Becker Limbs Regorwoth Patent

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United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,814,094

Becker et al. [45] Date of Patent: Sep. 29, 1998

[54] IONTOPHERETIC SYSTEM FOR J. A. Spadaro, et al., “Experience With Anodic Silver in the
STIMULATION OF TISSUE HEALING AND Treatment of Osteomyelitis,” 25th Ann. ORS Mtg., Feb.
REGENERATION 20—22, 1979.
R. O. Becker, et al., “Treatment of Orthopaedic Infections
[76] Inventors: Robert 0. Becker, Box 278, Erie With Electrically Generated Silver Ions,” J. Bone & Joint
Canal Rd., LoWville, NY. 13367; A. Surgery, vol. 60—A, pp. 871—88 (1978). USA.
Bartholomew Flick, 1 Lake Rabun Rd., R. O. Becker, et al., “Clinical Exp. With LoW Intensity
PO. Box 2088, Lakemont, Ga. 30552; Direct Current Stimulation of Bone Growth,” Clin. Orthop.
Adam J. Becker, 2 Chateaux Cir., Apt. & Rel. Res., vol. 124, pp. 75—83 (1977) . USA.
2L, Scarsdale, NY. 10583 T. J. Berger, et al., “Antifungal Properties of Electrically
Generated Metallic Ions,” Antimicrob. Agents &
[ l Appl. No.: 623,046 Chemother., vol. 10, pp. 856—860 (1976). USA.
T. J. Berger, et al., “Electrically Generated Silver Ions:
[ l Filed: Mar. 28, 1996 Quantitative Effects on Bacterial & Mammalian Cells,”
[51] Int. Cl.6 .................................................... .. A61M 5/32 Antimicrob. Agents & Chemother., vol. 9, pp. 357—358
[ ] US. Cl. ............................................... .. 607/50; 604/20 (1976) USA.
J. A. Spadaro, et al., “Some Speci?c Cellular Effects of
[ ] Field Of Search ................................ .. 607/50; 604/20
Electrically Injected Silver & Gold Ions,” bioelectrochem. &
[56] References Cited Bioenergetics, vol. 3, pp. 49—57 (1976. USA.
J. A. Spadaro, et al., “Antibacterial Effects of Silver Elec
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS trodes With Weak Direct Current,” Antimicrob. Agents &
Chemother., vol. 6, pp. 637—642 (1974). USA.
3,799,162 3/1974 Romero-Sierra .
M. R. Urist, et al., “Bone Morphogenesis in Implats of
3,800,792 4/1974 McKnight et al. .
Insoluble Bone Gelatin,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 70,
4,312,340 1/1982 Donadelli .
4,528,265 7/1985 Becker ............................... .. 435/1721 No. 12, Part I, pp. 3511—3515 (1973). USA.
4,767,401 8/1988 Seiderman .
Primary Examiner—Scott GetZoW
4,818,697 4/1989 Liboff et a1. .
Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Maria Reichmanis
4,847,049 7/1989 Yamamoto .
4,932,951 6/1990 Liboff et a1. . [57] ABSTRACT
4,937,323 6/1990 Silver et a1. .
5,322,520 6/1994 Milder . An iontophoretic system for promoting tissue healing pro
5,324,275 6/1994 Raad et a1. . cesses and inducing regeneration. The system includes a
device and a method, a composition, and methods for
OTHER PUBLICATIONS making the composition in vitro and in vivo. The system is
R. O. Becker, et al., “Electrochemical Mechanisms and the implemented by placing a ?exible, silver-containing anode
Control of Biological GroWth Processes,” in Modern in contact With the Wound, placing a cathode on intact skin
near the anode, and applying a Wound-speci?c DC voltage
Aspects of Electrochemistry, No. 10, pp. 289—338, publ. between the anode and the cathode. Electrically-generated
Plenum Press (1971). USA. silver ions from the anode penetrate into the adjacent tissues
R. E. Hall, et al., “Inhibitory and Cidal Antimicrobial and undergo a sequence of reactions leading to formation of
Actions of Electrically Generated Silver Ions,” J. Oral & a silver-collagen complex. This complex acts as a biological
Maxillofac. Surg., vol. 45, pp. 779—784 (1987). USA. inducer to cause the formation in vivo of an adequate
R. O. Becker, et al., “Experience With LoW—Current Silver blastema to support regeneration.
Electrode Treatment of Nonunion,” in Electrical Prop. Bone
& Cartilage (ed. C. T. Brighton, et al.), Grune & Stratton 42 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
(1979), USA. (7 of 11 Drawing Sheet(s) Filed in Color)
U.S. Patent Sep. 29, 1998 Sheet 1 0f 11 5,814,094

Ag ions combine with

pcptidcs. proteins. ctc.
(24-48 hours)

antibacterial. antifungal,
antiviral cffccts


Ag binds to calls (fibroblasts. ctc.)

(45-72 hours)

tic-differentiation of cells
(including fibroblasts)
to form embryonic cclls



Ag complexes with collagcn

(fibroblasts. ctc.)
(72+ hours)

( activation
I do-difforcntiatod 65115
U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 2 0f 11 5,814,094
U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 4 0f 11 5,814,094

Debride wound

Prepare anode
\ and
apply to wound

Moisten anode. cover. and
connect to low voltage
DC power supply

Place cathode on 'intact skin

near wound
(preferably opposing anode)
Inspect and clean
wound, change
anode daily ‘
Moisten cathode, cover, and
connect to low voltage _ “5P5” cathad?
DC power supply daily; change as needed

Apply low voltage DC

(about 0.09-0.11 v/m2)

U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 5 0f 11 5,814,094
U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 6 0f 11 5,814,094
U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 7 0f 11 5,814,094
U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 8 0f 11 5,814,094
U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 9 0f 11 5,814,094
U.S. Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 10 0f 11 5,814,094
U S Patent Sep.29,1998 Sheet 11 0f 11 5,814,094
1 2
IONTOPHERETIC SYSTEM FOR vated cells” are cells that undergo these processes). Activa
STIMULATION OF TISSUE HEALING AND tion results in the rapid accumulation of a large mass of
REGENERATION embryonic cells knoWn as the blastema, Which is the essen
tial element for regeneration. The blastema may be vieWed
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION as providing the biological raW material needed for rebuild
ing the missing tissues: formation of an adequate blastema
1. Field of the Invention results in complete regeneration of the missing tissues,
The present invention relates to an iontophoretic system Whereas if the blastema is inadequate in siZe, only partial or
for the stimulation of tissue healing and regeneration. In incomplete regeneration takes place (formation of a stunted
particular, the present invention relates to a method and or incomplete part, or merely regeneration of individual
device for stimulation of tissue healing and regeneration, a tissue types that are not fully organiZed into the desired
composition for use thereWith, and methods for making the structure).
composition. In the second phase of the regeneration process, the
2. Discussion of Background embryonic cells of the blastema respecialiZe (“re
Healing, like all other biological processes, is a cellular 15 differentiate”) into the various types of cells needed to
process. The occurrence of an injury immediately triggers rebuild the missing tissues and organiZed structures in
the onset of this process, Which continues until the injury is complete anatomical detail. The rebuilding process is essen
healed. Although its exact mode of action is not yet tially a recapitulation (albeit on a local scale) of the original
understood, it is clear that a feedback mechanism monitors embryonic development of the tissues being replaced.
the extent of tissue damage and adjusts cellular activity in In vertebrates, regenerative healing is found in certain
the injured area to produce the exact amount of healing species of amphibians (notably salamanders). It is almost
needed. totally lacking in humans, except in the fetus and in very
As used herein, the terms “Wound” and “injury” refer to young children (Who may regenerate the distal ?nger tip if
tissue damage or loss of any kind, including but not limited the Wound is left open). In adults, regeneration is largely
to cuts, incisions (including surgical incisions), abrasions, limited to parts of the fracture healing process. Clearly, it
lacerations, fractures, contusions, burns, and amputations. Would be bene?cial if humans could regenerate other dam
Healing processes can be classi?ed into three types, aged tissues, both in terms of more cost-effective treatment
determined by hoW the cells in the injured area react to the modalities and improved outcomes for patients.
injury. The simplest type of healing is scari?cation healing, The stimulus Which initiates the complex regenerative
Wherein cells at the edges of a Wound produce collagen and process in amphibians has been reported to be a speci?c type
elastic ?bers Which simply bind the edges of the Wound of electrical signal, but the mechanism Which provides the
together Without restoring severed nerves or blood vessels. blueprint for the tissues to be regenerated is largely
This type of healing produces a visible scar, and sometimes unknoWn. In the case of regeneration of individual tissues,
results in numbness and circulatory inadequacy in the region 35
hoWever, a number of inducer substances that carry a
of the Wound and regions distal thereto. In the higher speci?c signal causing either embryonic, de-differentiated,
animals, including man, the heart, skeletal muscle, and nerve or mature cells to convert into speci?c tissue types have been
tissue (including the brain) heal by scari?cation. identi?ed. These “biological inducers” are analogous to
A second type of healing is tissue replacement, Wherein chemical catalysts in that they effect cellular transformation
the cells of some body tissues produce more cells of their by contact With the cells, but the inducer itself does not take
oWn kind to replace missing portions. In humans, the skin part in the transformation. It is believed that biological
and portions of the gastrointestinal tract heal by replace inducers act by producing a signal in the nature of a speci?c
ment. In this type of healing, the replacement rate of the cells electrical ?eld Which causes an event to occur on the surface
in the injured area increases to produce suf?cient numbers of of the target cell, Which in turn causes the DNA in the target
cells to help heal the injury, then returns to normal after 45
cell to alter the cell type in a speci?c fashion. By Way of
healing is complete. Replacement is effective only if enough example, a “bone induction material” that causes the trans
normal cells of the needed types are present in the area, and formation of muscle cells into bone has been identi?ed (M.
only for the particular types of cells that are capable of Urist, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 70, pp. 3511—3515
healing in this manner. Replacement is often inadequate for (1973)).
healing full-thickness skin Wounds, Which frequently heal Healing in general is knoWn to be related to the degree of
With limited re-epithelialiZation, resulting in poorly the injury, the amount of nerve tissue present at the site, and
innervated, thin and inelastic skin, While subcutaneous soft the electrical potential difference betWeen the site and sur
tissue defects heal primarily by scari?cation. HoWever, such rounding intact tissue (the “current of injury”). In particular,
results are generally adequate for function if the Wound is on regeneration in amphibians such as salamanders and fracture
the torso or the extremities (excepting the hand). 55 healing in mammals are associated With complex changes in
The most effective—and most complex—type of healing the local DC (direct current) electric ?eld. An injury results
is regeneration. This type of healing is capable of replacing in changes in the electric ?eld and stimulates the animal’s
entire limbs and internal organs, and even portions of the neural system, Which in turn produces an electrical signal at
brain and heart. Regeneration is a biphasic process. In the the site of the injury, stimulating the complex cellular
?rst phase, normal, mature cells at the site of the injury responses that eventually produce healing. The electric ?eld
revert to an embryonic, unspecialiZed form (“de gradually returns to normal, pre-injury levels as the injury
differentiate”). These cells multiply rapidly, then become heals. Conversely, failure of the normal healing process, as
activated and demonstrate a variety of energetic processes in fracture nonunions, is associated With the absence of
Which may include amitotic division, nuclear transfer, appropriate electrical signals at the site of the injury.
migration of free nuclei into residual tissues, and production 65 These observations have lead to Widespread use of elec
of exceptionally large cells containing nuclear material from trical stimulation for the treatment of injuries in humans,
a number of individual de-differentiated cells (thus, “acti especially fracture nonunions. Many studies have demon
3 4
strated that the application of small electrical currents (in the causes cells such as mammalian ?broblasts to assume a
microampere range or lower) or weak magnetic or electric simpler, relatively unspecialiZed form and to resemble dedi
?elds affects the growth or reunion of bone. See, for fferentiated or embryonic cell types. In mammals, including
example, R. 0. Becker and A. A. Pilla, “Electrochemical humans, this effect is associated only with the silver ions; the
Mechanisms and the Control of Biological Growth effect is not related to the electrical current or voltage. The
Processes,” in Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry (ed. J. afore-mentioned publications are incorporated herein by
O’M. Bockris and B. E. Conway), Vol. 10, pp. 289—338 reference.
(1971); R. 0. Becker, et al., “Clinical Experiences With Low
A variety of devices for use in electrical stimulation are
Intensity Direct Current Stimulation of Bone Growth,”
Clinical Orthopedics & Related Research, Vol. 24, pp. known. Liboff, et al. disclose a noninvasive magnetic ?eld
10 generator for producing a controlled, ?uctuating, direction
75—83 (1977); R. 0. Becker & J. A. Spadaro, “Experience
with Low Current Silver Electrode Treatment of Nonunion,” ally oriented magnetic ?eld parallel to an axis projecting
in Electrical Properties of Bone and Cartilage (ed. C. though the target tissue (US. Pat. No. 4,932,951). An
externally-generated magnetic ?eld can be combined with
Brighton, et al.), pp. 631—638 (1979); R. O. Becker, et al.,
“Clinical Experience with Low Intensity Direct Current the local magnetic ?eld to produce a resultant ?eld that
15 enhances transfer of ions such as Ca++ across the membrane
Stimulation of Bone Growth,” Clinical Orthopedics and
Related Research, Vol. 124, pp. 75—83 (1977). of a living cell (Liboff, et al., US. Pat. No. 4,818,697).
Furthermore, electrically-inj ected silver ions are known to Other devices make use of the antimicrobial properties of
have signi?cant antibacterial and antifungal properties. Sil silver and other metals. Raad, et al. (US. Pat. No. 5,324,
ver is a well-known antibiotic, widely used in topical 275) disclose a catheter tube surrounded by two parallel
applications in the form of silver nitrate solution, silver helical conductors made of copper, gold, silver or other
sulfadiaZine, and so forth. However, the useful antibacterial heavy metals. When connected to a DC power source such
effect of such compounds is limited and due only to the as a 9-volt battery, ions are transferred between the conduc
small amount of free silver ions produced by dissociation of tors through body ?uids, and induce an antimicrobial effect
the compound or to formation of toxic by-products (for proximate the area between the conductors.
example, use of silver nitrate (AgNO3) solutions may lead to Milder (US. Pat. No. 5,322,520) describes a material
the formation of nitric acid). The antibacterial action of these containing dissimilar metal powders, such as silver and gold,
ions is limited to a very localiZed effect directly on the silver and copper, or silver and platinum mixed into a
wound surface. conductive polymer substrate. When contacted by an elec
Electrically-generated silver ions, on the other hand, trolytic solution, each metal granule that contacts the elec
penetrate at least approximately 1 cm into the wound and trolyte becomes either an anode or a cathode, so the material
can be produced in much larger amounts than is possible contains an array of small batteries. Metal ions are driven
with topical preparations such as silver sulfadiaZine. Thus, into the solution to kill bacteria on and near a device to
electrically-injected silver is effective even against which the material is affixed. The material can be used in
antibiotic-resistant strains, inhibiting bacterial growth in 35
devices such as catheters, cardiac pacemaker leads, arti?cial;
vivo and in vitro at current densities as low as 10 nA/mm2 hip joints, and so forth.
and concentrations as low as 0.5 mg/ml. Susceptible organ Seiderman (US. Pat. No. 4,767,401) describes a method
isms include S. aureus, E col., Candida and Torulopsis. for iontophoretic administration of medicaments such as
These effects are described in a number of publications, silver protein (a colloid of silver with protein). The medi
including the following: J. A. Spadaro, et al., “Antibacterial cament is coated onto a metallic foil electrode so that, when
Effects of Silver Electrodes with Weak Direct Current,” in contact with a wound, natural body ?uids and the negative
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol. 6, pp. electric charge of the wound site create a voltaic effect that
637—642 (1974); J. A. Spadaro and R. 0. Becker, “Some causes the medicament to migrate into the wound.
Speci?c Cellular Effects of Electrically Injected Silver and Yamamoto (US. Pat. No. 4,847,049) and McKnight, et al.
Gold Ions,” Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Vol. 3, 45 (US. Pat. No. 3,800,792) disclose collagen compositions
pp. 49—57 (1976); T. J. Berger, et al., “Antifungal Properties used for wound treatment. Yamamoto contacts renatured
of Electrically Generated Metallic Ions,” Antimicrobial collagen with a silver-ion-containing solution at pH between
Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol. 10, pp. 856—860 (1976); J. 4.0 and 9.0, forming a composition wherein silver ions are
A. Spadaro and R. 0. Becker, “Experience With Anodic chelated to functional groups in the collagen. The compo
Silver in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis,” Proceedings of sition is then exposed to UV radiation to strengthen the
the 25th Annual Orthopedic Research Society Meeting, Vol. binding of the silver ions to the collagen. When the com
4, p. 10 (1979); R. 0. Becker, et al., “Treatment of Ortho position contacts bodily ?uids, the silver ion is slowly
pedic Infections With Electrically-Generated Silver Ions,” released to protect the collagen from fungal and bacterial
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol. 60A, pp. 871—881 attack. McKnight’s laminated collagen dressing is made
(1978). 55 from a layer of reconstituted collagen ?lm laminated to a
At any particular silver concentration, electrically thin continuous layer of an inert polymer material such as
generated silver ions are more effective in inhibiting bacte polyurethane. Preferably, the collagen ?lm contains ?nely
rial growth than silver salts (T. J. Berger, et al., “Electrically divided silver metal particles, added by soaking the dried
Generated Silver Ions: Quantitative Effects on Bacterial and ?lm in Tollen’s reagent ((AgNH3)2OH) for 5 minutes to
Mammalian Cells,” Antimicrobial Agents and oxidiZe excess glutaraldehyde and deposit silver metal on
Chemotherapy, Vol. 9, pp. 357—358 (1976); Hall, et al., the accessible surfaces of the collagen ?bers.
“Inhibitory and Cidal Antimicrobial Actions of Electrically Silver, et al. (US. Pat. No. 4,937,323) dress a wound with
Generated Silver Ions,” J. Oral and Maxillofac. Surg., Vol. a biocompatible, biodegradable collagen product and apply
45, pp. 779—784, 1987). low intensity direct current in the range of 10—100 micro
Becker (US. Pat. No. 4,528,265) has disclosed processes 65 amperes. The collagen product may be a sponge made of
and products that involve subjecting mammalian cells to the collagen powder or ?akes, and contains electrodes made of
in?uence of electrically-generated silver ions. Anodic silver carbon or metal inserted therein. Donadelli (US. Pat. No.
5 6
4,312,340) treats scarred skin using a solution containing ions for these reactions to take place, the resulting effects are
embryonic placenta, collagen and vitreous humor extracts analogous to those observed in animals that are naturally
diluted in distilled Water, treated by partial electrolysis to capable of regeneration. That is, the activated
provide a formation of groups of amino acids. Avariable loW de-differentiated cells rapidly multiply to form a blastema
frequency electric ?eld is applied to create an electric charge that is adequate for supporting regeneration of the missing or
beloW the scarred area. Romero-Sierra, et al. (US. Pat. No. injured tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissues, bone, and so
3,799,162) apply histamine to a lesion, and then radiate the forth).
cells bounding the lesion With loW intensity nonioniZing A major feature of the present invention is the scaling of
electromagnetic radiation to stimulate production of col the applied voltage to the siZe of the Wound. Surprisingly, an
lagen at the site. 10 approximately constant voltage on the order of 0.1 V/in2 of
Despite the Wide variety of knoWn treatment modalities, Wound area (about 0.0155 V/cm2) has been found to be
no knoWn treatment produces suf?cient numbers of the optimum for promoting healing and regeneration of tissues
de-differentiated (i.e., embryonic) cells required for true While substantially avoiding the deleterious effects associ
regeneration in humans and other mammals. In fact, the ated With biological electrolysis (to be described further
treatment of injuries involving traumatic loss of skin and 15 beloW). Not only are speci?c voltages in this range remark
soft tissue, particularly for hand injuries, ranges from judi ably effective in stimulating tissue healing and regeneration,
cious neglect to major surgery. In the case of hand injuries, but the electrically-injected silver ions are extremely effec
the tWin requirements of ?exibility and sensation mean that tive against a Wide variety of bacterial types (including gram
the above-described natural and enhanced healing processes positive, gram negative, aerobic and anaerobic forms),
are inadequate to yield good functional results. fungi, and local viral infections. Therefore, under optimal
There is a need for a ?exible, effective system that helps treatment conditions, the electrically-injected silver ions are
promote and enhance tissue healing processes in mammals, an extremely effective agent against mixed infections and
including humans. Use of such a system Would not only against many antibiotic-resistant strains.
improve the outcome of the processes responsible for most An important feature of the invention is the anode, Which
healing in humans (scari?cation, tissue replacement), but is made of a material having a suf?ciently high silver content
Would, in appropriate instances, induce true regenerative to supply the needed silver ions to the Wound. The anode is
healing resulting in regroWth of the speci?c tissue types made of a ?exible, silver-containing material that is con
appropriate to the situs of the injury (normally innervated, formable to the Wound surface, such as silver-coated nylon
full thickness skin, subcutaneous soft tissues, bone, etc.). fabric or the like. Materials usable With the invention contain
The system Would make use of simple, ef?cient delivery a suf?cient quantity of silver to produce an approximately
devices, be safe and easy to use, and be capable of being constant current into the treated area for at least several
applied directly to the Wound site. hours, preferably 12—24 hours or thereabouts. Thus, silver
containing fabrics With a loW speci?c resistance are needed,
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION preferably fabrics having a speci?c resistance no greater
According to its major aspects and broadly stated, the than approximately 5 Q/cm, preferably no greater than
present invention is an iontophoretic system for promoting approximately 1 Q/cm. Furthermore, fabrics With an
tissue healing processes and inducing regeneration. The approximately uniform silver content (i.e., a uniform silver
system includes a device and a method, a composition, and content per unit area) that produce a uniform speci?c
methods for making the composition in vitro and in vivo. resistance throughout the electrode are preferred. Other
The system is implemented as folloWs: a ?exible, silver metals (gold, copper, Zinc, and so forth) may also be
containing anode is placed in contact With the Wound, a effective.
cathode is placed on intact skin near the anode, and a Another feature of the invention is the cathode, Which,
Wound-speci?c DC voltage is applied betWeen the anode like the anode, is made of a ?exible, electrically-conducting
and the cathode. 45
material, preferably a material having a speci?c resistance
Electrically-generated silver ions from the anode pen no greater than approximately 500 Q/cm. By Way of
etrate into the adjacent tissues and undergo a series of three example, the cathode may be made of carbon rubber or like
reactions. First, the silver ions combine With proteins, pep materials.
tides and various other chemical species normally present in Still another feature of the invention is the placement of
solution in the tissues. The silver ions also combine With any the cathode. For optimum results, the cathode is placed so as
bacteria, fungi or viruses present in the treatment area. If to achieve an approximately uniform ?oW of current through
treatment is continued after all or most available sites for this the treated region. In the human body, current tends to
type of reaction have been exhausted, the neWly-generated folloW the shortest path from the anode to the cathode.
silver ions associate With cells in the region, particularly Therefore, Whenever possible, the cathode is positioned on
?broblast cells and epithelial cells, resulting in 55 the opposing side of the extremity being treated from the
de-differentiation of these cells into embryonic cell types. Wound: for Wounds on the palm of the hand, the cathode is
Then, if treatment is continued after this second reaction is placed on the back of the hand; for Wounds on the dorsal
substantially complete, the free silver ions form a complex surface of the forearm, the cathode is positioned on the
With collagen ?bers present in the Wound. This silver ventral surface, and so forth.
collagen complex is believed to act as a biological inducer Another feature of the invention is the silver-collagen
to activate the previously-produced de-differentiated ?bro complex, a speci?c physical association of the electrically
blast or epidermal cells to multiply and produce an adequate injected silver ions With the collagen ?bers present in the
blastema. Wound area. While not Wishing to be bound by theory, it is
In mammalian-including human-Wounds treated at believed that this complex generates a unique localiZed
appropriate, Wound-speci?c voltages, for a suf?cient period 65 electric ?eld that activates embryonic cells in the treated
of time to carry out the above-described reactions, and With area, eventually leading to formation of an adequate blast
anodes capable of supplying a suf?cient number of silver ema to support regeneration.
7 8
Other features and advantages of the present invention the Wound is surprisingly effective in promoting heal
Will be apparent to those skilled in the art from a careful ing and regroWth of injured and missing tissues. Treat
reading of the Detailed Description of a Preferred Embodi ment is accomplished by placing a ?exible, silver
ment presented beloW and accompanied by the draWings. containing anode in contact With the open surface of the
Wound, placing a cathode in contact With intact skin
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS near the Wound, and applying an appropriate DC
voltage, generally for at least approximately 24 hours.
This application contains color draWings. 2. The silver content of the anode should be high enough
In the drawings, to ensure a loW speci?c resistance, preferably a speci?c
FIG. 1 is a How chart shoWing three sequential reaction 10 resistance no greater than approximately 5 Q/cm, more
processes resulting from the action of electrically-injected preferably no greater than approximately 1 Q/cm.
silver ions; Anodes With higher speci?c resistances may also be
FIG. 2 shoWs an electrical stimulation device in use; useful for the practice of the invention hoWever, the
optimum effect is achieved With loW-resistance anodes.
FIG. 3 shoWs the preferred placement of the cathode for In addition, the silver should be approximately uni
optimum treatment according to the present invention; 15
formly distributed (that is, the amount of silver per unit
FIG. 4 is a partially cut-aWay vieW shoWing a silver surface area of the anode should be approximately
containing anode placed on the surface of a Wound; uniform).
FIG. 5 is a plot of the current vs. time for a silver 3. The cathode should be a ?exible material capable of
containing material usable With the present invention, mea making and maintaining a loW resistance contact With
sured in vitro; intact skin, so that the combined speci?c resistance
FIG. 6 is a How chart illustrating treatment according to (i.e., cathode resistance and contact resistance) is no
a preferred embodiment of the present invention; greater than approximately 500 Q/cm.
FIG. 7a is a photographic vieW shoWing a Wound on the 4. The cathode should be positioned to maximiZe current
foot of a 54-year-old male patient; 25 ?oW into the Wound.
FIGS. 7c, 7b, and 7d are photographic vieWs shoWing the 5. To maximiZe the input of silver ions into the Wound, the
Wound of FIG. 7a after thirty-one days, ?ve months, and current should be maximiZed by minimiZing the total
seven months, respectively, of treatment according to a circuit resistance.
preferred embodiment of the present invention; When these critical factors are present, an unexpected
phenomenon occurs: the input of sufficiently large numbers
FIG. 8a is a photographic vieW shoWing the middle ?nger
of silver ions during a biologically appropriate time frame
of a 21-year-old male patient, after traumatic amputation of
one half the distal phalanx at the level of the base of the nail;
(Within 3—5 days) enables formation of a complex betWeen
the silver ions and the collagen ?bers in the Wound. This
FIGS. 8b and 8c are photographic vieWs shoWing the silver-collagen complex acts as a biological inducer to cause
?nger of FIG. 8a after 17 days and 38 days, respectively, of 35 the continual de-differentiation of ?broblast cells and the
treatment according to a preferred embodiment of the continual multiplication of previously de-differentiated cells
present invention; and in the area of the Wound, leading to the accumulation of
FIG. 8a' is a photographic vieW of the ?nger of FIG. 8a many more embryonic cells in the area and, eventually,
approximately 7 Weeks after cessation of treatment. formation of an adequate blastema to produce regeneration.
FIG. 86 is a photographic vieW of the ?nger of FIG. 8a These factors Will be discussed more fully beloW.
approximately 7 Weeks after cessation of treatment. Scaling the applied DC voltage to the siZe of the Wound
is crucial to successful treatment. The voltage should be high
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED enough to ensure an adequate input of silver ions into the
EMBODIMENTS Wound, but not so high that the deleterious effects caused by
45 biological electrolysis become evident. “Biological elec
In the folloWing description, like reference numerals refer trolysis” or electrolysis in vivo differs from electrolysis in
to and identify the same structural elements, portions or vitro in the folloWing respects: electrolysis occurs in living
surfaces consistently throughout the draWings, as such tissues Whenever there is current ?oW, no matter hoW small.
elements, portions or surfaces may be further described or HoWever, a Wide variety of naturally occurring agents act as
explained by the entire Written speci?cation. The terms buffers to prevent the accumulation of potentially harmful
“proximal,” “distal,” “dorsal,” “ventral,” “volar,” electrolysis products. These products are continually
“opposing,” “anterior” and “posterior” are used in the cus removed by blood and lymphatic circulation (Which also
tomary anatomical sense. The “size” or “surface area” of a
ensures a continual supply of fresh buffers), thereby pre
Wound or injury means the approximate surface area on a venting a buildup of electrolysis products in the area. If the
macroscopic scale. The terms “scaled voltage” and “speci?c 55 critical voltage is exceeded, this natural buffering action is
voltage” refer to the voltage per unit surface area, for rapidly overWhelmed and electrolysis products accumulate
example, V/cm2 or V/in2. Similarly, the term “speci?c With attendant pH shifts. This point de?nes the onset of
resistance” means the resistance per unit surface area.
“biological electrolysis,” Which can be avoided by taking the
A number of critical factors have been identi?ed that are above-described critical values of voltage/area into consid
required for the successful use of silver iontophoresis tech eration.
niques to promote tissue healing and regeneration. These Thus, selection of the appropriate treatment voltage
factors are as folloWs: requires a knoWledge of What happens in living tissue, Where
1. There is a critical, previously unsuspected relationship the effects of electrolysis can be overcome by circulation and
betWeen the siZe of the Wound and the optimum mag buffering factors up to a point. The effects of naturally
nitude of the voltage applied across the anode and the 65 occurring buffers, blood circulation and lymph circulation
cathode. Electrical injection of silver ions using an depend on the siZe of the Wound. Thus, the results of in vitro
approximately constant DC voltage scaled to the siZe of testing do not apply, nor do in vivo observations of only one
9 10
size of Wound—each Wound has its oWn maximal voltage amount of carbon or graphite), or carbon-?lled or metal
range Which has to be clinically determined. containing fabric, having a speci?c resistance no greater
The critical speci?c voltage has been determined to be than approximately 500 Q/cm.
approximately 0.09—0.11 V/in2 (about 1.4><10_2—1.7><10_2 Optimum cathode placement is determined by current
V/cm2), preferably approximately 0.1 V/in2 (about 1.55>< How in the human body. Current tends to folloW the shortest
10-2 V/cm2). Not only are speci?c voltages in this range path from the anode to the cathode (i.e., the body cannot be
surprisingly effective in promoting tissue healing and vieWed as a single volume conductor). Therefore, part or all
regeneration, but the electrically-generated silver ions are of the Wound Will not be adequately treated if cathode
extremely effective against a Wide variety of bacterial types, placement is nonoptimum. For example, for Wounds on the
including gram positive, gram negative, aerobic and anaero 10
palm of the hand, placement of the cathode on the Wrist
bic forms. Similar effects have been noted against a number results in more silver ions being delivered to the proximal
of common fungi that coloniZe open Wounds, and may also portion of the Wound and frequently an inadequate amount
occur in a number of local viral infections (including to the distal portion. Amore uniform distribution is achieved
herpes). Therefore, under optimal treatment conditions, sil by placing the cathode on the opposite side of the hand (the
ver ions are an extremely effective agent against mixed dorsum), directly opposed to the palmar Wound.
infections and against many bacteria that have become 15 Optimal treatment according to the present invention has
antibiotic-resistant. as its aim the continuous introduction of the largest possible
For any given siZe of Wound, voltages loWer than opti population of silver ions into the Wound until healing or
mum have no undesirable effects, but simply reduce the regeneration is complete, in a fashion that does not introduce
ef?cacy of treatment in an approximately linear fashion due harmful by-products or produce deleterious effects on the
to the production of feWer silver ions during any given cellular processes. As noted above, the total circuit resis
period of time, and more limited electrophoretic migration tance is minimiZed—and the current maximiZed—in order
of those ions into the tissues. At suf?ciently loW voltages, it to maximiZe the number of silver ions delivered to the
is simply not possible to supply enough silver ions in the treatment site. The current may be monitored to ensure that
time frame required to produce the desired effects. there are no high-resistance areas in the circuit (for example,
Higher voltages result in undesirable effects, also in an 25 a dry treatment electrode, loose cathode, and so forth).
approximately linear relationship to the applied voltage. When introduced into living tissues, electrically generated
These effects range from irritation and sloWer healing at silver ions undergo a series of three reactions in a sequential
modest overvoltages to localiZed pH alterations due to fashion (FIG. 1):
accumulation of electrolysis products, cellular necrosis, and In the ?rst reaction, the silver ions combine With proteins,
actual increases in Wound siZe at higher overvoltages. The peptides and other chemical species normally present in
resulting buildup of dead tissue shields bacteria, fungi, etc. solution in the tissues. Further chemical or physiochemical
in the region from the silver ion action and limits the combinations do not occur until all such simple sites are
penetration depth of the ions. completely ?lled. The ?rst reaction typically requires
Use of the appropriate anode material contributes to a approximately 24 hours to go to completion (Wherein the
uniform current/voltage distribution over the treatment area, 35 term “completion” refers to saturation of available sites).
together With a longer use time before the onset of polar The antibacterial action of silver ions is a result of this type
iZation. Preferably, the anode is made of a ?exible material of process, beginning at about 20—30 minutes folloWing
With an approximately uniform silver content, for example, exposure of the bacteria to the ions.
?exible, silver-containing fabric. In practice, the anode is If more free silver ions are made available folloWing the
replaced daily, thus, anode materials Which are capable of ?rst reaction, the second reaction occurs. The second reac
supplying a suf?cient quantity of silver ions for approxi tion is an association betWeen the silver ions and sensitive
mately 24 hours are preferred. Therefore, the silver content cells present in the Wound, resulting in de-differentiation of
of the anode is preferably sufficient to yield a speci?c these cells into embryonic cell types (as used herein, the
resistance no greater than about 1 Q/cm, as noted above. term “sensitive cells” refers to cells that are sensitive to free
Anodes With someWhat higher resistance (loWer silver 45 silver ions, including, among others, mature ?broblast cells
content) may also be useful; hoWever, these Will be and epithelial cells). These embryonic cells are not activated
exhausted in shorter periods of time, necessitating more in the sense that they do not multiply to produce additional
frequent replacement. Furthermore, higher-resistance cells of the same type; hoWever, they are capable of
anodes may lead to non-linear voltages and thereby reduce re-differentiation into other cell types. Hence, these cells do
the ef?cacy of treatment. not form an adequate blastema mass to produce organiZed,
The anode should also not only have a suf?ciently high multi-tissue regeneration. Production of de-differentiated
content of silver (or other suitable metal; see beloW), but the ?broblasts requires a continuous supply of excess silver ions
silver should be approximately uniformly distributed. Non for at least approximately 48—72 hours folloWing saturation
uniform distribution means that the Wound Will not be of the active chemical sites in the ?rst reaction (“excess” in
uniformly treated: some localiZed areas may be subjected to 55 this context means that more silver ions are supplied than are
signi?cantly higher speci?c voltages that others and the needed to combine With all available proteins, peptides, etc.
number of silver ions supplied to different areas Will differ. in the above-described ?rst reaction).
In some such instances, the local speci?c voltage may be If suf?cient silver ions are made available after the second
high enough to cause toxic effects. reaction, a third reaction begins to take place. The third
It Will be understood by those skilled in the art that reaction constitutes a speci?c physical association of at least
suitable anode materials may include those containing silver some of the silver ions With the collagen ?bers present in the
alloys as Well as substantially pure silver. Other metals that Wound to produce a unique structure (“silver-collagen
produce the desired results may also be usable in the practice complex”) having the speci?c properties required to induce
of the invention, for example, gold, copper, platinum, Zinc, activation of the de-differentiated ?broblast cells previously
and so forth. 65 produced in the second reaction.
Suitable cathode materials include ?exible carbon rubber Collagen ?bers have siZe-speci?c sites Which are capable
or the like (preferably containing the maximum possible of forming a complex With hydrated metallic ions (J. A.
11 12
Spadaro, et al., “SiZe-Speci?c Metal Complexing Sites in the palm of the hand), anode 20 is placed in contact With the
Native Collagen,” Nature, Vol. 225, pp. 1134—1136 (1970)). Wound, and cathode 26 is placed on an opposite surface 46
The copper/collagen complex, in particular, has a unique (for example, on the surface directly opposed to the palm).
electrical ?eld Which is involved in the initial epitaxial This placement ensures an approximately uniform distribu
deposition of bone mineral (apatite) on bone collagen (A. A. tion of current ?oW through Wound 22, indicated schemati
Marino, et al., “Evidence of Epitaxy in the Formation of cally by arroWs 48.
Collagen and Apatite,” Nature, Vol. 226, pp. 652—653 For optimum treatment, anode 20 substantially engages a
(1970)). While not Wishing to be bound by theory, it is surface 38 of Wound 22, as shoWn in FIGS. 3 and 4. The
believed that a silver-collagen complex according to the presence of void spaces (even if ?lled With conducting
present invention has a unique local electrical ?eld, and acts 10 solution) results in inadequate treatment at those points.
as a biological inducer to activate the de-differentiated Depending on the extent of Wound 22, anode 20 may be in
?broblast cells formed in the above-described second reac contact With exposed subcutaneous tissues 42 as Well as
tion. In mammalian Wounds (including human Wounds) dermal tissue 40 at the margins of the Wound. Thus, the
treated at appropriate speci?c voltages With an excess of material of anode 20 needs to be suf?ciently ?exible to
electrically generated silver ions, the formation of this 15 conform to surface 38. As shoWn in FIG. 4, anode 20 is
silver-collagen inducer complex results in activation of the dimensioned to just cover Wound 20, that is, anode 20 has a
de-differentiated embryonic cells formed by the action of the slightly larger surface area than the area of Wound surface
silver ions on the pre-existing mature cells. Together, these 38.
effects result in cell behavior and action akin to those As described above, anode 20 contains a suf?cient quan
observed in animals that are capable of regeneration. In this tity of silver so that, When device 10 is connected for use as
fashion, an adequate blastema to support regeneration is shoWn in FIG. 2, the current density delivered to Wound 22
formed in human tissue. is approximately constant for a period of several hours,
The above-described factors are designed to maximiZe the preferably at least approximately 24 hours. By “approxi
amount of silver ions introduced into the Wound during themately constant current” is meant a DC current that may
WindoW Wherein the above-described reactions can occur 25 increase to a peak 50 immediately after the onset of
and lead to the formation of an adequate blastema for treatment, but that decreases Within several hours to an
regeneration—a necessary condition for completing the approximately constant level 52 and maintains that level
sequence of three reactions Within a biologically appropriate until the onset of polariZation at 54 (FIG. 5). FIG. 5 shoWs
time. Of these factors, the ?rst (scaling the applied voltage the current vs. time in vitro for a 25 cm2 section of a
to the siZe of the Wound) is believed to be crucial. If too feW silver-coated nylon fabric usable With the invention, applied
silver ions are provided, healing simply proceeds according to a block of gelatin prepared With physiological saline. A
to normal (i.e., nonregenerative) processes. LoWer-than standard return electrode Was applied to the opposite face of
optimum voltages reduce the ef?ciency of the treatment and the block and a voltage of 0.42 V applied betWeen the tWo
lead to eventual failure of regenerative healing (although electrodes. The current density at peak 50 Was approxi
healing by scari?cation and tissue replacement Will still 35 mately 3.5 pA/cmz, decreased to approximately 1.5 ptA/cm2
occur). Higher-than-optimal voltages inhibit the third reac Within 5 hours, and remained at that level until the onset of
tion (formation of the silver/collagen complex) due to pH polariZation approximately 20 hours later.
shifts, accumulation of electrolysis products, tissue necrosis, A?oW chart illustrating treatment according to the present
and expansion of Wound siZe. invention is shoWn in FIG. 6. Patients are treated as soon as
Referring noW to FIG. 2, there is shoWn a schematic vieW possible folloWing the injury, preferably immediately fol
of an electrical stimulation device in use. A device 10 loWing cleaning and debridement (if needed) of the Wound.
includes a DC poWer source 12 With a positive terminal 14 HoWever, treatment may be initiated at any time thereafter,
and a negative terminal 16. A treatment electrode or anode or Whenever deemed medically necessary. The treatment
20 is placed in contact With the surface of a Wound to be electrode (anode 20) is applied directly to the surface of the
treated, for example, a full-thickness defect 22 on the palm 45 Wound, moistened With physiological saline or other suitable
of a patient P. Anode 20 is made of a ?exible, metal liquid, covered, and connected to the positive terminal of a
containing material, preferably a ?exible metal-containing loW-voltage DC poWer source (such as source 12). The
fabric such as silver-impregnated or silver-coated nylon. return electrode (cathode 26) is placed on intact skin near the
Anode 20 may be covered by a “stent” of gauZe moistened Wound (on an opposing surface Whenever possible) and
With normal saline and a cover (such as plastic ?lm or like connected to the negative terminal of the source. Then, a loW
material), represented as 24. Areturn electrode (cathode 26) intensity DC voltage and current are applied continuously
is placed in contact With intact skin near Wound 22, for for a period of at least approximately 24 hours. The Wound
example, proximal to Wound 22 as shoWn. Anode 20 and is inspected and cleaned daily, and anode 20 is replaced at
cathode 26 are connected to poWer source 12 by cables 30, that time. Cathode 26 is inspected daily and changed as
32, respectively. If desired, cathode 26 may be incorporated 55 needed.
into poWer source 20, for example, attached to one side of Liquids suitable for use With the invention include elec
the poWer source. trically conducting liquids such as normal saline (also
While treatment With the system shoWn in FIG. 2 may be knoWn as isotonic saline or physiological saline), Ringer’s
helpful, current How (and, therefore, the supply of silver solution, Wound exudate and other body ?uids found in the
ions) to Wound 22 is not optimiZed by the placement of area of the Wound, and mixtures and dilutions thereof. Tap
cathode 26. As described above, the preferred placement of Water may also be useful; hoWever, the composition of tap
cathode 26 is one that results in an approximately uniform Water is so variable that other electrically-conducting liquids
distribution of current through the Wound, thereby ensuring are preferred. The terms “normal saline,” “isotonic saline”
approximately uniform delivery of silver ions thereto. Opti and “physiological saline” refer to a solution of sodium
mum placement of cathode 26 is on the opposite side of the 65 chloride (NaCI) in puri?ed Water (H2O), containing approxi
body from the Wound being treated, as illustrated in FIG. 3. mately 0.9 gram of sodium chloride per 100 milliliters of
For a Wound 22 on a surface 44 of the body (for example, Water. Such a solution is approximately isotonic (i.e., has the
13 14
same osmotic pressure) With body ?uids. The term “Ringer’s 52—59). While not Wishing to be bound by theory, it is
solution” means a solution of about 0.86 gram sodium thought that the superior bactericidal and fungicidal effects
chloride (NaCI), 0.03 gram potassium chloride (KCl), and of electrically-generated silver ions may be due at least in
0.033 gram calcium chloride (CaCl) in puri?ed Water. The part to the formation of free silver ions of these higher
term “Wound exudate” refers to any substance that is exuded oxidation states and their action on bacteria, fungi, etc.
from a Wound, including materials that pass through the present in the tissues.
Walls of blood vessel Walls into the surrounding tissues. It is believed that the silver-collagen complex formed at
The key element in promoting healing and regeneration the treatment site results from a speci?c attachment of silver
according to the present invention is the production of ions to collagen ?bers, resulting in the formation of electri
de-differentiated cells in the region of the Wound, Which in 10 cally active sites Which act as biological inducers to activate
turn depends on the above-described critical factors. The the de-differentiated ?broblast cells. The complex may also
voltage applied across the treatment (anode 20) and return have a de-differentiating effect on at least some of the
(cathode 26) electrodes must be Wound-speci?c, that is, remaining silver-sensitive cells in the area, but Without
proportional to the siZe of the Wound (preferably, approxi requiring the direct attachment of the silver ion to the cell
mately 0.1 V/in2); the anode must have an approximately 15 membrane as in the second reaction (FIG. 1). Thus, optimum
uniform silver content that is suf?ciently high to ensure a treatment conditions result in a greater immediate effect on
speci?c resistance no greater than approximately 1 Q/cm; the cellular components in the Wound area than do silver
the cathode must be made of a suitable loW-resistance ions alone, since a much greater number of active
material capable of making and maintaining a loW resistance de-differentiated cells are produced than Would result solely
contact With intact skin; the cathode is positioned so as to from the direct action of electrically-introduced silver ions
maximiZe current ?oW into the Wound insofar as practicable; on the ?broblast cells. The complex also permits the expres
the total circuit resistance is as loW as possible. In all sion of additional long term healing and maturational effects
instances, the treatment electrode is con?gured so as to yield after active silver treatment is terminated, as Will be
an approximately uniform voltage distribution throughout described further beloW.
the area of the Wound. 25 The silver-collagen complex may be prepared in vitro by
Scaling the voltage to the siZe of the Wound is particularly application of loW-voltage DC current from a silver anode to
important in the case of larger Wounds (that is, Wounds With a collagen-containing substrate, then formed into suitable
surface areas greater than approximately 8—10 in2 (about shapes (rolls, sheets, etc.) for external application to surface
50—65 cm2), Where a naonuniform voltage distribution Wounds or internal application to body parts (if desired, the
through anode 20 may result in the production of electrolysis complex may be incorporated into a Wound dressing). The
effects in localiZed “hot spots.” complex may act to produce de-differentiation of mature,
In all cases, the total voltage applied across anode 20 and sensitive cells; alternatively it may activate previously
cathode 26 is preferably no greater than about 0.9—1.1 V. The de-differentiated cells in the area. For applications Where
the area of anode 20—and the siZe of a Wound treated there are insufficient numbers of mature ?broblast cells
thereWith—is therefore limited to approximately 9—11 in2 35 present, the complex may be in?ltrated With
(about 60—70 cm2). For larger Wounds, tWo or more devices de-differentiated cells produced by the above-described
10, each With its oWn anode, cathode, etc. are used, thereby technique in order to provide a source of de-differentiated
ensuring that no single anode-cathode pair has an applied cells to start the in vivo induction process.
voltage greater than the preferred maximum. Thus, poWer The present invention is further illustrated in the folloW
source 12 may have several output voltages, each With a ing nonlimiting examples.
corresponding output terminal (for example, 0.1 V, 0.2 V,
and so forth) for treatment of Wounds of the corresponding EXAMPLE 1
siZe. Anodes 20 for use With such a poWer source have Portions of granulation tissue ranging in siZe from
terminals that alloW them to be connected only to the output approximately 1—2 mm Were removed from optimally
terminal With the correct output voltage: a 1“-square anode 45
treated Wounds and explanted into an appropriate tissue
to the 0.1V terminal, a 2“-square anode With the 0.2V culture medium, resulting in the formation of large numbers
terminal, and so forth. of neW cells in the culture medium. The neW cells Were
During treatment, silver ions from anode 20 migrate into embryonic in nature and formed in contact With the explants,
the tissues surrounding Wound 20, Where the ions undergo multiplying rapidly and spreading out from the explants
the three reactions shoWn in FIG. 1: binding to proteins, until approximately % of the culture dish Was covered With
peptides, etc. in the area; de-differentiation of normal cells embryonic cells. NeW cell formation ceased after 3—4 Weeks,
(primarily ?broblasts) into primitive, de-differentiated cells, and all the cells then present reverted to normal ?broblast
and binding to collagen ?bers to form a silver-collagen morphology. No further cell multiplication occurred.
composition that in turn activates the de-differentiated cells.
The activated cells multiply rapidly and re-differentiate to 55 EXAMPLE 2
form the speci?c types of normal mammalian cells needed
to restore the region to its pre-injury state (dermal and Explants of granulation tissue Were cultured as described
epidermal tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue, blood vessels, in Example 1; hoWever, the original explants Were removed
bone cells, and so forth, as may be needed for the particular from the culture medium before cessation of neW cell
site being treated). formation. All neW cell production ceased after removal of
As noted above, silver compounds such as AgNO3 have the explants from the culture medium. Histological analysis
long been knoWn to possess bactericidal and fungicidal revealed that the explants removed from the culture medium
properties; hoWever, compounds of the higher oxidation Were composed solely of collagen ?bers.
states of silver (Ag(II) and Ag(III)) have recently been found
to be signi?cantly more effective than monovalent (Ag(I)) 65
compounds (M. S. Antelman, “Silver (II,III) Disinfectants,” Explants of granulation tissue Were cultured as described
Soap/Cosmetics/Chemical Specialties, March, 1994, pp. in Example 1. The explants Were removed from the culture
15 16
medium at approximately 1-Week intervals, placed in sterile to the Wound as shoWn in FIG. 2. The poWer source Was a
saline and refrigerated for 3—5 days. All neW cell production voltage-controlled, battery operated solid state unit set to
ceased after removal of the explants from the culture deliver a constant, direct current voltage.
medium; cell production resumed after the explants Were Most patients Were treated on an outpatient basis after the
re-implanted in the medium. patient and his/her family members Were instructed in the
techniques of electrode preparation and application. Treat
EXAMPLE 4 ment Was continuous; the anode Was changed daily With no
Granulation tissue from a Wound treated With a speci?c special sterile precautions. The cathode Was removed daily,
voltage greater than the above-described optimum Was cleaned With tap Water and reapplied to the original site. All
explanted into a suitable tissue culture medium. No neW cell patients continued their daily dressing changes at home With
production Was observed, regardless of the length of time the Weekly folloW-up visits; all reported minimal dif?culty or
culture Was maintained. pain associated With the dressing changes. Patients With
obviously contaminated Wounds Were given systemic anti
EXAMPLE 5 biotics for the initial three days of treatment to prevent
15 systemic infection (for example, infection resulting from
Granulation tissue from an optimally treated Wound Was
any initial surgical debridement). No infections occurred in
maintained in tissue culture until the cessation of neW cell the entire series; all pre-existing infections cleared rapidly
formation, but before reversion of the embryonic cells to (Within 3—4 days). Patient compliance Was excellent, and
mature ?broblasts. The explanted granulation tissue Was treatment Was terminated When a satisfactory clinical result
removed, injected With silver ions for approximately tWo Was achieved.
hours, and then re-implanted into the original culture
medium at its original site. NeW cell production resumed. A total of 24 Wounds Were treated, including bums,
lacerations, crush injuries, open fractures, amputations, and
EXAMPLE 6 infections. All Wounds involved soft tissue loss With full
thickness skin loss ranging in area from 1 cm2 to 18 cm2
Gelatin blocks Were prepared from commercial collagen 25
With an average of about 4 cm2. Treatment voltages ranged
product in a normal saline solution. After hardening, the from about 0.3 V to about 0.9 V, depending on the surface
blocks Were subjected to appropriate levels of DC voltage area of the Wound. Current densities ranged from approxi
from a silver anode for 12 hours. After cessation of electrical mately 4—8 pA/cmz, With the magnitude of the current in
treatment and removal of the anode, the blocks demon individual cases being dependent upon the surface area of
strated a voltage and current production only slightly loWer the Wound. Treatment times ranged from 7 to 72 days, With
than that administered for an additional 10—12 hours. an average of 30 days; folloW-up times ranged from 2 to 22
While the exact structure of the silver-collagen complex months With an average of 10 months.
has not been determined, Examples 1—6 indicate the pro All patients regained their preinjury activity level; all
duction of such a complex under the appropriate conditions patients With occupational injuries returned to their original
(i.e., When Wounds are treated With the optimum speci?c or equivalent occupations. Despite the lack of sterile
voltage). The complex does not form When Wounds are precautions, there Were no infections (in one case, a pre
subject to higher voltages. existing post-operative infection Was Well treated With the
silver ions alone).
In all cases, full thickness skin loss Was replaced With
Volunteer patients Were treated for a Wide variety of normal-appearing, full thickness, ?exible skin appropriate to
traumatic Wounds using the above-described methodology, the area, With regroWth of subdermal tissues and minimal or
including Wounds to the extremities Which may heal With no scari?cation. Initially, the skin appeared to be full
dif?culty due to poor natural healing processes. Each patient thickness, ?exible and innervated; hoWever, it Was darker
Was advised of the experimental nature of the treatment and 45 than normal and underWent a subsequent maturation period
Was offered conventional treatment; each patient Who of several months before gradually acquiring a more normal
selected the experimental treatment Was free to discontinue coloration, dermatoglyphic pattern, and hair groWth (in
it at any time. Treated Wounds included burns, lacerations, appropriate regions). The normal dermatoglyphic pattern on
crush injuries, amputations, and infections. Patients ranged volar skin areas became more evident With the passage of
in age from 2.5 years to 81 years. additional time folloWing treatment. Skin areas Were sensi
Patients Were treated as soon as possible folloWing the tive to light touch, and almost all patients reported the
trauma. Debridement, if needed, Was done under anesthesia. sensation in the area to be subjectively normal Without
Silver ions Were introduced directly into the Wound by paresthesias, numbness or cold intolerance; only three
means of a small electrical current from a silver-containing patients had less than fully normal sensation. Typical results
nylon anode as described above. The treatment electrode 55 Were as folloWs:
(anode 20) Was cut to approximately ?t the Wound, Wetted Patient 1. An 11-year-old female lacerated the radial
With tap Water and/or normal saline, and applied directly to aspect of the left thumb, incurring a full-thickness skin loss
the Wound. The electrode Was then covered With a small of approximately 2 cm2 in area extending from the midpoint
?exible, carbon-rubber electrode With an integral, thin, ?ex of the nail to the mid IP joint and centered over the neutral
ible Wire that Was connected to the anode of a DC poWer line betWeen dorsal and volar skin. Treatment using an
source. The Wound Was then Wrapped in a soft dressing With appropriate voltage Was instituted on the day of injury and
a Water-impermeable layer to prevent the dressing from continued for 28 days.
drying out. At the conclusion of treatment, the Wound Was completely
The return electrode (cathode 26) Was placed on the healed With apparently full-thickness skin of a darker than
opposing side of the limb from the Wound as indicated in 65 normal coloration, and With good sensation. Normal dorsal
FIG. 3. Where this placement Was not feasible (for example, type skin Was regenerated dorsal to the neutral line; normal
?ngertip injuries), the return electrode Was placed proximal volar skin Was formed volar to the neutral line. Coloration

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