Generator Protection

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This paper was developed to assist in the selection of relays to protect a generator. The
purpose of each relay is described and related to one or more power system configura-
tions. A large number of relays is available to protect for a wide variety of conditions.
These relays protect the generator or prime mover from damage. They also protect the
external power system or the processes it supplies.

The engineer must balance the expense of applying a particular relay against the
consequences of losing a generator. The total loss of a generator may not be cata-
strophic if it represents a small percentage of the investment in an installation. How-
ever, the impact on service reliability and upset to loads supplied must be considered.
Damage to and loss of product in continuous processes can represent the dominating
concern rather than the generator unit. Accordingly, there is no standard solution
based on the MW rating.

This paper simplifies the process of selecting relays by describing how to protect
against each type of fault or abnormal condition. Then, suggestions are made for what
is considered to be minimum protection as a baseline. After establishing the baseline,
additional relays, as described in the section on Extended Protection, may be added.

The references listed on Page 21 provide more background on this subject. These
documents also contain Bibliographies for further study.

Table 1 provides Basler model, function, description and style number. It also refer-
ences the figures where the relays are indicated by their ANSI designation.


The following information and examples cover three impedance levels of grounding:
low, medium and high. The impedance values are specifically defined for each applica-
tion. The location of the grounding—generator neutral(s) or transformer—also influ-
ences the protection approach.

The location of the ground fault within the generator winding, as well as the grounding
impedance, determines the level of fault current. The level is proportional to the pre-
fault voltage to ground at the fault point: VFG in Figure 1. Assuming that the generated
voltage along each segment of the winding is uniform, the current level is directly
proportional to the distance of the point from the generator neutral. A fault 10% from
neutral produces 10% of the current that flows for a fault on the generator terminals.
While the current level drops towards zero as the neutral is approached, the insulation
stress also drops, tending to reduce the probability of a fault near the neutral.

Figure 1: Fault location within generator winding fixes current level.

The generator differential relay (87G) may be sensitive enough to detect winding
ground faults with low-impedance grounding per Figure 2. This would be the case if a
solid generator-terminal fault produces at least 100% of rated current. The Basler BE1-
87G variable percentage differential relay pickup settings range from 0.1-1.6A; the
lower pickup settings are recommended only with high-quality CTs (e.g. C400) and a
good CT match (e.g. identical accuracy class and equal burden). A representative
recommended setting for small generators is 0.4A. See this relay’s instruction manual
for specific setting recommendations.

If 87G relaying is provided per Figure 2, relay 51N backs up the 87G, as well as exter-
nal relays. If an 87G is not provided or is not sufficiently sensitive for ground faults, then
the 51N provides the primary protection for the generator. The advantage of the 87G is
that it does not need to be delayed to coordinate with external protection; however,
delay is required for the 51N.

Figure 2: Ground-fault relaying – Generator low-impedance grounding.

The neutral CT should be selected to produce a secondary current of at least 5A for a

solid generator terminal fault, providing sufficient current for a fault near the generator
neutral. For example, if a terminal fault produces 1000A in the generator ground
source, the neutral CT ratio should not exceed 1000/5. For a fault 10% from the neutral,
the 51N current will be 0.5A, with a 1000/5 CT.

Figure 3 shows multiple generators with the transformer providing the system ground-
ing. This arrangement applies if the generators will not be operated with the trans-
former out of service. The transformer could serve as a step-up as well as a grounding
transformer function. An overcurrent relay 50/51N or an 87G differential relay provides
the protection for each generator. The transformer should produce a ground current of
at least 50% of generator rated to provide about 95% or more winding coverage. A
relatively high instantaneous setting prevents incorrect operation during an external
phase fault that produces false residual current due to dissimilar CT saturation.

Figure 3: System grounded externally with multiple generators.

Figure 4 shows a unit-connected arrangement (generator and step-up transformer

directly connected with no low-side breaker), using high-resistance grounding. The
resistor and voltage relays connect to the secondary of a distribution transformer. The
resistor is normally sized to produce a terminal-fault current about equal to the fault
current flow in the capacitance of the circuit—on the order of 5-10A primary. Sufficient
resistor damping prevents ratcheting up of the sound-phase voltages in the presence
of an intermittent ground. The ground fault elevates the sound phase voltages to a
nominal 173% of rated. On the other hand, the low current level minimizes the possibil-
ity of sufficient iron damage to require restacking. Because of the low current level, the
87G relay will not operate for single-phase ground faults.

Figure 4: Unit-connected case with high-resistance grounding.

Figure 5: Ground fault near generator neutral reduces third-harmonic current flow in
generator ground, dropping out 27-3N.

Protection in Figure 4 consists of a 59N overvoltage relay and a 27-3N third-harmonic

undervoltage relay. The 59N relay does not respond to third harmonic voltage pro-
duced during normal operation (see Figure 5). The 59N will not operate for faults near
neutral because of the reduced fault current level, per Figure 1.

However, for these faults, the pre-fault third harmonic flow in the generator ground is
disrupted, causing the 27-3N to drop out. The 27-3N performs a valuable monitoring
function, aside from its fault detection function; if the grounding system is shorted or an
open occurs, the 27-3N drops out. The 59 overvoltage relay in Figure 4 supervises the
27-3N relay, so that the 86 lockout relay can be reset when the generator is out of
service; otherwise, the field could not be applied. Once the field is applied, and the 59
operates, the 27-3N protection is enabled. The 59 relay should be set for about 90% of
rated voltage. An “a” contact of the unit breaker can be used instead of the 59 relay to
supervise 27-3N tripping. However, use of the 59 relay allows the 27-3N to provide
protection prior to synchronization (putting the unit on line), once the field has been

Where wye-wye voltage transformers (VTs) are connected to the machine terminals,
secondary VT neutral should not be grounded in order to avoid operation of 59N for a
secondary ground fault. Instead, one of the phase leads should be grounded. This
connection eliminates any voltage across the 59N relay for a secondary ground fault.
An isolation VT is required if the generator VTs would otherwise be galvanically con-
nected to a set of neutral-grounded VTs. Three wye VTs should be applied where an
iso-phase bus (phase conductors separately enclosed) is used to protect against
phase-phase faults on the generator terminals.

The 59N relay in Figure 4 is subject to operation for a ground fault on the wye side of
any power transformer connected to the generator. This voltage is developed even
though the generator connects to a delta winding, because of the transformer inter-
winding capacitance. This coupling is so small that its effect can ordinarily be ignored;
however, this is not the case with the 59N application because of the very high ground-
ing resistance. The 59N overvoltage element time delay allows the relay to override
external-fault clearing.

The Basler BE1-59N relay contains the overvoltage (59N), undervoltage (27-3N) and 59
units. It has a continuous rating of 360V and its filters provide a 40 dB (100/1) minimum
rejection of 3rd harmonic for the overvoltage (59N) function. The filter prevents tripping
due to 3rd harmonic current flow in the capacitances of the generator and associated
bus and transformers. Thus, a relay set for 1V, 60 Hz pickup will require at least 100V
third harmonic to operate; the 100V level is sufficient to prevent incorrect operation.

The Basler BE1-59N third harmonic undervoltage element (27-3N) protects for faults
near the neutral end of the generator stator winding. Fundamental frequency rejection
for this element is at least 40dB (100/1).

In order to provide 100% stator winding coverage, the undervoltage (27-3N) and
overvoltage (59N) settings should overlap. For example, if a generator-terminal fault
produces 240V, 60 Hz across the voltage relay (59N), a 1V 60 Hz pickup setting
would allow all but the last (1/240)*100 = 0.416% of the winding to be covered by
the overvoltage function. If 20V, third harmonic is developed across the relay prior to
a fault, a 1V third-harmonic drop-out setting would provide dropout for a fault up to
(1/20)*100= 5% from the neutral.

If the 59N relay is used only for alarming, the distribution transformer voltage ratio
should be selected to limit the secondary voltage to the maximum continuous rating of
the relay. If the relay is used for tripping, the secondary voltage could be as high as the
relay’s ten-second voltage rating. Tripping is recommended to minimize iron damage
for a winding fault as well as minimizing the possibility of a multi-phase fault.

Figure 4 shows a 51GN relay as a second means of detecting a stator ground fault. The
use of a 51GN in addition to the 59N and 27-3N is readily justified, since the most likely
fault is a stator ground fault. An undetected stator ground fault would be catastrophic,
eventually resulting in a multiphase fault with high current flow, which persists until the
field flux decays (e.g. for 1 to 2s). The CT shown in Figure 4 could be replaced with a
CT in the secondary of the distribution transformer, allowing use of a CT with a lower
voltage rating. However, the 51GN relay would then be inoperative if the distribution
transformer primary becomes shorted. The CT ratio for the secondary-connected con-
figuration should provide for a relay current about equal to the generator neutral cur-
rent. In either position, the relay pickup should be above the harmonic current flow
during normal operation; this will be approximately 1A. Assuming a maximum fault
current of 8A in the neutral and a pickup of 1A, 88% of the stator winding is covered. As
with the 59N relay, the 51GN delay will allow it to override clearing of a high-side
ground fault. An instantaneous overcurrent element can also be employed, set at about
three times the time-overcurrent element pickup, although it may not coordinate with
primary VT fuses that are connected to the generator terminals.

Multiple generators, per Figure 6, can be high-resistance grounded, but the 59N relays
will not be selective. A ground fault anywhere at the generation voltage level will be
seen by all 59N relays, and the tendency will be for all generators to trip. The 51N relay,
when connected to a zero-flux CT, will provide selective tripping if at least three genera-
tors are in service. In this case, the faulted generator 51N relay will then see more
current than the other 51N relays. The proper 51N will operate before the others be-
cause of the inverse characteristic of the relays. Use of the zero-flux transformer is
limited to those cases where the CT window can accomodate the three cables. With a
50 to 5A CT, a 51N pickup of 0.1A should be used. With two generators, each contrib-
uting 10A to a terminal fault in a third generator, the faulted-generator 51N relay sees
2*10/(50/5) = 2A. Then the relay protects down to (0.1/2)*100 = 5% from the neutral.

Figure 6: 59N relay operation with multiple units will not be selective. 51N relays provide
selective protection if at least three generators are in service.

When feeder cables are connected to the generator bus, the additional capacitance
dictates a much lower level of grounding resistance than achieved with a unit-con-
nected case. A lower resistance is required to minimize transient overvoltages during
an arcing fault.

Figure 7: Medium-level grounding with 87N ground differential protection.

Figure 7 shows an application where the grounding resistor current is at least 5% of
rated current for a terminal fault. The function is labeled 87N, but the Basler BE1-67N is
applied. For the maximum fault, the neutral CT should produce a secondary current of
at least 2.5A; the 87N pickup should be set at 0.25A. The auxiliary CT (ACT) ratio
should produce a match with the neutral CT current. During external phase faults,
considerable operating current can result when there is dissimilar saturation of the
phase CTs. For this case the 60 Hz generator neutral current will be zero assuming
balanced conductor impedances to the fault. The time overcurrent element should
have sufficient delay to ride through external high-current two-phase-ground faults.
(The current-polarizing threshold for time tripping is fixed at 0.2A in the Basler BE1-


Figure 8 shows a simple means of detecting phase faults, but clearing is delayed, since
the 51 relay must be delayed to coordinate with external devices. Its pickup should be
set at about 175% of rated current to override swings due to a slow-clearing external
fault, the starting of a large motor, or the re-acceleration current of a group of motors.
Energization of a transformer may also subject the generator to higher than rated
current flow.

Figure 8: Phase-Overcurrent protection (51) must be delayed to coordinate with

external relays.

Figure 9 shows an example of generator current decay for a 3 phase fault and a phase-
phase fault. For a 3 phase fault, the fault current decays below the pickup level of the
51 relay in approximately one second. If the time delay of the 51 can be selectively set
to operate before the current drops to pickup, the relay will provide 3 phase fault pro-
tection. The current does not decay as fast for a phase-phase fault, and thereby allows
the 51 relay more time to trip before current drops below pickup. Figure 9 assumes no
voltage regulator boosting, although the excitation system response time is unlikely to
provide significant fault current boosting in the first second of the fault. If the generator
is loaded prior to the fault, the superposition of the fault current in Figure 9 and the
prefault load current will provide the relay with a higher level of current than indicated
by the Figure 9 curves. For example, at one second, the 3 phase fault value would be
2.4 times rated, assuming a pre-fault rated load at 30 degree lag, rather than 1.75 times
rated. Under these circumstances, the 51 relay has more time to operate before current
decays below pickup.

Figure 9: Generator fault current decay example for 3-phase and phase-phase faults at
generator terminals – with no regulator boosting.

If an external source contributes more current than does the generator, using CTs on
the generator terminals, rather than neutral-side CTs, will increase 51 relay sensitivity to
internal faults due to higher current contribution from the external source; however, the
generator is unprotected should a fault occur prior to synchronizing.

Figure 10 eliminates concerns about the decay rate of the generator current by using
an instantaneous overcurrent relay (50) on a zero-flux ct, where the CT window can
accomodate cable from both sides of the generator. The relay does not respond to
generator load current, nor to external fault conditions. The instantaneous overcurrent
relay (50) provides high-speed sensitive protection. The 51 relay shown in Figure 10 is
applied for back-up of external relays and as back-up for the 50 relay.

Figure 10: Zero-flux relay (50) provides sensitive, high-speed, selective protection.

Voltage-restrained or voltage-controlled time-overcurrent relays (51V) may be used as
shown in Figure 11 to remove any concerns about ability to operate before the genera-
tor current drops too low. The voltage feature allows the relays to be set below rated
current. The Basler BE1-51/27R voltage restrained type causes the pickup to decrease
with decreasing voltage. For example, the relay can be set for 175% of generator rated
current with rated voltage applied; at 25% voltage the relay picks up at 25% of the relay
setting (1.75*0.25=0.44 times rated). The Basler BE1-51/27C voltage controlled type
inhibits operation until the voltage drops below a preset voltage. It should be set to
function below 80% of rated voltage, with a current pickup of about 50% of generator
rated. Since the voltage-controlled type has a fixed pickup, it can be more readily
coordinated with external relays than can the voltage-restrained type. The voltage-
controlled type is recommended since it is easier to coordinate. However, the voltage-
restrained type will be less susceptible to operation on swings or motor starting condi-
tions that depress the voltage below the voltage-controlled undervoltage unit dropout

Figure 11: Voltage-restrained or voltage-controlled time-overcurrent phase fault


The 87G relays in Figure 12 are connected to respond to differential currents. In con-
trast to a 51 or 51V relay, the 87G relay responds to both the generator and external
contributions to a generator fault. Because of the differential connection, the relays are
immune to operation due to generator load flow or external faults and, therefore, can
provide sensitive, high speed protection. While the CTs must be of the same ratio, they
do not need to be matched in performance, but the pickup of the Basler BE1-87G must
be raised as the degree of performance mismatch increases. (See the BE1-87G instruc-
tion manual for specifics on settings.) A 0.4A pickup is representative of a recom-
mended setting for a moderate mismatch in CT quality and burden. Figure 12 also
shows 51V relays to back up the 87G and external relays and breakers.

Figure 12: 87G provides sensitive, high-speed coverage. 51V provides back-up for 87G
and for external relays.


The reverse-power relay (32) in Figure 13 senses real power flow into the generator,
which will occur if the generator loses its prime-mover input. Since the generator is not
faulted, cts on either side of the generator would provide the same measured current.

Figure 13: Overexcitation (24), Anti-motoring (32), Loss-of-field (40), Protection

In a steam turbine, the low pressure blades will overheat with the lack of steam flow.
Diesel and gas turbine units draw large amounts of motoring power, with possible
mechanical problems. In the case of diesels, the hazard of a fire and/or explosion may
occur due to unburnt fuel. Therefore, anti-motoring protection is recommended when-
ever the unit may be connected to a source of motoring power. Where a non-electrical
type of protection is available, as may be the case with a steam turbine unit, the 32
relay provides a second means of detecting this condition. Time delay should be set for
about 15 seconds. This will provide time for the controls to pick up load upon synchro-
nizing when the generator is initially slower than the system.

Since motoring can occur during a large reactive-power flow, the real power compo-
nent needs to be measured at low power factors. The BE1-32R measures real power
down to 0.1 pf.

Figure 14 shows the use of two reverse-power relays, 32-1 and 32-2. The 32-1 relay
supervises the generator tripping of devices that can wait until the unit begins to motor.
Overspeeding on large steam-turbine units can be prevented by delaying main and
field breaker tripping until motoring occurs for non-electrical and selected electrical
conditions (e.g. loss-of-field and overtemperature). Relay 32-1 should be delayed about
3 seconds, while relay 32-2 should be delayed by about 30 seconds. Relay 32-2 trips
directly for cases of motoring that were not initiated by lockout relay 86NE —e.g. gover-
nor control malfunction.

Figure 14: Reverse-power relay 32-1 prevents load rejection for selected trips.
Relay 32-2 operates if motoring is not accompanied by an 86NE operation.


The power diagram (P-Q) of Figure 15 shows the Basler BE1-40Q characteristic with a
representative setting, a representative generator thermal capability curve, and an
example of the trajectory following a loss of excitation. The first quadrant of the diagram
applies for lagging pf operation. The trajectory starts at point A and moves into the
leading pf zone (4th quadrant) and can readily exceed the thermal capability of the unit.

With complete loss of excitation, the unit will eventually operate as an induction genera-
tor with a positive slip. Because the unit is running above synchronous speed, exces-
sive currents can flow in the rotor, resulting in overheating of elements not designed for
such conditions. This heating cannot be detected by thermal relay 49, which is used to
detect stator overloads.

Rotor thermal capability can also be exceeded for a partial reduction in excitation due
to an operator error or regulator malfunction. If a unit is initially generating reactive

Figure 15: For loss of field, the power trajectory moves from Point A into the fourth

power and then draws reactive power upon loss of excitation, the reactive swings can
significantly depress the voltage. In addition, the voltage will oscillate and adversely
impact sensitive loads. If the unit is large compared to the external reactive sources,
system instability can result. The Basler BE1-40Q relay provides loss-of-field protection.
A trip delay of about 0.2 seconds is recommended to prevent unwanted operation due
to other transient conditions. The Basler BE1-40Q relay is equipped with a timer for this

Figure 13 shows the connection of the loss-of-field relay (40).


Figure 16: Stator temperature protection.

Figure 16 shows the Basler BE1-49 relay connected to a resistance-temperature detec-

tor, embedded in a stator slot. Relay models are available for either a copper or plati-
num RTD. The relay provides a constant-current source to produce a voltage across

the RTD and includes the means to measure that voltage (proportional to temperature)
using separate leads.

The relay provides outputs at two temperature levels over a 60 to 150 degree C range.
The lower level can be used for alarming and the upper level for tripping.


Figure 17 shows the use of two sets of VTs on the generator terminals. One set sup-
plies the voltage regulator, the other, the relays. If the potential decreases or is lost
from VT #1, the Basler BE1-60 disables the voltage regulator; if source #2 fails, the
Basler BE1-60 blocks relay tripping. Since both the 40 and 51V relay functions in Figure
17 are time delayed, the 60 relay does not need to operate at high speed.
Overexcitation relay (24) does not need to be blocked, since it will not see overvoltage
when a fuse blows.

Figure 17: Voltage-balance relay (60) detects potential supply failure to block either the
voltage regulator or incorrect tripping.


Overexcitation can occur due to higher than rated voltage, or rated or lower voltage at
less than rated frequency. A volts/hertz relay (24) responds to excitation level as it
affects thermal stress to the generator (and to any transformer tied to that generator).
IEEE C50.13 specifies that a generator should continuously withstand 105% of rated
excitation at full load.

With the unit off line, and with voltage-regulator control at reduced frequency, the
generator can be overexcited if the regulator does not include an overexcitation limiter.
Overexcitation can also occur, particularly with the unit off line, if the regulator is out of

service or defective. If voltage-balance supervision (60) is not provided and a fuse
blows on the regulator ac potential input, the regulator would cause overexcitation.
Loss of ac potential may also fool the operator into developing excessive excitation.
The 24 relay can only protect for overexcitation resulting from an erroneous voltage
indication if the 24 relay is connected to an ac potential source different than that used
for the regulator.

Figure 18: Combined generator/transformer overexcitation protection using both the

inverse squared and "alarm" units for tripping. Equipment withstand curves are
examples only.

Figure 18 shows the relation between the Basler BE1-24 relay characteristics and an
example of a generator and transformer withstand capability. The generator and trans-
former manufacturers should supply the specific capabilities of these units.


Inadvertent energization can result from a breaker interrupter flashover or a breaker

close initiation while the unit is at standstill or at low speed. The rapid acceleration can
do extensive damage, particularly if the generator is not promptly de-energized. While
relays applied for other purposes may eventually respond, they are not generally con-
sidered dependable for responding to such an energization.

Figures 19 and 20 show two methods of detecting the energization of a machine at

standstill or at a speed significantly lower than rated. This could be caused by single-
phase energization due to breaker-interrupter flashover or 3-phase energization due to

breaker closure. The unit, without excitation, will accelerate as an induction motor with
excessive current flow in the rotor. Both Figures 19 and 20 schemes will function prop-
erly with the VT fuses at the generator terminal removed. With the generator off line,
safety requirements may dictate the removal of these VT fuses. In the case of Figure 19,
the overcurrent protection is enabled by undervoltage units. In Figure 20 the potential is
taken from bus VTs, rather than unit VTs, so the scheme will function even if the vt
fuses were removed during unit maintenance.

In Figure 19 the terminal voltage will be zero prior to energization, so the 27 relay con-
tacts will be closed to energize the timer (62). The instantaneous overcurrent relay (50)
trip circuit is established, after timer 62 operates. Upon generator energization, the
undervoltage units may operate due to voltage transients, but the delayed dropout of
62 allows relay 50 to initiate tripping. The use of two 27 relays on separate VT circuits
avoids tripping for a VT fuse failure. Alternatively, a voltage-balance relay (60) could be
used in conjunction with a single 27 relay to block tripping.

Figure 19: Inadvertent energization protection using instantaneous overcurrent relay


In Figure 19, the 5 sec pickup delay on timer 62 prevents tripping for external distur-
bances that allow dropout of the 27 relays. The 27 relays should be set at 85% voltage
(below the operating level under emergency conditions). The Figure 20 scheme could
be employed where protection independent of the plant is desired. In this case the 67
relays would be placed in the switchyard rather than in the control room. While direc-
tional overcurrent relay (67) should be delayed to ride through generator swings, it can
still provide faster backup for generator faults than provided by 51 or 51V type relays,
since the 67 relays need not be coordinated with external protection. Figure 20 shows
the operating range for phase A current (Ia) with respect to phase b to c voltage (VBC).
This range is fixed by the 60 degree characteristic angle and the ±45 degree limits set
on the operating zone.

Figure 20: BE1-67 Directional Overcurrent relays detect inadvertent energization.


Negative-sequence stator currents, caused by fault or load unbalance, induce double-

frequency currents into the rotor, that may eventually overheat elements not designed
to be subjected to such currents. Series unbalances, such as untransposed lines,
produce some negative-sequence current (I2) flow. The most serious series unbalance
is an open phase, such as an open breaker pole. ANSI C50.13-1977 specifies a con-
tinuous I2 withstand of 5 to 10% of rated current, depending upon the size and design
of the generator. These values can be exceeded with an open phase on a heavily-
loaded generator. The Basler BE1-46N relay protects against this condition.

Figure 21: Negative-sequence relay (46) protects against rotor overheating due to a
series unbalance or protracted external fault.

Figure 21 shows the 46 relay connection. CTs on either side of the generator can be
used, since the relay protects for events external to the generator. The Basler BE1-46N
alarm unit will alert the operator to the existence of a dangerous condition. This relay
also provides negative sequence inverse-time protection shaped to match the short-
time withstand capability of the generator should a protracted fault occur. This is an
unlikely event, because other fault sensing relaying tends to clear faults faster, even if
primary protection fails.


Diesel engines can be safely operated off normal frequency and no protection is re-
quired. Gas turbine controls generally provide protection for off frequency conditions
and separate relays are not required. In contrast, frequency relays are sometimes
applied with steam-turbine units, particularly to minimize turbine blade fatiguing. Refer-
ence 3 specifically addresses abnormal frequency operation. Figure 5 of Reference 3
shows frequency operating limits specified by various generator manufacturers. The
simplest relay application would be a single underfrequency stage (e.g. BE1-81). The
Basler BE1-81 O/U relay can be provided with up to four setting stages, each with a
time-delay setting of up to 99 seconds. Each setpoint may be set to recognize either
overfrequency or underfrequency.


Table 1 lists the applicable relays keyed to the various functional one-line figures. The
third column lists the Basler model and the sixth column, the Basler style number.
These style numbers apply for 60 Hz relays. The style numbers also apply for open
delta VTs, 120V line-line. Where applicable, other Basler relay styles are available for
wye VTs. The right column provides typical settings for use as a starting point in the
setting determination procedure. The proper settings are heavily influenced by the
specifics of each application. Typical settings are also used as an aid in selecting the
relay range where a choice is available.


Figures 22 through 26 show examples of protection packages.

Figure 22: Example of bare-minimum protection (low-impedance grounding).

Figure 22 represents bare-minimum protection, with only fault protection. It may appear
to be a disadvantage to use CTs on the neutral side as shown, since the relays may
operate faster with CTs on the terminal side. The increase in speed would result with a
larger current contribution from external sources. However, if the CTs are located on
the terminal side of the generator, there will be no protection prior to putting the ma-
chine on line. This is not recommended because a generator with an internal fault
could be destroyed when the field is applied.

Figure 23 shows the suggested minimum protection with low-resistance grounding. It

includes differential protection, which provides fast, selective response. Note that the
differential relay responds to both generator and external source current contributions.
While the differential relay is fast, the slow decay of the generator field will cause the
generator to continue feeding current into a fault. However, fast relay operation will
interrupt the external-source contribution, which may be greater than the generator
contribution. Fast disconnection from the external source allows prompt restoration of
normal voltage to loads and may reduce damage and cost of repairs.

Figure 23: Suggested minimum protection example (low-impedance grounding).

The differential relay (87G) may protect for ground faults, depending upon the ground-
ing impedance. The 51N relay in Figure 23 provides back-up protection for the 87G or
will be the primary protection if the differential relay (87G) is not sufficiently sensitive to
the ground current level.

The 51V voltage-controlled or voltage-restrained time overcurrent relay in Figure 23

provides back-up for the differential relay (87G) and for external relays and breakers. It
will not provide any back-up coverage prior to having the unit on line. If there is no
external source, connect the 51V to neutral-side CTs.

Figure 23 shows three relays sharing the same CTs with a differential relay. This is
practical with solid state relays because of their low burden and will not significantly
degrade the quality of differential relay protection. A deficiency in the CT circuits is

unlikely to disable both the 87G and 51V relays. Rather, a shorted CT or defective
connection will unbalance the differential circuit and cause the 87G to trip. Independent
CTs could be used to provide improved back-up protection, although this seems to be
a minimal advantage here. However, a separate CT is used for the 51N relay that pro-
vides protection for the most likely type of fault.

The reverse power relay (32) in Figure 23 protects the prime mover against forces from
a motored generator and could provide important protection for the external system if
the motoring power significantly reduces voltage or overloads equipment. Likewise, the
loss-of-field relay (40) has dual protection benefits—against rotor overheating and
against depressed system voltage due to excessive generator reactive absorption.
Thermal relay (49) protects against stator overheating due to protracted heavy reactive
power demands. Even if the excitation system is equipped with a maximum excitation
limiter, a failure of the voltage regulator or a faulty manual control could cause exces-
sive reactive power output.

Figure 24 differs from Figure 23 only in the use of a ground differential relay (87N). This
protection provides faster clearing of ground faults where the grounding impedance is
too high to sense ground faults with the phase differential relay (87G). The auxiliary CT
(ACT) is used to step up the current from the phase cts by 10:1. The 51N relay provides
backup for the ground differential (87N) and for external faults. The Basler BE1-67N
relay functions as the 87N relay, using the current polarizing mode. The polarizing
winding measures the neutral current.

Figure 24: Suggested minimum protection example (medium-impedance grounded).

Figure 25 differs from Figure 23 only in the ground relay protection and the method of
grounding. The voltage units 59N/27-3N provide the only ground protection, since the
ground fault current is too small for phase differential relay (87G) operation. The 59N
relay will not be selective if other generators are in parallel, since all the 59N relays will
see a ground fault and nominally operate at the same time. The Basler BE1-59N pack-
age includes a third harmonic undervoltage function (27-3N), which provides supervi-
sion of the grounding system and protects for faults near the generator neutral. Its most
important function is to detect a shorted or open connection in the generator ground
connection or in the distribution transformer secondary circuit. The 59 overvoltage relay
opens the 27-3N break-contact connection to allow lockout-relay reset following unit
shutdown. Otherwise the field could not be reapplied.

Figure 25: Suggested minimum protection example (high-resistance grounding).

Figure 26 shows the application of additional relays for extended protection:

overexcitation relay (24), negative-sequence overcurrent relay (46), ground-overcurrent
relay (51GN), voltage-balance relay (60), field-ground relay (64F), frequency relay (81)
and the 27/50/62 relay combination for inadvertent energization protection. Relay 51GN
provides a second means of detecting stator ground faults or faults in the generator
connections or faults in the delta transformer windings. Differential relay 87T and sud-
den-pressure relay 63 protect the unit step-up transformer. Relay 51N provides backup
for external ground faults and for faults in the high-voltage transformer windings and
leads. This relay may also respond to an open phase condition or a breaker-interrupter
flashover that energizes the generator. The 51N relay will be very slow for the flashover
case, since it must be set to coordinate with external relays and is a last-resort backup
for external faults.

Figure 26: Extended protection example (high-resistance grounding).

Figure 26 shows wye-connected VTs, appropriate with an isolated-phase bus. This

calls for a different style number for some of the Table 1 relays.


1. IEEE C37.101-1993, IEEE Guide for Generator Ground Protection

2. IEEE C37.102-1995, IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection
3. IEEE C37.106-1987, IEEE Guide for Abnormal Frequency Protection for
Generating Plants
4. J. Lewis Blackburn, “Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications”, 2nd
Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998.
5. S. Horowitz and A. Phadke, “Power System Relaying”, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1992.

Table 1 Relays and Typical Settings for 60 Hz Models
IEEE Basler Model/
No. Qty Function Description Basler Style No. Typical Settings & Remarks Figure No.

24 1 BE1-24 No instantaneous ACXF1XX0SXX P.U.: 1.1*Vrated/60 17, 13, 26

Overexcitation TD: 0.3; reset: 5
alarm P.U.: 1.18*Vrated/60
alarm delay: 2.5s

27 2 BE1-27 120V nominal, inst. A3EA1XX0BXX 85% rated 19, 26

Undervoltage for one phase
Inadvertent Ener.

32 1 BE1-32R 2 elem.; open delta vts; E1XE1XX0SXX 12W; 15s 13, 23, 24,
Reverse power 1.5-60W; def. time; 25, 26
120V ac

32-1, 2 BE1-32R 2 elem.; open delta vts; E1XE1XX0SXX 12W; 32-1: 3s; 32-2: 30s 14
32-2 Reverse power 1.5-60W; def. time

40 1 BE1-40Q 25-1000 var. 120V, F3XE1XX1SXX 100 vars; 0.2s 13, 17, 23,
Loss-of-field open-delta vts 24, 25, 26

46 1 BE1-46N with external monitor G1XB8XX3XXX Alarm p.u.: 3%; Trip p.u.: 21, 26
Neg. sequence 10%; K=10; max. time=200s

49 1 BE1-49 60-190 degrees C PXXA1XX0SXX Lower: 95; upper: 105 16, 23, 24,
Stator 25, 26

50 1 BE1-50 zero-flux cts G2XA1XX1N6X 0.25A 10, 26

Differential separate pwr. supp.
0.25-2A, 3 phase

50 1 BE1-50 separate pwr. supp. G2XA1XX1N6X 0.25A 19

Inadvertent 0.25-2A, 3 phase

50/ 1 BE1-50/51B 0.1-3.18A 50/51B-1XX Time: 0.1A; TD: 3(EI) 3

51N Stator ground Inst: 10A

51 3 BE1-50/51B 0.5-15.9A, 1 phase 50/51B-1XX P.U.: 7A; TD: 0.8 8, 10, 22,
Stator phase Curve: VI; inst. reset 24

51N 1 BE1-50/51B 0.1-3.18A, 1 phase 50/51B-1XX P.U.: 0.25A; TD: 4 (VI); 2, 6, 22,
Stator ground Inst. reset 23, 24

51N 1 BE1-50/51B 0.1-3.18A, 1 phase 50/51B-1XX P.U.: 2A; TD: 4 (VI); 26

Unit step-up inst. reset

51G 1 BE1-50/51B 0.1-3.18A, 1 phase 50/51B-1XX P.U.: 1A; TD: 4 (VI); 4, 26

Stator ground Inst.: 3A; inst. reset

51V 1 BE1-51/27C 3 ph., open delta vts, A1XZ1XX0CXX P.U.: 2A; TD=30; VI; 11, 12, 17,
Ph. b.u. o.c. 0.5-12A, 3 ph. volt. UV=80%; also avail. with 23, 24, 25,
controlled grd. unit (non-controlled) 26

Table 1 Relays and Typical Settings for 60 Hz Models
IEEE Basler Model/
No. Qty Function Description Basler Style No. Typical Settings & Remarks Figure No.

51V 1 BE1-51/27C 3 ph., open delta vts, A1XZ1XX0CXX P.U.: 2A; TD=30; VI; 11, 12, 17,
Ph. b.u. o.c. 0.5-12A, 3 ph. volt. UV=80%; also avail. with 23, 24, 25,
controlled grd. unit (non-controlled) 26
59N, 1 BE1-59N 59N: 1-20V; inverse A5XF6XX2SXX 59N: 1V, TD=20; 27-3N: 1V, 4, 6, 25,
27- Ground 27-3N:0.1-2.5V; def time 3rd harm., 10s; 40 db 26
3N, overvoltage 59: 40-120V rejection of 3rd harm. by ov
59 unit and 40 db rejection of
fund. by uv unit; 59: 90V

60 1 BE1-60 3 phase, 120V rated C1XA1XX1CXX p.u.: 5% 17, 26

Voltage balance 5-50% difference p.u.;
open-delta vts

62 1 --- adjustable pickup, 5s pickup delay 19, 26

Timer min. delayed dropout
of 0.05s

63 1 --- 26

64 1 --- 26
Field ground

67 1 BE1-67 0.5-12A, inst. 1-40 times B1XZ2XX3C6X Time: 3A, TD=01 Inst.: 10 20
Directional 3 phase times (30A); def. time

81 1 BE1-81O/U Over or under, 40-70 Hz, T3XE2XX7SXX 58 and 62 Hz; 99s 26

Frequency two setpoints

86 2 --- 4, 14, 19
Lockout auxiliary

87G 1 BE1-87G 0.1-1.6A, 3 phase G1XA1XX0C6X 0.4A 2, 12,

Differential 23, 24,
25, 26

87N 1 BE1-67N 0.2-6A, 2-100A inst. A4XZ2XX3CXX Current polar.; time: 0.25A; 7
Ground TD: 02 (VI) Inst: Disconnect

87T 1 BE1-87T 3 Ph., 3 input, 2.0-8.9A G1EA1XX0S0X 26


NOTE: All of the above functions may be found in Basler Electric numerical multifunction
relays. Consult product bulletins for the BE1-GPS, BE1-CDS, BE1-951, and BE1-851.


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