Research 2.1
Research 2.1
Research 2.1
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Prepared by:
Quintal, Franchesca
Maniaol, Khriselle
Marcelino, Karylle
Peralta, Diezel
Pascua, Harold
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Table of contents
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Most of the residents in a certain barangay are informed but still violating the
ordinance. Their lives can be endangered, not only because of the spread of the virus,
but also because of the evildoers that can be seen everywhere. Particularly to does
places where people do not usually walked by. The citizens of barangay 67 who defy
the city ordinance number 0849 can encounter kidnappers, holdapers, murderers, road
accidents, snatcher and lots of unexpected things in their way.
Like what happened to one of the residents of barangay 176, bagong silang,
Caloocan city on June 27 at 11:15pm. He was gunned down by two unidentified
suspects on board a motorcycle. This only proves that going out late at night can be
more dangerous that even the lives of the citizens are threatened.
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Residents of the city will not be permitted to leave their house after 8 p.m. for the
duration of the one-month quarantine that will cover all of Metro Manila. to 5 a.m. They
might only be permitted to be seen outside if they are driving public transportation,
commuting to or from work, delivering food or medication, or buying essential supplies.
The P1,000 fine or one-month imprisonment will be imposed on those first offenders.
While for the second time violators, they will have to pay P5,000 or face one-month
imprisonment, or both.
The main purpose of this study is to determine the importance of the ordinance to
the residence of the given barangay. Specifically, this study seeks to the answer to the
following questions.
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
3. How may the output of the study can be used to improve the level of
awareness of the residents?
Baranggay officials
This research is important for them so that they can show their importance to the people
in their jurisdictions and how they take care of their barangays so that they are aware of
that particular ordinance and so that they know what it means and what to do with that
Barangay residence
This research is also important so that they also know their ordinance so that they can
follow it and what they should do, so that they can maintain their peace in their area and
so that they are also aware that the ordinance is also for them to maintain the peace of
their place.
Future researcher
The purpose of this research is to learn more about the importance of barangay
organization and how to appreciate it.It will also assist HITC students in coming up with
ideas to keep the organization going and gaining more knowledge so that they can help
their constituents and keep peace in a barangay in such an organization.As a
researcher, the area of a barangay must be safe. They can also use this as a guide for
future researchers, particularly HITC students, on how to keep the organization they are
studying running.
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
research is, especially HITC students as well as teachers in HITC and various other
places. They will get many different ideas on how to properly implement this ordinance
in a barangay. Let's find out what the real importance of this organization is, especially
to students and parents. If we follow this organization, we can maintain human contact
and maintain peace in our barangay.
The researchers focused on the residence of Brgy 67 in Caloocan City about the
Ordinance Number 0849 series of 2020 about Curfew Hours (8pm to 5am).
Definition of terms
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Importance - the state or fact of being of great significance or value.
Imprisonment - the state of being imprisoned; captivity.
Increase - become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
Jurisdiction - the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
Knowledge - facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or
education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
Local Government - the administration of a particular town, county, or district, with
representatives elected by those who live there.
Maintain - cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue.
Municipality - a city or town that has corporate status and local government.
Ordinance - a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority.
Organization - an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a
business, society, association, etc.
Pandemic - (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
Particular - used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.
Peace - a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.
Permit - give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something.
Place - a portion of space available or designated for or being used by someone.
Prevent - keep (something) from happening or arising.
Residents - a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.
Transmission - the action or process of transmitting something, or the state of being
Virus - an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein
coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the
living cells of a host.
Widespread - found or distributed over a large area or number of people.
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Conceptual Framework
The main purpose of this study is to determine the
importance of the ordinance to the residence of the
given barangay. Specifically, this study seeks to the
answer to the following questions.
In this chapter, it shows the review of related literature that is similar and equivalent
to the present study. This research study cited previous studies which are relevant to
the present investigation. The information given in this related literature is base on facts
and other studies. This chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and
similar to the current study.
Foreign Literature
Jordan's Response to the Increased Number of COVID-19 Cases. During the first 2
weeks, Jordan had only one confirmed case of COVID-19 before starting to diagnose
new cases in the third week (from 14 to 20 March 2020), after which the country started
implementing vital interventions to combat the spread of the disease. These
interventions were empowered by the activation of the National Defense Law on 17th
March 2020. This law stipulates that, “upon a decision and a Royal Decree, a National
Defense Law shall be passed in case of emergency that would threaten the national
security or public safety in all parts of the Kingdom or in a region due to war,
disturbances, armed internal strife, public disasters or the spread of a pest or epidemic”
(7). The activation of the law led to suspension of the studies at educational institutions,
closure of borders, stopping prayers in places of worship, and all large gatherings were
According to Than (2020). During the Covid-19 pandemic governments around the
world have introduced curfews as an exceptional, yet necessary, means of containing
the spread of the virus. Yet while most countries have applied their curfews uniformly to
all citizens, authorities across several regions have introduced them only for certain
groups exclusively because of their age, including for under-18s. Most curfews have
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
now been eased, but the ones specific to children and young people are based on lazy
and harmful stereotypes about this age group which have required little justification.
These discriminatory measures are nothing new, but rather an extension of a problem
that existed before the pandemic: the issue of criminalising actions only for certain
groups of people. Also known as status offences, they are a form of age discrimination
and should be abolished.
According to Grossman, Miller (2012), Juvenile curfew laws were found to reduce
negative youth health outcomes, such as trauma transports, juvenile crime, and
victimization. These studies had higher standards of quality (stronger methodological
approaches) than those that found no effects. However, they come to the conclusion
that additional study is necessary before judgments can be made about the efficacy of
juvenile curfew laws due to the paucity of studies and issues with quality.
Local Literature
Jmv Andres Published an article entitled curfew hours in Ilocos Norte .This study
was undertook to determine the Performance of curfew hours in Ilocos Norte. The study
made use of a assessable research method through a descriptive research design. 5
Barangay Officials and 15 Barangay residents of selected Barangays from the
municipalities of Dingras, Sarrat, San Nicolas and Banna, Ilocos Norte were taken as
respondents. Percentage and frequency was used to analyze the demographic profile of
the respondents and weighted mean was used to determine the level of performance
and the problems confront by Barangay officials and residents on the performance of
curfew hours. The findings of the study tell that most of the respondents are between
26-30 with a frequency of 24 or 20.00%. Majority of the respondents are male 70.83%
and majority of them lived in the poblacion or urban areas. On level of performance of
curfew hours, the study showed that the enforcement of curfew hours is "always" Apply.
However, though the results showed that it is always apply, there are times when
Barangay officials and residents experience problem in the Performance of curfew
hours, though those problems are “sometimes” or “rarely” experience. Based on the
findings, it was therefore recommended that the Barangay Officials as the implementers
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
of curfew hours in their respective area of responsibility should maximize the use of
social media platforms like Facebook. This social technological platform would serve as
a great help for the publication of curfew hours and its Result to increase the awareness
of the residents. In addition, Barangay Officials should develop a scheduling scheme to
conduct patrol prior and during the Performance of curfew hours. Furthermore, the strict
Performance and giving of teeth to the law should also be observed. SK Officials should
also develop programs for the students to refrain them from violating curfew hours
because of academic requirements. Lastly, the Barangay Officials should adapt the
proposed action plan of this study as their basis to enhance the performance of curfew
Foreign Studies
After 19 days of discovery of the 1st case in Jordan (21 March 2020), 15 new cases
were confirmed heading a total of 98 cases in the country, which constituted a red flag
sign. On that day, several additional interventions have been taken, of which
implementing complete nationwide curfew (24/24 h) for 3 days−22–24 March—was of
great efficiency (8). After these 3 days of nationwide lockdown (from 25 March until the
moment of writing this report), the government has implemented several days of
complete curfews over weekends, in addition to the daily partial lockdowns.
During the curfew time, no one was allowed to move except the medical and nursing
staff, police, and the armed forces. The government announced that these nationwide
curfews will enable epidemiological investigation teams to trace patients' contacts and
test them. Moreover, the complete curfew promotes social distancing and minimizes the
number of new infections.
As a parent of a teenager, you know curfews are important. They help make sure
your teen is safe while also teaching them responsibility, self-control, and time
management skills. Every teen is different. What works for one child might not work for
another. Still, there are guidelines that can help you decide what your teen’s curfew
might look like. For traditional curfews, you’ll set rules for when you want your kid to be
home at night. They’ll depend on your family and your expectations as a parent.
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Make sure the curfew is rational. For a curfew to work, it should be reasonable.
Consider asking your teen what they think is a sensible curfew and start there. Both
your comfort level as a parent and theirs as your child are important.
Local Studies
Abdola mariano state that safety for each of us is what we all really want. This is one
of the things we have to watch out for. Whether you are a child, a teenager, a parent or
an elderly person, we are always praying for your safety. Every day we do different jobs,
different outdoor activities, different household chores, but we didn't know when the
accident happened...we didn't know where it would happen. But what if there was an
accident one night? What if someone in your family had an unexpected injury and was
in the hospital because a curfew was not enforced? What do you do when someone
dies? Do you just want to accept what happened? There are many things that can
happen. Or just saying bad things could happen if curfew is not enforced in all
barangays. In the last year of 2014, crimes against people who caused physical harm in
the Philippines totaled about 232,000 out of a population of 98 million, according to
Time Magazine. And 10,294 rape cases were reported. And it is said that there is a high
possibility that it will increase from 2015 to this year 2018. It was surprising to hear that
so many crimes are committed in this country, especially at night. There is no denying
that this country needs to enforce a curfew. It cannot be denied that we Filipinos are
prone to crime. And with no curfew in place, it can't hide the truth that it's not safe at
night. I strongly support a curfew. Because what have you observed in our community?
in our country? what did you see on tv what did you hear on the radio? And what did
you read in the newspaper? Don't they have anything in common? Yes! Of course they
had. Murder, rape, manslaughter, prostitution, drug trafficking, etc. Was it any wonder
that these incidents often happened at night? You should have known that. These
incidents are the result of a curfew not being enforced. These incidents increase the
person's involvement when curfew enforcement is delayed. I don't know what happened
to those who didn't support the curfew. I don't think they want their own safety. I think
they just want riots and injuries. Everyone needs to realize that imposing a lockdown is
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
for our own benefit and safety. If you think this might pose a risk, think about the
possible consequences. I don't think each of us knew when our day would be our last
day. Instead of spending the night outside, why not spend the night with your family? Be
grateful for every moment you have. Cherish all the laughs you shared.
No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave., Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City
Contact No. 8669-1982/09167708724 / 09618700610
Foreign literature
Foreign studies