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International Food Research Journal 20(5): 2241-2245 (2013)

Journal homepage: http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my

Characterization of Bestak sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) variety from

Indonesian origin as prebiotic
Lestari, L.A., 2Soesatyo, M.H.N.E., 3Iravati, S. and 4Harmayani, E.

School of Nutrition and Health, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Jl.

Farmako, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia;

Department of Histology and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada
University, Jl. Farmako, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Jl.
Farmako, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Flora, Bulaksumur,
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Article history Abstract

Received: 12 January 2013 The objectives of this study were to analyze the macronutrients composition, dietary fiber,
Received in revised form: and resistant starch in Bestak sweet potato variety; to identify the prebiotic components in
4 April 2013 sweet potato fiber extract (SPFE); and to evaluate the prebiotic activity of SPFE. Evaluation of
Accepted: 6 April 2013
prebiotic activity was based on the change in cell biomass after 24 h of growth of the probiotic
strain in the presence of SPFE, inulin, fructooligosacharide, or glucose relative to the change
Keywords in cell biomass of Escherichia coli grown under the same condition. Prebiotic activity was
calculated for L. plantarum Mut7 and Bifidobacterium longum JCM 1217. The results showed
Sweet potato that ash, starch, and total carbohydrate in SPFE were lower than in the raw sweet potato and
Soluble fiber its powder. However the crude protein in SPFE was higher than in the raw sweet potato and its
Insoluble fiber powder. SPFE contained 3.50% soluble fiber, 12.17% insoluble fiber, 22.23% resistant starch,
Resistant starch and 37.90% total dietary fiber. The increasing cell number of L. plantarum Mut7 was higher in
Prebiotic the SPFE substrate (3.21 log CFU/ml), whereas B. longum grew better in FOS substrate (2.19
Prebiotic activity score
log CFU/ml). The highest prebiotic activity score was obtained for L. plantarum Mut7 grown
on SPFE (1.62), whereas the lowest score was for Bifidobacterium longum grown on inulin
(0.47). It can be concluded that Bestak sweet potato variety has potency as prebiotic source
because it contains FOS, inulin and raffinose. The SPFE has prebiotic activity score that similar
to FOS, but it was higher than inulin.
© All Rights Reserved

Introduction absorption, is fermented by the intestinal microflora

and stimulates selectively the growth and / or activity
Gibson et al. (2004) defined prebiotic as “a of intestinal bacteria associated with health and
selectively fermented ingredient that allows specific wellbeing.
changes, both in the composition and/or activity in the The prebiotic activity could be determined with
gastrointestinal microbiota that confers benefits upon in vitro and in vivo method. Huebner et al. (2007)
host well-being and health”. Prebiotic components developed a simple method to determine the prebiotic
such as fructooligosaccharide (FOS), inulin, activity in vitro. This method is more simple than
raffinose, and others are naturally found in several the previous methods (Olano-Martin et al., 2002,
plants such as tubers. There are several type of tubers Palframan et al., 2003, Vulevic et al., 2004) because
from Indonesian origin that have potency as prebiotic it does not require fecal samples. The prebiotic
sources. Those tubers are sweet potatoes (Ipomoea activity score showed the ability of a given substrate
batatas), arrowroot (Marantha arundinaceae), to support the growth of an organism relative to other
canna (Canna edulis), etc. The tubers contains high organisms and relative to growth on a non-prebiotic
amount of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. substrate such as glucose. In vivo study of prebiotic
However, there are several criteria that must be met activity usually could be done with animal and human
so that dietary carbohydrates could be classified subject. In animal subjects, the prebiotic components
as a prebiotic. According to Gibson et al. (2004), were orally administered and the animals were then
the criteria are: resists gastric acidity, hydrolysis anaesthetized and sacrificed for collection of fecal
by mammalian enzymes, and gastrointestinal samples and gastrointestinal contents. Studies using

*Corresponding author.
Email: [email protected]
Tel/Fax : +62274547775
2242 Lestari et al./IFRJ 20(5): 2241-2245

human subjects were done with two approaches. SPFE powder before prebiotic analysis i.e. 1) SPFE
The first approach is measuring the concentration of powder without dilution and heat treatment (S1); 2)
gases, especially H2, in subjects given oral dose of SPFE powder was diluted with 10 parts of deionized
the prebiotic. The second approach is collecting the water, without heated (S2); 3) SPFE powder was
faeces after oral feeding of prebiotic (Gibson et al., diluted with 10 parts of deionized water and heated
2004). Each method has an advantages and limitation. at 100oC for 20 min (S3); and 4) SPFE powder was
Selection of the method was based on the purpose of diluted with 10 parts of deionized water and heated
the study and the availability of laboratory facility. at 121oC for 20 min (S4). These pre-treatment were
The objectives of this study were to analyze conducted based on our previous study that heat
the macronutrients composition, dietary fiber, and treatment of SPFE could increase the production of
resistant starch in Bestak sweet potato variety; to IgM in HB4C5 cell line (unpublished data). Briefly,
identify the prebiotic components in sweet potato 2.5 g sample was put into 25 mL conical tubes, added
fiber; and to evaluate the prebiotic activity of sweet with 5 mL deionized water, mixed and added with
potato fiber. 20 mL CH3CN, mixed and then filtered through
Whatman paper filter. The filtrate was evaporated
Materials and Methods with a rotary evaporator to evaporate out all the
CH3CN. The aqueous phase was dried with N2 in a
Bacterial strain waterbath at 50oC. After drying process, the sample
Lactobacillus plantarum Mut7 (FNCC 250), was added with 1mL deionized water and filtered
Bifidobacterium longum JCM 1217, and Escherichia through Millex 0.45 µm. As much as 20 µL of filtrate
coli FNCC 0091 were obtained from Food and was injected in HPLC column (Metacarb 87C). The
Nutrition Culture Collection (FNCC), Center for column was eluted isocratically with deionized water
Food and Nutrition Studies, Gadjah Mada University, at 85oC and a flow rate of 0.7 mL/min.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The bacteria were kept at -20
C in 10% skim milk (w/v) and 10% glycerol (w/v). Macronutrient analysis
For the prebiotic activity assays, frozen cultures were The ash was determined by dry ashing method
streaked onto MRS agar (Merck) for Lactobacillus (Nielsen, 2003). Nitrogen content was determined
plantarum Mut7 and Bifidobacterium longum JCM using the Kjeldahl method and multiplied by a factor
1217 cultures or Nutrient Broth (Merck) for E. coli 6.25 to determine the protein content (Nielsen, 2003).
FNCC 0091, followed by incubation at 37oC for 24-48 The crude fat was determined by Soxhlet method
h. Then, one colony from each plate was transferred (Nielsen, 2003), whereas the total carbohydrate
into 10 mL of MRS broth (Merck) or Nutrient Broth was calculated with “by difference method”. The
and incubated overnight. starch was determined by Somogyi-Nelson method
after degradation of starch into reducing sugar
Prebiotic and sweet potato fiber preparation (Nielsen, 2003). The soluble and insoluble fibers
The commercial prebiotics used in this study were determined by enzymatic gravimetric method
were fructooligosaccharide (FOS, Raftilose P95) (Asp et al., 1983), whereas the resistant starch was
and inulin (Fibruline 97%, Cosucra, Germany). Both determined by the method described by Goni et al.
of them were obtained from PT Alam Subur Tirta (1996). All results were expressed on a dry weight
Kencana, Jakarta, Indonesia. Bestak sweet potato basis.
variety was obtained from Karanganyar, Central
Java, Indonesia. The properties of the sweet potato Prebiotic activity assay
were white color skin, 8 cm diameter, and 20-25 Prebiotic activity reflects the ability of a given
cm length. SPFE was prepared as follow: raw sweet substrate to support the growth of an organism
potato was peeled, washed, and cut into cubes (2x2x2 relative to other organisms and relative to growth
cm3). The sweet potato was then steamed for 30 min, of a non-prebiotic substrate such as glucose. The
extracted with ethanol 80% at 60oC for 20 min. The assay was performed by substitution of glucose with
mixture was filtered through linen filter cloth and prebiotic in MRS broth medium. MRS broth contains
the cake was dried at 50oC for 24 h, ground and 20 g/L glucose. An overnight culture of probiotic
sieved with 80 mesh sieves. The prebiotic content of strain was inoculated into MRS broth containing
SPFE was determined by High Performance Liquid 2% (w/v) glucose or prebiotic. The cultures were
Chromatography (HPLC-Reflective Index Detector) incubated at 37oC under anaerobic condition for B.
using FOS, inulin, raffinose, and verbascose as longum JCM 1217 and micro aerobic condition for
standard. There were 4 different pre-treatment for L. plantarum Mut7. After 0 and 24 h of incubation,
Lestari et al./IFRJ 20(5): 2241-2245 2243

samples were enumerated on MRS agar. In addition, Table 1. Macronutrients composition of Bestak sweet
overnight cultures of E. coli FNCC 0091 was added potato variety
at 1% (v/v) to separate tubes containing M9 broth Component Sweet Potato
Raw Powder Fiber Extract
with 2% (w/v) glucose or prebiotic. The cultures Protein (%db) 2.42 + 0.15 2.61 + 0.07 3.19 + 0.02*
were incubated at 37oC and enumerated on Tryptone Fat (%db) 0.71 + 0.07 1.08 + 0.09 1.08 + 0.13
Bile X-Glucuronide (TBX) agar after 0 and 24 h of Ash (%db) 2.17 + 0.02 1.95 + 0.31 1.46 + 0.00**
Starch (%db) 86.97 + 3.10 75.02 + 1.52* 62.86 + 0.55**
incubation. Each assay was replicated three times. Total Carbohydrate (%db) 94.70 + 0.10 94.36 + 0.29 94.27 + 0.11*
Note: The results are expressed as means ± standard deviations for duplicate
Prebiotic activity score analysis. Statistically significant differences from raw sweet potato are
represented as *p < 0.05 or **p < 0.01
The prebiotic activity score was determined using
the equation described by Huebner et al. (2007).
Prebiotic activity score = {(probiotic log CFU
mL on the prebiotic at 24 h – probiotic log CFU mL-1

on the prebiotic at 0 h) / (probiotic log CFU mL-1 on

glucose at 24 h – probiotic log CFU mL-1 on glucose
at 0 h)} - {(enteric log CFU mL-1 on the prebiotic at
24 h – enteric log CFU mL-1 on the prebiotic at 0 h)
/ (enteric log CFU mL-1 on glucose at 24 h – enteric
log CFU mL-1 on glucose at 0 h)}. Figure 1. Dietary fiber composition of Bestak sweet
potato variety
Statistical analysis Note: Each bar represent average of each samples. The significantly differences from raw sweet
potato are represented as *p < 0.05 or **p < 0.01.
Each result is expressed as the mean ± standard
deviation (SD). T-test was used to assess the statistical
significance of differences. Each value of p < 0.05 or
p < 0.01 is considered to be statistically significant.

Results and Discussions

Macronutrients of the Bestak sweet potato variety

Table 1 showed the macronutrients composition
of Bestak sweet potato variety. The macronutrients
composition of food can be expressed either as
a wet basis percentage (g / 100 g food) or a dry
basis percentage (g / 100 g dry solids). A dry basis
percentage was better to compare the nutrient
composition of raw and processed food sample. The
results indicated that the protein content of SPFE was
higher than in the raw and the powder. The raw sweet Figure 2. Chromatographic profiles of oligosaccharides in
potato showed the lowest protein contents (2.42%), Sweet Potato Fiber Extract (SPFE)
whereas the sweet potato fiber showed the highest Note: The prebiotic content of SPFE was analyzed by High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC-Reflective Index Detector) using FOS, inulin, raffinose, and verbascose
protein contents (3.19%). The protein was determined as standards. FOS and inulin standard injection gives the same result (the peak appears in the
same time). The peak that represents verbascose did not appear in all samples.
by the Kjeldahl method. The Kjeldahl method has S1: SPFE powder without dilution and heat treatment
S2: SPFE powder was diluted with 10 parts of deionized water, without heated
several disadvantage i.e.: 1) it measures total organic S3: SPFE powder was diluted with 10 parts of deionized water and heated at 100oC for 20 min
S4: SPFE powder was diluted with 10 parts of deionized water and heated at 121oC for 20 min.
nitrogen, not just protein nitrogen, 2) the precision
was poorer that the biuret method (Nielson, 2003). was higher than in the raw sweet potato; however the
We assumed that the highest protein contents in SPFE soluble fiber was lower. The decreasing of the soluble
might be due to the digestion process during dietary dietary fiber was due to the lost during extraction
fiber extraction. Heat treatment and extraction using process. According to Fadaei and Salehifar (2012),
80% ethanol will result in protein denaturation and the chemical extraction of dietary fiber result in a
subsequently release more amino acids and nitrogen. fewer dietary fiber compare to enzymatic method,
The ash, starch, and total carbohydrate in the SPFE however chemical extraction is easier than enzymatic
were lower than in the raw and the powder. It might extraction.
be due to the lost during extraction process of SPFE.
Figure 1 showed that the insoluble dietary fiber, Prebiotic content in sweet potato fiber
resistant starch, and total dietary fiber in the SPFE Figure 2 and 3 showed that sweet potato fiber
2244 Lestari et al./IFRJ 20(5): 2241-2245

Figure 3. Prebiotic content of sweet potato fiber extract Figure 4. Prebiotic activity score of B. longum JCM 1217
Note: Each bar represent the value from single measurement and L. plantarum Mut7 grown in SPFE, inulin, and FOS
of HPLC injection. The concentration of FOS and inulin in S1 substrate
sample was under the limit of detection (< 0.15 µg/g). Note: Each bar represent average of prebiotic activity score for B. longum JCM1217 or L.
plantarum Mut7 grown in prebiotic substrates.
S1: SPFE powder without dilution and heat treatment
S2: SPFE powder was diluted with 10 parts of deionized water,
without heated longum JCM 1217 was better in the presence of FOS.
S3: SPFE powder was diluted with 10 parts of deionized water L. plantarum Mut7 grew better in the presence of
and heated at 100oC for 20 min
SPFE substrate, although the differences with any
S4: SPFE powder was diluted with 10 parts of deionized water
and heated at 121oC for 20 min. other substrates were not significant. This indicated
that SPFE, inulin, and FOS were metabolized as well
Table 2. Increasing the cell number after 24 h of as glucose by L. plantarum Mut7. Prebiotic should be
incubation (reported as log10 CFU/mL) metabolized by bacterial culture as well as glucose is
Bacterial Culture Glucose SPFE Inulin FOS metabolized.
L. plantarum Mut7 2.44 + 1.28 3.21 + 0.63 2.49 + 0.40 2.23 + 0.07 The important characteristic of prebiotic is that it
B. longum JCM1217 1.64 + 0.13 1.99 + 0.00 1.84 + 0.10 2.19 + 0.06*
should be selective and not fermented by commensal
E. coli 1.18 + 0.27 1.08 + 0.05 2.35 + 0.08* 1.10 + 0.19
Note: The results are expressed as means + standard deviations for bacteria such as E. coli. The results from this study
triplicate analysis. The significantly differences from glucose for each
bacteria are represented as *p < 0.05 or **p < 0.01.
indicated that the increasing number of E. coli FNCC
091 grown on 2% (w/v) of SPFE and FOS were lower
extract contained FOS, inulin, and raffinose, than that grown on 2% (w/v) of glucose but there were
whereas verbascose was not detected. Several other not significantly different. The increasing number of
peaks were detected but these compounds were not E. coli grown on 2% (w/v) of inulin was greater than
identified yet. The prebiotic content of non-diluted on glucose. It is indicated that E. coli could ferment
SPFE powder was lower than diluted SPFE. Heat inulin better than glucose. Moongngarm et al. (2011)
treatment could increase the raffinose of SPFE, but also found that E. coli could ferment inulin, FOS, and
it could decrease the FOS content. The results from other type of prebiotic better than glucose. Although
this study indicated that heat treatment of SPFE could the definition of prebiotic as could be fermented
change the concentration of prebiotic. Similar to this by specific colonic bacteria especially lactic acid
finding, Böhm et al. (2005) found that degradation of bacteria, it now appears that Bacteroides and other
inulin was induced by heat treatment. Dry heating of commensal microbiota in the GI tract have the
inulin from chicory for up to 60 min at temperature metabolic capacity to metabolize prebiotic (Van der
between 135 and 195oC resulted in a significant Meulen et al., 2006), Furthermore, if the lactic acid
degradation ranging from 20-100%. Inulin and FOS bacteria fermented oligosaccharides in the GI tract, it
were similar except they were different in the degree would release mono- or disaccharides that could be
of polymerization (DP). DP refers to the number of used by other organism in GI tract including E. coli.
repeat units in an oligomer or polymer chain. The DP
of inulin was ranging from 2-60, whereas the DP of Prebiotic assay activity
FOS was less than 10. The prebiotic activity score was showed in
Figure 4. The highest prebiotic activity scores was
Growth of L. plantarum Mut7, B. longum JCM 1217 for L. plantarum Mut7 (1.62 ± 0.58) although it was
and E. coli FNCC 091 on prebiotic carbohydrate not significantly different compared to L. plantarum
Increasing of the number of the cell was measured Mut7 grown on inulin (0.66 ± 0.52) and FOS (1.32 ±
after incubation of 24 h. L. plantarum Mut7 and B. 0.79). B. longum JCM 1217 grown on SPFE substrate
longum JCM 1217 were grown on 2% (w/v) glucose shown a highest prebiotic activity score compared to
or prebiotic. Table 2 showed that the growth of B. inulin and FOS. The prebiotic activity score for B.
Lestari et al./IFRJ 20(5): 2241-2245 2245

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Institute Foundation through Doctorate Grant No. a quantitative approach for determining the in vitro
D-0132010 in 2011. The views expressed herein prebiotic potential of dietary oligosaccharides. FEMS
are those of the individual authors, and do not Microbiology Letters, 236 (1): 153–159.
necessarily reflect those of Indonesian Danone
Institute Foundation.


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