Interupteur Sectionneur Benidict
Interupteur Sectionneur Benidict
Interupteur Sectionneur Benidict
Kind of Category Typical Test conditions for the number Test conditions for making and
current applications of on-load operating cycles (normal service) breaking capacities (operation in fault case)
Make Break Make Break
I/Ie U/Ue L/R Ic/I e Ur/Ue L/R I/Ie U/Ue L/R Ic/Ie Ur/U e L/R
Direct DC21A DC21B Switching of resistive loads 1 1 1ms 1 1 1ms 1,5 1,05 1ms 1,5 1,05 1ms
current frequent operation infrequent operation including moderate overloads
DC22A DC22B Switching of mixed resistive a.induct. 1 1 2ms 1 1 2ms 4 1,05 2,5ms 4 1,05 2,5ms
frequent operation infrequent operation loads incl. moderate overloads (shunt motors)
DC-PV1 Switching of single PV string(s) without 1 1 1ms 1 1 1ms 1,5 1,05 1ms 1,5 1,05 1ms
reverse- and overcurrents.
DC-PV2 Switching of several PV strings with 1 1 1ms 1 1 1ms 4 1,05 1ms 4 1,05 1ms
reverse- and overcurrents.
D946E 303