IICS Overview

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IICS: Cloud Data Integration Services

OnDemand Lab Guide

Version: IICS-R32-Cloud-DIS-OD-201909

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IICS: Cloud Data Integration Services OnDemand

Version: IICS-R32-Cloud-DIS-OD-201909
September 2019
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Document Conventions
This guide uses the following formatting conventions:

If you see… It means… Example

> Indicates a sub menu to navigate Click Repository > Connect.
to. In this example, you should click the
Repository menu or button and
choose Connect.
boldfaced text Indicates text you need to type or Click the Rename button and name
enter. the new source definition
UPPERCASE Database tables and column T_ITEM_SUMMARY
names are shown in all
italicized text Indicates a variable you must Connect to the Repository using the
replace with specific information. assigned login_id.
Note: The following paragraph provides Note: You can select multiple objects
additional facts. to import by using the Ctrl key.
Tip: The following paragraph provides Tip: The m_ prefix for a mapping
suggested uses or a Velocity best name is…

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Table of Contents
Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview
Lab 1-1: Navigating the IICS Interface ................................................................................ 1
Module 2: Runtime Environments and Connections
Lab 2-1: Creating a Salesforce Connection ...................................................................... 13
Lab 2-2: Creating a Flat File Connection ........................................................................... 21
Lab 2-3: Creating a Oracle Connection ............................................................................. 27
Module 3: Synchronization Task
Lab 3-1: Creating a Synchronization Task ........................................................................ 41
Lab 3-2: Using Filter, Expression, and Lookup in a Synchronization Task ....................... 53
Lab 3-3: Creating a Synchronization Task with Multiple Object Source Types ................. 71
Lab 3-4: Using Pre and Post SQL Commands in a Synchronization Task........................ 83
Module 4: Cloud Mapping Designer – Basic Transformations
Lab 4-1: Creating a Mapping Using Basic Transformations .............................................. 95
Module 5: Advanced Transformations and Mapping Tasks
Lab 5-1: Using Normalizer Aggregator and Rank Transformations in a Mapping ........... 121
Lab 5-2: Creating a Mapping Task .................................................................................. 145
Lab 5-3: Creating a Mapping using Unconnected Lookup Transformation ..................... 151
Lab 5-4: Creating a Mapping using SQL Transformation ................................................ 175
Module 6: Mapping Parameters
Lab 6-1: Performing Complete Parameterization ............................................................ 191
Lab 6-2: Using Parameter File in a Mapping Task .......................................................... 215
Lab 6-3: Using In-Out Parameter for Incremental Data Loading ..................................... 227
Module 7: Expression Macro and Dynamic Linking
Lab 7-1: Using an Expression Macro in a Mapping ......................................................... 249
Lab 7-2: Using Dynamic Linking in a Mapping ................................................................ 271
Module 8: Replication Task
Lab 8-1: Replicating Data to a Flat File ........................................................................... 281
Module 9: Masking Task
Lab 9-1: Creating a Masking Task .................................................................................. 289

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Module 11: Taskflows

Lab 11-1: Creating a Parallel Taskflow ........................................................................... 299
Lab 11-2: Passing In-out Parameters in a Taskflow ........................................................ 307
Lab 11-3: Invoking a Taskflow through a File Listener .................................................... 317
Module 12: Advanced Options
Lab 12-1: Configuring SQL Override Setting in a Lookup Transformation ...................... 333
Lab 12-2: Using Primary Key Chunking in a Synchronization Task ................................ 347
Module 13: Hierarchical Connectivity
Lab 13-1: Creating a Mapping using a REST V2 Connector ........................................... 357
Lab 13-2: Using Web Services Transformation in a Mapping ......................................... 373
Lab 13-3: Creating a Mapping using Hierarchy Parser Transformation .......................... 393
Lab 13-4: Creating a Mapping using Hierarchy Builder Transformation ......................... 407
Module 14: Intelligent Structure Model
Lab 14-1: Creating an Intelligent Structure Model ........................................................... 433
Lab 14-2: Using Structure Parser Transformation in a Mapping ..................................... 439
Module 15: IICS APIs
Lab 15-1: Running a Mapping Task using REST API ..................................................... 453
Module 16: Exception Handing
Lab 16-1: Creating a Mapping to Handle Non-fatal Errors .............................................. 465
Module 17: Performance Tuning
Lab 17-1: Using Partitions in a Mapping ......................................................................... 495
Lab 17-2: Using Pushdown Optimization in a Mapping Task .......................................... 505
Module 18: Automating and Monitoring Tasks
Lab 18-1: Creating a Schedule ........................................................................................ 533
Module 19: Administration
Lab 19-1: Configure Administrative Settings for your Informatica Cloud Org .................. 539
Lab 19-2: Creating a Sub-Organization and Importing/Exproting Assets ........................ 555

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Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview

Lab 1-1: Navigating the IICS interface
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) is a platform that helps in Enterprise Data
Management through a suite of Intelligent Cloud services.
To effectively manage the data, IICS platform provides Data Integration, Administrator, and
Monitor services.
The Data Integration service synchronizes data between a heterogeneous source and target.
The Administrator service provides organization management capabilities such as managing
security, licenses, users, user groups, user roles, connections, schedules, add-on bundles, and
swagger files.
Monitor service enables a user to analyze the state of various deployment activities that you
perform within the organization.
Log in to the Informatica Cloud Org
View Asset Dependencies
Access the Informatica Cloud online help
Search the online help
After hearing about IICS, Ruby wants to use Informatica Cloud Data Integration Service to
improve the performance of her store. So, to introduce Ruby with various features of IICS,
Joseph tells Ruby how to access the IICS interface and navigate between the services. He also
explains the procedure to access the online help option to Ruby.
In this lab, Ruby will access IICS interface and access the online help option. Ruby will also
explore various IICS services.
10 minutes

Access IICS Interface:
1. Access your cloud trial account by clicking Launch in your option menu.

Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview 1

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2. Enter your login credentials and click Log In.

Note: The My Services window appears.

3. From the list of available services, click Data Integration.

2 Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview

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4. The Data Integration Home page appears.

5. From the Navigation pane, select Explore.

Note: The Explore page shows all the projects and assets built using IICS.
6. To check the asset dependencies, go to Default and select any asset.

7. Click and select Show Dependencies.

Note: A Dependencies window appears.

Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview 3

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8. To view the objects that the asset depends on, click Uses.

9. To view the objects that the asset is dependent on, click Used By.

10. To close the dependencies window, click .

11. To check the list of all the bundles available in your organization, from the Navigation
pane, select Bundles.

Note: A bundle is a set of prebuilt integration template that allows you to execute custom
integration tasks.
12. To check the status of a job, from the Navigation pane, select My Jobs.

4 Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview

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13. To check the updated status of a running task, click .

14. To list import/export task started by current user, from the Navigation pane, select My
Import/Export Logs.

15. To maximize and minimize the Navigation pane, click .

Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview 5

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Switching between Services:

16. To switch between the available services, from the toolbar, select the drop-down next to
the current service name. In this case, the service name is Data Integration.

Note: The My Services window appears. You can select any available service at the
time of log in as well.
17. From the My Services window, select Administrator.

6 Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview

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Note: The Organization page appears.

18. In Organization page, you can enable or disable CLAIRE recommendation preference.

Note: By default, CLAIRE recommendation is enabled. For this course, do not make any
changes in the Administrator service unless stated in the labs.
19. To navigate to the Monitor service, select the drop-down next to Administrator.

Module 1: Informatica Cloud Overview 7

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