SAWAL - Legal Notice
SAWAL - Legal Notice
SAWAL - Legal Notice
Mr. K. J. Shaikh, ____
Owals Complex,
Banda Katta Corner NH17,
Mumbai-Goa Highway
Banda Sawantwadi-Maharashtra 416511
11. My client instructs me to state that she has since realized that she
was misled into writing and issuing the said note to your client in
terms dictated by you, and whose contents are not correct. You
have taken full advantage of the fact that my client was a simple,
gullible and trusting lady, who trusted your words and assurances
15. As you are aware, your conduct in this entire episode of cajoling
and convincing my client to book Block no. 207 in your project,
received money towards Block 207, suddenly changed to Block
306 while also increasing the price to Rs. 22,00,000/- (Rupees
Twenty-Two Lakhs only), unilaterally obtained the writing from
my client under misrepresentation, wrongful utilization of my
client’s money and your persistent failure and neglect to refund
the entire amount, amounts to offences under the Indian Penal
Code attracting punishment in respect of cheating,
misappropriation and criminal breach of trust.
16. Therefore, apart from the civil liability, your client would also be
liable to be punished under the Penal Laws of the land.
Yours faithfully,
Ninad G. Kamat