Samarth EGov
Samarth EGov
Samarth EGov
You have already submitted the examination form.
2021-JULY Roll Number 21099164
Examination Session : JULY-AUGUST 2023 Examination Type : REGULAR Reference Number : 44480
Course(s) Selected
Total no. of papers (Th + Pr) studied upto previous semester: ............................
Total no. of papers (Th + Pr) passed upto previous semester: ............................
I want to appear in the above examination as ............................ (Regular / ATKT) student. I have deposited the required examination fee Rs. ............................ through
Chalan / e-receipt No. ............................ dated ............................ Name of the Bank ............................ .
I know the concerned ordinance and regulation related with this exam and declare that I am eligible to appear in the above examination. The above information is true
and correct and if found incorrect or concealed, I am liable to be declared disqualified and also to face cancellation of the examination.
Certified that the above information given by the student is correct and verified. He / She is eligible to appear in the concerned examination as per records.
© Samarth eGov