containing the vectors of the
direction of the propagation vector 𝑘𝑘
electric and magnetic fields
early-time HEMP electric field
intermediate-time HEMP electric field
late-time HEMP electric field
electromagnetic pulse
any electromagnetic field waveform abruptly rising and falling in the time domain created by a
nuclear detonation at any altitude
geomagnetic dip angle
θ dip
dip angle of the geomagnetic flux density vector Be , measured from the local horizontal in the
magnetic north-south plane
Note 1 to entry: θ dip = 90° at the magnetic north pole, –90° at the magnetic south pole (see Figure 3).
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 11 –
high-altitude electromagnetic pulse
high-altitude electromagnetic pulse created by a high-altitude nuclear explosion
high-altitude nuclear explosion
height of burst above 30 km altitude
horizontal polarization
position of the electromagnetic wave in which the magnetic field vector is in the incidence plane
and the electric field vector is perpendicular to the incidence plane and thus parallel to the
ground plane
Note 1 to entry: This type of polarization is also called perpendicular or transverse electric (TE) (see Figure 1).
incidence plane
plane formed by the propagation vector and the normal to the ground plane
low-altitude nuclear explosion
height of burst below 1 km altitude
nuclear EMP
all types of EMP produced by a nuclear explosion
physical location (point) on an electromagnetic barrier, where EM energy can enter or exit a
topological volume, unless an adequate PoE protective device is provided
Note 1 to entry: A PoE is not limited to a geometrical point. PoEs are classified as aperture PoEs or conductive
PoEs according to the type of penetration. They are also classified as architectural, mechanical, structural or
electrical PoEs, according to the functions they serve.
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pulse width
time interval between the points on the leading and trailing edges of a pulse at which the
instantaneous value is 50 % of the peak pulse amplitude, unless otherwise stated
rectified impulse
integral of the absolute value of a time waveform’s amplitude over a specified time interval
rise time
time interval between the instants in which the instantaneous amplitude of a pulse first reaches
specified lower and upper limits, namely 10 % and 90 % of the peak pulse amplitude, unless
otherwise stated
short-circuit current
value of current that flows when the output terminals of a circuit are shorted
Note 1 to entry: This current is normally of interest when checking the performance of surge protection devices.
source impedance
impedance presented by a source of energy to the input terminals of a device or network
vertical polarization
position of the electromagnetic wave in which the electric field vector is in the incidence plane,
and the magnetic field vector is perpendicular to the incidence plane and thus parallel to the
ground plane
Note 2 to entry: This type of polarization is also called parallel or transverse magnetic (TM).
4 General
A high-altitude (above 30 km) nuclear burst produces three types of electromagnetic pulses
which are observed on the earth's surface:
Historically most of the interest has been focused on the early-time HEMP which was previously
referred to simply as HEMP. Here the term high-altitude EMP or HEMP will be used to include
all three types. The term nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) covers many categories of
nuclear EMPs including those produced by surface bursts (source region EMPs (SREMPs)) or
created on space systems (system generated EMPs SGEMPs)).
This document presents the conducted HEMP environment induced on metallic lines, such as
cables or power lines, external and internal to installations, and external antennas.
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All metallic structures (i.e., wires, conductors, pipes, ducts, etc.) will be affected by the HEMP.
The conducted environment is important because it can direct the HEMP energy to sensitive
electronics through signal, power, and grounding connections. It should be noted that there are
two distinct categories of conductors: external and internal conductors (with regard to a building
or any other enclosure). While this can seem simplistic, this separation is critical in terms of the
information to be provided in this document.
The difference between these two types of conductors is explained by electromagnetic topology.
In general, external conductors are those which are located outside of a building and are
completely exposed to the full HEMP environment. This category includes power, metallic
communication lines, antenna cables, and water and gas pipes (if metallic). For the purposes
of this document, the conductors can be elevated above the ground or buried in the earth.
Internal conductors are those which are located in a partially or completely shielded building
where the HEMP fields have been reduced by the building. This is a much more complex
situation, because the HEMP field waveforms will be significantly altered by the building shield,
and the coupling to internal wires and cables is consequently very difficult to calculate, although
some measured data are available from simulated HEMP tests.
In this document the external conducted common mode environments are calculated using
simplified conductor geometries and the specified HEMP environments for the early,
intermediate, and late-time waveforms. These conducted external environments are intended
to be used to evaluate the performance of protection devices outside of a building, and because
of variations in telecom and power systems, the effects of transformers and telephone splice
boxes are not considered here. This process results in approximate, but well-defined waveforms
that are needed to test protective elements on external conductors in a standardized manner.
For the internal conductors, a procedure is defined to estimate the conducted environments
appropriate for equipment testing. For unshielded multiconductor wires, it is assumed that the
line-to-ground currents are equal to the common-mode current.
For the early-time HEMP, the high-amplitude electric field couples efficiently to antennas and
to any exposed lines such as power and telephone lines. The antenna coupling mechanism is
extremely variable and dependent on the details of the antenna design. In many cases, it is
advisable to perform continuous wave (CW) testing of an antenna and to "combine" the
response function of the antenna with the incident HEMP environment using a convolution
technique. However, simple formulae have been provided to compute the response of thin
antennas (see 5.5). For long lines, it is possible to perform a comprehensive set of common
mode calculations that are reliable and depend only upon a few parameters. These parameters
include conductor length, exposure situation (above ground or buried), and the surface ground
conductivity (for depths between 0 m and 5 m). In addition, because the HEMP coupling is
dependent on angle of elevation and polarization (see Figure 1), it is possible to statistically
examine the probability of producing particular levels of current.
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Table 1 describes the calculated, coupled, common-mode short-circuit currents and the
Thévenin equivalent source impedances (used to determine the open-circuit voltages) as
functions of severity level, length of conductor, and ground conductivity. These results are
appropriate for the common-mode currents flowing on bare wires, overhead insulated wires,
and the shields of shielded cables or coaxial transmission lines. For shielded cables one should
use measured or specified cable transfer impedances to determine internal wire currents and
voltages. Although some waveform variation occurs for different exposure geometries, a single
time waveform is specified for elevated lines. The waveform is defined in terms of the rise time
(10 % to 90 %) and the pulse width (at half maximum); when the pulse characteristics of rise
time and pulse width are described together, the usual description is ∆t r /∆t pw .
In Table 1 a severity level of 99 % indicates that 99 % of the currents produced will be less than
this value. The buried line currents calculated vary much less with angle of incidence and
indicate a very broad probability distribution (small differences between 10 % and 90 %
severity) and therefore are not described in terms of severity levels; variations are shown for
ground conductivity. In terms of applicability for Table 1, the elevated conductor currents are
accurate for heights above 5 m while the buried currents can be used for conductors slightly (h
< 30 cm) above the surface and below the surface. For conductor heights below 5 m, the values
in Table 1 can be linearly interpolated (between 0,3 m and 5 m). For cases where the lines from
an elevated geometry enter the ground in an insulated manner, the currents will initially
resemble waveform 1, decreasing as a function of burial distance until waveform 2 is reached
(requires approximately 20 m). Consult Annex A for further information regarding the derivation
of these waveforms.
Elevated conductor
I pk
Severity L > 200 m 100 ≤ L ≤ 200 m L < 100 m
(%) a
50 500 500 5,0 × L
90 1 500 7,5 × L 7,5 × L
99 4 000 20 × L 20 × L
a Percentage of currents smaller than the indicated value.
Waveform 1: 10/100 ns.
Source impedance: Z s = 400 Ω.
Buried conductor
I pk
σg All lengths > 10 m
10 −2 200
10 −3 300
10 −4 400
The intermediate-time HEMP environment only couples efficiently to long conductors in excess
of 1 km. It is therefore of interest primarily for external conductors such as power and commu-
nication lines. Because the pulse width of this environment is much wider than that of the early-
time environment, the coupling varies less as a function of angle of elevation. This means that
the statistical variation is less important than in the case of the early-time coupling. On the other
hand, the ground conductivity is more important here, affecting the coupling to elevated lines
in addition to buried lines. See Annex B for a more detailed discussion.
Table 2 describes the conducted external environment as a function of line length and ground
conductivity (to depths of 1 km).
Elevated conductor
I pk
σg L > 10 000 m 1 000 ≤ L ≤ 10 000 m 100 ≤ L ≤ 1 000 m L < 100 m
10 −2 150 75 0,05 × L 0
Buried conductor
I pk
σg L > 1 000 m 100 ≤ L ≤ 1 000 m L < 100 m
10 −2 50 0,05 × L 0
10 −3 150 0,15 × L 0
10 −4 450 0,45 × L 0
The late-time HEMP environment is only important for coupling to long external conductors such
as power and communication lines. In this case, however, the computation of short-circuit
currents for typical cases of interest is not easily accomplished. This is because the late-time
HEMP environment is described as a voltage source that is produced in the earth which induces
currents to flow only in conductors that are connected to the earth at two or more points. Since
the current that flows is strongly dependent on the resistance present in the circuit, an analytical
method is provided here to develop a standard conducted environment.
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In order to describe the method to be used, an example case is provided. In Figure 4a), a three-
phase Y-delta power configuration is shown along with an equivalent circuit in Figure 4b) (where
E o is the peak value of the late-time HEMP). Note that the problem can be described as a quasi-
DC problem with the voltage source calculated directly from the late-time HEMP environment.
Since the highest frequencies contained in the late-time HEMP environment are of the order of
1 Hz, this is clearly appropriate. It can therefore be assumed that the voltage source V s has the
same time dependence as E o . Given that the resistances shown in the lower portion of Figure 4
(the parallel Y winding resistances R y and the "footing" or grounding resistances R f ) are not
frequency dependent for f < 1 Hz, then the induced current I pk will have the same time
dependence as E o .
Using the example provided, the peak current can be calculated as:
Ipk = (1)
2( Rf + Ry ) + r L L
r L is the parallel wire resistance per unit length (Ω/m);
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For a long transmission line in North America, a 500 kV line would have a resistance per unit
length of 8,3 × 10−6 Ω/m, a transformer winding resistance of 0,06 Ω and a grounding resistance
of 0,75 Ω. For a 105 m length line and a peak field E o of 0,04 V/m (from IEC 61000-2-9), this
formula results in a peak current of approximately 1 630 A. Given this peak value, the current
time waveform can be approximated by a unipolar pulse with a rise time and pulse width of
1/50 s. To simulate the waveform for this example, one could use a voltage source of 4 kV with
a source impedance of 2,45 Ω. It is important to recognize the necessity to ground transformers
in order to use the circuit in Figure 4. Some transformers are delta-delta and do not possess a
direct path to ground as shown in the figure.
Formula (1) above can easily be translated to cover cases other than power lines by computing
the total resistance in the circuit, and dividing it into the total voltage induced over the length of
the conductor. Formula (1) is provided for the case of long cables over land, and for deep
undersea cables the currents calculated may be reduced by up to a factor of 100. This reduction
is due to the behaviour of the electric field E o which is inversely proportional to the square root
of the deep ground conductivity (to depths of 10 km to 100 km). For freshwater lakes or shallow
seas, the currents may not be reduced as much.
Antennas come in many different sizes and shapes. At frequencies in the VLF and LF range
(3 kHz to 300 kHz), such antennas are often in the form of very long wires which are sometimes
buried in the earth. Antennas in the MF band (300 kHz to 3 000 kHz) are often in the form of a
vertical tower which is fed against a buried counterpoise grid buried in the earth. In the HF and
VHF bands (3 MHz to 30 MHz and 30 MHz to 300 MHz, respectively), the antennas typically
appear as centre-fed dipoles, and at the higher frequencies (UHF, SHF, etc.) they become more
like a distributed system, involving reflecting dishes and radiating apertures.
Usually, antennas are operated in a narrow band of frequencies located around a fundamental
design frequency. In order to enhance their narrow-band performance, such antennas are often
"tuned" by adding lumped impedance elements, by adding additional passive elements near the
active antenna, or by locating the antenna in an array.
Usually, the antenna of Figure 5 is located in the vicinity of other conducting bodies that modify
the incident field and, consequently, change the response from that obtained for the isolated
antenna. For example, the antenna can be located on or near the ground where an earth-
reflected field can provide an additional antenna excitation. Equally the dipole might be mounted
on a long mast where the scattered field from the mast and support wires will modify the
As with the variations in the antenna geometry, it is difficult to take into account all of these
possibilities in developing a standard response waveform. The problem is made a bit easier,
however, by the fact that in many cases, the reflected field arrives at the antenna after the
incident field has excited the antenna, suggesting that the incident field response can still
provide an adequate specification of the response. For this simplified specification process, the
influence of any scattered field excitation is neglected.
To calculate the response of the antenna, the fundamental resonance frequency is given by
fc = (2)
c is the speed of light, and
l is the total length of a dipole or twice the height of a monopole over a ground plane.
− πfc t
IL ( t ) = k I p e Q
sin ( 2πfc t ) for t ≥ 0 (3)
with I p defined in Table 3. The normalizing factor k is defined to allow I L to peak at a value of
I p , and it depends on the values of Q and f c . In Table 3, I p is defined as the product lH p , where
H p is the peak incident HEMP magnetic field. Below 10 MHz the peak antenna current is
assumed constant.
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 19 –
l Hp lH p Ip
While the previous approach provides near-worst case coupling results for a thin-wire vertical
dipole antenna (but without earth reflections), it is possible to provide probabilistic coupling
information using a technique similar to that employed earlier in Table 1. Using an approach
which considers the variation of the angle of elevation with area coverage from a 100 km burst
height, Annex C provides detailed coupling results for two thin wire antennas. These include a
vertical monopole antenna of length l m (including HEMP earth reflections) and a horizontal
dipole antenna of length l h (without earth reflections), both with 50 Ω loads. These peak results
are summarized in Table 4 to Table 6 for the vertical monopole antenna and Table 7 to Table 9
for the horizontal dipole. Annex E provides a procedure for determining the time waveform
description for analysis and testing.
Table 4 – HEMP response levels for V oc for the vertical monopole antenna
Values are in kV
Length 1m 3m 10 m 100 m
Severity 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 %
Dip angle
0° 13,6 28,4 33,6 46,5 91,7 104,6 125,7 232,0 249,0 383,2 470,7 477,1
15° 13,1 27,0 32,4 45,1 88,5 101,1 125,3 226,2 240,5 365,5 454,0 461,0
30° 11,8 24,3 29,0 40,5 80,3 90,4 107,2 200,2 215,5 326,9 406,9 413,1
45° 9,5 19,5 23,7 32,7 64,9 73,8 89,0 164,3 175,9 273,6 332,3 337,3
60° 6,6 14,1 16,5 23,3 45,6 52,1 63,9 116,4 124,4 190,1 234,8 238,4
75° 3,5 7,2 8,6 12,0 23,9 26,9 33,2 60,1 64,3 98,8 121,6 123,3
90° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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Table 5 – HEMP response levels for I sc for the vertical monopole antenna
Values are in kA
Length 1m 3m 10 m 100 m
Severity 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 %
Dip angle
0° 0,08 0,19 0,22 0,33 0,66 0,70 1,12 1,74 1,91 3,13 3,68 4,37
15° 0,08 0,18 0,21 0,32 0,64 0,68 1,13 1,68 1,85 3,02 3,55 4,31
30° 0,07 0,16 0,19 0,28 0,57 0,61 0,96 1,50 1,65 2,71 3,25 4,13
45° 0,06 0,13 0,16 0,23 0,47 0,50 0,79 1,23 1,35 2,23 2,72 3,67
60° 0,04 0,10 0,11 0,16 0,33 0,35 0,57 0,87 0,95 1,57 1,94 2,73
75° 0,02 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,17 0,18 0,30 0,45 0,49 0,81 1,01 1,38
90° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 6 – HEMP response levels for I L for the loaded vertical monopole antenna a
Values are in kA
Length 1m 3m 10 m 100 m
Severity 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 %
Dip angle
0° 0,06 0,15 0,17 0,23 0,49 0,55 0,76 1,31 1,33 2,37 2,71 3,53
15° 0,06 0,14 0,16 0,23 0,48 0,53 0,76 1,26 1,29 2,28 2,59 3,34
30° 0,05 0,13 0,15 0,20 0,43 0,47 0,65 1,13 1,15 2,03 2,32 3,00
45° 0,04 0,10 0,12 0,16 0,35 0,39 0,54 0,92 0,94 1,69 1,91 2,51
60° 0,03 0,07 0,08 0,12 0,25 0,27 0,39 0,65 0,67 1,17 1,35 1,79
75° 0,02 0,04 0,04 0,06 0,13 0,14 0,20 0,34 0,34 0,61 0,70 0,91
90° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a For the corresponding load voltage values, multiply these values by 50 Ω.
Table 7 – HEMP response levels for V oc for the horizontal dipole antenna
Values are in kV
Length 1m 3m 10 m 100 m
Severity 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 %
Dip angle
0° 0,8 4,0 11,5 2,8 13,5 44,0 7,9 37,9 110,4 19,0 99,8 289,1
15° 4,9 7,0 13,1 17,1 25,1 45,8 44,3 68,2 113,3 115,3 162,2 309,1
30° 8,9 12,5 15,4 31,0 45,6 53,9 81,3 128,1 154,6 211,9 291,0 367,3
45° 12,5 17,6 18,6 43,1 64,1 67,3 112,7 179,7 188,2 293,9 407,4 434,7
60° 15,1 21,4 21,9 52,5 78,2 79,8 136,2 218,6 224,0 355,4 495,9 508,0
75° 16,8 23,9 24,2 58,3 87,0 88,4 152,2 243,9 248,6 395,1 552,1 563,6
90° 18,0 24,6 25,1 60,0 89,9 91,5 159,4 251,7 257,2 404,8 573,1 583,3
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 21 –
Table 8 – HEMP response levels for I sc for the horizontal dipole antenna
Values are in kA
Length 1m 3m 10 m 100 m
Severity 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 %
Dip angle
0° 0,003 0,01 0,04 0,01 0,05 0,15 0,03 0,16 0,47 0,10 0,53 1,66
15° 0,02 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,09 0,17 0,19 0,27 0,48 0,55 0,81 1,71
30° 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,11 0,17 0,20 0,35 0,49 0,62 1,04 1,36 1,99
45° 0,04 0,06 0,06 0,15 0,24 0,25 0,49 0,69 0,73 1,47 1,87 2,27
60° 0,05 0,07 0,07 0,18 0,29 0,30 0,59 0,84 0,86 1,79 2,27 2,52
75° 0,05 0,08 0,08 0,20 0,32 0,33 0,65 0,94 0,96 2,00 2,52 2,65
90° 0,05 0,08 0,08 0,21 0,34 0,34 0,67 0,97 0,99 2,06 2,61 2,69
Table 9 – HEMP response levels for I L for the loaded horizontal dipole antenna a
Values are in kA
Length 1m 3m 10 m 100 m
Severity 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 % 50 % 90 % 99 %
Dip angle
0° 0,002 0,012 0,032 0,008 0,040 0,13 0,028 0,14 0,39 0,078 0,42 1,26
15° 0,014 0,020 0,036 0,050 0,078 0,14 0,16 0,23 0,40 0,45 0,65 1,33
30° 0,024 0,036 0,044 0,092 0,15 0,17 0,29 0,44 0,54 0,84 1,10 1,58
45° 0,034 0,050 0,054 0,13 0,20 0,22 0,41 0,61 0,64 1,17 1,51 1,83
60° 0,042 0,062 0,062 0,16 0,25 0,26 0,50 0,74 0,76 1,44 1,83 2,05
75° 0,046 0,068 0,070 0,17 0,28 0,29 0,55 0,83 0,85 1,60 2,04 2,18
90° 0,048 0,070 0,072 0,17 0,28 0,30 0,57 0,86 0,88 1,66 2,10 2,22
a For the corresponding load voltage values, multiply these values by 50 Ω.
The first step in the internal conductor problem is to recognize that the leakage of external
conducted transients is a major consideration. One should take the conducted environments
specified above and determine the type of protection present at the entry point into the facility.
Using either analyses or test data, one can estimate the current waveform that penetrates the
facility. It should be noted that if a non-linear device is present, it will probably be necessary
to perform a test using IEC 61000-4-24, unless the amount of suppression is expected to be
very high.
– 22 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
The second step is to estimate the amount of electromagnetic attenuation that will occur for the
early-time HEMP radiated environment. (It is not necessary to evaluate the intermediate or late-
time field attenuation because those low frequency fields will not couple well to the compact
cable geometries present inside most facilities.) Defining A t as the plane wave attenuation factor
(for f > 1 MHz), D as the internal cable length of interest in metres, and B as an amplitude factor
based on the severity factors introduced in Table 1, one can estimate the peak internal common
mode cable current I pk as
The amplitude parameter B in units of A/m has been developed so the product BD is consistent
with the last column in Table 1, elevated conductor; B is defined as 5,0 A/m, 7,5 A/m and 20 A/m
for severity levels of 50 %, 90 % and 99 %, respectively. Therefore, for a severity level of 50 %,
a building attenuation factor of 0,01 (–40 dB) and a conductor length of 10 m, the peak coupled
current is 0,5 A. As indicated in Annex D, the current waveforms produced are expected
to resemble damped sinusoids. Formulae (2) and (3) should be employed assuming l = D and
Q ≥ 60.
This process is not precise because the attenuation of an incident electromagnetic field is not
uniform with frequency, especially if apertures are present. In addition, once the internal field
is established, there are often many cables present that make accurate coupling calculations
difficult. Finally, the size and shape of a facility will produce cavity modes that will impact the
waveshape of the coupled currents. In spite of these difficulties, this procedure can provide a
rough estimate of the internal conducted currents.
A second alternative procedure for estimating internal conducted currents I pk due to HEMP
includes the direct use of data collected in the past for three classes of building construction.
As provided in Annex D, the 50 %, 90 %, and 99 % severity currents are given for concrete
block, riveted metal and poured concrete construction. 50 % peak-to-peak currents are 10 A,
10 A and 3 A for the three construction methods, while the 99 % values are 25 A, 25 A and 7 A,
respectively. These internal currents are due to external HEMP field coupling only and do not
include the contribution of currents which enter through penetrating conductors. The time
waveforms of the currents are found using Formulae (2) and (3), with f c = 7 MHz and Q ≥ 60.
A third (and most accurate) procedure for deriving the internal conductor currents is through
experimental measurements. The procedure usually involves the use of a continuous wave
simulator over the range of 100 kHz to 500 MHz. The building is exposed at several positions
for different angles of elevation and field polarizations while measuring the internal cable
currents. The transfer functions are then convolved with the incident early-time HEMP waveform
to compute internal cable current waveforms. It is usually necessary to evaluate the variation
of the current waveform peak values and pulse shapes to develop composite waveforms for
equipment testing purposes.
It is important to recognize that the three procedures indicated here provide only the internal
currents due to direct HEMP field coupling. It is necessary to estimate (or measure) the leakage
of external currents through the facility walls (including surge protection) to determine the
contribution of the external currents to the total internal currents.
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 23 –
Annex A
The results presented earlier in Table 1 were produced from a series of probabilistic coupling
calculations from Ianoz et al [1] 1. In these calculations, the authors used the IEC early-time
HEMP electric field pulse as defined in IEC 61000-2-9 to compute the coupling (short-circuit
current) to a 10 m high, 1 km long line over a ground with a 10 –2 S/m conductivity. The
calculations were performed separately for both 100 % horizontal and 100 % vertical
polarization. For each polarization, angles of elevation ψ and azimuth φ between the incident
field propagation vector and the line were varied over a 2,5° mesh. These results were saved
and recombined for any burst height and earth location (by the geomagnetic latitude) of interest.
Figure A.1 presents a summary of the calculations for a 100 km burst for five magnetic dip
angles (0°, 45°, 67°, 75° and 90°). For the coupling results, the 0° results were not used here
because the coupling calculations did not consider the reduction of the HEMP electric field due
to the lower value of earth’s magnetic field at the magnetic equator. This would result in a
reduction of the incident field and the coupled currents by 30 % to 40 %. From the results shown
( θ dip > 45°) in Figure A.1, the selection of 4 000 A for 1,0 % of the cases, 1 500 A for 10 %, and
500 A for 50 % is indicated (within 10 % accuracy). The 1 %, 10 %, and 50 % probabilities
discussed in Annex A are equivalent to the 99 %, 90 % and 50 % severity levels discussed in
Clause 5.
1 Numbers in square brackets refer to the Bibliography.
– 24 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
For the time waveform current characteristics presented in this document, the study performed
in [1] also considered several waveform characteristics including the waveform rise time (10 %
to 90 %) and the rectified impulse which is the pulse area for a monopolar pulse. The rectified
impulse values for the vertical polarizations are given in Table A.1 along with the computation
of the effective pulse width, ∆t pw (rectified impulse divided by peak), using the specified peak
Table A.1 – Rectified impulse (RI) and computed effective pulse widths for vertical
polarization of the early-time HEMP for an elevated conductor (h = 10 m)
% A×s A ns
50 3,7 × 10 –5 500 74
1 3,0 × 10 –4 4 000 75
For this evaluation a maximum effective pulse width of 127 ns is selected and is translated into
a pulse width at half maximum of 88 ns by assuming an exponentially decaying waveform. This
is approximated as 100 ns in Table 1.
The evaluation of the rise time characteristics was more difficult for this coupling study. The
10 % to 90 % rise time was tabulated in [1] for both horizontal and vertical HEMP polarization.
The results indicated minimum rise times of 2,3 ns and 5,1 ns for horizontal and vertical field
polarization. After careful examination it was found that these rise times did not occur when the
peak currents were the largest. Since the derivative itself was not tabulated in that study,
additional calculations were required.
For complete vertical polarization of the IEC electric field pulse, a maximum current derivative
of 2,7 × 10 11 A/s was calculated at an elevation angle of 5° for the same coupling geometry
used in [1]. This maximum value was found from a series of calculations, and the peak value of
the coupled current was maximized at the same angle. For the specified 1 % probability case,
the computed 10 % to 90 % rise time is:
For the purposes of this document, a rise time of 10 ns was selected. Although it appeared
likely that slower rise times would be appropriate for the more probable cases, calculations
showed that the 50 % case indicated a rise time of 14,4 ns. Therefore, given the relatively small
difference, the same pulse rise time is used for all cases in Table 1.
For buried communications or power lines, the coupled HEMP signal does not vary substantially
with field polarization or angle, although the near-surface ground conductivity is of some
importance. HEMP calculations using the IEC pulse were performed for a line buried at a depth
of 1,0 m in three ground conductivities: 10 –2 S/m, 10 –3 S/m and 10 –4 S/m. The results of
42 calculations which considered variations in angles of elevations and field polarization are
summarized in Table A.2.
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 25 –
σg Polarization Max I sc ψ
S/m A degrees
10 −2 V 152 60
10 −2 H 148 90
10 −3 V 332 45
10 −3 H 267 90
10 −4 V 437 30
10 −4 H 418 90
For the two lower conductivities, these values are rounded to the nearest 100 A in Table 1
(10 −3 – 300 A, 10 −4 – 400 A) which creates in both cases a 10 % reduction. For the higher
conducting ground entries shown in Table A.2, the current is adjusted upward to 200 A to
account for the higher field levels nearer to the earth’s surface (appropriate for shallower burial
In terms of the waveshapes to be used, the range of 10 % to 90 % rise times and pulse widths
at half maximum are given in Table A.3.
S/m ns ns
Averaging the variations provided in Table A.3 for each ground conductivity, Table A.4 indicates
the results.
σg Δt r (10 % to 90 %) Δt pw (50 % to 50 %)
S/m ns ns
10−2 24,6 271
10−3 25,0 275
10−4 28,4 428
Given this information, it is recommended that a rise time of 25 ns be used. For the pulse width,
the variations are stronger with ground conductivity, and a value of 500 ns is recommended
(rather than 400 ns) to cover the larger pulse widths computed (see Table A.3) for low ground
conductivity. These values are applied in Table 1.
– 26 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
Annex B
B.1 General
The short-circuit results presented in Table 2 were produced from a series of 70 HEMP coupling
calculations for an elevated (h = 10 m) and buried (h = –1 m) conductor. The study considered
variations in line length (1 km to 100 km), angle of elevation (0° to 85°) and ground conductivity
(10 –2 S/m, 10 –3 S/m and 10 –4 S/m). A time-dependent transmission line code was employed
for the calculations, and the IEC incident intermediate-time waveform was used assuming
vertical polarization.
For lines greater than 10 km in length, the maximum peak short-circuit currents and waveform
characteristics are shown in Table B.1.
Ground I pk Δt r (10 % to 90 %) Δt pw
S/m A µs µs
For shorter lines, the peak currents are reduced but the pulse characteristics are similar.
Recommended values for the peak currents are approximated as 150 A, 350 A and 850 A in
Table 2. The pulse characteristics can be approximated to provide a rise time of 25 μs and an
effective pulse width of 2 100 μs; this effective pulse width is converted to a pulse width at half
maximum of 1 500 μs.
For buried lines longer than 1 km, the peak currents calculated are nearly constant, varying
only with the ground conductivity. For line lengths shorter than 1 km, length scaling is
appropriate. Angle of incidence variations for elevation angles from 0° to 85° indicate a variation
of less than 10 %. Table B.2 presents the summary of the HEMP calculations.
Ground I pk Δt r (10 % to 90 %) Δt pw
S/m A µs µs
10 −2 46 38 to 57 1 800 to 2 000
The results shown above can be approximated for peak values of 50 A, 150 A and 450 A by
a single pulse waveform with a rise time (10 % to 90 %) of 40 μs and an effective pulse width
of 2 100 μs. Converting the effective pulse width to a half width (assuming an exponential
decay) yields a value of 1 455 μs or 1 500 μs. Because the waveform characteristics are similar
for both elevated and buried lines, only a single waveform is required in Table 2, and the values
of 25 μs and 1 500 μs are used.
– 28 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
Annex C
C.1 Overview
For the understanding of the protection requirements of civilian systems against the effects of
a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP), it is useful to have an indication of the possible
responses of various types of antennas. The analysis of antennas is a mature discipline, with
many different calculational models available for use in determining typical responses [2].
However, the analysis of antennas is frequently conducted only in the in-band (i.e., the
operational) frequency range, and this is not particularly useful for obtaining the transient
response of an antenna, in which a very wide-band analysis is required.
Furthermore, when a transient response of an antenna is conducted, the results are often
presented in the form of a transient waveform for a limited number of angles of incidence of the
excitation. Thus, a global understanding of the behaviour of the antenna and its typical
responses usually is not available.
One way of remedying this situation is to perform a large number of individual transient antenna
calculations for different angles of incidence of the HEMP and then to present the results of the
antenna response (e.g., the peak value of the open-circuit voltage of the antenna) in the form
of a cumulative probability distribution (CPD) which provides an indication of the probability of
a response of the antenna exceeding a specified value. In this document, the responses of two
different antennas are determined for the IEC early-time HEMP environment. The antennas are
a vertical monopole antenna which is assumed to be fed against the earth, and a horizontal
dipole antenna which is located above the earth. In each of these cases, the observables
considered are the peak values of the open-circuit voltage (V oc ), the short-circuit current (I sc ),
the peak voltage across a 50 Ω load connected to the input of the antenna (V L ), and the
corresponding peak current flowing through the 50 Ω load (I L ).
As described in IEC 61000-2-9, the HEMP is represented by an incident plane wave shown in
Figure C.1 which is incident on a system on or near the ground with a vertical angle of elevation
ψ and an azimuthal angle of incidence φ , which is measured with respect to some convenient
reference direction (the x-axis).
Because of the spherical earth geometry, only a limited area on the earth’s surface is directly
illuminated by the HEMP fields. As shown in Figure C.2, the illuminated region on the earth is
defined by the tangent radius R t in km, which is given by the expression
Rt = Re arcos (C.1)
Re + HOB
where HOB is the height of the burst in km, and R e is the earth radius (6 371,2 km). For HOB <
500 km, this expression is approximated by
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 29 –
For the present study, it is assumed that the burst is located at a height of 100 km. This implies
that the tangent radius is R t ≈ 1 100 km.
Outside the illuminated region, the HEMP fields are taken to be zero. Within this region, the
incident field is assumed to have a time history given by a double exponential waveform of
the form
7 8
=E inc ( t ) 65 000 e−4×10 t − e−6×10 t t > 0 (C.3)
where E is in units of V/m and t is in units of seconds. The linearly polarized waveform is
decomposed into vertically and horizontally polarized components, as indicated in Figure C.1.
As discussed in IEC 61000-2-9, the division of the incident HEMP field into vertical and
horizontal components depends on the dip angle of the geomagnetic field θ dip . This parameter
varies with the locations of the burst and observer, and hence, it is treated as an independent
variable in this study: responses for different values of θ dip are calculated. The vertical and
horizontal components of the incident field are denoted by E v inc and E h inc and are given in terms
of the polarization fractions f v and f h , as E v inc = f v E inc and E h inc = f h E inc . For this study the
polarization fractions have been approximated at their maximum values, f v = cos θ dip and f h =
sin θ dip .
As shown in Figure C.1, the two antennas considered are a vertical monopole antenna mounted
on the earth, and a horizontal dipole antenna extended parallel to the earth. To compute the
induced current in these antennas, it is necessary to know the tangential excitation E-field along
the antennas. This field consists of the incident HEMP field, plus the ground-reflected field. For
the vertical monopole, the excitation field is the z-component of the E-field, which at any height
z, is given as [3]:
where E is in units of V/m, k is in units of 1/m and z is given in metres. R v is the Fresnel reflection
coefficient for a vertically polarized field, given by [4]:
σg σg
εr 1+ sinψ − εr 1+ − cos2ψ
jwεr ε0 jwεr ε0
Rv = (C.5)
σg σg
εr 1+ sinψ + εr 1+ − cos2ψ
jwεr ε0 jwεr ε0
where σ g is the electrical conductivity of the ground, ε r is the relative permittivity of the ground
and ε 0 is the free-space permittivity. Notice that for this vertical field, only the vertically polarized
component of the incident HEMP field contributes to the response.
For the horizontal antenna, which is assumed to be parallel to the x-axis, the E x field component
at a height h over the ground is required as the excitation. This field is expressed in terms of
both the vertically polarized and horizontally polarized waveform components as [3]:
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 31 –
Ex ( ) ( )
E inc e− jkx cosψ cosΦ cosθdip sinψ cosΦ 1 − Rv e jk 2h sinψ + sin θdip sinΦ 1 + Rv e jk 2h sinψ (C.6)
where the Fresnel reflection for the horizontal field, R h , has been introduced. This is also given
in [4] as
σg 2
sinψ - εr 1 + − cos ψ
jwεr ε0
Rh = (C.7)
σg 2
sinψ + εr 1 + − cos ψ
jwεr ε0
C.3.1 General
Given the tangential excitation fields of Formula (C.4) and Formula (C.6), together with a
specification of the antenna length, radius and load impedance, the induced currents on a given
antenna and in the loads can be computed by using the method of moments [5]. This is a
numerical procedure which solves the frequency-dependent integral formula for the current.
Once the frequency domain spectrum of the response is computed, the transient response is
computed using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Details of such calculations are presented in
[6] and [7].
Figure C.3 illustrates the geometry of the vertical monopole used in this study. As noted in
Formula (C.4), the excitation field is independent of the azimuthal angle φ . Consequently, only
the vertical angle of elevation ψ enters into the calculation. The monopole has a length L, a
radius a, and has a 50 Ω load at the base of the antenna connected to the ground. For such
antennas, it is common to specify the length to radius ratio through a parameter Ω 0 , defined as
Ω0 = 2ln (C.8)
For the present calculation, the parameter Ω 0 = 8, which corresponds to an L/a ratio of 27,3,
represents a reasonably thick antenna.
In these calculations, the earth is taken to have a conductivity σ g = 0,01 S/m and a relative
permittivity ε r = 10, which are typical values according to [4].
– 32 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
For this antenna (as well as for the dipole to be discussed in C.3.3, four quantities have been
calculated: the open-circuit voltage (V oc ) at the source "gap" located at the base of the antenna,
the short-circuit current (I sc ) flowing at the base of the antenna, the loaded voltage (V L ) across
the impedance at the input of the antenna, and the corresponding load current (I L ). All of these
quantities are related by the integral formula for the antenna current as described by Harrington
[5]. Because of the simple V-I relationship at the load impedance, the load voltage and load
current are related trivially by V L = Z L I L . Of special interest here is the peak value of the transient
responses, and these are the quantities actually extracted and retained as the calculation
The determination of the CPDs for the above observables involves performing a large number
of calculations of the antenna responses as an observation point is chosen at random in the
illumination region. Typically, 3 000 distinct observation locations have been used and for each
location, the solution of the integral formula is used to provide a knowledge of the observable
values. This leads to a distribution of responses and ultimately to the CPD, which provides the
probability of a particular response exceeding a specified value.
The geometry of the horizontal dipole antenna is shown in Figure C.4. The excitation function
for this antenna depends on both the φ and ψ angles of incidence, as well as on both polarization
components of the incident field. For this antenna, the total length is denoted by L, the radius
is a, and the load impedance is again chosen to be 50 Ω. The length to radius ratio for this case
is defined as
Ω0 = 2ln (C.9)
where again the parameter Ω 0 = 8 has been used. This corresponds to an L/a ratio of 54,6.
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 33 –
The presence of the ground plane has caused another parameter to be needed in describing
the geometry − namely the height of the antenna over the ground, h. As noted in Formula (C.6),
the excitation of the antenna arises from the incident field plus a ground-reflected contribution.
Typically, the ground-reflected excitation tends to induce an antenna response that cancels the
response induced by the incident field. However, this cancelling excitation contribution usually
arrives at the antenna after the first peak in the response has occurred. Thus, the earth-reflected
field often has no impact on the peak values of the response for antennas that are higher than
L/2 over the ground. Therefore, a good estimate of the worst case response of the antenna is
provided by neglecting the ground reflection completely, and treating the antenna as if it were
in free-space. This is certainly reasonable, as these types of antennas are usually located far
from the earth in order to optimize their in-band operational characteristics.
Calculations for the CPDs of the dipole antenna responses are carried out in the same way as
for the monopole antenna, except that the variations of the angle φ shall also be taken into
account. This is done by assuming that for a fixed antenna direction (along the x-axis), the angle
φ can take any value between 0° and 360° with equal probability. For these calculations, a total
of 3 000 antenna locations within the illuminated region were used, with a total of 500 values
of φ being used for each antenna location. This required a total of 1,5 million coupling cases to
be considered to generate the probability curves.
Using the previously discussed analysis procedure and numerical models, the CPDs for the four
antenna responses to the IEC early-time HEMP environment have been calculated for both
antenna types. For this study, four different values of length L have been used: L = 1 m, 3 m,
10 m and 100 m for both the monopole and the dipole antennas. These results are presented
in Clause C.4.
The computed CPDs for the vertical monopole antenna load currents and voltages are
presented in Figure C.5, Figure C.6, Figure C.7, and Figure C.8, for the four different monopole
Similarly, the CPDs for the horizontal dipole antenna load currents and voltages are presented
in Figure C.9, Figure C.10, Figure C.11, and Figure C.12, for the four different dipole lengths.
– 34 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
The probability curves of Figure C.5 through Figure C.12 provide significant detail as to the
possible antenna behaviour subject to HEMP excitation. Frequently, however, only the
responses for the 50 %, 10 % and 1 % cumulative probability levels are desired. These are
referred to in this document as the 50 %, 90 % and 99 % "severity levels", respectively, which
indicate the percentage of antenna cases having a response less than the indicated response
level. These values can be found in Table 3 to Table 9.
All of these results have been calculated for an antenna parameter Ω 0 = 8, which corresponds
to an L/a ratio of 27,3 for the monopole and an L/a ratio of 54,6 for the dipole. If a different
aspect ratio for the antenna is desired, the antenna responses would change. Figure C.13
presents multiplicative correction factors, normalized to unity for Ω 0 = 8, which can be applied
to the data of Annex C, and Table 4 to Table 9, to yield data for different antennas.
Figure C.5 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 1 m vertical monopole antenna load currents and voltages
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 35 –
Figure C.6 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 3 m vertical monopole antenna load currents and voltages
– 36 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
Figure C.7 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 10 m vertical monopole antenna load currents and voltages
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 37 –
Figure C.8 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 100 m vertical monopole antenna load currents and voltages
– 38 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
Figure C.9 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 1 m horizontal dipole antenna load currents and voltages
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 39 –
Figure C.10 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 3 m horizontal dipole antenna load currents and voltages
– 40 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
Figure C.11 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 10 m horizontal dipole antenna load currents and voltages
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 41 –
Figure C.12 – Cumulative probability distributions for the peak responses for
the 100 m horizontal dipole antenna load current and voltages
– 42 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
Figure C.13 – Plot of multiplicative correction factors for correcting the values
of V oc , I sc , I L and V L for antennas having other L / a ratios
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 43 –
Annex D
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Bell Laboratories in the United States performed low-level
continuous wave (CW) measurements of the coupling of incident HEMP fields to the wiring
inside telephone switching buildings, which ranged in size from 22 m 3 to 8 700 m 3 . They
published distributions of currents for three types of building constructions (concrete block,
riveted metal, and poured-in-place concrete with rebar). Although these measurements were
derived with a different HEMP early-time waveform than used currently by the IEC, the
frequency amplitudes of the two HEMP environments are nearly equal for frequencies between
6 MHz and 50 MHz. It is therefore expected that these currents can be used directly for IEC
purposes. Table D.1 summarizes the Bell Laboratory results for peak-to-peak currents.
Concrete block 10 20 25
Riveted metal 10 20 25
Poured concrete 3 5 7
a Percentage of currents below the indicated value (severity).
From the same set of measurements, the characteristics of the internal EMP current waveforms
were summarized. The waveforms are well described by damped sine waves as shown in
Formula (D.1) with the characteristics f c and Q found in Table D.2 and I pp in Table D.1.
− πfc t
Ic ( t ) = k Ipp 2 e ) Q
sin ( 2πfc t ) (D.1)
where I is in units of amperes, f is in units of hertz, and t is in seconds, and the normalizing
constant k is evaluated so that the maximum value of I c will be equal to I pp /2.
Damping parameter Q
Case Ringing frequency, f c Average Range
Minimum 1 20 15 to 25
Average 7 60 40 to 100
Maximum 16 150 100 to 200
– 44 – IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021
Annex E
E.1 General
Annex C of this document provides the peak values of the current and voltage responses of the
early-time (E 1 ) HEMP incident fields to simple linear antennas such as vertical monopole
antennas and horizontal dipole antennas. These peak values are provided in terms of their
probability of occurrence assuming exposure and random angles of orientation and incidence
for particular locations in the world where the geomagnetic field varies (thus changing the
horizontal and vertical polarization of the incident early-time HEMP fields). In addition,
correction factors are provided to deal with changes in the ratio of the length versus radius (L/a)
of these wire antennas, so that users of this document can correct the peak values of the
induced currents and voltages if necessary. As indicated in Annex C, L/a = 27,3 for the vertical
monopole antenna and L/a = 54,6 for the horizontal dipole antenna. Annex E provides the
details of the time waveform that should be used along with the peak value in order to test the
receivers and transmitters connected to these antennas.
It is recognized that these simple antennas cannot cover all of the types of antennas that could
be used, and therefore for other antenna types, it is recommended that continuous wave testing
be performed with radiated fields to establish the conducted transient waveforms that would
flow to connected receivers and transmitters. One would need to first measure the continuous
wave currents and voltages induced during this testing according to IEC 61000-4-23 [9] and
IEC 61000-4-33 [10] and then to convert this measured result to the time domain using the
incident early-time HEMP field in IEC 61000-2-9. Care should be taken to ensure that a variety
of angles of incidence, orientation and field polarizations are applied during this testing. An
alternative would be to use a computational method to evaluate the response of these more
complex antennas (preferably in the time domain). In this case it would be easier to consider
all elevation angles, as testing an antenna with fields from an elevated position can often be
difficult. Also, it can be more efficient and less costly to consider the orientation aspect and the
polarization of the incoming field using a calculational method as opposed to attempting many
measurements. It is important that the numerical method be validated against test data for
cases where the testing can be performed.
For simple antennas as those described in Annex C, it is well established that the nature of the
time waveform induced by a fast rising electromagnetic pulse is a damped sinusoid. In
particular, calculations in [11] for a 1 m long wire with a 1 mm radius and the incident E 1 HEMP
field from IEC 61000-2-9 using CST [12], show the characteristic behavior as expected
(Figure E.1). The numerical analysis also agrees reasonably well with an analytic solution, for
a step function rise, which is faster than the rise of the E1 HEMP. It is noted that the damping
rate of the time waveform is influenced by the length over radius (L/a) parameter, which in this
case is 1 000. In addition, another paper [13] indicates the same damped sine behaviour
although for a different set of antenna parameters.
In another IEC publication, IEC 61000-4-18 [14], damped sinusoidal conducted waveforms
(referred to as fast damped oscillatory waves) have been developed along with a test generator
to produce voltage oscillation frequencies of 3 MHz, 10 MHz and 30 MHz. While these
waveforms describe antenna responses in the HF frequency range, antennas with higher
frequency responses will require other test generators. When the frequency of oscillation
becomes higher, the peak magnitudes of the induced signals are reduced due to the decrease
in the Fourier amplitude of the early-time HEMP at frequencies above 30 MHz. Figure E.2
provides the generic waveshape of the damped sine waveform from IEC 61000-4-18 [14].
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 45 –
( t / t1 )n
=w(t ) Ak e−t / t2 cos ( 2π f t + φ ) (E.1)
1 + ( t / t1 )
where A is the peak value of the waveform, n is a fitting factor, and k is a normalizing coefficient.
The parameters to use with this formula for the three test waveforms provided in
IEC 61000-4-18 [14] are given in Table E.1; the values in the table should be converted to MKS
units (hertz and seconds) before inserting into Formula (E.1). It is noted that the rise time for
all three waveforms is the same and is set at 5 ns.
Waveform parameters
Description k n t 1 , ns f, MHz t 2 , ns φ
Fast 30 MHz 1,19 1,67 2,26 30 126 −π 2
For the simple antennas evaluated in Annex C, it is recommended that the closest antenna size
be selected, the location (latitude and longitude) of the antenna be considered (through the use
of the magnetic dip angle as described in IEC 61000-2-9), and finally the probability level be
considered. It is noted that the worst-case level is equivalent to the 0,001 probability parameter
in the figures. This provides the peak values of the load currents and voltages. If a 90 % severity
level is desired, then a probability of 0,1 should be used.
For frequencies in the HF range (3 MHz to 30 MHz), the waveform described in Figure E.2 and
Table E.1 can be applied directly. In addition, the test generator in IEC 61000-4-18 [14] exists
to test a connected receiver or transmitter to the conducted transient.
For other simple antennas, the frequency of oscillation is dependent on the type and length of
the antenna.
IEC 61000-2-10:2021 © IEC 2021 – 47 –
[1] Ianoz, M., Nicoara, B. and Radasky, W.A., Modelling of an EMP Conducted Environment,
IEEE/EMC Transactions on EMC, Vol. 38, No. 3, p. 400-413, August 1996
[2] EMP Interaction: Principles, Techniques and Reference Data, K.S.H. Lee, editor,
Hemisphere Publishing Co. New York, 1989
[5] Harrington, R.F. Field Computation by Moment Methods, Reprinted by the author,
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 1968
[6] Balanis, C.A. Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
[7] Tesche, F.M., Ianoz, M., Karlsson, T. EMC Analysis Methods and Calculational Models
(to be published)
[9] IEC 61000-4-23, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-23: Testing and
measurement techniques – Test methods for protective devices for HEMP and other
radiated disturbances
[10] IEC 61000-4-33, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-33: Testing and
measurement techniques – Measurement methods for high-power transient parameters
[11] Nicolas Mora, “On the analytical description of the induced current along a wire due to
a HEMP illumination,” Montena Technology, Memo to IEC MT 61000-2-10, 1 June 2019
[12] Dassault Systems, CST Studio Suite, “Electromagnetic Field Simulation Software,”
Release Version 2019. It is used for designing, analyzing and optimizing electromagnetic
(EM) components and systems
[14] IEC 61000-4-18, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-18: Testing and
measurement techniques – Damped oscillatory wave immunity test
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