Group 21102 Shehab Mohamed
2020/2021 Omar Mahmoud
Abstract Key words: Rainwater harvesting - Water poverty - Sources of water Conclusion
Egypt, like other countries, suffers from many problems that it is trying to solve, such as Methods: - After all the results of this test plan, we can conclude
(urban congestion, overpopulation, dry areas). The population was growing at a great rate that the prototype meets the design requirements and
until it reached 2.5 million births compared to about 0.5 million deaths, so the rate of In building the prototype, the safety rules are can be applied in real life.
large increase will affect the amount of water we consume. There are not many sources of followed such as wearing gloves to keep the If we want to apply this project in real life, we must
-Design requirements for this prototype are: -
water in Egypt. For this reason, our team has conducted a lot of research to gain sufficient leather from harmful substances and also be choose a specific place with the highest rainfall in
1-Collect 5 liters in a short time.
knowledge to allow us to define some of the design requirements which is: - careful with sharp objects. Egypt to build the project.
2-The area of the prototype should not exceed 0.36 meters squared.
In order to build the prototype, we followed (The northern coast of the Mediterranean sea)
3-The cost of the prototype has not to exceed 600 L.E.
Water pressure, our prototype must withstand the water pressure in order not to damage multiple steps: - especially (Alexandria and Rafah) has the highest precipitation rate, so perfor-
4-So, the solution to this problem must meet all these
or fall off. 1 - the sticks were cut in a length of 10 ± 0.1 mance for the prototype.
Safety, we must make sure that our project is safe and make our calculations more accu- cm and a width of 1.5 ± 0.1cm.
-The design of the prototype: -
rate to avoid any error in our calculations that affects safety. 2 - the sides of the prototype were created by
The prototype is like a square pyramid with the top of the square pyramid removed (Frus-
Cost, Simple materials were used that anyone could obtain easily and don’t pollute the en- sticking sticks together.
tum pyramid). Inside the prototype, there is a ramp that quickly collects water by reduc-
vironment. 3 - After the sides were finished, the prototype
ing the resistance between the water and the prototype surface. Recommendation
Water purity, this water collector must take into account that the collected water should began to waterproofed by coating it with a
be as pure as possible to avoid contamination. waterproof paint, to prevent water from seeping * Do not rely on this idea only to collect water from rooftops, because there are many
out of the prototype. ideas for rainwater collection such as (in roads / in greenhouses / in gardens / agricul-
Then, the solution concept was chosen based on a comparison of advantages and disadvan- 4 - the prototype was created by gluing the ture).
tages and their relationship to the current situation in Egypt. We ended up with a project sides together.
that has the shape of a frustum pyramid and a slope inside that collects water quickly. We 5 – the ramp (slope) was placed in the prototype. * If this idea becomes real in life, then you should make all parts of the project out of
conducted test plans to test the design requirements and these results were obtained: - wood because it is inexpensive and non-perishable, but do not make it with plastic or
2 liters of water were collected in 17.5 seconds. The first liter had no constant water col- iron because these two elements interact with water and cause a health problem.
lection rate and this liter collected in 9.5 seconds. But in the second liter, the water was
collected at a constant rate = 125 ml / sec. This liter was collected in 8 seconds. The re- After the prototype was built, a test plan was developed to ensure that the design * Do not make the container too small, make it medium in size and from simple mate-
sults obtained are impressive and, fortunately, we fulfilled the design requirements. 6 - After completing the prototype, the prototype was rials so as not to make it too expensive.
meets the design requirements or not.
sprayed with color.
7 – The prototype has been practically tested to ensure * Clean the container every month, to keep the container healthy and make the water
The results of the Test plan: -
whether or not the prototype meets the design requirements.
Introduction 1-The rate of collection of water. In the first 1000 ml: - (fig. 3)
that’s an unstable rate, this is because there is an amount of water lost in the prototype in
the first 9.5 seconds in the test plan, but after 9.5 seconds the prototype did not lose water * Use a filter, to make the water very healthy and of high quality.
Egypt now faces many problems, for example urban congestion, Test plan: - because it already lost water in the first 9 seconds and did not lose again because first (9
overpopulation and a lack of clean water resources. We are After building the prototype, it must be checked whether the design seconds) the prototype was dry and when the water falls into it, the prototype drunk this
trying to solve these problems and focus on the lack of clean requirements are met or not. Therefore, the test plan was drawn up. water, but after 9 seconds the prototype becomes wet and didn't need water so it becomes Literature cited
water resources. Because it's a big problem. There is a lot of
damage from the lack of clean water resources such as Lack of
-Steps of test plan: -
1-the prototype was put on a table and made sure to connect the Analysis a stable rate after 9.5 s (Fig. 4).
electricity, Famine due to lack of food resources from container with the prototype well for an accurate water catchment The rate of water collection (ml / minute). The water collec-
tion rate after collecting 1000ml, the rate became constant. NEERING (IJESE). (2016).
agriculture. A lot of water is consumed in some areas due to population increase and lack of and measurement without errors. There are 11 grand challenges that face Egypt which need
The rate of water collection in the first 1000 ml. JB-V9No1-p25-33.pdf. International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), 9(1), 34–44.
adequate resources of clean water. People can use water resources that are unfit for human 2-the test station was placed 2 meters above the water. to be solved over the three years in STEM. the project this
use, and this will lead to many diseases for them. So, we must find clean water resources. 3- The test plan has started and the water collection time is calculated to see the rate of semester is going to solve one of the grand challenges
-Your Home. (n.d.). Rainwater | Your Home. Retrieved December 5, 2020, from
Our team did a lot of research on the problem and how to solve it and they worked accord- which face Egypt (Management and increase sources of
ing to the EDP process, so we chose Rainfall water harvesting as the solution. clean water). That’s will be a big problem in the future for
-OAS. (n.d.). 1.1 Rainwater harvesting from rooftop catchments. Oas.Org. Retrieved
the world especially Egypt so, a solution should be found so
December 11, 2020, from
Many prior solutions tried to solve these grand challenges. that we are not exposed to the effects of water shortages.
-Centers for disease control and prevention. (2013, July 18). Rainwater Collection |
Advantages of Rainwater harvesting:
Private Water Systems | Drinking Water | Healthy Water | CDC.
- provides a source of water to use for later. - simple and anyone can build it The (EDP) process was followed in this problem to solve,
easily. and to find a scientific solution to this problem.
-United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Soak Up the Rain:
Disadvantages of Rainwater harvesting: Fig. 1 And 2: represents the rate of water collection in the first liter (ml/sec-
The prototype also collects 2 liters in 17.5 seconds. A large amount of water is collected Rain Barrels. US EPA. Retrieved December 25, 2020, from
- Rainwater harvesting depended on amount of the rainfall, so in dry areas it is difficult to ond). -Firstly, topics related to the problem were discussed in order to identify this problem,
in a short time, so the prototype meets the first design /soakuptherain/soak-rain-rain-barrels
build rainwater harvesting. Fig. 3: Represents the rate of water collection at an unstable rate in the first 1 such as (causes of water poverty in Egypt / urban congestion and it’s related to the water
requirement (collect a large amount of water in a little time). -Office of ENERGY EFFICIENCY & RENEWABLE ENERGY. (n.d.). Water-Effi-
We followed design requirements to create a new collector that achieves those design re- liter (ml/second). poverty
cient Technology Opportunity: Rainwater Harvesting Systems. Energy.Gov. Retrieved
quirements which are safety, water pressure and low cost. Fig. 4: Represents the rate of water collection after 1 liter (ml/second) collect- / Prior solutions in collecting rainfall water).
December 13, 2020, from
And the most important one is low cost. Our prototype is made of simple materials that can ed when the rate become constant.
2-The area of the prototype.(Fig.6) gy-opportunity-rainwater-harvesting-systems
be available for anyone to buy it. Our prototype has Fig. 5: Represents rate of water collection / unit area. -Second, with regard to solutions, topics were discussed to find the best solution to this
-Maxwell-Gaines, C. (2018, May 6). What are the Benefits and Advantages of Rain-
many advantages, it collects much water in a short time,and its materials are available and Fig. 6: Represents the area of prototype problem, such as (increasing the amount of water that collects in the prototype / What is
The prototype meets the second design requirement water... Innovative Water Solutions LLC.
inert materials that do not interact with water and thus Fig. 7: Represents the graph of constant rate of water collection.. the best form for the prototype that collects the largest amount of water in the little time).
(area of prototype does not exceed 0.36 m2). ter-harvesting-benefits
don’t pollute the water. Fig. 8 / represent the water collection rate (mL / minute) in the first 1000 ml. -Erickson, J. (2006). Handle Records, Rights and Long Tail Economies. D-Lib Maga-
On the other side there are disadvantages as our container is finite so we can’t collect all Fig. 9 / represents the water collection rate (mL / minute) after 1000 ml when -After all this research, the solution to this problem was taken from the (rainwater har-
3-The cost of the prototype. zine, 12(9), 2–49.
water that falls. the rate become constant. vesting system) with some minor changes to make it meet the design requirements.
-Total cost of prototype = 310 L.E, so the prototype meets the third design requirement -Company Brochures. (1957). Forest & Conservation History, 1(2), 4.
We worked hard and designed the prototype Which followed design requirements Fig. 10 / represents the graph of water collection rate (mL / minute) in the
(the cost of the prototype does not exceed 600 L.E).
so that we could place it in areas lacking clean water resources and heavy rain areas to get first 1000 ml. -Advantages of the rainwater harvesting system.
-Linebarger, R. D. (1998). Aggie Horticulture on Disk. Horta Science, 33(3),
the best project performance. • provides a source of water that will help us in the next years when water decrease.
4-The rate of water collection / unit area.(FIG.5) 507c–5507.
• simple and anyone in Egypt can build it with little money.
• the technology in it is flexible and anyone can build it.
Materials and Methods • fresh water and not subjected to pollution, but Rivers or any source can subject to pol- -From this equation, we can say that there is a ratio between the surface area of
lution. the prototype and the water collection rate. Acknowledgment
Materials: - • do not need a lot of people to build it.
-When the surface area increases, the rate of water also increases. Now the prototype has been finished thanks to the mighty god for helping us to ac-
Name / picture Quantity Description • suitable and environmentally friendly.
The prototype The sides of the prototype are made of sticks, and the sticks
complish our goal which has been succession in researching for a
difficulty that has been affecting Egypt and starting to solve it to be cooperative in the
was built with Sticks 15 are like a cell, which is the basic unit of the prototype.
-Surface area of the prototype and the water collection rate is directly
Box -Disadvantages of the rainwater harvesting system. society also improving the awareness for the Egyptian citizens. In addition to thanking
specific proportional to each other. the guiding that has been given to us by the guiders, the leaders and the supervisions
• Rainwater harvesting depended on the amount of the rainfall so in dry areas, it is diffi-
materials that The sides of the prototype and the body of the prototype and all of our friends who helped in improving our minds to be better researchers es-
Glue cult to build rainwater harvesting.
have little cost 5 Tubes
were made by gluing the sticks together with glue. pecially Dr. Ahmed Abd El Maksood the school principal, Dr. Noha Anber the cap-
Solution / choose a specific place to build a rainwater harvesting such as (Alexandria), stone leader and Dr. Ibrahem Abo-
and high quality
and you should have another source of water in emergency situations. El kher. Designer of portofolio and poster Yahia Mohamed
, and we tried to The slots for the prototype were sealed by thermoplastic
Thermoplastic silicone. • there is a storage limit of the tank, if there are heavy rain the tank won’t be able to carry
minimize the 3 Tubes For further information
Silicon all rain fall. please contact with us
amount of
materials that The prototype body began to waterproofed by coating it
[email protected]
Waterproof with a waterproof paint, to prevent water seeping out of the
were used in the painting 1 Kg prototype. [email protected]
prototype to get [email protected]
low cost and [email protected]
also High quality.These materials are summarized in the following diagram: -