Mccarthy 1989
Mccarthy 1989
Mccarthy 1989
Subsurface transport of
Mobile colloids in the subsurface environment
may alter the transport of contaminants
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John F. McCarthy ability to predict the velocity at which Many contaminants readily sorb to
Oak Ridge National Laboratory contaminants move through the vadose immobile aquifer media and therefore
(unsaturated) and saturated zones. are considered to be virtually immobile
496 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 23, No. 5, 1989 0013-936X/89/0923-0496$01.50/0 © 1989 American Chemical Society
loids act as a third phase that can in- tion of colloids, especially Fe(IlI)-
crease the amount of contaminant that FIGURE 1
oxides (4, J); the rapid pumping of a
the flow of groundwater can transport Contaminant movement well can force otherwise immobile aq-
(see Figure lb). in groundwater uifer solids into the well or can disrupt
This article calls attention to the po- fragile colloidal aggregates (6, 7).
(a) Two-phase system
tentially critical but poorly understood Clearly, the issue of proper sampling
role of colloids in facilitating contami- protocols is central to progress in eval-
nant transport. Failure to account for uating the role of colloids in contami-
this mode of transport can lead to seri- nant transport. Critical evaluation of
ous underestimates of the distances that (groundwater) |[ the occurrence, composition, nature,
contaminants will migrate. For exam- and abundance of subsurface colloids
ple, at a Defense Programs site at Los requires testing and validation of sam-
Alamos National Laboratory, pluto- pling methodologies that correctly sam-
nium and americium disposed of at a ple mobile material in groundwater so
liquid seepage site migrated up to 30 m (b) Three-phase system that suspended colloidal particles are
(/); predictions that were based on lab- included but immobile particles are ex-
oratory measurements of radionuclide cluded.
binding to immobile subsurface materi-
als and that ignored colloids forecast Colloidal material in groundwater
that migration would be limited to a The occurrence of colloids in
few millimeters. At another site at Los groundwater should not be surprising;
Alamos, not only were plutonium and colloidal-sized substances are known to
americium detected in monitoring wells be associated with geologic matrices.
over a mile from a liquid waste outfall, Coarse-grained aquifer material can
but the transported radionuclides were contain up to 5% clay-sized materials
shown by ultrafiltration to be present as (<2 /im) that may be detrital (con-
colloids (0.025 to 0.45 /on in diameter) tained in the original parent geologic
(2). material) or authigenic (formed in situ
Colloids are particles with diameters through geochemical alteration of pri-
less than 10 /an (Figure 2) (3). A vari- mary mineral solids in groundwater
ety of organic and inorganic materials •Particulate organic matter zones). Detrital colloidal material can
exist as colloids in groundwater, includ- be diverse in nature and is a function of
ing macromolecular components of the depositional environment as well as
“dissolved” organic carbon (DOC) of the mineralogic composition of the
such as humic substances, “biocol- original source geologic material.
loids” such as microorganisms, mi- Sampling difficulties Various layer silicates, as well as iron
croemulsions of nonaqueous phase liq- Existing information is sufficient to and aluminum oxides, can be detrital in
uids, mineral precipitates and raise concernsabout the potential effect subsurface sediments. Authigenic col-
weathering products, precipitates of of colloids the mobility of ground-
on loidal-sized particles composed of sec-
transuranic elements such as pluto- water contaminants. Nevertheless, cur- ondary hydrous oxides, aluminosili-
nium, and rock and mineral fragments. rent approaches to monitoring and pre- cates, and silica, as well as complex
In this article, colloidal materials sus- dicting contaminant transport generally mixtures and solid solutions of these
pended in water are referred to as parti- ignore colloid-facilitated transport phases, also form on the surfaces of
cles; the term media or matrix refers to mechanisms because little, if any, infor- larger mineral grains as a result of the
the fixed bed of porous or fractured mation is available on the abundance alteration of thermodynamically unsta-
subsurface material through which a and identity of colloids in groundwater, ble primary minerals. Other solids such
solution may flow. their tendency to bind contaminants, or as calcite and iron sulfide have been
We will discuss the genesis and stabi- their mobility in subsurface systems. observed to form directly as a result of
lization of groundwater colloids and the Our understanding of the subsurface downgradient changes in groundwater
chemical and hydrologic factors con- environment is limited by the tech- hydrochemistry. Surface analyses of
trolling their transport through porous niques we use to characterize it, and sediments typically show various col-
media; we also will assess the evidence nowhere in geochemistry is this more loidal-sized secondary precipitates
that contaminants bind to mobile col- evident than in the study of subsurface coating larger grains.
loids in groundwater. We then will re- colloids. The presence of a clay-sized fraction
view the status of current capabilities to Drilling redistributes material, cre- in many aquifer materials suggests that
incorporate the facilitated transport by ates fine particles, introduces materials the colloidal fraction is not intrinsically
colloids into predictive hydrogeo- (drilling muds, for example) into the mobile. Indeed, the isolation of clay-
chemical models as well as the potential borehole, and provides a conduit for air sized materials from subsurface sedi-
application of colloid mobilization and to contact groundwater. Sampling pro- ments often requires the use of ultra-
deposition to waste management strate- cedures also can introduce artifacts, in- sonic or chemical dispersion because
gies. Finally, we identify research that cluding the removal of existing col- the fines are aggregated or are bound to
is needed to understand and predict the loids, the creation of colloids during larger particles by cementing agents or
role of colloids in the subsurface trans- sampling, or changes in the chemical electrostatic forces. Typical cementing
port of contaminants. First of all, how- and physical properties of the natural agents include iron oxides, carbonates,
ever, it is important to call attention to colloids because of alterations in oxy- and silica. Stable aggregates of layer
the critical caveat in research on gen and carbon dioxide (CO2) content, silicates are promoted by saturation
groundwater colloids: Are colloids in temperature, pH, Eh (redox potential), with divalent ions, such as Ca2+, that
water recovered from a well bore rep- and light as the groundwater is brought coagulate single crystallites.
resentative of those present within the to the surface. For example, introduc- A first but essentia] step in the gene-
porous media? tion of oxygen can lead to the produc- sis of mobile colloids in groundwater is
i i 1
humic substances can be made soluble
from kerogen, bitumen, or lignitic ma-
Source: Reference 3 1 1